01x22 - If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x22 - If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render

Post by bunniefuu »

Jane: I am through listening to you.

All your little missions.

The USB drive.

The GPS tracker, the pen!

None of it is what you said it was!

You used me to frame Mayfair for m*rder!

I know this is hard.

I know you trusted her, but Bethany Mayfair was responsible for some very, very bad things, Taylor.

Then she should pay for those things!

But she should not go to prison for something she didn't do!

Yes! Yes, that's exactly what she deserves.

That's insane.

Nothing you say can convince me that this is right.

woman: Then maybe I can try.

I know you feel lost.

I know you feel lost.

Like ending it all is the only way that you can make up for what you've done.

But you're wrong.


Your name is Sofia.

Bethany and I fell in love.

But you also fell prey to temptation.

In Mayfair's case...

...using illegal intel and fake informants...

...to force convictions that should never have stood.


We worked outside the law.

And committed great wrongs.

And only by working outside the law again...

...can we set them right.

You saved my life that night.

In more ways than one.

So help us make this right.

This is your chance to buy back your soul.

This is the plan?

Ousting Mayfair?

We're just getting started.

Let's call this phase one.

Bethany needed to be removed from power.

Made accountable for her actions.

I begged her to walk away, twice!

But she refused.

Taylor, look at me.

We don't do any of this lightly.

But this is how it has to be.

And why should I trust you?

You shouldn't.

You should trust yourself.


(baby crying)

(crying continues)

How we doing this morning?

nurse: I will be right back, okay?

All right.

Thank you.

Who died?


The tie.


I was filling in for someone.

It's okay, happens to all of us.

(chuckling) Yeah.

It does.

(knock on door)

Oh, Sarah?

Uh, no, it... it's me.

I, uh, I woke up early, so I thought I'd come say hi.

I hope that's okay.

It's fine.


Tell us a story, Taylor.

Something happy.

From when you were all kids.


What about... when we camped in the fort in the backyard?

Remember, I tried to tell a ghost story, and I scared myself.

And I scared you, too.

(phone vibrating)

Why don't you tell that?

Oh, damn it.

Yeah, Dad, I've gotta go.

I'm meeting a friend.

Do you mind staying until the nurse gets back?

No, of course not.

Thank you.

All right.

Sarah will be here soon.


I'll see you tonight.

All right.


Thank you.

(locker slams)

I hear she's getting out today.


You talked to her?

No, she didn't put me on her visitors list.

Can you think of anything that would help her case?

electronic voice: Stop looking into Tom Carter's disappearance.

What are you thinking?

The focus of the investigation has shifted... to Mayfair.

I think I have some things I have to tell you.

You might not like some of them.

Well, I guess I got a few things to tell you, too.


Been collecting this for you.

I didn't want anyone thinking no one was home.


(dog barking)

Hey, Felix. Aw, ooh.

Look what Mom's wearing.

Oh, it's more comfortable than it looks.

And thanks for keeping an eye on Felix for me.

It's my pleasure.

I wish you'd let me come visit you.

I didn't want any of you to visit me in there.

House arrest is much more dignified.


I was thinking, I'll come by every couple of days brief you, keep you in the loop.

That way, when you come back to work, you can hit the ground running.

The director paid me a visit yesterday.

Apparently, I'm bad for optics.

He suggests I stop talking about frame jobs and faked deaths and take a plea.

So no one else believes that Sofia's alive?

Do you?

Yes. I do.

But we can't find anything concrete.

Now, I know we're not the official investigators on this.

But I need you to fill in some blanks for me.

Some blanks should stay blank.

You should come clean about Daylight.

I've gone over it and over it.

Without that piece of the puzzle, there's nothing that I can do.

Hundreds of convictions overturned.

Guilty criminals walk.

I won't do that just to vindicate myself.

You didn't k*ll anyone.

I cheated the system, and I lost.

I don't want you touching Daylight.

Do you hear me?

So what else do I do? I need that piece...

We'll find another way. We always do.

Now, get out of here.

You're late for your Human Resources meeting.

We're not giving up.

And neither are you.

I never should have talked to Weitz.

He had you over a barrel.

Why would you think there'd be anything to find?

I would have done the same thing.

No, you wouldn't have.

I don't know what pisses me off more... they think she's a k*ller or that they think she's that stupid.

Yeah, if she did take out Carter, why would she ask me to look into his disappearance?

How does that make any sense?

What makes a hell of a lot more sense is that guy who threatened you at gunpoint.

Like, maybe if you tell them that...

They threatened Sarah and Sawyer's lives.

Meanwhile, they can get to me, they can get to them.

No, no way.


You think it's a "they"?

Well, "they" just took out the head of the New York branch of the FBI.

Until we find out who this is or how far they've infiltrated... we don't know who we can trust.

Weller: Okay, thanks, everyone.

Director Pellington.

Havin' fun yet?

Just wanted to see how my interim Assistant Director is holding up.

Much rather... be out there.

Trying to prove Mayfair's innocence, than stuck in here... shuffling papers.

Ah, you won't be on the hook for long.

I'm interviewing permanent replacements for the position today.


This is Bethany Mayfair's job.

She's innocent.

No... she's not, Kurt.

And the sooner you make peace with that, the better for you and for everyone under your command.

Is that what you came here to tell me?

To make peace with it?


In light of Mayfair's arrest, there've been some concerns regarding one of her cases and the time and resources it seems to have been consuming.

You talking about Jane?

We're putting the entire situation under review.


What does that mean?

It means any related investigations are suspended until further notice.

I'm shutting down the Jane Doe project.


Can you do anything with it?

I've got a colleague in Denmark.

Could I send it to him?

Who the hell are you?

How's she doing?

You saw her this morning, right?

She's out on bail on triple homicide.

She's wearing an ankle monitor, and she can't leave her home.

God, I just... I feel s...

Yeah, we all do.


How's she doing?

She's not good.

What do you got, Patterson?

Should we wait for Jane?

No, start without her.

Okay... a janitor at a government building downtown discovered an unmarked bag early this morning.

And guess what was inside.

(computer beeping)

A baby less than 24 hours old.

Identity unknown.


There's a tattoo connection.


She has the same logo barcode on her wrist as Jane.

Along with a structurally identical alphanumeric sequence.

Reade: They tattooed a baby?

Patterson, take 'em down.

Take 'em off the screen... now.

Reade: What's going on?

Everything that's going on with Mayfair right now...

I don't want extra eyes seeing that.

Weller: We need to shake things up for a while.

On me.

So... our mystery guy disposes of Carter's car.

They tell Reade to stop digging.

I rescue Alexandra from the bar.

man: At least finish the bottle with me.


Sofia's alive.

Sofia's alive and asks me for money.

I give it to her.

They k*ll Alexandra.

And thr*aten me just like they threatened Reade.

So how did these two know each other?

The same cash I give to Sofia...

I rescue Alexandra in the bar...

Let her go and walk away.

I rescue her.

The hell I did.

That bald son of a bitch!


(hinges squeak)

(alarm beeping)

Yeah, hi.

Yeah, it just started going off.

Well, you can see I'm still at home, right?

Well, I just don't want any trouble.

(click, beeping stops)


Yeah, there it goes.

Well, sorry to bother you.


Yeah, that's fine. I should be home all day.

Okay, that was a joke.

Right. Thanks. Bye.

What's with all the secrecy?

You practically just smuggled me through the backdoor.

Weller: Temporary precautions.

Why are we even working the case at all?

Shouldn't we focus on Mayfair? We all know she's innocent.

I'm just as upset about Mayfair as you all are.

But there's nothing that we can do for her right now.

What do we know about this baby?

Can I just say what we're all thinking anyway?

That this baby has a lot more in common with Jane than the tattoo.

Unknown identity, unknown origin.

She even came out of a bag.

You don't think that we've come from the same place?

Where is this child?

Protective Services.

Interestingly, in the same building she was left.

We're running the baby's DNA now, seeing if it matches anything in our database.

And the bag man?

We got a positive ID on any of the security footage?

Edward Donella, former nurse at Grace Central.

His license was revoked over a year ago for administering pain meds without a doctor's consent.

There's no record of employment since.

Let's visit Grace Central and see what his coworkers say about him.



Or you could speak to him directly.

He just sent an email from an Internet cafe from his sister-in-law, a criminal defense lawyer asking to meet him in Arlington Square in an hour.

Great... let's get to the hospital.

Let's move.

It's past the scheduled meeting time.

Maybe the message was a decoy.

Hold on a second. Zapata, coming your way.

On it.

It's her.

So where is Edward?

Patterson: I got something.

Go ahead, Patterson.

So we just got the baby's DNA tests back.

She's a genetic match to Bryce Warren.


Who's Bryce Warren?

Reade: Just some ex-party kid.

But his father's Peter Warren, major presidential contender in the last election.

Zapata: And a billionaire businessman.

What's his granddaughter doing in the bag?

Hey, guys, I think we got Edward.

Weller: Got him.

On my call.


Down! Get down!

FBI! Get on the ground.


I'm sorry!

I-I tried to convince myself that we were helping, but they had to be stopped!

(g*nshots, crowd screaming)

(woman shrieking)

You got a position on the sh**t?

Rooftop, northeast!

Reade! Tasha! Your building!

Come to me. Come to me.

Come here!

Get down behind there.

Stay down.

(woman whimpering)

Weller: Stay down!

Weller, the insignia... it's the same as the tattoo.

The symbol on Edward's scrubs was the same as the symbol on the Warren baby.

sh**t didn't give us much to follow.

No shell casings, no witnesses.

What about his sister-in-law, the lawyer?

Did she give us anything?

Only that Edward has been estranged from his family since he lost his job.

This is the first time anyone has heard from him in over a year.

He said he tried to convince himself that they were helping.

But he just couldn't do it anymore.

That "they" needed to be stopped.

Whatever Edward was into, he was having a crisis of conscience.

So he steals a baby?

Not just any baby.

Peter Warren's granddaughter.

Patterson: Yeah, but from where?

I can't find any public records of this child's birth.

More importantly, why haven't the Warrens reported her missing?

(knocking on glass)

Weller: Bryce Warren?


The FBI.

Wanna know if I could have a word with you and your wife.


Did you have a child recently?


What's going on?

A baby was stolen and left outside a government building this morning in downtown.

Genetic testing indicates you're the father.

How could you?

I didn't do anything.


Tracy, I swear.

Mr. Warren, people make mistakes sometimes.

But right now... I need you to be honest.

I did not have an affair.

I have one child, our child, and he's upstairs, where he always is.

(heart monitor beeping)

(knock on door)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell?

What the hell is going on?

Maybe you shouldn't leave your number with the bartender when you're running a con.

What the hell are you talking about?

Donna Hollaran?

Called herself "Alexandra" when I rescued her from you at the bar.

Dennis: At least finish the bottle with me.


How do you two know each other?

Uh, I work for her sometimes.

Doing what?

I-I don't know.

I drive around places.

I pretend to pick her up in bars.

Not asking any questions.

You know him?

I don't know him. Should I?

You know her?

Yeah. Yeah.

I, uh, drove down to meet her a few times.


I don't know.

Different places.

What did they talk about?

I waited in the car.

Look, all I know is she seemed stressed as hell and she kept smoking funny cigarettes all the time.


Mayfair: They're French.

Tough to find.

Dennis: Really? Well, so's Donna.

I mean, have you seen her lately? She owes me like 50 bucks.

Good luck collecting.
The child is a genetic match to you.

How do you explain that?

It's a mistake.

It has to be.

Look, I had my troubles when I was younger, but I don't sleep around anymore.

I found God.

My path has been righteous.

Even if he was that kind of person, which he isn't, I honestly, I don't know where he'd find the time.

With Matthew's condition, looking after him takes everything we've got.

(door opens)

What do you people think you're doing?

Why is a former presidential candidate calling me to complain that the FBI just invaded his son's home to accuse him of infidelity?

We were following a lead.

Right, same one that got a man k*lled in front of you in Arlington Square this morning.

Yeah, I looked into your lead.

A baby with a tattoo on its wrist?

The same one your consultant has on hers?

Perhaps I wasn't clear.

When I said the Jane Doe project was suspended, I meant all Jane Doe cases, and Jane Doe.

Explain how we've arrived at this point.

We were in the field already, investigating.

Weller tried to call us off.

We were already engaged, so...

Look, stop. I didn't tell them.

I... it was my call.

This kind of thing might have flown with Mayfair, but it doesn't fly with me.

What about this dead nurse?

Or the circumstances around this child?

However we got into it, we're not gonna drop it now.

The child has been placed with Family Services.

Let them sort it out.

You can investigate the sh**ting, but you leave Peter Warren and his family alone.

And, just to remove any ambiguity, I want Jane Doe off this team.

She's to surrender her w*apon and leave this building until further notice.

That is not necessary.

You can't do that.

I just did.


This little girl was left in a bag, totally helpless.

No one knows where she came from or who left her there.

Doesn't that remind you of someone?

Of course it does.

Gonna do everything that we can to help her.

We've had so many cases where I physically needed to be there.

What if I need to be there for this?

We've got no choice right now, Jane.

So that's it? I'm out, just like that?

Of course not... you know how important you are to me, to this team.

But you need to give me some time to fix it.

(elevator bell chimes)

This is temporary.

I hope so.

Hey, we've got something.

So I expedited the Tracy Warren DNA test.

Tracy Warren is the infant's biological mother.

That woman clearly did not just carry a child to term.

I can't find any medical records indicating a pregnancy or birth since their first child.

Secret surrogate? They're private people.

Privacy's one thing.

But they wouldn't report it once the baby was missing?

If the Warrens knew about this kid before we told them about it, they're extremely good actors.

Their son, Matthew... what's his condition?

Acute myeloid leukemia, a rare and aggressive cancer of the blood.

How long does he have?

The five-year survival rate for someone with AML is only 26%.

There are treatments to slow the cancer down...

Like chemo?

Yeah, but that's not enough.

He needs a bone marrow transplant.

From a genetic match.

(indistinct chatter)


(alarm blaring)

Ma'am, I need to see your pass!

Ma'am! You can't just go in there!

(alarm continues)

(elevator bell chimes)


(all grunting)

(elevator bell chimes)

(man grunts)


(baby crying)



You spend more on the cab to get here than you do on those damn cigarettes.

This is the only store that sells them.

What do you want me to do?

Hey, you still carry L'errantes?

Sorry, not enough interest.

But I can order them for you, if you... leave a number.

Just did that for a lady about a couple weeks ago.

This lady?

You see her recently?


But she did leave a number.


Patterson: So three unknown assailants cut the security feed at the building, then come after the Warren mystery baby at Child Services.

Eyewitnesses claim one unknown woman with black hair and tattoos tries to stop them.

(alarm blaring)

Zapata: Tattooed woman takes one out in the elevator, another in the hallway.


And that was where the third kills a social worker, a security guard, and gets away with the child.

And now, this tattooed woman is missing.

Mrs. Warren. What are you doing here?

I called her.

What can I do to help?

(coin clinking)

(phone buzzing)


Mayfair: Reade, it's me.

Hey, I been trying to call you, see how you're holding up, but your phone's...

What number is this?

I was hoping you could do me a favor.

Please tell me you're still at home and you did not just break your house arrest.

I'm still at home, and I didn't just break my house arrest.

Are you crazy? They find out you're not at home, you know what they're gonna do to you?

They're not going to.

All right, what's this about?

Do you trust me?

Yes... always.

I was wondering if you could trace a number for me.

Find a location.

I completely understand if you don't wanna...

What's the number?

All right.

I'll look into it. I just hope...

I know, hope I'm doing the right thing.

Me, too.

Hey, thanks.

For what?

For trusting me.


Call me back on this number, okay?

If she's broken her bail...

I'm just helping her trace a number.

Did she give you a number you can call her back on?

We can trace it and bring her back in before she...

I thought we wanted to help her.

We do... but is she helping herself or just digging a deeper hole?

You look me in the eye and you tell me you're not worried, too.

She needs our help.

Our son is dying.

He'd need several bone marrow transplants over his lifetime to survive.

Best chance at a match was a sibling, but we... we couldn't face bringing another child into the world who could have the same affliction.

Bryce lost a brother to it. So did his father.

So... we've... been exploring an alternative option.

How alternative?

Last year, Bryce's father... told us about a medical research program that he's helping to fund.

They're on the verge of being able to print genetically coded organic material.

Organs, tissue.

Bone marrow.

You and your husband... gave genetic samples?


They sedated us, and they took all kinds of samples.

Last month, the company had a breakthrough.

But Peter said it would take years to get it approved, and Matthew...

He doesn't have years.

(crying softly)

So... Bryce's father, he convinced us to let them do the first transplant, in secret, off the books.




Do you know what it's like... to have no hope and then get it back again?

They're not growing tissue.

They're growing children.

With surrogates.

(crying) Sur...

Mrs. Warren, you came here to help this baby.

Your baby.

We need that address.

Jane: All right, we're at the facility.

How do I get inside?

All right.


This is not a game you wanna play with me.

Key fob... left pocket.

Thank you.

(siren blaring)

(phone ringing)


No, it's Tasha.

Don't hang up.

I have the information you wanted.

Number's a cell, recently activated.

Towers triangulate a location where a majority of the calls originated, and the area was sparse enough that we were able to isolate an address.

Zapata, why are you...

I understand why you called Reade, but I want you to know that you can trust me, too.

Please don't give up on me.

I haven't.

Do you have a pen?

Okay... thanks.


Be careful. All right?

Before Reade met you, he would never have done something like this.

You're a good influence on him.




(babies crying)

(babies crying)



(crying continues)

(door beeps)

He doesn't know... she hit him so hard he doesn't know who he is.

So find her and deal with her.

What if she's not working alone?

I hired you to protect the facility, the surrogates, and the research... protect it.

We're on the precipice of the largest medical breakthrough of the 21st century.

(siren blaring)

(siren chirping)

(machine g*n fire)

(g*n clicks)

We need to move these children!




(both grunting)


Zapata: Clear!

(both grunting)

(machine humming)


Uhh! Uhh!

(baby crying)

That way! You two get him.

I'm gonna check the nursery.


Jane! Jane!

Jane... Jane...

(whispering) Come on, come on.

Come on, come on.

Come on, Jane!


Hey... hey.

You're okay.

(siren blooping)

(police radio chatter)

Peter Warren's in custody, and the baby's been recovered.

(baby crying, police radio chatter)

Yes, you're okay.

What'll happen to them?

Weller: Child Protective Services.

Until they can be matched to the company's client list.

And then...

There's gonna be a lot of very surprised new parents.

You okay, Jane?


So what now?

You disobeyed my direct order to suspend Jane Doe from the field and cease any related investigations... twice!

Every day that my team works on those cases with Jane we save a lot of lives.

Jane needs to be here.

Those trails need to be followed.

My whole career, my whole life, I've trusted my gut... my sense of what is right and what is wrong.

And I am not about to stop now.

Which is why I'm making you the new permanent Director of the NYO.

Excuse me?

We can't afford another Bethany Mayfair.

This office needs to be beyond reproach.

None of the candidates I interviewed today came close to matching your leadership, ability, integrity.

Thank you.

But I am not going to accept...

I'm not asking, Kurt.

You wanna stay FBI, those are my terms.

And, either way, the Jane Doe project is finished.

After today, the files will be archived, and she's no longer welcome in the building.

You can't be serious!

I'm afraid I am.

Congratulations on your promotion.

(locker opens)

How'd it go?

I, um...

I just turned in my access badge.

Signed about 1,000 documents promising I wouldn't... share anything I've seen or heard here.

I'm sorry if... if any of this is my fault.

I know how much this case meant to you.

Jane... you were never just a case to me.


What am I supposed to do now?

I mean... ever since I came out of that bag, I've woken up with a purpose.

I come here.

We save the world.


And then I go home.

But what do I do when I wake up tomorrow?

Whatever you want.

Speaking of which...

Now that we're... not working together... that sort of means I can do this.

(both chuckle)

(phone buzzing)

Oh, there you go.

Looks like Patterson can't find her way through a bottle of bourbon.

Wanna help her? With me?



(chuckles nervously)

(phone buzzing)

Hey, are you coming?


Yeah, I'll be there in a second.

Just gonna take this.

Yeah, it's Kurt.

Kurt! Where's Kurt?

He's in a lot of pain.

He refuses to take anything until he talks to you.


I think this is it.

You should call your sister.

Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.


(indistinct chatter and laughter)

Reade: Even when I see the commercials...

(indistinct chatter and laughter)

(door opens)

Oscar, it's over!

Jane! What are y...

What's over?


How did you...

You did this to me. You set me up!

No... no, if I...

I had no idea they were...

That they were what?

I didn't know. I didn't know.

We took you in.

We trusted you.

I know... I know, and I'm sorry.

And this is how you repay me?


You lied to me. You lied to all of us!

Please, please don't do this.



What did you do?

I'm sorry, this...

What did you just do?!

This isn't how we wanted it to happen.

Come on, we gotta get you out of here.

I won't leave her.


Get out! Now!


I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I won't let you hurt my team.


Lie still... please.


What did you do to us?

Please... please, I didn't know.

I didn't know.

No, please, you can't die, please.

I just wish I could be there to see his face when he finds out what you really are.




Bill: Sarah?

Where is she?

Where is she?! Where is she?!

Weller: Dad!

He's been calling for both of you.

Thank you.


Hey. Hey, hey.

Where is she?

It's me.

What'd I do?

Where'd Sarah go?

Sarah's fine.

Where'd Sarah go?

Shh, Dad, she's coming.

She'll be here.

Thank God, thank God.

Relax, Dad.

It was... it wasn't her.

It wasn't her.

Shh, relax, Dad.

She still there?

Under the fort?

Is she...

What are you talking about, Dad?

I... I tried my... Tried my best, I did... best I could do.

I'm sorry.

I'm... (gasping)

(whispering) She's under the fort, Kurt.

Who's under the fort, Dad?

It was an accident. I didn't mean to...

I didn't... She was so small.



Who's under the fort, Dad?


Her body.

She loved... loved it there.

What are you talking about, Dad?

I k*lled her, son.


I... I k*lled Taylor Shaw.


No... Dad...

Tell Sarah... that I did my best.

Under the fort.


(crying softly)
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