03x09 - Separation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bull". Aired: September 20, 2016 - May 26, 2022.*
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"Bull" follows a trial consultant, who uses his insight into human nature, three Ph.D.'s and a top-notch staff to tip the scales of justice in favor of his client. Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw.
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03x09 - Separation

Post by bunniefuu »


It's just me, Consuelo.

Oh, Mr. Schreiber.

It was a beautiful service.

Ah, certainly was.

It should have been a wedding, not a funeral.

That's nice of you to say.

She loved you so much.

I loved her, I...

I just wanted to look around one last time.

Of course. Of course. Take all the time you need.

The museum isn't coming until tomorrow.

Do you still have any of that tea that I like?

You know I do.

The last ginger peach tea just for you.

Geoffrey? Geoffrey?

The New Amsterdam Museum of Fine Arts has filed a claim of conversion against my client.

Claim of conversion? What'd you steal?

I didn't steal anything.

It's not stealing if it belongs to you.

It's a portrait. A portrait of Mr. Schreiber's ex-wife.

It was painted by the artist Cole Trumaine.

Cole Trumaine.

That's got to be worth a fortune.

It's valued at $10 million.

Melanie's will states that all her artwork was to be donated to the museum.

Wait. Back up a second.

Your ex-wife?

We divorced 15 years ago.

Um, my business was-- is-- in Germany.

I was back and forth a lot.

Too much.

Her life was here, and so was mine, but only half the time.

We reconnected about five years ago.

Started to fall in love again.

But then, uh... cancer.

My condolences, Mr. Schreiber.

Well, if she willed all of her artwork to the museum, it would seem clear that the portrait rightfully belongs to them, but I suppose if it were clear, you wouldn't have called me.

The portrait belongs to me.

Melanie gave it to me before she passed away.

She wanted me to remember her at her happiest.

She wanted me to keep that piece of her with me.

That's what she said.

But if she gave it to you, why was it still hanging in her house?

I wanted it to stay in her home... with her, till the end.

I think I was...

...still hoping she'd... pull through.

And now I'm planning on returning home to Germany full-time.

And I'm taking the portrait with me.

My concern is that jurors might construe this as a case about money.

A greedy ex-husband who sees only the $10 million valuation.

I was hoping you'd help us select a jury, develop a legal strategy.

I'm happy to help, happy to join the team, but...

...would you mind if I tried something first?

Something that... might keep us out of court altogether?

I always believe the best solution to any problem is where both sides get most of what they want.

And you believe if we allow Mr. Schreiber to fly off to Germany with our painting...

And sign a guarantee that upon his death it would be returned to the museum.

We'll be getting most of what we want?

Did I forget to mention that Mr. Schreiber is also willing to pay the museum a handsome fee?

A rental charge, a donation-- call it whatever you want.

My client, the museum, appreciates the gesture, but we really must decline, enforce our rights under the law, and insist that your client surrender the painting or see us in court.

Mm. I'm not sure you understand.

If you agree to our terms, your client owns the painting, your client will always own the painting, a $10 million piece of art that one day may be worth

$20 or $30 million when the museum gets it back.

Additionally, you won't have to set foot in a court of law and run the very serious risk of having the jury rule in favor of my client.

I would encourage you not to answer immediately.

Consult with the museum, and I'm sure they will see the wisdom of what I am proposing.

The portrait we're talking about is a Cole Trumaine painting that no one has ever seen.

Do you realize the kind of attention and attendance that will bring?

I will give you 24 hours to convince your client to surrender the painting, or I'll see you in court.

Hi. An investigator from the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement just showed up without an appointment.

He's asking for you.

"David Ellis.

Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement."

To what do I owe the honor?

You had dinner at Della Nicci last week?

As a matter of fact, I did.

That a problem?

Credit card company deny the charge?

No. We have reason to believe that the man you were dining with is not a naturalized American citizen and he may, in fact, be in this country illegally.

The man I was dining with?

The man who stood up in the middle of dinner and saved another man's life?

He told me he was a heart surgeon.

And he certainly behaved like a heart surgeon.

Although he did do that thing where he patted his pockets and claimed he forgot his wallet.

You sure you have the right man?

Can I just trouble you for his name?


No, I'm not sure you can.

You want to tell me what this is about?

May I ask how you met him?

I swiped right.

Look... I know you're former FBI, so I don't have to tell you that it's against the law to facilitate the presence of an illegal alien, even in a sanctuary city like New York.


Again, I think you're making a terrible mistake.

So there's nothing you want to share with me?

Make sure you call me if you hear from him.

Why? You have a heart problem?

I need a favor. I need help finding Gabriel.

He's not answering his cell.

Is everything okay? Something going on?

Um, could you just look, please?


I found him.

I mean, a friend of mine from Homeland found him.

He's in a detention center.

Immigration got him.

I called you. I tried to warn you.

I know.

I didn't want to pick up.

I didn't want there to be any record of us.

I just, I didn't want to get you in trouble, you know?

You can't get me in trouble; I live here.

But what are we gonna do about you?

There's nothing to do.

They've got me dead to rights.

I've been here seven years; no papers.

No papers, nothing?Hey... trust me, it wasn't the plan.

There was a time I was a pretty big deal surgeon back home.

I made a great living.

I, uh, did work that mattered.

I helped people and was happy.

And then... my home started changing.

v*olence. Crime.



It was everywhere.

And the government didn't mind; they were doing fine.

Suddenly... doctors, scientists, any other educated people, we became the bad guys, you know?

It's like they thought that anyone who could think might question the regime.

So they eliminated the thinkers.

You know, my best friend in medical school...

Government came, middle of the night, snatched him from his home, put him on display in the public square and ex*cuted him.

Just like that, in front of his wife and his little girl.

Oh, my God.

How did you get out?

When you have money and there's something you want...

I found a lawyer.

I gave him every cent I had.

He promised he could get me citizenship, he promised he could get me a spot at the university hospital, that he could get me recertified in the United States.

He-he made it sound like I would just be moving, you know, but to a better neighborhood, that it might take me a while to fit in, but in time...

And, of course, none of that was true.

He got me a tourist visa.

It was good for two weeks.

And you couldn't go back.

Not if I cared about staying alive.

All right, time's up.

They told me you're going to immigration court.

Do you have a lawyer?Yeah, absolutely.

I met him at the country club.

Everybody says he's great. He's really nice.

It's not funny.

Why are you staring at me?

I'm just trying to lock in your face. Your smell.

It might be a while, you know?

$10 million?

That's an awful lot of money for some acrylic on a canvas.

That's what a jury is going to think, too.

They're gonna think this is all about the money.

Funny thing is our client doesn't need the money.

Geoffrey Schreiber is a VP of International Marketing for a huge hedge fund.

Splits his time between New York and Frankfurt.

Even owns his own jet.

Be that as it may, I've never met a rich person that didn't want more money.

And I'm sure the attorney for the museum is gonna make that point, as well.

Our position will be... the value of the portrait is irrelevant.

It's what it represents that matters, and what it represents is the indestructibility of these two people's love.

They married, divorced, and then planned to marry again.

And the only thing that stopped it from happening was Melanie's death.

And in anticipation of that, as a symbol of what they shared, she wanted the painting to reside with him, forever and always.

Being the new kid, just curious.

This sounds like a tough sell.

How do you find jurors who are gonna be sympathetic to our client?

Excellent question. Ideally, we'll be talking to people who might be best described as possessing evolved morality.

Evolved morality?

Smart people who understand that romance, that love, that the ability to feel deeply is all part of the human equation, and that if the law is made to serve people, there has to be some accommodation for their humanness.

That the answer to every question is not found within the four corners of a document.

Morning, sir.Morning.

Let's imagine you pull into a commercial parking lot.

You take a ticket, find your space.

As you're getting out of your car, you can't help but notice a big sign.

"We are not responsible for damage to your vehicle."

You attend to whatever business brought you to the neighborhood, and when you get back, your car window has been smashed and some packages you had in the back seat have been stolen.

What do you do?

Nothing you can do.

Like the sign says, they're not responsible.

Your Honor, the defense would like to thank and excuse this juror.

Just because something's written down, whether it's a sign on the wall or the particulars contained in a will, doesn't mean you can't challenge it.

And people with an evolved morality understand that.

How about you? It's your car.

Your window that gets smashed, your things that get taken.

Do you have any recourse?

Is there one of those signs up?Nope. But... the same warning is printed on the back of the ticket you take from the machine at the entrance that lets you in.


I think you just have to eat it.

I don't care what it says on the sign or the back of the ticket. I paid to park my car.

I have a right to expect the place to have security.

I have the right to expect the place to be well-lit, to be safe.

You don't get to opt out of your responsibility just 'cause you put some mumbo jumbo on a sign.

This juror is acceptable to the defense, Your Honor.

Now if we can just get four or five more like him.

Are you the respondent in this removal proceeding, Gabriel Almonte?

Yes, I am, Your Honor.

Will you be needing a translator?

No, Your Honor.

Mr. Almonte, you're accused of being an undocumented alien living in the United States.

Do you understand that?

I do.

This is an immigration court, and, as such, there is no right to a court-appointed attorney.

Do you have representation?

No, Your Honor, I do not.

Would you like to present a defense before I rule on your removal?

Excuse me?

It seems as if you've already made up your mind.

You already know you want to send me back, right?Mr. Almonte, unless you have proof of citizenship or a defense against removal, then, yes, I'm ready to rule right now.

Oh. My apologies, Your Honor.

Coming from another case at the courthouse across town.

Uh, Benjamin Colón, representing Gabriel Almonte.

Mr. Colón, I was just asking your client, who apparently didn't know he had a lawyer, if he would be presenting a defense to the accusations against him.

Yes, Your Honor. Well, we will be filing an application for asylum.

It is our position that my client should not be removed from this country.

Okay. To the issue of bond.

Mr. Duncan?

Your Honor, Gabriel Almonte is, in our opinion, a flight risk.

He was picked up at Port Authority attempting to run and should not receive bond under any circumstances.

Mr. Colón?

Gabriel Almonte has been in the United States for seven years and has no criminal record.

He eagerly looks forward to arguing his case in front of this court, Your Honor.

Considering the current overcrowding in our detention center, bond is set at $10,000.

The merit hearing will begin tomorrow morning.

I do hope you're not wasting this court's time, Mr. Colón.

Thanks so much for rushing over.

I'm just glad I could get here in time to secure bond.

All these judges want to do is blast through as many cases as they can, and it's a lot easier to do without a lawyer standing there.

Listen, thank you. Thank you so much.

I'm Gabriel.Ah.

Benjamin Colón. Saw you at Cable's funeral.

We work together, obviously.

And both of you, thank you for the bond money.

Okay? I just...

Well, you probably want to thank Dr. Bull for that, even though I'm sure he probably doesn't know about it yet.

Then let him know, please, I'll-I'll pay him back somehow, some way.Will do.

Now, here's what I need you to do.

I need you to go home and put a list together for me of people who are willing to testify on your behalf, talk about why you should receive asylum and be allowed to stay.Yeah.

Okay, I... I can do that. Sure.Great, great.

I got to run, but the two of you have your homework.

Ah, nice to see you.

You do know it's almost 10:00 at night?

Believe me, I'm well aware.

I just, I need to use our computers and databases to try and track down some names Gabriel gave me, people who can hopefully testify in less than 12 hours.

That's very inspiring, Ms. James. Nothing I like better than a "snowball's chance in hell" story.

I'm sorry.

It's late, and I'm old and cranky.

No, you're not. You're just too tired to lie.

And too smart not to know better.

What do you really think his chances are?

The awful truth?

Your friend picked a terrible moment in the history of this country to be from someplace else.

But... you never know.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and this country was founded by desperate people, so who knows?

You're right. Who knows?

I was just sitting there, enjoying dinner with my wife, and then suddenly I started having trouble breathing.

Just couldn't catch my breath.

And then my chest started to hurt, and I guess I blacked out.

And when you regained consciousness?

That guy was standing over me.

Found out later I had a collapsed lung.

He was the only one who knew what to do.

The guy saved my life.

If it weren't for him, I'd have never seen my wife or kids again.

My oldest daughter's expecting her first child.

Thanks to him, I'll get to meet my grandson.

No further questions, Your Honor. Thank you.

Judge never made eye contact with Gabriel, not once.

No change in posture or facial expression.

I don't think we've done anything to change his mind.

Hmm. I'm not sure changing his mind is even on the menu.

Guys like Wentworth, I've seen them before.

He's dug in.

Prides himself on being a law and order man.

Likes to brag at cocktail parties about being appointed by the Department of Justice.

They don't listen to anybody.

Not even one of their own?

I spoke to Melanie the day after she came back from the hospital.

She made it very clear to me that she had given the portrait to my brother.

Even told me she was going to contact the museum and amend her agreement with them.

Do you know why she never amended her agreement with the museum?

I have no idea. My guess is... she never got the chance.

The final stage of her cancer was so... aggressive.

She was too weak to do much of anything those last days.

And then she was gone.

No further questions.

Good morning, Ms. Schreiber.

You're very close to your brother, aren't you?

Very, yes.

And it's not as if your brother has any children.

No nephews or nieces for you to fawn over?

No, he has no children.

And are there any other siblings, or is it just you and Mr. Schreiber?

Just the two of us.

So is it safe to assume his will names you as his sole heir when he passes?

Objection, Your Honor. Relevance?

We're talking about a $10 million portrait.

Isn't who may end up owning it relevant?

Seems like a reasonable line of questioning to me.


So, again, is it safe to assume his will names you as his sole heir when he passes?

That you will, in fact, inherit the portrait when and if your brother should pass before you?

It's not something we talk about, but...

I... I suspect that's true.

No further questions.

Feels like our boat's taking on water, Chunk.

You don't have to tell me. I'm right here in it.

I've got the waterlogged shoes to prove it.

Look at me.

I know you've testified tons of times.

Not for a friend.

Not when his life is on the line.

All the more reason to pay careful attention to what you're gonna say.

Oh, I know what I'm gonna say.

I'm gonna ask that judge how he sleeps knowing he's sending people to certain death.

Um, yeah, well, I would urge you to rethink that, Danny.

I'm putting you on the stand 'cause you're ex-FBI.

I'm hoping the judge looks at you and thinks, "Oh, she's one of us."

But you go in there and lecture him, game over.

We're all going home, and Gabriel's in a C-130, on his way to a firing squad by sundown.

So let's take that anger and put it somewhere else.

You want to make that judge understand why Gabriel should be here, not shame him for wanting to send him away.

You need to go in there and be that man's advocate.

Tell his story.

Talk about what makes him special-- not what the judge can do for Gabriel but what Gabriel can do for us, for this country, all of us already here.

When you met Gabriel Almonte, what was your first impression of him?

As a field agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it was my job to be a good judge of character.

I needed to be able to distinguish people who were authentic assets from people who were not, to be able to see a person's essence, even if they didn't want me to see it.

I'd like to share a little story, if I may.

I was out to dinner with my new friend Gabriel.

It was... maybe the second time we'd shared a meal together.

And... I did not know that he was a heart surgeon in his native country.

I did not know he was here illegally.

I did not know anything.

He was almost invisible.

Cute, funny, good company.

But, quite honestly, nothing exceptional.

Little did I know that was the way he wanted it.

He needed to hide his fierce intellect.

He needed to disguise his superior education.

So, that night at the restaurant, when the man next to us could no longer breathe, Gabriel had a tough choice to make.

He knew instantly what was wrong.

He knew instantly what to do.

But... he also knew, in doing it, in getting up and exposing himself as somebody who knows his way around the human body in that high-profile restaurant, was sure to get him in trouble.

And it did.

With me... and the government.

We all felt we'd been duped a little.

But here's the point.

Here's-here's what I need you to know.

That almost invisible man didn't hesitate for a second.

He understood that, in that moment, the virtual certainty of that man's death mattered more than the illusion that his life depended on.

So he did what we hope every good neighbor, every good citizen will do.

And now I'd like you to imagine how much better all our lives might be if he were allowed to be visible, to be as smart as he truly is, if he were able to offer this country, my country, our country, his best, instead of hiding in the shadows and pleading for the most basic of human rights, the right to stay alive.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Did I answer your question?

You sure did.

No further questions, Your Honor.

You're a former FBI agent, so let me ask you a simple question.

Do you believe Mr. Almonte understands the law?

I'm sorry, you want me to speculate on what someone does or doesn't understand?

You just said he was brilliant.

All kinds of education.

A doctor.

Stands to reason he probably knew he was breaking the law, right?

Again, I don't think it's my place to...Well, wh-what about you? You think he broke the law?

Like I said, I think he's a human being trying to stay alive.

That's not what I asked, Ms. James.

The witness will answer the question.

That's all right. I'll withdraw it.

Thank you, Ms. James.

Sit back down. You have not been excused.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I'd like an answer to the question.

As a former law enforcement officer, did Gabriel Almonte break the law?

A simple yes or no.

I'm waiting for an answer, Ms. James.

Yes, Your Honor. He broke the law.

The laws of the very country he's asking to take him in.

Why should we welcome someone in, no matter what he has to offer, if he's already proven he's unwilling to follow our laws?

Objection, Your Honor.

Now, we all understand that this is a passionate debate...

Who are you objecting to, Mr. Colón?

Me? My passion?


Why is it so difficult for people to understand that if we don't uphold our laws, then we maintain no sense of country at all?

Now you're excused, Ms. James.

I'm ready to rule.

Your Honor, if it pleases the court, we have one more witness that will be available tomorrow.

Is this man a part of your team, Mr. Colón?

Does he speak for you?

Uh, yes, he does, Your Honor.


I already have something scheduled in the morning.

Your witness will testify tomorrow right after lunch, and then I'll offer my judgment.

Court dismissed.

And who is this mystery witness?

I have no idea.

But now everybody lives to see another day, and that certainly beats the alternative.

There's got to be someone we can put on the stand, someone who can make that judge see.

Judge can't see, 'cause he isn't looking.

There's only two things he wants: to deport Gabriel and get on to his next case.

You know, when he first decided to move here, he-he thought he was doing all the right things.

He hired this lawyer that promised him the world.

The proper papers, recertification as a doctor.

Gabriel gave him every cent he had.

But when he showed up at the airport, all that was waiting for him was a two-week tourist visa.

Maybe there are other people this lawyer scammed.

Maybe if... if we could find one of them...

That's not gonna work.

You have to be a U.S. citizen to testify in immigration court.

Now, if you could find that lawyer...

In 13 hours?

Who are we kidding? It doesn't matter.

Wentworth doesn't care what happened to Gabriel.

He has a job to do, and he wants to get it done.

Well, in the meantime, I'll start putting together the paperwork for an appeal.

But... without any new information, we are likely to be denied.

And, of course, we'd have to get him back here, and he'd have to find a way to... avoid authorities in his home country until we schedule the hearings.

Lots of ifs.

We found some good news.

Unless, of course, that isn't what y'all are looking for.

We'll take all the good news we can get.

I was able to access Melanie's cellular records to see who she might have spoken with the week before she died.

She found a witness, a woman that works in a custom frame house.

A place that's done a lot of business with Geoffrey's ex-wife over the years.

She's willing to testify first thing in the morning.

Who is it?

It's me.

I've been calling and texting you all night, and you haven't answered me, so I just... want to make sure you're okay.

Yeah, I'm okay.

I'm okay.

You should just go away.

I think that this is all going to be easier for me tomorrow if you're not there.


I just, I don't want you to see them take me away.

Gabriel, will you please come over here and unhook this door?

Go away, please, Danny.

Please, just go away.

You and your friends have done everything that you can for me.

Okay? Thank you.

But we're not done.

Yeah, I think that we are.

I'm not stupid.

You understand? I'm not stupid.

That place is not a court.

That is a checkpoint.

By this time tomorrow, I'm either going to be dead or in a cell waiting to die.

No, you won't.

Just please come to the door.


Look, I have an idea.

I just, I need to tell you to your face.

You're not going to invite me out to dinner again, are you?

Let's get married.

City Hall opens at 8:30.

Court's not back until after lunch.

By 10:00 a.m., you'll be on a path to citizenship.

You're serious.

Of course I'm serious.

Do I look like I'm kidding?

You really sure you want to do this?

As soon as we're married, we'll file for a marriage visa.

Judge Wentworth will have to suspend the removal hearing and the immigration officials will investigate our marriage.

Oh, man.


I know about this.

I heard about this undocumented guy who got married.

He and his wife had been together for years.

They still, still separated them and interviewed them for hours.


How are you going to handle your finances?

What do you feel about each other's in-laws?

What's each other's favorite food?

Danny, I don't, I don't know your favorite food.

I've never met your parents.

You've got to stop thinking this way.

And we have to stop having this conversation here.


If they don't give us the marriage license, go back to your country for a few months.

Stay under the radar and survive.

I'll go with you.

Number 22.

Okay. Come on.

Hi. Uh, we, uh, need a marriage license.

I need I.D. from each of you.

Uh, yeah, of course.

There you go. Mm-hmm.

Hmm. Danielle James.

New York State driver's license.

And Gabriel Almonte.

NYC Municipal I.D. card.

Well, this all looks good.

You are good to go.

Once the 24-hour waiting period is up, you're free to marry.

I'm sorry. We... We can't wait 24 hours.

We have to get married today, this morning.

Well, that's not how it works in the state of New York.

There's a 24-hour waiting period.

If it's an emergency, you could try and get a judicial waiver, but I wouldn't even know how to tell you where to start.

Look, it seems like forever, but it isn't.

Number 23!

And what was the nature of Melanie's business the last time she came to your custom frame house?

She said she wanted a new frame made for a Cole Trumaine she owned.

She said it was a portrait of her that was commissioned shortly before she was married.

Apparently, her husband never really liked the gold leaf frame the portrait was originally mounted in.

She said Geoffrey preferred more of a sleek, black, modern style.

Uh, she was giving it to him as a gift, and she was very particular.

She wanted to make sure that everything was done just right.

And did any money change hands the day she came to see you?

Yes. I prepared the work order and she gave me a deposit.

I was waiting for her to let me know when I could pick the piece up, but I... I'm guessing that's when she took a turn for the worse, because I never heard from her. Thank you.

One last thing.

Did she happen to specify where you were to deliver the piece once your work was completed?

Or were you simply gonna return it to her home?

No. She was very clear.

The portrait was to be delivered to Geoffrey Schreiber's residence.

Your Honor, we would like to enter this work order and cancelled personal check into evidence as defendant's exhibits A and B.

The court will note Geoffrey Schreiber's address indicated as the "delivery" address.

Additionally, the court will note the signature of Melanie Schreiber.

So entered.

Well, uh, enjoy Germany.

I know that Melanie's portrait is gonna love it there.

I can't thank you both enough.

Well, I hate to win and run but I've got another case I need to get to.

And I fear the outcome is not gonna be what we want it to be.

I know this sounds ridiculously hollow, but if there's ever anything I can do for you, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

Can't be that early.

Actually, you're both right on time.

I'm sorry.

We did everything we could.

Unfortunately, we were unable to come up with any new witnesses.

We're completely out of moves.

I don't know what to tell you, Gabriel.

Uh, yeah. Okay, so...

What does that mean for me? What happens now?

I just left Judge Wentworth.

With his permission, I went ahead and made arrangements for you to voluntarily deport.

That way there's no guards.

There's no cuffs.

It's all very civilized.

I got you on a flight out of Kennedy in about two and a half hours, so just enough time to swing by your place, grab a bag's worth of stuff, whatever you need.

And then we will meet the folks from Immigration at the airport, and they'll walk you through security.

It'll all be very...

Civilized, yeah.

I... I heard you.

You two can't be serious.

How do you expect him to stay alive where he's going?

I don't know, Danny.

Maybe by keeping his head down and his mouth shut.

You have any better ideas?

He's right.

Okay, he's right.

I can do this.

I have some family back home.

I... I'll figure something out.

I promised the judge I'd deliver you personally.

We should head out.

I'm gonna catch a cab. Danny?

We'll give you two a minute.


The last thing you're gonna want to do is go visit your family.

That's where they're gonna be waiting for you.

I know that.

Are you kidding me? I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to make it through the airport without getting picked up.

What are you doing?

Why are you staring at me?

I'm just trying to lock in your face.

Your smell.

Might be a while, you know.

Come here.

It's okay. It's okay.

You better not die.

I'll do my best.

Never been this way to Kennedy before.

You've never gone the back way?

I don't understand. Is that a private jet?

That looks like a private jet.

Am I going back on a private jet?

You got something against private jets?

Flight check.


Dr. Bull's friend?

My name is Geoffrey Schreiber.

Take a seat.


Buckle up.

Ever been to Frankfurt?


A very enlightened city.

I'm sorry. Is that, that's where we're going?

That's where we're going.

Now, when we land, there'll be a government official waiting for us.

You're going to tell him or her that you're seeking political asylum.


And then what?

And then... they'll give it to you.



Just wanted to let you know they arrived safely.

Gabriel's meeting with the German officials as we speak.

I think it's all gonna be fine.

I hate you for not telling me.

But I love you for doing it.

You okay?

Yeah. Totally.

Now. Thanks to you.

Good night, Dr. Bull.

Night, Danny.

In ocean's blue And they're all crossing over

I should have took your hand We should have crossed the border.
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