05x22 - Prom-ises, Prom-ises

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Boy Meets World". Aired: September 1993 to May 2000.*
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A coming-of-age comedy follows Cory as he juggles school, friends and romance.
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05x22 - Prom-ises, Prom-ises

Post by bunniefuu »

[The Matthews' kitchen. Shawn and Cory come down the stairs grinning and wearing tuxedos]

CORY: Ah, so this is it.

SHAWN: The big night.

CORY: The biggest night... of our lives!

SHAWN: The night we leave as boys, and come back... men.

CORY: [frowns] Are we talking about the same thing?

SHAWN: [wily] I certainly hope so.

CORY: [slowly] Ok so after the prom... romance in the air... you and Angela, you're gonna look in each others eyes, and-

SHAWN: Me and Angela? I - I don't know. Maybe. [laughs] What, you think we sat down and discussed it? How dorky do you think we are?! [becomes serious] What about you and Topanga?

CORY: We sat down and discussed it...

[Shawn rolls his eyes]

CORY: We weighed up the pros and cons, uh - we made a chart, actually. But uh, we haven't... 'cause she feels that... but I... y'know... so... maybe!

SHAWN: [grins, surprised] Really? Topanga said maybe.

CORY: Maybe. Assuming that everything goes exactly - perfectly - right.

SHAWN: So naturally you're going to do everything in your power-

CORY: To make sure everything goes exactly - perfectly - right.

[Cory and Shawn laugh and high-five]

BOTH: Maybe!

[Amy comes down the stairs and Alan enters from the lounge - they overhear]

AMY: Maybe what?

CORY: Uh, just guy stuff.

ALAN: Ohh, 'Guy stuff'... on uh, prom night. [smirks] Uh huh, uh huh! [seriously] Sit down.

[Shawn and Cory sit down]

ALAN: Listen. Y'know, um... [sits between them] your senior prom can be a night to remember without it being uh... a big night. [looking at them pointedly] Cory, I want you to remember that things can happen in a minute that could change your life forever. [points at Cory] Do you understand me?

CORY: Yes, Dad.

[Alan points at Shawn]

SHAWN: Yes, Dad.

ALAN: [satisfied] All right, have a great time!

[Shawn and Cory get up and move towards the door]

AMY: Wait! [grabs a camera] Picture of the boys on prom night!

[Shawn and Cory pose together while Amy takes a picture]

AMY: Bye!

CORY: All right, bye.

[Cory picks up two corsages and hands one to Shawn as they head out the back door; Alan is still sat at the kitchen table]

ALAN: How'd I do?

AMY: Oh, honey, you were great! [stands behind him and wraps her arms around him] I am so proud of you.

ALAN: [chuckling] Thank you.

AMY: I'm pregnant.

[Alan bursts out laughing; Amy takes a picture of him with the camera]

AMY: [smiling] I'm not kidding.

[Alan laughs even harder and Amy takes a picture again; just as Alan calms down, she hands him a positive pregnancy test and takes another picture; Alan stares at it and frowns]

ALAN: Uh... oh well, you know these pregnancy things aren't right... always... the first-

[Amy presents a second positive pregnancy test and takes another picture]

ALAN: [high-pitched] Ah!

AMY: Aren't you happy??

ALAN: [faltering] Ohhh... well I don't understand the question...

AMY: [frowns] You're not happy at all!

ALAN: [high-pitched] Ah!

[Amy runs upstairs, upset]

ALAN: [running after her] Honey!


[Topanga's house. Angela and Topanga are checking themselves out in front of a full-length mirror, waiting for the boys to arrive]

TOPANGA: So! You and Shawn talked about... you know! [grins] You two... after the prom... the big night...?

ANGELA: We haven't really talked about it. It's funny! I mean people think that he's really cool, but he is so shy! He had such a hard time discussing it. [rolls her eyes] I've decided we're not ready until he is ready to at least talk about it.

TOPANGA: I've been thinking about it too. Cory and I have been through so much, and now that we know how much we love each other we've decided that when the time is exactly - perfectly - right-

ANGELA: So in other words - when you say so.

TOPANGA: Yeah. [grins]

[There's a knock at the door; the girls look at each other and giggle, then Angela opens the door to Shawn and Cory]

SHAWN: [gapes at Angela] Wow! You look... you - you look... wow!

ANGELA: You look pretty 'wow' yourself!

[Shawn kisses Angela on the cheek, then hands her a corsage]

ANGELA: Thank you! Shall we?

[Angela takes Shawn's arm and Shawn looks at Cory]

CORY: Go ahead, we'll catch up.

SHAWN: All right, we'll be waiting in... [posh voice] the limo.

[Shawn leads Angela out, leaving Cory and Topanga]



CORY: [closing the door behind him] Listen, I - I want you to know that there's no one else in the world that I'd rather be with tonight. And I - I just want everything to go exactly-

TOPANGA: Perfectly right? Me too. [kisses Cory lightly on the lips]

[The doorbell rings and Topanga opens the door; a geeky boy (Howie) is standing in a pale blue tux]

HOWIE: Topanga! You look radiant.

TOPANGA: [surprised] Howie, what are you doing here?

HOWIE: I'm here to take you to the prom! My dad's waiting outside in the plymouth.

[Cory raises an eyebrow]

TOPANGA: What are you talking about??

HOWIE: Don't you remember a few weeks ago when I asked if you had a date for the prom, you said 'no' and I said 'great'? Don't you remember?

TOPANGA: There must have been a misunderstanding. See, Cory and I are back together.

HOWIE: So... do we or do we not have a date?

CORY: No! You do not have a date! Capice? Back in the plymouth!

[Howie sighs, upset]

TOPANGA: [sympathetically] I'm sorry, Howie.

HOWIE: Who am I kidding? Even my mother said it didn't make any sense. [places his corsage on Topanga's wrist] You two go, have fun. See you at the reunion. [turns to leave]

TOPANGA: Howie! Howie, wait.

CORY: [screwing his eyes shut] Please-no-please-no-please-no-please-no!

TOPANGA: [through gritted teeth] Cory, I feel bad.

CORY: [through gritted teeth] Topanga, this is our prom night.

TOPANGA: [through gritted teeth] It's his prom night too.

CORY: [through gritted teeth] Yes, but I want everything to go exactly - perfectly - right.

TOPANGA: [glaring at Cory] If poor Howie is sitting at home alone crying his eyes out because of me, I would not feel [through gritted teeth] exactly - perfectly - right.

CORY: [suddenly perking up] Howie! [approaches him and places his corsage on Howie's wrist] So! You wanna be our date?


[The prom - which is being held in the hall of a hotel. Cory and Topanga sit at a table with Shawn and Angela, with Howie in tow; Jack and Eric are chaperoning at the other end of the hall]

TOPANGA: [to Cory] Thanks for being such a good sport about Howie.

CORY: [cheerfully] Are you kidding? As long as I'm with you, Topanga, nothing else matters.

[Howie pulls up a seat in between Cory and Topanga; he spots a friend of his across the room and waves]

HOWIE: Hey! ---, look who I'm with! [throws his arms around Cory and Topanga and grins at his friend; his friend grins back with his arms around another put-out couple and gives the thumbs up]

[Camera switches to Jack and Eric]

JACK: Hey look, there's a band!

ERIC: Wasn't there a band at your prom?

JACK: There might've been. All I can remember is being in the back of the limo with Karen ---.

ERIC: [dreamily] Barbie Feldman... [drools]

JACK: You know, I can't even remember my own prom, I was so preoccupied with what might happen after.

ERIC: Me too! [quietly] Anything happen?

JACK: ...None of your business.

ERIC: Me neither.

[Camera switches back to the table, where Shawn and Angela are sat]

SHAWN: Well! This has been one heck of a prom. Now that it's almost over, [gleefully rubs his hands together] you wanna go hang out at the back of the limo?

ANGELA: [slyly] And do what?

SHAWN: [chuckles bashfully] I dunno...! Play?

[Camera switches to Cory and Topanga, who are dancing together]

CORY: So! Pretty soon the prom is gonna be over...

TOPANGA: Cory, we just got here.

CORY: No, we didn't just get here. I mean, really it's taken us fifteen years to get here... you know? I mean we're not kids anymore, Topanga, we're adults. And... I think we're ready for an adult relationship.

TOPANGA: [thinks for a moment] Fine. Let's get a hotel room.

[Cory passes out on the dance floor]


[The hotel lobby; Cory, grinning from ear to ear, approaches the man at reception]

CORY: Hello!

MAN: Hello. Are you checking in?

CORY: [trying to appear confident] Me? No, no! You thought I was checking in. I was just uh... admiring your bell here. [picks up the bell to ring for attention] What's this made of, is it real bell? [laughs nervously] No, I was just here to say [rings the bell] hello! [sheepishly puts the bell down]

MAN: [nonchalant] Hello.

[The man turns his back on Cory, who hovers awkwardly at the front desk]

CORY: Hi, I'd like a room please.

MAN: Ok...

CORY: [awkwardly] For the reason of... tiredness, and it's been a very long journey.

MAN: [sly] Then you want a bed.

CORY: Yes! [falters] Uh, but it - it doesn't always have to be a - a bed. We could do some dancing first...

MAN: So will you want a king-sized bed or two doubles?

CORY: [quietly] Um, what would you recommend for someone such as me?

MAN: Well, have you ever been tired before? [gives Cory a pointed look]

CORY: Um. Uh, no actually, this is my first time ever being tired.

MAN: [nods] And exactly how tired are you?

CORY: Well let's put it this way, if I don't get a room real soon I might fall asleep right here.

MAN: Well we wouldn't want that to happen. So [fetches paperwork] one room, one bed, one big night.

[Cory nods, pleased with himself]

MAN: Name?

CORY: [alarmed] Why? I-I mean, wh-why would you need that?

MAN: Just need a name to put into the computer. Any name, any name will do.

CORY: [trying to be casual] Oh this is silly, you must... go through this all the time. I'll just - I'll give you my real name. It's - it's Don. Don Quixote. [grins]

MAN: That's new. Address?

CORY: 1414... [thinks] Delamancha.

MAN: So, SeƱor Quixote Delamancha, I'll just be needing your credit card.

[Cory's jaw drops]

MAN: Aw, did I catch you off-guard, SeƱor Quixote?

CORY: [fruitlessly fishing about in his pockets and backing away from the desk looking dumbfounded] Credit card? [spanish accent] Card... crƩdito... I've left mi casa without it...

[Cory sprints back into the hall]

CORY: Eric! Emergency, listen! I need your credit card - don't ask me why, I just need it!

ERIC: [takes his wallet from his back pocket] Ok ok, but it might be maxed out, I just bought some gum.

CORY: [desperately] GIVE ME THE CARD!! [grabs Eric's wallet and runs back to the front desk, tossing the now credit card-less wallet back at Eric on his way]

[Front desk]

MAN: Room 702 for the former SeƱor Quixote and currently Eric Matthews. I suppose a man of your --- has many names.

CORY: [awkwardly] Haha, thanks, chief. [takes the key card for the room and swaggers towards the elevator looking pleased with himself] And now there are no more obstacles to Cory Matthews on his big night.

[As Cory disappears into the elevator, his parents, Amy and Alan, enter the hotel foyer]

AMY: Alan, this is so romantic! We haven't spent the night in a hotel since our prom night.

ALAN: Well, we might not get a chance to do something like this again for a long time. [quickly adds] Which I couldn't be happier about! [kisses Amy]

[Alan is about to head to the front desk, but Amy pulls him back]

AMY: [slyly] Wait a minute. I've got a great idea. Why don't you check in, then meet me in the lounge and we'll pretend we don't know each other. [grins] I'll be... Siobhan.

ALAN: Ooh, you are bad!

[Amy makes her way to the elevator; Alan walks to the front desk, where a nice-looking blonde lady is standing]

ALAN: Well I'll see you later - Siobhan! [hastily to the man at the desk] Quick, I need a room, in a hurry.

MAN: Ah, the voice of experience.

ALAN: [excitedly to the lady] My wife and I are celebrating. We're having a baby. I'm gonna be a father! [quickly adds] Which I couldn't be happier about!

LADY: [beams and hugs Alan] Congratulations!

[Eric emerges from the Hall and sees Alan hugging another woman, who are oblivious to Eric watching them]

ERIC: [wibbling] Daddy!


[Eric finds Jack back in the hall]

ERIC: [urgently] Jack, Jack!

[Jack turns around]

ERIC: My father just checked into this hotel with a woman who is not his wife or my mother.

JACK: [dismissively] You're crazy, your father's happily married.

ERIC: I just saw it with my own eyes!

JACK: Prom fever. [nodding to himself] Prom fever. It makes everyone go crazy on prom night. We can't even remember our own proms because we were so obsessed with what might happen after. [thinks] I gotta save these kids!

ERIC: I gotta save my father.

[Both walk off in opposite directions; Jack walks past Topanga and Howie, who are dancing together to a fast song]

HOWIE: [to Topanga] You are the best dancer. You should be a professional!

[Topanga smiles, bemused; Jack is now standing in front of the entrance to the hall where a couple are heading out]

JACK: Uh excuse me, where do you think you're sneaking off to?

GUY: To the bathroom?

JACK: Nice try - wasn't born yesterday. Now get back in there to the only prom you're ever gonna have!

[Jack shoos the couple back into the hall; Mr Feeny is nearby and watching Jack]

MR FEENY: I must say, Jack, you're a much better chaperone than I thought you'd be.

JACK: No one gets by.

MR FEENY: Atta boy.

[Mr Feeny tries to leave but Jack steps in his way, until Mr Feeny grabs Jack by the shoulders and physically moves him out of the way]

MR FEENY: Good soldier.

[Jack looks pleased with himself and salutes]


[Cory exits the elevator onto a landing lined with many doors; a maid is walking by in the background; Cory runs to one of the doors and tries the key card in the lock - the door opens]

CORY: Yes! It works! I DID IT! [falters] Wait a minute. What am I forgetting?

MAID: The girl.

[Cory facepalms]


[Back at the prom. Mr Feeny is on a small stage and speaking into a microphone]

MR FEENY: Can I have your attention please?

[The students stop talking/laughing/dancing/eating and turn to look at Mr Feeny]

MR FEENY: It's time to announce your prom king and queen!

[There's a faint drum roll]

MR FEENY: Thank you! [takes an envelope off a small table nearby and opens it] Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... [reads from the piece of paper in the envelope] Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence! What a surprise!

[Everyone applauds and looks at Topanga as she, beaming, makes her way onto the small stage; Mr Feeny places a tiara on top of her head just as Cory comes pelting into the hall. He runs to Topanga on the stage, and as someone places a crown on his head he notices everyone looking at them and cheering]

CORY: [to Topanga] You told them?!

[Topanga frowns; Cory grabs her and they run past Jack and out the hall]

JACK: Uh, where do you think you two are... going...

[Outside Cory and Topanga's hotel room. Still wearing their crowns, they approach the door and Cory uses the key card to open it; he clears his throat, the door swings open, and Cory lets Topanga go in first, he then closes the door behind them after putting a Do Not Disturb sign on the door handle. The room contains nothing but a large bed, and a small set of drawers with a lamp on top - Topanga and Cory stare at the bed, then at each other; Cory smiles faintly]

CORY: So... what do you wanna do?


[The front desk. Eric is frantically ringing the bell.]

ERIC: HELLO?? [rings the bell some more] HOTEL MAN!

[The man emerges from a room behind the desk and acknowledges Eric benignly]

ERIC: Hi. Uh, I need to know what room Mr Matthews is in, please. Pronto.

MAN: I'm sorry, we don't give out that kind of information.

ERIC: Really. [reaches for his wallet] Well perhaps my friend Mr Washington will help change your mind? [dramatically presents a one dollar bill from his wallet to the hotel man]

MAN: [with great sarcasm] Oooh!


[Cory and Topanga's hotel room. They're still standing silently by the bed.]

CORY: So. You wanna see something I've always wanted to do?

TOPANGA: [curiously] Yeah.

[Cory throws Topanga onto the bed, who lands gracefully]

TOPANGA: So what're you going to do?

[Cory leaps onto the bed beside her]

TOPANGA: [grinning] Ah!


TOPANGA: Hi there.

[Topanga rolls on top of Cory and they start making out]

CORY: Ahh don't hurt me!

[Still kissing, they sit up]

CORY: [between kisses] Do you think it would be - rushing if I took off my - jacket? - Because - I won't take off my jacket - if you think it's - rushing.

[Topanga grabs his jacket and pulls it over Cory's head]


[Cory gets stuck with his arms in the air as Topanga tugs harder on the jacket]

CORY: Ok, Topanga, I'm stuck, I'm stuck!

TOPANGA: Maybe if I unbutton this... [reaches under Cory's jacket]

CORY: Wait, I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to see this part.

[There's a loud rapping on the door]

CORY: Put me back, it's the Vice Squad!

[Cory and Topanga frantically scrabble to straighten Cory's clothes, and Cory gets up to answer the door; the rapping continues]


[Cory opens the door and Eric strides in]

ERIC: Don't do this, the tramp isn't worth it! [notices Topanga sitting on the bed] Hey Topanga hi Cory good you guys got here first where's dad?

CORY: [holding the Do Not Disturb sign] Eric, did you not see this?

ERIC: Wait a second, the guy said this was the Matthews' room.

CORY: It is! Now get out!

ERIC: So it's just you and Topanga?

CORY: Yes!

ERIC: Alone in a hotel room?

CORY: Yes!

ERIC: On prom night?


ERIC: So! [pauses, then grins] Whatcha doin'?

CORY: [grabbing Eric] Goodbye, Eric.

ERIC: Ohhh!

[Cory opens the door]

ERIC: Ohhhh!

[Cory shoves Eric outside and closes the door; Cory and Topanga turn to each other, fall backwards onto the bed and start making out again - there's another knock at the door. Cory gets up and opens it]

ERIC: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!

[Cory slams the door in Eric's face and goes back to making out with Topanga]


[The front desk. Eric approaches from the elevator and marches up to the desk, ringing the bell loudly]

ERIC: EXCUSE ME! [still ringing the bell] EXCUSE ME!

[The man emerges once again from the back room]

ERIC: Not that Mr Matthews - the other Mr Matthews! The cheating Mr Matthews I used to be proud to call my daddy! What room's he in? What room's he in? WHAT ROOM'S HE IN?! HUH?!?

MAN: I'm afraid Mr Washington has received all the information that Mr Washington is going to get. [looks around shiftily] Now if Mr Franklin were asking...

ERIC: [affronted] Well! [reaches for his wallet and looks through it] Mr Franklin isn't here. But how about two Mr Lincolns, and... a mystery bag? [fishes around in his jacket and pulls out a bag on a piece of string] Maybe it's good. Maybe it's not.

[The man looks at the bag with curiosity]


[Cory and Topanga's hotel room. The two are hastily making out on the bed; Cory is now jacketless]

TOPANGA: I love you.

CORY: I love you.

TOPANGA: I love you.

CORY: I love you.


CORY: [unbuttoning his shirt] What?

TOPANGA: Do you love me?

[There's a knock at the door; Cory groans and opens the door]

HOWIE: [grinning] I just came to tell you I won't be needing a ride home. [gestures to his side - a woman wearing the hotel uniform appears and starts kissing Howie's face] Janet from the credit card counter. She says I resemble her ex-husband Murray!

[Cory shuts the door in Howie's face and turns back to Topanga rubbing his hands together]

CORY: Great, let's get this over with before Feeny gets here.

TOPANGA: [concerned] You want to get this over with?

CORY: Oh no no no no no! I - I didn't mean it like that! I just meant - we don't need anymore interruptions, you know we've been waiting for everything to be exactly - perfectly - right, and now it is! So...

TOPANGA: Maybe we need to be more spontaneous.

[Cory's jaw drops]

TOPANGA: Not when we think we have to, like... one day on the way home from the library.

CORY: What, do - do you want a book? [fumbles around the drawers and pulls out the first book he finds and holds it in front of Topanga's face] Here's a book! [realises it's the bible] ARGH!!! [throws it back into the drawer and faces Topanga] Listen...

TOPANGA: [fondly] When it's just starting to get dark and you hold me because I'm cold. And we look into each other's eyes and we just know - maybe that's when it happens.

CORY: [desperately] When? When? When?

TOPANGA: Cory I want to-

CORY: When?

TOPANGA: That's why we're here-

CORY: When?

TOPANGA: I'll do whatever you think is right-

CORY: When?

TOPANGA: I'm just so confused-

CORY: Listen, you don't have to be confused! Ok? We're - we're adults now. And adults do not get confused!

TOPANGA: [thinks] You're right. We're adults, let's go.

[Topanga grabs Cory's face and pulls it towards her, but Cory falls to the bed clutching his face]

CORY: [yelling in pain] AHH, MY EYE! MY EYE! OW! OW! OH GOD! [covering his left eye with one hand and sitting up]

TOPANGA: Your eye!


TOPANGA: Cory, get some ice!

CORY: NO, COME ON! [kisses Topanga] OW!!

TOPANGA: Cory, get some ice - I'm not going anywhere and we have all night!

CORY: [grunting in frustration] Ergh, ok. [grabs an ice bucket]

TOPANGA: Oh and bring back a couple of sodas.

[Cory leaves the room, when he's in the hallway, the door slams shut behind him and he quickly checks his pocket for the key card and then places it on the counter as he fills the bucket with ice. He then disappears round the corner to find the soda machine just as Alan emerges from the room next to Cory and Topanga's wearing a dressing gown. Alan tiptoes to the ice counter as the elevator doors open and reveal Eric standing there]

ALAN: [gleefully] I'll be right back - Siobhan!

[Not knowing about Alan and Amy's game, Eric obviously thinks this has confirmed his father's affair; dumbfounded, he lets the elevator doors close before he is seen. Alan is oblivious and places his key card on the counter as he fills his bucket with ice, meanwhile Cory is having trouble getting the soda machine to accept his money. Alan grabs one of the key cards on the counter and makes his way back to the door of his and Amy's room. He tries the key card in the lock, which doesn't work, so he double checks the number on the key and realises it matches to the room next door; thinking he just forgot which room he came out of, he tries the other door instead and yells triumphantly when it opens]

ALAN: [peering inside] Honey! I'm back! [notices that the bathroom door is shut and figures Amy is inside] C'mon out! Don't be shy, Siobhan! [removes his dressing gown and stands in his underwear] Let me see what's behind that door!

[The bathroom door opens]



[Outside, Cory - complete with ice bucket and sodas - grabs the remaining key card on the counter and tries the door to his and Topanga's room. It doesn't work, so he checks the key for the room number, realises it's for the next room and like Alan assumes he just forgot which room he'd come out of. He tries the next door and yells triumphantly when it opens]

CORY: Honey?

AMY: [thinking it's Alan, she comes out of the bathroom and poses provocatively against the doorframe in sexy lingerie] You like?

BOTH: [seeing who it is] AHHHHH!!

[Amy frantically covers herself up. Back out in the hallway, Alan emerges from Cory and Topanga's room looking confused just as Eric strides towards him from the elevator]

ERIC: [angrily, referring to his dad's alleged affair] You thought you could get away with it, didn't you? How could you do this to my mother?!

ALAN: [thinking Eric's referring to the fact that Amy's pregnant] Um... well... nobody planned this... it wasn't something we planned on! It just... kind of happened, you know? Like one of those wonderful miracles! it's happened to me three times already!

ERIC: [disgusted] Hey! [covers his ears] Blugh bleugh blah blah blah!

ALAN: You don't even live in the house anymore! It's not like I'm asking you to give up your room. [thumps Eric playfully]

ERIC: [uncovers his ears] Wait - you're... you're moving her into the house?! Ok, listen, I gotta know who's in there. [points to Topanga and Cory's door] COME OUT! NOW!

[Alan stares, confused. Topanga comes out of the room and Eric screws his face up in disgust]

ERIC: Top...anga?! Oh, Daddy! How could you do this to Mom?!

[Amy enters from her and Alan's room, followed by Cory]

ERIC: Mom! And... and Cory? Man, I'm so out of the loop.

CORY: [to Alan and Amy] Wait a minute, what are you guys doing here?

ALAN: [happily] We're celebrating!

AMY: We were going to tell you tomorrow, but-

ALAN: We're having a baby!

[Eric, Cory and Topanga's jaws drop]

CORY: You're - you're having a baby?!

ALAN: We're having a baby!

ERIC: You're having a baby! I'm gonna be an uncle!

CORY: So you're having another kid?

ALAN: Yes we are. And we're thrilled about it.

[Alan and Amy kiss]

CORY: Is this something you planned?

ALAN: No, Cory, it isn't. Y'know, it's like I told you before. Sometimes things can happen in a minute that will change your life forever.

[Cory and Topanga look at each other]

AMY: Which is lucky that for us, this came at a time when we can handle it. [smiles] Have a nice night you two.

[Alan and Amy disappear back into their room and Eric goes back to the elevator]

TOPANGA: Wow. They trust us!

CORY: Boy, this is the biggest night of our lives, huh?

TOPANGA: [smiles] Yeah. [offers her hand out to Cory] Shall we?

[They kiss and go into the room, closing the door. A few moments later the door opens and Cory and Topanga step out wearing their crowns and jackets; holding hands, they enter the elevator and go back down to the prom]


[The prom. Cory and Topanga are dancing together to a slow song looking happy]

CORY: I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.

TOPANGA: [smiling] Me neither.

[Cory spots Shawn dancing with Angela nearby; they nod in greeting to each other and carry on dancing with their partners]
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