03x12 - Go Cry Somewhere Else

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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03x12 - Go Cry Somewhere Else

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "How To Get Away With m*rder"...

Frank turned himself in last night.

Atwood: You ruined his life. You did this.

Just think about the pain that he felt.

You want to know pain?!I 'll show you pain!

No deal.

You can fix this.

I remember something else. I saw Frank... in the basement.

He ran out of the storm door.

Davis: Frank Delfino, you are being charged with the first-degree m*rder of Wesley Gibbins.

Bonnie: They charged Frank.


They charged him as your co-conspirator.

Wes: They're investigating Annalise.

You tell them anything?


But I might.

Frank: We got a puppy problem.

He knows Rebecca's dead.

Just don't lose him.

[Tires screech]


It's not a crosswalk, genius!

Why are they questioning Wes?

Is it because of Annalise's investigation?

I said I'm not doing this here.

If she goes down, she's gonna take you with her.

You know that.

What'd you say?

You know how she gets when she's desperate.

Don't you ever thr*aten me again.

[Cellphone rings]


Frank: I lost him.

He turned down an alley. He's gone.

Go to Annalise's. He probably thinks she's there.

I'll go to his apartment.

Got it.



Do not hurt him.

I won't.

You, uh... You okay, bud?

Yeah. Just...

Can you hurry?

I'll do my best.

[Cellphone vibrates]



It's Christophe.

Michaela: Yay to discharge day!

Okay, that sounds grosser out loud than it did in my head.

Uh, yay to getting out of here finally, is what I mean.

I brought some options.

Although I think I need to see them on to know which one looks best.

Claudia: Oh, there she go, Casey Freakin' Anthony, off to another one of her special hearings.

Jasmine: [Chuckles] Casey Anthony was acquitted, and you the only one in here being charged with hurting they own kids.

Neglecting my kids.

That's way different than this one here murdering a boy.

[Scoffs] Next time you m*rder somebody, maybe you'll get a special hearing, too.

Henderson: Professor! Let's go.

♪ I can see for miles ♪

Connor: Here.


How do you do this?


Go out into the world knowing one wrong word and everyone goes to jail.


You don't have to go if you don't want to.

She needs us.

My client is an innocent woman who is being unfairly targeted due to her association with a sociopathic employee.

Due to her association with Mr. Delfino, a career criminal with a well-documented history of v*olence, including a previous attempted-m*rder case against his own father.

Whereas my client has no criminal record to speak of whatsoever.

I thereby request you sever their cases and schedule separate trials.

Hey. How you feeling?

Nerv... Nervous?

Well, I wasn't till you just said that.

I'm sorry. I just, um...

You look great.


She'll look great once she finally puts these on.

♪ Angel just above the grid ♪

It's an arraignment. No need to be nervous.

I'm not ner...

I'm not nervous.

I'm just, um... getting ready for the game.

I got this.

Please tell me they're not coming.


The kids.

I thought I told you.

The memorial's today.

Who the hell are all these people?

Tragedy whores.

♪ That's all right ♪
♪ I decline ♪

Jacobs: It's my understanding that there are now two defendants in this trial?

That is correct, Your Honor.

The Commonwealth is amending the charges to list Mr. Delfino and Ms. Keating as co-conspirators.

Counsel may proceed with the reading of charges.

The defendants are charged with one count of first-degree m*rder.

A special circumstance...

Did you know they were gonna come?


Alleging this conspiracy was pre-meditated.

So, Wes, uh, where do I start?


Wes was a really great guy.

Like, really just...


And that says a lot because he didn't really have an easy life.


It was actually really... dark.

Like, his mom died when he was 12... su1c1de.

And then his father...

Oh, God.

Well, we don't really have time to get into that.

It's upsetting, to say the least.

Maybe you should have written something for her.

My point is, it's awful, isn't it, that this is what happened to him.



Why are you crying?

Did you even know Wes?

Did any of you?

I take it that's a no?

Law school isn't really about making friends, right?

Yeah, I bet some of you are really happy that he's dead 'cause that means your ranking goes up one.


Okay, I'm going.

Like, there's not even a body to bury.

You're all vultures glomming onto this tragedy like it's your own.

Well, it's not your tragedy!

Please stop.

It is Wes', and he deserves better than this funeral with you phony-ass people!

So just go cry somewhere else!


Bonnie: Linking my client's case to Mr. Delfino creates bias in the eyes of the jury.

I thereby move to sever their cases to avoid any prejudice against my client.

Judge, this is an arraignment.

The Commonwealth is not prepared to argue a motion to sever.

Neither are we, Your Honor.

Ms. Winterbottom, you can argue a motion to sever at a separate hearing.

Are we finished?

Your Honor, I'd also like to revisit bail.

Bail, Your Honor, has already been denied.

Only one defendant in this courtroom has confessed in this crime, and that is Mr. Delfino.


My client's alleged confession is not an issue here.

Mr. Delfino has stated he acted alone.

Clearly pointing to undue influence by Ms. Keating.

Mr. Delfino never mentioned any involvement by my client.

Judge, we're not here to argue the facts of this case.

I am advocating for my client who has been unfairly lumped in with an amoral reprobate.


Ms. Keating has no violent record, unlike Mr. Delfino!

I request your censure Ms. Winterbottom for recklessly impugning my client!

Jacobs: Enough.

Ms. Winterbottom, outbursts of this nature can only hurt your client.

Ms. Keating's bail continues to be denied.

[Gavel bangs]

Don't go at her that hard anymore.

That's my job.

No, your job is to do what I say.

Woman: Hands behind your back.

Anna Mae!

You shouldn't be here, Mama.

We drove all night the minute we heard you were having another hearing.

Let's go.

Bonnie: It's her parents. Can you give them a minute?

They can visit in prison.

Go home, Mama.

No! We'll come see you right away, Anna Mae!

I mean it! Go home, Mama!

Anna Mae!

There he is.

Don't you go tipping out on us, Nathaniel.

I'm sorry about all this.

Don't be sorry.

Just tell us how you gonna fix it!

I work for the D.A.'s office now.

You mean for the people trying to convict her?

You know she didn't do this.

I know.

But any involvement by me would just look suspicious.

Not helping her is what's gonna look suspicious.

You saw her, Nathaniel. She needs you.

Don't let me have to get down on these old knees and beg you to be halfway decent.

I can't help, ma'am.

And I thought you was a good man.

Come on.

Woman: Hello!

[Inmates cheering]

Woman: Look who's back!

We knew it!

How did it go?

Well, that's okay.

You still got lots of rounds of fight left in you.

Is it 'cause she a lawyer?

Is that why you keep suckin' up?

'Cause I've been your roomie for months now, and you don't give no kinds of damn about my case.


I don't give a damn about you.

Yeah, whatever.

You cracked if you think Queen Elizabeth here ever gonna help you with your case?

And why wouldn't I?

Maybe I'd help you, too, if you shut your mouth for once.


In what world can your child-murdering ass help me with my case?

He wasn't my child!

Keep coming at me.

Come on.

Maybe I will m*rder someone.

Annalise the Hood-rat, that's my new name for you.


Why can't we talk to her?

Because she's asking too many questions.

Well, yeah, she dated Wes.

Of course she's gonna be asking questions.

Or she's a spy trying to bring us all down.

Hey, guys. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Laurel was right.

None of us knew Wes like you all did, and I can't imagine what you must all be feeling.


Sorry. Um, I have to ask.

Ask what?

Keating. Like, she did it, right?

You're serious?

Oh, my God. Don't tell me you're still defending her.

Innocent until proven guilty, or are you as dumb as you look?

Wes was your friend.

The only thing he deserves right now is for you not to defend the woman who k*lled him.

Hey, this is a memorial.

We all came here to grieve, and you think it's appropriate to be pouring salt in the wounds?

Dude, I'm just speaking the truth.

No, you're a horrible person and you need to leave.

I'm sorry.

Michaela: She wasn't in the bathroom and she's not answering her phone.

Maybe she got an Uber home.

Maybe she found a bridge to jump off.

Everyone call her.


Can I see my boyfriend's body?

His name is Wes Gibbins.

Are you okay, hon?

Yeah. Can I see him?


The D.A.'s office is holding Mr. Gibbins' remains as evidence until the end of his trial.

But I'm his girlfriend.

I understand. It's just...

I don't think you do.

I've been in the hospital until today, and I almost died in the same fire that he did, which is why I never got the, you know, the chance to say goodbye.

Honey, there are strict rules here.

I'm pregnant with his child.

Talk to the D.A.'s office. My hands are tied.

You're going to hell someday.

Laurel: It's Laurel.

Leave a message, but I'll probably never listen.


Call me back so I know you're okay.

We'll find her. I promise.

Connor: Just hope she's not dead when we do.

I don't know if I can take another one of these memorials.

[Cellphone rings]

Is that her?

It's a blocked call.

Because it's her. Answer it!

This is Oliver.

Mr. Hampton?


This is Detective Davis with the Philadelphia Police.

Do you have any time to stop by later today?


She said they want to interview me.

About Annalise?

I don't know.

He can't talk to them, right?

I told her I'd be there at 2:00.

You shouldn't have said that.

Look, I didn't think I had a choice!

Connor: This is a disaster.

He needs a lawyer, right?

What kind of lawyer can we get in two hours?

Okay, we can hide him, like Annalise did with Wes.

Look how that worked out for him.

Michaela: They must know that he hacked the D.A.'s office.

No, Oli put up firewalls!

Well, they didn't work, did they?

What if Laurel went to the police?

No, you're being paranoid.

You didn't see her at the memorial this morning.

She lost it.


To the point that I wouldn't be surprised if she went to confess everything.


I think I'm having a panic attack.


My baby.

I fixed you a plate, but the guards made me leave it in the car.

It's okay.

It's not okay. Look at you.

You're just nothing but skin and bones.

You got to eat, Anna Mae.

I'm eating, Mama.

I told Celestine not to let you come.

She didn't know.

Your mama and me took off in the middle of the night like a couple of car thieves.


Point being, we're here now.

For as long as it takes to get you out.


I've never seen you quite so low, baby.

And who but your family can lift you up out of this mess, hmm?

I gave that Nathaniel a good talking to.


What kind of man wouldn't help his woman?

It's okay. We're here to help you now.

Whatever needs to be done, whether it's bringing you food or coming to be with you every day.

'Cause you think that's what I want?

You seeing me in here like this?

I'm gonna fix this.

No, you can't, Mama.

I can. I can.

All I have to do is to tell the police the truth.

You didn't burn down the house.

I did.


I'll tell them that I made sure all the kids was out of the house.

And then I poured hooch all over the couch that Clyde was on.

Mama, stop.

They got to know what that pervert did to you.

And that you're here to take the fall for your mama.

I'm not gonna let you do that, baby.

They want to lock me up, that's fine.

The only judgment I fear is from the Lord God Almighty.

And if I go to hell for burning that bastard, then so be it.

Why didn't you tell me?

The doctor said it's just a bit of dementia.

You should have told me.

She has episodes every now and again, but she usually comes out of them pretty quick.

She just confessed to burning down the house with your brother inside.

She makes up stories.

It wasn't a story.


Man: That's it, you two. Come back tomorrow.

We'll all still be here.

Bonnie: Mr. Hampton, what exactly is it you do for the Middleton Legal Clinic?

I was hired as a technology expert, keeping case files locked.

Did that include any of Annalise's personal case files?

No. Just the clinic.

Good job.

[Southern accent] I have a question for you, son.

Was it normal for this professor of yours to require you to do illegal hacking?

Oliver: I wouldn't say it was normal.

So it was odd that she called you at 8:52 p.m. the night of the fire?

She was only asking me to look into a pro bono case.

Bonnie: It's better if you keep your answers as vague as possible.

That way, you technically won't have to lie.

She wanted me to do some research.

And did Keating ask you to do anything else for her that night?

Like what?

Michaela: Just answer the question.

Did she ask you to clear any files on her phone or not?

No, she didn't ask me to do anything illegal like that.

Do you expect me to believe that?


Then why are you sweating?

Wes was my friend.

And he was m*rder*d.


So, forgive me if my mind is a little foggy on some of the details.

I'm in no rush. Take your time.


I do want to know why you went back to the Legal Clinic after talking to Professor Keating at the scene of the fire.
Connor: He can't do this.

Yes, I can!

You need to call, buy yourself more time.


You need to get him out of this.

Connor, I can do this.

You don't need to protect us, Oli...

I'm protecting myself!

I am the one who decided to get involved, okay?

No one forced my hand or threatened me.

I did this willingly.

And now I have to face the consequences.

Keep going. I can take it.

Davis: We have records showing that you swiped into the clinic at 10:53 p.m. that night.

Was it because Professor Keating asked you to go do something for her?

Clear her phone of suspicious material, for example?

Of course not!

That would be illegal.

I told her I only went to the legal clinic because I was an emotional wreck and I didn't where else to go.

Yes, girl.

You did good.


Did we find Laurel?

[Knock on door]


Please open the door if you're in there.


I'm gonna k*ll you if you're alive in there!


You're out of the hospital. How are you feeling?

[Sighs] Better.

You told me I could come and see you and talk to you when I was ready.

No, I told you to talk to me when you finally wanted to come clean.

So unless you're here to say you didn't actually see Frank in the basement that night...

I did!

Got to go.

Can you help me see Wes?

The D.A. has his remains booked as evidence.

Then you're out of luck.

Imagine if you couldn't have said goodbye to your wife!

You can get me in, right?

The burns are pretty bad.

It's okay.

You honestly want me to believe you just lost the body?

We're gonna find it.

You better.


Otherwise, you're gonna have a lot of people thinking there's a conspiracy going on.

I won't be surprised if the judge throws out the whole case!


Because the victim's girlfriend now knows we lost his body!

You want to blame this on me?

Why don't you just tell us why you took her there.

Because you asked me to get close to her.


This is not my fault.

By taking Ms. Castillo there, you handed Annalise her defense on a platter.

Gross negligence, denial of due process.

Bonnie: Tampering with evidence.

I ordered a second autopsy so they'll have to come clean.

It's awful to think about, I know.

But unless they find his body, this helps your case.

My mother has dementia.

It's fine.

Just call my doctor's office and ask them if they can recommend any long-term care facilities.


Some place close.

Celestine's gonna fight me on this, but she hid it from me, too, so I don't care.


I'm getting you out of here.

Stop saying that.

They lost his body. It proves you're being framed.

It doesn't prove anything, and you know it.

Just help me with my mother.

At least that's something we can fix.


Gentlemen, we dodged a big-ass b*llet today thanks to the O-man's baller cop-lying skills.

Can you keep it down? The walls are super thin.

Okay. Whatever.

A toast!

To Oli, for being a great liar, and most importantly, to Wes.

We might not have given you the proper memorial, but... we can still pour one out for you.

Sorry. I'll get paper towels.

You mad at me?

A little.


To Wes.

Do you think I like this?

Believe me, the last thing I want to do is act like your mother.

Really? 'Cause you're way better at it than my mother.

I'm good at everything I do!

I'm just saying, it's cruel to not answer your phone.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.

Just promise me you won't go A.W.O.L. again.


I'm sleeping on the couch.


Asher farts in his sleep.I could use a night off.

Do you think he did it?



I want to believe he did 'cause then that way I'd have someone to hate.

But if he didn't, then whoever k*lled Wes is still out there.

I just wish we knew.

Okay, I'm too old to sleep on the couch.


Hey! Look at my babies!



Give me a hug!

Let's go sit.

Oh, my baby.

I'm the mother. You're the child.

And the last thing you should be doing right now is worrying about me.

It's just that I think we need to have a plan in place.

I got that covered.

You do?


I'm gonna be with your mother every day, stay by her side, make sure she doesn't go shoplifting any supermarkets...

Oh, shut your mouth!


How do I know you won't get bored and run off someplace like you always do?

Excuse me.

Where are you going?

You two need to talk.

I'm going to utilize the facilities and give you two time to fix this thing, whatever it is.


I said fix it!

I didn't know.

Which part?

'Cause I told you what he did to me.

Celestine's 13th birthday party.

You showed up drunk.

I brought you a piece of Mama's peach cobbler out on the porch.

Or are you having memory problems, too?

I meant I didn't know about the fire, that your mother...

You said you didn't believe me.

Anna Mae, listen...

And how was I supposed to make you believe me, huh?

You want proof? Pictures?

I don't remember...

You remember.

I just let you ignore it.

You were always so good at ignoring things.

I'm sorry, okay?

I should have said more, done more.

But he was dead. I was hoping it was over.

It's still not over. Look at me.

You think me ending up here had nothing to do with it?

You want to blame me for your sad childhood?

Maybe I deserve that, but you do not get to sit here and blame me for where you're sitting right now.

This mess is all you.

Well, if you think that, then maybe we should be done.

You go your way and I go mine.

This is your pain talking, Anna Mae.

All I have is pain!

We all got pain.

You know, there's enough pain in this one room to make me curl up in a ball and give up.

Which proves my point. You ain't special.

What you are is selfish.

'Cause if you really wanted to help your mama, you'd be trying to get your ass out of this jail!

Tell your mother I'll be in the lobby.

Michaela: It's noon. You have to get up.

I don't, actually.


President Hargrove said we don't have to go to class yet.

You have a meeting with Frank in an hour.

I called his public defender, said I was your lawyer from the Middleton Clinic and told him it was your legal right to confront the man accused of k*lling your boyfriend.

I also pointed out it could benefit his case to have the victim provide sympathetic input for sentencing.

So, go, get your answer.

My client has agreed to this recorded meeting and wishes to show his remorse prior to sentencing.

Now, this is not an interview, and if there is any exchange that I deem detrimental to my client's case, I will end things here.



I'm sorry.

For what?



I don't know why I'm here. I don't.

I guess I just wanted to look you in the eye finally 'cause I haven't wanted to believe that it's true that you did... that you did that to Wes.


But I saw you leave the basement, so...

I guess I just have to believe my own eyes.

I should, right?

Do not answer that.

What were his last words, Frank?

Okay. Meeting's over. Guard!

Tell me his last words.



Tell me so that I can finally move on.

I said that we are through here!

Tell me what his last words were, Frank!

[Door slams]

He didn't do it.

He told you that.

He couldn't. His lawyer was there.

Then how do you know?

Did he blink twice or something?

I just know.

And I know that he did it.

He didn't.

This wasn't Frank.

Because it was you?

Okay, everyone needs to just chill.

Annalise is being framed.

[Scoffs] That's right.

You know, I forgot.

Who's doing that today?

The Mahoneys or the D.A.?



It is possible that Frank did this.

Thinking that does not make me crazy.

Then stop acting crazy.

Nobody's crazy.

We're all crazy! I mean, God, look at us.

We're sitting around debating who m*rder*d our friend.

Your friend? You treated him like crap.

You still are!

Uh, no, I'm not.

His body is missing, Connor! Do you even care about that?

Do any of you?

Laurel, we all feel bad.


Then think about what that means!

And not just for you, but for Wes.

Somebody k*lled him, burned his body, and misplaced it!

And it wasn't Frank.

Maybe none of you can understand how I know that, but he just wouldn't do that to me.

No matter what he's saying, so just...

We need to find out who did this.

[Cellphone rings]

This is Bonnie.

Due to an unfortunate clerical error, the body of Mr. Gibbins has been misplaced.

The M.E. is performing an escalated search to find him.

Your Honor, I find it very convenient that this clerical error coincides with my request for a second autopsy.

I'm not sure what you're insinuating.

Your office is purposely hiding evidence that will exonerate my client.

Hold up. Ms. Winterbottom.

Are you accusing me of willful misconduct?

I don't see how my client can get a fair trial without the ability to fully examine the victim.

Well, let me remind you, there's already been an official autopsy.

On a body that's now missing.

This is a grossly negligent error.

That will be corrected the minute we locate the victim.

This is a civil rights issue, Your Honor.

Excuse me?

The D.A.'s office continues to railroad a prominent African-American female attorney based on a personal vendetta.

All the evidence is circumstantial, another man has confessed, and now the victim's body is M.I.A.?

What other proof do I need to get my client released on bail?

The judge denied my request for bail.

Clearly she's part of this. They all are.

Which is why I want to push for a judicial recusal.

Or file an ethical complaint for bias.

If we can get a new judge...


Your boys seem nice. How old?

Luis is 8, Tyrone 12.


Such a shame.

They already know how much of a disappointment you are.

Excuse me?

They probably celebrated when you were hauled off to jail, relieved that they didn't have to deal with your cracked-out mess anymore.

Shut your mouth.

They don't love you. I saw it on their faces.

Say something else about my boys.

Your sons wince when you hug them. Why?

Okay, cool it.

Did you touch them?

Shut up.

That's it, isn't it?

You didn't just neglect them. You molested them.

They were too afraid to say anything, sexually abused by their own mother.

Shut up!

Guard! Guard! Guard!

Oh, my God.

Annalise, what happened.

Take a picture.


I said take a picture.

[Camera shutter clicks]

The other inmates know who she is and are targeting her.

The Commonwealth can move Ms. Keating into solitary confinement.

If Ms. Keating isn't released on bail, I'm releasing these photos to the press and announcing a very public lawsuit against the D.A.'s office for civil rights violations.

It's months before the trial.

She'll be dead if we leave her in that jail.

Who the hell are you?


Who the hell are you?

Bonnie: Release her on conditional bail.

Take away her passport.

She'll pose no flight risk.

[Door buzzes]

♪ In the end I saw you ♪

It looks worse than it feels.

Oh, baby.

They hurt you.

They hurt you.

No, no, no, no, no. Don't you let them see you cry.

Don't you let them.

Laurel: It's Laurel.

Leave a message, but I'll probably never listen.


Where are you?

That bitch better not be in New York stalking the Mahoneys.

You know what's good is that now that Annalise is out of jail, it's her job to take care of everyone, not yours.

Are you kidding?

It just means I'm gonna have to worry more.


Is it bad if I want her to stay in there?

Well, a little.

Would it help if I let you fornicate with me?

Shut up.

Actually, yes.

♪ And I knew it would be you ♪


Um, are... are you okay?

Yeah. No, I'm sorry.


I was just remembering how Laurel went off on all those crying people at Wes' memorial.

And then I got called into the police station and I lied to their faces.

Aw, are you worried about me?


Just learning a lot about you.

Like what?

Like you're a really good liar.

Eh, not really.

Sure, you are.

I mean, first, my Stanford acceptance, now the cops.

Plus your pants are almost always on fire, so...

I am a good liar.

I know. I just said that.

There's another lie, is what I mean.

You know, the first thing you learn when you hack a system is to make sure you have an escape route that only you know about.

I erased Annalise's phone that night.

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, but I saved a copy.

[Keys jingling]

Female voice: You are receiving a call from an inmate at Philadelphia Country Prison.

This call is being recorded. To accept the charges, press 3.

[Cellphone beeps]


Hey. It's me.

Mr. Delfino, it is an ethical violation for you to be calling me.

It's fine.

If you have anything to say, you need to say it through your lawyer.

You're speaking to him.


I fired the guy. I'm gonna represent myself.

We're co-counsel now.

We get to meet in private, all communications between us are privileged.

So, when do you want to have our first meeting?

Mac: Celestine's gonna expect a call tomorrow.

And Thelonius.

They'll be so relieved to hear you're not locked up in that hellhole anymore.

Mama? What's wrong?

You should have let me tell them.

You're my baby girl.

You don't deserve to be in jail for something I did.

Ophelia, we're not talking about that right now.

Those police are trying to take my baby girl's life away before it's even started!

She needs to be married and have babies and not be rotting away in some j-j-jail.

I'm not in jail anymore, Mama.

For now. But you still got the trial.

You know how those juries like to send black folks away.

No. No.

Mama, they dropped the charges.

The judge told me today. That's why I'm here.

They did have enough evidence so they let me go.





[Laughing] No.

[Laughing] Yeah, I'm here!

It's over!


I'm free, Mama.

You hear me?


Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you.

My baby girl.


Denver: You were right.

There seems to be a conspiracy in the Wes Gibbins case.

Someone signed off on having his body transferred to another morgue.

It's someone on the inside.

Who is it?


Nate: You circling a cause of death yet?

He was already dead, before the fire.

[Engine turns off]



[Door closes]


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