08x19 - Drained

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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08x19 - Drained

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, boy. It's a demon!

And I looked up, and there was
an apparition of an old man.

She's not good, and the person
has, like, nightmares.

He laid down on his bed and he
sh*t himself in the chest.

So I think he's insane.

I saw a dark figure
with red eyes.

They're probably gonna die.

The people who live
here need help.

This seems like a possession.

My name is Amy Allan.

Everything was built on blood.

I see dead people.
Very disturbing.

I speak to dead people.

There's victims around him.

And they speak to me.

Her voice sounds like death.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

The living don't
stand a chance here.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

You could have got k*lled.

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

This is coming
straight from hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

Your mom was m*rder*d
right here in this room.
Yes, she was.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

This was just the beginning.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Oh, my god.

Or time to get out.

They're very bad.

This house is
trying to k*ll me.

I'm in the small town
of Ripley, West Virginia.

It's about an hour north
of Charleston.

I got a call
from a guy named Scott

who is a father of three.

Now, he told me activity
in the house is violent

and out of control.

And he's worried one of the kids
are going to get seriously hurt.

I really hope Amy and I can
help this guy out.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the home of anything

that might influence
her findings.

Religious icons, family photos,
and personal items

must be covered or removed.

When I'm finished,

the location will be ready
for tonight's walk.

What the hell?

Is there a demon here?

Ooh, boy.

I'm seeing a tall guy
who looks like a devil.

What is it doing?

Causing havoc.

He's got a lot of little demons
running around.

The living here have
interactions with the devil,

and the people
who live here need help

because of the crazy
that's going on.

When we spoke on the phone,
you sounded really desperate.

What the hell's
going on here?

There's something evil,
something paranormal.

I mean,
it's causing problems.

It's attacking my wife
and my kids, and I need help.

One of the reasons I took
the case is because of the kids.

Who exactly lives
in the house?

Donovan, Kayden, my wife Wendy,
me, and Lacey.

How long have you guys
been living here?

About a year and a half.

We moved here because
where we came from

was a bad neighborhood.

And then we came here hoping
this was going to be a home.

But it's not a home.

Did you notice activity
right away?

No. Six months after
we moved in,

the neighbor's house b*rned
clear to the ground.

That's when
the activity started.

Was anybody hurt
in that fire?

No, nobody was hurt,

but I feel that something dark
was awakened.

Do me a favor
and give me a list

of what you guys are

We've heard noises,
heard voices.

We've seen apparitions.

We've seen shadow figures.

and my wife
and daughter's been att*cked.

Now is everybody
in the house being affected?

Yeah, they're getting
the physical.

And my oldest son, Donovan, he's
getting more of the emotional.

What do you mean,

I mean, what was he like
before you moved in here?

Laughing, joking, happy.

Right. So what happened?

A change overnight.
I mean,

it just went from straight
to, like, no communication.

Trying to
shove everybody out.

Did anything happen
in his life?

Did he break up
with a girlfriend?

I don't know.

He's even kept things
from us.

It's scary. It really is.

All right, so what makes
you think that's paranormal?

Because it seems like
it's controlling him.

It's like he doesn't want
to leave the house.

He doesn't want
to leave the room.

So if you take him away
from the house, what happens?

He wants to go back home
to his room.

- Has he seen a doctor?
- Yes.

- What's the doctor say?
- They're not really sure.

But there's nothing
they can do.

If anything ever happened
to my kids,

I couldn't live with myself.
I could live.

Well, I gotta
ask you, Scott.

I mean, why don't you
just pack up and leave?

- I mean...
- We thought about it.

Scared it's going
to follow us.

I'm scared it's gonna
cause more damage.

It's weird.

I'm seeing
the tall devil guy again,

but now he's dressed like
a Catholic priest.

He's like,
"Don't go any further."

And he shows me that the people
put a barrier over their house.

He burrows into the ground,
goes under the fence

and pops up inside.

And he goes, "Ha ha!

They can't keep me out,
and neither can you."

So there's
no hallowed ground here.

This is where
the fire was, right?

Yes. Yes, it was.

You weren't kidding
when you said

it burnt down to
the ground.

Oh, man,
it b*rned clear down.

All right, Scott, so what kind
of experiences have you had?

Well, I got woken up
from a sound of a g*nsh*t.

Okay, this is West Virginia.
I mean, there's g*ns everywhere.

How sure are you that
it didn't come from outside?

I could actually feel
the concussion.

- You keep g*ns in the house?
- No, I do not.

I thought maybe Donovan
might have sh*t his self.

I was terrified.

Okay, so now you've realized
it's not Donovan.

What the hell
do you think it was?

The neighbor told me that
a previous owner

done su1c1de
in the house in the '90s.

- Really?
- Yes.

All right. I'll have to
definitely check that out.

Anything else?

I just hear bangs and knocks
throughout the house.

Can you describe the sounds?

It sounds like someone's, like,
b*ating on the wall.

And sometimes it sounds
like silverware

dropping into the sink.

It's a pretty old house. You're
sure it's not the plumbing?

- I don't think it is.
- Have you ever had it checked?

No, I have not.

Anything else?

I was out here in the backyard
and I heard three knocks.

And I looked up and there
was an apparition of an old man

that was looking through
the window there.

- He had, like, peppered hair.
- Okay.

Older-like man, and his nose
right here was wide.

- Okay.
- A little bit wide.

Skinny, slim guy. Tall.

- Did he seem solid to you?
- Oh, yes.

It's just like me
looking at you right now.

There's elderly people here.

So there's two men
and two women who are old.

80s, 90s.

One couple definitely
lived here.

I'm not sure about
that other couple exactly.

They walk the halls.

The living would hear that.

What do you think
whatever's here wants?

I think it's wanting us out.

But if I have to go, I'll go.

For my kids' safety, you know,
I'm out of here.

This is probably
bothering you

a lot more than
you're letting on.

It is.

I don't want to show my kids
if I break down and cry.

I want to stand strong.

My first priority
is to keep my family safe.

I want them to know that they're
protected as much as they can.

And what the hell
do you think is here?

I'm not sure what it is,
but I know it's evil.

And it's not human.

Oh, boy.

Something is going on
in the closet.

I think he comes from up there.

Is the person in here having
experiences with this devil?

Probably. It definitely
hangs out in that closet a lot.

Do people see it?
Do the living see it?

Yeah. Like Satan,

but he's dressed still
in the priest outfit.

This is, like, chaos in here.


So, Lacey, how old are you?

I'm 10.

Daddy told me that
you were afraid to be alone.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.


I feel like something's
watching me in the closet,

and the closet door opens.

I got so scared that
I'm sleeping with my mom now.

Now have you seen or heard
anything else that's scared you?

In my mom's room, I saw
a dark figure with red eyes.

Then I started crying
and I wouldn't quit

until my brother
told me it's okay.

And what did you
think it was, honey?

I really couldn't tell.

All right, so what else
is going on?

I have nightmares.

Okay. Do you remember
the nightmares,

what they're about?

No. Mom said that I was
in my room

and I was crying
in the middle of the night,

and I didn't --
I don't remember that.

It sounds like you're having
a tough time here.

Anything else?

About a week ago,
I had a burning on my chest,

so I looked down
and there was three scratches.

Lacey, do you have any idea

what might have
caused that to happen?

- No idea.
- Okay.

Do you want to stay here
or do you want to move away?

Move away.

So the devil guy
is b*ating on somebody.

Smacking someone
on the back of the head.

She's freaking out.

And then he is b*ating on
this child,

so I think this person
has nightmares.

He's just torturing the [bleep]
out of this person.

He's insane.

So, Donovan,
how old are you?


Your father seems to think

that something in this house
is affecting you.

- You agree with him?
- Mm-hmm.

I feel like
it's controlling me.

It's like my mind
goes completely blurry.

I black out, and then it's like
something else just takes over.

I just feel hopeless.

Your father was telling me
your personality has changed

and you don't like leaving
your room. Is that true?

Yeah. If I leave, it feels
like I'm out of place.

It feels like
I'm complete in here.

Like, all my worries
go away.

the personality changes,

what about experiences
with the paranormal?

I'm seeing this dark figure
that walks in my room.

He'll pace from the hallway
to this wall.

so what's it look like?

Like a shadow.

And what do you think it is?

I think it's something evil.

I think it's demonic.

You taking any dr*gs
and not telling anybody here?

- No.
- Don't [bleep] me.

- I'm serious.
- No.


I see a younger boy.

And this is weird because he's,
like, organically a witch.

Can you elaborate
on what you mean?

People who automatically how to
do things that witches do,

like protecting yourself.

Is this something
he's doing intentionally?


He does not know what
he's doing.

So if he's protecting himself,
does that mean

he doesn't have
any experiences?

No, no, no, no, no.

Just because
someone's protected

doesn't mean that
they're bulletproof.

What sort of experiences
would they have?

Things get through,

and the person has, like,

What's causing that?

This is
the devil priest guy.

The kid sometimes gets scared,
but doesn't know how bad it is.

I mean, is this something
that could be dangerous for him?

Yes. It's a demon!

So, Wendy, I was talking
to your husband,

and it sounds like
things got crazy here.

- And you agree with that?
- Yeah.

I spoke to Donovan.
You gotta be worried about him.


Have you ever seen him
have an experience?


He came into the kitchen,
his eyes was black.

went to his room,

started crying and said,
"Make it stop."

What do you think
is going on?

I don't know. It's like he's --
Somebody's in him.

I don't know how else
to explain it.

It was not my son.

That's got to be hard on you
as a mom.


So you think whatever is here
is influencing him?


What experiences have you
been going through?

Around 3:00 in the morning,

I woke up to a man
screaming in my face.

What did he say?

"Get up. What the [bleep]
are you doing sleeping?"

I immediately jumped
out of bed.

And you're sure
you weren't dreaming?

Was it a voice
you recognized?

It was just a deep voice.

- Okay.
- A deep man's voice.

It scared me to death.

I didn't sleep
the rest of the night.

There's a dead kid here.

He is a bad, bad, evil child.

The living here have
interactions with the child,

and he's, like,
slithering along the walls.

The living would see him
in the hall

and they would hear him
and they would feel him.

They would feel like they're
being inappropriately watched.

When he's stalking the living,

will turn into
this creepy old man

with, like, a stretched face.

Like, super deformed.

He is a thr*at,
this old, old man.

The old couples that are here
don't like him.

He used the elderly people
when they were alive,

but now he needs new victims,

new living people
to feed off of.

He gets them when they're
sleeping in their beds at night.

How the hell are you
sleeping at night

with all this stuff
that's going on?

Not very good.
I have nightmares all the time.

What kind of nightmares?

Like I'm trying to protect
my kids, and they don't want it.

All right. Anything else?

Since we've moved in,

I've constantly felt like
I'm tired all the time.

No matter how much sleep I get,
I'm still sleepy and drained.

Everybody feels tired
when they wake up.

I mean, why is it
different for you?

Mine's all day, every day,

like I haven't slept
for weeks.

Now, are you on any medication
that might make you tired?

- No.
- All right,

so what do you think caused
that feeling?

I think it was the house.

Do you think whatever's
here is dangerous?

Scratching my daughter, Donovan
going through everything...

Someone's gonna
get hurt bad.

It scares me every day.

- How you holding it together?
- By a thread now.

It's tough when you don't know
what to do or how to help.

Person in here is
being assaulted

by the elderly child man.

This is a living woman.

What exactly is he doing
to her?

The child old man is sucking
her energy out of her.

How does that affect her?

It feels like choking,

something standing on her chest,

can't catch her breath,

gagging, coughing.

So this person is sick.

They're getting sicker
and sicker and sicker.

This person is probably
a physical medium,

but they're not open
to their abilities right now

because they're sick.

He's trying to k*ll them.

They're probably gonna die.

Most of the time, my clients
don't know anything

about the history of
their property.

But in this case, Scott thinks
there was a su1c1de

that took place
right in his house.

So I had a local PI look into it
for me.

He says not only is it true,

but it's also one of the saddest
things to happen to this town

in over a half a century.

What can you tell me about
this guy that committed su1c1de?

His name was Robert Lucas,
born in 1927.

Mr. Lucas was 60 years old

when he bought
your client's house in 1987.

Did you find out anything
about his life

that could explain
why he k*lled himself?

Well, Lucas married
his first wife.

Her name was Joyce Cameron.

In 1952, she d*ed at age 45
of throat cancer.

And here's the death certificate
for Joyce.

She d*ed in 1978.

- Does he remarry?
- Yep.

About 10 years later,
he marries his second wife.

Her name is Stella.

She was 33 years old.

He was 60.


Shortly after Lucas married
his second wife,

they moved into
your client's home.

All right, so now he's married
to a much younger woman.

- How's it go?
- Not so well.

And after 5 years of marriage,
Stella left him.

All right, so he's basically
at my client's house alone.

Yes. I think about 5 months
after she left,

he committed su1c1de.

All right.
So how does he k*ll himself?

The morning
of January 5, 1993,

he goes back into
his bedroom.

He laid down in his bed and he
sh*t himself in the chest.

- In the chest?
- Yes.

That's usually rare
for a man to do that.

And that was the official
cause of death?

Yes, g*nsh*t wound
to the thorax.

It's here on
his death certificate.


It looks like the heartache
finally got to him.


I, like, feel really horrible.

Sick and dizzy and...

bad. Like, not good.

It's weird. It feels like
somebody d*ed in here.

Feels like death
and horrible, ill sickness.

Very bad.

I think I'm feeling the death
of the evil little kid

who can transform into
the creepy old man.

And the boy did live here

at some point.

But he lived to be old.

He shows himself when he was
little and he was, like, 5.

And that was, like,
in the 1920s.

I don't think he d*ed
until, like, the 1980s

or, like, the 1990s.

One thing keeps
nagging at me.

Everyone in the house
is complaining about

banging and clanking sounds.

Of course, they think it's
the paranormal.

But the house is old and I think
it could just be bad plumbing.

I'm headed back to Scott's
property to meet a plumber

who's going to give
the place a full inspection.

- How you doing, Landon?
- Good. How are you doing?

Good, good. Thanks for
meeting me. I appreciate that.

So this is the deal.

My clients here are

about banging and clanking
in the walls.

Now, in your experience,
have you come across

pipes making
those kinds of noises?

Okay. So if you could,
do me a favor

and see if the pipes can be
making those noises?

- Okay. We can do it.
- Okay.

- I'll get my tool bag.
- Okay, great.

With all the strange sounds

Scott and his family
are hearing,

I know I have to rule out
the obvious first.

And if there isn't
a physical explanation...

...our only hope for answers
will have to come from Amy.

- What'd you find?
- Nothing.

Okay, so nothing you saw
could explain

the noises the clients
are hearing?

- No, sir.
- All right.

Well, I appreciate
your hard work.

- Thank you so much.
- Yeah, you're welcome.

The kid, he's creepy.

I asked him if he haunted
the place, and he laughed at me.

He's the reason those old
dead couples are trapped here.

And they, like,
bump into the walls

because their minds are gone.

The living people
would hear that.

So they'd hear, like,
people walking into the walls.

This kid, he's not good.

I don't like him.

If you need us to investigate

unexplained activity
in your home,

Click on "Help me, Dead Files!"
and submit your story,

and we'll help if we can.

So far, I've got a family
living in fear

on a property
where a previous owner

committed su1c1de in the house.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I come across

another former property owner
named Henry Pfost.

Turns out Henry's mother
was one of the victims

of a brutal triple homicide

right near
Scott and Wendy's house.

I'm headed out to meet
my old buddy Jim Casto,

who looked into
this case for me.

Now he says this was
the bloodiest homicide

in this town's history.

And when it came time
for justice to be served,

people traveled
from miles around to see it.

Jim, thanks for meeting me
again. I appreciate that.

Now I know
one of the victims

of this homicide was
the mother of Henry Pfost,

who owned
my client's property.

What do you know about
this woman?

In 1891,
Henry's mother, Chloe,

a 16-year-old orphan boy

by the name of John Morgan.

She treated him
as if he were her own son.

And her other children --
James, Matilda, and Alice --

also looked on him
as simply their other brother.

- They raised him for 6 years.
- Okay.

Then he got married,
got his own place nearby.

But he still frequently
was a visitor at the home.

Okay, so walk me through
the m*rder. What happened?

Well, Morgan had learned that
Chloe had sold a valuable horse

for a tidy sum of money.

And so he arranged to visit
the farm and stay the night.

Okay, I can see
where this is going.

He clearly intended to lay
his hands on that money.

The next morning
Chloe's son, James,

went out early
to feed the animals.

John Morgan followed him,
took a pickax,

hit him several times
in the head,

then grabbed a large rock

and crushed his skull
with it.

He went into the house then,
picked up a hatchet,

and att*cked the two sisters.

k*lled Matilda outright.

Gravely injured Alice.

At that point, he turned
his attention to Chloe.

Broke down her bedroom door,

took his hatchet,
and att*cked her.

Eventually she made it out
to the front porch,

where he hit her
a fatal blow

and she collapsed
in a pool of blood.

I see two males here.

I'm not exactly
getting brothers,

but it's like brothers
or something.

One's here and then gone,
and then here and then gone.

One of them is not good.
Bad, bad, bad.

I'm hearing a woman scream.

And I hear a man say,

"Shut up, bitch!"

And then I heard
a nasty cracking,

like a mushy, wet sound.

And then she stops.

So obviously he k*lled her.

Okay, so we got three dead,

one daughter who survives,
and our perp on the loose.

What happens next?

They made quick work
of tracking down Morgan.

The authorities feared
that Morgan might be lynched,

so they put him on trial
the very next day.

The trial was quick,
and it took the jury

just an hour to come back
with a guilty verdict.

The headline on this newspaper
article from the time

is "Swift Justice."

And that's certainly
what was unfolding here.

So what happens next?

On December 16,
they marched Morgan

from the jail to a gallows

that had been especially built
for the occasion.

It was only 1,700 feet from
the home you're investigating.


On the day of execution,

they had a crowd that was
estimated at 10,000.

There was a circus-like
atmosphere in town that day.

At 12:05, the trap door
was sprung,

and Morgan fell to his death,

paid for his crimes.

I'm in a crowd of people, okay?

And it's pitch-black,
and I can just feel bodies,

you know, up against me.

And I know there's a crowd.
There's a bunch of people there.

I don't know what the [bleep]
was going on.

And I'm hearing
men and women screaming.

There's panic and chaos,
and it's pitch-black,

and then it feels like
I'm falling.

I'm falling in the darkness.

I saw several disturbing things
on my walk,

but the evil kid who can
transform into a creepy old man

had me the most concerned.

I was in a bedroom.

There was a person
in the bed.

This elderly male,

he's attempting to suck
the life force

out of the person's mouth
and into his hands.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy, I'd like you to meet
Scott and Wendy.

They moved into this house
about a year and a half ago

with their three kids.

Got a photo of the kids here.

This is Donovan, who's 15,

Kayden, who's 12,
and Lacey, who's 10.

For 6 months, they were
fine here. Everything was good.

But then the next door
neighbor's house

burnt down to the ground.

And since that day,
activity has gotten violent

and out of control.

Wendy and the kids
are being att*cked,

and Scott thinks that nobody
in the house is safe.

So now that Amy knows
a little bit about you guys,

I'm going to ask her to
describe her walk.

When I first got here,

I heard a woman.

She was screaming
and freaking out.

And then I heard a male,

and he told her
to "Shut up, bitch."

And then I heard, like,
this mushy,

uh, cracking, wet sound.

I knew that he had,
you know, k*lled her.

That's not a lot
to go on, but you did say

that the man you
thought k*lled the woman.


Back in 1897, there was
a brutal, brutal triple homicide

just down the road from here.

The victims were
a woman named Chloe Pfost

and two of her kids.

- This is Chloe, the mother.
- Huh.

And get this --
at the time of the murders,

one of her sons
lived right on your land.

Now six years earlier,
Chloe took in

a 16-year-old orphan
named John Morgan.

This is John Morgan.

Now, the expert I talked to said
Chloe treated Morgan like a son.

Now Morgan grew up
and moved off the property.

In November of 1897,

Chloe sold a high-priced horse
for some money.

It seems like John Morgan
heard about it,

and he came here that night
hoping to rob the family.

He didn't get away
with any money,

but he did k*ll three of
the four people in the house.

Now, he started out
by k*lling Chloe's son, James,

with a pickax and a rock.

Then he went inside
and att*cked the two sisters.

Matilda d*ed right away,

and he thought he k*lled Alice,
but she actually escaped.

The expert I talked to said

that Chloe was the last
to get k*lled.

He basically grabbed her,

hit her in the head
with a hatchet,

and left her for dead in a pool
of blood on the front porch.

He was convicted of the murders
and sentenced to hang.

They built the gallows
1,700 feet from here.

Over 10,000 people showed up
to watch the guy hang.

Just after noon,
on December 16, 1897,

trap door opened
and this guy fell to his death.

You think this homicide
is what you were picking up on?


She looks very, very much like
the woman who was screaming.

Okay, so what else
did you see on your walk?

When I went in the back bedroom,
by the bathroom...

Okay, that's where
Donovan sleeps.

I saw a young, living male,

and I got that
he's an organic witch.

Now what that means
is that typically

it's an individual
who has abilities.

So he unconsciously is able
to protect himself.

He puts up a protective wall
in his room.

The only problem is,
is that he is young,

and even if
you protect yourself,

you're not bulletproof.

You are still open
to random att*cks.

Probably seems like a good time
to tell you

that Donovan is one of the main
reasons we were called in.

- Okay.
- You know, Wendy,

why don't you tell Amy
a little bit about Donovan?

He all of a sudden
just started acting funny.

He's came into the kitchen

and his pupils was
fully dilated.

He turned around,
walked back to his room,

and just started crying
and says, "Make it stop."

Now, Scott, tell Amy how he
doesn't want to leave that room.

We go out to leave or anything,
it irritates him.

I mean, it doesn't matter
where we go.

He's gotta come back.

And once he's in that room,
he says he feels more secure.

Has he had any rage episodes
or anything like that?

He could be fine.

The next thing you know,
he'll snap at you.

Like, jump at you.

And that's not my son.

None of that is unusual
for somebody with abilities.

Well it runs through
your family.

Okay, so what else?

I was in that room.

Now that's Lacey's room.

I met this individual,

and he was walking towards me
and he was a priest.

Then he turned into, like,
a stereotypical Satan character.

I figured out, finally,
that he's some kind of a demon.

He is extremely active
in that room

because he likes
to t*rture her.

He is always watching.

So I think the living
would obviously feel watched.

He gives her nightmares.

I saw lots of screaming
with her.

One of the things
I saw him doing

was trying to smack her
on the back of the head.

Well, there's a lot going on
in Lacey's room

that we need to talk about.

Scott, why don't you tell her
how Lacey feels

like she has a presence
in her room?

She keeps saying somebody
is watching her.

Like they don't
want her in there.

Now, she mentioned nightmares.

Lacey's had
several nightmares, yeah.

I've caught her crying
in her sleep.

And she sit up in the middle
of the bed

in the middle of the night

and she just starts screaming
in her sleep.

Wendy, you've had
nightmares too, right?

I was deep sleep one night.

Get woke up to a man
screaming in my ear.

He says, "Get up!

What the [bleep]
are you doing sleeping?"


The other thing that
got me worried was

the scratches.

- Yes.
- Tell Amy what happened.

She was taking a shower.

She came out and she says
she felt a burning on her...

across her chest here.

And you pulled her shirt
and there was scratches, like,

from here that just went up.

I actually have a photo of it.

- Mm.
- This is the scratches.


Okay, so now all the experiences
that she's having,

or had in that bedroom,
is from this devil guy.

He likes to t*rture her.

The next dead person I met
has me very concerned.

There's an elderly man
and, initially when I met him,

he presented as a child
about 5 years of age.

And he is a very substantial
problem here.

He flips back and forth between
being this 5-year-old child,

which apparently he was
that age in the '20s,

and turning into
a very elderly male

who, I think,
d*ed in the 1980s or the 1990s.

And it was indicated to me
that he had lived here

at some point in time.

That's really not a lot
to go on either.

One guy came up in my research
that stands out.

His name was Robert Lucas,

and he bought this house
in 1987.

I have a photo of him here.

Now you said the guy you saw
was 5 years old in the 1920s?

Lucas here was born in 1927,
so he would have been 5

in the early '30s,
which is pretty close.

Lucas here went through
a messy divorce

5 years after moving in here.

After that, he fell into
a deep depression.

Now you said the guy d*ed
in the '80s or '90s.

Well, get this.

On January 5, 1993,
he laid down in his bed,

put a p*stol to his chest,
and sh*t himself.

I've got his death certificate
right here.

And he d*ed
in this house?

Right in their bedroom.

Now you think Lucas
is the guy you probably saw?

Yes, I do.

One of the things
that really creeped me out

was his movements along
the hallway.

I would assume that, at times,
you guys would hear this.

I've gotten woken up
in the middle of the night

with knocking on the walls.

Oh, Scott, you've heard
it too, right?

Yes, I have.
I've heard knocking.

When Scott and Wendy told me
they were hearing these things,

I thought it sounded like

they could have rusty pipes
or bad plumbing.

So I had a plumber come in
to check the place out.


And he said no way
it could be that.

This guy do anything else?

I thought maybe you would
see him because he's solid.

He stretches
and turns his face,

where he looks not human,

He has a hunch.

It's extremely disturbing.

Now he and Lacey
have both seen an old man.

He's got, like, peppered hair.

His nose is wider and his ears,

they're kind of sticking out
a little bit.

The thing that he causes
living people to experience

is trouble breathing,

feeling like
they're being choked,

and he does this because he's
a psychic vampire.

People who are psychic vampires
will often feed off

of the living energy
of people around them.

And unfortunately it makes

everybody around them
kind of sick.

Wendy, do me a favor.

Explain to Amy exactly how
you feel when you're drained.

It's like I've never slept.

Sick to my stomach

I wake up in the middle
of the night

and it's hard to breathe.

I just don't feel
like myself at all.

Now is this something that
this old guy could be doing?

Yes. Absolutely, yes.

So the person who is
getting att*cked the most

by this elderly man

is the person
in that back bedroom.

That's Wendy
and Scott's bedroom.

I had a sketch done
of what I saw

and what he was doing
in that room.



- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.

This may explain a lot
why you're not feeling well.

Oh, my god.

I would like to put my hands
around it.

Just can't.

I was concerned over
the kids.

I didn't think that
was coming after me.

That's a nightmare.

Worse than a nightmare.

Any reason why
he's picking on Wendy?

I mean, I know
that you have abilities.

It's easier for these things
to latch onto sensitives.

My concern right now
is that Wendy would die.

Heart att*ck, sudden death.

Well, Scott, Wendy,
you were worried

it wasn't safe here
for you and the kids.

And you were 100% right.

But we haven't answered
the big question.

Is it fixable?

Can you stay here safely,
or do you have to pack up

and get the hell out of here
before it's too late?

For that answer, I'm going
to turn it over to Amy.

There's a lot you have
to do,

so I first want to deal
with the demon.

There is a twofold process.

The first thing is,
go and find a Catholic priest.

What you need this
Catholic priest to do

is to come to your home

when you guys are not here
and do a home blessing.

The second thing
is that this priest

has to leave blessed crosses

in every single room
of this home.

The blessing is going
to get rid of that demon,

and the crosses
are going to prevent

any of those others
from coming in here.

So the second thing
is the old man.

You have an elderly dead lunatic
that needs to be removed.

Get a very physically
intimidating male

who's a medium

who is also
in very good health.

This guy is going to
come here

to engage and remove
this elderly man.

Now how soon will she start
feeling better

once Lucas is gone?

Physically, you'll begin
to feel 100% better.

As for Donovan, typically
when they're teenagers,

all of their abilities,
like, really become heightened.

If you go out, say,
to a busy place,

it's going to literally
overwhelm your senses.

That's what your son
is experiencing.

That made me understand
a lot

why Donovan stays
in his room now.

He might always kind
of be like that,

but I think he should go
and see a clinical psychologist

or a psychiatrist

to help him work through all of
his thoughts and emotions.

Yes, definitely.

So to be clear, the house
burning down next door

had nothing to do with what
these guys are going through?


The question
I'll always ask is,

are you going to take
her advice?

Yes. I want it gone.

Hearing this and knowing
this could be done,

it's going to help take care
of the problem, I'm glad,

'cause I can't lose
my wife or my kids.

I can't do that.

Listen, I don't care if I have
to do a million things.

You know, you gave us
what we wanted.

We can have our life back.

I really hope
Wendy and Scott follow my advice

and contact a priest
and a medium to remove the dead

and the demon terrorizing
their family.

Once they're gone,
they'll all be safe,

and this family will find
the peace it's been looking for.
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