14x15 - Pandora's Box, Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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14x15 - Pandora's Box, Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

(loud heavy metal music playing)

(audience cheering)

♪ One knock, one spill, one look and it's on ♪
♪ Half cut, half thrill, don't care if you're wrong ♪
♪ You're standing heart is b*ating over shouting ♪
♪ Blood boiling whatcha gonna do about it? ♪
♪ Go, go, you say you want to go? ♪
♪ Outside, yeah, this place is ready to blow ♪
♪ Fight, fight, put your money where your mouth is ♪
♪ Hear you talking, bro, you gonna do something about it? ♪

(music fades)

(music gets louder)

♪ They're leaving, whatcha gonna do about it? ♪
♪ Go, go, you say you want to go? ♪
♪ Outside, yeah, this place is ready to blow ♪
♪ Fight, put your money where your mouth is... ♪

Freeze! Metro police.

Oh, my God.

Get the b*mb squad down here.

Man: Yes, sir.

Dispatch, this is Metro...

Release the balloon.

Turn around, t*rror1st bastard.

Aristotle banana split.

♪ NCIS 14x15 ♪
Pandora's Box, Part I
Original Air Date on February 14, 2017

♪ ♪

I would never release a deadly gas into a crowded arena.

Actually, it's just the VIP suite.

What? You would be planning and executing a sarin gas att*ck on the VIP suites.

That's the game.

You're not helping yourself here, Earl.

I-It's a simulation.

A-A test of security.

Intelligence chatter mentioned something about terror groups with sarin.

So I hire thinkers to brainstorm and carry out plans to identify our weaknesses.

You'll be providing a great service to the Department of Homeland Security.

Earl, how many think t*nk operations have you ex*cuted in the past few years?


And I've turned you down 20-ish times.

You're one of the best minds in criminology.

You're perfect.

And I never get tired of hearing that.

I'll see you...

...at church.


Abby, please.

My first two thinkers have confirmed, but my third-- she called me this morning and-and canceled.

She got stuck in the Himalayas researching superhuman monks.

Really. She's a Harvard divinity professor.


But she's nothing compared to you.

See, you have fought terror.

Who better to create it?

You're gonna have to find someone else.

It's too late.


The concert's in two days and we've hit a dead end.

Without you...

I'm gonna have to scrap the whole thing.

Earl, I can't be a bad guy.

Even if it's just pretend.


That's Earl Goddard.

Quinn: Friend of yours?

Bishop: No, I wish. I...

I've written him, like, a dozen essays trying to get his attention.

We really should have a talk.

He's with Homeland Investigations.

Runs their think t*nk operations.

They get the best good guys to figure out what the best bad guys would do.

It's like the ultimate chess game.

I-I'd k*ll to join.

You know, Abby gets recruited for those all the time.

She what?


I mean, yeah, no, that makes, that makes perfect sense.

Don't worry, I-I always turn him down.

You what?

I could put a good word in for you...


Thanks. Wait, why would you turn him down?

I mean, wouldn't you want to help save the world?

Torres: Abby, don't give in.

Living on the dark side's not for everybody.

It can get to you.

Especially when you realize how easy it is to be bad.

Oh, man, it's depressing.


But wickedly exciting.

I miss it so much.

Abby: And therein lies the problem.

What if I enjoyed it?

Well, you should.

I mean, what's more exciting than a terror att*ck?

We really should have a talk.

A fake terror att*ck.

I would still feel guilty.

But the danger's not real.

It is.

To Abby.

Reeves: Right.

A jumpy security guard sees Abby with a b*mb, she might not have time to explain that it's fake.

Yeah, but they use safety protocols.

Look, it takes a certain twisted personality to think like a k*ller.

Abby doesn't have it.

Excuse me?

No, I mean it as a compliment.


Evil Abby really exists?

I would rather not find out.

Good work requires good people.

Vance: Yeah, that's what Homeland said.


They called you?

Begged is more like it.

My NCIS caseload is...

Is now empty.

These operations are very important to the higher-ups.

Including me.

Wait, wait.

Is that an order?

Yes. Go be a bad guy.


Abby: Aristotle banana split.

Stop saying that.

Gibbs. NCIS.

Listen, the only reason you and I are still talking is because the b*mb squad said that your little b*mb was clock timers stuck in modeling clay.

So you want to tell me what the hell's going on?

Aristotle banana split.

Hey, Abbs.

Gibbs. NCIS.

See, now those are the only two words that this woman has said that make any sense.

So I called you here to explain.


Why hasn't she?

Because in the event that I got caught, I'm only supposed to use the safety phrase, "Aristotle banana split."

Mcginley: Except nobody in the arena, or human history, has ever heard that before.

It's supposed to prove that I'm working with Homeland to test the arena security.

This is a simulation.

Is that true?


Well, somebody screwed up.

This is the first I'm hearing of this. We had to evacuate the whole damn building.

How'd you get caught?

She tripped a motion sensor.

No way.

I studied the blueprints.

I didn't fail.

Well, I think you're missing the bigger problem here.

What exactly was this, uh, simulated plan?

Detonate balloons that are supposedly full of deadly gas into the air vents.

But it was all fake.

And pretty damn evil.

I was ordered to do it.

I need to make a phone call.

Can you take off my handcuffs?

Man: Live ordinates coming through!

Open buffer...

Lock it down!



(Abby gasps)

All clear!

Officer: What the hell?

Your fake b*mb just made a real expl*si*n.

I'm not a t*rror1st.

I don't think.


McGee, finally.

What is happening?

They won't tell me anything.

It's not good.

This is my nightmare.

The only thing missing is Vance riding in on demon wings to fire me.

Well, that makes sense.

I usually wake up when his moustache turns into a snake.

Well, this ain't a dream.

McGee: When the b*mb squad removed the third expl*sive, they found C-4 hidden inside.

What about the balloons?

They all contained several drops of liquid sarin.

Hardly noticeable.

But enough to k*ll hundreds of people if it was exposed to air.

Hence the biohazard team.

We've been double-crossed.

Someone used the think t*nk.

And I plan to find out who.

Director, is this our case?

It is now.

We'll coordinate with Homeland.

I just fought with Metro for custody of Miss Sciuto.

Custody, like...


No, Hardly.

I'm the one that told you to do this in the first place.

Could we please remove these handcuffs?

Where the hell is Earl Goddard?

I have no idea.

Still hasn't answered our calls.

We were gonna search the arena.


Wait, what time is it?

The team was supposed to meet Earl back at his hotel room to debrief after the operation.

Bishop: Your team stayed here?

No, we all had own rooms, but Earl's room was like our base of operations.

While you planned the att*ck?

We had no idea someone was gonna try to make it real.

Think that was the point?

Take back my excitement.

We trusted each other.

Sarin is so unrealistic.

Will you stop pacing and enjoy the food?

Our records don't show you as a vegetarian, Mr. Axiom.

Well, I just started this morning.

I woke up with a vision and gas.

That's why I picked you.

'Cause I have acid reflux?

No, you're the wild card. Abby?

Meet John James Axiom, film director.

We met when he was researching a spy thriller.

He's really good with story, sees the whole picture.

Even if no one goes to see his.

How much did your last movie make?

Earl: Greta "Fensternackt."


She's a researcher with the CDC.

If there's any fault in our plan, she will find it.

Like bringing in a new recruit in the middle of an operation?

And without the proper paperwork.

Earl, I'm assuming she signed our non-disclosure agreement.

Homeland Logistics Manager, Phil Kurjak.

My right hand.

He's in charge of, uh, anything the three of you may need.

Kurjak: Within a government budget.

This isn't Pacific Clash 2.

Inflated budget is the only reason that movie didn't make money.

It exploited gender stereotypes.

The lead female k*lled the bad guy!

With a lap dance.

Goddard: Enough!

I'd like for you all to meet NCIS Forensic Scientist Abby Sciuto.

Crime-fighter and positive thinker extraordinaire.


Well, this group could use some positive energy.

Unless, while I was gone, you found a way to release sarin into that arena without getting caught.

It's impossible. I've done enough of your think t*nk ops to know. Security measures are too tight.

Especially on the VIP suite level.

What about the ventilation system? It looks vulnerable.

We k*lled that idea two hours ago.

It's too complicated.

We'll get caught.


Not if we trust each other.


I'm serious.

I'm not gonna go into the arena with a fake b*mb unless I know my team has my back.

Who said anything about bombs?

A synchronized release?

Small expl*sives.

Just enough to propel the gas into the arena.

Fensternacht: That's... pretty evil.

I like it.

So how do we get past security?

Abby: That...

I don't know.


Don't worry.

I'm sure Earl will explain... everything.


Hello? Earl?

Empty. No suitcases.

Did you check the-the bathroom or...?

(exhales) Well, the hotel said Earl checked out.

All right, well, give me the names of your team, Abby.

I'll get started on the BOLOs.

That won't be necessary.

Abby: Hey, guys.

Abby, what the hell happened?

We did our jobs and came back here to wait for you.

It's been two hours.

I got caught.

I knew this wouldn't work.

Quinn: No, it did work.

Too well.

Yeah, the sarin and one of your bombs was real.


That's impossible.

We got played.

Where is Earl?

Nobody's seen him since the operation began.

When he went to the arena.

To do what?

Let the head of security know the operation was happening tonight and give them the safe phrase.

Well, that never happened.

He set us up.

Earl would never do that.

(phone ringing)

Quinn: Yeah, Gibbs.

Yeah. Okay.

Well, uh, we found Earl Goddard.

Oh, good. (exhales)

What did Earl say?

Torres: Arena security found the van and saw the body through the window.

Are these suits really necessary?


Unless you want to risk instant death by exposure to sarin.


The suits are awesome.

The vehicle and body have been cleared for active sarin.

Well, until we can find the source, I will arrange a biohazard tent in the evidence garage.

Why don't you go home, get a couple hours' sleep.

Got coffee, Leon.

Who needs sleep?

Well, here's somebody who's had a full night's rest.

Director Vance.

Good morning.

Knox, I was expecting you sooner.

I talked to your director last night.

So was I.

But he gave NCIS the lead, and I was told to stand down.

Special Agent Gibbs, Knox Ellicott, Homeland Operations.


This is crazy.

Earl's been reporting to me for ten years without a problem.

Now it's looking like he was the problem.

Earl? Target an arena?

No. No way.

Somebody just piggybacked on our op to make a statement.

Then Earl missed something.

Namely real expl*sives and real sarin.

It's easy to blame the dead.

Somebody put one of my people in danger.

And Earl was one of my people.

Look elsewhere.

While he was always a good judge of talent, he could be a little too forgiving when it came to character.

Gibbs, this coffee is a little too hot.

Your agents should question his think t*nk team.

We are.

Quinn: Logistics manager.

What is that?

I facilitate the team.

Research, supplies, payment.

But I don't go on the actual field exercise itself.

So where were you last night then?

I stayed behind to pack up the hotel room.

Is that why it was empty?

Earl and I both live locally.

No need for another night.


I'm good at my job.

MBA from Missouri.

Average GPA.

No prior career experience.

Yet Earl recruited you.


We met at a job fair.

He has a knack for people, and we clicked.

My parents were k*lled in Bosnia in '93.

I grew up in St. Louis with my grandmother.

And I'm telling you this, because Earl was the closest thing I had to a father.

He didn't do it.

Well, Earl was ultimately responsible for their safety.

So let's start with the expl*sives.

They only had to look real for the w*r game to be fair.

Otherwise, we might as well be smuggling fruitcake.

But Earl never had any real b*mb parts at the hotel.

But he was in charge of making them, huh?

Abby: Remember, the expl*sives should not be large.

Fensternacht: Right.

If a t*rror1st is smart enough to get their hands on sarin-- which is very unrealistic--

Tell that to our security analysts. then they're smart enough not to destroy it in the expl*si*n.

Goddard: I'll worry about the props.

You just worry about getting past security.

In order to minimize our individual exposure, I think we should each be responsible for one task.

It's clean, easy to follow.

Unlike the plot of Alien Carnival.

Watch the director's cut.

JJ is right, okay?

And I've been working on a plan.

An Evil Abby plan.


It requires balloons and makeup and Caf-POW!

Lots and lots and lots of Caf-POW!

What kind of t*rror1st are you?

Abby: The kind that doesn't get caught.

McGee: So this whole thing was Abby's idea?

No. We should all get credit.

And can we wrap this up?

I have a meeting in L.A. tomorrow.

I'd rather not cancel on Johnny.


He starred in my first film.

Yes. The only one that saw critical and financial success.

But what was that, ten years ago?

Look, you write great concepts, okay?

I mean, that's why Earl recruited you in the first place. But... your films fail to connect with audiences.

Okay, Siskel, so what's your point?

Do you have money troubles?

Someone pay you to sabotage the think t*nk operation?

(chuckles) And people say my plots are dense.

All right, look, everyone was given a task the night of the att*ck.

What was yours?

To get the expl*sives into the arena after the concert started.

Who gave 'em to you?


Sure, it was Abby's idea to use the Caf-POW!, but the plan only worked because my performance was Oscar-worthy.

Or at least a Golden Globe.

Hey, mate.

Can I help you?

Yeah. I messed up. Bad.

I made a delivery this morning and I shorted you three cases.

And you want me to call who?

Oh, no, I just need to get this stuff inside.

See, your concessions manager is gonna do a count at the end of the night.

Every one of these bottles not in that arena is a bottle they can't sell.

And they're gonna charge me.

I mean, eight bucks a pop times three cases.

That's enough to keep my daughter in preschool for a month.

You like this stuff?

Here, take a few.

My treat.

Trying to bribe your way into a free concert?

Come on, mate.

I'll be in and out in two minutes. I promise.

Please, for me daughter.

Hey. Took you long enough.


(chuckling): Oh, you look amazing.

I feel stupid.

I got to get back to the loading dock.

See you at the hotel.

All right.

That outfit was hideous.

But that was part of Abby's plan.

Whoa. Our plan.

My job was to plant the b*mb.

Abby just came up with the idea of making me a lost groupie.

But that wasn't good enough.

So I went on eBay and found a backstage pass.

It only worked because of me.


Wearing Abby's boots?

I prefer comfort over style.

And why not?

We're all gonna die anyway.


Wait, what?

Your words.

I read some of your, uh, research papers.

Dark stuff.

Working with the world's most heinous diseases has shown me the futility of life's struggles.

So maybe you wanted to end it all.

Take a few hundred people with you.

I didn't make the att*ck real.

I'm pessimistic, not homicidal.

Well, you say "tomato,"

I say "t*rror1st."

Your work gives you access to sarin.


But Homeland oversees a dozen lab facilities.

Earl had access.

And what about Abby?

Evil Abby?

Her security clearance is high enough.

She's the one who labeled the bombs.

I was just following her instructions.

You know, if she's gonna take the credit, she should take the blame.

FYI, I think her whole Goth thing is really just a cry for help.

Abby: Greta said what?

I'm... I'm not a Goth.

I am feeling a little bit naked without my choker on.

Can I go home and change after this?

Are you sure you don't want to do this in the conference room?

No. No!

No special treatment.

I am just as guilty.


So this whole thing was your idea?

Evil Abby was smart, Gibbs.
I'm not proud of it.

Someone used you.

It was not Earl.

He gave you the balloons.


He left them for me in the hotel room.

That was your task?


A flower delivery to the band's dressing room.

I had this-this logo made And I'm friends with the Sterile Puppets' drummer, and he said that, that bands get gifts delivered from-from fans and local businesses all the time.

Yes. Security scans packages.

Yes, and then they, they swab them for anything that's illegal or dangerous, so I had to think outside the box, you know?


They don't set off metal detectors.

If someone were to X-ray them, then... the small amount of liquid would never show up.

Security didn't suspect anything.


Forgive me, Gibbs. I've sinned.

It's not your fault.

Yeah, but, you know, at the time, it was, like, fun, you know?

I had fun.

Maybe 'cause of that, I-I missed something.

(takes deep breath)

I could've k*lled so many people.

The chemicals used to make liquid sarin are arguably more dangerous than the final product.

Not to mention the considerable cost of manufacture.

In 1995, in Japan, a cult spent millions on a facility.

You mind if I join you, Dr. Ducky?

Oh, by all means, Agent Reeves.

Yeah, I was just explaining to our friend here that despite the claims of certain foreign powers, liquid sarin cannot be made in the kitchen.

Abby says mere drops can be deadly.

Yeah, the liquid evaporates when it's exposed to the air.

Direct inhalation can cause a buildup of acetylcholine in the nervous system.

The body can shut down, mm, in under a minute.

Nasty business.


Do you come from Brumarket?

Uh, your accent.

Did you grow up in Birmingham?

That sounds like judgment.

No, no, no.

I thought your last name was Mallard, not Higgins.

Shaw's Pygmalion.

You know it?

Practically my biography.

Although I do prefer My Fair Lady.


Are you a fan of musicals?

No, no. Audrey Hepburn.


Although I think we should stick to the case at hand.

Yes, let's.

I can confirm the cause of death.

Sarin poisoning.


But the only sarin residue is around his mouth.

Did he drink it? su1c1de?

We found fibers in his throat, and there are these bruises around his neck.

Well, if the fibers are from a towel or rag, it could mean he was grabbed by the neck and sarin held in his mouth.

Well, final analysis will have to wait till Ms. Sciuto returns to her lab.

But if this was m*rder, Earl could be innocent.

Or he wasn't working alone.


Ta-Ra, then, Doctor.


To the uninitiated, that means Ta-Ta For Now.


Ellie. You called me.

Yeah. Uh, I finished with the van and found Earl's laptop.

It's password-protected, but McGee can handle it.

Okay. What's the problem?

Well, it's what I didn't find.

No more sarin.

What, that's a bad thing?

Yes. Because of this.

Looks like it was peeled off of a lab container.

15 cc's is like a bottle of nail polish, but... it's enough sarin to fill this room.

How much was in the balloons?

Drops. And it wouldn't have taken much to k*ll Earl.

That's a lot left over.

Enough to k*ll hundreds.

Update on our current case?

Right. Yes.

A Homeland think t*nk was asked to execute a fake terror att*ck.

To test security.

Except the att*ck wasn't so fake.

Reeves: Someone switched out a b*mb, put real sarin in the balloons and k*lled Special Agent Earl Goddard.

Yeah, they used the think t*nk to do all the planning and the dirty work.

Like cheating off the smart girl during a math exam.

But why?

Because she's cute and I hate math.

No. I mean why a sarin att*ck?

Who stood to gain?

Well, whoever it is still has a vial of the stuff.

I doubt they'll let it go to waste.

Been coordinating with the NSA and Homeland all day.

Uh, Bishop.

Turns out you're on Earl's short list after all.


McGee: Yep.

I got into Earl's laptop-- he's got files on potential recruits, including one Bishop, Eleanor Raye.

Well, a few days ago I would've been thrilled, but... now that he's a suspected t*rror1st, not so much.

Find anything else?

McGee: It turns out Earl used Homeland resources to tap into the arena security network.

That gave him access to surveillance cameras.

So he could observe the team as they carry out the att*ck.

Jj: He was recording us.

Oh, this just gets better and better.

Thanks to you, I missed my meeting.

We need you to stay here in DC until the investigation's complete.

Well, I'm not gonna leave the country.

But Johnny rescheduled for tomorrow, and I've got to be at that meeting.

Can't you just talk over the phone?

Actors need handholding, all right?

I'm sorry, but we need you here.

Oh, this is turning into a movie plot.

Recruited for a government operation, now a suspected criminal, and to top it off, when I called to complain, Homeland said they'd never heard of me.

Don't they have Earl's records?


I don't know if this is Alfred Hitchcock or Howard Hawks.

It's been ten minutes.

Safe to come in yet?

I am... so...

Mad. Yeah, you mentioned that.

Super mad.

I am mad at the k*ller for k*lling my friend.

And I'm mad at Director Vance for making me join a think t*nk.

Mostly, I'm just, I'm mad at... me.

For what, being too good?

For being so good at being bad.

And now I-I'm being punished by the whole universe.

I'll come back.

Evil Abby was on fire!

And now I'm back in my lab, and Good Abby has nothing... to-to solve Earl's m*rder or even prove that he's innocent.

We should talk later.

No, I-I'm fine.

What did you find?

The source of the sarin.


Earl stole it.


Homeland Security report.

Earl used his key card to enter a chemical lab two days ago at 2:00 a.m.

Nobody noticed it was missing until I started asking questions.

Okay, I get that this looks bad.

Abby, this is bad.

Earl was used.

And Good Abby is gonna prove that.

(sighing): I hope.


JJ Axiom wants me to do a screen test.


Which is not important.

Tell me what is.

Homeland performed a system wipe.

It means everybody working in Earl's department had to erase their computers.

On purpose?


That's why there's no record of JJ.

A data wipe is serious and I don't know why they did it.

Ask Homeland.

I tried.

But the wipe was ordered by Operations Director Knox Ellicott, but he's been dodging my calls.

When did he order it?

Last night.

After the m*rder?

Get him in here.

Ellicott: I'm sorry about the missed calls.

I've been in meetings all day, as you can imagine.

Yeah, you had an excuse last night, too.

The boss told you to stay home?

I wasn't gonna argue.

It was Valentine's Day.

A little nookie, then?

(Ellicott clears throat)

A data wipe is a security precaution that I take every six months.

It's standard procedure to rid the system of any bugs or viruses.

Reeves: So the fact you ordered the wipe the night of the m*rder was...

A fluke.

I'm thinking of another word.

A happenstance.




And why is that important?

'Cause there's no such thing.

Reeves: You ordered the wipe to erase your connection.

We spoke to your wife.

She said you was at the office all night.


No nookie.

Ellicott: That's-- Now, wait.

I... I had nothing to do with any of this.

Why lie?

Because I was hacked.


Last night.

I was using a personal computer at home, trying to do some work so that I could spend the evening with my wife.

And I got an alert that someone was remotely accessing my hard drive.

Using a personal computer for government business?

Gibbs: Even I know that's bad.

That's why I went to the office last night and I ordered a data wipe.

To stop the spread.

And to cover your ass.

I could get fired.

Or indicted.

But it had nothing to do with Earl's m*rder, I swear.

Quinn: Ellicott handed over his computer.

Where's McGee?

Already doing his thing.

Yeah, good.

b*mb squad report.

Well, they found prints from the entire think t*nk, no help.

Only one b*mb was real. Why?

Deadly enough to make a statement, but less chance of getting caught.

Potential targets in the VIP suites?

The, uh, arena security records, they list a few wealthy concert-goers, but no names of interest and none that connect to the think t*nk.

All right, keep digging.

Yeah. That's all it's been so far is guesswork.



I'm sorry, it's just-- nothing.

It's just family stuff.

Gibbs? MTAC.

McGee's got something.

You've never been to New Orleans?

We got to get you down here.

Well, I'd rather it be for fun than, uh, work.

Oh, it's always fun.

Especially since Mardi Gras is coming up.

Hey, tell Gibbs you need a little vacation.

We all do, Christopher.

And what happened to Alabama?

Oh, man, why are you hitting me below the belt?

That's a long conversation.

I look forward to it.

Agent Lasalle, it's good to see you.

Yes, sir, but I think you're gonna be taking that back.

I traced the hack on Ellicott.

Came from an I.P. address in the French Quarter.

Yeah, empty apartment above a voodoo shop.

But this one's just a tourist trap.

As opposed to?

Well, that's a good point.

We really got to get you down here, McGee.

The apartment's last occupant?

Well, in jail going on two years.

He was running a brothel out of the place, and it's been vacant ever since.

It's a dead end.

McGee, what did the hackers get away with?

Well, that's the problem, Director.

It's why I called the NOLA offices right away.

Lawrence, bring it up.

Somebody downloaded the files on every Homeland think t*nk operation from the last two years.

Dozens of simulated att*ck scenarios.

Simulated but successful?

The team pointed out weaknesses from airports and train stations to government buildings.

Yeah, blueprints on how to att*ck us.

McGee: Yeah, the stolen files also detailed how Homeland would respond to such att*cks.

Offense and defense.

Someone has our entire terror playbook.

Vance: I already spoke with SecDef.

Someone is selling our entire t*rror1st playbook.

We will follow up here while our agents in New Orleans are following up with their...

I will keep you updated.

National Security Advisor.

He's looking to blame someone for the stolen playbook.

He should be looking to get it back.

Terror alert's been raised until we do.

I was hoping maybe you had a plan.

That's why I'm here, Leon.

Oh. You were gonna run the idea by the director before I came in?

Well, somebody start talking.

Sir, I worked several undercover investigations, including stolen government Intel.

We now have that in spades.


But something this big will cause ripples.

I put my pole in the water, wait for nibbles, maybe a bite.

I get the metaphor.

One of your old contacts could be connected.

It's a long sh*t.

It's the only sh*t we got.

It's the playbook.

Phone calls only, Agent Torres.

You are not undercover.


Doesn't help our m*rder case, Gibbs, or find that missing sarin.

I'm gonna go back to the beginning.


The w*r game.

Why do it?

That's what we've been trying to figure out, boss.

Who gains from the att*ck?

No. Homeland.

Why choose this operation?

Why this arena?

Well, there'd been intelligence chatter about terror groups getting sarin.

What groups?

Bishop's finding that out now.

In order to fund a field exercise, Homeland had to submit detailed security reports.

I want to see 'em.

No need, Gibbs.

Thanks, Tommy.

The chatter was fake.

I got the intelligence file from Homeland and sent it to the NSA for verification.

There are no terror groups with sarin.

Someone altered the report.

McGee: Tricking Earl into creating this whole operation.

The question is why.



Hey. So, the real b*mb was planted in the duct that fed the VIP suites in the northwest corner.

Including Suite 11?

(keyboard keys clicking)


11 through 20. Why?

Well, the arena record shows suite 11 had private bodyguards.

Who were they protecting?

Uh, "Dexter Highland"?

Never heard of him.

Well, that's why it didn't flag.

But we found out it was a cover name.

Somebody famous?

The security records don't say, but they do say the guards were armed.

Which means I can pull conceal-and-carry permits, and find out who they were really working for.

Quinn: Jovan Dezic, Bosnian foreign affairs minister.

He was at the concert with his 16-year-old son And you knew that because he had to register his travel plans with Homeland.

That's, uh, standard procedure for diplomats.

So are pseudonyms.

But he wasn't always a respected politician.


Dezic was part of the Bosnian-Serb army during the genocide.

Ever heard of "sn*per Alley," Gibbs?


Civilians m*rder*d in cold blood.

Including your parents.

Dezic was suspected of being there, though it was never proven.

This was revenge.

You altered the report before you gave it to Earl.

And you took his security clearance to steal the sarin.

And it was you who switched the b*mb and the balloons.

Did I miss anything?

Yeah, he was with Earl that night.

Right, you were with Earl when he watched on the security cameras, and those balloons were not the balloons that Earl filled.

Nope. These were.

They had lettering on them.

Found 'em in the hotel Dumpster.

Your fingerprints on 'em.

Earl suspected something was going on.

He wanted to abort the mission.

You couldn't let that happen, could you?

You sat here and told me that Earl was like your father.

But you k*lled him.

In avenging your parents, you lost another one.

Dezic deserves to die.

For what he did to my country, uh, what he did to me.

Except you failed.

Gibbs: McGee.

Dezic, where is he?

Just spoke with his security detail.

Where is he?

He is recovering from heart surgery (phone ringing) at Washington General-- it's why he was here in the U.S.

What, do you think he's still in danger?

Yeah, Reeves, go.

We've tossed Phil's flat, and we found the missing sarin bottle.

The problem is he's been using it; we're thinking he might have something else planned.

We're already on it.

Another ventilation att*ck at the hospital?

Abby: No way.

He doesn't have a team doing his dirty work.

This is plan B.

Last ditch-- he is desperate.

He's got no balloons.

He knows we're looking for him.

Balloons were just one of a dozen ideas I pitched the team.


I was told to be evil.

And be good now.

How does Phil get sarin into the hospital room?

(door opens)

A fruit bowl.


Your diplomat friends are too classy, Dad.

Why can't they just send pizza?

(bag pops)

Stop. Federal agents.

Don't pop that.


This one has sarin.

What's going on?

Good just triumphed over evil.

I mean, who can resist popping?

You got me a gift.


Tickets to The Sterile Puppets.

We all chipped in.

Figured after all you'd been through, you deserve a break.

Well, now we can all go.

Director Vance got me tickets as a peace offering, and the band lets me in for free, so...

So everything's good.



There's still something really bothering me.

How you got caught in the first place.

Yeah. How'd you know?

Well, I figured that Evil Abby was also a perfectionist, so I kept digging into Earl's laptop.


When Earl was k*lled, his computer was connected to the arena network.


Abby, you didn't trigger anything.

He did.

When Phil poisoned him and left him for dead, Earl set off a silent alarm.

That is good over evil.

(phone ringing)

Let's hope that trend continues.

The playbook's still out there.

Yeah, boss?

Yeah, on my way.

Ferdinand Pisco.

Doesn't ring a bell, Gibbs.

He'd like to keep it that way.

He deals with stolen information, and keeps his own hidden, moves in the shadow, which is where I live.

What Agent Torres means is he used to live in shadow.


Working for Pisco. Got it.

You recall Special Agent Jones, Wichita?

(chuckles) Yeah.

Eager. Reckless.


Are you guys judging me?

How's Pisco connected to the missing terror playbook?

It was hacked from New Orleans.

He's headed your way.

Torres: I shook a few trees and found out that he booked a last-minute trip from Venezuela.

He's coming to buy the playbook.

We don't know who stole it, so at this point it's all conjecture.

Sir, with all due respect, this guy doesn't travel unless it's something big.

It's the playbook.

If I make contact, I can prove it.

Director... send me undercover.

Gibbs, I'm ready.

Pack your bag.

You will report to Agent Pride the second you arrive.

Roger that.

I'll be waiting for his call, Director.

Gibbs, be in touch.

Yeah, count on that.

Torres is going to NOLA?

Yeah. So are you.

Don't let him out of your sight.

You understand?

You got it.

When do we leave?

Now. Go.
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