08x15 - Faccia A Faccia

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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08x15 - Faccia A Faccia

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who
investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

MANNY: Even in winter, the
park is full of things to eat.

The fruit of the staghorn sumac
are edible and taste like lemon.

(EXCLAIMS) I'm not
tasting any lemon.

I taste it.

I know lemon.
This isn't lemon.

It tastes lemony.

Can I continue the tour?

Over here we have
high-brush cranberries

which are actually sweeter...
Lina, look.

Somebody threw some
nice boots in the lake.

MANNY: Stay with the group.

Oh, my God! They still
have feet in them.

The victim was in a T-shirt
and jockeys and cowboy boots.

We're still looking for
the rest of his clothes.

Hunting season for cowboys?

Looks like.

I counted six entry wounds,
small caliber,

and we got several blunt
force blows to the face.

How long was he soaking?

Hard to tell,

maybe 6 hours,
12 on the outside.

We got some clothes
in the woods.

Hey, hey! Let's be careful
where we step, huh.

Yeah, yeah.

Looks like
good quality threads.

Pants pockets have
been turned inside out.

No wallet.

Could have been
a sex thing, huh?

Hooker mugged him just as he
was getting down to business.

Yeah. Right. Pick up a date for the
night, why waste money on a hotel?

All right. Seal it off
and get CSU up here.

Always the romantic,
huh, Lennie?

Six g*nsh*t wounds
to the chest and gut.

Four blunt force
injuries to the face.

Marks on the wounds indicate he might've
been worked over with a piece of rebar.

We got divers working the lake.

Have them look for teeth.
Most of his were knocked out.

So much for dental records.

I found something
better than dental records.

He got a chin implant.

Along with some nose work, a face
lift and ear lobes shortened.

Guy spent all that dough, winds
up looking like hamburger.

Oh. Speaking of.
Stomach contents.

Veal piccata, capers,
risotto, asparagus, salad.

That could be arugula,
could be spinach.

Peanuts, red wine,
and espresso.

All within an hour
before he was k*lled.

So he was coming from
an Italian restaurant.

And before that, corned beef on
rye, mustard and french fries.

This guy eats like you, Lennie.


These are from Dookies, a
bootmaker in Billings, Montana.

Any record of sale?

No. They went out of
business two years go.

The underwear and the socks
are a store brand,

Diefenbaker's stores
in Montana, the Dakotas.

So the guy was a tourist?

The suit and the overcoat are from
Garibaldi's, downtown. Off the rack.

Going by the cut, I'd say they
were bought four, five years ago.

So the guy buys his suits in New
York and his underwear in Montana?

Gloves are Isotoners. Could
have been bought anywhere.

No name tags, laundry markings?

No. Just marinara
sauce on his shirt

and caramel sugar
on the lining of his gloves.

We sent his particulars to half
a dozen states in the Midwest.

No nibbles yet.

Tourists stay at hotels.

No hotel key.
He got cleaned out.

$100 million worth
of forensic technology

and all we got is a John Doe
cowboy with a big appetite.

We can narrow down
his last stop

to one of 200 Italian
restaurants near the park.

Yeah. Unless he ate
at a friend's.

Well, that only keeps us
out of the hardware stores.

Let's see, the lab found caramel
sugar on the inside of his gloves.

Didn't they also find peanuts
next to his veal piccata?

Those hot peanuts
you buy on the street?

You can smell them
two blocks away.

Check out the vendors
around the park.

Oh! Why can't these
be good for you?

Because then you
wouldn't eat them.

How you doing?
Let me ask you something.

Were you working here on
Tuesday night around 10:00?

I am here every
day until 10:00.

Well, do you remember selling a
bag of peanuts to a white guy

about that time on Tuesday,

wore a camel-hair coat,
pair of cowboy boots?

Oh, yeah. Cowboy boots.

Yeah. That guy gave me a $50
bill for a $1 bag of peanuts.

Took all my change.

Said he was sorry
but he gave his singles

to the waiter at
Bella Flora's over there.

MAITRE D': Do you
have a picture?

The way he looks right now,

a picture wouldn't help. But he
might have had a Midwest accent.

He was wearing a camel-hair
coat from Garibaldi's

and a pair of cowboy boots.

Oh, yes, I remember.

He had dinner with another gentleman.
Tweed jacket, gray hair.

CURTIS: You took
the reservation?

No. The day girl
takes them. Here.


Yes. It's, under the name Curren.
No phone number.

You remember this guy because
of the Garibaldi coat?


When he was leaving,
he looked out the window

and he saw a guy in a car
across the street

who was watching
the restaurant.

He asked me to show him
to the back exit.

He say why?

I was concerned about the
guy in the car, too.

We've been robbed
twice in the past year.

So, I wrote down
the license number.

Our lucky day.

So, uh, who paid for the dinner, the
tweed jacket or the Garibaldi coat?

The Garibaldi coat. Cash.

Oh, and the accent, when he
ordered wine, he spoke Italian.

Brooklyn Italian.

VICKY: That car's assigned
to one of our sales reps.

Which one?
John DeMayo.

Is he in?

When will he be back?


Well, what, is he
out on a call?

I don't know. Um, why
don't you leave your card

and when he calls in, I'll
give him your information.

Okay. Meantime, mind if we
take a look in his office?

We won't touch anything.

I guess. It's this way.

This is it.


DeMayo must be
on the road a lot.

You have his home address?


John DeMayo?

Johnny. Who are you guys?

Detectives, Johnny. We need
to ask you a few questions.

Like what?

Like how'd a guy like you
luck into a job

you don't have to show up for?

Come on. I'm making a living, okay.
What do you guys want?

Tuesday night, somebody saw you in
this car in front of Bella Flora's.

Yeah, sure. I remember that. I was
waiting for a chick. Blind date.

Oh, yeah?
What's her name?

Gina something. She stood me
up, so I went to another bar.

What are you, her brother?

This bar have a name?

A bar with a name. You know
what, that's a great idea.

It was Donny's in Ozone Park. I
was there the rest of the night.

And Donny says whatever
you tell him to, right?

Hey, look guys, you know, I just
stopped in here to tap a kidney.

I've got to meet people in the city.
So if we're done...

Yeah. We'll talk again,
Johnny. Soon.

The only rugs he moves have
bodies rolled up in them.

So we got this mook

and a victim from Montana with plastic
surgery who speaks Brooklyn Italian.

Our victim's
a wiseguy in hiding?

A wiseguy whose
prints aren't on file.

Let's talk to
the U.S. Marshals.

Sorry, I came up blank
on those prints.

So you're saying
whoever's prints these are

isn't in your
Witness Protection Program?

Our policy is we can't confirm
or deny who's in the program.

What's this regarding?

The prints came up in connection
with an investigation.

What type of investigation? No.

First you tell us
whose prints these are.

We have our policies
too, Mr. Wheeler.

Sorry I couldn't help you.

Call if you need anything else.

I removed the chin implant to give
me the true width of the jaw.

I lengthened the earlobes.
Tucked in the cheek bones.

But the nose is a first,
he paid to make it bigger.

You think it's him?

Sure looks like him.

I heard he was in Puerto Rico.

Who are we talking about?

Nick Lagrassa,
a.k.a. Nicky Shakes.

Button man for the Virgini family.
Confessed to 23 murders.

Three years ago
he testified for the Feds.

Sent a dozen guys to Leavenworth
for the rest of their lives.

Well, now we know where he'll
spend the rest of his.

Can't wait to tell
the Marshals. Thanks.

WHEELER: This individual's
in your morgue?

Cut the crap. You got his
prints, you got his photos.

Is it Lagrassa?

It's Lagrassa.

How long has he been dead?

Since Tuesday night last week.

Tapped six times,
.22 caliber.


How about answering
one of our questions.

What was he doing in New York?

Frankly, we don't have a clue.

Mr. Lagrassa left
his relocation site

a week ago
without authorization.

What? He just
got homesick?

Any outstanding items
on his court schedule?

I'm not at liberty
to discuss that.

Listen, I don't need to play slap
and tickle with the U.S. Attorney.

The only leak you should
be concerned about

is the one to the press
if you don't cooperate.


We've been putting together a
RICO case against Alberto Napoli.

Lagrassa was going to testify
that he was present

when Napoli ordered the hit on
Louie Bonaventura five years ago.

Napoli's a big fish, k*lling
Lagrassa's right up his alley.

Napoli's arrest was still
six months down the road

and only if we could lock in
corroborating evidence.

All right, thanks for
the information.

We'll take it from here.

I'm sorry, Lieutenant,
this is our case.

Lagrassa is our witness.

Was your witness.

If you think you can just come...
Excuse me. Mr. Campos,

I'm not into all this
piss-and-mark-your-territory crap.

If I need your help,
I will call you.

You don't, you'll be talking
to the Attorney General.

CURTIS: Well, so far,

we only know that Johnny DeMayo
was staking out the restaurant.

And that Lagrassa
tried to avoid him.

What about Lagrassa's dinner
date, the tweed jacket?

Dead end.



Hold on.



Okay, thanks.

Well, the trace on Lagrassa's
new identity as Michael Tobias

has him using a credit card authorization
for a hotel off of Madison.

Oh, God!

They didn't miss a thing.

Yeah. Except for some beaded belts.
Silver buckles.

Lagrassa really went whole
hog for the cowboy look.

What happened here?
Who's Lagrassa?

Never mind.

We're gonna need a list of
phone calls from this room.

Isn't Mr. Tobias
coming back?


Well, Lagrassa was
living it up.

Most of his local calls
were to escort services.

The rest were to
the Hotel Vogue on 57th.

The 1935 number?

Well, check this out. The
calls to the 406 area code,

that's a phone company
message center in Montana.

Looks like he was calling
there every half hour.

Right before he
called the Hotel Vogue.

He calls Montana, picks up a message
from somebody at the Vogue,

then calls them.

Right. Lagrassa didn't want anybody
calling him direct at his hotel.

The question is,
who at the Vogue

was leaving messages
for him in Montana.

Do you have any idea how many
people stay here a night?

No, why don't we close the place
down and do a head count?

Mr. Walerstein,
I think I found the guest.

Dozens of calls to
the 406 area code.

The last one was this morning.

Ned Curren, Sydney, Australia.

But the credit card's
in the name of Brendan Hall.

Mr. Hall checked
in as Ned Curren.

Mr. Hall's
a distinguished author.

He doesn't want his
fans bothering him.

Don't worry. I just
bought it for the picture.

"When the world's most eligible
bachelor finally decided to marry,"

"many hoped it would be to someone
who looked more like Jackie O."

Thank God for the Kennedys.

Otherwise, a lot of bad writers
would be waiting tables.

Brendan Hall?

Oh, sorry. I thought you
might be process servers.

You want me to
sign that for you?

Actually, we're detectives.

What's this about?

Nicholas Lagrassa.
You know him?

Can't say I do.

He's the guy you were exchanging
phone calls with last week.

Also the guy you shared
a bottle of Chianti with

at Bella Rosa's
last Tuesday night.

What about him?

He's dead.

Dead? My God.

You feel like answering
some questions now?

I better talk to my lawyer
before I say anything.

Fine. He can meet you
down at the precinct.

Mr. Lagrassa was looking
for a ghost writer

to do a book about
his life in crime.

I flew in from Sydney
to meet with him.

This scum admits
to k*lling 23 people

and you think he rates a book?

An insider's look at the mob?
The public eats this stuff up.

Look, Joe Bonanno wrote a
book, so did Henry Hill,

Sammy "The Bull..."

Detective, I find the idea of making
money off of Lagrassa's crimes

as repulsive as you do.

But I admit I was curious.

You don't often get
to meet a real hitman.

So you had dinner with him.

It took a lot of cloak-and-dagger
phone calls to arrange.

Afterwards, I told him I
wasn't interested and I left.

Who knew where you
were having dinner?

No one.
Lagrassa insisted.

VAN BUREN: Who made the
reservation at Bella Flora's?

I did.

You just pulled
the name out of Zagat's?

The hotel concierge
recommended it to me.

Bella Flora's has
an outstanding reputation.

Why, did someone find
a roach in their soup?

Read the badges
carefully, Lionel.

We're not from
the health department.

Hall's dinner partner was m*rder*d after
he left the restaurant you picked.

I didn't have anything
to do with a m*rder.

You recommended a restaurant

where this guy
had his last meal.

You're involved.
Let me tell you something,

the job concierge takes on a
whole new meaning in Attica.

Danny Maxwell in housekeeping.

He paid me $100 to tell him
when Hall went anywhere.

I didn't give a penny
to that little flamer.

He says you did.

He says, she says.

We looked up your jacket, Danny.
You're on parole.

We hook you up to this hit,

you're gonna go back upstate for
the rest of your crummy life.

Hey, this guy Hall got hit?

Well, you know how the D.A.'s gonna look at it.
You set Hall up.

I swear I didn't know.

Well, who paid you
to keep tabs on Hall?

I tell you, what am I in for?

Maybe facilitation,
you do a b*llet,

you'll be back here
folding sheets.

This guy I know from the union.
He gave me 500 bucks.

Name of Johnny DeMayo.


OFFICER 1: We're clear.

OFFICER 2: Clear.


I 90¢ you.

He's still breathing.

The doctors say he's got a
punctured lung, fractured ribs.

One b*llet missed his heart
by about half an inch.

Fat and muscle's
what saved him.

Can he talk?

Any idea who shot him?

Probably the same people who
paid him to whack Lagrassa.

Guys like DeMayo
are expendable.

SALTZMAN: I need to see him.

Hey! Who are you?

Mort Saltzman.
I'm Mr. DeMayo's attorney.

His mother told me
he was here under arrest.

We need to talk, Mr. Saltzman.
Then you can see your client.

Rey, what happened
at DeMayo's door?

What? You starting to
pull your punches?

No. It was nothing.


You want to talk about it?

Won't happen again.

I hope not.

SALTZMAN: Do we absolutely
have to do this now?

JACK: In a couple of days,
I might not feel so generous.

I discussed your
offer with Mr. DeMayo.

He indicated he had nothing
to do with Lagrassa's death.

The people who tried to k*ll
him seem to think he does.

Mr. DeMayo woke up
in the middle of the night

and found two black men
burglarizing his apartment.

They shot him.

So he just coincidentally followed
Mr. Hall to a meeting with Lagrassa

hours before
Lagrassa was k*lled?

Officer, remove
those handcuffs.

What are you doing?

I'm pulling the guard
detail from his room.

You can't do that.
He's under arrest.

Not anymore.
He's on his own.

Those burglars can come
stuff a pillow in his face

and finish the job
for all I care.


He wants the same
deal Lagrassa got.

Four years in jail?

One year.

Lagrassa admitted
to 23 killings.

My client is only
accused of one m*rder.

And he wants to be put in the
Federal Witness Protection Program.

That's up to the
U.S. Attorney.

I'm sure you could work it out.

Assuming we can,
what do we get?

Al Napoli.

He ordered the hit on Lagrassa?

Told me himself.


Alberto Napoli?

RONNY: What's going on?

BRISCOE: Step away
from him, Ronny.


What're you doing? What does it look like?
We're arresting him.

News travels fast.
We're surveillance.

Then watch this. Alberto
Napoli, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of
Nicholas Lagrassa.

You have the right
to remain silent,

anything you say can be
used against you at trial.

Are you the altar boys? What?

It's okay, Pop.

He had a stroke eight months ago.
He's not right in the head.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be
appointed to you by a court of law.

Do you understand these rights?

"Case number 484193,
People v. Alberto Napoli,"

"conspiracy to commit m*rder
in the first degree,"

"m*rder in the first degree, attempted
m*rder in the first degree."

Mr. Napoli, your plea?

My client pleads
not guilty, Your Honor.

TORLEDSKY: People on bail?

Remand, Your Honor.

Your Honor, that's inhumane.

Mr. Napoli suffered a stroke
eight months ago.

He's under the constant
care of his doctor.

He should be sent home ROR.

He was healthy enough to order
the murders of two witnesses.

We want him held where he'll be unable
to conduct his criminal activities.

Your Honor, any confinement is
tantamount to a death sentence.

We have many fine doctors on the
prison ward at Bellevue, Mr. Dobbs.

The defendant is remanded.

I'll allow visits from
his personal physician

and members of his
immediate family.

Ah, his natural family.


We have thousands of photos,
hundreds of hours of tapes,

and so far we found
only six sh*ts of DeMayo

in the same frame with Napoli.

This one's from two years ago.

This one's from two months ago.

DeMayo's connected through his
cousin, a shylock on the West Side.

There's not one mention on the
tapes of a hit on Lagrassa.

It's a start.

Anything else you turn up...
CAMPOS: Mr. Schiff,

the U.S. Attorney
and the FBI

have been building a racketeering
case against Napoli for years.

ADAM: Soon as we convict him
of m*rder, he's all yours.

Mob prosecutions are the traditional
province of the U.S. Attorney's office.

Mr. Napoli committed
his crimes

against the taxpayers
of this county.

They've earned the first bite at the apple.
Leave the photos here.

Maybe we should let them take the case.
They have the resources.

Napoli's the last
one of his breed.

He goes, the mob goes with him.

Now, would you rather that
the Feds put him away or us?

We screw up, they'll
eat us for breakfast.

DEMAYO: I caught up
with him in the park.

I took him into the woods,
and then I clipped him.

ROSS: Describe exactly
what you did.

I had him take off his clothes.

I let him keep his boots.

Then I shot him
twice in the chest.

He went down. I shot
him four more times.

I found a piece of
rebar on the path.

I used it to bust up his face.

Why did you have him undress?

To show disrespect.
That's what you do.

ROSS: And breaking his teeth?

For opening his mouth.

Hey, I hope this
protection program works.

I got my teeth
capped last year.

Let's go on.

Yeah, okay.

So then I did all that, and
then I put him in the lake.

Then I got his ID
out of his clothes.

Why did you go to his hotel?

DEMAYO: Napoli wanted me
to look for material

related to what the Feds were up to.

Hey, I gotta hear that
every 10 minutes.

The Marshals have
gotta move me.

You're not going
anywhere, Mr. DeMayo.

Hey, come on now. I'm the guy
who clipped Nicky Shakes.

You have our
deepest appreciation.

Just to be clear.

You approached Napoli?


I heard this writer guy,
Brendan Hall, was in town

and that he might
hook up with Lagrassa.

Where did you hear that?

A friend. They don't
wanna be involved.

SALTZMAN: That individual can
be listed on the indictment

as a John Doe
unindicted co-conspirator.

So then, I told Paul Matera,

and he told Napoli.

And then I got to
see the man himself.

And he told me he'd consider
it a personal favor

if I clipped Lagrassa.

We're going to need to corroborate
Napoli's involvement.

DEMAYO: Like how?

Another witness.

Somebody else you told this to.


I was seeing this girl,

and she was with me when I picked
up a clean piece from Matera.

But I don't know, her and me,
we were like oil and vinegar.

ROSS: His name is Paul Matera.

We think you met him
with Mr. DeMayo

in a parking lot
four weeks ago.

Yeah. And say I did.
Then what?

You'd testify before a grand
jury and possibly at a trial.

Whose trial?

Alberto Napoli.


Johnny said he knew people like that.
I never believed him.

ROSS: We can protect you.

You're kidding me, right?

Look, maybe Johnny's stupid
enough to fall for that crap.

You're already on
a hit list, Ms. Grant.

Make no mistake,

your only hope is
to cooperate with us.


Johnny and I had dinner,

then he drove to this
parking lot on 23rd.

That man was there.

He gave Johnny a paper bag.
Johnny was all pumped up.

Showed me what was in the bag.
It was a g*n.

He said it was gonna
change his life.

This is some indictment.

Alberto Napoli, Paul
Matera, Johnny DeMayo,

plus an unnamed
unindicted co-conspirator.

Who would that be, Santa Claus?

We're in a hurry, Mr. Dobbs.
We have other cases.

And what does Adam Schiff
expect to get out of this,

besides photo ops for his
re-election campaign, of course?

Well, we're going
for a conviction.

(LAUGHS) With a nobody like Johnny
DeMayo as your star witness?

Look, even if someone
did want Lagrassa dead,

I mean, the idea that they would trust
DeMayo with it, it's laughable.

How smart do you have to be
to sh**t an unarmed man?

DOBBS: Look, I know you're all
on some sort of mission here,

but this case is
never going to trial.

I won't permit my client
to be made a spectacle of.

Motion to dismiss. He is not
competent to stand trial.

Since his stroke, Your Honor, Mr. Napoli
has suffered from disorientation,

memory impairment,
auditory hallucination

and paranoid delusions
of persecution.

He neither understands
the charges

nor can he assist
in his own defense.

Their medical records can't
be taken at face value.

This one diagnosed Mr. Napoli as
borderline Ret*rded with an IQ of 61.

This one diagnosed him
with an onset of Alzheimer's.

Mr. Dobbs, your experts

have him suffering from every
conceivable mental defect.

Regardless, Your Honor, they rebut the
initial presumption of competency.

The burden is now on the People

to prove that my
client is competent.

People v. Feyre.

The fact that he controls a criminal
organization speaks for itself.

I want to hear what the court
psychiatrist has to say first.

I'm ordering a 730 exam.



I forgot.

DR. SKODA: How about spelling
your last name?

I can hear singing.

Am I getting baptized?

Let's try something else.

I want you to count down
from 30 by subtracting 3.

Okay? So, 21, 24...

Go ahead.

Where's that singing
coming from?

They're singing my name.

It's okay, Pop.
There's no singing.

You almost done?
He's tired.

Just a few more questions.

Mr. Napoli, do you know
where you are?

Mr. Napoli, do you know
where you are?

In school.

Do you know you've
been arrested?

The archangel Michael

says I can't talk about that.

Do you know you're
charged with m*rder?

The archangel doesn't want
me talking about that.

Who's the archangel Michael?



RONNY: Now we're done?

What, time to
change his diaper?

Hey! He's sick.

You think that's funny?
He has accidents.

(LAUGHS) Al Napoli,
the diaper don.

What did you say?

You better apologize.

What? Does he play
with himself in public, too?

DOBBS: Calm down! Calm down.

That son of a bitch's
gonna show some respect.

You're right. I'm sorry.

JACK: After claiming he
didn't know where he was,


Mr. Napoli suddenly became
sufficiently aware of his surroundings

to quickly move
out of harm's way.

That shows a remarkable
presence of mind.

Your Honor, Dr. Skoda's examination
room theatrics notwithstanding,

my client's behavior
is consistent

with a diagnosis of
multi-infarct dementia,

schizophrenia and Alzheimer's.

JACK: Mr. Napoli's condition
is like a Chinese menu.

They've taken symptoms
from columns A, B and C,

to manufacture
a claim of incompetence.

Your Honor,
is Mr. McCoy suggesting

that my client is such
an accomplished actor

that he can fool
experts from Bellevue,

Johns Hopkins?

He didn't fool the camera. That
evidence speaks for itself.

He's malingering.

His condition is an elaborate
ruse to avoid prosecution.

Your Honor, that is
state-sponsored blackmail.

Calm down, Mr. Dobbs.

This is a mental
competency hearing.

I'm sure if the threat
of imminent prosecution

were removed permanently,

Mr. Napoli would experience
a remarkable recovery.

I find the defendant fit
to proceed to trial.

Parties to meet in
my chambers on Monday

to set a trial date.
We're adjourned.

You're trying to k*ll him.
That's what you want.

What kind of people are you?

This is gonna be fun.

RUGGIERO: As these
photos show,

Johnny DeMayo was a known associate
of the Napoli crime organization.

In this photo, please identify
the man standing to his left.

That's the second
defendant Paul Matera.

He's what we call
a street boss.

He oversees the day-to-day operations
of the Napoli organization.

In your experience,

could a street boss
order an assassination

without his boss's approval?

No, not without suffering
dire consequences.

Did there come a time
when you observed

Mr. Napoli in the
privacy of his home?

Yes. The bureau had an apartment in a
high-rise across the street from him.

And what did you observe?

He talked to his family,

read documents and what appeared
to be leather-bound record books.

He received visitors and spoke to
them in an authoritative manner.

Thank you.

Agent Ruggiero, you couldn't
actually hear what he was saying,

isn't that right?

Yes. We didn't have
a bug in his home.


So as far as you know that, he
could've been speaking nonsense.

And as for these record books,

they could have
been photo albums?


For the six months
that you watched my client,

did you ever see him
speak to Mr. DeMayo?


Or make a gesture
to him or wave hello?

Not that I saw.

Did you observe Mr. DeMayo
during that period

ever perform any service
for my client?

One time.

Oh? What was that?

He brought coffees to his car.

He delivered coffees?


And this is the man that my client
hired to k*ll Nick Lagrassa?

Well, if that isn't proof that
he's mentally incompetent,

I don't know what is.

Thank you. No further
questions, Your Honor.

Delivery boy. I brought
him coffee once.

Get over it, Mr. DeMayo, or they'll
eat you alive on the stand.

He's right, Johnny.

Yeah, okay, I'm sorry.

Okay. I forgot.
Where were we?

The question was,
please tell us what happened

after you took
Mr. Lagrassa into the woods.

Right, okay.

I had him take off his clothes.

Then I shot him
twice in the chest.

He went...

I meant, I let him
keep his boots

then I shot him
twice in the chest.

He went down.
I shot him four more times.

I found a piece of rebar...

JACK: Hold on.

Did you memorize
your testimony?

Yeah. So? I just want to
keep it straight in my head.

Juries don't like witnesses
who sound rehearsed.

If you leave something out,
just move on.

I'll come back to it
in a follow-up question.

Yeah. Okay.
Whatever you say.


Lagrassa had a large bruise on his right side.
Did you kick him?

DEMAYO: A bruise?

Oh, yeah, I kicked him.
I forgot that.

All right.
9:00 a.m., Monday.

Get plenty of rest.

Lagrassa wasn't bruised.

DeMayo's lying.
He didn't k*ll Lagrassa.

He got a contract from Napoli and had
somebody else do the dirty work?

We got two days to find out.

The John Doe who told DeMayo
the author was in town?

Start there.

Brendan Hall says only his
lawyer knew he was in town.

He was pretty rabbity. Checked
in under an assumed name,

would only talk to us with the lawyer,
and then only off the record.

What was he worried about?

I don't know. Process
servers for one thing.

Guys who write tell-all books
tend to get sued a lot.

Let's see.

Hall, Brendan.

Middle name?


Here's one, it's about his Kennedy book.
Libel and defamation.

$50 million! No wonder Hall
was keeping a low profile.

Here's another lawsuit.

Brendan Hall, Nicholas Lagrassa

and Mattawin Publishing,

Look at the plaintiffs.
There must be 30 of them.

Albanese, Andrea
Albanese, Julia.

Disanto, Marie.
Macavoy, Diane.

Call me crazy, but those
are the family names

of the people Lagrassa k*lled.

The suit alleges Lagrassa, Hall and the
publishers had made a contract for a book.

The victim's families are suing
under the Son of Sam laws

to collect whatever
Lagrassa was being paid.

That opens up a whole
new universe of suspects.

Oh, I think I might've
narrowed it down.

17 years ago, Lagrassa k*lled the
owner of a sporting goods store,

Sam Panetti.

He owed money to
the wrong people.

He was found shot dead. Stripped to his shorts.
His teeth knocked in.

He has a daughter, Victoria.

She's a plaintiff in the suit.

Victoria. Vicky Grant?

One and the same.
She could be our sh**t.

We can't let DeMayo
take the stand.

If we ask for a delay, the
defense will smell trouble.

It's that or suborning perjury

if he testifies
he k*lled Lagrassa.

I know.

Talk to the other plaintiffs. See what
they have to say about Vicky Grant.

Lagrassa k*lled my brother 'cause
he couldn't pay a gambling debt.

ROSS: And now you
were suing him?

The government gave him four
years for k*lling 23 people.

Now they were gonna let him
write a book, make big money.

What did Vicky Grant
think about it?

She was 12 when
Lagrassa k*lled her dad.

Our lawyer said it could take
years to find the money.

(SIGHS) Vicky got fed up.
Dropped out of the suit.

Did you know Hall was
meeting with Lagrassa?

The book writer
comes from Australia.

We'd been trying
to serve him papers.

Our lawyer found out
he was gonna be in New York.

Did Vicky know?

I told Marie Disanto, she told
Andrea Albanese, and like that.

We all keep in touch.

Why the emergency meeting?


Hey, this better not
take all day.

The pro bowl starts
in half an hour.

Sit down.

Hey, I got a big day tomorrow.

If I want to relax,
I'm gonna relax.

Shut up and sit down.

What's got into him?

You'd better sit down.

You didn't sh**t Nick Lagrassa!

Well, then who did?

ROSS: Vicky Grant.

Vicky? Come on!

She was at the restaurant.
The maitre d' identified her.

When Lagrassa gave you the
slip, she followed him.

JACK: Isn't that what
happened, Mr. DeMayo?

Maybe you didn't
hear me the first time.

You don't fill in the blanks, we're
throwing you out on the street.

By the end of the day, you'll
be back where we found you,

in a pool of your own blood.

And if he talks?

He remains a protected witness.

Yeah, okay.

She told me about that
writer coming to town.

The idea was, we're gonna grab
Lagrassa, take him someplace,

and then she was
gonna k*ll him.

But things didn't
work out that way,

and she took care
of it on her own.

Then she came back to get me.

I ditched the body,
and I got rid of her g*n.

And she let you take
the credit with Napoli?

She didn't know about Napoli.

Before all this happened,
I went to him,

to get his okay on
k*lling Lagrassa.

JACK: You wanted to
play the hero,

the man who clipped
Nicky Shakes.

I wanted respect.

And you didn't tell Napoli that your
girlfriend was part of the plan?

The police picked her up
20 minutes ago.

This is a disaster.

She's the sh**t.

Napoli didn't know. We can't
pin the m*rder on him.

He did conspire
to k*ll Lagrassa.

Yeah. According to who?

DeMayo? The man perjured
himself before the grand jury.

Some case.

We might still
get a conviction.

And Napoli might
get all of six years.

I wanted him put behind
bars forever, for m*rder.

The Feds will
laugh themselves silly.

Johnny DeMayo gave you up.

An eyewitness placed
you in the restaurant.

By tomorrow, we'll have
recovered the w*apon you used.

You dragged her up here
to watch you beat your chest?

We're prepared to be lenient.

ROSS: You avenged your father.

You couldn't stand the idea
Lagrassa might write a book

and make money off his crimes.

JACK: There's enough
mitigation here

for a plea of
first-degree manslaughter.

But we need you to testify
to it at Napoli's trial.

You'll be in prison for a year.

After that, you'll go into
Federal Witness Protection.


It wasn't
"might write a book."

Lagrassa had
the book in his hand.

He got it from the writer
in the restaurant.

He said a book company
gave him nearly

half a million dollars
for his story.

He said he would
split it with me

if I let him get away.

You still have the draft?

Someone else k*lled
Mr. Lagrassa?

Was this woman also acting
on orders from Mr. Napoli?


Ms. Grant was unaware
that Mr. Napoli was involved.

Your Honor,
it sounds like my client

is off the hook on
the m*rder charge.

I'm moving to dismiss.

I'm inclined to
agree, Mr. McCoy.

The charges against Mr. Napoli
can't be sustained.

Unless Ms. Grant was
a part of his conspiracy.

(LAUGHS) How could she? Neither of
them knew the other was involved.

People v. Treuber.

Ms. Grant made an agreement with
Mr. DeMayo to k*ll Lagrassa,

and Mr. DeMayo made one with Napoli.
That's a conspiracy.

The fact that the right hand didn't know
what the left was doing is immaterial.

You have the cite?

Your Honor, it's too late for
Mr. McCoy to amend the indictment.

Ms. Grant isn't named
as a conspirator.

Yes, she is.

As the John Doe

who gave information to
DeMayo about Mr. Hall.

Ms. Grant has
agreed to testify?

JACK: Yes, Your Honor.

Have her in my
courtroom tomorrow.

I'm denying your
motion to dismiss.

Judge Larkin went for it.

We've gotta have Vicky Grant
prepped for tomorrow morning.

I've been reading Lagrassa
and Hall's masterpiece.

I'll wait for the movie. You
don't want to wait that long.

GRANT: Lagrassa begged
me for his life.

He offered me money.

I got in his face.


I told him that I was
the daughter of Sam Panetti,

and I shot him,
like the dog that he was.

And then?

I broke his teeth,

just like he did to my father.

I went back to look for Johnny.

That idiot was still at the restaurant.
We drove to the park.

He put the body in the lake.

I gave him my g*n, and he
dropped me off at the subway.

And what did you
do with the book?

I kept it.

People's 64, Your Honor.

Is this the manuscript
you took from Mr. Lagrassa?

Yes, it is.

"“Mob Life by Nicholas
Lagrassa with Brendan Hall."

I'd like you to read
the passage I marked.


"When Joey's brother
came out of Attica,"

"Joey wanted to set him up
in his own business."

"His brother liked sports"

"so a sporting goods store
seemed like a natural."

"Panetti's on Atlantic Avenue
owed us 20 bills."

"We called in the note."


"Panetti was found dead"

"in Prospect Park
by a man walking his dog."

And Mr. Panetti
was your father?



bastard Lagrassa,

they were gonna put
him on Larry King,

get a big-name actor
to play him in a movie

and make a hero out of him.

A piece of dirt
like Nick Lagrassa.

These wiseguys,
they are psychos and losers,

and everybody loves them.

And I don't get it.

I'd like you to read

one more passage.

"Joey and I were at Stark's
Restaurant with Al Napoli

"when we heard the Feds popped
Frank Masucci for m*rder.

"Al said..."
Objection, Your Honor.


LARKIN: No. I'm going to allow it.
The objection is overruled.

Go ahead, Ms. Grant.


"Al said Masucci
should claim insanity,"

"like John Hinckley,
the man who shot Reagan."

"Al said that's what
he'd do if he got arrested,"

"a crazy act."

Thank you.

Two hours to return a guilty verdict.
Must be some kind of record.

We'd like to talk about a
sentence recommendation.

He was convicted of m*rder one.

First he serves life,
then we can talk.

And if my client had
some information to offer?

The five families,

the Russian mob, Chinese,
Jamaican, the whole melting pot.

What kind of time
are you looking for?

No time.

He goes straight
into Witness Protection.

I mean, Adam Schiff'll be
prosecuting cases

for the next 10 years
on his testimony.

I'm not giving him a walk.

One year. Somewhere near the city.
He has grandchildren.


Two years?

Maybe I'll write a book.

In the end, they all
rat each other out.

And we all end up paying
their living expenses.

Or buying their memoirs.

Time to share the good news.
Happy faces, everybody.

WOMAN: All right.

WOMAN 2: Mr. Schiff.
Mr. Schiff.

Can you comment?
Mr. Schiff. Sir. Sir.
Post Reply