02x24 - Hot sh*t

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Numb3rs". Aired: January 2005 to March 2010.*
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An FBI agent recruits his brother, a mathematics genius, to help solve crimes.
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02x24 - Hot sh*t

Post by bunniefuu »

( "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" plays )

♪ Welcome to your life ♪

♪ There's no turning back ♪

♪ Even while we sleep ♪

♪ We will find you ♪

♪ Acting on your best... ♪ You coming in?

I think I'm going to stay in the car.

Charlie, you'll get them next time.

Hey, how're you doing, Mr. Eppes?

Oh, good, Victor. And you?

Great. How's your boys?

Uh, actually, Charlie's in the car.

What, he doesn't want to come in?

He hit into a double-play today.

You tell Charlie it's his brains that got him where he is today.

Not baseball. Right.

Um, I'll take, uh... a dozen franks and, um, I don't know, a couple of rib-eye.

MAN: Give me the money. ( woman gasps )

Come on, hurry up! Okay, okay.

I said, hurry up! Okay. Okay.

What do you want? Nothing. Just take it easy.

Come on, all of it.

Theresa. Daddy!

Stay where you are!

Stay there or I'll k*ll her. I swear to God.

Charlie! Dad!

Charlie, get out of here!

( g*nsh*t )



Dad! ( groans )


Dad! ( groans ) I'm all right.

I'm fine, I just have to catch my breath.

Call an ambulance!

Where is your mother?

I-I need your mother...




WOMAN: Charlie.


Charlie, come on, wake up.

You're gonna be late for class.


Oh, there you are.

Hurry up, everything's getting cold.

Is it really you?

Of course it's me, silly.

You made pancakes.


We don't have a lot of time.

Here you go. Mom, what are you doing here?

I made you breakfast.

But I meant here... here.

You know I can't tell you that, Charlie.

Well, where have you been?

I just thought it was time, that's all.

Time for what?

You needed to see me.

I did? Mm-hmm.

There's a question that you've been wanting to ask me.

A question?

Better hurry, sweets.

I have to go soon.


I'll just put this in the fridge.

What question?

It'll come to you.

What question?

Did you figure it out yet, Charlie?



Charlie, get up.

Come on, you said you'd drop me at the metro.

I've got to be downtown in 45 minutes.

Let's go, come on, chop-chop.

( indistinct background radio communication )

Hey. Hey.

COLBY: This is Carla Daniels.

This is her house, she lives here alone.

No sign of a struggle.

Her keys were still in the ignition.

Yeah, who found her?

Her mailman.

Woman, whatever you want to call her.

How about postal carrier, Granger?

What do you say, Megan?

She was found the same way the other girl was six weeks ago.

You guys talk to the neighbors?

The guy across the street.

He says the car's been here all morning.

With her in it?

DAVID: Can't remember.

Just another sunny day in L.A.

All right. Well, start canvassing the area.

We need permits here, so run parking tickets.

They probably didn't walk away, right?

Could be, she did it to herself?

See how pretty she looks, Granger?

She didn't dress for a su1c1de.

She dressed for a somebody.

CHARLIE: I'll tell you, it was weird.

It's been four years.

I forgot what she looks like.

Listen, I completely understand.

My own mother passed years ago.

Now all I can recall is this warm smile of hers and a set of oddly tweezed eyebrows.

It was nice seeing her, though. Yeah.

And you said that she told you there was some question that you had for her?

Yeah, what do you think that's about?

All depends on what school of dreams you ascribe to.

School of dreams...

Whether it's due to some random neuro-synaptic firings, In other words, they have no meaning.

Or, you know, maybe they're revelations of some hidden subconscious conflict.

Residue of unprocessed emotions.

What side of that fence do you sit on?

Oh, I rarely dream.

I mean, every once in a while, I have this recurring dream in which my Aunt Louise is attempting to consume my flesh, but as a general rule, no.

I like to think it's because I live in the moment, but of course it could be due to some greater neuro-chemical imbalance.

That certainly might explain some things.

But we're exploring your journey here, Charles, not mine.


But... what is it?

( phone rings )

COLBY: Granger.

I will call you right back.


You make your bed in the morning?

Not usually.

Tells you a lot about a person.

I have somebody who comes in.

She read the Bible.

So she says her prayers and makes her bed; you ready to name her k*ller?

She was organized and tidy.

Neither of those traits are really consistent with a risk-taker.


So I think whoever did this, she trusted him.

How about an ex-boyfriend?

That's what I was thinking.

That was David.

Neighbor said she broke it off a few weeks ago.

Sounds like motive to me, but it was fun watching you work.

( laughs )

Tommy, make sure I get that by 5:00.

And, Dilly, call me when you know, alright?

Don. Hey, what's up?

Um, I have something I want to talk to you about.

You busy? No, I mean, we just got handed this homicide from these locals who think it's connected to a prior m*rder.

Here, you want to take a look?

Yeah, sure. What's up?

Um... I had a, uh...

I had a dream.

Oh, yeah? A dream?

I know it sounds...

These are our two victims right here.

They're pretty young.

Yeah, 23, 24.

Both found in their cars in their driveways, both OD'd on hot sh*ts of diazepam and morphine.

The coroner ruled the first girl an accident until the second girl showed up.

Do we know of any connection between them?

Well, I mean, it doesn't seem like they knew each other.

This girl, Lisa Clark, I think she was a salesgirl, and Carla Daniels, a real estate broker.

And somewhere their k*ller must have come in contact with them.


Okay, you know, uh, there's something called a Direct Network Flow problem.

Uh-huh. Is this good or bad for me?

Oh, it's good because these women had daily routines.

So the repetition of those routines would have narrowed the opportunity for a k*ller to come into contact with them.

It's like being in the kitchen.

Every day, you're in that room traveling from the table to the sink, to the fridge, back to the sink, back to the table and so on.

In these routine movements, there are unconscious patterns.

Paths you take dictated by convenience or by a specific task.

If you were to record these movements, you would see those patterns.

So, if you can get me any information about these women's daily lives, then I can analyze their more traveled routes, and find a location where they and their k*ller were most likely to intersect.

All right, I'll see what I can do.

So, uh, tell me about your dream.

Uh... Dad got sh*t.

During a holdup in a grocery store.

It was pretty upsetting.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Then Mom made pancakes.


I don't even dream normal.

It's hard to believe she's dead.

When's the last time you spoke to her?

Oh, about... three weeks ago.

Is that when she broke up with you?

Carla didn't break up with me.

It was a mutual agreement.


How long did you know her?

About a year.

Do you read the Bible, Mr. Gill?

Is that a problem? No, it's not a problem.

It's just, Carla Daniels had an identical copy at her house.

I gave it to her.

What else did you give her?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means, what was the exact nature of your friendship?

We were Christians.


And we didn't believe in pre-marital sex, if that's where this is going.

COLBY: Sex? No.

Nobody said anything about sex.

You just asked me...

See, you're trying to twist my words.

Take it easy, Mr. Gill.

No. I know what you're doing, okay?

You're trying to make it seem like I had something to do with Carla's m*rder.

Did you have something to do with Carla's m*rder?

I want you to leave, both of you.


That's not a very Christian attitude, Mr. Gill.

MEGAN: The autopsy suggests the diazepam was given orally, and then they were injected with morphine.

He calmed them, and then he k*lled them.

So what do we got, serial k*ller?

Well, it's a little early to tell.

But driving them both back to their homes in their cars suggests postmortem staging.

Colby likes the boyfriend for it.

Yeah? And why's that?

Guy claims him and Carla Daniels agreed not to have sex.

And in Granger's mind, that immediately makes him a suspect.

Yep. That and this.

Turns out Mr. Gill called Carla Daniels the night she was k*lled.

DAVID: Told us he hadn't spoken to her in weeks.

And he's got a client that works less than two blocks away from the store where the first victim worked.

And, yeah, no guy agrees not to have sex.

Thomas Gill, FBI!

Open up.

Who is it?


We have a warrant to search your apartment.

GILL: Wait, what is this?

DAVID: I'll take the back.

I have the computer.

GILL: What'd I do?

You lied, Thomas.

We happen to know you called Carla the night she disappeared.

DAVID: Guys.

Take a look.

Oh, ye of little faith.

I didn't remember making the call.

45-minute conversation.

Look, I would never hurt Carla.

So all this and you two never...

No, listen, I told you.

It had nothing to do with her.

Well, it was your stuff, Thomas.

I mean, all those nights that she sent you home...

It wasn't fair.

I'm sure.

I loved her.

But she said "no."

Told me I wasn't the one.


I just wanted her to understand.

That's why I screamed at her.

God, I'm so sorry.

Hey, look, you got a chance to make it right.


What are you talking about?

You screamed, and then what?

What happened?

Nothing. Nothing.

Nothing happened. This was on the phone.

I screamed at her on the telephone.

Right. Then you went there and you k*lled her.

No! I swear to God, I didn't!

I didn't remember making the call.

♪ She's got the suntan, the presence of the earth ♪

♪ She's a cold, cold television set and she's my best friend ♪

♪ I've got my great brain, I start changing mine ♪

♪ I got the left side talking to the right ♪

♪ On the other line. ♪


"Mom, Dad, Robbery, Pancakes"?

Charlie, what is this?

I'm analyzing a dream I had.

You're applying math to your dream?

Activation Synthesis Theory.

When we sleep, our brain continues to receive signals, but because we're unconscious, it tries to structure our thoughts into some sort of association.

Why is this dream so important?

It's the first dream I've had about my mom since she d*ed.

You know they did a study at Harvard about people who weren't very good at unscrambling anagrams who were wakened during REM sleep and were actually able to do a much better job.

Maybe in a dream you just let go.

Harvard, huh?

You call about that job yet?


It's not easy figuring things out, is it?

Speaking of figuring things out, how's Don's case?

I don't have enough information.

These women lived alone and their families lived out of state.

What about where they worked?

I mean, if they're anything like us, those are probably the people who knew them best, right?

Turns out Gil was telling the truth.

He's got a solid alibi for the night Lisa Clark was m*rder*d.

So he's not our guy?

Doesn't look like it.

Lisa Clark, who's 23 years old.

She'd just graduated college.

She left work to meet some friends and never made it.

Bet she never thought something like this could happen to her.

Well, unfortunately, there are people out there who don't give a damn whether your thought about it or not.

And Carla Daniels... told her boss she wasn't feeling well.

Went home, put on a sexy little T-shirt and skirt.

Well, obviously she was feeling better.

I called her sisters in Missouri.

She talked to them every day... except this day.

So whoever this was, she was keeping him a secret.

What's up?

( computer trills )

See this area?

Yeah. Her shoes?

They're on the wrong feet.

We've already checked for DNA.

MEGAN: I'm not looking for DNA.

Want to tell us exactly what it is you are looking for?

Her makeup was perfect, but her shoes were on the wrong feet.

I'm not buying it.

This guy made a mistake.

See that?

Yeah. What is it?

It's makeup.

Only she wouldn't have put it on before putting her T-shirt on.

Right, 'cause when she pulled it over her head...

You'd get makeup on the inside collar.

So this guy dressed her.

When she was already dead.

COLBY: I don't get it.

What kind of guy puts makeup on a dead girl?

He's creating an image for himself.

DON: All right, so elaborate on that.

Well, you take a dead girl and you dump her in a ditch, you're saying, "Look at what a bad-ass I am."

You dress one up, you take her home, you're saying, "Look at what a nice person I am."

It's almost like he's on a date.

Remind me not to set you up with any of my friends.

There's no struggle.

There's no bruises, there's no marks, so either he has a w*apon he didn't use...

...or he already knows them. Right.

That's what Gil wouldn't tell you -- that Carla Daniels was seeing someone else.

All right.

DAVID: Hey, guys. LAPD just found another girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, they're the couple that live here.

This isn't her home?

Never seen her before.

What do you think of a copycat, maybe?

What do you mean?

We weren't giving out any details.

So it's got to be our guy.

Why would he bring her here?

'Cause that's what he does, he brings them home.

Yeah, but this isn't her home.

Check out that makeup job.

It's nowhere near as good, right?

All right, so best guess, he's just going on instinct.

The other two murders, they were weeks apart they were well planned out.

He could've just picked her up off the street and took his chances.

Which means he won't stop until we stop him.

Okay, now this is interesting.

What, did you find something?

Yeah, three-bedroom in West Covina.

That small a yard and this thing is seven figures?

Larry, let's just please try to focus.

Charles, we have, we have examined every aspect of this woman's life.

So, what? You're giving up?

No, I'm just not sure that more data is all that's required here.

Hi, all. Hi.


Find anything?

Yeah, apparently, she had a really annoying chair.

Also, she gets a lot of phone calls.

She had 22 messages in voicemail.

14 of which I've returned.

We're returning phone calls?

Well, yeah. Don said that'd be okay.

Well, Charlie wanted to hear their voices.

Inflections, to determine the level of intimacy.

The greater the familiarity, the higher the value in my Directed Network Flow.

I was trying to explain to Charles the basic flaw in his methodology.

CHARLIE: Flaw in in my methodology?

LARRY: Charles, we've been exploring the universe of this woman's life with no notion of significance.

AMITA: Larry's right, Charlie.

In the hunt for a supernova, even astrophysicists apply some limit on their search.

Right. I mean, case in point.

The Katzman a*t*matic Imaging Telescope takes no more than 100 photographs an hour.

And if I was hunting supernoavae, then, yes, a time limitation would make sense, but in this case, we have no idea when this woman met her attacker.

No, actually, we do.

Her ex told Don she had just met someone.

Someone she didn't tell anyone about.

Okay, so we limit the assignment of edge capacities, the times that she could have moved along these paths to the last three weeks.

Isn't that a little haphazard?

Yeah, well, haphazard may be exactly what we're looking for.

MEGAN: How so?

That vacuum.

That vacuum works on cyclonic technology.

Constant suction is maintained by mini tornados in a series of tubes that separate the dirt from air using centrifugal force.

But if you wanted to determine the path of an actual tornado, you would focus on the landscape and lower atmosphere.

Its path is determined by a variety of factors: weather conditions, elevation and presence of any structures or bodies of water.

It's called Kernel Density Estimation.

And what you do is you divide the landscape and lower atmosphere into squares or bins.

And the more you learn about each one, the more accurate your prediction's going to be.

So when the tornado veers off its path, you know something's missing.

Right. So we don't need to know every detail of this woman's life.

We just need to find that spot where the flow changed course.

So Charlie was right.

There was a change in Carla's routine.

She hurt herself snowboarding a month ago.

Stopped going to her regular gym and started going to Pilates.

To rehab.

Yeah, and there was a message at her office the day she disappeared.

There was a cancellation at the Pilates studio.

Which is why she left work early.

Yeah, and where her life veered off course.

I had a cancellation, so I had the office try Carla.

She'd been trying to see me all week.

She was definitely here then?

45-minute reformer session.

Which means she left about an hour later?

She say where she was going?

Actually, she didn't leave right away.

What do you mean?

Well, I was with my next client and Carla got into a conversation.

With your client?

With her son.

He usually hangs out till she's through.

She had a hip replacement awhile back.

What's the son's name?

I'm not sure.

But my client's name is Charlotte Yates.

Thank you.


What's up?

Those parking tickets we ran down on the second victim.

Yeah, the ones without the residential sticker.

Yeah, Charlotte Yates -- one of the names on the vehicle registration.

You let Charlie buy the house, huh?


Relax. You're just having a dream.

I see you restored the shelving.

Oh, yes.


And for the record, I didn't realize Charlie was the one who bought the house from me.

You really think that's best -- living in this house?

Charlie's a grown man.

I have no control over where he decides to live.

I meant you.

Oh, uh...

Well, it's, um...


I worry about you not moving on, you know.

Taking changes again.

I'm doing all right.

The caterer?

It's not serious.

Charlie says you told him he has a question he wants to ask you?

Well, we always knew it was coming.

We did the best we could with them.


They are both very fine men.


Yeah, they are.

You give Don my love.

Yes, always.

I just want you all to be happy.

Then you shouldn't have d*ed.

She seemed like a very sweet girl.

You knew her then?

On occasion, our appointments overlapped.

Is this your son, Mrs. Yates?


He's a handsome boy.

Chandler is almost 40 years old.

Is he here?

No. Chandler does not live at home.

Oh? Where does he live?

At the beach house.


Do you own a Lexus, Mrs. Yates?

It's registered in my name, but that's Chandler's car.

By any chance did you ever give Carla a ride home?

Ride home?

I barely know her.

Plus, I don't drive.

You've lived in Los Angeles all your life and you don't drive?

My husband drove me around.

Now Chandler takes me wherever I need to go.

Besides, I'm on medication.

Oh, yeah?

Since my hip surgery, I find it difficult to get comfortable.

I even take a little Valium to go to sleep.


Morphine was knocking me for a loop.

Is this you, Mrs. Yates?

I did a little modeling when I was younger.

MEGAN: Do you know where your son is now?


We don't see that much of each other anymore.

I'm afraid that we had a... a falling out.

And what was that about?

Chandler's trust fund -- what else.

A certain amount was to be transferred to him on his birthday.

I didn't feel he was ready.

All that gallivanting around.

Naturally, he was upset.

I told him the same thing I told his father -- the spigot doesn't stay turned on forever.

When was that exactly?

Six weeks ago.

Come here.

What the...? Where's Chandler?

He's not here.

When's the last time you saw him?

This morning. What's going on?

You live here? With Chandler. Why?

Where's he at?

He... he went surfing.

When's he supposed to be back? I don't know.

He might have stopped off for a drink.

Yeah? Where would that be?

John's -- it's on Treemont.

I'll call them.

All right, stay with her.

David, how you doing? You clear?

No sign of him, Don.

All right, come on out front. We're clear here.

Hold on, we just found something back here I think you should take a look at.

All right, I'm on my way.

What's in there?

I can't really see, but something seems weird.

I mean, there could be girls in there, right?

Lights, camera, action.

♪ ...in the air ♪

♪ And music fills my heart... ♪ Shh. She's fast asleep.

Girl's not sleeping.

She's unconscious.

Yeah, drugged, huh?

Now she's ready to do anything I say, anything I want.

How many women you think he did this to?

♪ Here we are, together again... ♪ Want to see?

What I want to see is you fry.

Is this a fairly typical crowd?

Yeah, mostly college kids.

This guy's not in college. He's in his 40's.

Oh, Chandler.

Yeah, I've seen him.

Oh, yeah? When was that? A couple hours ago.


Oh, you should talk to Lyndsey. Who's Lyndsey?

Lyndsey Fuller, she's a waitress.

She's pretty friendly with him.

Alright, thanks.

Hey, you Lyndsey? Yeah.

How you doing? I'm Don Eppes, FBI.

Apparently, you know Chandler Yates?

Yeah. So?

So, we're trying to locate him.

Why? What's he done?

DON: He was just here?

A while ago.

What's this all about?

Some women have made some allegations against him.

Allegations against Chandler?

That's ridiculous.

We didn't even tell you what they are, Lyndsey.

Look, all I'm saying is Chandler's a nice guy.

So whatever these girls are saying, there's more to it.

You have any idea where he is?



Look, I got to get back to work, okay?

CHANDLER: There she is. Oh, yeah...


This is so sweet.

It's 2:00 a.m. and I got a little present just waiting for me.

Wendy doesn't like me to do certain things.

But what Wendy doesn't know, won't hurt her.

And this is Chandler's girlfriend from the beach house?

Yeah. Seems like he's done this to about a dozen different women.

None of these DVDs have any of our victims on them.

I think this is something different.

Really? What do you mean?

I don't think he k*lled any of these girls.

In fact, I don't think they know anything happened to them.

What makes you think that?

I think the k*lling started with our first victim -- Lisa Clark.

She disappeared ten days after the mother cut him off.

You think that triggered him?

Well, Yates needed the money to lure young women.

Money he gets from giving him mom sponge baths, until she pulls the plug.

And that drives him to k*ll.

But without Mom's money, his access to the women is gone.

Right, so in other words, Mom cut it off.

( knocking )

Dr. Fleinhardt.

How goes it with Don's storm-chasing?

I was right.

There was a change in Carla Daniel's routine.

A snowboarding injury.

What, are you examining parabolic arcs and classic projectile motion?

Actually... just practicing for the Physics Department food fight.

You know, in any event, Charles, I've rarely known your instincts to be wrong about such matters.

Yeah, well... figuring out other people's problems doesn't seem difficult.

Are you referring to your dream?

Math isn't working.

And without it, you're lost.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how do you feel about your dream?

Mathematics aside.

Besides math?

Um... I guess, in the moment that my dad was sh*t, all I remember feeling is alone.

What about with your mother?

It's funny, I kept wondering why she made pancakes.

I thought you mentioned she always used to make them.

Yeah, except I never liked pancakes.

You never told her?

Don liked them.

I just kept pretending to like them, too.

You know, numbers may be abstract, Charles, but nevertheless, they are objective descriptions of the world around us.

But dreams... dreams can only be discernable to the dreamer.

Hey. So, the bartender said he was just there.

Yeah, the girlfriend tipped him off.

So, we freeze his bank accounts and credit cards.

I mean, how far can he get?

You know, we do that, and we're gonna paint this guy into a corner.

How do you mean?

If we're not careful, we can turn him into a spree k*ller.

A spree k*ller?

Yeah, a serial k*ller hopes to get away with it.

A spree k*ller doesn't care.

All right, look, where's the guy go for help?

His mother.

Okay, so you two go see her; you get a warrant on her phone.

I'm gonna keep an eye on the bar; maybe he'll show up there.

Right? And we'll talk later.

I told you, we are not speaking.

You do understand that your son's little k*lling spree is gonna cost you, right?

What are you talking about?

His victims, Mrs. Yates, and their bereaved families.

They're all going to want to hold someone accountable.

For whatever Chandler has done, I'm obviously very sorry.

But how is it any of my responsibility?

MEGAN: It's not yet.

But we know he called you, and if another woman is harmed...

He's not going to ruin me. Not like his father did.

Man never worked a day in his life, either.

He needs money.

And how are you gonna get it to him?

He knows you're looking for him.


I'm supposed to meet him in the park in a little while.

I'm supposed to come alone.

David, you all set?

He comes this way, I got him.


Yeah, I'm all set.

All right, he's 20 minutes late.

Wait, hold on a second. I see somebody walking towards her.

I got him. David, you see him?

Yeah, I got him.

Okay, he's talking to Mom. He's trying to get the money.

Three-six-nine-five to Control.

WOMAN: Three-six-nine-five, go.

Yeah, patch me through to my team, would you?

Three-six-nine-five, stand by.

Three-six-nine-five, your team is in active pursuit and is unable to respond.

All right. Copy that.

Look, show me a 355 Parker Street.

Roger that?

Roger that, three-six-nine-five.

I'm showing that as the residence of Lyndsey Fuller.

Copy that.

DAVID: He just took the money.

All right, let him exit the park.

Get him away from all the people.

I'm on him.

He's moving toward the parking lot.

He's headed for the Lexus.

Okay, all positions move in.

Grab him before he gets to the car.

Yates! FBI! Stop!

Yates! Stop right there, or I will sh**t.

( tires squealing )

DAVID: Back out of the car, and turn around very slowly.

Put your hands in the air.

Three-six-nine-five to Control.

WOMAN: Three-six-nine-five, go.

Request back-up. as*ault in progress.

I want my team and LAPD rolling, Code 3. ASAP now.

Three-six-nine-five, copy.

as*ault in progress. 355 Parker Street.

Units rolling. Code 3.


Shh, I'm with the FBI.

He's here.

He's in the house.

Yates! Yates!



Yates, this is the FBI here.

( door opening )


( grunting and groaning )

( pained yell )

Agent... down...

( distorted ): We need a medic.

( dispatcher speaking indistinctly over radio )

I used to come out here to think.

I can see you do the same thing.

The house gets cluttered.

Dad says there's no room.

( chuckles ): Your father's one to talk.

He used to fill that dining room with his blueprints.

You are a lot like him, you know that?

Am I?

You were both so certain about yourselves, about what you expected from your lives.

But not you and Don.

Your brother and I were just never as sure about ourselves.

I know what I want to ask you.

What is it, Charlie?

Do you regret it?

Regret what, sweetie?

Having to take care of me.

Spending those years at Princeton, away from Dad... away from Don...

Your father and I tried to give you and your brother what you both needed.

At the time, you needed your mother.

How could I regret that choice?

But Don needed you, too.

Don is a wonderful man, Charlie.

Whatever mistakes I've made, he's grown stronger for them.

And he's done it with your help.

I miss you.


I didn't even know you were here.

Yeah, guess I dozed off back there.

Boy, you got the good life, huh?

What are you up to?

Oh, it's just my statement.

You're gonna be okay, though, right?

Yeah. What's up?

I, uh...

I don't want you to think that... that you're alone.


Seems like you've always been left to take care of yourself.

Oh, Charlie...

Maybe that's why you are the way you are.

Yeah, how's that?

Never allowed to be afraid.

Look, believe me, I get afraid all the time.

You never show it.

Well, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, you know?

I mean, I got a lot of people counting on me.

I just want you to know this is your home, here with me and Dad.

What? You don't think I come around enough?

What's going on?

What are you boys doing?

Uh, it's just my statement for the sh**ting.

Oh. sh**ting, huh?

Is there a... is there a problem about it?

I did sh**t a man.

Yeah, because you had no choice.

You always have a choice.

Well, then, the trick is to learn how to live with the ones you make.

That would be the trick.

Want me to take a look?

Your old man still has a few good ideas left. Charlie...

You know, I... you know, I can...

I can compute b*llet trajectories based on the layout of the house.

All right.

Where's the ballistics report? Over here.

♪ "I'll give you shelter from the storm" ♪ Okay, let's see what you got here...

♪ And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured ♪

♪ I'll always do my best for her, on that I give my word ♪

♪ In a world of steel-eyed death ♪

♪ And men who are fighting to be warm ♪

♪ "Come in," she said ♪

♪ "I'll give you shelter from the storm"... ♪
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