02x10 - Bones of Contention

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Numb3rs". Aired: January 2005 to March 2010.*
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An FBI agent recruits his brother, a mathematics genius, to help solve crimes.
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02x10 - Bones of Contention

Post by bunniefuu »

( ethereal techno pop music playing )

♪ Slip through his fingers, ♪ ♪ melt away ♪

♪ Make me melt ♪

♪ Away... ♪

( typing )

( computer beeping )

♪ Follow, follow to lead... ♪


( clank )

Is anyone there?

( clattering )

( screaming )

Technically, this museum sits on Federal land.

99-year lease.

Figured we'd call you.

DON: You got I.D.?

Jennifer Abernathy.

She was one of the researchers here.

DON: What do you say, Megan?

The only trauma I can see is the head wound.

DON: See, this has got blood, right here.

She's missing a shoe.

What do you think, being chased?


Who found her?

The night watchman.

Hey, how you doing? Good.

I'm Don Eppes with the FBI.

Frank Lopez.

Frank. What can you tell me?

I was just doing my rounds.

Things seemed pretty routine till I got down here.

Found her like that.

You hear anything?

Nah, it's the graveyard shift. Just me for the whole place.

I didn't even know she was working last night.

Was there anybody else here?

Well, there's a security sweep after we close.

Cleaning crew comes in.

They usually knock off about 11:00.

After that, it's just me.

If it's okay with you, we'd like you to go with one of our deputies, see if we can get you changed into some street clothes?

You want my uniform? Yeah. Is that okay?

Sure. Thanks.

Building is locked down after hours.

No sign of a forced entry.

Security cameras?

Front door, lobby and loading dock.

So far, there's nothing.

That doesn't make any sense.

There's money, credit cards, I.D. -- it's all here.

Well, probably not a robbery, then.

So, someone was after her.

Or something. Right?

She gets in the way.

REEVES: Yeah. Check this out.

Some kind of calculations.

Yeah, the deputy said she did research.

Last entry's today.

"Last entry" is right.

We all use math every day, to predict weather, to tell time, to handle money.

Math is more than formulas and equations.

It's logic.

It's rationality.

It's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.

CHARLIE: I am officially RSVP'ing for myself and one Alan Eppes, who said he'd be delighted to come to your dinner party.

It's been awhile since I entertained.

I hope my hosting skills haven't atrophied.

Although "atrophy" implies a certain level of strength to begin with.

Hey, boys, how we doing?

Hi. What's for breakfast?

Toast and tori.

Tori -- What do you mean? That looks like Cheerios.

"Tori," plural of "torus" -- a shape with a hole in it.

Well, topologically speaking.

Mind if I have a rectangle?

Uh... help yourself.

My math abilities might be a biological adaptation, because from an early age, I've been deprived the nutrition necessary to become a professional athlete.

They say, you know, people who eat a low-calorie diet live longer.

Is that what they say? They do say that.

Hey, I'm looking out for you, bro.

In exchange for what?

Yeah... um...

This woman who works for the Heritage Museum was k*lled last night.

We found this on her, but the thing is we can't make heads or tails of it, so, thought maybe you could.


LARRY: I can already tell you what those are.

Equations related to quantitative archaeology.


Archaeology is just another form of detection -- the artifacts are the clues, and the history they reveal is the solution.

And this is carbon dating.

These are formulas for calculating the age of an object.

I consulted on a paleontology project once.

Carbon dating uses radiation, right?

CHARLIE: All living things absorb radioactive carbon 14 into their bodies -- plants through photosynthesis animals from the food chain.

But, like any radioactive material, the atoms decay at a steady rate, only replenished if the organism's alive.

You know how some refrigerators come with built-in ice-makers -- so let's say the ice-maker's programmed to keep

50 ice cubes in it at one time, but we use five ice cubes per day.

Now, as long as that refrigerator's connected to the water supply, it'll create new cubes to make up for the ones we'd lost, keeping the total at 50.

Death is like cutting off the water supply.

No more ice cubes get made.

So, by subtracting the number of ice cubes we have left -- let's say, like, uh, 35 -- from the total original number of 50, and then dividing by five ice cubes per day...

The ice-maker's been dead for three days?

The ice-maker's a more linear example -- and radio carbon decay is exponential -- but you get the idea?

Yeah, she was trying to date something.

But that's the thing: we don't know what.

It's not in her office, it's not in her lab, so, I mean, that's the problem, whatever it is, is gone.

Have you asked the victim's co-workers?

If whatever she was working on got her k*lled, then those co-workers are potential suspects.


Well, I should... I should be able to figure out at least the parameters of the research detail here.

All right. Why don't you hold onto it, but take care of it -- it's my only copy, all right?

Don, I'm having some people over this week, if you wanna...

Oh, yeah? What's the occasion?

I've sold my house and I wanna kind of say goodbye to it.

This dinner have a color scheme?

Look, my predilection for white food is not pathological -- or at least not just yet.

The, uh, menu will manifest all the colors of the spectrum, yes.

Well, the visible spectrum.

All right, well, consider me there.

You'll call me? Yeah.

She broke her neck.

No compression marks on the skin, so I'm assuming the injury resulted from the fall.

You think it... was an accident?

Depends what you mean by an accident.

I found defensive bruises on her forearms and her wrists.

Now, whether that person intended her fall, that would be purely speculation.

What about sexual as*ault?

No vaginal tearing or irritation, but she did have intercourse earlier in the day.

Most likely was consensual.

What makes you say that?

I found trace evidence of a spermicidal gel.

WOMAN: Jennifer had access to all of our facilities at one time or another.

Mm-hmm. And this is the only lab with carbon-dating equipment?

Yes, that's right, but I think it would be fairly odd for Jennifer to be down here by this time, though.

Oh? Why's that?

Well, we have technicians who operate the machine.

The procedure would be for Jennifer to inventory an item and then let the technicians do the testing.

And she didn't do that?

Not that I'm aware of.

I also would've been notified if any item needed carbon dating.

Is there any way to tell when the machines were used last?

Yes, there's a computer readout.

WOMAN: 1:34 a.m.

That's right around the time she was k*lled.

We don't have any technicians working at that hour.

( weary sigh )

( groaning ): Okay...

ALAN: Hey, Charlie?

I thought you were at work.

Wh-Wh-What you doing back here?

Just looking for something.

Oh, yeah? What? Yeah.

Um... a book on Native American artifacts that I remember you used to have.

'Cause you used to find old things when you worked for the city.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You dig a foundation for a new building, you come up with all kinds of stuff.

And I liked to look up what they actually were.


What do you need it for?

I'm just trying to get an idea of the math used by archaeologists, and I remember you had a book that said something about that, so...

Yeah, yeah. They're in the boxes...

Actually, I already found it.

I found it already.

What are you doing?

Dad... uh... What?

I thought you gave all of Mom's clothes to charity.

I said I was going to; I will.

Don helped you box this stuff up, like... six months ago.

You know, hard as it may seem for you to believe, a man of my age does have a life.

I was busy.

Dad... you're dating again.

I mean, what if you meet someone and she finds out that you're still hanging on...

I would tell her it's none of her business.

Which is exactly what I'm telling you right now.

REEVES: So she rented from you for about a year?

Lovely girl.

So smart. Well-spoken.

How awful for her family.

You say she was pretty quiet.

Except in the shower.

In the shower?

You could hear her singing all the way down the hall -- she had many gifts, but a voice wasn't one of them.

Her specialty was Native American antiquities.

Unopened mail, dry cleaning still in the bag...

She spent all her time at the museum.

I told her: slow down, smell the roses, but young people...

Maybe she had a reason to sing in the shower?


So, did Jennifer have a boyfriend?

Well, I'm not one of those nosy landladies, but her boss sometimes dropped her off at night.

Her boss.

Her married boss.


DON: The museum director told me it was unusual for her to be using the equipment, and she wasn't notified that anything needed testing.

So she's in there alone, at night, testing something nobody knew about.

Thanks. Well, look, someone knew something.

I mean, she was m*rder*d, right?

The landlady told me she might've been seeing her boss on a less-than-professional basis.

Oh, yeah? Well, let's find out where he was that night.

I can tell you where he was supposed to be.

With his wife.

Kenneth Hill? Yes.

I'm Agent Reeves; Sinclair.

You the ones who called about Jennifer?

( sighs)

It's a terrible thing.

How well did you know her?

I was her boss.

How about other than as her boss?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

You know we're not interested in messing up your marriage any more than you already have, Dr. Hill, but a woman's life has been taken here.

We had a relationship.

But, um... I had nothing to do with what happened to her.

I was home.

You can ask... Your wife?

I'd prefer that you not do that.

Oh, I'm sure that you would, but at this point that really can't be avoided.

Unless, of course, you were willing to cooperate, and then we probably wouldn't have to reveal the full extent of your relationship with Jennifer.


What was she doing there that time of night?

On occasion, we get asked to date a private piece.

Private piece?

Something that's dug up in a field locally.

Okay, but why at that hour?

Because certain parties sometimes lay claim to these finds.

Native Americans, for example, will often exercise tribal claims.

And they can only do that if they know about it?

These finds are sometimes reburied without allowing for any testing at all.


The existence of something older than the tribe itself would bring into question the validity of their claims -- to the land, to being the first inhabitants to begin with.

So what was Jennifer testing?

I wish I knew.

I just remembered, when I was in Albuquerque, we busted a guy for robbing tribal burial grounds.

Yeah, the law passed in 1990.

Any artifacts have to be returned to whatever tribe they came from.

The museum director said she didn't think they had anything that needed testing.

That's because what your victim was carbon dating wasn't part of the museum's collection.

It was a new find.

A new find?

A very old new find.

I analyzed Jennifer Abernathy's calculations, and it's clear whatever she was describing had to be extremely old.

I don't think she wanted anyone to know what she was testing.

Why not?

I assumed that these numbers were measurements, so I ran them against a program used by forensic anthropologists called FORDISC to see if they matched anything human.

Well, they did.

DON: Yeah, it's a skull, huh?

A 10,000-year-old human skull.

Did you say 10,000 years?

CHARLIE: What your victim was testing were fragments of a skull that would make it the oldest human remains ever found in this area.

MEGAN: And from what Hill just told me, that would be enough of a reason to k*ll.

Thank you for seeing me, Chief Clearwater.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

This is my attorney, Thomas Morris.

Your attorney?

History's taught us to exercise caution when dealing with the federal government.

( chuckles )

And an MBA has taught me the value of expert counsel.

How can we help you?

A woman was m*rder*d the other night at the Heritage Museum.

I'm very sorry to hear about that.


At the time of her death, she was in the possession of a significant archeological find -- a Native-American find.

I understand that in the past you've exercised similar claims to items like this?

If your great-grandmother's possessions were dug up, would you want them back?

Yes, I would. That's why I'm here.

Are you seriously accusing us...?

You didn't let me finish.

I also understand that these artifacts can be worth a lot of money on the black market.

Unfortunately, there are those who don't respect the sanctity of our burial grounds.

And you've bought some of these items from the black market in the past, correct?

Your casino profits allowing you to do that.

If the authorities were more aggressive in prosecuting these grave robbers, we wouldn't need to.

If you could just give me their names, then I can follow up in this case...

We are a sovereign nation. You can't compel us...

I'm not compelling you to do anything.

I'm asking.

I think that's what my great-grandmother would have wanted.

If you throw one of those near me, you're a dead man.

I have better aim than that.

What's the matter?

Keppler got the flu, and I had to teach his class on the structure and dynamic of galaxies.

His lecture notes are a mess.

Keppler's a little disorganized, huh?

Hey, I'm organized.


( derisive chuckle )

Have you seen your office lately?

There's a symmetry to my chaos, okay?

My system is chronological by height.

A pretty poetic description of clutter.

It's more than just clutter, though.

There exists this need to hold on, to... to things.

Are we talking about the skull, Charlie?

My dad has my mother's personal belongings packed in the garage, and he was supposed to have given them away.

Sounds like he's not ready to let her go yet.

He seemed to be handling your mother's death pretty well.

I think that's what he'd like us to think, but it's clearly not true.

Did you talk to him about it?

If you can believe it, he told me to mind my own business.

LARRY: Your father -- he came from this generation where the heads of households are supposed to show strength.

Don't dare show weakness.

He's just not going to come to you for help.

Even if he needs it.

Charlie, you need to talk to Don.

This involves your whole family.

That's the k*ll hole -- to release the dead person's spirit.

And where would you get something like that?

I mean, it looks like it's from a burial site.

All my items come with provenance showing that they were found on private land -- all perfectly legal.

How does that work exactly?

I mean, you pretty much have to take the word of the person who brings it in, don't you?

I'm sorry, but what's your interest here?

Oh, um...

I have documentation for everything in the store.

Really? Because we heard that you would sell items without documentation.

Items to the Wiyana nation, for example.

Maybe I should speak to a lawyer.

Maybe we should put you in a position where you need to talk to a lawyer.

A skull was stolen.

10,000 years old.

Maybe you heard about something like that being up for sale.

I'm sure I haven't.

There are people that you could call.

A woman's been m*rder*d.

We want their names.

Lawyers cost about $200 an hour.

Goodwill would cost you a lot less.

Well, my lawyer charges $300.

10,000 year old human skull found on the Pacific coast with these dimensions.

Pretty big find, right?

Assuming it's not a hoax, and assuming it was a local find.

What do you mean by that?

Well, it's obvious your victim was working with regression equations... maxillary sinus volume, high cheek bone placement...

These are measurements we use to estimate ancestry.

Like race?

Not exactly.

Race is a cultural construct.

Scientifically speaking, ancestry is more about geography.

For example -- the mid-face areas show variations in structure that result from adaptation to cold, aridity -- allowing us to classify the skull.


As being of European origin, African origin, Asian origin.

What does that one tell you?

I've entered the data into a program that reconstructs what this individual might have looked like.

DON: That's funny, he doesn't look Native American to me.

For good reason.

Native Americans fall under the Asian classification.

But this skull has characteristics we associate with European origin.

I see that. He looks European, right?

Who, apparently, was in California about a thousand years before the Wiyanas' creation stories claim he should have been.

MEGAN: So you're saying this skull wasn't Native American?

No, I'm saying it's a possibility.

So what was he?

Well, the anthropologist thinks European.

He was a white guy?

No, it's more of a geographic thing.

Apparently, race isn't really a factor.

They need to circulate that memo.

I ran that list of names we got from that antiquities dealer.

Guess whose name is on the list.

Dr. Ken Hill.

Jennifer's boyfriend.

DAVID: Apparently, Dr. Hill has supplied these type of artifacts through this dealer in the past.

So his interest wasn't purely scientific.

When you told me Jennifer might have been testing a new find the night she was m*rder*d, you failed to tell me that you were the one who found it.

And I know it was a skull, and I know how old it is.

Look, a construction crew found it digging a foundation for a school.

I was called in to examine it.

I knew right away what it was.

So you just took it?

It was the find of a lifetime.

And they'd already made a decision to turn it over to the Wiyanas.

That is a federal law, Dr. Hill.

Those bones belong to the local tribes.

Without testing, without proof, it is just political correctness without regard to science.

So then you just gave it to Jennifer to do the test?

I never thought she was in danger.

We were just trying to preserve a scientific record.

I could have you arrested for taking that skull.

I've lost everything, Agent Reeves.

My wife... my reputation... even Jennifer.

So what you do to me doesn't matter anymore.

But the real irony is, without the skull, neither one of us has any evidence.

Hey. Hey, you know, that skull might actually be European.

Really? Yeah.

What are you doing here? You got something?

I just wanted to talk to you about...

( sighs )

You know what, it's so not... it's not even... whatever.

It's not, it's not...

Wait, hold on. What's going on?

Mom's stuff.


You came over, you helped Dad box Mom's stuff.

Everything. Yeah.

That's six months ago. He gave it all away, right?

He didn't give it away.

He kept it.

I found everything.

It was all hidden away in the garage.

Hidden? Yeah.

He clearly didn't want me to see he still had it all.

You say anything?

He was very defensive.

All right, I'll talk to him.

I-I already tried.

Yeah, well, I get paid to make people talk, you know?

Yeah, but how many of your suspects grounded you for breaking the neighbor's window?

Never proven.

I'll take care of it.

Hey, guys, Hill said there was a court case.

Wait a minute. What kind?

Between him and the Wiyanas over the bones found at the school construction site.

Hill lost, upshot being he would never get the test to carbon date the remains.

So he went back and stole the skull.

Without testing, how could anyone have any idea of what they'd found?

Well, according to Hill, this is the whole point.

If the Wiyanas aren't the regions original residents, it opens them up to a challenge on the land-use rights...

Gaming interests.

This skull could destroy the tribe.

Who wants dessert?

Oh, wow. What, what is that?

Liquid nitrogen.

Plus milk.


Sugar... and a little... vanilla.

ANITA: It's a fast and simple way to make ice cream.

Oh, ice cream.

DON: I knew it would be interesting, but this is definitely out there.

ALAN: That looks prehistoric.


Well, let me understand something about this Indian artifacts case of yours.

I mean about the skull. Yeah.

Do you really think that it was taken to preserve land rights?

Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, it's a working theory.

They had to be pretty desperate to k*ll someone.

What do you mean? People have k*lled for a lot less than that, you know?

I mean, it's a billion-dollar gaming industry.

LARRY: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it sure seems like there's more than money at stake here.

I mean, the age of that skull flies in the face of the Wiyanas' notion of creation.

Uh-oh. Science versus religion.

That could get ugly.

Well, certainly science doesn't require religion to change its basic concepts, just to reconsider the mechanisms involved.

Yes, yes, but sometimes the mechanisms are just the point.

I mean, Galileo spent the last years of his life under house arrest because he declared that the sun does not revolve around the earth.

DON: Yeah, but look, hey, for certain people religion is just that, you know.

I mean, by definition, it is unconditional so it doesn't matter what science says.

Though many famous scientists, like Einstein, believed in God.

All right, you know, since I was taught never to talk about religion over the dinner table, I would just like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for this fine meal... by doing the dishes.

No, no, no, please. Come on, that's not necessary.


Yeah. Actually, I'll give you a hand.

You're gonna help with the dishes?

Sure. Why not?

We should eat at someone else's house more often.

Let me have your bread plate.

AMITA: So, Larry, when you move... what are you going to do with all this stuff?

I don't know.

Hey, would you two like to take home your dishware?

ALAN: You want to scrape or wash?

Uh... well, I think I'll wash.

You know, Mom used to get me to scrape and then she'd say, "While, you have the plate in your hand..."

This is your subtle way of telling me that Charlie talked to you about the boxes?

He was a little concerned, that's all.

Yeah. And you're not?

Dad, hey, I don't care about the boxes, but you know, the way he said you reacted.

He was prying into something that he had no business being involved in.

Well, come on. I mean, she's our mother.

And my wife.

Look, what I want to do with her things, well, that's my business.

Of course it is, but then, why hide it?

I wasn't.

I don't have to hide anything.

Exactly. You don't, so I just think you know, I mean, it would be healthier if...

Oh-ho. Look who's lecturing me about emotional health.

Wait. Hold, hold on. Wha...?

I don't understand. What's up?

What's up?

If you think I'm gonna listen to my two unmarried sons lecture me on how to deal with the loss of my wife, well, that's as ridiculous as it sounds.

So much for those superior people skills, huh?

MEGAN: You failed to mention the fact that you were in a court battle with Ken Hill over the bones found at the school construction site.

We had no way of knowing it was relevant.

Really? Even after I mentioned the skull.

CLEARWATER: Are you implying that one of my people k*lled this woman for a skull?

All we had to do is pick up the phone and call the police.

Mr. Clearwater's right.

Under the law, those remains belong to us.

Unless, of course, a carbon-dating test proved otherwise.

How could they prove otherwise?

What Thomas means is that the Great Spirit gave our people this land at the beginning of time.

Any remains would have to be the remains of our ancestors.

With all due respect, I'm not that interested in a historical debate.

What I am interested in is who k*lled Jennifer Abernathy.

( phone ringing )

Then I think you should consider motive.

If Dr. Hill removed the skull from that site illegally, any results would be legally invalid.

Clearwater. Legal or not, if those results were made public, they could cause a great deal of trouble for you.


I'm leaving now.

There's been a break-in at my home.

Mrs. Clearwater surprised the intruder.

Apparently he hit him in the head with the butt of a g*n.

Did she get a look at him?

Yeah, it was Hill. Hill?

According to the wife, he went straight for the tribal records.

What is he looking for? I don't know.


You understand now what we've been dealing with?

While you accuse us of m*rder, this man's allowed to att*ck Chief Clearwater's wife?

We're going to find him. We are.

Let them do their jobs, Thomas.

This man's obsessed with destroying us, do you understand?

Either you find him, or we will.

Sheriff's Department says Hill's the registered owner of a Colt .38 and a Remington hunting r*fle.

All right, so he's armed and he's in the wind.

But heading where and looking for what?

Maybe his alibi wasn't as legit as we thought.

Hill staked everything on those bones, right?

His career, his reputation, the life of his lover.

And he lost all three.

So he goes back to Clearwater's house to find the skull?

I mean, what are the odds that he's actually gonna find it there?

Well, maybe he's looking for something else.

What exactly did Mrs. Clearwater tell the police was missing?

Tribal records, histories, maps, population studies.

He's looking for the skull somewhere else.

Yeah, or whoever took it.

These calculations that we got from Hill's office and a list of references that were stolen from Clearwater's house, but that's it.

Okay. Already, I recognize this equation.

It's used in water-current analysis.

Yeah, this is used in the study of planets, determining how they might have looked in the past, how they may look in the future.

These equations can tell us the effect of water flow on topography.

Well, he also stole some tribal histories and population studies.

Now, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Topography. Mm-hmm.

Population studies.

Yes? What?

We think he may be doing a settlement-pattern analysis.

Yeah, just trying to infer where Native American settlements might be located.

Does that mean he's looking for more remains?

CHARLIE: Well, if he no longer has the skull, there's no other way for him to document his find.

So could you duplicate his work from this?

Could you tell me where he's gone digging?

I think the best method would be... Voronoi diagrams?

Voronoi diagrams.

Yeah, used in astronomy, biology, geography... And archeology, where they're used as a system for showing the influence of a particular feature on a given set of geographic sites.

So it's like with a, with a chain of fast-food restaurants.

The location of each restaurant within a city is mathematically determined by the location of other restaurants in the chain.

So in very simple terms, the Voronoi diagram partitions the areas around restaurants into cells.

For every person living within that cell, the restaurant defining that cell would be the closest place to get a cheeseburger.

So we do the same thing with ancient water sources.

We try to find other desirable natural features to find the most likely settlement sites, but, in order to do that, I'm gonna need all the information he took from Clearwater's house.

Well, Clearwater can't be the only tribal elder with that information.

The elders do have other copies, but we won't be turning them over to you.

A young woman's m*rder*r is still out there.

The person that broke into Chief Clearwater's house is still out there.

I appreciate that, but the information could also be used to unearth our burial grounds.

That ship has already sailed, Mr. Morris.

Ken Hill has the information, and he's armed.

You asked me to find him.

That's what I'm trying to do before anyone else gets hurt.

If we give the federal government information that leads to other burial sites, people, like Hill, will use it for the same purpose.

I'm sorry, but you'll have to find him some other way.

We got problems.

Why, what? The math doesn't jibe?

The math always works.

What I realize is this --

There's way too many possible locations.

You think Hill's working off better information?

No. I spoke to some people at CalSci's Social Sciences Department.

I spoke to several anthropologists as well, and what they tell me is what Hill is trying to do is almost, well, really, almost impossible.


The skull?

It's a once-in-a-lifetime find.

You can't just go out and expect to find ancient human remains at other sites, no matter how much math you do.

Yeah, but, Charlie, I mean, the guy is desperate.

But he's also a scientist.

He has to realize the same things I did.

We still getting hits on his credit cards?

Yeah, I have the list right here.

I mean, there's one site where he knows he might find what he's looking for.

Where the skull itself was originally found?

Look at this.

The last four hits were right by the school site.

MEGAN: He's gone back to the original dig site to find more bones.

What have we got?

Positive I.D. It's Hill's car.

Yeah? Yeah.

All right, Tommy, Bill why don't you head out that way.

David, come with me. Let's go.

Dr. Hill?

I need more time.

Look, it's over.

No, you do not understand.

They will bury it where no one will ever find it again.

You don't understand.

I want you to drop that tool, stand up right now.

The only chance I have is to find another set of bones.

I'm the only chance you have. Now, listen up.

Stand up, put your hands behind your back.


I was just trying to make Jennifer's death mean something.

( handcuffs click shut )

Let's go.

He's an egomaniac, but he alibis for the night of the m*rder.

All right, we got him on as*ault and theft but... no m*rder.

And Clearwater doesn't read for it.

I think we got something. DON: Yeah?

A list of disenrolled tribe members.

It was in the census info we got at the mission.

What's disenrolled?

DAVID: Every Wiyana tribe member gets an annual cut of the profits from the casino.

Only about ten years ago, the tribal council started to remove members from its records, disenrolling them for lack of family ties... even if a DNA test might prove legitimate tribe membership.

Right, the more money that comes in, the less people they have to split it with.

Yeah. There's one name on that list that jumps out.

Frank Lopez.

What's that, the security guy?

Turns out he's part Wiyana.

Only in 1998, the tribal council decided it wasn't a big enough part.

My Mom was Native American.

Why does it matter?

Well, it mattered to the Wiyanas.

They cut you out of your share of the casino money.

Hey, I was nowhere near that girl when she was m*rder*d.

You can check the security tape.

Yeah, you were conveniently on the other side of the museum when she was att*cked.

DON: You make the same circuit every night, which puts you on this side at 1:30.

So why don't you tell us why you changed the route that night?

Frank, when it comes to m*rder, it doesn't matter whether you k*lled her or not...

MEGAN: Not if you were the one who let her k*ller in that night.

Is that what happened?

My mother d*ed without a penny.

And she was buried a Wiyana.

And then... some piece of paper changed all of that.

He told... he told me if I helped him get the skull, he'd place my mother's name back on the tribal rolls.

And she'd be who she was again.

...and the dividends per share...


I understand you found the man who att*cked Chief Clearwater's wife.

Yes, we did.

We also found Jennifer Abernathy's m*rder*r.

Hill's confessed? Hill didn't k*ll her.

I don't understand.

Do you want to tell him about it, Mr. Clearwater?

You're not serious.

This is our Chief.

I've known this man my whole life.

He'd never harm anyone.

But you did harm someone, didn't you?

You make a mistake, then you spend every waking hour tracing back all the decisions that got you there.

But why, James?

Because it had to stop.

You're running this tribe like it was a corporation.

We have a responsibility to do what's best.


Best for who?

Who are you to decide that a person's heritage wasn't his own?

Until that casino was built, we were all one people.

No one cared how far back a bloodline went.

Only that skull holds a truth that even you're afraid of.

And knowing I have it... well, suddenly that forces you to stop.

Where is the skull?

It's at rest.

In a place known only to myself.

For now.

DAVID: James Clearwater, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Jennifer Abernathy.

This way.

It's sure ironic, isn't it, that an ancient skull could have such significance for people today.

That a man could matter so much to so many.

What about him?

What was his name?

How did he die on a hillside 10,000 years ago?

Yeah, did his family wonder what happened?

Did anyone cry for him?

Real faith cannot transcend knowledge.

It has to adapt to it and embrace it.

And bones...

They don't make the man.

And they sure don't make the soul.

DON: Are you sure about this?

I mean, you don't have to do it.

Yeah, we didn't mean to push you to do anything.

You didn't push me.

I just realized that what I was really trying to keep had nothing to do with what was in these boxes.

Somehow, I just got it in my head that giving your mother's things away meant something was coming to an end.

You know, like a sign that she didn't matter anymore.

But I'll tell you something... snapping at the two of you did matter to me.

It would've mattered to her.

Yeah, it's all right, Dad.

It's all right.

You know, we, uh... well, we're not really a group hug kinda family, but...

Yeah, no kidding.

That's where a daughter would've come in handy.

Wait, maybe when you come back, we should just sit down and talk.

Just the three of us. What do you think?

You want us to come with you, Dad?


I mean, I have to do this myself.

( engine starting )

( rock song playing )

We really gonna talk? I brought a six-pack.

If things go south, we can just watch the game.

You want to laugh?

That last box of stuff that Dad packed into his car was my stuff.

No way. Oh, no.

I didn't have the heart to tell him.

Hey, you know, I don't have a problem with hugging.

I mean, I don't.

I don't have a problem with hugging, either.

Get away from me!
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