03x19 - Bounty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bull". Aired: September 20, 2016 - May 26, 2022.*
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"Bull" follows a trial consultant, who uses his insight into human nature, three Ph.D.'s and a top-notch staff to tip the scales of justice in favor of his client. Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw.
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03x19 - Bounty

Post by bunniefuu »



Christopher Lankford.

I'm coming for you.




I've got a g*n aimed
at the back of your seat.

So... no more screaming.

All right?


Hands where I can see 'em.

What do you-what do you want...

you want my wallet? You can have it.

I don't know.

You got two million dollars in there?

You serious?

I'm as serious as Trump's barber.

That's what you owe my client.

So unless you got that in your wallet,

I'm not interested.

Now, on the count of three,

we're both getting out of this car.

Do not try to run away

or you will feel a sharp,
sudden pain in your buttocks.

- Am I being clear?
- Very.


Here we go.

One, two, three.

Slow it down. Slow it down.

You're doing great. Just one more thing.

Turn around.


Feel free to stretch out.

Make yourself comfortable.

♪ Crazy, crazy ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ I go crazy... ♪

You couldn't snag him during the day?

It's almost midnight.

Great doing business
with you, too, Hector.

I had to wait for him to come
out of his girlfriend's house.

- You got my money?
- Of course I got your money.

It's in my pocket.

And that's where it's gonna stay
until after I see the guy.

- ♪ Crazy for you baby ♪

- (CHUCKLES) Okay.

♪ What can I do ♪

♪ Honey... ♪

This is him?

That's him.

No. This ain't him.

Definitely not him.

My guy wears a rug.

This guy's hair's organic.

Wait a second. Don't
just walk away, come on.

He-he looks like the guy.

He was where my tipster
said the guy would be.

- I... I think he's the guy.
- He's not the guy.

Hector. Hec-Hector. Hector.

Hec... Listen, listen, seriously?

Seriously, you don't think
that maybe he's the guy?

I lent the man two million dollars.

Believe me, I wish that were him
more than you do.

Okay, fine, all right. He's not the guy.

But what-what do you
suggest I do with him?

That's not my problem.

♪ I go crazy ♪

♪ Crazy ♪

♪ Baby, I go crazy. ♪


Hey. How you doing?

Be right back. I got to...
I got to move my car.

Okay? Thanks.


Thank you for coming.

It's been a long time.

You look great.


What are you doing in here, Trent?

Are you not with the Bureau anymore?

The FBI?

I've been out two and a half years now.

(EXHALES) You know that thing
when you tell yourself,

"Hey, I'm hanging around with bad guys,

"doing lots of dr*gs,

"getting intimate
with people I'm not married to,

but it's okay, it's all about the job"?

Then, one day,

you're taking vacation time,

and you're still hanging
around with bad people,

still doing dr*gs,
still sleeping with people

you're not married to.

I realized that was me.

So I submitted my letter of resignation,

booked three months
at a rehab, and here I am.

Well, not here, but... (CHUCKLES)

W-What about your marriage?
How-how's your son?

Marriage did not survive.

Surprise, surprise.

Me and my boy,

we're like a... a work in progress.

He's nine.

I get him one week a month.

Takes him five days to warm up to me,

so the sixth day is always great.

And then the seventh,
he goes back to his mom.

And h-how about you? How about your life?

I hear you're
working for some kind of, uh,

superlawyer. Which, frankly, is

something I could use. (CHUCKLES)

Well... he's not superlawyer.

He's not even a lawyer, really.

But can we just start from the beginning?

Why are you in here?

You, uh, you got a pencil?

It's quite a list. (CHUCKLES)

I got a good memory.

Kidnapping. False imprisonment.

DANNY: as*ault and battery,

- menacing in the second degree...
- He pulled a g*n?

...reckless endangerment and, lastly,

as*ault with attempt to k*ll.


Let me get this straight.

He threatened the guy with a firearm

and then threw him
in the trunk of his car?

The g*n wasn't actually loaded.

Easy to say, hard to prove.

Well, the real guy...
the guy he thought he was

throwing in his car,
Christopher Lankford...

is under suspicion for
a string of violent

home invasion robberies
and armed holdups.

It's not like he could just
throw him in the back seat

and tell him to sit still.

It was an honest mistake.

He got a bad tip.

And he's willing to make it right.

He's willing to pay
for the medical bills,

the-the lost wages.

And he's been doing this
kind of thing for how long?

What, being a bounty hunter?

Or, as they call it
here in New York State,

a bail recovery agent?

This was his first job.


He's been licensed for over a year.

But it's hard getting started.

You need a bail bondsman
to believe in you,

give you a break.

So how has he been making a
living since he left the Bureau?

A process server, private investigator,

private security detail, bodyguard.

Just waiting for his shot.

And this was it.

Thing is, he's a really good person.

He was my mentor.

Taught me everything I know.

BULL: So...

what is it, exactly, he wants?



For maybe you to get involved?

Or at the very least,
point him toward someone

who can get in there

- and fight for him...
- Let me do this.

I'm heading down
to the courthouse anyway.

Text me the name
of the prosecutor who filed

the charges, and I will
try and have a conversation

with him or her, see how dug in they are,

but I am not holding out a lot of hope.

How long has it been since
you've seen this guy,

heard from this guy,
thought about this guy?

- At least three years.
- Great.

Then you won't hate me forever

if, after I talk to the A.D.A., I pass.

WOMAN: Dr. Bull?

Dr. Jason Bull

I'm A.D.A. Conway.
My intern gave me your message.

This is a real honor.

Ah. A.D.A. Conway.

N... Nice to meet you.

I've never seen you around here before.

Uh, thanks for making the time to see me.

Well, I'm a new hire.
I started just after New Year's.

Well, I was wondering
if we could discuss the charges

you brought against Trent Bolton.

Will your firm be involved
in his defense?

I haven't quite made up my mind yet.

He's a friend of a friend.

Let's just consider this
a professional inquiry.

Well, what would you like to know?

I was wondering if there
wasn't some understanding

we could come to.

You mean a deal? A plea deal?


(CHUCKLING): That's absurd.

On what basis?

On the basis of the facts.

At the end of the day,
all that really happened here

is Mr. Bolton made an
unfortunate mistake.

A mistake for which he is willing to pay.

And the victim should absolutely
file suit in civil court.

Mr. Bolton freely admits he
caused harm and he stands ready

- to make recompense.
- Excuse me, this man

has made a lot of mistakes.

He threatened a private citizen
with a g*n,

then struck that private citizen,

rendering him unconscious,
bound that private citizen,

threw him in the trunk of a car,

and then left him unattended
at a public hospital

while he was still unconscious.

I don't dispute any of that,
but let's be honest here:

if he had caught the right guy...

the guy that terrorized those people,

r*ped and robbed them

of everything they own...

well, I don't think the state
would be wasting its time

prosecuting these so-called abuses.

I think they would be celebrating him,

calling him a hero.

I think Michael Bay would be
making a movie about him

and your boss, the D.A., would
be taking pictures with him.

This is a ridiculous conversation.

Can I explain the jury system to you?

Are you even a lawyer?

For all its virtues, it's
a highly unpredictable process,

and I say this as someone
who's been studying it

for over 20 years.

Your point?

My point is that attorneys make deals.

Attorneys on both sides of the case.

Because it takes the unpredictable nature

of the process and does away with it.

It is a bird in the hand.

Not to mention the money
it saves the state

and the people they're prosecuting.

Making a deal...

a good plea deal...

that is something that smart,
seasoned attorneys aspire to.

Well, gosh. (CHUCKLES)

As I just explained to you,

I just got off the bus, Dr. Bull.

How would I know any of that?

And I will admit
that I didn't season myself

before I came in to work today.

And it would be immodest, I think,

to refer to myself as smart.

So let's just cut to the chase,
Mr. Older and Wiser.

Make me an offer.

Well, with the caveat that

I don't officially represent Mr. Bolton

and would have to run
anything we agree on by him,

I would ask that you dismiss
the criminal charges

and we move this case to civil court.


And I would be willing
to take the 30-year sentence

that I believe he actually deserves

and cut it down to... 29.

Would you like me to repeat that?

No, I put fresh batteries
in my hearing aid this morning,

I heard you just fine.

I'll see you in court, A.D.A. Conway.

Well, if you decide to take the case.


I just made my decision.

Mr. Bolton. My name is Dr. Jason Bull.

This is Benjamin Colón.

He's a very experienced
criminal attorney,

and the man that I would appoint

to represent you in court,

should you choose to allow our firm

to provide council in your case.

Should I choose?


That implies I have
another option, which I don't.

I'm grateful that you're here.

Grateful that Danny was able
to persuade you to come.

Those bruises look fresh.

Guys had a little welcome party
for me last night.

They somehow found out
I used to be in the Bureau,

and that always
brings out the playfulness

in the prison population.

We'll make some phone calls.

See if we can't get you moved to solitary

or a higher-security wing.

You do understand... how much
trouble you're in, don't you?

I spoke with the A.D.A. and...

she's thinking she might be able
to put you away for 30 years.

Look, I'm willing to do anything
I can to make this right.

Pay doctor bills, anything else...

Danny communicated that
to us and Dr. Bull shared that

- with the A.D.A...
- And she wasn't much interested.

She just wants to see you behind bars.

Now, look.

I don't know you.
Mr. Colón doesn't know you.

We're here because Danny James
says you're a good man.

20 years with the FBI

seems like a pretty honorable way

of making a living.

But the fact remains...

what you did to that fella...

it's pretty horrific.

And it is not gonna be an easy task

to get a jury to see past it.

I get that.

But it's a rough trade, bounty hunting.

When a bail bondsman puts up money

to get someone out of jail...
in this case,

a couple of million dollars...

there's a contract they have to sign.

They have to agree to waive
a lot of the rights

we all take for granted.

Yeah, including the rights

not to be handcuffed,
threatened at gunpoint

- and thrown into a trunk.
- Problem is, the man

who agreed to all of that
is not the man you att*cked.

Any idea who gave you the bad tip?

I'm guessing someone connected
to Christopher Lankford,

but... No, I-I... I have no idea.

And it's tough for me
to investigate from in here.


I'm not gonna lie to you.

We'll do the best we can,
but it's gonna be

an uphill battle.

Like I said, I'm grateful for the help.

C-Can I ask you for one more favor?

Uh, this is my ex-wife's number.

Can you give her a call?

Tell her what's going on?
I don't want my son to worry

or to think his dad forgot him.

Sure thing.

I'll see you in court
tomorrow, Mr. Bolton.

See you in court tomorrow.

So what's on the
grocery list today, boss?

Frontier pragmatists.

Frontier pragmatists.
Never heard of them.

Jurors who can see that the role
Trent serves in society...

dispensing rough but necessary justice...

is essential to keeping us safe.

Frontier pragmatists see the world

for what it is,
not how they wish it to be.

And they understand to get the job done,

sometimes you need
to use any means necessary.

BENNY: Good morning, sir.

Says here that you are married.
Any children?

- Just one at the moment.
- All right.

Okay. Now, I don't mean to pry,

but were you home
when your wife went into labor?

As a matter of fact, I wasn't.
I was at the office

- in an important meeting.
- And how did she

reach out to you... phone, text?

Text. All caps.

Ah. (CHUCKLES) And then what did you do?

I stood up and I said,
"Excuse me, everyone.

I need to leave.
My wife's having a baby."

That sounds about right. (CHUCKLES)

And what did you do next...
did you run home?

Well, sort of. Home is in Queens.

So, no time to use my phone
or get a ridesharing service

or even take the subway.

I just hit the streets
and tried to grab a cab.

And were you successful?

(EXHALES) A cab did pull over,

but truthfully, didn't pull over for me.

Uh, but I didn't care. I mean,

I pushed the people that it was
intended for out of the way

and jumped inside and quickly

closed the door behind me.


I-I felt bad, but...

But sometimes life happens.

Your Honor, the defense
approves of this juror.

But we can't focus only
on the frontier pragmatism,

we need to identify jurors who would be

likely to embrace our
mistake of fact defense.

People who are willing to forgive those

who make reasonable mistakes,

regardless of the consequences.

Okay. It is Thursday night,

you go to your favorite
neighborhood restaurant,

you're a local there.

They treat you well, the food is good.

Prices are reasonable,

many of the dishes go from
ten to 12 to 14 dollars.

But the waiter comes over to your table

and says there's a special that night.

Pasta with truffles.

Huh? Sounds good. You order it,
- Mmm.

You eat it, you love it.

But then the bill comes.

Turns out that special was $45.

Four times more than anything
else on the menu.

What do you do?

The waiter didn't tell me the price?

No, but you didn't ask.

So what do you do?

Do you pay the bill, do you make a fuss?

I-I might make a bit of a fuss,

but... I'm gonna pay the bill.

I ate the food.

And since I didn't ask
the price... (EXHALES)

I guess it's as much my fault
as it is the waiter's.

BENNY: Your Honor, this juror

is acceptable to the defense.

Very well, then. We have our jury.

Let's adjourn for lunch and then

- commence with opening arguments.

CONWAY: Good morning, Dr. Bull.

Ah, A.D.A. Conway.

Frontier pragmatists, huh?

I'm sorry, I've never heard
that expression before.

Never mind. Just a hunch.
I'll see you after the break.

See you after the break.

I want to talk about common sense

for a moment.

What does that mean...

"common sense"?

I think it sort of means

"a shared sense."

Ideas and understandings
that we all have in common.

They're so basic. They're so obvious.

For instance,

if you're walking down the street,

minding your own business,
and someone accosts you,

someone waves a w*apon in your face,

someone holds you against your will,

your common sense tells you
this isn't right,

this shouldn't be allowed to happen.

We, as a society, can't permit

whatever excuses
and explanations are offered up

to cloud our thinking, to distract us

from what our common sense tells us

is an unmistakable truth:

that people should be able
to live their lives

without fear of strangers striking them,

knocking them unconscious

and holding them against their will.

It's just common sense.

Now, during the course of the trial,

I'll be offering you evidence
of what the accused has done.

In many ways,

this really isn't necessary.

He's already admitted to it.

Of course, the defense
is gonna tell you otherwise.

They're gonna try and
convince you that sometimes

it's okay to strike a stranger,

to throw them in the trunk of your car,

to leave them unconscious and alone.

They're gonna try and get you

to ignore the obvious,

ignore the simple truth,


your common sense.

Don't let them.

Thank you.

She's good.


This is one of several
new videos taken from homes

in the area that have video surveillance.

That's you, isn't it?

It certainly is.

CONWAY: And what were you
doing when you first

encountered the defendant?

I was leaving my girlfriend's house.

Just gotten in my car.

He was hiding in the back seat.

Told me he had a g*n.
Told me to get out of the car.

Were you frightened?

Very much so.

I thought he was a carjacker.
I thought...

I thought I was a dead man.

CONWAY: And what's the
next thing you remember?

Got out of the car, saw the g*n,

and then he... he clocked me.

- Knocked me out.
- CONWAY: And then?

And then, nothing.

I-I woke up in the... some...

uh, hospital waiting room.

I looked at the clock, realized
three hours had gone by,

and so, you know, I called the police.

And how have you been since?

Have you been able to return to work?

No. No, I haven't. I... (CLEARS THROAT)

I'm still pretty shook up.

I just took a month's leave.
Hopefully, that'll...

be enough to, uh,
get me back to where I was.

You know. I mean, something...
something like this...

it messes with your head.

And what is it that you do for a living?

I'm a New York City firefighter.

CONWAY: Thank you,

Your Honor. No further questions.

You had to pick a fireman?


- Bull...
- Well, that's that.

I mean, he's a fireman.

Women love him. Men want to be him.

Why couldn't he work for the IRS
or the DMV or...

be a used car salesman?

Can she hear me?

- Uh, nope.
- Or a telemarketer?

- Tell her to stop.
- TAYLOR: Or a...

(SIGHS) Forget I said anything.



Good morning, Mr. Cole.
Just a couple of quick questions

- for the time being.
- Yeah, of course.

Prior to the night in question,

you never met my client, did you?

- Uh... not that I'm aware of.
- Okay.

So you are inclined to agree
with my client's assertion

that this was all just a mistake?

Objection, Your Honor.

Counsel is calling for speculation.


My mistake, Your Honor.

Ah. There's that word again.


No further questions at this time.

JUDGE: I'm not amused,

Mr. Colón.

Let's take a 15 minute recess.

This witness is excused.


This doesn't work for me.
I can't just sit here.

I need to figure out
who gave you that bad tip

and I need to get you and Benny
more intel on these witnesses.

Mm. Well, you'll get no argument from me.

I know things look bleak right now,

but you're in really great hands.

I'm grateful to be in any hands.

Thank you.

Let's compare notes tonight after court.

I hate this feeling.

I'm going to court every day,
but not getting anywhere.

Making no progress with the jury.

And I feel like I'm being
schooled by that... child.

How old do you think
that A.D.A. is... maybe 11?

She's young.

Glad to see you two.

I was afraid you might not show up.

Oh, no. You don't have another friend

- who's been arrested, do you?
- Remember,

you said you wanted to compare notes.

Well, I've been working all afternoon

and I think I finally found
something I want to show you.

So, I did a bunch of sleuthing

- on Michael Cole, Trent's victim.
- BENNY: And?

And I found something that
really made me scratch my head.


Well, after Trent
dropped Michael Cole off

at the emergency room...

he didn't seek treatment.

Say that again.

Trent said that he left him
in the emergency room,

and the hospital surveillance
video that I'm about to show you

confirms that, but...

he never sought treatment.

That doesn't make any sense.

Guy was unconscious for hours.

Watch this.

According to the time stamp,
this is 1:47 in the morning.

Now I'm going to advance the tape.

This is exactly almost
three minutes later.

What the hell?

Three minutes after Trent left...

he opens his eyes, gets up,

and walks out.

What are we saying?

Are we saying maybe
he wasn't unconscious?

And if we're saying that...
what else are we saying?

Gentlemen. Good morning.

Oh, my goodness, she's not
only an attorney at law,

she is a greeter.

He gets cranky in the morning.

Can we help you with something?

The two of you still interested
in discussing a deal?

When you say deal...

I was contemplating a 25-year sentence,

eligible for parole after 18,

in recognition of your client's
years of service to the FBI.

Well, that's awfully reasonable
of you, A.D.A. Conway.

Heck, we're only 25 years
apart on sentencing.

Cranky. Let us chew on it,

discuss it with our client.

By all means.

BULL: A.D.A. Conway, can
I ask you something?

Was there anything in
particular that brought on

this sudden change of heart?

Oh. I was just
thinking about what you said

that first day we met.

About juries, how they're fickle.

It's my first really big case.
That bird in the hand

is starting to look
better and better to me.

The wisdom of our elders.


- She's spooked.
- Sure seems that way.

What does she know?
And do we know it too?

And if not, why not?
And what else don't we know?

You think maybe she saw the tape
from the hospital?

That's got to be it. But how?

Danny goes to get it from whoever,

and maybe that same whoever
thinks there's a buck to be made

by tipping off the other side.
Wouldn't be the first time.

She's gonna give us the bum's rush.

She wants to get this thing over
as quickly as possible.

The longer it goes,
the more we will learn,

and she's betting the weaker
her case will get, so...

that is why she's willing to make a deal.

We're gonna get in there
and she is gonna rest her case

and we're gonna be caught flat-footed.


let's put Trent on the stand to stall

and make sure the team's
ready to work late tonight.

Your Honor, at this time,
the prosecution rests.

You ready for this?

Dr. Bull, I've testified
dozens of times as a Fed

and have nothing to hide.

I made a mistake, pure and simple.

Your Honor, the defense
would like to call

Trent Bolton to the stand.

TRENT: To be a bounty
hunter in New York State,

you have to be asked to the dance.

Even after you get your training,

even after you've been certified,

if a bail bondsman doesn't have
someone skip out on them

and doesn't ask you
to go after that person,

you're not working.

Not as a bounty hunter, anyway.

So let me get this straight.

Someone gets arrested, someone
like this Chris Lankford fellow,

and even though he's committed
all these robberies,

even though there's millions of dollars

in unrecovered money,

diamonds, and artwork,

a judge offers to let him out of jail

while he awaits trial

on two million dollars bail.

So he contacts a bail bondsman
to put up the bail money and...

To guarantee for him
to show up for court.

But in the Lankford case,
no one shows up.

And, of course, now, no one
could find this guy Lankford,

- so the bail bondsman called you.
- I'd been

bugging him for six months
to give me a shot.

It's big money. I just needed
to show him what I could do.

Yeah. Now, what led you

to mistakenly apprehending Mr. Cole?

First thing I did, soon as I got the job,

I did what they call a blast canvas.

I went to Lankford's

known haunts,
spoke to his known associates,

spread the word that
I-I've been looking for him.

Pretty much standard operating procedure,

whether you're an FBI agent
or a bounty hunter.

And then what happened?

Then, the next day,
eureka... I get a call.

Gives me an address, I go over,

and there he is.

Except of course, it isn't him.

Sure looks like him, but it wasn't him.

So what did you do?

What did you do as soon as you realized

you had the wrong guy?

- I brought him to a hospital.
- Mm.

It was... it was, like,

1:30 in the morning. I didn't
know what else to do.

Plus, I hit him once, and it seemed like

he had been unconscious forever.

(EXHALES) I... I...

I really started to get worried.

So you were concerned for him?


Thank you. No further questions,
Your Honor.

Marissa, tell me we're making a dent.

Barely a dent, more like a ding.
We've got two green jurors,

otherwise, everything
I'm looking at in here is red.

Just one question,

Mr. Bolton.

Before you decided to render
an innocent man unconscious,

did it occur to you to simply ask him

if he was Chris Lankford?

With all due respect, Miss,

over the course of my career,

I've probably handled 100 apprehensions.

Until this case,
I've never gotten the wrong man.

But, to a person, every one
of the people I've brought in

have sworn up and down

they weren't the fellow
I was looking for.

Except, every single time, they were.

That's very reassuring,

but this time... you were wrong.

Weren't you?

Asked and answered, Your Honor.

CONWAY: I'll withdraw the
question, Your Honor, and I have

nothing else at this time.

I know you didn't ask,

but we are down to one green over here.

I didn't ask.


Okay, I'll ask.

What's everybody so damn happy about?

You didn't order lobster
for dinner again, did you?

I finally know who called Trent
and gave him the false tip.

- Do tell.

figured out where the call was made from.

You don't say.

And I think we now know
why the bail bondsman

hired Trent in the first place.

And Danny also found out
some things about the victim,

Michael Cole, that I think

are gonna make you both very happy.

Ah. Remember happy?

That's the one where your mouth
go up at the ends, right?

The defense would like to recall
Michael Cole to the stand. me,

Nice to see you again, Mr. Cole.


So here's something

I don't think the jury knows.

You're not just
a New York City firefighter,

you're an MMA fighter as well.

And cue the A.D.A.

Objection. Relevance?

BENNY: Your Honor, you have my word,

it won't take more than 30 seconds for me

to make the relevance completely obvious

to you and the jury.

Objection overruled.

You've got 30 seconds, Mr. Colón.

Thank you, Your Honor, thank you.

Now, we were talking about
your career as an MMA fighter.

Well, it's not a career.

It's-it's a hobby.

That occasionally pays a little money.

Oh. My mistake.

I heard you were retiring from the FDNY,

so I figured your career

as an MMA fighter was taking off.

But apparently, you've come
into money some other way.

Ask a question, Mr. Colón.

Absolutely, your Honor.

So, you're not a full-time MMA fighter,

but you do train as an MMA fighter.

Am I correct?

At a place called

- Pharrell's Training?
- Yes. Yes I do.

And are you aware that Chris Lankford...

the man my client mistook you for...

also trained there?


I think the A.D.A. just experienced

- a growing pain.
- BENNY: Still waiting

for an answer, Mr. Cole.

No. This is...

this is the first I heard of that.


Let me remind you that
you are still under oath, sir.

Once again:

were you aware that Chris Lankford

also worked out at Pharell's Training?

Objection. Asked and answered.

Well, wait, wait.


I mean...

I can plead the Fifth, right?

I mean, that's...
that's an option, right?

Well, if you believe your testimony

might be used as evidence against you

in a criminal matter, by all means.

Getting greener in here.

CONWAY: Objection.

To what? And on what grounds?

I don't know?

No, that's all right, Your Honor.

Let me withdraw the question.


Let me ask you this.

How many times did my client punch you?

- Once.
- Okay. One punch.

And where did he punch you?

- Right here. You can see it.
- Okay.

So you're a firefighter,

an MMA fighter,

and my client socked you
one time in the chin,

and knocked you out for three hours?

What can I say? I mean, your
client... he packs a mean punch.

Well, can you tell me this:

if my client knocked you out

and left you
in a hospital emergency room,

why, when you came to,

did you not seek any treatment?


I don't know.

You don't know.

Maybe when you came to, you felt okay?

Yes. That's probably it.

And maybe...

you were never unconscious
in the first place.

Objection, Your Honor.
Counsel is testifying.

Objection sustained.

Jury will ignore counsel's comment.

No, they won't.

That's what we're counting on.

I have no further questions
for this witness

at this time, Your Honor.

A.D.A. Conway, do you have
any questions for this witness?


Pardon me?

None at this time.

Mr. Colón,

call your next witness.

The defense would like to call
Hector Morales to the stand.

The bail bondsman? Why are they
calling the bail bondsman?

Ah, youth.

BENNY: So, Mr. Morales, you were

the bail bondsman Chris Lankford called

when he was arraigned
and wished to post bail?

Yes, sir. Two million dollars.

Largest bond I've ever posted.

Largest bond you ever posted.

Wow. But when your client

didn't show up for trial,

you hired a bounty hunter
you had never used before.

In fact, you hired someone
who had never even worked

as a bounty hunter.

Isn't that correct?

HECTOR: Mr. Bolton had been coming at me

for months.

He had something to prove.

And he had 15 years of experience

apprehending criminals for the FBI.

He certainly wasn't a babe in the woods.

I-I... And I know, I know, but still...

why would you send out someone

you had never personally
worked with before

to retrieve a violent criminal

for whom, by your own
admission, you had just posted

the largest bond
in your company's history?

I don't know what to tell you.
It made sense to me at the time.

- Would I do it again?
- Call me crazy,

but I bet you would.

BULL: Three,

- two, one...
- CONWAY: Objection,

Your Honor. The defense appears
to be attempting to sway

the jury with inference and
innuendo rather than allowing

the witness's answers to simply stand.


Jury will disregard defense
counsel's last statement.

Mr. Colón,

I need you to pull
this line of questioning

into a cohesive whole that makes sense,

and do it quickly, or I'm going
to have to cut it off.

Absolutely, Your Honor, absolutely.

I just need a minute or so more,

and, uh, I believe things
will become much, much clearer.

The clock is running Mr. Colón.
Ask a question.

Yes, sir. Now, as one of the conditions

of Mr. Lankford's bail,

he had to surrender his passport
to the court, didn't he?

Yes, sir.

Now, sometimes, when you put up bond,

the court doesn't ask for the passport,

but you do. Right?

Sometimes we need that extra assurance

holding someone's passport gives you.


You ever heard the name Nyman Sidah?

May have posted bail for him

maybe four or five years ago?

And, uh,

did you ask him to surrender
his passport at the time?

Could be. I'd have to check my records.

Now, after you posted his bail,
did he show up for trial?

No. My recollection, sadly,

is that he was k*lled in a car
accident on his way to court.

Terrible, just terrible.

Everybody buckle up.
I sense the captain's

about to put on the seat belt sign.

How much did Chris Lankford pay

for Nyman Sidah's passport?


That's my cue.

BENNY: I'm sorry.

I didn't hear an answer.

Maybe I should just
rephrase the question.


When Mr. Lankford
approached you about putting up

his two million dollars bail,

how many millions above and beyond that

did he offer for you to provide him

with a passport and a bounty hunter?

A bounty hunter

who would likely fall for the tip

Lankford would call in on himself,

leading him to a paid lookalike

who was willing to fake being

captured and buy him enough time
to leave the country?


Don't object,
just ask for a brief recess.

Your Honor, the prosecution

would like to request a brief recess.

One thing at a time.

The witness will answer the question.

I withdraw the question, Your Honor.

Fine, then.

Let's take a 15-minute break

and resume testimony at that time.

You bring me out here
just to say "I told you so"?

Well, first of all, I
didn't say I told you so,

and second of all, no.

That is not why I told you
to ask for a recess.

I brought you out here to tell
you you don't have to lose.

But that if you don't act now,
if you don't do something

before that jury votes, that is exactly

what's gonna happen.

And you are too smart and too special

to fall into that trap.

(SCOFFS) Well... thank you,

but what makes you so certain

it's gonna go that way?

Do you want to go back in there

and watch my guy finish
filleting this witness?

You want to watch him enter
into evidence a photocopy

of Lankford's passport, which he
used to get out of the country?

It was supplied to us
by Homeland Security.

You want to hear
about the tip my client got

which was from a pay phone
at Kennedy Airport?

We went out there
and we got all the quarters

out of that pay phone,
and what do you know...

Lankford's fingerprints
are on some of them.

Or maybe you want to see
the victim's bank records.

The unexpected, unexplained deposit

of a quarter of a million dollars

the day before my client supposedly

mistakenly abducted this victim.

Just go in, announce you want
to withdraw the charges

against my client and then
have your office immediately

file charges against the
bail bondsman and the fireman.

And who knows... if you
lean on them hard enough,

maybe they'll tell you where Lankford is,

and then you can put him
behind bars once and for all.

And that's a win.

Why are you being so nice to me?

I know.

I'm old, and virtually at death's door,

but I'm hoping to live long
enough to vote for you

when you run for district
attorney in five years or so.

(LAUGHS): Oh, my God.

I'm sorry, did you say
something? I missed that...

This damn hearing aid.

Thank you. Thank you both so much.

I don't know how I'm
ever gonna repay you.

Don't worry about it.
Call your ex-wife and your son.

- Tell them the good news.
- Will do.

Best of luck to you, Trent.

Hey, uh, do me a favor...

thank Danny for me.

Will do.

I-Is she as great working for
you as when she worked for me?

DANNY: Hey, Iron Man.


I heard the news. I had to come over.

What do I say?

- How do I thank you? I...

Oh, Trent, you don't have to thank me.

You've probably saved my life
hundred of times

when I was with the Bureau,
so I'm just happy

to pay down the debt.

- Oh...
- Come on.

- Hey.
- Let's-let's get out of here.

- I'll buy you a drink.
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