05x10 - The Graduation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Good Witch". Aired: February 2015 to present.*
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Cassandra Nightingale moves into an old, abandoned house which is reputed to be haunted by its original owner, "The Grey Lady". Through the course of the story, seemingly magical things happen, and the community attributes these occurrences to her. Everyone begins to wonder if she is really a witch.
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05x10 - The Graduation

Post by bunniefuu »

Good Witch - 5x10 - The Graduation

- Previously on "Good Witch..."
- Linda Wallace.

My ex-wife.

- I'm valedictorian.
- Oh, amazing!

I'm not even taking the mitt off.

[GRACE]: I have to write my commencement speech.

- [CASSIE]: About the future.
- I'm trying to show you that I don't believe in superstition.

But there are forces out there that can't be explained.

You know what this is, don't you?

It's you realizing that Grace and Nick are going off to college.

I have tried this key in every lock in town.

The whereabouts of the Middleton treasure remain a mystery.

Maybe this will help. The key is an arrow pointing to the next clue.


- Hey.
- Hey. Good news.

- Yeah?
- I got that DJ

- that Nick wanted.
- Oh!

For the graduation party, so the kids can dance.

And that's a color I've never seen in this kitchen.

It's for the cake, to match the caps and gowns.

Oh! Very ambitious. And... very sweet.

Ha. It will be, once I add seven more cups of sugar.

You know, you could have ordered a cake.

Yeah, I know. I got a little sentimental.

Well, we have two kids going away to college.

You're allowed to be sentimental.

It feels like it was just yesterday I was in the backyard, blowing up a princess castle for her.

And now, your princess is valedictorian.

And has to give a speech in two days, in front of sets of eyes

- looking at her.
- I heard your speech.

- You're gonna be amazing.
- How's the cake going?

- What cake?
- Mom...

I've known you for years.
I know all of your tricks.

Yeah, I might have a few more up my sleeve.

I better take one of these.

I got a tough half day of picking up of picking up my cap and gown ahead of me.

Happy last half-day of school!

Oh, uh, Mom? I love the blue.

How'd she know about the blue?



- I'm wiped.
- I'm late.

I gotta get back to the hospital.

Oh, I'm sorry!

- For what?
- After working on the food truck all morning, now you gotta go to work?

After all this work, going to work is gonna be like a vacation.

Don't forget we have a date tonight.

We do?

- If I don't pass out.
- I may pass out first.

There's no chance we're going out, is there?

Mm... no chance.




What do you think?

I think they're beautiful.


Ooh! Look at this embroidery!

Yeah, they're all Mrs. Hansen's creations.

You know, I heard that she used to make custom dresses for celebrities.

She did, but she's retiring to a villa in Tuscany,

- and she asked me to sell these.
- Cool.

She mentioned she has one last dress she's trying to finish.

- Her last dress?
- Mm-hmm.

I would do anything to see that.

You know, she has a lot of stuff left to pack.

I'm sure she could use some help.

I would love to help.

I told her you'd stop by her studio on your way home.


Hello, Sam...

Relax the body; relax the mind.

I find this is a wonderful way to clear my head.

Exercise'll do that.

And... squirrel!

Cucumber water? It's very refreshing.

No, thank you. I just came by to tell you that I checked out the place where the old meeting house used to be.

And let me guess: you found no clues to the treasure.

Nothing but a pile of rocks.

The last remnants of the demolished building.

Another piece of Middleton history lost to the ages.

Well, almost. We did manage to salvage the fireplace.


You, um... refurbished it?

Tom did when he was mayor.
Did quite a lovely job.

- He did.
- Well, he didn't actually do the work himself, but it's lovely nonetheless.

It's more than lovely. It's a sign!


Yeah. Well... it's more of a symbol.

Five of them. It's the four elements we've been seeing in all the clues, and then this new one.

That's the symbol for man.

It's also the astrological symbol for Mars.

What? I begin every morning with a coffee and my horoscope.

What'd your horoscope say this morning?

"You are a positive light in a negative world."

I was hoping it would be more treasure-related.

Mm-hmm. Well, stars are a finicky bunch.

So are these clues.



The four elements?

Yeah, and the symbol for man.

Or... Mars.

I'm pretty good at crossword puzzles, but that clue is a little out there.

Yeah, that's probably why it's been out there for over years.


- OK. How's this?
- I think it looks great!

- Linda.
- Sam.

- George.
- Good to see you.

- You too.
- Been a while.

- Yeah.
- Do you have any more luggage?

Oh, I do, actually.
I have a bag in the car.

- I'm on it.
- Thank you.

I'm glad you're here. Nick is really excited to see you.

Me too. You know, I've been traveling so much for work,

I feel like I haven't seen him in forever.

Ahem. So, where is our little graduate?

He's in the kitchen and definitely not little.

- Hi, Mom! Mom!
- Hey, you! Oh, I've missed you.

- I've missed you too.
- Mm.

- Hi, Linda.
- Hi, Cassie.

- How are you?
- Good.

So, congratulations you guys.
How's married life?

- [BOTH]: It's great.
- Come on, Mom. I wanna show you

- my acceptance letter to UCS.
- Yes!

Oh! My baby is going to college.

- I can't believe it.
- All right, let's not make it weird.

Calm down.



I have always wondered what your studio looked like.

It's a little different than the shop downstairs.

I hope you're not too disappointed.

Are you kidding?!

Oh... this sewing machine is so cool.

It was my mother's.
She taught me how to sew.

Hm. My mom did too.

But just the... the basic stuff.


Oh... I remember everyone talking about this dress the day after the awards.

She's actually a very shy young lady, but she told me that dress made her feel confident.

Oh! Um...

This looks like... Who is this?

Shauna Blevins. You wouldn't know her.

You wouldn't know most of the women I make clothes for.

I remember every single one.

And the story that went with them.


I never really thought of it like that.

You know, Shauna hired me to make that outfit for her brother's wedding.

Well, she looks great.

Now, she shows that picture to her grandkids.


Is this the dress you have to finish?

- It is.
- It is amazing.

In your hands, it will be.

What? Oh...

Um... I thought I was just supposed to help out with packing boxes or something.

No, you won't learn anything that way.


So... where do I begin?

At the beginning.



The lasagna is table seven, salad is table three, and smile.

There you go. Thanks very much.

I create a frenzy for your food truck and it's sitting in the parking lot?

I'm sorry?

So am I for giving you a great review if you're not gonna take advantage of it.

You're Lisa Gold.

Setting the gold standard for food bloggers everywhere.

Thank you! Business has been non-stop.

And yet, you've stopped it just when I had a craving for one of your zesty yet perfectly-sweetened, mouth-watering Monte Cristos.

- You do have a way with words.
- I appreciate that.

So, what do you say?
Can you fire up the grill?

You know, I would love to, but my business partner's out of town, and I'm just a little short-handed right now.

Let me give you some advice.
Your business just went off the charts.

That truck should be open - .

Yeah, I know. I'm working on it.

You should work a little faster.


Seriously, be honest.

Did you even like the movie?

I liked the company.

What, is it my fault you have bad taste in movies?

Hey, did you ever think maybe you're the one with the questionable taste?


I mean, how many sequels can you see?

Hey, I like to know what I'm getting.

And you'll see anything with the word heist in it.

It's a clear sign that you're in for some excitement.

It's a clear sign you need to broaden your horizons.

Hmm. OK, so I saw this and thought of you.


You must think a lot of me.

I love it!

I love you.


Thank you.

Ahem. "Thank you."

That's really nice to hear.

Uh... yeah, I suppose it is.

I have a confession to make.

That you're secretly an outlaw on the run?

Ha ha! Oh, man. I thought I fooled you!

I've known all along. That's why I fell in love with you.

Did you also know that my favorite book as a kid

- was Treasure Island?
- I didn't.

- I must've read it times.
- Huh. So, tracking down the Middleton treasure would mean a lot to you, or at least

- the kid in you.
- Figuring out this new clue would mean a lot to me.

I did some research on Mars.

It was originally called Pyroeis by the ancient Greeks.
It means the fiery one.

Uh... There's another meaning for that symbol. Um...

In alchemy, it stands for iron.

One of the goals of the early alchemists was to turn

- common metals like iron...
- Into gold.

I think we just might find this thing.

I have no doubt.



- Gorgeous display.
- Mm.

It almost cheered me up.

"Almost"? I thought this was one of my better windows.

Don't mind me. I can't seem to say anything right.

- What's goin' on?
- Business is slow.

I'm meeting with a contractor to renovate the garden. Donovan told me he loved me.

You didn't tell me you were renovating the garden.

I also didn't tell Donovan what he was hoping to hear.

Well, to say nothing is to say something.

I did say something.

I said thank you.

You did what felt right.

That's the thing.
I wanted to say it back.

Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is having words in your heart that you can't communicate.

Especially when they mean so much.

Well, if that's the case, then Donovan won't mind waiting just a little bit longer.

You have no idea how much I love this fabric.

Hmm. So much so you made the dress three times over.


I may have misread the pattern. Rookie mistake.

Don t tell anyone, but I still misread patterns.

There's just so much to remember!

I mean, how do you keep track of it all?

Practice and training.

- From your mom?
- My mother was a great seamstress, but she made other people's visions.

She always told me that I was the creative one.

You're definitely an artist.

You know, you can teach someone how to make a dress, Grace.

But you can't teach them how to create one.

Rumor has it that you need some stuff cleared out.

- Grandpa.
- George. How lovely to see you.

It's very sweet of you, but I'll get the movers to do it on Monday morning.

Unless you're in the market for a hundred-pound safe with no combination?

No combination, huh?

No. It was already in the place when I bought it.

It's become quite a conversation piece.

And it makes for a very sturdy side table.

- Ha!
- Have any idea what's inside?

No, but if you take it off my hands, whatever's in there is yours.

Well, when you put it like that...


You really like living in Middleton, don't you?

Yeah, it's kind of grown on me...but I do miss New York, especially because you're there.

I really... I really wish that I had been around more.

That would have been nice, but...

I know you have to travel for your job.

- But you're here now.
- Yes.

- You wanna see something cool?
- Oh, I'd love to.

I created this from scratch.


Whoa! Oh, my goodness.

How do you make all of this?

You decide what the game is, how it should look, how it plays, what it's about, and... then you just write the code.

You are very talented.

- Really?
- Really.

Well, check out what's behind this door.

- Oh, what's wrong?

My computer can't handle all the information.

- It's gonna take forever.
- Well, that's OK.

- We'll order some dessert.
- Actually, can I get a rain check? I need to go to the graduation rehearsal.

Of course. Rain check it is.

Great. Thanks, Mom.

- I'm so late!
- Go! I'll be here

- when you're done.
- OK.

Oh! Donovan.

I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Well, Luke needed a ride.
I'm just being a good cousin.

Well, now you can be a good Samaritan.

Martha needs your help.



Hello? Is anyone out there?

I seem to be trapped.

Martha, it's Donovan Davenport. Are you all right?

I could be if you got me out of here!

- I'm gonna push the door.
- Oh! Thank goodness.

You should actually thank Donovan.

You are so right.
Thank you, Donovan. Thank you.

It's... fine.

I've heard enough thank yous lately.

She told you, didn't she?

Who told her what? Did I miss something?

- Yeah.
- I sort of told Abigail I loved her...

And she said "thank you".

Just what every guy wants to hear.

Oh, don't fret. I said the exact same thing to Tom.

Should I tell her it's bothering me?

- Oh, good heavens! No!
- Well, what should I do then?

Sometimes, we have to wait for what's worth waiting for.


Sorry I'm late. I was just trying...

Trying to figure out your graduation present?

No! So, what's good here?

Hmm... well, the best thing here is both of you.

Wow. Mom, that was cheesy even for you.

Give your mom a break.

She's not as eager to get rid of the two of you as I am.

I am eager to find out how it's going with Mrs. Hansen.

It's going great! Actually, she was wondering if it's OK that I could come back after dinner and help out with the dress? It has to be done by tonight.

- Dedicated. I like it.
- Was there ever any doubt?

So, can I go?

Only if you promise to take pictures so we can see your hard work.

And if you promise I get your dessert.

I am not gonna miss your jokes.

Oh, you're totally gonna miss my jokes.


I kind of am.

All right, no more talking about what we're gonna miss.

I wanna make a toast.

Eleanor Roosevelt said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

And we believe in both of you.




How was dinner?

It was great.

Cassie mentioned that she invited you to join us.

Yes, that was very sweet, but I thought it should just be the four of you.

You know, it's really nice to see Nick so motivated.

- Yeah, it sure is.
- You know, he could be just as motivated closer to home.

You don't approve of him going to UCS?

You're just, you're OK with this?

He's excited about it, and so am I. You should be too.

Listen, I'm sorry, but I can't get excited about him moving miles away.




- Hey, pal.
- Hi.

Uh, sorry you had to hear that conversation between your mom and me.

It's probably better that I did.
At least I know how she feels.

Look, she just... misses you and wants you closer to her.

What does it matter if I'm down the road or miles away?
She'll still be in New York.

I won't see her any more than I do now.

She'll come around.

Just give her some time.

Ooh, that's not a happy face.

Well, Nick's upset because his mom doesn't want him to go to college in California.

My guess is his mom's upset because she hasn't been around much.

Well, she's taking it out on me.

You sure she's not taking it out on herself?

She's got nothing to feel guilty for.

Nick understands she has to travel for work.

Well, she feels removed from his life.

With Nick goin' to college in California...maybe she's worried that it'll only get worse.

That's what parents go through. She's not alone.

Maybe she just needs to be reminded of that.


[GRACE:] I can't believe I get to try this on.

Lucky for us, you're the same size as the client.



It's exactly as I envisioned.

- Let's see how it moves.
- OK.

- What do you think?
- I, uh...

- I think... someday, I'd love to wear a dress this beautiful.

What about tomorrow?

- Mom?
- I just wanted your graduation to be something that you never forget.

Wait. You...

You had this dress made for me?

No. You made it for you.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


♪ ♪

- Looking good, Luke!
- I know, right?

- Are my parents still not here?
- Well, you know my sister.

She likes to make an entrance.
Come on, you two. Get together.

OK. We have to hurry 'cause I don't wanna miss them.

I'm sure we're fine.
Just look for their... caps and gowns.

- [BOTH]: Oh! Hey!
- Sorry we're late.

- You guys look great!
- Hi!

Can someone please text me one of the photos you're taking?

It's only . And yes.

- This all feels so amazing.
- Because it is.

- My face hurts from smiling.

- Well, it's a great smile.
- Keep it up, pal. You're in

- the home stretch.
- How about I sh**t some video?

Oh, hey!

- You made it!
- What, you guys had doubts?

- No!
- No, not for one second.

- Aw!
- Ah! This is crazy.


Anything you wanna say to the graduates?

Congrats. Love you guys.

- Hey, Luke!
- Hey, guys.

This is my mom, Denise.

- Mom, this is Grace and everyone.
- Hi!

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

[GRACE]: When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to write for this speech, my grandfather told me that he believes that we end up where we are meant to be.

And the best thing that we can do is give ourselves a chance.

The formula is simple...all we have to do is spread our wings and soar.

We may not land where we thought we would... or when we thought we would.

But we all will land.

Nick Radford.

[GRACE]: And we all will find our greatest selves on the journey. And when we look back, we will remember today as one of anticipation...

Luke Williams.

[GRACE]: ...for all that lies ahead, and appreciation for all that it took to get here.

And finally, our valedictorian, Grace Russell.

♪ Let's dance in style ♪

[GRACE]: We are now on our way to becoming who we are truly meant to be.

♪ Hoping for the best but expecting the worst ♪

♪ Are you gonna drop the b*mb or not? ♪


♪ Let us die young or let us live forever ♪

♪ We don't have the power ♪

♪ But we never say never ♪

♪ Sitting in the sand pit, ♪

♪ Life is a short trip ♪

♪ The music's for the sad man ♪

Graduates, you may turn your tassels.

♪ Can you imagine when this race is won? ♪

I now proudly present to you this year's graduating class of Middleton High School.


♪ Forever young ♪

♪ I wanna be forever young ♪


♪ Do you really wanna live forever ♪

♪ Forever ♪

♪ Forever ♪


Wow! This is so great!


♪ Some are like water ♪

♪ Some are like the heat ♪

♪ Some are a melody ♪

♪ Some are the beat ♪

Thank you.

Oh! I am so happy that you're here.

Oh, I wouldn't have missed it.
Your speech was inspirational.

Really? Thanks. It's all such a blur,

- I can hardly remember it.
- Well, thankfully I got it all on video. I already emailed you a copy.

- You're awesome.
- I'm also hungry.

I'm gonna grab something to eat.

- I'm proud of you.
- Thanks.

- Best party ever.
- Yeah.

Three people in a row just gave me cash.

That's funny! Three people in a row just gave me shower caddies.

I'm gonna go say hi to some friends.

- See you later.
- Now, Grace.

I thought long and hard about this gift. What would allow you to take a little piece of Middleton away with you?

And then it came to me: the best way to wish you well might be just that.


The wishing well.

Thank you, Martha.

I will keep it on my desk and always think of Middleton.

And in the bottom of the bag, there's cold hard cash.

- You shouldn't have.
- Well, for textbooks, of course.

A little souvenir for your dorm room.




It's perfect. Thank you.

So you'll always remember the fun times we've had.

Well, how could I forget?

And tucked behind the front photo is the cash.

Thank you.



I can't believe our kids have graduated.

They're not kids anymore.

How's it going, George?


Screwdriver, hammer, drill.

Still haven't made a dent in this thing.

Have you tried any combinations?

- Yeah. At least .
- You should try one more.

Maybe 's the charm.



I should have known.

always was a lucky number for you.

- Hmm.
- Empty.

Bad ending to a bad movie.

Maybe the movie's not over yet.

You know, the best graduation gift I ever got?



So, I'm gonna tell you what my dad told me.

years from now, it's not gonna matter what shoes you wore or what your hair looked like, what car you drove. What will matter is what you learned and how you used it.


I saw you guys come up. Is everything OK?

Yep. In fact, your timing is perfect.

I was just about to give Nick his graduation gift.

- Oh.
- I knew that advice wasn't the only gift.

Happy graduation, pal. That watch has been passed down through four generations of Radford men.

Now, it's your turn to carry on the family tradition.

Wow. That's pretty cool.

Yeah. Thanks, Dad.

And I know a big guy like you doesn't need a watch to tell time these days.

But... I bet a guy like you does need this.


Are you kidding me?

This is like the best game design system on the planet!

Thanks Dad, this is awesome!

Thank your mom too.

It's from both of us.

Thanks, Mom!

♪ Oh, oh, ah-oh, oh, oh ♪

- Did you try the punch?
- Not yet, but I suddenly got thirsty. Excuse me.

- I can't imagine why.
- Mm-hmm!

♪ And I was reminded ♪

What would you say if I told you you were sweet as that punch?

I'd say... thank you.

- I get it.
- You get what?

We're just gonna pretend this didn't happen?

- What didn't happen?
- OK. I can play along.

I'll get us some cake.

Thank you.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, there's no bad days ♪

I'm sorry that I didn't want you to go to school in California.

I get it. You'd miss me.

I missed so much.

You were always there, Mom.
Even when you weren't.

You and I need to find a way to spend more time together.

That would be cool.

- Hey.
- You two look happy.

- We did just graduate.
- And now, I'm gonna go

- dance with the valedictorian.
- I guess we're dancing.

Hmm! Have fun.

I see you got the piece with the ribbon.

Oh, yeah, it's a total waste.
I don't even like icing.

Mm-hmm. Are you saying you'd be open for a trade?

I could be persuaded.

That's what I call a win-win.

Weirdly, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you two about.

I feel bad. You deserve a partner who's actually here.

It would be helpful.

I may have a solution.

There's an investor who's interested in buying my half of the food truck.

- Really?
- Who?

Have you heard of this food blogger Lisa Gold?

She's the one who helped make the truck so popular.

Yeah. She knows the food, she knows your fan base, she's the perfect person to help take the truck to even greater heights.

And you'd be willing to sell your half?

I could use the money to fix my boat.

It really is a win-win.


- Hey.
- Glad you came?

Oh, very.

Yeah. I'm glad you were here too.

Aw. Sam, I'm sorry about yesterday and... thank you for including me in the graduation gift.

It was a lot better than the savings bond I had for him.

But seriously, you didn't need to do that.

I wanted to, for both of you.

Listen, being that Nick is gonna be so far away at college, if you were all right with it, he wanted to spend a couple of months with me before school starts.

I think that's a great idea.

Oh, I was hoping you'd say that! I'm gonna go tell him.


Is everything OK?


This safe's made of iron.

Best guess. How old is this thing?

At least years.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

- There's a...

There's a sentence in Latin on the back wall.


I know about half of it, but I'll let the internet figure out the rest.


"Where all four elements combined, feet under you will find."

" feet under"...

There are all those old tunnels under Middleton.

That doesn't really narrow it down.

Not yet.

This is like searching for a needle in a brick haystack.

How do you make a haystack out of bricks?

- Oh, you're being logical.
- Well, there has to be some logic in finding where the four elements combine.

-year-old logic... and miles of tunnels.
I don't like the math.

- Now who...
- Wow.

- That's weird.
- Yeah.

Maybe we're in a wind tunnel.

- Windmill.
- feet underground?

No. No, there were pictures of the old town windmill in a lot of the clues.

Right. That burned down a long time ago.


When it burned down, the four elements combined.

Air moved the blades, fire caused it to burn, water put it out, and the earth was below it.

And now, so are we.


You know, that windmill would have been right above us.

So the next clue should be right here somewhere.



A keyhole!

We've gotta find Martha and get that key that she's been

- wearing around her n...
- This one?

- ...neck.
- I had a hunch

- we might need it.
- I love your hunches.

A needle in the brick haystack.



That's amazing.

Can't argue with that.



I think we just found the Middleton treasure.

I think you just made your great discovery.

Oh... my...

Not the treasure I expected, but fascinating! What is it?

Well, there were always rumors that Nathaniel and Meredith Merriwick brought a music box over from England, but no one ever knew for sure.

Well, that rumor's been put to rest.

What song does it play?

We wanted to share the moment with you.



Oh, that's lovely.

They went to a lot of trouble to keep this thing hidden.

Do you think the song means something?

It meant something to them.

I think the song represents the love that's been here since the beginning.

The same love that founded our town.

Favorite tea to take home and some lavender oil to help you relax on your travels.

Oh, Cassie, thank you so much for all of your hospitality.

It was my pleasure. I'm happy you were able to be a part

- of Nick's graduation.
- Oh, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. But I have to say, he's very lucky to have you in his life.

Oh, I think he's lucky to have you as a mom.

- Thank you!
- Yes.

Well, let's get you two to the airport.

- All right.
- Come here.

- Bye, Cassie.
- Do well.


- Are we going somewhere?
- Nope.

- Why are you so dressed up?
- I wanted to surprise you.

Well, you succeeded.

These words are not easy for me to say...but here it goes.

I'm sorry.


What you told me, I guess it took me by surprise.

I... I guess.

And I did this to try and make it up to you.

It's nice.





If you can't say it, it's OK.

I'm thinking it in my head, but the words can't come out of my mouth.

Maybe you're putting too much pressure on yourself.

No, I'm telling you I physically can't say it.

I think it's the curse.

You know what? I think I'm just gonna call it a night.

No! I can prove to you that it's real!

- The curse?
- No, how I feel about you!

I literally spelt it out!

This isn't happening.

I think you might be right.

Hey, Mom.

Hey, honey. Come sit.

- Ooh.
- Wild berry hibiscus.

My favorite.

That's because you're my favorite.

- I'm gonna miss this.
- Yeah, me too.


Mrs. Hansen tells me that you are very talented.

I've learned so much from her.
You know, I never realized it's not about the clothes you wear, it's about the story they tell.

I have something for you.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, my gosh.

This has been in the Merriwick family for generations, helping to tell an important part of our story.

This is amazing.

Yeah. I think you're gonna create amazing things with it.

You know the clothes that you found in Elizabeth Merriwick's wardrobe trunk?

They were all made on this machine.

- Seriously?
- And my wedding dress.


Wow, this really has told our story.

I've never seen it before.
Where did it come from?

I had it tucked away.

I've been waiting to give it to you since the day you were born.

You've always known, haven't you?

That fashion would become

something you love? I had a feeling.

I really do love it.

I love you.






Oh, my...

The diamond and the ruby are missing.


- Hey!
- Hey.

Grace is safely at Wellingsley, and she's excited to start her first fashion design course.

- You're OK?
- Yeah, yeah. You?


It's kind of weird having an empty nest.

Heh. So, what do we do now?

Follow me.

New chapter in our lives... we should start it right.


Oh... I'm liking this.

Yeah, I had a feeling.


There isn't anyone I'd rather start this new chapter with than you.

I love you.

I had a feeling.
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