14x09 - Skye's the Limit

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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14x09 - Skye's the Limit

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I'll be coming to Chicago soon.

Skye Wexler, new attending.

-I'm doing the overnights with
-Nice to meet you

All right. It's about
Dr. Moretti.

I think you should replace him
with someone...

...who knows how to do the job.

This is my surprise. Niko, this
is Abby. Abby, my brother Niko.


Sarah, shake a leg.
We gotta get going.

-Can I have a sleepover tonight?
-Tonight? I don't know, Sarah.

Tony, now that I'm back living

...me and my BFFs has some
serious catching up to do.

-How many BFFs are we talking?
-A few.

I promise we won't make mess or
noise and we'll be asleep by 3.



So it's okay?

-Yeah, it's all right.

Your friend Julia can come too.
She's cool.

She is, but she's busy tonight.

Why don't I pick you up some
videos and maybe some pizza,
ice cream?

-Cool. You're the best.
-Yes, yes, I am.

Oh, you should know.

Steffie's a vegan, Kiki has a
soy allergy and Mary Claire is
lactose intolerant.

What's left to eat, air?


All right, come on, Joey.



What time did you get to bed?
I didn't hear.

Oh, I didn't get to bed
till early this morning...

...because I'm writing up a case
for grand rounds.

-Hi, honey.
[IN ENGLISH] You need your

Well, late night's the only time
it's quiet around here, so--

-Hey, come here, come here.
-It's my fault, keeping Luka up.

No, I didn't mean to imply

Yeah, we wasted so much time not

-Now it seems we can't shut up.

No, no, it's good that you two
have this time together. Um....

But, you know, I have to go,
okay? Bye-bye.

-Bye, sweetie. Bye-bye.

Hey, so I'll stop by later.

Frank's been holding my mail.
I need to talk to Anspaugh.

Okay, well, find me.

we should all go out sometimes.

That way, we could talk
a little bit more, and....

I can tell everyone in Croatia
what you're like.

Yeah. I mean, we will.

I just need to get a break
in my schedule.

Bye, Joe.

I know I don't know you
very well yet...

...but anyone who can make
my brother this happy is, uh....



Extraordinary person.


And thank you for the Thai food

Best Tom Yum Gai
I've had outside of Phuket.

Well, any time you wanna vent
over a bowl of sticky rice...

-...just let me know.
-Hey, why is Mrs. Lawlor still

Medicine won't accept her
without CT results.

The CT isn't gonna change
the management. Come on.

Frank, where's Anspaugh?

Don't sh**t the messenger.
He said he'd be down.

Hey, Dawn, did you get the,
uh, EKG for the CHF'er?

I tried,
but someone moved your patient.

There's a baby in Curtain 4.

Thought that's where they put
the septic hip.

How can you accept a
Neurosurgery transfer if we
don't have a bed?

-We have to if it's for higher
-Not if we don't have a bed.

Neurosurgery can see them even
if there isn't an inpatient bed.

Were we talking to you?
Do you have chest CT results?

No. Okay, hold your water.
Ultrasound is on the phone

Somebody has to pick up
that ovarian-cyst lady.

Listen up. Two victims, one
critical with vascular injury.

Three-minute ETA.

Okay, people, gather around.
Everybody, gather around.

Morning, everyone. I know we're
all busy, so I'll be brief.

I have some unfortunate news.

It's with deep regret
that I announce Dr. Moretti...

...will not be returning to the

Kevin fully intended his absence
to be temporary...

...but due to personal

...he's not certain when
or if he will be able to return.

Here we go again.

A search committee will be
convened, find a replacement to

-Dr. Anspaugh.

With all due respect,
the ER needs a chief now. Today.

There's a lack of communication
among the staff and departments.

Waiting room times are up
and patient care is compromised.

Yeah. We can't wait,
and neither can our patients.

Yes, it sounds like it can't

So until the search committee
meets and until further

...the acting chief of the ER
will be Dr. Wexler.



She's a sly one, that Skye.

You see the surprised look on
her face when Anspaugh made her
acting chief?

-She didn't look surprised.

I'll admit, I believed her
funky, laid-back surfer-girl

-But she's been playing us.
-She's only been here for a

-How could she know what ER
-She can't.

Cannery accident.

Sleeve caught in a conveyor
belt. Pulled his arm into a
metal cutter.

Long extrication, heavy blood

-What's your name, sir?
-Um.... Murphy.

-He's out of it.
-Got 15 of morphine.

-Type and cross, CBC, chemistry.
-Call for O-neg too.

-Who does Skye think she is?
-Let it go.

She's not fooling anybody.
She wants the job.

I don't want it.

Hey, I hear congratulations
are in order.

You make me acting chief
just like that?

Okay, well, I got a lap chole
to scrub in on.

-Don't I have a say?
-You did.

You made it quite clear
the ER needs a leader.

I am not the administrator type.

But you are the most experienced
ER Attending we have.

I only signed on at County
as a moonlighter.

Well, your new duties
will require more than that.

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

Budget meetings, politicking
and ass-kissing?

This is not me.

I'm gonna be surfing
in Uluwatu at Christmas.

Well, look, the bump in

...will buy more sun block,
board wax and shark repellent.

Dr. Anspaugh, all I want is to
do my shifts and get out of

Dr. Wexler, I need you to step

So it's either Dodge or nothing.



NEELA: You use the ratcheted
forceps to grasp the apex of the

Harold, you into the blues?

-Watch the omentum, Neela.
-Yeah, I see it.

HAROLD: Recent events have led
me to discover that musical

My true passion is the urban
blues style of the '70s.

Sam Lay, Jimmy Rogers,
Magic Slim.

Carey Bell, Eddy Clearwater,
Left Hand Frank.

Dr. Zelinsky, what do you see?


The cystic duct and artery.

NEELA: The next step is to
dissect them circumferentially,
taking care to--

That's my beeper.
Could somebody get it?

Thanks. It's the ER.

What, you're leaving?

Yeah. I'll pop my head back in
after I've checked in.

No, you can't.
I mean, where's Dr. Crenshaw?

He's stuck in fem-pop bypass
on a 400-pounder.

You're doing great, Neela.
You got this.



-Get ready to ligate the cystic
-You know what this means,

-Yeah, to ligate, we--
-No, not that.

-You are the senior surgeon in
the room.
-I'm aware of that.

Listen, about before, I had no
idea Anspaugh was gonna do that.

I'm sure if we work together,
we can get this place back.

-Yeah, sounds good.
-You've been here longer than

...so I hope I can pick your
brain when things come up.

Sure, anytime.

Anything going on
that I need to know about?

Morris and Abby are with an
industrial-accident victim in 1.

And the second victim is

-Okay, I'll go check on them.
-All right.

Hey, Frank.

Dr. Wexler's gonna make
a terrific chief.

And personally, I have no
problems taking orders from a


Call Radiology. We're still
waiting on that chest CT.

-I called them three times.
-Fourth time's a charm, Frank.

I liked you when you were a

Dolores Salazar, cleaning woman,
injured while trying to free a

PRATT: Sam, what's open?
SAM: Curtain 2.

Gates, go with Sam.
Skye's in 1, let her know.

Vitals stable, full range,
minimal blood loss.

I'm Dr. Gates. You have problems
with any medicines?

No, no problems.

-Mr. Murphy is okay?
-I don't know who that is.

You allergic to anything?

-Sorry, my English is not good.
-Yeah, my Spanish is muy bad.

-High school French.

-Hey, Chuny, we need a
-Be right there.

-Do you know how my husband is?
-Pop's a tough SOB.

The doctors can answer
all your questions.


You're welcome.

MORRIS: Damn, what a mess.
-Hand is dusky. No radial pulse.

Oh, this is bad.

DAWN: BP is 80 systolic.
-Honey, John and I are here.

-Stop pushing.
-Grady, set up. Abby, supervise.

-Betadine, sterile drapes,
central line.
-Let them do their thing.

-Sure you want an intern doing a
-He can handle it.

Do we have matched blood yet?

DAWN: Another five minutes.
MORRIS: Hang the O-neg.


MORRIS: Sir, you need to hold
still. Sorry.
-I wanna sedate and intubate

His airway's okay.
We need to control the bleeding.

-Yes, you do, soon.
-I'm on this, okay?

Okay, how are we doing?

MORRIS: Tied off the artery.
Just lots of nonviable tissue.

-Got a flash.

Ortho and vascular
if there's even a chance.

-Okay, who are you?
-I'm Dr. Dubenko from Surgery.

He's three hours out.

Dr. Wexler, second cannery
victim is in Curtain 2.

She has a few lacerations,

-That patient, she the cleaning

-Be right there.
ABBY: Femoral line's in.

Another unit of saline.

We're gonna need your consent
including all possibilities.

-Okay, like what?

-No. No.
-We will do everything in our

No, you know, you're saying my
father's gonna lose his arm...

...but that dumb spic,
she's gonna walk away?

-Calm down.

Ma'am, I cannot take your
husband to the O.R. until you

No, no way.
No, we want a second opinion.

Pop. Pop.

Don't worry about anything,
okay? They're not gonna take a

Okay, guys, what do we have?

This is Dolores Salazar.
This is Dr. Wexler.

-Neurovascularly, she's intact.

This one needs a two-layer
closure. The rest can be

So, Dolores, what happened

I clean and I hear moaning,
and I see a man, Mr. Murphy.


His arm was in the machine.
It was full of blood.

He begged her to help him.

And then what happened?

-I know the yellow box.
CHUNY: The yellow box?


The green button was on.

And she pushed the red button
to shut it off.

Electrical control box.

I yell for help. Try to help.

But his arm, it is stuck.

-And that's how you got hurt.

You're a very brave woman.

-No, not me.
SAM: Are you kidding?

The company should give you a



This is Manny, Manuel.

-This is my son.


It was nice to meet you,

Chuny, tell him his mother
will be discharged.


I speak English.

Manny goes to college.

The first Salazar to go law

It's pre-law, Mama,
and these people don't care.

Chuny, will you cover this
closure with loose gauze
dressing, please?

-Dolores, we'll be back soon.

Thank you.



-Nice kid. His mom's proud of

Extra blankets are in the hall

No. Because it's R-rated.

-How is Sarah?
-Driving me crazy.

Having a sleepover, it's like
she's planning Normandy.

-Well, she's a teenager and a
-Yeah, nothing I can't handle.

-Yeah, Dubenko saw him.

The family won't consent
without a second opinion.

Open fracture, proximal humerus.
Arm already looks ischemic.

ANSPAUGH: I'll be right down.

Hey, Sam. I heard you have to
pass a strength test before
shifts for Transport.

They wanna make sure you can

-Make a muscle.
-What? No.

Look. Check out the g*ns.

-Those are more like water
-No, I can help you train.

I took the liberty of getting
you some fitness balls.

Start with the lighter one,
and you squeeze.

Archie, you couldn't pay me
to touch your balls.

Gates, Exam 3.
Kid with a facial lac. Here.


Hey, Pratt, for what it's worth,
I think Anspaugh should've
picked you.

Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.
Skye's more than welcome to it.

You know what? I'm going out
to get a coffee. I'll be right


-You okay?


Maybe you wish Anspaugh tapped
you instead of Skye?

-Hey, that was his choice.
-Talk to him.

-Tell him you want it.
-I already did, months ago.


Look, I know I'm too young
and less experienced...

...than Skye or Moretti or Kovac
or Weav-- Even that nutcase

But, man, I'd be good at it.

-You'll get your sh*t.
-Really? When?

Hmm? How long do I have to wait?

What do I do
to be taken seriously?

DAWN: Dr. Morris,
we need you in Trauma 1.

-Murphy's arm started gushing.

I don't know, man.
What else can you do?

I mean, it's not like you're
gonna quit in protest.

We're on our third unit.

Keep the blood bank ahead two
units. Order FFP.

-I thought you had this under
-I got the artery.

-Might be DIC.
-Did you push five more

Moretti said not to give meds
without orders.

Moretti's not here. Push it.

BP's back up to 120 systolic.

-It's not DIC. He's
-Had to give fluids, he was
bleeding out.

-He's bleeding out?
-Ever heard of controlled

-You bitch. Look what you did.
-Keep the BP around 90.

No, don't worry about my dad.
Enjoy your free medical care.

-Anything else our taxes can pay
WEXLER: That is not helping your

-Free school for your niños?
-Talk to me.

-Venous hemorrhage.
-He was fine.

-Started bleeding again.
-Axilla's a mess. Crits?

ABBY: Twenty-four, down from 30.
DUBENKO: Curved Kelley.

-What's his BP?

That's too high. It's called
controlled hypotension.

-When are you gonna learn this?
-That's what I told them.

DUBENKO: Okay, that should hold
him for a while.

He needs the O.R.
What have you decided?

Uh-- I don't know.

-We're waiting on a second
-We're gonna wait for that.

Did you talk to Anspaugh?

-Well, why isn't he here?

Get him down here
and get consent now.

Dr. Wexler, can I have a minute?

-Yes, Dr. Morris?
-I was thinking I should be

But then I figured since you're
new here, I'd help you out.

-Help me.
-Back-seat doctoring doesn't go

-Is that what you think?
-Instead of criticizing, you
could help.

It's called collaboration.

When a decision needs to be made
about my patients, I will make

I see. Anything else?

Yeah. Yeah, what's with all the
buddy-buddy business with

Conferring with Dr. Dubenko
on a surgical case...

...is somehow bad or disloyal?

This is our case.
Until we hand it over, we--

Get a life, Morris.

Excuse me. I'm not done yet.

Ugh. Kicked in the face. I know
how that feels. Not good, huh?

-All right, here, go like this
for me:

All right, no jaw dislocation.

-Tate's gonna need some

Take it easy, son.

Don't worry, I'll make sure
you don't feel a thing, okay?


Doctor says it's all gonna be

GATES: Set me up sterile saline
and an irrigation tray.

Sorry about that.

-About what?
-Oh, he's the sensitive type.

You know, I thought karate was
gonna toughen him up, but....

Well, he's not his older
brother. There's one tough kid.

Cystic duct is clear.

HAROLD: We're kicking ass.
-Don't jinx it.

So, Harold, you have any
pictures from the homecoming

I don't need any pictures
to remember that magical night.

All I have to do is close my
eyes and I'm there.

A little suction here.
You and Lacey had a good time?

It was awesome.

I only ask because you never

And you were a little
apprehensive about the night's,
um, expectations.

A gentleman never kisses and


All right, so, Tate, I'm gonna
get the anesthesia--

I don't want anything.

-Don't give me anything for the

I wanna be tough.
I wanna show my dad I can do it.

You seem tough.
You took a kick in the face.

-Yeah, and I cried like a big
-There's nothing wrong with

That's not what my dad thinks.

-If I were you, I would want

I don't need it.

-Hey, Greg.

Can't stay away, can you?


You can't hide
from the U.S. Postal Service.

-Thanks for holding it for me,
-No problem.

-How's your dad?
-Doing better.

He's under 24-hour care.
My cousin's looking in.


-Come back to get the stitches
-We'll make sure she does.


-Get the paperwork for workers'
-That won't be necessary.

Oh, but she got hurt on the job,
so she's eligible.

Actually, she's not.
She's paid off the books.

So you're undocumented?

No, she's illegal. Come on, just
tell it like it is.

-You should go back to Mexico.
-She's from El Salvador.

-But to you, we're all the same.
-I'm tired of pressing one for

-That's enough.

No, my father is probably gonna
be a cr*pple, and it's all her

You're wrong.
She got hurt helping him.

What? What? What?

You people, you want everything
we got. Why don't you work for

My mother's been working here
longer than you.

This is not the place.

Amigo, I got no problem
with you foreigners coming here.

Get on the list, wait your turn.
Don't go sneaking across our

I was born here, man.
I'm as American as you.

-Frank, call security.
-You're a criminal.

I'm gonna make sure that they
deport your fruit-picking...

road ass.

-Hey, knock it off. Ow!
DOLORES: Manuel.

What do you have to say now?
What you gonna do now?

-Get him off.
-Break it up, break it up.

Okay, people, show's over.

-Hey, can I go be with my dad
-Yeah, just a minute, Mr.

-You okay, Sam?
-Yeah, I think I just caught an

You saw, he att*cked me.
It wasn't my fault.

Someone put a g*n to your head,
made you say stuff.

Okay, you know, I was upset,
okay? My dad, he's all messed

So, chief, what do you wanna do?

Well, I think....

I'd like to hear what you think.


Well, he didn't take the first
swing and his dad is in bad

So I say we escort him back,
post security in the hall.

Well, I say, sick dad or no sick
dad, we keep his r*cist ass in

Yeah, I'm with Pratt.

Okay, thank you for your input.

We'll go with your suggestion,
Dr. Morris.

-Take him back to Trauma 1.
MORRIS: You can see your father

Let's go. You too.

Hey, Sam, I left something for
you in your locker.

-What is it?
-Oh, I can't say.

But it's guaranteed to pump you
up. Ha.

-Morris wants to give you a
-Not if I can help it.

So are you playing tour guide
for your brother?

Well, we've been to Navy Pier
and Sears Tower.

But what he really wants to see
is a taping of Oprah.

Kovac, I gotta say,
you always have perfect timing.

I thought you staged all that
to welcome me back.

You know, the break room was
open if you wanna go through

And I think the coffee's
only about two hours old.

-I'll buy you a cup. Come on.
-All right.

I'll be in the break room
if you need me.

Take your time.

Hey, Frank, would you mind
buying a couple dozen doughnuts?

-Yeah. My treat, for everyone.

-Frank, you all right?
-You know what I think?

I think Skye is an angel
sent to walk among us.


UDECKER: Who the hell knows
how long we're gonna be here?

Reschedule the home inspection
for Monday.

Mr. Udecker, Tate just told me
he doesn't wanna be numbed up...

...before I suture.

-Tate said that?
-Wants to prove he's tough.

Really? Okay.

Okay? He's gonna be in a lot of

-That's fine with you?

If he wants to man up,
it's better to learn now.

-It's cold out there in the real
-He's 13. This is wrong and

You have children?

No, I don't.

Then who the hell are you
telling me how to raise my kid?

Just do your job and sew up my

Okay, boss. Whatever you say.

So when you getting back
on the schedule? Here.

-Uh, next week. Thanks.

Is there any chance you'll
consider being chief again?


You know, Moretti's gone.

And today, Anspaugh made Skye
the acting chief.


-How about you?
-Me? No.

No, I'm years away from that.

In fact, I was thinking maybe
it's time for me to start
looking around.

-Build up my résumé.
-Leave County?

I might need
a letter of recommendation.

So I was wondering,
maybe you could write me one.

Yeah, of course, Greg. But, uh,
if you wanna run an ER one

...there's no better place to

Yeah, maybe.

But I'm feeling real invisible
around here.

Well, what have you been doing
to get attention?

-What do you mean?
-Well, be proactive.

Show Anspaugh and the
administration you can make
their lives easier.

What do they always complain

Document compliance,
medication reconciliation.

Just give them a plan to fix it.

Dr. Pratt, sats are down
on your pneumonia guy.

All right, I'll be right there.

I'll let Abby know that you're

-It's good that you're back,

I know she missed you.

Hey, and...


I'll think about what you said.

Mr. Murphy, can you wiggle your
fingers for us?

DAWN: Ancef is in.
-So, what about my dad's arm?

He's suffered nerve and artery
damage and I doubt if we can
repair it.

Okay, that's not good enough.

If you leave a non-viable arm
attached, it could k*ll him.

-I'll sign the consent.
-No, Ma.

Ma, what are you saying?
Dad's gonna lose everything.

How's he gonna work, okay?
How's he gonna drive?

-How's he gonna play pool?
-There are a lot of great

Your father can live a long and
productive life without his arm.

I thought your friends
liked my impressions.

What? What do you mean they
don't know who Elvis Presley is?

Well, then stop calling me.
I didn't call you. Goodbye.


Problems with the Normandy

The Allied forces had it easier
with the Germans.

I'm not gonna get an ounce of
sleep. Her friends are gonna
keep me up all night.

Gonna want me to tell them
my funny stories.

And, you know, DJ and such.

-Can I help you?
-Where do you guys keep the TAC?

-It's right here.
-Oh, good.

And could you mix up, uh, 30
mics of fent with 3 cc's of
sterile NS...

...and load it in an atomizer
for me?

What are you doing?

I've got this sweet kid. He's
got a facial lac, he needs

Wants to be tough for his old
man, so he doesn't want

You're gonna give the boy
anesthesia without telling him?

-Yeah. Gonna think he's toughing
it out.
-You can't without the dad's

The dad's an assh*le. And trust
me, this kid needs to win.

-Look, it's a topical agent.

And a tiny whiff of fent.
It's like zero risk.


-Where are they?
-Exam 3.

-I'll meet you there.
-All right.

Thank you, Sam. Thank you very

Keep him on nasal canula and
continuous pulse ox till he's
more awake.

We'll tell your family
everything went well, and then
send them in to see you.

I remember my homecoming date

Way to go, tiger.


That's right.

-Harold, what's the matter?

You should be on top of the
world. We rocked in there.

She left the dance
with somebody else.

Who? Lacey?

-That's awful.
-I can't say I blame her.

I mean, Ned Birnbaum is the
president of the chess club.

How can I compete with that?

Well, you know,
it's her loss, not yours.

I bet they had sex.

I bet she had my sex
with Ned Birnbaum.

Someday you're gonna meet
the right girl, fall in love...

...and your first time
is gonna be special.

I don't think so.

I think I'm gonna end up
a lonely old virgin.

Hey, you mustn't give Lacey or
any girl the power to make you
feel bad.

You've done something well.
Don't let her ruin that.

What good is success when you
have no one to share it with?

UDECKER: Can we get this show on
the road?

-Okay, big sniff, Tate.
-What's that?

Oh, it's something to dry Tate's
nose up so it doesn't run and
mess up the field.

Ready? One, two, three.

-Good job.
-All right.

-Are you ready?

Still time to back out.

All right.

Hold still.

All right.

-How you feeling, buddy?
-That doesn't hurt at all.

Really? Well, you're tougher
than I am.

He's got a high tolerance for


What do you know?

Way to go, son.

Okay, Mr. Zangolia, the
endocrinologist will be right


-Heard you had a fight.
-More like I helped break one

-Did you bring Joe with you?
-No, he and Niko are home

-It's November.
-I know, I know.

But Niko won't be here for the
holidays and he wanted to
celebrate with us.

-What? What's the matter?

-You don't like my brother?
-He's great. Did he have to
visit now?

-You said you wanted to meet my
-Yeah, someday.

You were gone for a really long

-You want me to ask him to
-No, no. That's not what I mean.

-I just....
-Listen, I'm sorry.

I know it was tough for you
with me being away.

You think?

To be honest, things have seemed
a little tense since I've been

I think it's because you and I
haven't had time--

Do you think it's wrong for me
to want you to myself?

-It was tough for me too.

Because from the stories Niko
tells, it sounds like you two
had a lot of fun.

-Yes, while I was here alone...

...working, taking care of Joe
and paying the bills.

Half the time,
I didn't know where you were.

I was taking care of my dying

-Oh, hey there.

-Don't worry about it.

Not too awkward.

-Is that Dr. Kovac?
-Yeah. He's a great guy.

I thought he'd be taller.

-My father has multiple myeloma.
-I know.

You're a doctor,
I'd think you'd understand.

Of course I understand.

But your being there didn't
change his diagnosis or his

-Your life is here.
-You think I liked being miles

Yes, at times. I heard it in
your voice.

I love my father.

-You expect me to turn my back
on him?
-This is so unfair.

-You wanna do this?
-No. I gotta go. Let's talk

Fine, I'll put my brother in a

Twentysomething male,
baseball bat vs. head.

Bradycardic, lost pulse
en route.

-What happened?
-Friends say he was hanging

...next thing, car pulls up,
guys jump out, start wailing
away on him.

-Any ID?
-No, but family followed the

Manny. Manny.

-Oh, my God, it's her son.


IV's blown.

Hold the compressions.

ABBY: Still V-tach.
WEXLER: No pulse.

Shock again.


No change. Resume compressions.

-CT's ready for him.

-Forget it. He's too unstable.
-What have you got?

SAM: Twenty-year-old bludgeoned
in the head with a bat.

We treated his mother.

Blown pupil suggestive of
intracranial bleed.

Pulseless V-tach
for almost 45 minutes.


Okay, well, uh, there's nothing
for me to do, then.

Dr. Wexler.

Lucien, wait.

Let mom see
we did everything we could.

Okay. Um.... Another mig of epi.

-You want me to go through the
-Put in a central line.

-Chuny, where are they?
-Tiffany was supposed to

I'll be right back.

-How you feeling?

-I can't believe what I did.
-What you did?

Everyone knows it was that
cleaning lady's fault.


Yeah, but I took care of it.

Took care of what?

What are you talking about?

I left the cutter on,
bypassed the safety guard.

If it wasn't for that woman,
I'd be dead.

But it was her fault.
I mean, that's what they said.

What did you do, John?

What did you do?

What did you do?

-Here's the kit.
WEXLER: Hold compressions.

Tell security I need to talk to
them. And post a guard outside
Trauma 1.



He's been down for almost 50

Just for a few more moments.

Hey, I'll take over for you,

We have been working on your son
for almost an hour.


The injuries to his brain and
body were too severe.

His heart has stopped b*ating.

His body has stopped breathing.

No, por favor.



Please, don't.






Justin broke up with Brianna.
When did that happen?

-The week before he moved back.
-She caught him texting Emma



Hey. Here we go.


Top one's no cheese.

-So how's it going?
-Good, I guess.

All right.

So, what do we wanna do first?
Watch videos?

Want me to grab my harmonica?
Wanna sing some songs?

-Can I talk to you for a minute?

Be right back.


-Can you give us some privacy?
-What? I thought we were

Oh, all right, sure.

But, at least,
could I have a slice of pizza?


Just gonna....

-So anyway....


So you met him?

-Hey, Abby, you off soon?
-No, I'm on till 10.

Harold and I are on all night.

Heard Moretti's gone.
What's the story?

-I don't know.
-His son. Did you know he had a

No. Uh, maybe.

-I don't know.

-Well, good night.
-Good night.

Hey, Neela.

Um, would it be okay if I
stopped by? There's a bunch of
stuff I left there.

Yeah, sure. You've got some
stuff in the hall closet.



How's it going, Sam?

Dolores Salazar
and her family just left.

That was a tough one.

Yeah, I just keep thinking about
how much she's gone through...

...and how hard she worked
to have a good life here.

She and Manny deserved better.

-You working out?
-Oh. They're not mine.

Hey, I wanted to say thanks for
suggesting I look into the

-I'm going for it.

It's good to have aspirations.

It's never too late
to be what you might have been.

-That's George Eliot.
-He's a writer, right?

He was a she, actually.
Mary Ann Evans.

She used a pen name because the
work of men was taken more

Like anything's changed.

-So how was your first day as
-I'm clear and strong, I'm a

If I play it loose and Socratic,
I'm perceived as weak.

I even bought doughnuts
for everybody.


Maybe you can ask
Hillary Clinton for advice.

Either way, I can't win, so
screw it.

Tough when I have to be,
nice when I wanna be.

Hey, they're taking the Murphy

-Yeah, you said it.

Sam, do you know
where Room 2G-315 is?

No, sorry.

I do.

-I'll show you on my way out.

WOMAN [ON TV]: We're off men
for the rest of our natural

Ah. The perks of being chief.

I have a feeling this isn't
really quite what you wanted.

Yeah, I've never been one
for putting down roots.

But I'm fine.

-It'll all work out.

Well, why don't we celebrate?

I can make a mean lasagna.

I'll come over to your house,
break in your new kitchen.


...I don't wanna be

...but I like you,
and I think you like me...

...so I wanna be completely

Okay. I welcome honesty.

When it comes to

...I guess you could say
I have a fluid attitude.


When I'm with someone,
I'm with them.

And when I'm not, I'm not.

Love the one you're with.

So if you can handle a
relationship with no strings...

...sex with no commitments,
then we're cool.

Does that freak you out?


No. I'm all good.

How about drinks tomorrow night?

Why wait?

It's like-- It's 2 a.m.


Yeah, alcohol probably isn't the
best way to unwind at this hour.

You know what really relaxes me?


-Oh, yeah?

After a couple of long hours in
the O.R., a few poses can really
mellow me out.

I'm not into yoga.


-So this is your office.

Nice desk.

Need help with that?

You're up.

Where have you been?

It's after 2.

Oh, my God, already?

I was worried. I called the ER.

They said you left. Early, in

Why didn't you answer
your cell phone?


Why didn't I answer my cell

I don't know.
Why didn't you answer your cell?

-You didn't call me tonight.
-I'm not-- It's not--

When you were in Croatia
and Joe was hurt...

...and I couldn't find you...

...why didn't you answer
your cell phone?

-What's wrong with you?
-Nothing. I just-- I had a long

-Where's Joe?
-Joe's fine. He's asleep.


You know what? Why do you do

-Do what?
-Drink in front of me.

You never once asked me was that
okay with me or did that bother

You used to have a problem.
You're better now.

Well, it takes what it takes,

What does that mean?

I don't wanna do this now.

You don't wanna do this now?
It's about what you want, isn't

-This isn't the best time.
-What about what I want?

I mean, you promised
and I believed you.

What are you talking about?

You said "let's do it together"
in front of everyone. You

-Okay, let's go to bed.
-I'm not tired.

-I have things to talk about.
-Okay, tomorrow.

We're not gonna talk tomorrow.
We need to talk now.


My father d*ed.
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