09x11 - A Little Help From My Friends

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x11 - A Little Help From My Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I can see his heartbeat.

Are you hoping for a boy?

I don't care.

Are you, uh,
taking over now?


Yeah, look,
I feel much better.

I don't really think
I need anything

so I'm just going
to tough it out.

Stick around until we are sure.

We'll get to you soon, okay?

How long was he waiting?

I'm not sure.

Luka thought
he had the flu.

There was no
indication of leukemia.

He presented with
a simple fever.

Do you even care that that kid
is lying out there

as good as dead?



Good afternoon, everyone.

Welcome to another fun-filled
Morbidity and Mortality.

All right, medical record number

R.K. was a previously healthy
19-year-old male

who presented with fever,

and a temperature of 102.4.

CBC revealed a white blood count
of 85,000

with 60% blasts, consistent
with acute myelogenous leukemia.

The attending physician?

Dr. Kovac.

Need some help?

Nope, I got it.

You need to stay out of this
room for a few days--

no paint fumes, okay?

Are you nesting?

I'm painting a room.

( chuckles ):

Don't you have
to go to work?

Chicago's toughest
female fire fighter

braves burning buildings
and dirty diapers.

Get out of here!


I hope you don't treat the baby
like that.

( laughter )

You drew bloods

but didn't send them
for two hours.

We were swamped, and the young
man looked like he had the flu.

I told her

we can't do big workups on every
kid with the flu.

Something all doctors say
at one time or another.

The intubation problem--
Dr. Lewis.

Because of the patient's

there was hemorrhage

in the hypopharynx;
we attempted...

But could you see the cords,
Dr. Kovac?


Dr. Kovac felt
he'd performed

an endotracheal intubation.


He listened for breath sounds.

Did he use an End Tidal CO2
detector to verify?

When I walked
into the trauma room...

I made a series
of critical errors

including depriving
the patient of oxygen.

I refused to let
Dr. Lewis take over

and proceeded to put the shiley
in the pre-tracheal space.

About the only thing I didn't do

was put a plastic bag
over the guy's head

and hit him with a brick.

We're not trying
to assign guilt.

In a teaching hospital

we learn from complicated
cases and their outcomes.

I had two hours' sleep.

I was hungover.

I should have admitted I
couldn't work, but I didn't.

I was sloppy and arrogant;
Abby warned me

the boy was sick

and I ignored her.

So, fire me, take my license,
sh**t me, whatever

but let's just not pretend
there's anything to learn here.

I... I k*lled him.

The patient isn't dead.

Did anyone ever bother
to verify

that there really are medical
schools in Croatia?


Don't let Romano get to you--
it only encourages him.

They were more
than fair.

I appreciate you
standing up for me.

I told the truth.

You tried to cover for me--
you didn't have to.

It could have been
any one of us.

Time to get back to work.

( sighs )

You think I still work here?

Yeah, and your shift
started 20 minutes ago.

You better check with Weaver.

She just asked for you.

28-year-old Chip Mealy,
insomnia times three days.

He called 911
for insomnia?

Big red taxi.


Also complains
of obsessive thoughts.


What's up, Chip?
Can't sleep?

I took like, five of those
P.M. things-- nothing.

Can you give me
something stronger?

Five over-the-counter
sleeping pills?

Were you trying
to hurt yourself?

No. I was trying to sleep.

You stopped sleeping three days
ago-- something happen?

Problem with my girlfriend.

Ah, okay.

Sit tight, and we'll get
someone to talk to you.

Can you just
give me a pill?

No, you have to talk
to a psychiatrist first

dr*gs second.

Hey, Chuny, can you call
Psych for Mr. Mealy?


Chuny... did you get
a beta HCG on Mrs. Wilkes?


Why not?

( chuckles ):
Because Mrs. Wilkes has a penis.

( alarm beeps )

Excuse me,
come back here.

Oh, it's just
my cell phone.

That's all right.

I'm just going
to take a quick look.

Look, I'm Dr. Pratt.

Told you it's
my cell phone.

Now, I have patients
to attend to.

Let me look
inside the backpack.

No, you don't need
to do that.

Look, you're
new here, right?

Well, doctors just get
to go through.

It's not okay!

Did you hear
what I said?!

Don't touch me!
Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Knock it off. It's okay.
He's a doctor.

He set off the metal
detector, all right?

Okay. What's the deal?


I was going to give it
to a real cop.

I found it outside
behind a garbage can

on my way inside.

I figured somebody must've
stashed it coming in here

and planned on picking it up
later, after they left.

You have
a license for this?

I told you, I found it.

Well, I'm not going
to leave it outside.

Sir, you're carrying
a concealed, unlicensed w*apon.

I'm going to have
to call the Chicago P.D.

Got a drive-by out here.
Need a doc.

Look, keep the damn g*n, okay?

Hey, where's he going?
Whoa, whoa, hey.

He's not going anywhere,
he works here.

You got the g*n;
just get his name
and information

leave it at that.

Ayudenos, por favor-- ayudenos.

No, no, don't move him.
Que paso?

El se cayo de un arbol con la
cerucha electrica en sus manos.

Airway's good.
What's his name?

I don't now. I just hired them
to cut down a dead tree.

What happened?

He was on a branch starting
his chainsaw and he slipped.

He fell about 20 feet
onto my roof.

And you just
drove him in?

Why didn't you call 911?

I thought this
would be faster.

Pulse is 90.

Let's get a C-collar
and a backboard.

( mumbling weakly )

Todo esta bien.

Mr. Gilman complains of chest
pain and shortness of breath

during sex with his wife.

Sex with his wife?

B.P. 130/82.

How old is he?

One, two...


Dr. Kovac, could you give
us a hand?




She's on her way,
Mr. Gilman... his wife.

Start a nitroglycerin drip;
20 mikes per minute.


Passing notes in class, Gallant?

Aw, it's from Harkins.
She's going home today.

I've been helping her keep up
with her assigned reading.

You still need me?



but could you check a post-
intubation film in the ICU?

Patient's name?

Exposed bone

multiple abrasions
to scalp and face.

I asked them if they knew
what they were doing.
( gasping )

Do you speak Spanish?


( screams )

Oh, my God, this is bad.

I have to go call my husband.

Pelvis is stable but very tender
at the A.S.I.S.

Probably a fracture.

Dr. Pratt, these guys

keep insisting that
we come get you.

Prep the chest and open

a 32 French.
I understand

you blew off Officer
Robbins, Dr. Pratt.

Later. Can't you see
I'm busy?

Jerry, page ortho and surgery,
and keep the militia out?

Get someone in
here who speaks more
Spanish than we do.

I need to speak
with him.

You need to get out of here.

Okay, guys. Come on, let's go.

( moaning )

It's not what you think.

( man crying )


Chip, it can't be
that bad.

Yeah, it is.

Nobody's come to
talk to you yet?

No. I just want
to go to sleep.

Okay, okay. I'll see
what's keeping them.

There should be a straight
line from the main...

Whoa, whoa,
where are you going?

What are you doing?

I never know what they mean
when they say "square face."

Obviously, it's not true

but I think your face
is quadrate enough

to be called square.


She's one of my Mathletes.

Anastasia, you're going to have
to go over there

and sit with the rest
of the team.


Yeah, she's on
the math team.

They compete in math

Ah, yeah. We used
to call them "geeks."

What's she on?

Tox screen hasn't
come back yet.

How many cubic inches
in the E.R.?

Is, uh, my face square?

Hi. I'm looking for a portable
chest film on Moriguchi.

Dr. Weaver coming back up?

She's a little busy.

You should pull the tube
back two centimeters.

Just write the order.

How's Kendrick doing?

Teenager; presented with flu

but it was leukemia.

They think he needs

dialysis now.

Mrs. Kendrick?
I'm Dr. Kovac.

I treated Rick when
he first came to the E.R.

I've wanted to meet you.

( sighs )

I'm so sorry about your son.

He was such
a funny kid.

He'd have been
a good man.

Did he know about
the leukemia?

No. By the time the tests
came back, he was unconscious.

Was he afraid?

I don't think so.

As he was going under
with the medicine

he, he made a joke.

He smiled and told Laura

she could sell her engagement
ring if she needed the money.

That's Rick.

A little humor to get him
through the day.

Dr. Kovac?

Excuse me.


What are you doing?

Your own private M & M
with the kid's mother?

She wanted to know
how her son d*ed.

One word: peacefully.
Leave it at that.

She deserves to know that...


What, the truth?

The truth is,
you k*lled her son.

You going
to tell her that?

The word you're looking for
is "No." Come here.

Look, you want
to flagellate yourself

in front of your colleagues,
that's one thing

but you admit guilt to this
woman, and who suffers, huh?

Huh? Not you.

What is she going to do,
take your car?

Her lawyer slaps the county

and this hospital with
a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

Our premiums skyrocket

and where's that money
come from?

Cutbacks in personnel
and essential equipment.

Affecting whom? The patients.

So... you control your emotions

or you will harm more patients
than just this one.

All right, I'll tell you what.

You're off
for the rest of the day.

I'm fine.

Go home.
Oh-- and if I see you

with this patient's family
again, you're fired.

Look, I know
you're on the edge.

Not sleeping
makes you feel crazy.

I know how that is,
but Psych's backed up.

We can't give you
any meds

until someone's
seen you.

It's a liability thing

because you took
pills earlier.

I know it wasn't
a su1c1de attempt, but...

( crying ):
Oh, God.

We'll get you something
to help you sleep soon.

Everyone will hate me.


Why will everyone
hate you?

Did you do something?

To your girlfriend?



What happened?

( breathing deeply )

She walked in on me.

With someone else,
another woman?


I don't think she realized.

Another man?

He's only ten.


Her son.

You were...

Did you do something
to him?


I was going to, but...

I would have,
but she walked in.

I don't want
to be like this.

I don't know if I could
have stopped myself.

What happened?

Lost the pulse.

Still v-tach.

Charging to 300.

Bag him on 100%,
push an amp of Epi.


Got a rhythm.

Good femoral pulse.

Welcome back,
Mr. Gilman.

His wife here?

Not here yet.

Maybe we should

check on her.

Make sure she survived
their sexual encounter.

Dr. Weaver, your coat.

You brushed against some blood.

Get a pressure.

Keep him on lido,
two migs per minute.

Did he have any experience
cutting down trees?

Are they fresh off
the boat or what?

He's only been here
about two weeks

but his uncle, Jose

has been in the U.S.
for about three years.

Is there any family
we can call for Jose?

¿Donde esta
la familia de Jose?

San Felipe, Nicaragua.


You're illegal.
No problemo.


Tell him anything
that he needs

he can get done here, no charge.

( Chuny speaking Spanish )

Hi, Dr. Lewis again.

Listen, I know you're
really backed up

but I have a patient Dr. DeRaad
needs to see immediately.

No, don't put me on hold.

Hey, what are you doing?


Oh, that's my board.

Anastasia, no.

You've erased
all our patients.

Can I write on the board, too?

sit back down.

Why did you do this?

Ergo, God.

Ergo, Ritalin.

Your blood test says
you're on Ritalin.

You took it
for the math competition?

These numbers, discovered
in different cultures

in different centuries,
all add to zero.

Proving the universe
is perfect.

Proving the existence

of God.

Hey, I can't even prove
I paid my gas bill.

Jerry, just... get the charts
and put all the names back up.

Make her do it.

or chronological?

Alphabetical's good.

Hey, do we have
any wound care sheets?

So, you buying me
lunch today?


Hey, it's
your turn.

Dr. Pratt?

What does appy
stand for?


Is now a good time?


Where'd you find the g*n?

Like I told them...

...but he's unstable.

I'll walk him up myself.

Don't hang...


Where'd he go?

Who? Your weeper?

He was just here a minute ago.

Oh, damn it.

( door opening )

Uh, excuse me.

I need the SonoSite.

I can't find
the heartbeat.

Here, let me try.

How many weeks?

I think it...

Try a different angle.

I'm sorry.

Try again.

It's not there.

Are you bleeding?

Are you bleeding?

A little.

I thought I was just spotting.

Do you want me to call your OB?

No, I think it's better
if it happens naturally.

Can you get me some scrubs?

Dr. Weaver, you should go home.

Just, um, bring me some scrubs
when you get a chance.

Hello, um, they brought
my husband in.

Daniel Gilman.

( clipboard fumbling )

Uh, um... yeah,
the 93-year-old?

Is he all right?

I'll take you
to him.

Thank you.

You guys are pathetic.


You stare any harder

her ass is going
to burst into flames.

I'd put that fire out.

Stop, drop and roll.

He has a dilated

We're going to treat it
very aggressively

but the prognosis
is not good.

He could have a fatal
arrhythmia at any time.

Oh, Danny.

( speaking softly )

Excuse me?

When can I bang her?

What did he say?

Uh, he wants to know
when he might be able to...

( clearing throat )

...have sex.

We're trying to have a baby.


Uh, when you can walk up
two flights of stairs

getting winded...

...go for it.


( knocking at door )

Dr. Weaver?


Uh, Security needs
to talk to you.

I'll be right there.


Hey, that's great.

It's my own variation
of Buckminster Fuller's

geodesic dome design.

Anastasia, I told you
to wait in your chair.


No, it's no problem.

This is, this is very cool.

Oh, um, they took Jose
up to radiology

to embolize
the pelvic bleeders.


What are you doing?

Hi. Just getting
a cup of coffee.

Well, while you
were in here

playing with
your Lincoln logs

Security called me
about Pratt

a loaded w*apon...

Yeah, that was
a misunderstanding.

It's an a*t*matic

He found the g*n
in the bushes.

I was there
when he turned it in.

You know what,
the interns are

your responsibility,

All right,
I know, I know.

I'm taking care of it.

It's, um, it's taken care of.

Hey, hey!

What are you doing?!


You can't just leave him.

You didn't even pay him.

Get out of my way.

Lady, damn it, stop this car.

What do you want from me?
I don't even know these men.

Stop this car!

Stop it!
Hey, Pratt!

You see what I'm dealing with?

Hey, hey!

Stupid bitch!

What the hell are you doing?



Your patients know
where she lives.

Just report her
to the police.

Yeah, like they give a damn.

Like you do?

Look, you come in
constantly late

you're leaving

you feel like it, you're
hot-dogging patients

you never follow orders
and now you're

throwing rocks
and bringing g*ns to work.

Hey, I explained about that g*n.

I've seen your type
before, Pratt.

No, you haven't.

You don't know anything
about me.

I know what I see.

Oh, yeah? What is that?

Someone throwing
their career away.

One, two, three.


ID says Rosemary
Bell, 18.

Why is she in restraints?

She was flailing
and incoherent.

Witness reported
she collapsed

and cracked her head.

LOC one minute.

CBC, lytes, BUN and creatinine.

Foley with dip and icon.

Pulse 122,
BP's 86 systolic.

She looks kind of familiar.

I think maybe Dr. Lewis has
treated her before.

Airway intact.


follow the light.

Sats 98.

Rosemary, can
you understand me?

She's deaf.

Remove the restraints.

Do you want me
to go get Dr. Lewis?

Dr. Weaver?

No, thanks, Abby.

I've got this.

Um, where
does it hurt?

Yeah, your head.
Wait, wait, wait.

Slow down, slow down, slow down.

Your head, yes.

And your back?

Your... here?

Your kidneys?


Burns when you pee.

What's her temperature?


She passed out
because she's septic.

Can you read lips?


We're going to take
care of you, okay?

No. I don't want a lady doctor.


Uh, it's nothing personal.

I'm sure you're very competent.

I'm just old-fashioned.

Huh. We call
it sexist. Hmm.

What about Junior here?

Carter, would you
like to take care

of Mr. McNulty?

In a minute.

Oh, forget it.
I'm out of here.

No. Your leg's

Let's take care
of that first, okay?

You don't deserve

to call yourselves

Let him go.

Oh, Dr. McNulty,

You people
should be ashamed.

You've perfected
a medical system

that breaks the spirit,
humiliates the body

and enrages the mind.

Yeah, yeah.

Thank you.

You're a doctor?

I got a stethoscope
older than you.

Some kids broke into
our clinic for dr*gs.

I hid, but
Mr. Former
Marine decided

to take them on.

They're lucky

my sciatica
was acting up

or they'd both
be in traction.

They hit him
on the head

with a
baseball bat.

Uh, more a bunt
than a full swing.

He fell on broken glass
and was unconscious

for several minutes.

I was assessing my wounds.

Okay, okay, then you may
be seriously hurt.

Negative Romberg.

No pronator drift.

Blunt head trauma,
prolonged LOC.


You need a head CT.
For what?

To rule out any brain injury.

I just told you,
I don't have any.

Well, then, what's it going
to hurt to check?

Oh, please, Jim,
just get the CT.

Ten bucks says it's negative.

You're on.

Abby, this is
Dr. McNulty

formally of
Curtain Two.

He needs a head
CT, CBC, chem
seven, urinalysis.

Hey, I didn't
agree to all that.

And when's the last time
you had a tetanus sh*t?



Okay, well, you might
need another one.

I'll be with you
in a moment.

Do you have to pee
in a cup?

Yes, he does.

Okay, start peeing,
count to three

pee a little bit
in the cup.

Put the lid on,
and then you're done.

Then, wash my hands, right?

You got it.

I'll wait for
you right here.


Did you dispo your tree trimmer
without my okay?

I signed off to Chen.

I was the physician of record.

What's this?

Drunk bumsicle with a head lac.

I'm not throwing my career away.


Did you close the galea ?

Yeah. It wasn't my g*n.

I was going to throw it
in the river

after my shift ended.

Why didn't you do it
on the way in?

I was late.

Titrate five of MS
and get films on that ankle.

Abby, can you give me a hand
with this?

Sure, in a minute.

You haven't seen my insomniac,
have you?

He just went
in there.
Oh, thank God.

Something wrong?

No. I just thought he skipped.

What are you doing out here?

Waiting for a urine sample
from a kid.

There's a kid in there?

Oh, my God.

What? What's wrong?

What's the matter?

Chip. Chip Mealy?

Hey, I'm in here.

Unlock the door.
What are you doing?

Are you all right?

Yeah. I got
some on my hand.

That's okay.
Let me take it.

Did anybody... ?

Did you see anybody else
in here?


Okay, go outside.

Do you want me to call Security?

No. Are you sure
he came in here?



( crying )

Did you do anything to him?


But I wanted to.

( sobbing )

( alarms sound )


Dr. Weaver,
are you okay?

She's down
at 80 systolic.

Give her another liter.

Amp and gent are
both finished.


( sighs )

You have a bladder infection
that's spread to your kidneys.

Give her two grams

of cefotaxime.

If she doesn't perk up,
we'll add dopamine.

Are you sexually active?

Well, how many partners?

And how long has it b*rned
when you pee?

Two weeks.

Why haven't you told anyone?

Do you live with your parents?

And you don't want them
to know that you're having sex?

All right.

Your parents don't need to know

but we do need to tell...

( pained sigh )

We need to tell them
that you're sick.


at least six hours

and if the antibiotics don't
work fast, it may be overnight.

It's okay, it's okay.

Haleh, take her to CT.

This could be more

than simple Pyelo.
You all right?

Yeah. I'll talk to you
when you get back.

Dr. Weaver, can you
look at a possible
erythema nodosum?

Uh, get Carter.

I think he's busy.

Then find another attending.

( sighs )

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

You can't do that in here.

Will you stop?

Don't stop!

Get off of him now.

For crying out loud,
he just had a heart att*ck.

Oh, relax.

He needs his
Viagra anyway.

Not while he's on nitro.

I want my Viagra!

Only if you want to die
with an erection.

Are you out
of your mind?

He needs to

I was just trying
to make him feel better.

Look, Mrs. Gilman, he is
in critical condition.

What did you do to him?

My father did not
give her power of attorney.

Any procedures have
to be okayed by me.

These are Mr. Gilman's kids.

Bob, he is
really sick.

I know.

I know, honey.

Are you treating him?

I-I'm one of the...

I want this slut of here now.

I have a room full

of patients and no beds.

He'll have to get help
as an outpatient.

What's wrong with
his forehead?

He cut the word "evil"
into his skin

to scare people away.

It's not a su1c1de attempt,
and he hasn't hurt anyone.

Fine. Let's toss
him your son.


What? This guy needs
to be kept away from children.

You can't rehabilitate
child molesters.

He hasn't
molested anyone.

He needs medication.

He needs to be
in a regular program.

I can't commit people
for thoughts.

I can't.

If this guy walks
out of here

he's going to
att*ck a child.

This is our chance
to intervene

maybe save this
guy, protect his
future victims.

He's clearly a
thr*at to others.

He has to say it.

If he articulates a plan,
I'll put him on a hold.

He won't.

He's too frightened.

All right.

I'll talk to him again.

Their parents and the principal
will meet us at the school.

Hmm. How far is Olney?

Five hours.

Uh, I think they'll
sleep all the way.

( phone ringing )

Oh, I take it
you were never on the math team.

Oh, no. I was
on a real team.

I think we called
it, uh, football.

You were a jock. Ooh.

Better to be a jock
than a nerd.

Are you insinuating
that I'm a nerd?

Yeah, but you're
a really hot nerd.

( laughs )

Phone call, Pratt.

All right.

Where's Weaver?

I need some help
with this old
guy's family.

Koko and Captain Viagra.

It's common knowledge
that the crazier the woman

the better the sex,
so just keep your head down

and try not to get stabbed
in the neck.

( laughs )
Can you call Legal?

I need some help down here now.


Yeah. No, I can't come...

Wait. Just wait right there,
all right?

Just calm down, okay?
I'm on my way.

You just stay right there.

Hey, everything
all right?

No, I have to leave.

Cover for me.

Wait. What?
Not again.

For how long? Pratt!

( pained sigh )


( sighs )

How long have you been cramping?

About an hour.

How much bleeding?

( sighs )

Four pads.

Okay, we need
to get you upstairs.

Do you want me
to call Sandy?

She's at work.

She'd want to be with you.

I can't.

I don't want
to check in upstairs.

I-I don't... want it
all over the hospital.

I think you need a D&C
right away.

No. No, just...

page me if the OB
resident comes down

for another consult.

I'm calling Maynard.

Hey, have
you seen Kerry?

Yeah. She's on a break.

What do you need?

I need Kerry.

Hey, what are you... ?

What are you doing?

You can't suture yourself.

I have patients
waiting for me

back at my clinic.

Where did you get
these supplies?

The nurse set
them out for you.

45 minutes ago.

Nice eversion.

Still, can't let you do it.

Hey, Dr. Carter.

I can't find Dr. Weaver

and Mrs. Gilman has
a special request.

My attorney's
on her way over
here right now.

Mattie, he wants to do it.

So do I.

Koko wants to
collect semen

from her husband who is 93
and just had an MI.

Oh, he was trying
to give me a baby.

Please don't debase my father
any further.

He's senile.

He is not senile.
He's horny.

Uh, Mr. Gilman

has agreed to, uh...

( clears throat )


Come again?

I'm an electroejaculation

Your parents must be very proud.

I have to ej*cul*te him
before he dies.

Otherwise, I have
to do a seminal vesicle harvest.

It's much more

We want to make sure
that he doesn't die.

Well, we can
still get it now.

Oh, it was always
about the money

wasn't it, Koko?

If she doesn't
get pregnant
before he dies

she doesn't inherit anything.

Seven million, roughly.

My husband signed a release.

I know my rights.

I want his semen.

Okay, well, what exactly is it
that's, um, involved?

A rectal probe
is inserted

which causes contraction

of the vas deferens
seminal vesicle

and the prostate.

Called a

Okay, good.

Excuse me.

( clears throat )

Did you call Legal?

Oh, they're, uh...

They're sending


Three-story fall
through skylight.

Good luck, Gallant.

How should I handle this?


Full trauma panel,
Foley and NG.

He's going
to need a central line.

Decreased breath
sounds on both sides.

Bilateral chest tubes.
Squeeze in
two of O-neg.

Type and cross
for four.

He's got a dozen

deep lacerations.
Bunch of pumpers.

We're going to have
to clamp off

or he's going to keep leaking.

We need another doctor in here.
Where's Weaver?

I don't know.
Romano sent Kovac home.

Pressure's dropping.

Sats down to 82.

Okay, get Pratt.

He left.


He had an emergency again.

( laughs )

( alarms )

( crying )

Leon! Where are you, man?
What... ?

( crying )

What happened to you?

Did you pass out, huh?

No, they kicked me.

They stabbed me.

They stomped
on my hand.

Did you pass out, huh?

I'm dying, G.

Who did this to you?
Dukey and them?


They wanted
the g*n.

They wanted
to k*ll me.

Shh. Okay, come on,
you have to be quiet.

I have to listen, all right?

They wanted it, and
I didn't have it.

And I got scared.

And they got
so mad at me.

Okay, okay.
It was Dukey's g*n, right?

And they stabbed you?

Where did they s*ab you, huh?

In the ass.

In the ass, G.
They stabbed me.

All right, come on, come on.

We got to go to the hospital.

Come on, get up.
No, no, no, no.

Where's the g*n, G?

Don't worry about it.

Come on. We have to go
to the hospital.

Oh, they're going
to k*ll both of us.

Nobody's going to k*ll us, Leon.

They're going to
k*ll both of us.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Where are we?

Don't even bother
gloving up.

Time of death, 1844.

Sorry. I came as
soon as I heard.

It's not your fault.

Carter, labs
on your cranky old doctor.

McNulty? Thank you.

But he's M.I.A.

He's diabetic.

Get him on the phone.

He needs to come back.

He probably doesn't
even know he's sick.

I tried, but I keep
getting a machine.

Well, tell him
his blood sugar's 435

and get him back here

And page Dr. Pratt-- 911.

I'm going to have
you on the I.V.

for about
another half hour.

Everything's fine.

Kerry, you should
really think about...

Pelvic rest, return
with abdominal pain

fever or
increased bleeding.

Methedrine point two milligrams
p.o. Q.I.D.

I know what to do.

I was going to say
you should take some time off.

Come see me in three days.

Can I get you anything?


Do you want me to try
and call Sandy at work?


I can give you a ride home
in about an hour.


We were lucky
to capture

that retrograde ejaculation
as well.

Lucky. We're moving
your husband to C.C.U.

Oh, Mattie and Bob are with him.

I have to go.

I ovulated this morning.

Let's go,
we're k*lling spermatozoa.

Did he just say "spermatozoa"?

That man has an


Does that come with a costume?

Nope, an extension cord.

Oh, the mighty Gilman
pulled through.

An inspiration to us all.

Gallant, Pratt for you.

Abby, have you ever heard
of an electroejaculator?

You just like saying that word.

No. I had
an instant ejaculator once.

Tommy Reynolds--
tenth grade.

Poor kid never could
make it out of his jeans.

Ixnay on the

Hey, has anybody seen Pratt?

Uh, Gallant's
on the phone with him.

No, look, I don't feel
comfortable doing that.

I want to talk to him.

Dr. Carter
wants to talk to you.

Where the hell are you?


What's going
on, Gallant?

I'm only going
to ask you once.

( agonized yelling )

( pounding on door )

Lay on your stomach.

Lay on your stomach.

It hurts
all over, G!

what took you so damn long?

I can see
I clearly got through to you

earlier today.

Running a little clinic
out of the apartment?

Come on, man.

Who's hurt?

It's my brother, Leon.

Who are you?


Don't worry;
he's a doctor, too.

He looks like
he should be
in the hospital.

LEON ( sobbing ):
Not me; I hurt there.

Calm down, calm down.

We're not going anywhere.

Just calm down.
( groaning )

Listen, we're staying
right here.

Either you're going
to help or you're not.

This is... not smart, Pratt.

in my life

is not smart, Carter.

How long ago did you get hurt?

Three hours ago,
but he's okay.


s*ab wound.

Also fractured
fourth and fifth metacarpals.

He's got broken ribs

a bloody nose, but
no septal hematoma.

Listen to me.

Um... I'm good.

I got this.

I mean, you can go now.

All I needed
was a suture kit.

Why don't you want
to go to the hospital?

You don't want
the as*ault reported?

They going to k*ll us.

Nobody's going
to k*ll us.

Let it go.

Why did you get b*at up?

I didn't have the g*n
when they asked for it.

We got to get it back, G.

They want it!

Holding the g*n for
someone else, huh?

My friends.

( yelling )

Some friends.

( Leon groaning )

I'm a danger
to myself and others.

If you went home,
what would you do?

I don't know.

Chip, you have to tell him
exactly what you would do.

Stop coaching him.

are you going?

I have patients.

Chip, listen to me
right now.

If you don't
tell the truth

we can't help you.

This is your last chance.

I'm picking up my ex-
girlfriend's son from school...

and having sex with him
in my car

behind the baseball field...
as soon as I leave here.

( sobbing )

Okay, I'll make room for him.

( crying )

How are you feeling?

Good. Did you call your parents?

They're going
to worry about you.

What did she say?

Uh, "They'll worry about me more

if they know
I have a boyfriend."


She doesn't want
to disappoint them

more than she already has
by being deaf.

No, you can't go home.

You have to stay here


No calls.

Why was I a patient?

You saw me.

( sighing )

I was...

( soft, stifled sobs )

( anguished sobbing )

Leon, he's your brother?


Well, yeah... kind of.

He came to live
with me and my mom

when he was nine.

I was six then.

I idolized him.

Then when I was 15, my
mom d*ed of liver cancer

and Leon took
care of me.

Made sure I
went to school.

So, when I was in college

one day he got into a fight
in a bar in Detroit.

Believe me, this is
one tough son of a bitch.

I'm trying to tell you,
I mean, he survived

a nine-millimeter b*llet
to the brain.

But in turn

his I.Q. dropped
about 40 points.

Do you have any help?

No. I've been doing it
on my own for years.

I'm good at that.

Well, we work as a team.

We cover for each other.

We lean
on each other.

The job's too big
to do solo.

But if you can't get that...

maybe you should be a surgeon.

Or a superhero,
or something else

that doesn't require
trusting people.

I've never been big on trust.

You know what that turns into?

Nobody trusts you either.

Look, self-sufficiency
is a good thing

but it's not
the only thing.

Asking for help
when you need it...

that doesn't make you weak.

Um, maybe
I should go inside now.

All right.
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