01x22 - Dead Scratch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x22 - Dead Scratch

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Steven] Previously on Dynasty: -I can't stand when you stay away.

I have to be careful. It's time we get you out of here.

-You have an older brother. -Long lost what?

You might be more shocked to know I have a daughter. Kirby.

What if someone caught us? I'm not about to blow our plan.

-So, our mom is-- -Blake's sister.

Up to you what you wanna do with it.

Thomas Carrington's will left equal shares of Carrington Atlantic to his grandchildren.

My father is no longer fit to run this company.

It's your job, as CA's board, to make a change.

If you want out, you're not going anywhere.

You don't own me.

[saw whirring]

["Whip It" playing]

♪ cr*ck that whip ♪

♪ Give the past the slip I

[saw revving]

♪ Step on a cr*ck ♪

♪ Break your momma's back ♪

♪ Get straight ♪

♪ Go forward ♪

♪ Move ahead

♪ Try to detect it I

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ To whip it Whip it good ♪

♪ When a good time turns around ♪

♪ You must whip it ♪

♪ You will never live it down ♪

♪ Unless you whip it ♪

♪ No one gets away Until they whip it ♪

♪ I say whip it Whip it good ♪ Hey, hey, what are you doing?

I think I'm finally getting into golf.

♪ Whip it good ♪ You know what they say, the couple that plays together stays together.

-You wanted to stay together, didn't you? -Oh. More than anything.


Took me longer to get dressed than usual. Most of my suits have been shredded.

-Oh, no. -Yeah.

-I hope we don't have moths. -Oh, only one.

But just know this.

If this toxic behavior is your little way of forcing me to let you go, I never will.

I love you too much.

Celia Machado.

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Towhip itr

♪ Whip it good ♪

-What time is it? -Oh, time for you to get going.

Last thing we need is for Blake to find his son in Mommy's bed.

Especially after everything is finally about to come to fruition.

Is that French?


[speaks in French]

It means soon you'll get your money, you can be on your way.

But for now, you keep sitting pretty, and don't forget your finger.


I'd say, go with the silver and add tarnish.

We're going for rustic chic, so...

Nothing chic about getting married in a barn.

The barn's the rustic, I'm the chic.

Just surrender, Anders.

I've been trying to be patient with him, given what I learnt.

-Did you know Anders has a daughter? -You mean Kirby?

-Oh. That was anticlimactic. -She lived with us.

She was... I'm not gonna say she was a psychopath, -but-- -Wait, what?

-She mutilated Fallon's Barbies. -Cut off their hair?

Their heads, and then threw them into the fireplace.

The smell of burning plastic still reminds me of Christmas.

She stole from Dad, she terrorized my mother.

Anders didn't mention this?

If he had, I wouldn't have invited her.

-Oh, my God. Does Anders know? -Do I know what?

That you bought 25 antique spittoons for centerpieces?

Carrington Atlantic isn't just a family business, it's a company.

It's a growth engine for the city of Atlanta.

[knocking on door]

-What are you doing here? -Brought you something for luck.

What is it?

It's my father's ashes, to keep and remind you of what you're here to do.

-I'm just kidding. It's a candle. -Thank you.

Are you ready to become the new CEO?

There's nothing I've ever wanted more. Well, almost nothing.

I was thinking, if the board promotes me, I'm gonna re-hire you.

How does VP of Community Outreach sound?

Like it's not for me.

I get it. You wanna play hardball with the boss. Fine.

-President of Community Outreach. -I never wanted a career at CA.

This was about doing right by my father.

-[elevator dings] -[Blake] Is it navy or black?

He's here.

Go get it.

Sorry to keep you waiting. No one told me there was a meeting.

It was an emergency.

Anyone care to tell me what this is about?

The members are here to discuss the future of Carrington Atlantic's CEO.

Or lack thereof. f*ring an employee for being a so-called whistle-blower, mishandling the Clarke County crisis and then trying to cover it up.

-But that was your-- -Regardless, time's up, Daddy.

This is absurd.

I'm Chairman of the Board, and you're listening to a child who's been COO for a week.

Board will decide what's in the best interests of the shareholders.


Many family companies are lost in three generations: moneymaker, caretaker, undertaker.

As the fourth generation, I refuse to stand by and watch my father bury my legacy.

Carrington Atlantic is not just a family business, it is a dynasty.

Time for your morning meds, Blaisdel.

Ah. You're almost done with your baby carrier.


Just goes to show you, you can accomplish anything.

That's what my grandmother told me.

[groaning] Oh, no.

Yeah. Nice try. Still gonna have to take your meds.

-I think my water broke. -Oh. Uh...

Okay. Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.

No, the baby isn't supposed to come this soon.

Hey, hey, I'm here.

Why would I want you here?

A baby's about to rip itself out of my body!

Get me a real doctor! Go!

-Now! Go! -Hang tight. I'll be right back.

Help me!

Good timing, doctor.

Let's get my baby out of here.

The board of Carrington Atlantic has concluded it's in the best interests of this company to shift attention to a more forward-thinking narrative.

You can't be serious.

Blake, you can continue as Chairman of the Board until a replacement is named.

Fallon, congratulations. You're the first female CEO in company history.

Thought I heard the sound of glass breaking.

How could you do this? After everything I've done for you.

Doing what's best for the family. Isn't that what you always say?

Your father left controlling interest to me and Steven because your days were numbered. Grandpa always did know best.

Oh, that's debatable.

-What are you doing here? -Settling your debt.

Still on the juice, Jeff? Hard to tell when you're not staggering like a toddler.

No. Come on, Fallon, that's no way to talk to family.

[Jeff] That's right.

We're Carringtons, and we're here for what's ours.

If Thomas left that trust for his grandchildren, then my sister and I are entitled to shares.

This must be a painful reckoning for you, Blake, but you had it coming.

Your family's been living the good life for decades, while our deadbeat grandpa let my parents struggle to put food on our table.

-And your father was no better. -I didn't have a choice.

Your silence was a choice.

Once we're added to the trust, we can liquidate this company, get our money, and bury the Carrington name.

Our lawyers will be in touch.

-Don't blame me. -Why not?

You lied to me and you let me sleep with my cousin.

Half cousin. I didn't know you were together until the engagement.

It was late to say anything.

-You're not pregnant. -You're winning father of the year.

Really? You just got me fired from my own company.

The fewer people that knew, the less likely the Colbys would find out.

I was trying to safeguard your inheritance.

Well, bang up job, Dad.

Jeff and Monica hung a "for sale" sign on our lawn.

With their shares they could lead a coup on this company.

It's a good thing you're the CEO then.

You wanted to steal the reins so bad, I'm looking forward to watching you get bucked off the horse.

Maybe Kirby will be a no show and we can pretend this never happened.

If she shows, it might be an emotional ambush for Anders.

She used to catch lizards and put them under Fallon's pillow.

That's kind of cute.

She'd suffocate them and leave a note that said, "You're next."

You must be talking about Kirby.

No, he was telling me about Carrie. I've never seen it.

Well, if you like horror movies, I've got a great one for you.

In which, the Colbys are actually Carringtons.

Somewhere around the second act, I bang my cousin, we lose the family company.

-Is that true? -Oh, my God.

Grandpa knocked up his secretary, spent his life trying to keep the Colbys out of our coffers.

-What did Dad have to say? -Good luck. I got him fired.

But that makes me CEO of Carrington Atlantic, which might not last long if the Colbys try to force a sale.

Holy hell, Fallon.

Go back to where you bang your cousin.

-Let's not. -Do they think they can force a sale?

Well, if the Colbys join our trust, they'll dilute our shares and voting power.

Be thankful the Colbys don't have another sibling, or our votes would be diluted more.

Well, they don't, but you do.

Oh, my God. I forgot about Hank.

Wait, where are you going? It's our rehearsal dinner.

Uh... Hate to interrupt your regression to childhood, but we're supposed to be having dinner? Your son is getting married tomorrow?

Celebrate Steven then. Tonight we're celebrating Hank.

I'll bite. What's the occasion?

I can only assume you're here to make him CA's newest shareholder.

-I had the paperwork drawn for you. -What are you trying to prove?

No matter how clever you think you are, I'm always two steps ahead of you.

-It's called experience. -Woo-hoo.

You see that? I just pwned that alien.

The look on Blake's face was priceless.

[cell phone buzzes]

Priceless? Actually, it's a very specific dollar amount.

That Russian oligarch I mentioned rang me with an offer.

-It was generous. -[Monica] I used to think I wanted away from all this excess, but then I realized I really like money.

Told him you planned to push for a quick sale?

-We told him. Well, Fallon, really. -Fallon was there?

Before we walked in, the board moved to name her the new CEO.

I didn't realize.

-That changes things completely. -How so?

I would have never brought you into this if I thought it would have hurt Steven or Fallon.

Well, like you said, it's our birthright.

So, it's not up to you anymore.

I love the smell of excess in the morning.

-Can't say I'm happy to be back. -Blake won't be happy about it either.

Upstairs, second door on the left. I have to use the girl's room.

-Sure you'll be okay? -I got us this far, didn't I? Just go. Go.

Yeah, that's good. Thank you.

I'm pleased you decided against the snakeskin cowboy boots.

You decided against them.

I wanted to thank you for talking me down after my wedding jitters the other day.

After hearing about your past, your marriage and your daughter... it sort of put things into perspective.

Not an easy subject to discuss, but if it helped, maybe it was worth the discomfort.

Do you ever, I don't know, think about getting in touch with Kirby?

Well, I tried phoning her on the day that we spoke about her.

-You did? -I hung up as soon as I heard her voice.

I sound like a terrible father, but the truth is, I spent years in therapy trying to accept the fact that Kirby is troubled.

But this is supposed to be a celebration, so let's focus on that.

-Don't you look handsome. -[chuckles]

What's a $450 rental when you're the heir to the Carrington fortune?

It happened just like you said it would. Blake was begging me to sign.

How soon after the sale do I get my cut?

Because there's this sick adobe hunting ranch near Santa Fe I'm--

We might have to wait a few months. Possibly a year.

Fallon got named CEO yesterday. We stand to make a lot more money in the long run.

So, I need you to vote against the sale.

Against it? The whole plan was to hit it and quit it.

That is your style. This time we need to not act so prematurely.

I want my money now. What if that DNA test comes back?

I'll handle it, just like I handle everything.

As for your money, I'll double the percentage.

-To 20 percent? -Yes, two times ten is 20.

Your math skills are improving.

Just imagine how much adobe hunting ranch that'll buy.

Okay. So, what I told Blake I'd do wasn't a lie.

-Our original plan is now the opposite. -Just vote no.

Sir, the press are outside, here to cover Steven's wedding.

As they should be.

-Not what your wife is discussing. -[Cristal] I will be stepping down from the company to focus on family, as will Blake.

-He wrote this statement. -What the hell is this?

"As a wedding present to his son, Blake is going to take up Steven's mantle, by going to visit the third world ***hole countries.” Whew. Should have read over this first. So sorry.

"Blake will tour Steven's disaster response charities in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Haiti.

Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Tanzania...


-Mozambique--" -Thank you, Cristal.

You know, on a day honoring loyalty and love, I'd be remiss not to credit my wife for her support.

I look forward to my world tour, and I feel blessed that she will be at my side, for all of it.

[reporter] How long will the tour last?

[reporters clamoring]

Our legal team is sorting through the Colbys' claim, as I told all shareholders, this is no time to sell.

Let me call you back.

-Hey, it's you. -Yeah, came for the wedding.

I also came to let you know I can't accept your job offer.

I get it. You don't wanna work for CA.

I get what you're trying to do, to find some way to keep me in your life.

-You told me to choose you. -And I meant, choose the right thing.

I'm glad you finally did.

You are going to make a great CEO.

But it's time for me to move on.

After Steven's wedding, I'm leaving Atlanta, and I just wanted you to know.

What? Like, "leaving" leaving?

But what about us?

I love you.

I'm gonna see if I can help set up.

I'll see you.

-What's this about? -Today's the day.

-It's my son's wedding day. -Isn't that how you godfathers operate?

[Monica] Sorry, is this inconvenient for you?

We'd have preferred it happened 12 years ago.

Or 45, but here we are.

We have a buyer and we want a fair vote.

I forgot how handsome you are.

Good thing you and Blake are the same size.

That bump's gonna make it hard to blend in.

Yeah. I've been working on it.

-Where did you get that? -The g*n room. [chuckles]

You think they would have updated security since I was here.

We talked about this.

We're here to confront Blake in front of the press. We need witnesses, or they'll have me arrested and you re-committed.

-The man tried to k*ll you. -I almost lost everything.

You... our child.

But we aren't here to hurt Blake.

You understand? Not at his son's wedding. Not in front of his wife.


That's who you're concerned about.

Cristal. None of this would have happened if it weren't for her.

This has nothing to do with Cristal.

Is that why you wanted to come here? So you could see her again?


Oh, my God. You sprung me from a loony bin, so I could have your baby and you could raise it with her.


Of course not. Look, all I'm saying is she doesn't deserve to be hurt.

-You said how good she was to you. -l was high on benzos!

[scoffs] I can't believe this. You're still in love with her.

That's crazy.

That's what you used to call me when I would accuse you.

-Claudia. -l wasn't crazy, was I?

The whole point of all of this is so that we could finally be together.


I guess we can't until she's gone.

[Matthew] Claudia!


The ceremony will start in half an hour.

Family photos take place after in the trophy room, while the guests retire to the main house for the reception.

Now, just make sure that all of these lamps are fueled and placed around the property before nightfall.

Otherwise, it'll be complete chaos.

What are we waiting on? Go have your lawyers vet the paperwork

-but we have the legal right to vote. -[Hank] Sorry, I'm late.

-The bow-tie thing was a disaster. -Who the hell is he?

-I'm Hank. -He's Hank.

You're not our only long-lost brother.


I-- He's our brother. I mean--

Hank is the fifth member of the grandkids' trust. We added him last night.

So, even if you got the other shareholders to vote with you, we'd still have majority, making it impossible to force a sale.

But feel free to try.

I think I will.

Hank, this deal would put billions, with a B, in each of our pockets, including yours.

Hank, sweetie, our company is worth much more than what they're offering.

They're lowballing.

I motion that we put the sale of the company to a vote.

Motion granted. All in favor?

We just met, but I'm gonna bet your story's a lot closer to ours than theirs.

You didn't grow up in a house like this.

You've never known what it's like to have real money.

"Never worry again” money.

Those opposed?

Hank? This is where you vote with us.

Carringtons love to boss people around. But this is your decision, not hers.

I'm sorry. But when you come from nothing, you got nothing to lose.

I vote to sell.

[Steven] How could he do that?

Were all my children born traitors?

Okay, I trust you'll inform the board of the vote. After the wedding, of course.

For once, it was nice doing business with you.

Look, before today, all I inherited were lies that shaped almost every choice I made.

I'm sorry I took that out on you.

Maybe someday you can forgive me and we own this city.

-Billionaire cousins joining forces. -Sounds like a complete disaster.

Or, maybe it's what we were born to do.

I spend my whole life preserving our family's empire.

You've been CEO for less than 24 hours, you already lost it.

-It's not over yet. -It sure as hell isn't.

I'm gonna contest the sale and the trust.

My lawyers will rip them apart.

Well... as much as I'd like to stay and watch, I'm about to get married. Maybe I'll see you there.

When you come from nothing, you've got nothing to lose?

That's what Jeff used to say when we had Morell Corp.

You don't think he got to Hank.

Jeff Colby didn't come from nothing. 1 did everything I could to help him.

It's a melodramatic phrase. Your mother used to say it.

Have you seen Mom?

Thankfully, no, but Steven told me what happened. I'm so sorry, Fallon.

We all underestimated Hank's normalcy. Of course he voted to cash out.

-We should, too. -Mom might've swayed Hank's vote.

She convinced him to give her a cut. I'm gonna go find that bitch.

1 will. Wedding's about to start. We can't have you two ending up in the pool again.

I can't handle any more drama today.

May your marriage be the first to work out.

From her lips, to God's ears.

-Mrs. Daniels. What are you doing here? -l came here to see you, of course.

You're looking very sexy, as always.

You realize I'm about to walk down the aisle?

Yes. That's why I couldn't wait to come see you.

I couldn't let you do this without knowing.

-Without knowing what? -Steven, I'm pregnant.

Now, I don't expect you to call all this off.

I mean, I don't expect that.

Let's talk after, okay? You're going to be a father.

After all I've done, how dare you not do the one thing I asked!

The one thing? The one thing?

I cut off my finger for you!

Half a finger!

You think I'll let you walk away with millions of my children's inheritance?

It's billions. With a B, and an S. And you don't have a choice.

You blow my cover, I'll tell everyone this was your idea.

And who wins then, Hank?

You're the only one that knows.

-Is that a thr*at? -Maybe.

My brother is about to get married, so we're gonna go downstairs, and when it's over, then we'll talk.

I guess incest runs in the family.

Cristal. We were just--

Get out, Hank!

Your mommy and I need to talk.

[guests chattering and laughing]

I think we should start.

-Should I tell Anders? -Sure.

No, definitely.

Are you nervous?


Let's pretend no one else is in the room but us.

Just you and me, for the rest of our lives.

♪ Everything will be all right You're the only thing ♪ Cristal's leaving me, isn't she?

Well, you know what they say, if you love something, let it go.

Not thr*aten to commit it to an insane asylum.

Maybe I don't love her anymore.

You do. You just hate losing.

She's gone to find Alexis.

After the wedding, I'll tell her she's free to leave.

I lost my company and my wife in the same week.

Well, as you always say, sir... if anyone can start over from dead scratch, it's you.

Two-minute warning.

♪ From afar?

♪ 1 could be yours ♪ Are you waiting for someone?

“Wow. -I know.

Pretty sure Sam forgot to uninvite me.

Think it's too late to request the chicken?

You waltz back in here with your jokes, and I'm supposed to forgive you?

-I've been thinking about you. -While writing which chapters?

I never wrote about you. You'd know that, if you read my manuscript.

-What manuscript? -The one I gave your mother?

Explains why I never heard from you.

-I called it Life with the VanKirks. -That's an odd choice.

That's my family.

The VanKirks of New York? I guess my mother never read your book either or she would've shown up with a meat hook to drag your fortune here.

I wish she had.

Are there secrets you'd like to get off your chest?

Just one. 1 didn't come here for the wedding.

I'm in love with you.

Can't tell someone you love them at a wedding, when can you?

How long are you gonna keep punishing yourself?

-And how am I doing that? -By punishing her.

Fallon's not responsible for your father's death.

And, if you truly do want to move on, you should.

Just make sure that you're moving in the right direction. And quickly.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my role as Cupid is quite demanding today.

[Cristal] I've heard the stories about you, but falsely resurrecting a missing child to get back at Blake?

How heartless can you be?

What are you raving about? Adam is my son.

You're confusing the role of mother with sugar mama.

I don't know what you saw, but spare me your vulgar accusations.

You've done nothing but tear this family apart since you arrived.

You tried to drive a wedge between Steven and Sam, you did your best to destroy my marriage, you pitted your children against each other.

I think you need to be medicated.

The truth is, I'm a much better mother to your children than you ever were.

But then, you set the bar pretty low.


["We Belong" playing]

What do you know about being a mother?

I don't need to listen to this. My son's getting married.

♪ Many times I cried alone I


You crazy bitch!

Get off me!


♪ That easy To the doubts that complicate your mind I

♪ We belong to the light We belong to the thunder ♪

♪ We belong to the sound of the words We've both fallen under ♪

♪ Whatever we deny or embrace For worse or for better ♪

♪ We belong ♪

♪ We belong together ;

♪ When I don't know what to say ♪

[both screaming and grunting]


♪ Now there's no looking forward ♪

♪ Now there's no turning back When you say ♪

♪ We belong to the light We belong to the thunder ♪

♪ We belong to the sound of the words ♪

[Alexis] Get off!

♪ Whatever we deny or embrace For worse or for better ♪

♪ We belong ♪

♪ We belong, we belong together I


No, not Krystle.


-You're gonna pay for this. -Oh, I'm happy to.

My marriage to Blake may be over, but at least I'll have the satisfaction of telling him what a monster you are before I go.

Well, if I am, it's only because he turned me into one, just like he did you.

But the only difference is, it took me 20 years.

It only took you eight months.

♪ Whatever we deny or embrace ♪ Maybe his third wife will break your record.

♪ We belong ♪ I'll give your best to the grooms.


Mr. and Mr. Carrington, partners for life.

♪ We belong to the light We belong to the thunder ♪

♪ We belong to the sound of the words We've both fallen under ♪

♪ Whatever we deny or embrace For worse or for better ♪

♪ We belong, we belong We belong together ♪

She knows. I have her locked away upstairs until I can figure out what to do.

-We're screwed, aren't we? -You mean you?

-Yeah. -Oh, yes, you're screwed.

If I were you, I'd hit the road sooner than later.

The photographer is setting up for family photos in the trophy room.

She wants to start with the Carringtons. Have you seen Cristal?

No. I can't believe that she'd miss her nephew's wedding.

[indistinct chatter]

Mrs. Carrington? Cristal?

Anders? Thank God. I'm locked in.

I have a spare key up at the main house, I'll be back.

At least one thing went right today.

I'd say two. Sorry to hear what you're dealing with though.

Just another day in the life of my family. I get why you left yours.

-Let me know if there's anything I can do. -Unless you're interested in a multi-billion dollar energy empire, there's not much to do.

Anders, that was fast. Everybody must be wondering where I've been.

[banging on lock]

Anders? Did you not find the key?

I didn't.

But I did find you.


If you knew I was coming, you would tidy up.

How did you get out of the facility?

The nut house you and your husband locked me in?

Good news, they said I'm cured.

Whatever it is you want, we can talk about it. No need to do anything crazy.

Call me that again, it'll be the last word you say.

Sorry, I wanted to tell you I'm here to help you.

Blake drove you to this.

I know that now, because that's what men do.

When they don't like being seen for who they really are.

Try to control us, lock us in cages.

Yes, that's right.

I'm serving a life sentence in his prison.

You have to break out. That's what I did.

What you give power to has power over you.

The sanest thing I've heard in a while.

If 1 just tell the truth to the world, even if I go to jail, I'll be freer than if I stay here living with him.

I'm gonna tell Blake that it's over.

-I'm sorry, I can't let you-- -Go by myself? Of course not.

You're gonna come with me. We can do this, Claudia, together.

Cristal? She went to find you. Didn't you see her?

No, maybe she needed to take a nap after that w*r of the Roses bender.

Thought we were doing photos on the grand staircase?

Yeah, we're not Kardashians. This is way more on theme.

Oh, I love what Cristal's done with the place. It's so Boho Bobbitt.

Parents of the groom, please.

Guess that's you guys.

You okay?

What? Yeah, yeah.

I'm sorry.

Don't tell me you're already having regrets.

-You're not, are you? -No.

There's something I have to tell you.

I hope you sh*t the happy portrait. Everything's about to go to hell.

Will you excuse us?

[Blake] What's going on?

Ask Mom. Though I doubt you'd get an honest answer.

Sorry to do this, but you might as well learn what you married into.

-Starting with your new bitch-in-law. -What have I done now?

Guess who I found out isn't who I thought he was.

-I have no idea. -Liam Ridley.

He's not a trashy biographer, he's a billionaire.

-Ooh. -Twist.

Had you known, you would've gone after his money, instead of wooing Hank to sell the company.

I don't know how you convinced him to do it.

You told Jeff and Monica, too. You set this whole thing up.

You're just as much to blame as she is.

If it weren't for your lying, everything to keep the Colbys away, -we wouldn't have lost the company. -We haven't lost yet.

I'm switching my vote. Steven is, too.

To another buyer at a higher price.

Liam's uncle has connections in big oil. You'd know that if you read his book.

You know, I always dreamed of being you, of running this company.

After all the damage you've done, the only way to save our legacy is to start over.

You're being reckless. This is how dynasties are ruined.

No. This is how new dynasties are born.

Way to ruin my exit. It's locked.

I won't let you go back.

We can leave together. I will make sure you and your baby are safe.

-They're gonna take my baby away. -I'll protect you.

I know you don't have anyone else.

-After you lost Matthew-- -Shut up!


-Of course, the two of you. -We should never have left you.

-I should've stood up to Blake. I will. -You back off!

-Okay. -l knew it.

Nothing can keep you from her, can it? It was always her.

-You were always gonna choose her! -Don't!


I'm so sorry.

I'm sure that was a g*nsh*t.

The lock seems jammed.

-Should we start praying? -Someone call Anders.

I don't have a signal.

-[Alexis] God. -[Fallon] We should start praying.

Hello, Daddy.


♪ From the ashes, fire burnt ♪

♪ Flames ♪

-Is this your car? -No.

But I can help you if you give me a ride.

Oh. Sure.

I don't do these things, but it's an emergency, as crazy as that sounds.

[engine starts]

Not crazy at all.

I Fly lr

[Cristal coughing]

I Fly lr

I Fly lr

[Steven] Sam, help me over here!

I Fly lr

It's stuck!


Help me.

-Fallon! -Culhane!

I got you.

I He will lie 2 Steven, let's go!

♪ In the shadows ♪

-Blake, I did a bad thing. -Alexis!

Blake, take Fallon. Get her out of here! Sam!

You all right? Can you walk?


Steven! Blake!


[Alexis] Oh, my God, Cristal. Cristal!

♪ In the shadows ♪

♪ In the shadows ♪




Oh, my God.
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