09x01 - Chaos Theory

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x01 - Chaos Theory

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

I think I got two
cases of smallpox.

We need to lock
this place down.

We stood out.


Central Africa.

Tell the C.D.C.
we have our first casualty.

Am I next?

Deb, Carter's right.

You're quarantined
to Exam 4.

You always have to be right.

And you have to
be quarantined.

Ah, it's not my breath
I'm worried about holding.

This is my E.R.

Not anymore.
Sorry, Doctor.

I'm afraid the two
of you have to remain

in this quarantine area.

We're going to be okay.

Pokea damu kwa ote na tatu
mfuko nani ili polea.

( speaking French )

mtumishi kisimea.

Tu moja ndani mwisho kwa

tumbili ndui na emu
mwana imara.

Haja homa hivi na m

( speaking French )


Pas de probleme.

Allez on-y vas.

( speaking French )

Bon chance.

Shauri numu!
Shauri numu!

Gutes isolat,
verstarkung ist komplett.

Vergleichen sic
beschrankung fragment.

Lange polymorphie
mit bekannten viren.

We know
ring vaccination works.

Homeland wants us to
consider city-wide.

And ten people
die unnecessarily.

Take a look at this!

is debatable.

Look at this!
I don't want
to debate it.

It should be
a public health decision.

It is.
We picked this up
from a missionary hospital

300 miles east of Mbandaka;

present in the
Simian population

as well as 18 children.


36 hours ago.

Same mutation?


get me Chicago.

You think we
can get them

to move a TV in here?

I think you should
catch up on your reading.

I don't read
after midnight.


That's a wolf.

That looks like
a wolf, doesn't it?

A wolf with leprosy maybe.

I don't think that
you're appreciating

the degree of difficulty,
even without this rash.


Just kidding.

doesn't look good.

Maybe we're getting
early parole.

You feeling okay?

What is it?

We need to evacuate.

The E.R.?

The entire

Everyone but you.

( Big Ben chiming )
( London traffic sounds )

Mr. Harold Drummond was in
his usual state of good health

until Tuesday evening

when he began to experience
pinching in his chest.

The pain seemed to intensify
throughout the day

as Mr. Drummond worked
in his pet shop.

After an early dinner
of pork cutlets

mashed potatoes
and a couple of pints

he retired to his living room
to do some reading

at which point
the pain...

What, we have
to guess which book?

Yes, Dr. Corday?

Did you treat Mr. Drummond?


Are you certain?

Because I distinctly
heard your voice.

I'm sorry.

Indeed. Well,
why don't we jump ahead

and hear your presentation

since you seem unable
to contain yourself.

Uh, I'm s....
that's not necessary.

( nervous chuckle )


Mr. McKay came into the E.R.,

We don't have "E.R.s"
in England, Dr. Corday.

Excuse me.

He presented
to "Casualty,"

Is Mr. McKay
the African bushman?

I beg your pardon?

Your patient.

He's the young
black pygmy, is he?

About this high?

He's an accountant
from Manchester.

Specifics, Ms. Corday.

God is in the details.

Mr. McKay is

a 63-year-old
Caucasian male

who was...


I believe the noun for which
you are searching is "man."

"Male" is an adjective.

I have a male
Springer Spaniel.

His name is Barkley,
and though I love him dearly

I would never think
of bringing him to hospital.

But please continue.

Most of us speak
a smattering of American.

( chuckling )

Where are
you taking me?

Mercy Hospital.


Because we're closing
this facility.

Damn those HMOs.

How many more
can you take?

We're full.

Then get it out of here.

Call Mercy, let them know
transport's on the way

and I need another
dozen rigs for O.B.

Is Colin on there?

No. Only
ambulatory patients.

Then where is he?

Yeah, I don't
think they've
brought him out yet.

They said everybody's
being evacuated.

And he will be.
You just have
to be patient.

Lily, can you can help
find her boyfriend?

Do I have to?

MVA, broken pelvis.

And I thought we
were getting rid of
these news helicopters.

They are!

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Stella's one of the last ones.

Zadro, you going
to Mercy?

No, no, Lakeshore.

Got one more for you.

Where are am I supposed
to put her, on my lap?

Sounds good to me,
lucky pants.

How you doing
out here?

Good. Third and fourth
floors are empty.

I.C.U. and O.R. should
be cleared in the
next ten minutes.

We did a good job today.

I mean, given the situation,
it could have been a disaster

but I think everyone
did really well.

You kicked ass.


Hold still.

How come you
keep doing that?

It's the way
the vaccine is administered.

Yeah, you learned,
what, ten minutes ago?

What are you doing?

I didn't get
a wristband.

They won't let me out.

You need to be
vaccinated first.

I did.
No, you didn't.

Hey, I'll come back tomorrow

and have a nurse do it,
all right?

Sir, everyone has
to be vaccinated

before they can leave.

Hey, I'm not getting
stabbed a hundred times

by some smallpox needle
if it ain't even smallpox.

It's 15 little pricks, 15

so shut up,
get the damn sh*t, and go home.

Yeah, well, tell
me what it is.

I'll get a sh*t for that.

Are you deaf?
We don't know what it is.

But this vaccine is
the closest thing we've got.

So, if you don't want
Dr. Gallant to help you

I can arrange for the army
sergeant to come in.

Make sure
you don't touch that.

Where are they
taking them?

Respiratory isolation.

And why do we have
to stay in this petri dish?

Prolonged exposure.

Whatever that means.

Did you find out
for how long?

The virus is an unknown player.

You said Monkey Pox.

A variant of Monkey Pox.
That's the problem.

How long?

Two weeks.

No. No, no, no, no. no. No.

They promised
a public health nurse

on duty, around the clock.

Why two weeks?

What aren't
they telling us?

I don't know. I think they're
just being extra cautious.

I'm sorry
about all this.

Me, too.

Thank you.

( coughing )

Could you make
any more noise, Stan?

I can't help it.

( wracking coughs )

Well, at least
cover your mouth.

You better knock
it off, Stan

before you
cough up a lung.

It's too late.

Have you ever been
tested for T.B., Stan?

D.U.I., P.C.P. and H.I.V.
but never T.B.



can give you
bloody sputum

fever and sweats.

Have you lost any weight
lately, Stan?

I've always been pretty svelte

but I have had to tighten
my belt a few notches lately.

Here, put this on.

No. No, thanks.

Do it!

Oh, you don't have to be
so cranky.

I'm the one with the D.T.'s.

Whoa, what are
you doing?

We might have
to get him tested.

No, no, no,
whoa, whoa, whoa,
slow down, all right?

They're tripping out enough

and I don't need to be
double quarantined.

He might have T.B.

And he might not.

Why don't we just take a
sputum sample to the lab

do a gram stain
and an A.F.B.?

Because we're not supposed
to leave.

We're not contagious
unless we get a rash.


What's he still doing here?

I told you he can't
go by ambulance.

That's why I got you
a chopper.

Why didn't someone
tell me that?

Probably already landed.

We have to get up top.

Colin, we're going to
take you to the roof now

so we can put you
on a helicopter.

I-I don't like to fly.

It's a short trip.

You don't understand.
I really don't like to fly.

You don't have a choice.

I'm serious. You take me
up there, I'll freak out.

It's not a plane.

It's an air
rescue helicopter.

That's even worse.
A helicopter can't glide.

Just take me back.

Listen, I have
a bad feeling about this.

Take me back!

Just take me back!

My son doesn't know.
I'm leaving.

Well, we'll make sure
to tell him.

Hold those elevator doors.

Dr. Romano, Saint Rafe's says

they can take one
critical, not two.

That's too bad,
'cause I'm sending four.

Thank you.

I've never been
in a Catholic hospital.

Well, you'll like
the nuns. Nice calves.

They said
they'll only accept one.

Tell Weaver we're clear.

Sign out all the Demerol
and morphine.

To who?


Get the hell out of here.
Hello. Who's this?

You like your job?
You want to keep it?

Okay, then you tell
your chief of staff...

You know who that is?
Good for you.

You tell Jonesy that
Robert Romano is sending over

four critical patients...
Dr. Romano.

...all of whom
I expect to be treated

like his own mother, without
the inappropriate touching.

Tidal volume's down.

Probably just
the morphine.

Hey! Hey!

Don't even think about it.
That's my chopper.

They said they were sending
a chopper for two patients.

Well, it looks like
they lied.

Hey, no, I don't want to go
on this helicopter!

Fine, fair enough.

He needs an I.C.U. bed.

So get him one!

He has bilateral
pulmonary contusions

and they're starting
to bruise!

And my boy Marty here
is a 70-year-old diabetic

with gram negative sepsis
from cholecystitis.

I'm only 68!

Hey, get that chopper
out of our air space!

My patient's going to lose
his airway.

So intubate him

and take him in your Viper.

He's not safe
to transfer.

Arguing like this isn't helping
either one of them.

Oh, you know, you're right.
I'll tell you what, you can take

the chopper after I'm finished
with him. Let's go.

Temp's 101.

All right.
Ten grams of Tylenol

and piggyback the gentamicin.

No vascular clamps, but we have
two kellys and a needle driver.

Oh, God.

Where's the arm?
Do we have the arm?

I can't see

Shut this thing down!
Not with you under it.

( gagging )

He's vomiting.

A 20-centimeter lac over the
fifth rib, but no sub Q air.

Which one first?

The biggest one.

Okay, one, two, three.

Tighter! Tighter!

Get your gurney out!

Come on, come on.

I can't see anything.

No, don't clamp it.


Just do it!

He's lost half his volume.

Try for a BP on the good arm.

Okay, I got it.

I'm cold.

Do we have blood on the rig?

Six units, type A.

We need a line.

No O-neg?

You asked for
type specific.

Dr. Romano,
what blood type are you?

( yelling ):
What blood type are you?

No red snappers.

Could be an inadequate sample.

Sputum is loaded
with gram positive

Pneumococcus. Told
you not to sweat it.

what are you doing?

It's old-fashioned

I'm hungry. You hungry?

We're quarantined.
Put your mask back on.

Come on, you can't
eat with a mask on.

What do you say we
raid the cafeteria?

Put your mask back on.

Starve a cold,
feed a fever.

Pratt. Pratt!

That's my watch.

I need the bag.

Cycle the dynamap.

How's he satting?

Nothing on the monitor.
Lungs are wet.

Damn it.
We're loading him.

I ain't taking off
till I check out
that tail rotor.

He's looking
pretty shocky.

He needs an OR now.

I don't know if she flies at
all, much less flies safely.

Okay, call down for
ground transport.

No, call another chopper.

Where are you
going to land it?

Luka, he needs to get there
by ambulance. We need ice.

Belly's hard as a rock;
labored resps.

Okay, send our
guy downstairs.

Radio dispatch--
get an orthopedic

and a trauma
surgeon up here.

You awake?


Monkey Pox sounds
like a video game.

Or voodoo.

Or VD.


What, your back itch?


You're scratching.

I am... It's probably
just psychosomatic.

Want me to
take a look?
No, I'm fine.

Might be a rash.

Turn around.

Do you think someone did this
on purpose?

Does it matter?

What do you mean?

I mean, viruses mutate.

That's what they do.

We're more likely to
control bio-terrorism
than Mother Nature.

Thanks, that makes me feel
a lot better.

No rash.

Nice tattoo, though.

College. I was drunk.

Is that what
I think it is?

I was going through
a religious phase.

My chest hurts.
I can't breathe.

Crank him to 15 liters.
Don't worry, Colin.
We'll get you downstairs.

What the hell's the matter
with this thing?

Tachy at 115.
Where's the

Okay, load him first.
We have to get off before you.

Wait. Pressure's dropping
on 20 mikes of dopamine.

Over a hundred?

Susan, we have to get him down.

Okay, don't
just assist.

Which is
On the syringe pump.

Tell Weaver ultrasound was clear

but he could have a slow leak.

We got to take everybody
to the ambulance bay.

Pulse ox is 91.

Okay, get it. She
might need help
tubing this guy.

Health Department
refused reentry.

Tell them Romano authorized it.

Who's Romano?

Are they coming back?

Uh, yeah.

Don't worry, Mr. Hersch

I'm right here
with you.

I hope they remembered
to call my son.

He'll worry about me.

What's his name?


His mother wanted him
to become a doctor.

I'm beginning to wish he had.

What's he do?

( alarm beeping )

So, how often does
this happen here?

Only since you came along.

( laughing ):
Oh, right-- the
ying and the yang.

Excuse me?

The ying and the yang?

You know, something good
happens, so something
bad has to happen.

You are Chinese, right?

Yeah. I'm just trying
to figure out what
the good part is.

Oh, just say the word
and I'll show it to you.

No, no, no,
pick that up.

I made it.

You know, it's bad
enough that you're
not wearing your mask.

The hospital
is abandoned!

Who are we going
to contaminate?

( loud clattering )

Central line kit;
two liters wide open.
Where's the O-neg?

We don't keep
it up here.

He's not perfusing.
Set up the level one.

Pratt, blood. I need
as much blood as you can get--

O-neg, packed cells
and platelets-- now.

Blood bank is closed.

Open it.

What happened?

Chen, ice.

I need ice; lots of it.

Mr. Hersch?

Mr. Hersch?

Levophed, levophed...

Okay, where's the bag?

Where's the bag?

( frustrated groan )

Okay, Mr. Hersch,
I'll be right back.

( panting )

Somebody! I need help!

( monitor beeping )

Oh, son of a bitch!

Come on.

Come on!

( grunting )

Damn it.

You can't open
the operating room.

They're already in there.

Listen, Mercy and Lakeshore
are maxed out. That's it.

Yeah, maxed out is relative.

I can't allow
anyone else in.

Look, he's our
chief of staff.

You're going to need to stop
the replantation team by force.

Listen, dispatch says
to remove everyone
else to Riverview.

Where the hell
is that?

No, no.

Need a hand here.

What took
you so long?

Elevator doesn't open
on the first floor.

Sats are 89, but not
correlating. Abdomen's tense.

Hey! Over here.

Colin, Colin,
can you hear me?

Can I ride with him?
I'm his fiancee.

Get her the hell
away from me.

Sir, I'm going to
need you to calm down.

She's not my fiancee,
she's a freaking psycho.

We're soul mates!

She ran me off the road
into a bus.

I was upset,
but I'm not now.


I'll take care of you!

Hey... how bad is he? Romano?


Retracting the deltoid.
There's the median nerve.

Clean cut.
That's good, right?

All right,
where do you want it?

Squeeze in four units
and get a hemacue.

Bradying down to 50.

One mig of atropine.

Break out the cart.

We're going to have
to tube him soon.

I think I lost a pulse.

Either you did
or you didn't.

Can't feel it.

Okay, CPR now.

Pratt, get that blood in.

First two units are up.

One milligram epi, IV push,
and FFP to follow.

Is anybody out there?

I need help in here.
He's crashing.


( frustrated grunt )


Damn it.

( panting )

Okay, come on, come on.

Pick up.

Pick up.

Out of the way. Out of the way!

Donald, get in there.

Kerry Weaver, Dr. Joe Gunn.

Nice to meet you.

He walked into the
tail rotor. What
the hell happened?

He barely has a pressure.

Is he in arrest?

Not yet.

This way. Wear your
masks at all time.

Dr. Weaver! Dispatch
relayed a call from
elevator number four.

Dr. Lewis needs help
with a crashing patient.
She can't get him off.

Well, who's with her?
No one!

Normal sinus.

Good pulse.
How many units?

Fourth almost in.

Where are we?

Amputation at
the distal humerus.

Dropped his crit to 18 prior
to transfusion.

Arm's on ice.
put a mask on.

Hemorrhagic shock resolved

with blood and epi.
Pressure's 90.

I need to paralyze
and intubate.

( groans softly )

Hold on. He's coming around.

What do you think?

I don't know.
Above the elbow's tough.

Yes or no?


Oh, God...


can you hear me?

Oh, I'm at County.

( panting )

( heavy sigh )

( heavy sigh )

( water running )

( humming )

I don't think I can
take another week.

Oh, yeah.

All right, up.

Feels like we're
the last people

on the planet.

Yeah, well, if we were
I'd, uh, move into

the best suite
in the Ritz-Carlton. You?

Um... shopping spree.


How's it look?

Ooh, hot.


Toe or finger?


Even the big one?


Arm or leg?

Uh... leg.


Definitely leg.

Deaf or blind?


Ha, ha!

Six, five.


Would you rather lose
both your arms

or your penis?
( grunts )

I don't know.

Well, you know

you could still do it
if you had your equipment.

Yeah, it'd be tough
to get chicks

without arms,

You know,
I'll tell you the truth

I don't think I could date
a chick that was missing pieces.

What if she had
a really great personality?

What, and really big tits?

( laughing )

( both laughing )

What the hell is going on
in here, Stan?

Hey, nice do.

Frames your face better.



Dr. Weaver.

How's he doing?

Could be better.

The ring and long fingers
are a little dusky.

Is it normal
postop erythema?

( muttering ):
It better be.

Well, with
the poor perfusion

I'm worried the antibiotics
aren't penetrating.

He's not getting
enough blood flow

to the hand.

Well, I can up
his Dextran

but if I take him
back to the O.R.

we decrease his chance
of meaningful recovery.

And if not,
he could lose the whole hand.

I'm thirsty.

Does he have
a family?

I don't know.

Has anyone
else visited?


You know him.

What would he want?

Robert's aggressive.

I'm going to say
the arm at all costs.

So I should operate?

Let him wake up
from the narcotics and ask him.

Well, that could
be tomorrow morning.

By then,
it'll be too late.

Then you wait.

It's his decision,
not mine.

You think they know?

Pratt's clueless.

Chen knows.

I don't think so.

Oh, no, she knows.

Why, did you tell her?

Where do you think I got
the condoms?

( chuckles )

And you know,
you were a little...


( chuckles )

Well, uh...

You're about a three.

You know, I always thought I was
at least a four.

It's a nice pustule.

It's going to be a big scar,
I know it.

You can get another tattoo.

That's true.
I could get "Carter."



Yeah, ha, ha.

When I was in Chicago

I'd often get
homesick for London

and think about
the things I missed.

Now you don't have to.

Yeah, now I think
about Chicago.

Yes, I heard you had a run-in
with the staff.

This time
with a cardiologist?

He took one of
my patients hostage.

He wanted to wait
for an echo.

That's not unreasonable,
is it?

Ooh, someone
graffed on me.

It's a small hospital.

more like it.

And it's not America.

You may have to adjust
your approach somewhat.

My approach is
simply to do what's
best for the patient

with a minimum amount

of arse licking.

Uh-oh, there's my cue.

What, you're not
going to say hello?


I'm really glad you're back,

( chuckles )

You're late.

I'm sorry.

I had a bowel

Oh, before lunch?


I washed my hands.

Do you think it's possible
to die from boredom?

I don't think so.

What if your mind wandered off
in a daydream

and you forgot to eat
or drink for days?

Then you'd die
of starvation

and dehydration.

Caused by boredom.


( sniffs ):
You smell something?

That smells like heaven.

CHEN ( laughs ):
Where did this come from?

I had a friend
of mine

slip it through
the window.

Ah, so that's contraband pizza.

Yeah, why,
you want some?

Hell, yes.

Ten bucks a slice.

Help yourself.

You didn't get any beer,
did you?

I got some sodas.

I take back everything I said
about you, Pratt.


No, but thanks
for the pizza.

No, but seriously

since you guys make, like,
five times what I do

all donations are
greatly appreciated.

Hey, I got some good news.

Adam's fever broke.

He's out of the woods.

Lovely, lovely.
How about a toast?

To young Adam.

To young Adam.

And to us
for surviving the plague.

Unless somebody
develops a rash

in the next
six hours.

Pestis Puerorum.


The black death.

It started in China.

Infected Italian sailors

brought the disease
back to Sicily in 1347.

In the end,
25 million people d*ed.

How do you know
that, Stan?

Renaissance Philosophy, 1D7.

You studied philosophy?

Taught it.

Yeah, right.

You were a teacher?


What happened?


Things happened.

Things always happen.

You know,
you're sober now.

Not by choice.

Well, you know

you've been through
the hard part.

We can get you
into a program.

Get you some

I k*lled my daughter
in a D.U.I.

There's no counseling
for that.

Thanks for the pizza.

Well, um,
I'm going to eat this in bed.

Mmm, sounds good to me.


Good night.
Good night.

So, you guys want
to watch some TV?

No, thanks.

All right,
pizza will be in the fridge.

Kind of sad, huh?

What's that?

The guy was a teacher.

Yeah, and he k*lled
his daughter.

'Cause of alcohol.

It happens.

It doesn't have to.

What are you trying to say?

I just think it's sad.

Why can't you just
tell me

what you're trying to say?
You can talk to me.

You want me
to talk to you?

I want to help you.

But not because
I'm a nice guy

or because I'm
worried about you

but because I want
to be with you.

You want to fix me.

Help you.

Fix me so I'm good enough.

No, I want it to work.

Yeah, well, I'm not broken.


Ah, Ms. Corday.

I see you ordered that CT
on Mr. McKay.

Yes. After 20 minutes
of chatting

I came to the
same conclusion.

CT confirmed dissection.

So, you're, uh,
carrying on

all right, then,
are you?

Carrying on.

Of course.

I suppose you can still grieve
on the inside.

While I'm certain
that's meant

as some kind
of a criticism

I'm afraid I
haven't got time
to decipher it.

You're not
in black dress.

Well, in fact,
you're not in a dress at all.

Perhaps America has confused you
in more ways than one.



I thought I might suggest
you reconsider that tie

as it makes you
look like a boorish,
virulent ponce.

But now I realize

that's simply your
general disposition

so it would be out
of place for me
to comment.

Out of place, indeed.

Tragic, really

a woman out of place
on two continents.


Excuse me?

They sold your house.

10,000 more
than the asking.

If you sign it,
I'll fax it back for you.

( quietly ):
Thank you.

I would like to read
it myself, thank you.

What's wrong with your lunch
today, Dr. Romano?

Your body needs nourishment
to heal itself.

That's brilliant.

Teach you that
in nursing school?

If you don't eat,
I'm going to tell Dr. Gunn.


Go ahead, tell Gunn.

I've seen his work.

your prosthetics department come
fit me for a hook.

I'll see if I can find you
something else.


( knock at door )


I wondered when
you were going
to visit me.

Well, I was here yesterday
and the day before.

You were a little out of it.

Are you carpeting
my office?

How are you feeling?

I've been better.

The surgery went well?

Oh, yeah. So they say.

But you know how surgeons lie.

You were lucky.

( laughs )


Look, your people rallied around
to save you

in a deserted hospital.

If it wasn't
for Dr. Kovac, you'd...

I'd still have my arm.

You do still have your arm.

Do I?

Yes. It was a clean cut above...

I signed the third quarter
income projections.

You know what?

We should evacuate the hospital

once every year
for the money
we're saving.


Going to sleep now.

Apparently, I
need my rest.

Identified the terminal ileum.


We call it electrocautery,

Can I help you?

A solo

Not by design.

Your Professor Whitehead decided
to be tardy.

Yes, I know.

He's apparently saving
a motorist on the M1.

Asked me if
I'd fill in.

But it seems you've
already started.

Transverse incision.


It allows for a more
localized approach.

Yes, and a
bloody one.


The field is clear.

Let's just take
a look, shall we?


( sighs )

Be my guest.



Good separation
around the Toldt.

The areolar tissue
could use

better division,
couldn't it?

May I continue now, please?

The more I see...

the better he'll do.

Well, if you merely wish

to peer
around this gentleman's anatomy

why don't you cr*ck open
his skull while you're at it?

No. I'm interested

in completely excising
this gentleman's cancer.

Thank you.
Vascular clips.

Okay, then, he's all yours.

Retract the
cecum medially.



Well, you heard him.

Watch the pericolic gutter.

He's had a couple

of adhesions
from an appendectomy.

Good morning, Frank.

Uh, welcome back,
Dr. Weaver.

They waxed the floors.

Yeah. Nice, huh?

Takes smallpox for
them to finally
sanitize the place.

It wasn't smallpox, Frank.

Yeah. Mutated
monkey scabs.


Other departments on line?

ICU and Surgery
have been up

since midnight.

Peds, PICU, Labor and
Delivery opened with us.

Everybody else
starts at noon.

Dr. Pratt.

See ya.

Disease control
clear you?

100%. Probed in every which way

you can think of.

I don't need
to hear the details.

Did we get all
our monitors back?

IMEDS, propacks,
and portable vents.

Crash carts are stocked
and ready.

Oh, I don't get it.

We're closed for two weeks

and they make us come back
at 6:00 a.m.?

Well, it could
have been midnight.

I'll catch you
quacks later.

Oh, I see you're better.

I was never that bad.

Told you guys
not to sweat it.

Dr. Pratt, Dr. Gallant
called in sick.

I need you

to cover for
him until 3:00.


Well, you just said
you felt good.

Yeah, I know,
but come on, man.


Kidding, Pratt.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.
See you next week.

Dr. Weaver, can you sign this?

What is it?

My timecard.

Two straight weeks
of overtime.

Do you think I'm kidding?

Dermatologically clear.


Okay, you're free to go.

What? No psych consult?

We try not to
inflict too much
long-term damage.

Oh, well,
she was borderline anyway.

Hey, can you tell us?


If the virus was engineered
or natural?

The system worked.

Everyone did their jobs.

Especially at
the local level.

You're not going
to tell us.

See you later, Deb.

Yeah, it was
fun, Carter.

Let's get these beds made up

so we're not setting up
as we go.

Chuny, are you triage?

Yes. On my way.

Hey, you survived.

Hi. You look tan.

I went to Barbados.



I had two weeks.

What else was I supposed to do?

Frank, what time is it?



We're open.

( phone ringing )


They just get out

He has to leave
the trach in
for a few days

but he's off
the vent.

They look better--
the parents.

Well, maybe they
stopped blaming
each other.



Stuck here two weeks,
I don't want to go home.

Want to get some breakfast?


You're not thinking
of jumping?


Not quite that

Can I join you?

It's your hospital.

Yes, it is, isn't it?

So, what's wrong
with the surgical lounge?

Habit, I suppose.

At County, we
often go up
on the roof

when the place gets
too much for us.

Oh, I'm glad
everything there isn't perfect.

I was beginning to develop
an inferiority complex.

Far from it.

Homesick then?

Yes, you do.


Have a home.

Can't bring yourself
to sell it, I understand.

I assume Mr. Cummins
survived his hemicolectomy

without further

We do seem to manage here
from time to time.

So, you haven't developed
vertigo yet

in your teenage years.

It reminds me
of your tree-climbing days.

The head mistress couldn't
get you out of that sycamore

to save her life.

I had to drive
all the way down

to Tunberidge Wells.

( laughs )

A counselor was brought in.

Suggested some kind
of rebellion.

Separation anxiety.

A cry for attention.

What have you.

Turned out
you just liked climbing trees.

I knew that.

You were an unbridled spirit
from the womb.

I don't know
what to do.

I know, darling.

I know.

( sighs )


Let me.
Oh, thank you.

Uh, this is the
right train

for Heathrow,
isn't it?

I hope so.

You off for holiday?

No. We're going home.

Stand clear

of the doors, please.

This train is about to depart.

The 7:59 train from Eeling
and Broadway to Redding West

is now departing for Heathrow.

Chaos theory.

Chaos theory?

Yeah. A virus
mutates in
the Congo.

We evacuate an
ER in Chicago.

Romano gets his
arm cut off.

You lost me.

Seemingly random
events, all part of
a larger equation.

I'm hot.

You know, a butterfly
flaps its wings in China

and creates a tornado
halfway around the world.

Are you hot?

I'm just saying

that's there's an inherent

about everything--
evolution, life.

Love, relationships.

So, what am I?

The butterfly
or the tornado?

No, you're chaos
in general.

Oh. Thanks.

No, I'm just saying,
you're chaos to me.

The unknown.

I'm chaos to you.

You are hardly chaos, Carter.

I'm just saying
that there's a risk

in anything that you do, right?

But don't you want
to stack the odds

in your favor?

I mean, I'm drawn to you.

It's kind of that simple.

I've been... drawn to you

for two years, but

chaos always seems to rule,
and I don't want it to rule.

I want to know
where it's taking me.

You know what I mean?


The tornado.

Definitely the tornado.

Are you coming in?
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