Carol (2015)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Carol (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

Carol (2015)

(train rumbling)

(brakes squealing)

(indistinct announcements over P.A.)

Have a good evening.

MAN: Taxi!

Thank you, Jack.

Not much going on for a Friday.

Eh, it's early yet.

(low conversations)

Say, Cal, make that a double, would you?


What, are you in a hurry tonight?


And, uh, one for yourself, huh?

- I got to make a call.

- Oh, thanks, pal.


Is that you?


What do you know?

I'm-I'm saying to myself, I know that girl.

- Jack.

- Gee, it's great to see you, Therese.

It's been... months.


- Jack, this is Carol Aird.

- Ah.

- Pleased to meet you.

- Likewise.

Well, uh, hey, uh, Ted Gray is meeting me here, and a bunch of us are heading down to Phil's party.

You're going, aren't you?

Yes, I just planned to get there a little bit...

CAROL: You two go ahead.

JACK: You coming along?


I, uh, have to make a few calls before dinner anyway.

I really should run.

Are you sure?

Of course.

Well, then it would be great to catch a ride.

JACK: Yeah, sure.

CAROL: You two have a wonderful night.

Nice meeting you, Jack.

JACK: Nice meeting you.


All right, well, uh, let me go make sure the loaf's on his way.

Back in a flash.


- (horn honks)

- (indistinct conversation)

BOY: Come on, let's go!

GIRL: Okay!

BOY 2: You see his face?


BOY 3: Wait up for me.

- Let's go, Joey.

- Okay, I'm coming.


(children continue talking indistinctly)

(low conversation)


- (sirens wailing)

- MAN: Want to get a cab?

(bell dinging)

(train horn blaring)

(bell dinging)

(sirens wailing)

(alarm ringing)

(water running)

(doorbell buzzing)



I like your scribbles.


I've been busy.

I don't know how you do it.


You look like a million bucks first thing in the morning.

I'll be down in a minute.

MAN: So I got the schedules in the mail.

You listening to me?

THERESE: I'm listening.

You got the schedules.

There's two sailings to France in June and one in July.


So what do you think?

THERESE: I think...

I think it's too cold.

- I can't think straight.

- (laughs)

MAN: All right, let's get you warmed up.

GUARD: Compliments of the season from the management.

Compliments of the season from the management.

Season's greetings from the management.

MAN: Anyway, she's just going crazy with no other girls in the family but Esther.

THERESE: How is Esther?

MAN: She'll pull through.

Compliments of the season from the management.

Compliments of the season from the management.

Compliments of the season from the management.

MAN: I got to open the floor.

THERESE: See you later.

(indistinct conversations)

WOMAN: Ms. Belivet, you're needed upstairs.

Make it snappy.

MAN (in distance): We got to rearrange this whole display.

Should we do it now or later?

MAN 2: Got to do it now before we open.

(bell dinging)

STORE ANNOUNCER: Good morning, happy holidays and welcome, shoppers, to Frankenberg's.

Be sure to take advantage of our Congratulations, Ike and Mamie, Inaugural Early Bird Special in our beds and bedding department on the second floor.

And on your way there, you won't want to miss our brand-new General Electric television stereophonic display on the first floor, just past the haberdashery.

(shoppers chattering)

WOMAN: Oh, there are the trains.

- They're over there.

- WOMAN 2: Oh, they are.

GIRL: Mommy, please, please, please?

Would you like a ribbon?

- Hmm?

- Would you?



Where's the ladies' room, honey?

If you go back to the elevator and make a right, you can't miss it.

Thank you.

(children chattering excitedly)

CAROL: I wonder if you might help me find this doll for my daughter.

Bright Betsy.

Oh, she cries and wets herself, but I'm afraid we're all out of stock.


I've left it too long.

Well, we have plenty of other dolls, - um, all kinds, actually.

- Right.

What was your favorite doll when you were four?


I never...

Not many, to be honest.

(lighter clicks)

I'm sorry, you're not allowed to smoke on the sales floor.


Of all the...

Forgive me.

Shopping makes me nervous.

That's all right.

Working here makes me nervous.


You're very kind.

Here she is.

THERESE: Oh, she looks like you, around the eyes.

CAROL: You think so?

What did you want when you were this age?

A train set.


Do you know much about train sets?

I do, actually, and we just got a new model in last week.

It's hand-built with hand-painted cars.

It's a limited edition of 5,000.

You might have seen it on the way in over by the elevators.

I would show you, but I'm sort of confined to this desk.

- Do you ship?

- Special delivery.

You could have it in two or three days.

They'd even assemble it for you.

Well, that's that.


Shall I pay now?

Oh, yes, of course.


We'll need your account details and your shipping address.

Of course.


I love Christmas.

Wrapping presents and all that.

And then, somehow you wind up overcooking the turkey anyway.


Where'd you learn so much about train sets?

Oh, I read.

Too much, probably.

That's refreshing.

Thank you.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

(whispering): I like the hat.

STORE ANNOUNCER: There's a gift for everybody in our accessories department on street level, where you'll find the entire Parker pen line on sale, including Parker's new smooth lining 51.

With only one moving part, making writing as easy as conversation.

See what the sensation of the season is in our toys department on the fourth floor.

You won't be able to resist the best-selling...

(alarm ringing)

(ringing stops)

WOMAN: You look absolutely divine!

Turn around.

- Please.

- Come on.

- Perfect, wonderful shoulders.

- (thumps)

MAN: Move over.

Nobody else can see the screen.

Nobody else is watching.


I'm watching.

MAN 2: I've seen it six times.


Right now, I'm charting the correlation between what the characters say and how they really feel.

My kid brother, the movie jerk.

(lively chatter)

I'm strictly a beer man.

Everything else makes me want to vomit.


Well, wine makes me feel naughty, but in a good way.

I drink to forget I got to get up for work in the morning.

Oh, see, that's your problem, Semco.

You really ought to drink because you remember you have a job.

Employment's a curse.

You have a job, Phil.

You call that a job?

I call that an illusion.

You get paid.

Is money an illusion?

My kid brother, the jerk philosopher.

And where do you work?

- Mmm.

- Didn't you know?

Dannie works at the New York Times.

No kidding.

It's a job.

What I really want to do is write.

That's why I watch movies.

Everybody's a writer.

Uh, say, Therese, before I get too drunk to remember...


You did it?

It's fixed?

He said it was a cinch, no sweat.

Oh, thank you, Phil.

I was missing it.

So you take pictures?


She's more excited about some chintzy camera than she is about sailing with me to Europe.

- Women!

- You said it, pal.

- I don't believe it!

- Oh, look who's coming.

Does the House Un-American Activities know - you two are back on the streets?

- It's been ages.

- Call me, would you?

- I will, I promise.

You still owe me - for that poker game!

- Richard, watch out!

- Yeah, sure, I do.

- Say, you should come by the Times for dinner sometime.

I work nights, so...

I got a pal who's a junior photo editor.

He loves to pontificate.

- I'll introduce you.

- Really?

- Yeah, I'd like that.

- (laughter)


- Okay.

- Okay.

(heavy snoring)

AIRD: Thanks, Helman.

I shouldn't be too long.

HELMAN: Yes, sir.

GIRL: 64, - 65, - 65.

66, 67, - 68...

- AIRD: Hello, Florence.

- That must be your daddy.

- FLORENCE: Hello, Mr.


- Come on, better finish up.

- AIRD: Is she upstairs?

FLORENCE: Yes, sir.

She's in the bedroom.

Mommy, can you come skating, too?

I wish I could, sweet pea.

Why not?

Pretty please?

AIRD: Hiya, sunshine.

GIRL: Daddy, I want Mommy to come.

AIRD: Oh, you do, do you?


You're early.

Mail came.

Cy Harrison's wife...

CAROL: Jeanette.

AIRD: Jeanette asked about you.

CAROL: Did she?

Are you gonna color the trunk, honey?

I know she'd love to see you there.

Well, give her my best.

I've always liked Jeanette.

I'd like you to be there.

Sorry, Harge, I have plans.

Mommy wants to give Aunt Abby some presents.

You've been seeing a lot of Aunt Abby lately, haven't you, sunshine?

- Yes.

- With Mommy.

I'll see if I can rearrange with Abby.

Thank you.

THERESE (voice-over): Well, I told the customer it would arrive by Christmas Eve.

According to what we've been told, three days should be plenty of time.

It should've been delivered this afternoon.



So it arrived, she signed for it?

It arrived.


Thank you.


- Yes?

- OPERATOR: We have a call for employee 645-A, Therese Belivet.

THERESE: eyes, and this one - has brown eyes...

- Belivet.

Miss Belivet.

Over here, please, now.

(snaps fingers)

I'm sorry.

Would you excuse me?

- I'll just be one moment.

- Of course.

Yes, um, I was trying to decide between the two.

All right.

Well, this one has...


OPERATOR: Is this employee 645-A, Therese Belivet?

- Yes.

- We're patching you through.

THERESE (over phone): Hello?

- So it was you.

- (TV playing in other room)

Oh, hello, Mrs.


Did you receive the train set all right?

I did.


And the gloves.

Thank you so much.

You're a star for sending them.

(Rindy giggling in other room)

I just wanted to say thank you, really.

Of course.

Well, what I wanted to say was...

do you get a lunch hour there?

Well, let me take you to lunch.

It's the least I can do.

Well, yes, I...

Of course, but you really don't have to.

- I'm free tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

Do you know Scotty's on Madison?

No, I don't know it.

Hold on.

Could I borrow a pencil and paper?

Thank you.

Um, all right.

- WAITER: There you are.

- Thank you.

I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.

I'll have the creamed spinach over poached eggs.

And a dry martini with an olive.

Um, I'll have the same.

WAITER: The meal or the drink?

Um, all of it.

Thank you.


Yes, please.

So, what kind of name is Belivet?

It's Czech.

It's changed.

Originally, it was...

It's very original.


- And your first name?

- Therese.


- Not Theresa.

- No.

Therese Belivet.

It's lovely.

And yours?


- Carol.

- WAITER: And two dry martinis.

CAROL: Thank you.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

So, I'm sure you thought it was a man who sent you back your gloves.


I did.

Thought it might've been a man in the ski department.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm delighted.

I doubt very much I would've gone to lunch with him.

Oh, your perfume...


It's nice.

Thank you.

Harge bought me a bottle years ago, before we were married, and I've been wearing it ever since.

Harge is your husband?


Well, technically, we... we're divorcing.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

And do you live alone, Therese Belivet?

I do.

Well, there's Richard.

He'd like to live with me.

Oh, no, it's nothing like that.

I mean, he'd like to marry me.

I see.

And would you like to marry him?


I barely even know what to order for lunch.

WAITER: And your meals.

(Carol sighs)

- Thank you.

- THERESE: Thank you.

WAITER: Enjoy.

I'm starved.

Bon appetit.

What do you do on Sundays?

Nothing in particular.

What do you do?

Oh... nothing lately.

If you'd like to come visit me sometime, you're welcome to.

At least there's some pretty country around where I live.

Would you like to come visit me this Sunday?


(chuckles softly)

What a strange girl you are.


Flung out of space.

(chuckles softly)

CAROL: Do you ever put the top up?

(Abby and Carol chatting indistinctly)


I can just see Harge's mother's face - when she sees me in this.

- (horns honking)

Maybe I should stop home and change.

Oh, don't be a stupe.

Maybe I should just not show up.

Well, then I'll be blamed for it, so you better just grin and bear it.

You want to tell me about her?


She returned my gloves.


And if you don't get us out of this traffic soon, I won't have to worry about any damned party.

CAROL: Oh, where's... my compact?

g*dd*mn it.

- You look fine.

- (Carol sighing)

- Come in with me.

- Oh...

- Just for a minute.

- (laughs)

Don't even start.

You're the one who canceled on us, you nitwit.

I know.

I know.

I'm going.

I'm going.

- I'm sorry.

- (laughter, chatter nearby)

Call me later.

(Carol sighing)

(playing gentle jazz tune)

You're always the most beautiful woman in the room.

Tell your mother that.

Keep an eye out, will you?

Cy will scream if he catches me with this.


What'll he do?

Dock your allowance?

He doesn't like me to smoke.


- You like it.

- Mm-hmm.

Carol, I...


It really is not my business, but...

if you're gonna be alone on Christmas, Cy and I would love to have you.

Thanks, Jeanette.

I don't know.

I might get away by myself.

At least for a few days.

DANNIE: Don't worry, you're not gonna break anything if you pick it up.

What are your pictures like?

Oh, I don't know.

Not very good, probably.

(Dannie chuckles)

No, I-I mean, what are they?

What do you take pictures of?

Birds, trees, windows.

Anything, really.

(pops cap off bottle)

What do you write about?


I always feel funny taking pictures of people, like it's some sort of...


Invasion of privacy?


Well... all of us, you know, we have affinities for people.

We like certain people.

You like certain people, right?


And you don't like others.

And you don't know why you are attracted to some people and not others.

The only thing you really know is you either are attracted or you're not.

It's like physics... bouncing off each other like pinballs.

Yeah, but not everything's as simple as a bunch of pinballs reacting off of each other.



Some things don't even react, but everything is alive.

THERESE: It's getting late.

I should go.

You shouldn't.


Did you mind?


I have to go.

Come back tomorrow?

- I don't know.

- Wednesday?


I-I don't know.

- HARGE: Here.

- CAROL: Oh.


CAROL: Thanks for staying sober and driving me home.

Good night, Harge.


Come to my parents' house for Christmas.

We had a good time tonight.

It was one night, Harge.

I don't like the idea of you being alone.

I'm not alone.

I have Rindy and Ab...

HARGE: Abby.

There's always Abby.

Abby and I were over long before you and I were over, Harge.

I'll have Rindy packed and ready for you at 4:00 on Christmas Eve.

It shouldn't be like this.

I know.

My special girl.

Good night, Florence.

Where's this place in Jersey?

In the country, I think.

I-I don't really know.

My uncle Sal lives in Union City.

He claims it gets pretty dangerous there at night.

It's not Union City.


Oh, there's my ride.


- Hello.

Carol Aird.

Richard Semco.

Glad to meet you.


Therese speaks very highly of you.

Well, that's swell.

So you'll get her back safe and sound?

RICHARD: Love you.

I think I see snow.

Wouldn't that be lovely?

CAROL: I love the snow.

Makes it feel like Christmas, don't you think?

(music plays over radio)

If it doesn't blow away.

BOY: Need me to tie this to the roof of your car?

(conversation continues indistinctly)

(camera shutter clicks)

CAROL: Car's just over there.

BOY: Thank you, ma'am.

CAROL: Still with me?


(horn honks twice)

- RINDY: Mommy!

- FLORENCE: Rindy!

Let's go get your mommy.

- Mommy's home!


- Oh!

CAROL: Hello, my darling.

Guess what I brought you.


I bet you'll never guess.

RINDY: Is it blue?

CAROL: No, it's green.

Oh, it's long, isn't it?

- RINDY: Yeah.

- CAROL: You need the scissors?

RINDY: Uh-uh.

CAROL: Maybe we should do the star first.

- We can do that.

- RINDY: Yeah, yeah.

CAROL: Where's the star?

RINDY: The gold or the silver?

- CAROL: You choose.

- RINDY: Okay.

(Carol laughing)

CAROL: That's my girl.

And what do you think?

RINDY: Good.

We need...

This one's bright.

- And we can put it right here.

- (Carol gasps)

CAROL: That is the most beautiful Christmas tree in the whole wide world.

(plays gentle melody)

Were those pictures of me you were taking at the tree lot?

I'm sorry.

I should have asked.

Oh, don't apologize.

I've just been trying to...

Well, I have a friend who told me I should be more interested in humans.

(Carol laughs)

And how's that going?

It's going well, actually.

I'm glad.

- That's beautiful.

- (stops playing)

(resumes playing)

- Is that what you want to be?

- (stops playing)

A Photographer?

I think so.

If I have any talent for it.

Isn't that something other people let you know you have?

And all you can do is keep working.

Use what feels right.

Throw away the rest.

I suppose so.

Will you show me your work?


I mean, I haven't sold anything or even shown a picture to someone who could buy one.

I don't even have a decent camera.

But they're all at my place, under the sink, mostly.

Invite me round.

(door opens, closes)

Harge, what's wrong?


Does there need to be a problem for me to visit my wife?

CAROL: That's not fair, Harge.

We agreed that Rindy would stay with me until Christmas Eve.

HARGE: What do you suggest I do?

Do you think I prefer traipsing off to West Palm Beach for the holiday?

- It was all Mother's idea.

- (Carol sighs)

CAROL: I'm not ready.

She's not packed.

She's asleep upstairs in bed.

What about my Christmas with my daughter?

I'm sorry, Carol, it can't be helped.

The flight's in the morning.

And do you think that I've packed already?

- (clattering)

- (Harge grunts)

g*dd*mn it!


How do you know my wife?

Harge, please.

I work at Frankenberg's, sir, the department store.

CAROL: I ordered a gift from her desk.

I forget my gloves, she returned them, and I thanked her.

HARGE: Well, that's bold.

THERESE: Can I do anything?

CAROL: Just leave it be.

(smooth Christmas carols playing)

Okay, snowflake.

Give me a big one.

You're gonna have the most wonderful Christmas.

I promise.

There's room for you in the car, Mommy.

You can come with us.

No, darling.

I wish I could.

You know, but sometimes, mommies and daddies just decide there isn't enough room for them in the same place at the same time.

Anyway, Mommy has to stay here and make sure Santa's elf doesn't give away your presents to another little girl.

Wouldn't want that, would you?

- No.

- No.

I love you, snowflake.


(Harge sniffing)

Mmm, you smell good.

(Carol sighs)

You're drunk.


Harge, I'm cold.

I-I'll make you some coffee.

I'm not drunk.

You can still come with us.

Go pack a bag.

- I can't do that.

- Yes, you can.

We'll get you a ticket in the morning.

(music playing on record player)

What are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do...

you going to stay here with Abby over Christmas?

You gonna stay with the shopgirl in there?

- Harge!

- Huh?

What are you gonna do, Carol, huh?

- What is the plan?

- (music gets louder)

- Stop it!

- Damn it!

I put nothing past women like you, Carol.

You married a woman like me.


If you don't get in that car with us right now...

Then what?

It's over?

g*dd*mn you.

You were never cruel.



HARGE: Thank you, Helman.

HELMAN: Yes, sir.

HARGE: How's my girl?

Ready to go see Grandma and Grandpa?


(door slams)

(music stops)

THERESE: I should... call a cab.

Just when you think it can't get any worse, you run out of cigarettes.


THERESE: Oh, tell me where to go.

I'll buy some for you.

I don't mind, really.

CAROL: You don't have to run out in the middle of nowhere and buy cigarettes.

I'm fine.

There's a train at 8:30.

I'll drive you to the station.

(indistinct announcements over P.A)

(indistinct conversations, laughter)

(Crying softly)

(train wheels clicking on track)

(phone ringing)


Do you know what time it is, Miss Belivet?

I'm sorry, it just rang.


I was horrible.


Will you forgive me?

Yes, I mean...

I mean...

CAROL: Then will you...

Would you let me come see you tomorrow evening?

All right.


I want to know...

I think...

I mean, I want to ask you things, but I'm not sure that you want that.

Ask me things.


(door opens)


(indistinct conversations)

CAROL: Merry Christmas, Katherine.

Oh, thank you, Mrs.


There he is.

Now will you talk to me?

I just didn't want you to come all the way down here.

Oh, just give it to me straight, Fred.

(door closes)

What am I not to worry about until after the holiday?


Jerry Rix served some papers this morning, to my complete surprise.

Why don't you, uh, sit?

Why is it people think you'll take bad news better if you're sitting down?

Harge has sought an injunction which denies you any access to Rindy - until the hearing.

- What?

And I'm afraid Harge has changed his mind about joint custody.

He wants sole custody of Rindy.

We've already reached an agreement on custody.

What's this all about?

They're filing papers on the 29th in District Family Court for the, uh, permanent custody petition.

Can he do this?

- Is it right?

- I don't know if it's right, but it's legal.

On what grounds?

Listen, let's wait till after Christmas...

Fred, on what grounds?

They're petitioning the judge to consider a morality clause.

A morality...

What the hell does that mean?



I won't mince words with you.

Abby Gerhard.

Also, they're suggesting similar associations with...

Well, they're alleging evidence of a pattern of behavior.

"Evidence of a pattern"?

Abby is Rindy's godmother.


If he can't have me, I can't have Rindy.

That's what...

I'm sorry, but they seem serious.

W-When is the custody hearing?

It's hard to say with the holidays and a backlog.

Your best guess, Fred.

Not before March.

Maybe middle of April.

Can I see her?


Let me put it this way.

It wouldn't be advisable under...

- At school?

In an office?

- The issue is not where, - necessarily.

- Surely, - a visit, supervised, but...

- Carol, these are serious allegations.

Forcing contact before the hearing.

You risk inviting further scrutiny - concerning your conduct.

- My conduct?

Jesus Christ.

I'm her mother, for God's sake.

Morality clause.

I see.

Do you?


There's nothing moral about keeping Rindy from me.

MAN: Taxi!

(horn honks)

MAN 2: Hey, watch it, lady.

THERESE: Yes, that's it.

Thank you.

(register bell dings)

RICHARD: Find what you wanted?

THERESE: Yeah, something for someone at the store.

RICHARD: Huh, that's nice of you.

You should stop by on Christmas sometime.

My mom's sort of planning on it.

THERESE: Christmas?

That's for families.

I-I'd feel, I don't know...

RICHARD: You are family, Terry.

THERESE: I've been thinking of putting together a portfolio.

Of my pictures, you know?

Start taking portraits, even.

Apply for jobs.

Maybe even at a newspaper.

Dannie said he knows someone.

Have you been thinking any more about Europe?



How many times have you been in love?



- Until you.

- Don't lie.

You told me about those other two girls.

Come on, they were...

I had sex with them.

That's not the same thing.

Meaning I'm different because we haven't gone all the way?


Hey, what's this all about?

I love you.

That's what's different.

Have you ever been in love with a boy?


But you've heard of it.

Of course.

I mean, have I heard of people like that?

- Sure.

- I don't mean people like that.

I just mean two people who fall in love with each other.

Say, a boy and a boy out of the blue.

I don't know anyone like that.

But I'll tell you this, there's always some reason for it in the background.

So you don't think it could just... happen to somebody, to anybody?

No, I don't.

What are you saying?

Are you in love with a girl?


Don't you know I want to spend my life with you?

Come to France with me.

Let's get married.

Richard, I'm not ready for that.

I can't just make myself...


- Tell me.

- I'm sorry.

I-I have to go.


I'm sorry.

I found Rindy's hairbrush underneath my pillow this morning.

Full of her hair.

She does that, you know, to let me know she's been a good girl and brushed properly.

Usually, I clean it out, but today, for some reason...

ABBY: How could he?

- (sighs)

- How dare he?

A morality what?

"Clause," he said.

Oh, Carol.

If I am responsible in any way...

Don't you dare.

Don't you ever.

Anyway, I got my eye on this redhead who owns a steakhouse outside of Paramus.

- (laughs)

- I'm talking serious Rita Hayworth redhead.


You think you got what it takes to handle a redhead?

You going somewhere?

West, I thought.

At least for a few weeks until the hearing.

What else am I gonna do?

Well, I know you don't like driving alone, so...

She's young.

Tell me you know what you're doing.

I don't.

I never did.

(knocking on door)

Your landlady let me in.

Merry Christmas.

Open it.

Oh, Carol.

It's not very good.

I was rushed.

I mean, I can do better.

CAROL: It's perfect.

Was this you?


Do you have anything other than photo chemicals in the icebox?

I-I'm feeling...



(Carol crying softly)

Is there any point in, I don't know, fighting it?

The injunction?


I feel useless, like I can't help you or offer anything.


It has nothing to do with you.

I'm going away for a while.



Wherever my car will take me.



And I thought, perhaps, you might like to come with me.

Would you?


Yes, I would.

You don't even know her!

You can forward any of my mail to Chicago, General Post.

I've paid rent through February.

I had a little extra... money saved.

RICHARD: For our trip.

Our trip, Terry.

And now you're...

I don't believe this is happening.

I can't explain it.

I just...


You got one hell of a crush on this woman is what.

You're like a schoolgirl.

I do not.

I just like her is all.

I'm fond of anyone I can really talk to.


You know what I think?

I think, two weeks from now, you're going to be wishing that...

She's going to get tired of you and you're going to that wish you had never...

- You don't understand!

- Oh, I do.

I understand completely!

You're in a trance!

I'm wide awake.

I've never been more awake in my life.

Why don't you leave me alone?

Are we over?

Is that what this is?

I didn't say that.

But why should I want to be with you when all you do is argue about this?

To say...

To say for one minute that you practically want to say good-bye because of some silly crush?!

I didn't say that.

You said it.

You made me buy boat tickets!

I got a better job for you!

I asked you to marry me, for Christ sakes...

I never made you; I never asked you for anything.

Maybe that's the problem.

I swear to you, in two weeks, you are going to be begging me to forget this whole thing ever happened.


- Richard!

- You have a great trip, Terry!

(door slams)

- CAROL: Did you get the coffee?

- THERESE: Yeah.


CAROL: All right.

(engine starts)

- CAROL: Ready?

- THERESE: Ready.

("Silver Bells" playing)

("Silver Bells" continues playing over radio)

THERESE: I could get used to having a whole city to myself.


- For you.

- (Carol gasps)

Merry Christmas.

Oh, no, you shouldn't have.

Open it.


THERESE: I played it for you, on piano, at your house.

CAROL: I remember.

MAN: Got that, uh, poached on wheat?

Thank you.

- (camera shutter clicks)

- Oh, God, don't.

I look a fright.

You do not, you look wonderful.


stay like that.

(shutter clicks)

Do you miss Richard?


I haven't thought about him all day.

Or of home, really.


RADIO ANNOUNCER: Yes, it's a warm family get-together for the U.S.


His grandchildren and their toys are his primary concern at the moment, for what would this joyous season be like without little people to give it meaning?

(turns off radio)

(insistent knocking on door)

(light switch clicks, knocking stops)

(insistent knocking resumes)

Let me speak to her.

What are you doing here?

You're supposed to be in Florida.

Well, I couldn't do that, because Rindy would like to be with her mother for Christmas.

Not that it's any of your g*dd*mn business.

Now go get her.

I know she's here.

Oh, you've got some f*cking nerve ordering me around.

And, no...

she's not here.

Well, that's impossible, because she's not at home and she's not with me, so she must be with you.


You know, Harge, you have a point.

You've spent ten years making damn sure her only point of reference is you... your job, your friends, your fam...

Where is she?

g*dd*mn it!

She's still my wife, Abby.

She's my responsibility.

You know, that's some way of showing it, slapping her with an injunction.

I'm closing the door.

(quietly): I love her.

I can't help you with that.

(engine starts)

- Carol?

- Therese, is that you?

- Yes.

- CAROL: Would you be a sweetie and fetch me my, uh, blue sweater?

It's in the big suitcase, on the bed.



(shower curtain slides open)

CAROL: Hey, slowpoke...

Found it.


Everything all right?

Yeah, I'm just suddenly starving.

All right.

Be out in a minute.

You hungry?



Do you feel safe?

With me, I mean?

(chuckling): You're full of surprises.

I mean, you'd tell me if...

something scared you and there was something I could do to help?

I'm not frightened, Therese.

RADIO ANNOUNCER: You're listening to WHPC, 1480, Canton, Ohio.

"And That's The Chance You Take," from Eddie Fisher.

FISHER: Perhaps he'll be your true love Perhaps you'll seek a new love But that's the chance you take...

HOTEL MANAGER (voice-over): Our standard rooms come equipped with stereophonic console radios.

Or we do have the Presidential Suite available for a very attractive rate.

Two standard rooms should be fine.

THERESE: Why not take the Presidential Suite?

I mean, if the rate's attractive.

YOUNG MAN: Can I help you with that?

(Therese laughs)

Yes, thank you.

It's so cold.

It's so cold my glasses fogged clear over.

(both laugh)

There you go.

Thanks again.

- Night.

- Good night.

- CAROL: Don't blink.

- Sorry.


(light, upbeat music playing on record player)

THERESE: I need lipstick.

(Carol laughs)

(Therese laughs)

(Therese popping UPS)

CAROL: Again.

(needle scratches)

(needle crackles onto record; light, upbeat melody replays)

Take a look at yourself.

(both laughing)


(sighing): Okay.


Would mademoiselle be so kind as to apply to her pulse points only?

Me, too.

Oh, that's divine.

Smell that.


To President McKinley.

(both snicker and laugh)

(grunts quietly)


YOUNG WOMAN: Can we get those postcards in the lobby?

It would be really nice to send one back home.

MAN: Yeah.

YOUNG MAN: Good morning.

Glad to see you didn't freeze over or nothing, huh.

You, too.

Afraid the coffee's not very good.

Ah... as long as it's hot.

What's in the case?

Oh... uh, notions.

I'm, uh...

I sell them.

Or I try to.


Lousy coffee.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- Excuse me?

- We were just chatting.

YOUNG MAN: Name's Tucker.


Therese Belivet, Carol Aird.

TOMMY: Pleased to meet you.


Tucker sells notions.

I see.

I don't know what notions are, exactly, but they do instruct us to use the word.

Says it appeals to women.

Do you have any lipsticks?


But I do have a sewing kit.

You don't need a sewing kit.

I can tell.

I think we can make Chicago by 5:00 or 6:00, if we get an early start.

That is where I'm headed.

There's a shortcut across the interstate.

Knocks two hours off the drive.

Two hours?

That would be something.

TOMMY: Mm-hmm!

Can we stop and get some magazines on the way?

CAROL: Mm-hmm.

I have "Field and Stream," "National Geographic.." "Popular Photography"?


Course not.

I am doomed to remain without a sale.

(Tommy laughs)

(both laughing)

- - (both laugh)

Oh, wow, much better.

BELLBOY: Is this all right?

Thank you so much.



A real bed.


THERESE: This fabric.

- (Carol yawns)

- And this furniture.

HOSTESS: Good evening.

Table for two, please, for dinner.

HOSTESS: Are you staying here at the hotel?

Yes, it's, uh, room... number...




That'll be just a moment, Mrs.


(phone line ringing)

THERESE: Therese Belivet.

(line continues ringing)

(over phone): Hargess Aird.


Somebody's popular.

All from Richard.

Are you going to get your mail?

Nobody knows I'm here.

Were you making a phone call?



Ladies' room.

(New Year's Eve broadcast playing indistinctly)

(broadcast continues indistinctly in background)

- Happy New Year.

- Happy New Year.

(broadcast continues, New Year's Eve revelers cheering)

Harge and I never spend New Year's Eve together.

Always a business function.

Always clients to entertain.

I always spend New Year's alone.

In crowds.

("Auld Lang Syne" playing over radio)

I'm not alone this year.

RADIO ANNOUNCER: And I'm looking up now, as the snow comes drifting down, and I see a pale winter moon over Times Square... as the new year starts its lumbering journey into eternity...

(broadcast continues)


THERESE: Take me to bed.

(broadcast wraps up, "Auld Lang Syne" ends)

I never looked like that.

You're trembling.

No, don't.

I want to see you.

My angel.

Flung out of space.

(moaning softly)

(passionate breathing)

What town is this again?




Isn't that awful?

(both laugh)

MAN (over radio): The two men had left...

- (bell dings)

...Knoxville, Tennessee last night and the driver said Williams, who was in his late 20s, had not been feeling well.

- WOMAN: You the folks in 42?

- Mm-hmm.

We're checking out.

Telegram come for you last night.

(over radio): The exact cause of Williams' death - (engine starts)

- will be determined after...

When did this arrive?


7:00, 9:00.

I ain't a clock, lady.

(over radio): The elderly composer's home was in Montgomery, Alabama.


Where is my suitcase?

- I put it in the back.

- I want my f*cking suitcase!

THERESE: Carol, what's going on?



Carol, what are you doing with that?

What happened?

Carol, you're scaring me.

Where's the tape, you son of a bitch?

How much is Harge paying you for this, huh?

I'll give you double, triple, whatever you want.

I wish I could oblige you, ma'am, but the tapes have already been sent to your husband.

CAROL: That-that can't be right.

My reputation rests on my efficiency, - (g*n clicks)

- Mrs.


How do I know you're not lying?

You don't, ma'am.

(g*n clicking)



How could you?

I'm a professional, Miss Belivet.

It's nothing personal.

Let's get out of here.

CAROL: No, we left.

There's nothing you can do.

As soon as we got your telegram.

ABBY (over phone): What did the travel agent tell you?

That the earliest flight into LaGuardia is tomorrow afternoon.

ABBY: Tell me what you need.

Oh, Abby.

I don't know how to fix this.

I haven't the strength.

(Abby speaks indistinctly)

What are you thinking?


Do you know how many times a day I ask you that?

I'm sorry.

What am I thinking?

I'm thinking that I'm utterly selfish and I...

Don't do this.

You had no idea.

How could you have known?

And I should've said no to you, but I never say no.

And it's selfish, because... because I just take everything, and I don't know anything, and I don't know what I want, and how could I when all I ever do is say yes to everything?

(Crying softly)

I took what you gave willingly.

It's not your fault, Therese.

- (engine starts)

- All right?

- (sighs)

- (coughs)

CAROL: Thank you, darling.

ABBY (over phone): So, how are you now?

CAROL: Oh, you know.

Shattered, sickened.

ABBY: Don't worry.

We'll figure this out, I promise you.

I hope so.

ABBY: Anything else you need?

No, no, talk tomorrow.

- Try and get some sleep.

- I will.

- And don't worry.

- Thank you.

- Good night.

- Good night.


You don't have to sleep over there.

THERESE: She's gone?

Early this morning.

Is she coming back?


This is all my fault.

That's nonsense.

We should get going.

- (silverware scraping)

- Eat something.

Suit yourself.

Why do you hate me?

I haven't done anything to you.

You really think I've flown halfway across the country to drive you back east because I hate you and want to see you suffer?

It's for Carol, not for me.

That isn't...

(lighter clicking)

With you and Carol, what happened?

It's completely different.

I've known Carol since I was ten years old.

It was five or so years ago.


Late one night, my Ford... broke down near my mother's house.

We tried to stay up... but curled up together in my old twin bed.

And that was it.

For a while.

And then it changed.

It changes.

Nobody's fault.




(door opens)

CAROL (voice-over): Dearest, there are no accidents, and he would've found us one way or another.

Everything comes full circle.

Be grateful it was sooner rather than later.

You'll think it harsh of me to say so, but no explanation I offer will satisfy you.

Please don't be angry when I tell you that you seek resolutions and explanations because you're young.

But you will understand this one day.


And when it happens, I want you to imagine me there to greet you, our lives stretched out ahead of us, a perpetual sunrise.

But until then, there must be no contact between us.

I have much to do, and you, my darling, even more.

Please believe that I would do anything to see you happy.

And so, I do the only thing I can.

I release you.

(line ringing)

(ringing stops)



(dial tone drones)

I miss you.

I miss you.


(coin clanks)


DANNIE: Therese?

You know, these are seriously good.

You really captured whoever this is.

Oh, they're just practice.

You really ought to put together a portfolio.

Say the word, I'll introduce you to my pal at the Times.

There's always a clerk job going.

You went away with her, right?


What happened?

Oh, nothing.

It's hard to really...

Is this because I tried to kiss you that day?

Because if it is, don't even think about that.

You don't have to be afraid of...

I'm not afraid.

Let's finish while we still have light, okay?

Still think you should put together that portfolio.


The world and we have passed the midway point of a century of continuing challenge.

JENNIFER: More mashed potatoes, Carol?

Oh, yes, thank you.

They were delicious.

- HARGE: Here you are.

- Thank you.

HARGE: Thank you, Cate.

EISENHOWER: This fact defines the meaning of this day.

We are summoned, by this honored and historic ceremony...

I had thought, perhaps, that-that Marge and Chester would be back by now with Rindy.

Marge said to go ahead, not to wait.

I'm sure that they'll be here soon.

Harge tells us you've been getting along quite well with your doctor, Carol.

And why shouldn't she get along well?

He's a very expensive doctor.

Well, actually, he's not a doctor.

He's a psychotherapist.

Well, he's very well regarded.

A Yale man, like your uncle.

Yes, but that doesn't make him a doctor.

EISENHOWER: ...and their vast empires have disappeared.

New nations have been born.

For our own country, it has been a time...

But I do like him very much.

He's been a great help.

(car approaching)


- My baby!

- Mommy!


Look how much you've grown.


Can you give me a big squeeze?

Oh, that's a long trip.

You must be hungry, sweetheart.

Want to come have something to eat?


CAROL: Mm-hmm.

Stay, stay.

Oh, don't be daft.

I don't think I can keep this up, Abby.

(chuckles): I mean, how many more tomato aspic lunches...

(Carol sighs)

You know... then I come home, every night, without her.

To what?

To this.

(Carol sighs)

And Therese?

Wh-What about her?

Have you heard anything?

(sighs): No.

No, no.

Been over a month since she tried to call.

(trembling inhale)

There's nothing.

I wish...


Have you - hear-heard something?

- From Therese?


She must have started her job at the Times, though.

I should have said, "Therese...

(stammers softly)

...wait." CAROL: Who the hell's turning around in my drive?

I should go.


No, you don't...

ABBY (whispers): I do.

(engine idling)

(horns honking in distance)

(elevator bell dings)

JERRY (voice-over): We expect, given the seriousness of the charges, and the incontestability of the evidence, that the court will grant sole custody of the child - to my client.

- Not so fast, Jerry.

My client's psychotherapist is perfectly satisfied with her recovery from the events of the winter, asserting she is more than capable of caring for her own child.

She's had no further contact with the... the girl in question, and we have sworn depositions from two Saddlebrook Institute psychiatrists clearly stating that in their opinions, a series of events precipitated by my client's husband drove her to suffer an emotional break which resulted - in the presumed aberrant behav...

- That's absurd!

- Furthermore, given the way these tapes - All right, Fred, - were obtained - if this is how you're gonna handle this... and recorded, we're confident of their inadmissibility.

- Fred, please don't.

- JERRY: All right, first off, Fred, I want to see these depositions, and secondly, I...

May-may I speak?

(man clears throat)

I won't deny the truth of what's Contained in those tapes...

FRED: This is off the record, honey.

CAROL: May as well be on the record.


I want you... to be happy.

I didn't give you that.


I failed you.

I mean, we both could have given more, but... we gave each other Rindy, and that is the most breathtaking, the most generous of gifts.

So why are we spending so much time trying to keep her from each other?

Now, what happened with Therese...

I wanted.

And I will not deny it, or say that I...

But I do regret, and I grieve for the mess we are about to make of our child's life.

We, Harge, are both responsible.

So I think I... we-we should set it right.

Now, I think that Harge should have custody - of Rindy...

- FRED: Could I suggest we just take a break - for a moment?

- CAROL: No!

(several talking)

Fred, will you let me speak?

Because if you don't, I will not be able to c-cope.

Now, I'm no martyr.

I have no clue what is best for me.

But I do know, and I feel it in my bones, what is best for my daughter.

(trembling breath)

(sniffles softly)

Now, I want visits with her, Harge.

I don't care if they're supervised.

I just want them to be regular.

Now, there was a time... when I would have done almost anything, I would have locked myself away...

(sniffles, pants)

to keep Rindy with me.


But what use am I to her... to us, if I'm living against my own grain?

(sighs, sniffles)

So that's the deal.

I won't...

I cannot negotiate anymore.

You take it or leave it.

But if you leave it, we go to court.

And if we go to court, it'll get ugly.

(crying): And we're not ugly people, Harge.

(sobbing softly)

- - FRED: Hey, Carol...

Excuse me.


(car horn honks)

(indistinct chatter)

MAN: Right there, right there.

Right here.

MAN 2: Guys, guys, pay attention.

Here, you got the Rooster, you got... you got DiMaggio... front cover.

Front cover.

(indistinct chatter)

(indistinct chatter continues)

- This guy, this guy, this guy.

- That's the guy.

-I like that.

Where's that one we... where's that photo we had earlier?

(indistinct chatter)

(indistinct chatter continues)

- I don't know.

- I'm not sure, I'm not sure.

- No, no, no, no.

- I like this one better.

(indistinct chatter)


(indistinct chatter continues)

MAN: The lady is fantastic.

(indistinct chatter continues)



(indistinct chatter continues)

(indistinct chatter continues in other room)

Of course.

Thank you.


(quiet sigh)

- (soft jazz playing)

- (low, indistinct chatter)

(indistinct chatter, laughing in distance)

I wasn't sure you'd come.

It's nice of you to see me.

Don't say that.

Do you hate me, Therese?


How could I hate you?

Abby tells me you're thriving.

You have no idea how pleased I am for you.

And you look very fine, you know?

As if you've suddenly blossomed.

Is that what comes of getting away from me?




Harge and I are selling the house.

- I've taken an apartment on Madison Avenue.

- No, thank you.

And a job, believe it or not.

I'm gonna work at a furniture house on 4th Avenue as a... buyer.

Have you seen Rindy?

Once or twice.

She's living with Harge, for now.


(sighs): the right thing.


the... apartment's a nice big one.

It's big enough for two.

I was hoping you might like to come live with me, but I guess you won't.

(laughs softly)

Would you?

No, I don't think so.

I'm meeting some people at the, uh...

Oak Room at 9:00, if you want to have dinner.

If you change your mind, I-I think you'd like them.

(soft jazz continues)


...that's that.

I love you.

JACK: Therese?

Is that you?


What do you know?

I-I'm saying to myself, I know that girl.

- Jack.

- Gee, it's great to see you, Therese.

- It's been... months.

- Months.

- Jack, this is Carol Aird.

- Ah.

- JACK: Pleased to meet you.

- Likewise.

Well, hey, uh, Ted Gray's meeting me here, and a bunch of us are heading down to Phil's party.

You're going, aren't you?

- Yes, I just planned to get there...

- You two go ahead.

You coming along?



I have to make a few calls before dinner anyway.

I really should run.

Are you sure?

Of course.

Well, it would be great to catch a ride.

Yeah, sure.

You two have a wonderful night.

- Nice meeting you, Jack.

- Nice meeting you.

All right, well, uh... let me go make sure the loaf's on his way.

Back in a flash.

(water splashes)

(exhales softly)

MAN: He just snuck me in.

I saw a doubleheader.

- It was just fantastic.

- WOMAN: Is that right?

Yeah, great.

MAN: You know, his brother, uh...

(man continues indistinctly)

...yeah, he snuck in.

Anyway, he had the right idea.

(conversation continues indistinctly)

Yes, right up here, right up here at the corner.

(horn honking repeatedly)

- PHIL: It's about time, Belivet!

- Hey, keep the change.

Say hello, at least.

It hasn't been that long.

- THERESE: Hello, Phil.


- DANNIE: Oh, there she is!

Get up there!



There better be beer up there, or wine.

(indistinct chatter, laughing)


I don't know, man.

You can have her.

She's one of these real Greenwich Village phonies, if you ask me.

WOMAN: I'm gonna remember that, Charles.

CHARLES: Where are you going, Ted?

Stick around a minute.

WOMAN: You're Phil's friend, aren't you?

I am, yes.

And Dannie's.

Aren't you gonna ask me how I knew that?

Aren't most people here Phil's friends?

I can see why Phil speaks so highly of you.

Can you?

(indistinct chatter continues in distance)


Sorry, I'll be out in a minute.

(low, indistinct chatter)

MAN (on TV): Davidson's getting her ready to go back to San Francisco.

MAN 2: What's he been doing to her?

- MAN: Praying.

- MAN 2: Praying?

MAN: Praying.

(indistinct conversation, laughing in distance)

MAN: Maybe, yes.

I think that'd be a great idea.


MAN 2: As bad as Boston?

(train wheels clacking)

(train brakes squeaking)

MAN: Well, next year you're gonna have to come out.

Come out for-for the summer.

WOMAN: Of course, no one dares to tell them otherwise.

(indistinct chatter)

MAN: He does that all the time.

He's a blowhard.

MAN 2: Right?

There's no more direct...

MAN 3: About how much time would you say?

Do you have a reservation?

- Sorry, I'm looking for someone.

- W-W...

Ma'am, I can't seat you... without a party.

- MAN: Good night, Sammy!

- Mr.


MAN: Good night, Dennis.

Thanks again.

(indistinct chatter)

MAN: Uh, question.

MAN 2: Yeah?

(sighs softly)

(music ends)
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