08x20 - Shattered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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08x20 - Shattered

Post by bunniefuu »

Something's wrong here.

They want this person gone.

It's turned, literally,
into hell.

I don't know what to do.

She causes people to do
bad things.

I'm afraid that I'm slowly
losing control of everything.

terrible nightmares.

She hunts them.

This seems like a possession.

My name is Amy Allan.

Everything was built on blood.

I see dead people.
Very disturbing.

I speak to dead people.

There's victims around him.

And they speak to me.

Her voice sounds like death.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

The living don't
stand a chance here.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

You could have got k*lled.

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

This is coming
straight from hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

Your mom was m*rder*d
right here in this room.
Yes, she was.

But Steve and I
never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

This was just the beginning.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Oh, my god.

Or time to get out.

They're very bad.

This house is
trying to k*ll me.

I'm in Sinclairville, New York.

It's about an hour southwest
of Buffalo.

Now this place is tiny,
588 people.

I got called in by a woman named
Jacqui, who is a mother of two.

Now, she bought the home
thinking it would be

a safe place to raise her kids.

Problem is,

activity in the house is
terrorizing everyone,

and she says it's
destroying her marriage.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the house

of any leading information.

can influence her findings,

so it's important I cover
or remove them all.

When I'm finished,

the location will be ready
for tonight's walk.

I just saw something
really strange.

This thing I called the drip.
It was odd looking.

It's not a person.

The dead were
very unnerved by it,

and they all
ran away from it.

It came up to me, and I looked,

and I could see only
my reflection in its face,

and it makes you focus
on the darkest truths

because, basically,
you face it and work through it,

or you go crazy.

So, Jacqui, when we talked
on the phone,

you sounded pretty upset about
things that were happening here.


It has really turned
into a real nightmare,

and I don't know
what to do.

I've tried everything.

I can't get rid
of whatever's here.

So who exactly lives
in the house?

That's my husband, Tim,

my son, Bradley, who is 8,

and my daughter, Pheobie,
who is 6.

Give me an idea of what
you're going through here.

Things from noises,


mood swings,

but the worst of it is
it's really changed my husband.

So what are
the changes with him?

Goes to work, comes home,
that's it.

Quit spending time with me.

Quit spending time
with his kids.

It makes me feel like he's
just here out of obligation.

How do you know
this is paranormal

and not just
husband-wife stuff?

You don't go from having
one or two fights every 6 months

to a fight every other day.

Now, there was nothing that was
life-changing with you guys

after you moved here?

Since we've moved in here that
my health started to decline,

and he says,
"My head is telling me

that I don't love you
any more."

Have you confronted Tim

and said, "What the hell
is wrong with you?

Do you really mean
what you're saying?"

Yeah, I have.

His only explanation is is
it's like a voice in his head

just telling him, "You don't
love your wife any more."

How's a wife supposed
to take that?

And then I shut
all of my emotions off

because if I reacted to that,

I wasn't going to be able
to help him.

When you guys are away
from the house, how is it?

Good. We went on vacation.

We're all sleeping.
We're all happy.

My husband held my hand for
the first time in almost a year.

Well, why don't you just get
the hell out of here, move?

I don't have any money
to go anywhere.

This was supposed to be
our dream home,

our home to grow old in.

It's turned, literally,
into hell.

Does not feel good up here.
No, no, no, no.

This is a bad area.
This whole upstairs is no good.

There is a lot in here going in

with the living person
in this particular room.

This room is crazy.

The drip, it's coming in,

and what it's doing
is making this person

relive horrible things.

The person's not dealing
with this well.

Can you explain how
it got here?

It's attracted
to the living person

that sleeps in this bed.

They're -- Also,
they're having problems.

They're like,
they don't like their life.

They're unsettled.

Can you tell much
about this living person?

I'd assume it was a female.

They're miserable.
They're depressed.

They're emotionally unstable,
almost like PTSD episodes.

Okay, Jacqui, so what's
going on in here?

Some of our items
just randomly disappear

and then reappear again.

I set my keys down
on the coffee table one day.

I turned to pick them back up,
and they weren't there.

Probably about 40 minutes
after looking,

they showed back up
where I had left them.

Anybody else home?

My kids are outside.
My husband was outside.

It freaked me out.

Okay. Anything else?

One night, my husband
and I are laying in bed,

and my daughter's stereo
turned on all by itself.

- Pheobie didn't do it?
- No. She wasn't even here.

I'm seeing a teenage boy.

He's dead.

He's bad, does bad things
in here to the living people.

He likes to make things loud,
so I wouldn't be surprised

if TVs go up really loud,
radios go up really loud.

He likes that
because it freaks them out,

you know, gets their attention.

He is mad, goes into as many
homes as possible and rages.

He's a little klepto,
so things are moving.

The boy is the worst.

This is not good.
This is not good.

Well, you've had some
experiences downstairs.

You have any up here?

Oh, yeah, especially in
my husband and I's bedroom.

Okay. Okay, what's going on?

My son and I have a lot
of really bad nightmares,

like one I had
a few weeks ago --

dogs running
out of the woods.

I turned to scream,
and I couldn't.

I tried, and it was like
I had no voice.

- How the hell are you sleeping?
- I'm not.

Okay. Anything else?

Yeah. I was over in
the laundry room.

I turned to walk out
with a laundry basket,

felt like I had been shoved
and broke my nose.

Can you demonstrate on me

how hard you might have
gotten pushed?

Like that.

You really would have flying.

- Yeah.
- What do you think happened?

Couldn't have been anything else
than a ghost that done it

or something not natural.

Anything else
like that happen?

I wake up quite frequently
with bruises on my legs.

What kind of bruises
are we talking about?

They average in size,
that of child's fingers

to about the size
of a doughnut.

And you're sure you're not

bruising yourself
with these nightmares?

No. The ones on my arm...
Let me see your hand.

I see what you're saying.

- Grab you like that?
- Just like that.

- Well, you couldn't do that.
- No.

Anybody else getting
att*cked like that?

My daughter.

She said it was this big,
huge snake in her dream.

She kept rubbing her neck,
and when I looked,

she had bite marks
on her neck.

I actually have a picture
of them.

Oh, jeez.

Is there something she could
have banged her neck against

while she was sleeping,
having a nightmare?

No. Unh-unh.

All that is in her bedroom
is her bed and her dresser.

At the time,
we had toys downstairs.

Well, Jacqui, let me
ask you a question.

What are you hoping this whole
investigation does for you?

I hope it gives me
my family back.

I want my husband to be
who he used to be,

man I fell in love with.

Nobody wants to feel alone.
It's crushing, sometimes.

The teenage boy there
at the end of the bed,

he likes to physically affect
his surroundings,

like lifting
and dropping the bed.

Feet or arms, he's able to do
that, too, lift it, drop it.

The person brought
that thing, the drip.


Yeah, 'cause you find that
scary, I guess.

So he hates whoever's
here in this space.

They want this person gone.

So, Tim, I was talking
to your wife, Jacqui,

and she was saying
how your personality

has changed drastically
since you moved here.

- Yes.
- Do you agree with that?

- You do?

Before we moved here,
I was always happy, always,

you know, wanting to go out
and help people and do things

and just spend time
with my family.

Since we moved here,
everything's changed.

Now, she says you're
hearing voices

saying you don't love her
any more.

Yes. The pain in her eyes
hearing me say,

"I got this voice
in my head

telling me that
I don't love you,"

was the hardest thing
I ever went through in my life.

All right.
So man to man,

is it [bleep] you're trying to
get out of the marriage or what?

No. I love my wife,

and I want to spend
the rest of my life with her.

What does this voice
sound like?

It's a man's voice.

- How often are you hearing it?
- Every day.

When did the voices start?

They started last year.

Did anything change
or happen

that you could recall
triggering the voices?

My wife had a surgery,

and they thought
she had had a heart att*ck.

After that surgery,
I heard the voices.

Anything else
going on with you?

Health issues.

Ever since we moved in here,
I've been in the emergency room

four to six times

with the feeling
of having a heart att*ck.

What'd they say
was the problem?

They can't find anything.
They go in.

They hook me up
to all the machines,

and they tell me
everything looks good.

Describe how you're feeling

before you need
to go to the hospital.

It all starts with pressure
in my chest,

and then I'll have
a tingly sensation

that goes all the way
down my left arm.

Now I know this feeling.
It's a really scary feeling.

It is.

You really do think
you're having a heart att*ck.

So, I mean, I don't know
how paranormal that is.

Because I suffer
from the same thing.

But what do you think
is in the house?

I mean, what do you think
is going on here?

It's something
definitely evil.

I don't want to go
through my life

without my wife
and my kids.

I worry about that every day
since everything started,

and I'm afraid that I'm slowly
losing control of everything.

I am seeing a woman.

She said that she was
b*rned as a witch in 1692.

The left side of her is burnt,
and the right side is normal.

She is solid and very powerful.

She is attached to the land,
and she has to hunt.

She makes me feel sad and angry.

And I see the half-burnt chick.

The witch is making
the person sick --

nausea, fevers,

hot in their mouth,
in their throat,

in their chest, like a fever,

but it's on the inside
of your body.

So, Pheobie,
how old are you?

-6. Okay.

Mommy and Daddy told me
about the stuff

that they're going through.

What about you?

Okay. So you got kidnapped
in your dream?


Scares me a lot.

That would scare me, too.

- Do you want to stay here?
- No.

I want to go
to a different house.

But if we could stop
all the nightmares

and all the stuff
you're seeing,

would you want to stay
in the house?


If they don't go away,
I'll leave the house.

terrible nightmares.

The witch, she looms.

That's when
the person freaks out.

The person's waking up,
and here is this old lady

right over the person's face.

So people are seeing
this witch when they're awake?


They might think they're having
nightmares, but they're not.

They're seeing this
when they're awake.

So, Bradley,
how old are you?


Are you okay being
in your room alone?

No. Not at all.

This is the worst room.

Sometimes, I even have
my sister sleep on the floor.

So what kind of the things
are you experiencing?

I hear voices every day.

Did it sound like
kids or adults?

It sounds like
all of them.

Where are these voices
coming from?

Over there.

- In this little room here?
- Yes.

Were they talking to you,
or you just heard them?

They were talking to me
because I'm the only one

that can hear 'em.

Anything else that
you're experiencing?

I see a girl right where
the stairs are,

standing there,
staring at me.

She's in a dress,

long dress,
down to her feet,

about same age as me.

How often do you see
this little girl?

Three or four times a week.

Do you ever try
to talk to her?

No, because I usually
don't talk to people

unless they
say something first.

Does she scare you?

Yes. It's the creepiest thing
I've seen.

Buddy, let me
ask you a question.

Do you want to stay here,
or do you want to move away?

I want to move.

I really like this house,

but with all this,
I can't take it.

The witch, I think that
they've seen her.

I see her young.

She said that she has
to hunt living people.

She hunts people that
would remind her

of the people
that persecuted her --

liars, gossips,
and religious fanatics.

She hunts them

and then makes
their life miserable.


I think that she causes people
to do bad things.

They get more t*rture.

It's fun for her to t*rture
those kinds of people.

You know,
Sinclairville's a tiny town,

so the second I called
the historian types,

they knew all about
Jacqui and Tim's property.

I'm meeting a genealogist
who says

a family that
used to live there

had nothing but heartbreak
before and after they moved in.

You mentioned on the phone
this Passinger family...

...had a lot of troubles
and heartache.

What do you mean?

They owned the property you're
investigating from 1956 to 1973,

and their son, Andrew,
he was quite the troublemaker.

So what kind of trouble
are we talking about?

About 1940, he's 18.

He's with another friend
who is 19,

and they're cruising
around in a car,

and they come upon a girl,

and he's catcalling her,

trying to get her
to get into the car,

and she refuses
and keeps walking,

so he gets mad.

They stop the car.

He jumps out and tries
to force her into the car.

He's trying
to kidnap this girl.

- He's a wild kid.
- Yeah.

He gets arrested,
spends 6 months in jail.

It made headlines
in the local paper.

So he does 6 months.

Does he straighten out?

Not really.

Actually, a couple years later,
1942, he's out again

riding around
with his friend in a car,

and he hit and kills
a 70-year-old man

and gets no jail time
for that.

So this kid kills a guy,
doesn't do any jail time.

- Right.
- And what happens next?

November 14th of 1942,
he marries a young lady

who's only just turned 15,

Elaine Diers.

15? What happens next
with this kid?

They have three children,
but tragedy follows him,

and Elaine falls ill,

and she's ill
for a number of years,

and then she dies in 1956
at the age of 28.

Do we know
what she d*ed of?

No. Actually,
this is her obituary,

and it doesn't state
what she d*ed of.

Wow. She was young, huh?

- Yeah.
- All right.

So how did he take
the death of her?

He's devastated, heartbroken,
and by this time,

his parents are living
on the property

that you're investigating.

He moves in with
all three of the kids.

Right. So how's things
work out for him?

Not very well.

Andrew himself, actually
a year later on Halloween,

he passes away at the age of 41
from rectal cancer.

That leaves his mother to raise
the three children in the house

until they are old enough
to get married and move away.

Okay. So his wife dies young.
He dies young.

You weren't kidding when
you said they had trouble

before and after.

Tragedy all the way around.

There's, like,
a dead family.

I'm seeing the mother.

She has three kids,

but they were here
a long time ago,

and then somehow
they all [bleep] d*ed,

I guess, close to the same time?

I'm getting boom, boom, boom.

It wasn't good. I know that.

The dead mom,
she's just nervous.

She doesn't trust people.


She was married
since she was 14.

She d*ed of an illness.

She's young, younger than
I thought she'd be.

How old?

I hear 28,
but then I hear 29.

Right now, they're hiding
in the corner.

Thing is, I don't know
who they're hiding from.

So far, I've got
a family being torn apart

by bizarre activity
on a property

that has seen several
tragic deaths.

But I want to know
if there's anything else.

Searching for old records,
I find the Strong family,

who used to own
my client's land.

Turns out they had a direct
connection to a brutal m*rder

that happened
less than a mile away

from Tim and Jacqui's property.

You know, I want to find out
what happened to this poor guy

who got his skull bashed in
near Jacqui's house.

Now I'm on my way
to meet a local sheriff

who says this case
took a surprising turn.

Sheriff, thanks
for meeting with me.

I appreciate that.

During my research,
I found out the Strong family

that occupied my client's
property back in 1897

somehow has a connection to this
homicide I had you look into.

I mean, what were you
able to find out?

There was a man by the name
of Axel Lawson.

Mr. Lawson lived
with the Strong family,

who owned the land
that your client lives on today.

He was found m*rder*d
on the 27th of May in 1897.

He'd been beaten badly
with a blunt instrument.

So what do we know
about the victim?

He was 33 years old.

He was a local produce peddler
who traveled

between Sinclairville area
and Jamestown selling his goods.

What's the crime scene like?

This is a sketch that was in
one of the local newspapers,

of the crime scene.

It looked as though
a struggle had taken place.

He had been beaten severely.

They documented 17 pieces
of his skull

that were collected
from the crime scene.

Okay. A pretty brutal homicide,

It was.

This is Axel Lawson's
death certificate.

All right. So now we got
a dead body. Any suspects?

Yes. There were
two solid suspects.

One was a guy by the name
of Fred Page.

- He was 50 years old.
- Okay.

The other guy
was his son-in-law,

Fred Romer, was 35.

Why did they like
these guys for the homicide?

After the m*rder,
Axel Lawson's watch

was pawned by the two Freds
at a pawnshop in Fredonia.

All right. So I got to assume,
with this much evidence,

they make an arrest.
They did make an arrest.

Is there a conviction?

There's not.

They were held for a short
period of time and released.

You're kidding me.

Apparently they felt there was
not evidence to convict.

And they convicted
for a lot less back then.

Oh, yeah.

I wonder if these guys were
well-liked in the community

and nobody wanted
to convict them,

or if they had some ties.

That is unknown.
It's an open, unsolved homicide.

I feel like my stomach
just dropped.

I'm seeing dead bodies,

three of them.

One is young.

He got his head bashed in
with, like, a rock.

And then there's another person,

but I don't know
anything about them,

and then there's the old man.

I think he was a farmer.

Do you know when this was?

It could be anywhere
from 1910 to 1950s.

And it was outside.
It was outside.

Just seems like
all hell broke loose,

and I'm just seeing
the kid's head get bashed in.

The farmer, he's angry,

very angry
because of what happened.

He'll go into fits of rage.

He just keeps saying,
"It was a very...bad...day."

If you need us to investigate

unexplained activity
in your home,

Click on "Help me, Dead Files!"
to submit your story,

and we'll help if we can.

So I just got a call
from a local anthropologist,

and she says there was
a Native American grave site

just a couple of thousand feet
from Jacqui and Tim's house.

Now, I don't think they know
anything about it

and that's probably because,
according to her,

those bodies got dug up
and moved.

Michelle, it's good
to see you again.

So this Native American burial
site near my client's property,

what can you tell me
about it?

It as a circular mound site
that encompassed about 3 acres.

That's pretty big, right,
for a burial site?

- Yes.
- Who was buried there?

Well, some anthropologists
believe it may have been

the Erie Indians that were here
in the 1600s.

Okay. You mentioned on the phone
that these bodies got dug up.

What can you tell me
about it?

People recognized the fact
that it was a mound,

that it wasn't
a natural landscape,

and so early in the 1800s,

folks who were settling here
were curious...

...and excavated parts
of the site,

and in 1825,

50 human remains
were removed from the mound,

and about 30 years later,

another 25 human skeletons
were removed.

What did they do with
the bones?

Some were sent to museums
across New York state,

and some were
displayed locally,

and I have a photograph
of one of the local displays

of some of those human remains
that were found.

The Native Americans
think this is disrespectful?


There's something wrong
with the land here.

Everything's wrong.

There's too much death,

and there's too many
weird deaths.

I wish I could figure out
what's going on here.

There's something here keeping
the dead people here trapped.

Why aren't the dead
that are dying leave,

and why...
Like, I'm just confused.

We think this could be
the Erie tribe.

What do we know
about them?

Well, the Erie occupied this
entire area through the 1600s.

Whatever happened to them?

They were engaged
in a very long-running w*r

with the Iroquois.

The Erie were
really soundly defeated.

How violent did it get?

The Iroquois consistently
att*cked Erie villages.

They b*rned them.

They slaughtered men,
women, and children.

So by 1680, the Eries
had been forced

from western New York

The Iroquois pretty much did
wholesale slaughter.

So can you talk more about

what's going on
with the land here?

It's a possibility that it has
to do with the witch.

I'm thinking that she has
a lot to do

with the land being tainted.
Hmm, okay.

She's doing something

to prevent people from moving on

or is causing bad things
to happen in the first place.

How would people that spend
a lot of time on this land

be affected by that?

If they are prone to depression

or violent outbursts,

it could be exacerbated.

People might harm others
or themselves.

The people that she hunts,

they have a very bad experience
with her directly.

I saw several disturbing
things on my walk,

but two concerned me the most.

First, the dead teenage boy
who torments the living.

He had, like, thin,

longer hair,

pretty large nose,

and one of the things he does

is he'll lift up the bed
and drop it.

Next, I described the witch
who hunts the living.

Half of her was a skeleton
that was burnt and charred,

and then the other half
was normal.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes. That's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy,
this is Tim and Jacqui.

They live here with
their two adorable kids.

This is Bradley, who is 8,

and this is Pheobie, who is 6.

Now the whole family is
being terrorized,

but the main reason we're here

is these guys are convinced
something in this house

is tearing their marriage apart
and trying to break them up,

and if we can't help them,

they don't think their marriage
is gonna make it.

So now that Amy knows
a little bit about you guys,

I'll ask her
to describe her walk.

I went upstairs and I went
into the laundry room.

I saw a teeny tiny woman
and her three children.

I got that she was married
since she was about 14.

She d*ed young, I'd say between
28 and 29 years of age.

Extremely protective
of her children

who are very rambunctious.

These kids like to hang out
in that little, like,

crawl space attic thing

You should hear laughing,
running around,

things bouncing off the walls.

Bradley's had experiences
with that crawl space, right?

Several different things.

He's seen a little girl
up there.

He describes her as...
what'd he say, 11?

A bunch of stuff you're talking
about reminds me

of some past owners that
actually lived in this house,

especially the part
about the woman.

Now, a family named
the Passingers

lived in this house
from 1956 to '73.

Now the expert I talked to said
that this family had bad luck

before they moved here

and bad luck after
they got into the house.

They had a teenage son
named Andrew

who was a mess
and got into a lot of trouble.

And later on, he married a girl
named Elaine Diers in 1942.

And now I say "girl" because
she was 15 years old.

So now Andrew and Elaine
wind up having three kids.

A few years later,
Elaine got very sick.

She d*ed a few years later
in 1956,

and, get this,
just like you said,

she was 28 years old
when she d*ed.


All right.
So what else did you see?

The next person that I ran into,
he was a teenage boy,

and he is
a big problem here.

He definitely somehow
connected to the land.

He's pretty powerful
and very present,

very upset and angry.

I think there's a few ways that
the living would experience him.

He is very noisy,
so one of the things I thought

he might be capable
of doing

is turning on the televisions,
turning on the radios

and getting them to go up
as loud as he possibly can.

Also, he's a klepto.

Things might go missing,

and there is a lot of stress
and anger with him.

At this point,
he wants you guys gone.

He does not want you
in this house.

I think you might have seen
the look on their face

when you mentioned stuff
going missing.

I'd be sitting there.
I'd set my keys down,

and I'd be doing my makeup
or my hair or something,

turn around to grab 'em
to put them back in my purse,

and they'd be gone.

I'd look everywhere for 'em,
couldn't find 'em.

15, 20 minutes later, they're
right back in the same spot.

Amy, you also mentioned this kid
could turn on radios.

Now, Tim, you guys had a stereo
that just went on, right?

- Yes.
- Tell Amy about it.

All of a sudden, my daughter's
radio, which was unplugged,

turned on, and it was as loud
as it could go.

- And where were the kids?
- They weren't home.

He's starting to become
more physical.

I saw him standing
at the end of the bed

and actually lifting the bed
and making it shake.

I had a sketch done
of what I saw.

Kind of creepy.

That's exactly
what it looked like.

- That -- that was my nightmare...
- months ago.

He was holding me down
in the bed from behind.

Now, this stuff
is in your dream.

It might not be a dream.

So he could be actually
holding her down and doing that

and having physical contact
with her.

I wake up with bruises
on my legs a lot.

You guys told me Pheobie
has woken up with marks, too.

Pheobie, she had a dream,
and she was talking

about this snake
in her dream that bit her.

This is Pheobie's neck,
and it looks like bite mark.

A bite.

Can't stop shaking.

When I was in the bedroom,
I got that

someone was experiencing
a lot of unhappiness.

The person is feeling
extremely unsettled,

honestly hating their life.

So these negative emotions
have attracted this entity

that I was referring
to as "the drip."

It's never been human,
and when I first encountered it,

it came down,
and it's all black and shiny,

and what you see
is your face.

This thing forces people
to look at themselves

and look at their darkest truths
about their lives.

It makes you kind of focus on
things that you've done

that you're not
particularly proud of.

If you don't,
you can kind of go crazy.

It makes the person who is
going through this

kind of emotionally unstable,
constantly ill,

and it can trigger things
like PTSD events.

So it can kind of make you have
a little bit of a breakdown.

The dead here are terrified
of this thing.

One of you or both of you
have attracted it,

and they are pissed off,

and they don't want
to deal with it,

and so they need you
out of here.

Now, listen, I told you these
two are having problems

with their marriage.

You know what?

Tim, tell her about these
voices you're hearing.

After my wife had her
heart att*ck...


After she came home,
every once in a while,

I'd hear a voice in my head say,
"You don't love your wife."

It was just repeated,
repeated, repeated,

"You don't love your wife.
You need to leave," every night.

We were like best friends.

We don't have so much
as a date night.

We don't talk that much.

We fight like
it's World w*r III.

She thinks you want out of here,
you want to book.

I mean, tell her what
you really feel.

I love you. I want to be here
for the rest of my life.

I don't want to go anywhere.

I made a commitment to be
in this family.

I love you, and that's never
gonna change.

And you guys probably haven't
kissed and hugged

like that in how long?
- Too long.

I haven't even really
full-fledged cried

since my heart att*ck.

How long
ago was this event?

- A year ago.
- So let me ask you a question.

You mentioned a drip

that is being attracted
by somebody here.

Is it one of them,
or is it both of them?

Taking into consideration
your health and the mind frame,

it could have been
initially attracted to you.

What else we got going on?

This land is inherently

Bad things
tend to happen here.

If somebody is living here who
is prone to violent outbursts,

those types of experiences

would become
far more frequent here.

Now, this could be a sh*t
in the dark,

but there is a reason
that this land could be bad.

Settlers, when they first
came here in the 1800s,

they discovered
a massive Indian burial mound

literally a couple thousand feet
from the house.


But in 1825,
people started digging it up.

Now what I thought was strange
is they grabbed these bones

and they put them on display
through the museums in the area.

I actually got a photo
on how they did it.

Do you think any of this could
be why the land is bad here?

Ah, this one's
a little different.

The reason why the land
is a huge, huge problem

is because this very active
dead woman

placed a curse on the land.

I got that this dead woman was
around during the late 1600s.

During that time,
people, uh,

decided that this woman
was a witch,

and so they took her
and they b*rned her.

She's extremely solid
and powerful.

She says now
that she has to hunt,

and I feel she's doing it

because she's angry
and she wants revenge.

She'll try to make your life
as miserable as she can.

When she was upstairs, there was
a lot of hate towards you guys.

I saw her kind of looming over
the bed.

She also makes people ill.

You know, we've already talked

about Jacqui's health problems,
but Tim's had his share, too.

I've been in the emergency room
four times...


...with the feeling of having
a heart att*ck.

Oh, my God.

And since then,
they've ran all their tests.

They can't find
anything wrong with me.

So as far
as this woman goes,

is it possible that these guys
will be able to see her?

I think so.

She's capable of projecting
herself any which way.

I'm worried about
the little girl

that your son saw.

So she may be showing herself
to her son as a little girl.


And I did have a sketch done
of how she presented to me.

Oh, that is
pretty [bleep] up looking.

Oh, wow.

- That is creepy.
- That is.

Scary to think
that you have something

like this in your house.

All right, so what the hell

does she want from these people?
She wants you out of here

because you have the drip
with you right now,

and she does not want
to deal with that.

So is she trying to
split them up

in a way
of getting them out of here?


She's absolutely capable
of being a manipulator

and trying to get into
your subconscious

and, you know, giving you
these instructions.

You know, "You don't love her
anymore" and working on that,

even if she manipulated the way
you heard her.

I was just going
to ask you that

because he heard it
in a man's voice.

She'll do that to
fool people.

I thought it was my fault.

I brought this stuff here.

Why do you feel that way?

When I was 14...

...I was r*ped.

And I had no one.

After that,
everything I did was a lie.

Well, you know what's going on
here is not your fault.

I still blame myself.

How do I fix this?

Now, Jacqui, when we first met,
you told me the only thing

you really wanted
is your family back.

Now the big question is,
will you be able to do that

here in this house,
and what's it gonna take?

For that answer, I'm gonna
turn it over to Amy.

Let's start with the drip.

We all have moments
in our lives,

like what you're going
through right now,

where you are given
an opportunity

to deal with [bleep]
that you've acquired.

You have a chance right now
to seek more therapy

dealing with the r*pe
that happened,

processing those things,

and I know it's horrible,

but really processing
those things,

and anything else
that's happened

that's haunting you now.

If you don't deal with them,

they're just gonna get bigger
and uglier and nastier.

If you go through all this
the right way,

you can come out being
a proactive person

and a truly strong person,
a survivor.

As far as the dead,
it would be extremely difficult

to move her on,
if at all even possible.

The teenager, as well,
would be extremely difficult.

Frankly, I would suggest
that you not stay here.

The land here
is very, very bad.

You're talking about hundreds
of years of contamination

that can't be
just wiped away.

And because of where you are
in your life,

I just feel that it would
do you no favor to stay here

and go through
this transition.

It's going to be hard,

but if we set our minds
to it, we can do it.

I agree.
It's going to be stressful,

but it comes down
to family first.

Just really appreciative
of you guys for helping us.

If it wasn't for you guys
coming out here,

we -- we don't know where
we would have ended up.

I wish I had better news
for Tim and Jacqui,

but leaving this home is
their best option.

If they do that, and if Jacqui
goes into therapy,

they'll begin
the process of healing

and lead a peaceful,
happy life.
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