03x12 - Fathers and Sons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x12 - Fathers and Sons

Post by bunniefuu »



Hey, wait up.

You okay?

You're looking a little winded.

Yeah, I'm good.

Definitely need more cardio.

I thought you had a case to dictate.

A routine physical, labs all came back fine.

I figured I'd do it tonight at start of shift.

Besides, I'm already dangerously late for a hot yoga class.

You wanna split a cab uptown?


- Schmuck!




- Oh, my God.

- What the hell are you doing?

- Wait, what are you...

- Get in the car now!

- Wait.

- Let's go.

Wait, there's cash!


I don't want your purse.

Let's go.

- No!

- Get in the car.

- Get help!

- Let's go!

- Help!


- In!

Get in!

- Inside.


- No!





Oh, hey.

- Hey.

- Hi.

So what's going on?

Your text was kinda vague.

Everything all right?

Sorry, yeah, I just wanted to talk to you in person.

- Coffee?

- Oh, hi.

Thank you.

Just black, please.

So about...

about Tyler, what's going on?

- Something happen at school?

- No, no.

He's just been...

he's been sick the last few days.



how sick?

I just talked to him on the phone yesterday.

I know.

He didn't want to worry you.


He didn't...

All right, Sam, what's going on?

He's been vomiting and running a high fever the last few days.

His eyes are really bloodshot.

It could just be a viral infection.

♪ ♪ But what?

♪ ♪ The pediatrician ran a blood test, said it looked concerning.


What does that mean?

He just said we need to see a specialist.

What kind of specialist?

A gastroenterologist.

The good news is, Allan knows a guy.

Supposed to be one of the best in the city, so we've got an appointment scheduled for later today.

♪ ♪ Okay, so yeah, you know, you'll go to the doctor and talk to them, see what they...

I'm sure it's nothing serious.


♪ ♪ Yeah.


No, it's gonna be fine.

- I wish you...


I wish you'd told me earlier, but I'm sure it's gonna be...

Okay, of course.


I just caught a...

a case.

Want me to call in and see if I can...

No, no.

No, no.

Don't be silly.

Like, you said, it's probably nothing.

♪ ♪ Go.

Yeah, okay.




You know what?

What time is the appointment?

: .

Okay, I'm gonna go with you, if that's...

if that's all right.

Yeah, that'd be great.

- Everything's gonna be fine.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪ Victim's Nicole Wright, a doctor here at Hope General.

From what a coworker says, she comes from money, so we're assuming this might turn into a ransom situation.

That's why we asked for your assistance on this.

Copy that.

What do you know so far?

Suspect was a male, medium height, maybe ' ", was gloved up.

Had a p*stol in his right hand and wore a ski mask.

Witnesses say she offered up her purse, but the guy tossed it to the side.

Cell phone was inside it.

Okay, we need to take it down to Fed, scrub it for texts.

Suspect p*stol-whips Nicole's friend, then throws her in the trunk of grey BMW and drives off.

Anybody get plates?

No, there weren't any on the car.

- Perp must've taken them off.

- Okay.

What about the friend, the guy that got p*stol-whipped?

Did he hear or see anything interesting?

Not really.

Name's Adam Lee.

He's a doctor too.

Same hospital.

Poor guy couldn't even give us a clothing description.

All he remembers is the suspect's g*n in his face.


Okay, we're gonna need to look through the purse, find an emergency contact.

♪ ♪ Dr. Nicole Wright was targeted for a reason.

It's our job to help the NYPD figure out why.

So what do we know?

There's no restraining orders on file or red flags at the hospital she worked at.

Seems to be highly regarded, well-liked.

What about her social media profile?

She doesn't have one.

Checked everywhere.

She's not on dating apps either.

Then let's scrub the hospital's security cameras, look for any unreported confrontations.

And no word yet from the victim's family on any ransom demands.

All right, let's go, people.

We're looking for lead here.

A sniff.

Don't be shy.

I'm not buying the suspect randomly chose a rich, beautiful young doctor to grab.

This was an aggressive, very public abduction.

That tells me she was targeted.

Hey, guys, I might've found something.


I found this off a traffic cam five blocks away from the abduction site.

Yeah, yeah.

Eyes up.


It looks like he had an EZ pass that either fell off or was ripped off the windshield.

Oh, yeah.

It means the serial number may be visible.

Can you blow that up, see if we can get lucky?

Yeah, EZ pass comes back to a -year-old male, white, named Dr. Lucas Caldwell.

No criminal record.

Has a private internal medicine practice in Manhattan.

Did he report his car stolen?


At least, not yet.

So he's in the same profession as our victim, and his car was used in the abduction.

In my book, that makes him a person of interest.

- Bring him in.

- Yeah.


♪ ♪ Not a cheap neighborhood.

Caldwell's practice must be doing well.

♪ ♪ Door's open.



♪ ♪ Dr.

Lucas Caldwell, you home?


♪ ♪ We're good.

♪ ♪ House is clear.

♪ ♪ Caldwell's driver's license is in his wallet.

So are all of his credit cards and cash.

The door was ajar.

He left his phone and wallet behind.

He was going somewhere in a hurry.

Yeah, the question is where?

He has a security camera system.

I'll call a CART team down here, get them to download the footage right away.

♪ ♪ - Hey, there you are.

- Hey.

Yeah, sorry.

I was just, uh, dealing with some personal business.

What's up?

Are you okay?

No, I was...

My... my son hasn't been feeling well.

Pediatrician wants him to see a specialist.

So I'm just...

I'm sorry.

That's gotta be stressful.

Yeah, but, you know, I'm sure...

I'm sure he'll be fine.

I mean, you know how it is, doctors these days.

They send you off to an expert if you got a runny nose.


You good?

Yep, yes, I'm good.

What's up?

What do you got?

Uh, we got video from Caldwell's house.


Hey, the footage answers a few questions, the most important one being what happened to Dr.


Take a look.

Go, go.

Nice and calm.

- Okay, okay.

- Nice and calm.


Keep going, keep going.

- Okay, okay.

- Keep going, keep going.

Okay, okay.

Hey, don't try anything.

Keep going.

- All right, all right!

- Let's go.

Well, I was wrong.

Dr. Caldwell isn't a suspect.

He's a victim.



♪ ♪ Dr. Lucas Caldwell: Single, Yale undergrad, Harvard Medical School, Residency at Mass General.

Does he have any criminal history?

No, nothing.

Not even a speeding ticket.

Right, okay, so query number two: What is the connection between our two victims?

Why did this guy specifically target them?

Wright is an anesthesiologist.

Caldwell is an internist.

Odd combo.

Internists spend no time in the OR.

Anesthesiologists practically live there.

Begs the question: Why these two?

What did we find out about their personal life or professional life?

They don't appear to know each other at all.

They have no common acquaintances.

Don't live in the same area.

Different ages.

All right, well, keep digging.

Let's go over the timeline of the abductions.

Maybe that'll give us a clue into the, uh, motive.

Uh, the timestamp on Dr. Caldwell's video doorbell shows that his abduction took place at : a.m.

Dr. Wright was approximately taken an hour and a half later.

Just wanted to point out that the trunk size of the grey BMW is cubic feet.

Dr. Caldwell is about pounds and feet tall.

Which means it's highly doubtful he was still in the trunk of the BMW when Dr. Wright was placed there.

All right, so the abductor either stashed or k*lled Caldwell before grabbing Wright, but the question is why?

There has to be a nexus.

We find that, we find our suspect.

Okay, we have two victims, both doctors, no connection personally or professionally.


What if they were targeted...

not for who they are, but for what they do?

This is crazy.

Why would someone kidnap Dr. Caldwell?

We're trying to figure that out.

Have you gotten any phone calls from anyone asking for money or ransom?


And over the past few weeks, have you noticed anything unusual?

Angry patients?

Strange phone calls?

No, nothing like that.

We're a concierge practice, available to our patients / .

It's not cheap, of course, but our patients really seem to like it.

♪ ♪ Does Dr. Caldwell have any partners?

Yes, one.

Dr. Nelson.

But he was...

What is it?

I'm sorry, uh, this has been a crazy week.

Um, first Dr. Nelson gets in a car accident, and now Dr. Caldwell?

Dr. Nelson isn't at work?

No, he's in the hospital.

Induced coma.

I'm sorry to hear that.

What kind of doctor is Nelson?


♪ ♪ We're gonna need access to all of the clinic's phone records and e-files.

Dr. Caldwell's partner is an anesthesiologist.

So is Dr. Wright.

That can't be a coincidence.

Why would Dr. Caldwell have an anesthesiologist as a partner in the first place?

It doesn't make any sense.

That's pretty odd, right?

I feel like we're missing something.

What about Caldwell's history?

Was he always an internist?

He spent two years as a surgical resident at Mass General before leaving the program to go into internal medicine.

Five years later, he started the concierge practice with Dr. Nelson.

Just found something.

Might be nothing, but over the past five weeks, the same cell number has repeatedly shown up on both their phone records.

Five, six times a day, every day.


Run it.

♪ ♪ Cell number is registered to...

this guy, Lorenzo Santos.


So what was he locked up for?

He's been in and out of jail for the last decade.

A couple of as*ault charges, a narcotics violation.

Also appears to have a lot of connections with this Mexican street g*ng, Loco- s.

Why would a guy like this be in constant contact with a concierge medical practice?

g*ng banging is a dangerous business.

Maybe they made a deal with Caldwell so that if someone gets injured, they know where to go.

This guy's the same approximate height and weight as our masked man.

Ping his cell.

I want him brought in for questioning.

I'm showing he's currently near the intersection of Adam Clayton Powell and th.

Or at least his cell phone is.

♪ ♪ Go.

♪ ♪ The cell pinged near here, but it doesn't mean he's on the ground floor.

He could be in one of these apartments on top of the shops.

He's not.

I think I got eyes on him.

Check your : .

The way he keeps looking around makes me think there's something illegal in that bag.

Hey, Scola, Tiff?

We got eyes on Lorenzo.

He's in front of the Laundromat.

He's talking to a male Hispanic, maybe about his s.

Looks like a dope deal's going down.


We're here now.


♪ ♪ Let's box them in tight before the badges come out.

Yeah, we'll wait for your signal.

♪ ♪ All right, next time, I'll give you a call, okay?

♪ ♪ Okay, they're splitting up.

You take the other guy.

We got Lorenzo.

♪ ♪ Lorenzo Santos!

How you doing?


We need to ask you some questions.

FBI, we need to talk.


♪ ♪ - Lorenzo!

- Lorenzo, stop!

♪ ♪ [GRUNTS]


♪ ♪ Hey, kid.

♪ ♪ You know if you don't come out, we're gonna have to call the dogs, and trust me, you do not want that.

No, you don't.

♪ ♪ All right, you go left, I'll go right.

♪ ♪ - [PANTING]

- FBI, freeze!


- Hands behind your back now.


Make sure you check his waistband.

He was holding it when he started running.

- Up.

- Ah, chill out, man.

I ain't got a g*n.

I'm just hurt.

- Okay, all right.



We'll get you some medical attention.

You shouldn't have started running.

- That never ends well.




What the hell happened here?

♪ ♪ Where'd you get this money?

It's mine.

I earned it.

All right, so now we're gonna need you to tell the truth.

We watched you do the deal.

So what, did you sell Lorenzo some heroin or coke?

♪ ♪ I sold my kidney.

♪ ♪ You sold your kidney to Lorenzo?


I needed money.

There's gotta be a easier way to make cash than that.

I ain't got a lot of options.

Okay, so how does something like this go down?

Did Lorenzo come to you, or you go to him?

I hit him up.

My friend sold him one last month, so...

I knew he was good for the grand.

You only need one, right?

When was this?


A couple of doctors did it at some private clinic.

What clinic?

Where is it?

Don't know.

Lorenzo made me wear a hood while we drove there.

Have you seen these two people before?


The man's one of the doctors that took my kidney.

Don't know who that lady is, though.

Let's run the facts.

Gentleman on the left is Dr. Terrence Nelson, Caldwell's medical partner and the second surgeon involved in the removal of Pedro's kidney.

These two have a side hustle going doing illegal organ transplants until Nelson, an anesthesiologist, gets into a serious car accident.

Which means Caldwell can't operate.

You can't do a transplant without an anesthesiologist.

Right, so the abductor kidnaps one.

Which means our suspect is most likely the guy who paid for Pedro's kidney, either for himself or for a family member who needs a transplant.



Well, I'm guessing the latter, because our masked man doesn't look or move like he's in kidney failure.

All right, so we should be digging into Caldwell's medical records, focusing on the most recent lab orders.

- Where are we?

- Just got something.

Looks like Pedro's labs were cross-matched with a patient by the name of Tony Diaz, years old, lives in Queens.

Any parent or guardian listed?


The father is Octavio Diaz, years old.

Here on a temporary visa while applying for asylum.

- Octavio Diaz.

- What else do we know about him?

It says on his application that he's a high-ranking soldier from Jalisco, Mexico.

Well educated, fought against the drug cartels.

Some sort of special narcotics detail.

His claim is he'll be k*lled if he's sent back.

♪ ♪ That's a physical match for our masked man.

Let's track him down.



♪ ♪ Where's your husband, Octavio?

I don't know.

Ma'am, we need to talk to him right away.

Why are you looking for him?

Come on, you know why.

We know about your son, Tony.

That your husband's working with Dr. Caldwell trying to get him a new kidney off the books, so please just tell us what you know.

We need to find your husband and your son so we can get him the medical attention that he needs.

We already tried that.

Talked to different transplant doctors.

Begged them to get Tony on their recipient list, but we are not in the insurance system.

Said there was nothing they could do.

Now my son is so sick he can't eat or walk.


He's only years old, and he's going to die if he doesn't get a new kidney.

Ma'am, we understand, but we think that your husband is endangering your son, trying to force two doctors to do a very complicated surgery.

He needs to go to a hospital.

I told you, we tried.

They won't do anything.

Just call him.

Not until Tony's all better.

After that, you can do whatever you want to us.


All right.

You don't have to talk to us, but you do need to come with us.

- What?

- You're under arrest.

♪ ♪ Wait, if Caldwell and Nelson are doing off-the-book transplants, they'd need their own surgical centers, somewhere sterile, safe, out-of-the-way.

No way they'd use somebody else's.

Yeah, dig into their finances.

Check to see if they're paying rent on any other facilities.

Yeah, and check purchases for surgical equipment over the past few years.

Nine months ago, Caldwell & Nelson LLC, owned by Caldwell, bought over a $ , worth of medical equipment and devices.

There it is.

Okay, is there an invoice on file, and does it have a delivery location listed?

Went to a warehouse in Brooklyn.

Owned by an LLC called VIP Medical Properties, which is owned by...

Dr. Caldwell.

Notify the team.

I'll roll SWAT with them.

Yeah, I want you there, as well, just in case Octavio doesn't feel like surrendering.



Move in.


TOT in position.

♪ ♪ Setting up forward command post now.

- Copy, Tiff.



♪ ♪ Bingo.

♪ ♪ I have a grey BMW in the far corner of the parking lot.

Plates have been removed.

Probably our abduction vehicle.

There's no activity in the windows, but the lights are on.

Building's definitely occupied.

Thermal scan shows four heat signatures inside.


- Yeah.

We gotta assume it's Octavio, his son...

♪ ♪ And our two doctors.

All right, get the filament cameras to the vents, sn*pers in position, but we do not engage.

♪ ♪ Hey, Sam, I'm so sorry I couldn't meet you there.

I got kidnapping case that turned into a...

- A hostage situation.

- That's okay.

Anyway, what did they say?

Nothing yet.

They're running some more tests.

Uh-huh, for what?

Are they... are they looking for something specific?

He... he didn't say.

♪ ♪ Okay.


Uh, is... is... is Tyler there?

Can I talk to him for a second?

He is, but he's really scared, Jubal.


I think it's better if we wait for now.

♪ ♪ I'll text you when the results are back, okay?

♪ ♪ - Okay.





♪ ♪ [BEEP]

Dr. Caldwell has already started the transplant and made the initial incision.

The suspect is holding the g*n down, but obviously capable of bringing it up on target at a moment's notice.

That's a Bushmaster AR- with a -round mag.

It's a real threat.

Yeah, he's obviously well-prepared.

That puts us at a disadvantage if we make a standard entry.

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

What about an expl*sive one?

Access through the ceiling, flashbangs as a distraction.

It improves our odds, but chances are it would still get messy.

All right.

Let's just continue to monitor the situation.

Let me talk to the JOC.

Hey, so the father's desperate.

He's got military training.

Making a move on him now seems risky.

I understand your concern, but Octavio has no idea that we're on the scene.

That gives us the advantage of surprise.

Why would we risk losing that?

Well, he's got two hostages.

Plus his kid is lying on an operating table getting his stomach cut open.

That's three lives at risk if we miss.

It's a safer play to try to talk him into surrendering.


This is your call, but if you see clear shot, do not be afraid to take it.

- Yes, ma'am.



♪ ♪ We got movement by the window.

Octavio's looking out.

♪ ♪ [GRUNTS]

What's he doing?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.



- [g*nshots]

Oh, whoa!



Light him up!


Whoa, whoa!

Hold your fire!

Hold your fire!

Cease fire, everyone.

Cease fire.

A ricochet hit Dr.

Caldwell in the abdomen.


Good God.

Give me the com!


♪ ♪ He's gonna bleed out.

We need to get him to a hospital now.

No, no, no, no, no.

Get to my son.

I can't do the operation without him.

I'm not a surgeon.




- Hello?

Octavio, this is Special Agent Jubal Valentine with the FBI.

I need you to put your w*apon down and surrender.

If you do that, we can get your son the help he needs.

You think I'm stupid?

No, I think you're a father trying to save his son, so let us help you do that.

I want a new surgeon.

One that can do a kidney transplant.

Well, that's not easy to...

And if one isn't here in the next ten minutes, the lady doctor dies.

- Okay, wait, don't...



♪ ♪ Now what?


♪ ♪ Alpha , you have a clear visual?



♪ ♪ - [GRUNTS]



- Hello?

All right, just listen to me for a second.

We need to get your son, and the injured doctor to the hospital, and we need to do it right now.

So you need to put the w*apon down...

No, that's not going to happen, okay?

I need a new surgeon here fast.

Then you can have Caldwell.

It's not that easy to find a transplant surgeon, let alone one willing to do a surgery like this under these conditions.

I mean...

I need a new surgeon, or my boy's going to die.

Don't you understand that?

This is not the wa...

You think I wanted to do it like this?



I've been trying to get help for my boy for the past ten months.

So I had to do what I had to do.


♪ ♪ Suspect's wife just pulled up on scene.

Okay, good.

Talk to her.

Convince her to help us save her son's life.


♪ ♪ [SIGHS]

This is why you brought me here?

To persuade Octavio to surrender?

- To let my son die?

- No, we're trying to save him.

Anna, the doctor who was gonna perform this surgery has been shot.

He's unconscious.

It means they can't do the operation here.

We need to get Tony to a hospital, please.




- Hello?

- Octavio.



We need a surgeon.



♪ ♪ He's going to need you, Anna.

You hear me?

Tony's going to need his mother.

What are you saying?

♪ ♪ I love you, mi amor.


More than you'll ever know.

♪ ♪ I'm sorry.

I tried.

♪ ♪ Where are we?

Octavio won't surrender.

His only focus is on saving his son's life.

He thinks staying put is his best chance.

Okay, then we need to extract Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Wright as soon as possible.

We can have squad breach, try to take out Octavio, but it's risky.

It puts Dr. Wright in real danger, not to mention the boy who's cut open on the operating table.

Jubal, I know that this is hard, but we have to focus on Dr. Wright and Dr. Caldwell, not the son of the perpetrator.

If we can save him, too, then that's fantastic.

Trust me, no one is rooting for this kid to die, but we cannot risk Dr. Wright's safety in order to save him.

Okay, but I still think our best shot is finding a transplant surgeon willing to perform the operation.

No, absolutely not.

We're not gonna put another innocent life in jeopardy.


Then we split the middle.

What do you mean?

I become the new transplant surgeon, the savior.

We demand Caldwell's release in exchange for my cooperation.

Then once I'm in there, I'll talk him off the ledge.

I'll get him to surrender, and then we'll rush the kid to the hospital.

Jubal, he's heard your voice.

I don't think he'll make the connection.

♪ ♪ Okay, but I want a backup plan just in case he refuses.

You go talk to the SWAT leader.

If Octavio refuses to surrender, you have to lure him to a window, and a sn*per will take him out.

♪ ♪ Copy.

♪ ♪ The signal to sh**t is you rubbing your left shoulder with your right hand.

Isn't that the signal to steal second?


Are we clear?

Yeah, yeah, if and when it's time to sh**t, I will rub my left shoulder with my right hand.

Based on what I've seen, the best angle is gonna be through the southeastern window.

So I need you to do your best to work the conversation in that direction.

Yep, copy that.


Okay, all right.


I'm gonna need you to reach out to Hope General.

It's only miles from here.

I want a surgeon on standby, ready to perform the kidney transplant.

We'll do our best.

No, I need a surgeon on standby.

He's a -year-old boy.

He does not deserve to die, no matter what his father...

Jubal, I didn't say that.

I just... find a surgeon.

We will.

I'm gonna need you to take point.

Coordinate with SWAT and Isobel.




♪ ♪ All right.

Uh, call Octavio.

Tell him Dr. Robert Harvey is arriving on scene.

- Will do.

- Okay.

♪ ♪ Okay.

He's not gonna see this unless he looks directly into your ear canal.

Anything we say, you're the only one who's gonna hear it.

Say something.

Jubal Valentine, check one, two.

Yeah, got it.

Also, you're fully backstopped.

Got your medical picture and your bio on the webpage.


Where'd I go to med school?



All right, let's do this.

♪ ♪ Octavio, this is Special Agent Stuart Scola.

I've got good news; A transplant surgeon from Hope General is on his way.

His name is Dr. Robert Harvey, but we're not gonna send him inside until you release Dr. Caldwell, you understand?


♪ ♪ Hey.

I'm Dr. Harvey.

I'm here to help your son.

Come in.


Keep walking.


Keep going.

♪ ♪ Put your bag down.


Put your hands up.


♪ ♪ I appreciate this, doctor, more than you'll ever know.

Charlie , hold your fire.


So the donor is a perfect match, I assume?

Yes, the other doctor made sure, so there's nothing to worry about.



♪ ♪ You know, I feel like I should say I don't think this is a great idea.

A procedure like this should really happen...

No, no, no, you don't get to lecture me, okay?

I've been trying to do this the right way for months, but the doctor's in the hospitals, they don't care.

We don't have insurance, okay?

We're not citizens.

They just ignored us.

♪ ♪ They were going to just sit back and watch him die.

What was I supposed to do, huh?

Let that happen?

♪ ♪ No, of course not.

♪ ♪ So I raised all the money.

I sold my car, I worked three jobs, I borrowed from my friends, from my relatives, and the day before the operation, Dr. Caldwell canceled the operation.

Something about his partner getting into a car accident and was in the hospital.

Didn't want to bring another anesthesiologist.

Said it was too risky.

♪ ♪ He didn't care about my son.

Only himself.

So I did what I had to do.

♪ ♪ We need our target to move feet to the south.


Jubal, in case this thing goes sideways, we really need you to move Octavio feet the south.

I never wanted to hurt anyone.

Yeah, I get that.

♪ ♪ Your kid was in danger.

You did what you had to do.

♪ ♪ Still don't have a shot.

I want you to know that I'm gonna do everything in my power to save Tony.

You promise?


I do.

♪ ♪ I just want to save my son's life.


♪ ♪ Thank you, doctor.

♪ ♪ Okay, we have a shot.

Waiting on the signal.

What are we waiting for?

He's just trying to work him.

I know.

It's no problem.

You know what?

I just...

I gotta say, I...

I really think this is a mistake.

We just talked about this.

I know.

I'm just trying to help you.

So then do the operation.

It's so much smarter to do the operation at the hospital with the technology and the resources.

Look, I'm a father.

I know what it's like to be scared.

To be worried that your son, this boy that you love so much you can't even describe it, could die, I get that.

And if I were you, I might do the same thing.

Yeah, but you're not me, okay?

You're rich.

You're white.

You've never been in this position ever.

So you don't get to tell me how to do this.

Okay, but all I'm saying is the best way to save Tony's life, and yours, for that matter, is let the FBI take your son to the hospital.

Let them do the procedure properly there.

♪ ♪ Please.



♪ ♪ We have a shot.

I repeat, we have a shot.

♪ ♪ I'm telling you, Octavio.

♪ ♪ This is the best move.

Jubal has compromised the line of fire.

We do not have a clean shot.

I repeat, we do not have a clean shot.

♪ ♪ What if the hospital says no?

Okay, what if there's no surgeons ready?

No, no, no, they can't, not if we rush Tony into the ER.

They've been saying no for the past ten months.

We won't let them.

Look, I...

I'll still do the operation.

If we do it here, the odds are / at best.

If we go to the hospital, the odds: %, %.


I'm telling you, man.

You've gotta trust me.


You have to make this decision now.

♪ ♪

- [g*n CLICKS]

- No.


♪ ♪ We're doing the operation here.



So get ready to do the operation.

And listen to this.

If my boy dies, I'm going to sh**t you and her.

♪ ♪ Now!

Let's go!


Jubal, either you give the signal, or I will be forced to do it for you.

♪ ♪ Let's go!

Come on!

♪ ♪ I'm sorry.

w*apon's free.





Let's move!

Clear the room!


- Let's get hot!

Surgeon at Hope General is standing by.


Okay, good.

♪ ♪ You okay?

I'm fine, but we need to hurry.

This kid needs to be in surgery now.

Okay, got it.

♪ ♪ Okay, keep him stable.


♪ ♪ Hope General.

Let's go.

I'm gonna ride in the ambulance, keep an eye on him.


Thank you.


Wright is coming with you!

♪ ♪ Wait!

♪ ♪ You're gonna need this.



♪ ♪ Good luck.



Hell of a case.

A father trying to save his son.

Good night.



♪ ♪ Jubal?

♪ ♪ Hey.

Are you okay?

Tyler has leukemia.

♪ ♪ What?

♪ ♪ My son has...

♪ ♪ Uh, yeah, it's...

Good news is, the doctor says we caught it early.

♪ ♪ It's curable.

Prognosis is excellent, so...


I gotta...

I gotta go.

♪ ♪ [SIGHS]


♪ ♪ Hey, buddy.

You're gonna be okay.

Yeah, we got the best doctors in the world.

Said they promise they can cure this.

And doctors don't lie, so you're gonna be okay.





You're gonna live...

a long, full, beautiful life.

I know it.

♪ ♪
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