06x28 - Ewing Inferno

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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06x28 - Ewing Inferno

Post by bunniefuu »

Now. Tell me.
Was Mark Graison the only one...

or did you try a few Frenchmen
just because you were there?

Unlock the liquor...

because I'm gonna drink myself
into oblivion.

- The fight between us is over?
- I can't come back to Southfork.

But you can come back to me.

You drunk?

No. I'm cold sober.

Now I'm gonna k*ll you.

Don't you believe in knocking?

- Why? You got something to hide?
- No.

Just a common courtesy.

Did you find out
who was driving the other car yet?

We're working on it.

Look. You think this is some kind
of a minor accident...

because a Ewing wasn't seriously
injured. You're dead wrong.

I never said it was minor.

Look. My cousin is paralyzed.
He may die, Fenton.

I wanna know what caused the accident.
If I don't find out from you...

then I'm taking things
into my own hands.

I know how you feel.

Look. Ray. You and I have had problems
in the past...

but I wanna get to the bottom
of this story as much as you do.

I don't think it'd do any good
for you to go stirring things up...

for you or your family.

I mean. Your sister-in-law
was behind the wheel of that car...

and she was legally drunk.

I know that.

Well. Even if we do find the driver
to that other car...

my gut feeling tells me
that Sue Ellen Ewing is guilty.

She doesn't have a very pretty history.

Which you help cover up
from time to time.

Oh. You don't find the other driver...

then you don't have a case
against Sue Ellen.

Another cover-up for J.R.?

Now. That's just about enough
of that talk. Ray.

I'll admit, the Ewings have been
good for me. Politically...

but I've never covered up anything
for J.R. or anybody else.

Then you find out what really happened
out there on that Braddock road.

I want some answers
and I want them fast.

- Who is it?
- It's Pam. Sue Ellen.

Just a minute.

Come in.

Oh. Sue Ellen.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you. Pam.

It's nobody's fault but my own.

You are looking at the biggest
masochist in Dallas.

I wasn't content to destroy my life
by marrying him once.

Oh. No. No. I had to marry him twice.

Well. What happened?

I found him concluding a big oil deal...

with Miss Holly Harwood...

in her bed.

I'm sorry.

It's all my fault.

J.R. told me that he had changed.

Oh. I believed that.

And he told me that our marriage would
be different the second time around.

And I believed that too.

And he said he would be faithful.

And I even believed that.

Sue Ellen. You're being too hard on
yourself. You were so in love with J.R...

and when you love somebody that
much. You overlook certain things.

We all do.

Pam. Do you remember
when you and I had a talk...

about marrying Ewings.
And I told you it was trouble...

but you disagreed?

Now we're in the same boat.

Well. Bobby's never been
unfaithful to me.

Lord knows why.

Well. That's because
he has a new mistress. Pam.

Ewing Oil.

Oh. It's the same mistress
that J.R. has...

only that's old hat to him.

So he needs new diversions.

You know. Pam. I...

I really don't know
what I'm gonna do. I...

I know I can't go through
another divorce.

I just can't face that.

Sue Ellen. You don't need that.

Oh. Yes. I do.

You just don't understand. Pam.

Yes. This takes care
of just about everything.

Do you have a check for me?

J.R.. $20 million...

is a sizable amount of cash
for me to come up with at once.

Well. Now. I don't understand.

You did everything in your power
to get me out of Harwood Oil...

including sacrificing your virtue.

And I've made you a clean offer...

$20 million for my 25-percent share
of your company.

And now you're hesitating. Why is that?

The only way I can come up with
that much cash at once...

is to sell off
some of Harwood's assets.

I was hoping that you'd let me
stagger the payments.

Say 5 million a year
for the next four years?

Well. I just brought you
$15 million from Cuba.

- Have you been talking to my brother?
- Why?

I detect the fine hand of someone
who's very interested...

in how much money
my half of Ewing Oil makes this year.

And I'm sorry.
The payment must be in one lump sum.

The terms are not negotiable.

I don't think you're in a position
to dictate anything to me.

Is that a fact?

Sue Ellen will never allow you to
continue a business relationship with me.

When you pull off a smart little caper...

like the one that trapped me
in bed with you...

you have to be careful of one thing.

Overkill. You went too far.

At this moment.
My wife is incapable of anything.

Nor does she care what I do.

So you're holding no high cards.

What I am doing. However.
Is out of the generosity of my heart.

You want me out of your life...

you'll have to pay for it.

In cold. Hard cash.

I need some time.

All right. But not too much.

Holly Harwood is not on my list
of all-time favorites.

Is there any change?

No. Mrs. Trotter. I'm sorry.

- Good afternoon. Mrs. Ewing.
- Hello. Kendal.

- Hello. Pam.
- Hi. Phyllis. Ls Bobby busy?

He just went to the hospital to see
Mickey Trotter. He hasn't come back yet.

- Well. I'll wait in his office.
- Fine.

- Can I bring you some coffee?
- No. Thank you.

- Well. Hello. Pam.
- J.R.

- File these for me. Would you. Sly?
- Yes. Sir.

Well. How are you, Pam?
I haven't seen you in some time.

I'm not in the mood
to exchange pleasantries with you.

And I'm sure you don't really care
how I am.

Well. Of course I care.
You're still part of the family.

Oh. Save that nonsense
for somebody who doesn't know you.

You don't care about anyone.
Including your family.

I saw Sue Ellen this morning.

Well. I've never felt the need
to explain anything to you before.

But I will, I know you're close to her.

I don't want to hear your story.
I know what happened.

It's happened before.
Sue Ellen wasn't enough for you...

so you fell in bed
with the first available woman.

Now. Climb down off your soapbox.

What were you doing in the South
of France with Mark, holding hands?

Shut up. J.R.. and stay out of my life.

Who gave you the right
to poke your nose in my life?

- Just leave me alone.
- No.

No. You started this.
My sanctimonious little sister-in-law.

Where the hell were you when
your husband needed you the most?

Now. You couldn't take
the battle for Ewing Oil, could you?

No. You didn't approve.
So you left him high and dry...

and ran off to the South of France
with your favorite stud...

for a long. Luxurious roll in the hay
to calm your little hurts.

Now. Tell me.
Was Mark Graison the only one...

or did you try a few Frenchmen
just because you were there?

- Phyllis. Tell Bobby I was here.
- Yes. Pam.

Damn. I hate that woman.

- Mark?
- Pam?

- Hi.
- Hi.

You all right? You sounded terrible on
the phone. What happened with J.R.?

I ought to know better
than to get into a fight with J.R.

After what he did to Sue Ellen.
I couldn't help myself.

Oh. Well. So you told J.R. off, so what?

Well. I didn't exactly do
all the telling off.

- He drew some blood himself.
- Well. What happened?

He said that you and I
were having an affair...

but he put it a lot more colorfully.

Well. We didn't have an affair.
So why is it bothering you?

Because we might have if Afton hadn't
called me in the South of France.

Are you feeling guilty
because we did or we didn't?

Mark. Don't joke.

I've been selfish.

I've let Bobby down
and I've let you down.

Okay. Let's talk about it.

Let's start with Bobby.
How have you let him down?

Well. I've been reluctant to let him
have the Wentworth drill bit.

Now. If he had that drill bit.
He could probably win all of Ewing Oil.

But if he wins.
It's the end our marriage.

And you wanna try to hang on to him
by making sure he's a loser?

No. I still love him.

I hate J.R. If I don't give him the drill
bit. Then I'll be siding with J.R.

- It doesn't make any sense. Does it?
- No. Pam. It doesn't.

So. What should I do?

You've said the marriage is over
no matter what you do.

So give Bobby the drill bit.

You owe him that.
And it'll make him happy.

And you also owe yourself
some happiness too.

And I happen to believe
that I can make you happy.


Now. It's time to get things settled
and make peace with yourself.

- Hello.
- Hi. Bobby.

- Everybody else gone?
- J.R. left early. Sly and Kendal just left.

- Okay. These mine?
- Yes. And Pam was here.

She and J.R. got into a terrible fight.

I'll call her. You go home. There's
nothing that can't wait till tomorrow.

- Thanks.
- Good night.

Good night. Bobby.

I guess you just had a nightmare.
I'll put you back to bed now. Huh?

Good night. Christopher. Bye-bye.
Sweet dreams. Fella. Bye-bye.

Oh. Sweetie.

- Mark. Would you get that. Please?
- Okay.

Come on.


- Graison. Is that you?
- Yeah.

Bobby. Hey. Hang on.
I'll get Pam for you.

Are you answering her phone now?

- She's busy. Just a minute.
- Don't bother.

- Who was it?
- It was Bobby. He hung up.

Nothing like the sound of my voice
to make him angry...

unless he's seeing me in person.

- I'm sorry. Mark.
- Oh. It's all right.

If I were losing you.
I'd feel the same way.

Donna. The meal is delicious.
It's just. Well. I...

- I got no appetite.
- Me neither.

It's all right.

I just thought we needed something
to keep up our strength.

You mean life goes on.
Is that it. Donna?

Yes. Life goes on.

You are not going to help Mickey
by making yourself sick.

I guess not.
I just wish somebody would help him.

Well. You never told me
where you were most of the day.

You got to the hospital so late.

Well. I went
and saw Sheriff Fenton Washburn.

He wasn't doing a thing about Mickey.

And there's another car in this accident.

Braddock isn't so big. You'd think
he'd be able to find one lousy car.

Take it easy.

If it was a Ewing
instead of a Trotter...

I guarantee his whole office would be
working on this case round the clock.

Ray. I think the man
is probably doing the best he can.

It's not good enough.

Went to the Dallas Press today
and I took out an ad.

I'm offering $50,000 to anybody who
can help me find the owner of that car.

Oh. Ray.

You are going to have
every lunatic in this town calling.

I'm gonna do anything I can to find out
who was responsible for that wreck.

I don't care if it's Sue Ellen
or some stranger.

Whoever it was is gonna pay the price
for what they did to Mickey.

Oh. Ray. Please...

don't carry on so.

Even if you did find out
who caused the accident...

it's not gonna help Michael.

Maybe not.

But I have to know. Aunt Lil.

Mrs. Trotter, if you'd like I can
drive you to the hospital tomorrow.

Well. Thank you. Lucy. But I...

I just don't know if I can stand
to go there again.

I don't understand.

Well. I... I sit next to him...

and I stare at him for hours on end.

And I listen...

to that machine...

breathing for him.

And I know it's my son...

but it just doesn't seem to be
Michael I'm looking at.

I don't know. What if he...?

What if he does come to.
Will he be any better?

Will he know me?

Will he know anything at all?

Doctors say he can't move.

He's paralyzed.

What if something's happened
to his brain?

Then he really wouldn't be my boy.

God forgive me...

but maybe it would have been better
if he had been taken in that accident.

Leaving him like this...

he'd be better off dead. Excuse me.

Okay. That's enough playing for now.

Oh. Boy. You're getting heavier.

This time next year. You'll be big enough
for me to take you to the Super Bowl.

- You like that?
- Yeah.

Good lad.

I wanna say good night to Mommy.

That's a good idea.

Come on.

Now. Mama may be asleep.
So let's be real quiet. Okay?

Give your Mama a kiss.
Tell her good night.



Let's let her sleep now.
Can you get back to your room?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

I know you'll never trust me again.
Sue Ellen.

But I love you.

You're so pretty.

We should've had a wonderful life

What have I done to you?

I'm so sorry.

- Oh. Teresa?
- Yes. Sir?

Before you go to bed tonight.
I want you to put away all the liquor.

You can lock it up in the cabinet
in the study.

Yes. Sir. I'll take care of it.

- Hello. J.R.
- Hi. Bob.

How's Sue Ellen?

Not good.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

Bobby. I've been thinking real hard.

I'm not sure that this fight between us
was worth what it cost the family.

I don't know what I'm gonna do
with Sue Ellen.

She'll never trust me again.
Your marriage is over.

Not quite.

Oh. Come on. Bob. Face reality.

If you and Pam ever get back together.
It'll be a miracle.

It cost Rebecca Wentworth her life.
I can't deny that any longer.

The Trotter boy may die any minute.

Mama's so broken up.
I can't even face her anymore.

Are you serious? You're considering
stopping this whole thing?

Well. We got to sit down and talk.

Draw up some sort of truce.

By my calculations. I'm way ahead
of you. But I really don't give a damn.

- Hello?
- Bobby? It's Pam.

- I need ta talk ta you sometime soon.
- Well. Anytime. You know that.

- Tomorrow about 3. if that's all right.
- Sure. Your hotel?

No, Pd rather meet you a! Your office.

Bobby. I've decided
to vote with Katherine.

The Wentworth drill bit is yours.

Maybe you can bring
those Canadian fields in.

- Bye-bye.
- Goodbye.

Anything wrong?



Ellie. What's wrong?
Something else happen?

Oh. I've been like this all morning.

- Did you sleep?
- No.

You' re exhausted.

Now. If you don't get out of here.
You are gonna come apart completely.

Now. I'm gonna take you away
for a while.

Clayton. I can't leave.
Look what's happening to my family.

They need me.
I've got to do what I can to help.

Ellie. You're in no condition
to help them now.

Besides. They're adults.
They'll cope or they won't.

And it won't do any good
to let them tear you apart.

Now. I'm gonna take you away
for a couple of days.

A week. A month. Whatever it takes.

And I won't take no for an answer.

All right. Clayton. All right.

Yes. Mr. Carlson. Look. If you could
just give me your phone number.

He will get back to you
just as soon as he can.

No. The reward has not been claimed.

I'll take over now. Honey.

I don't know how you're gonna follow
up on all that. There are 25 names.

That's terrific.
Just let me worry about it.

Hello? This is he.

- Come in. Sheriff.
- Thank you. Miss Krebbs.

Can I just have your name. Please?

And the number?

I'll get back to you.

- Did you find out anything yet. Sheriff?
- No. I didn't.

And I don't appreciate you interfering
with police business.

I told you if I didn't get answers fast.
I was taking matters into my hands.

Well. You sure have.

The nuts that can't get through here
are calling my office.

Terrific. Maybe
we'll get someplace, then.

No. I've had to take valuable men out
of the field to answer telephone calls.

This was a stupid idea.

Will you just
get the hell out of my house?

I've taken garbage from you before.
I don't have to take it now.

I don't wanna see
another one of these ads.

Get out of my house
before I throw you out!

Ray. You are not gonna solve anything
by the two of you getting in a fistfight.

All right! What do you want me to do?

Just let Mickey die
without trying to do something...

without trying to at least help?

Ray. I understand how you feel.
I really do.

If that boy was my kin.
I'd probably be doing the same thing.

But we're doing the best job
we know how.

As soon as something breaks.
You're gonna know.

Just give me a chance. Ray. Please.

- Ma'am.
- I'll show you out.

Yeah? Bobby, Pam is here.

Ask her to come in.

Well. I'm surprised
you wanted to meet here...

knowing how you feel
about Ewing Oil.

Well. It seemed appropriate.

It is a business meeting.

No. It's not. Pam.

You took care of the business part of it
last night on the phone.

There's something else on your mind.
Isn't there?

Yes. There is.

I think it's time
I got my life in order. Bobby.

What I've been doing has been unfair
to both of us.

I've been confusing you
and I've been confusing myself.

Is giving me the drill
part of that decision?

I realized that without that drill bit.
You'd probably lose all of Ewing Oil.

And as much as I hate the competition
for the company...

I would never side against you
with J.R.

I still love you, Bobby.

Well. Does that mean
that the fight between us is over?

Does Christopher and you
and our marriage...

come with the Wentworth drill bit?

No. I'm sorry.


The reasons I left you and left Southfork
are still the same.

And I can't come back to Southfork.

But you can come back to me.


- For how long?
- Bobby. I'm never coming back.

This is so hard to say to you...

because I do love you.

But our marriage
doesn't work anymore.

It just doesn't work.

And I want a divorce.

What are you doing down here?
You need your rest. Honey.

How solicitous.

- You feeling better?
- You mean. Am I still drunk?

Not enough.

Somebody thoughtfully locked up
all the liquor.

But I just happened to find...

this lovely little bottle of Burgundy
in the kitchen.

Teresa tried to protect me from it.

It seems like everyone's protecting me
except my loving husband.

Let me have the bottle. Sue Ellen.
You shouldn't be drinking. You know.

Don't you lecture me on what I should
and shouldn't do.

All right. All right. I won't.


how agreeable you are.

Wonder why you're so agreeable. J.R.

Did you find someone new
to sleep with you today?

Or did you have to rely on
one of your old mistresses?


just maybe...

Miss Holly Harwood
made herself available to you.

Maybe the two of you
were out wildcatting.

That's all over. Sue Ellen.

It was a big mistake.
I thought I explained that to you.

You know. You are a terrific explainer.

In fact. You do that better
than you do most anything.

You know...

you even explained away
the 10 years of hell I went through...

during our first marriage.

And you know what?
I believed you so much...

that I married you
for the second time.

What an idiot I was.

Sue Ellen. I love you.
What do I have to do to prove it?

You don't have to do anything.
You've ruined my life. J.R.

You have destroyed me
like you destroy everything you touch.


why don't you do one
kind little thing for me?

Unlock the liquor...

because I'm gonna drink myself
into oblivion.

- We'll talk when you calm down.
- Mom.

I'll see to the boy.

What? Don't you dare touch
that son of mine.

He's mine.

Well. I'll get Mama to take care of him.
Where is she anyhow?

She went away with Clayton.

- She can't stand the sight of you either!
- Mom.

- Then I'll take care of him myself.
- Keep away from him.

You stay here. Sue Ellen.


You stay away from him.

- She gonna be all right?
- Well. She was terribly agitated.

I had to give her a stronger sedative
than I usually like to do.

She was up all night.
She'd scream at me...

and then she'd beg me for a drink.
It was terrible. Harlan. Really.

Oh. She'll probably sleep
for 18 to 24 hours.

I don't know
what I'm gonna do with her.

Well. This isn't anything
that you can handle by yourself.

I am not ready
to put her in a sanitarium.

Well. I realize Sue Ellen had a bad
experience at a sanitarium once before...

but there are some excellent places
in Dallas County and in Braddock County.

Call me and we'll talk about it. No need
to show me out. I'll be back tomorrow.

All right. Thank you. Mr. Clouse.
I appreciate you coming this morning.

You said you were in a hurry.
So I postponed a couple of jobs.

Now. I was able to find the same paper.
But unfortunately it's a different dye lot.

So I'm not gonna be able
to just patch that.

I'm gonna have to strip all this paper.

All right. As long as it's done by the time
my mama comes back from her trip.

- And when's that gonna be?
- I don't know. Soon I hope.

- Hi. Afton.
- Hi. Pam.

Hi. Girls.

What do you want. Pam?

- Well. Could we sit down first?
- Yeah. Sit down.

- Want a drink?
- No. Thanks.

No. Thanks.

So talk to us.

Of course. Unless you've already
talked to her. Then just talk to me.

Look. I don't know anything.
I just met her outside.

Since it takes two to concur
on any major decision...

for Wentworth Tool and Die...

I thought it best to tell you both that
I've decided to vote with Katherine.

The drill bit will be sent to Canada
so Bobby can open up the field.

I don't believe that!

I don't believe that! The deal with the
McLeish brothers was gonna be mine.

- Now. How can you turn against me?
- Cliff. There will be other deals.

Do you know how much that cost me?

Don't talk to me about cost.
I'm getting a divorce.

Meeting's over. This meeting's over!
I'd like you to leave now.

Cliff. You are a cold. Insensitive...

Right now
I'm ashamed you're my brother.

You played right into
Katherine's hands.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Cliff. If you had just gone along
with Katherine...

and let Bobby have that drill bit.
Pam wouldn't have been involved.

But. No. You couldn't see that.

Instead you put Pam square in
the middle of the battle for Ewing Oil.

- So?
- So?

Her marriage couldn't survive that.

Now Katherine is free
to move in on Bobby.

I don't care.

Don't you understand that?
I don't care about Bobby Ewing.

And you obviously don't care
about Pam either! Cliff...

Cliff. I don't know if I can continue
to live with a man like you.

Well. I don't know what I did to you.

Come in.

I got over here as quick as I could.
Did you find something yet?

- Sit down. Ray.
- It's all right.

I've got some information.
I don't think you'll like it very much.

- But I think you have a right to hear it.
- All right. What do you got?

We found the driver to the other car.
He's dead.

- su1c1de.
- su1c1de?

Are you sure this is the right guy?

Well. We found the car. He left a note.

He deliberately rammed the car...

that Sue Ellen and your cousin
were riding in.


That's attempted m*rder.

Yeah. He made a mistake.

He thought somebody else
was in the car.

When he found out what he'd done
to Mickey. He couldn't live with himself.

A mistake? Who the hell did he think
was driving the car?

Well. J.R.'s car.

He was trying to k*ll J.R.

Apparently J.R. double-crossed him
in some business deal.

Let me see that.

"Revenge against J.R.“?"

This is the guy here.

Walt Driscoll.

Driscoll may have been
driving the car...

but the guy that destroyed
Mickey's life is J.R.

Do you need anything else, Bobby?

No. That'll be all for tonight.
Thank you. Phyllis.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Excuse me. Bobby.
Katherine Wentworth is here.

- Show her in.
- Miss Wentworth?

I took a chance
that you'd still be here.

I can't think of any better place to be.

- Can I make you a drink?
- Thank you.

Bobby. I saw Pam.

I know what happened.

Another perfect marriage
right down the drain.

Maybe you can still save it.


maybe it's not worth saving.

Pamela is convinced
that I've changed...

and I haven't.

The only thing that's changed
is the way she sees me.

I was never a knight in shining armor.

Never tried to be.
I never wanted to be.

I was raised by a strong mother...

and a very tough father.

I haven't done anything in this contest
to try and win Ewing Oil...

that I hadn't already done
along time ago...

when Daddy was alive
and running the company.

All I know is I can't change now...

try and be a loser just to please her.

You shouldn't have to change.

Oh. Bobby...

I'm so glad you now have
the chance to b*at J.R.

I just really feel rotten that
my sister's marriage is breaking up...

and she's gonna lose a great guy.

I'm sorry.

I really tried.
I just couldn't get through to her.

It's all right.


you're very special.

Oh. Teresa. I'll take that.

Yes. Sir. If there's nothing else.
Raoul and I are going to a movie tonight.

- All right. Enjoy your evening.
- Thank you.

J. FL.


You're about the last person in
the world I needed to see tonight.

I'm about the last person
you're ever gonna see.

What's the matter with you?

You're the reason
Mickey's in the hospital.

What are you talking about. Ray?

Walt Driscoll was driving that car
that hit Sue Ellen and Mickey.

He was trying to k*ll you.

You drunk?

No. I'm cold sober.

And now I'm gonna k*ll you.

What's the matter, Ray?

Ray. Are you crazy?


Stop! Would you“? Look out. My back!

Get off me!
What the hell's the matter with you?

Come on. Ray. Get off. Would you?

Sue Ellen. John Ross.

Sue Ellen? John Ross?
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