17x19 - Sheltered Outcasts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x19 - Sheltered Outcasts

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

So, how's it been, staying home?

Wonderful... when I'm not bored to death.

♪ The wheels on the bus go round and round ♪
♪ And round and round and round and round ♪
♪ And round ♪



If you need a break, you should tell your husband to give Beckett dinner and come with me to Soul Cycle.

That place?

It is supposed to be exercise, not humiliation.

I have seen people come out crying.

[both laughing]

Oh, let's cross.

[hip-hop music]

♪ Runnin', I'm gunnin' ♪
♪ I'm gonna live the same life, son ♪

Uh, so if you change your mind, I go basically every day.

Yeah, I'll take a rain check.

[baby babbling]

All right.

Have fun with those wheels.


[siren wailing]

[dramatic music]

Do as I say and you won't get hurt.

♪ ♪


[sirens wailing]

The victim is Sofie Nomaks. She's 25.

The perp had a knife, told her to do what he said.

She's being transported to Mercy General now for a r*pe kit.

She give a description?

White or Latino, average height and weight.

And he had a ski mask on and the vestibule light is out.

The same M.O. as the last two assaults.


[knocks on the door]

Lieutenant, this is Mr. and Mrs. Levy.

She's a friend of Ms. Nomaks.

They live next-door.


I ran into Sofie on my way home a few hours ago.

She asked me to go to spin class with her.

If you had, you might've been the one who was att*cked.

You know there've been two other r*pes in this neighborhood in the last month?

Since the homeless shelter opened.

They have a special section for sex offenders.

You can see them listed online.

We're aware.

So what are you doing about it?

Have you seen any of these guys around here?


All the time.

Yeah, they hang out at the bodega and get cigarettes.

Did you see any of them there tonight, either of you?

No, well, thank you so much.

The victim thinks she saw the perp run that way, toward the shelter.

We'll check for cameras and witnesses.

Okay, let's talk to shelter management, see if they have a swipe code or a sign out log, then ask which of their guests qualify.

And these are the people you need to talk to.

Any likely candidates would be in this group.

Likely for what? Nobody did anything.

Right, and I'm sure you wouldn't lie to us.

Look, guys, it's just a request.

Right, we'd like you to come down to the station.

We're just gonna ask you a few questions.

Or we can get your POs down here, check your possessions, your appointment calendars, maybe do a spot drug test, just to make sure none of y'all have violated your paroles.

Everyone here?

Not the new guy. Where is he?

Went to get some food.

How long do you want to keep us?

Gregory Searle?

Thought we put you away for good.

Compassionate parole. I have health issues.

Nobody cares.

Just do what the police say.

Okay, who's hungry for donut holes?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Where do you want these guys?

Just out of sight.

The victim's in Interview with her father.

You want me to smack Carisi around a little bit, make his cover look good?

Fin, we had two r*pes in Inwood this month.

That's why Carisi volunteered to live in that shelter undercover.

Would you like to take his place?

No, copy.

Carisi does look like hell.

Well, I think he's just trying to fit in.

Right? If he wants out, he'll let me know himself.

See, I don't think he would.

Never mind.

I'm glad you're back, you're the boss and uh, like you said, we just have to trust each other.


He grabbed me and threw me up against the wall and then pulled off my gold chain.


And then he said, "Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

And I didn't fight him because I was too afraid of the knife.

Sofie, you did exactly what you needed to do.

You survived.

You people know about this homeless shelter filled with deviants?

Yes, we are aware that there's a section for sex offenders.


You allow that?

It's actually not up to us.

Some sex offender parolees have to live 1,000 feet from a school or a playgr...

Oh, they should be 1,000 feet from Earth.

Mr. Nomaks, I can only imagine how upset you are...

I should have never let you move into that neighborhood.


I really need to speak with your daughter.

You're moving back home, now.

I don't know.

I do.

Mr. Nomaks, right, you two can have that conversation later, but right now I really need to speak with your daughter, so if you'd just give us a minute.

So, Sofie, we've brought in some men, right, and I need you to listen to their voices to see if you recognize anyone.

I don't think that I'll be able to...

She'll do it.

When did this even happen?

I can tell you where I was. I was visiting my wife.

Okay. This is Richie Caskey.

Say it.

"Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

Gregory Searle.

I got cancer, colon cancer.

I'm not running around the town doing anything.

Let's go, come on.

"Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

It's not gonna bite you.

You want me to call your parole officer?

Last chance.

"Do what I say."

[phone beeps]

From the beginning.

[stuttering] "Do w-what I say and you won't... get... hurt."

You got Loomis to speak?


That guy's got a bad stutter.

He barely said two words since I moved in.

Yeah, how's it going?

You okay up there?

Food sucks.

Company's worse, but... if anybody r*ped anybody, they're not bragging about it.

How about tonight? Who was out at 7:00 p.m.?

I don't know. I was out myself.

I was trailing this guy from down the hall.

He claims he was framed, that women can't resist him.

I bet.

Turns out he was just going out for a vape.

Hey, you... you may be getting a call from the shelter therapist, Robin Daughtry.

She wants the background information from my arresting officer about my heinous crime.

Well, I'll fill her in.

Anyway, I should get back.

You guys are keeping me longer than my roomies.

Hold on, I need your help.


This. I need another filler voice.

Do what I say and you won't get hurt.

Do what I say and you won't get hurt.

Do what I say and you won't get hurt.

[stuttering] "Do w-what I say and you won't... get... hurt."


Um, I don't know, maybe the first one.

The first one?

I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm sorry.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay, Sofie.

[knocking at the door]

Tom Zimmerman, attorney for Richie Caskey.

I understand you're holding him here.

He's assisting us in an investigation.


Any hits?

This is Mr. Zimmerman.

He represents one of our visitors.

Actually, two of them.

Yeah, Greg Searle is mine as well.

And if you think he's your r*pe suspect, you're wrong.

It's not his profile. He's an ephebophile.

Means he goes for younger girls.

That's a wonderful argument.

Has the alleged victim identified anyone?

I'll take that as a no, so if neither of my clients are under arrest, you should send them back to the shelter.

In a minute.

Mr. Zimmerman, why don't you... why don't you have a seat?

He should charter a bus, take 'em all.

Long as it's not a school bus.

And Sofie didn't recognize the voice?


Doesn't rule 'em out.

No, it doesn't rule 'em out, doesn't roll 'em in.

And how long is Carisi gonna be up there?

He talks a good game, but people get k*lled in those places.

Let's just give it another day or two, see if anything pops.

He just has to keep his eyes open and act weird.

How hard is that for Carisi?

We have a new member of our group.

You've all met... Dominick?

Yeah, he likes donut holes.

Okay, Dominick?

They call me Smitty.

That's fine.

Participating in group therapy is a condition of your parole.

I assume you're aware?

Yes, ma'am.

We're open with one another here, and we tell things we may never have told anyone else.

Especially the police.

Yeah, yeah, I understand.

The goal is not to embarrass you.

It's to help you change your behavior even if you can't change your desires, so that you never go back to prison.

I assume you're onboard with that?

Yes, ma'am.

Okay. Tell us about yourself.

Uh... Dominick Smith, uh, 36, was born in Brooklyn, raised in Staten Island.


And, uh...

I had some pictures on my computer.


Of children, but I-I never laid a hand on a child, never.

Well, you know those pictures of kids being r*ped, right, so somebody had to r*pe those kids just so you could look at the picture.

Come on, man, I didn't think about it like that, all right?

Well, maybe you should've.

Thank you, Richie.

Everyone here has had to overcome denial.

You got off on 'em, right, the pictures?

I'm married, all right, I love my wife, I do, but yeah, yeah, a part of me was... it was like a secret thrill, you know?

Your wife sticking by you?

Mine divorced me when I got sent up.

Yeah, so far we're not divorced, no.

Well, then you should do this for her and um, for yourself.

You know, I'm also married.

Why are you still living here?

His apartment is too close to a school, and they can't afford to move.

It's a rent-stabilized, so my wife, uh, has a job, so she takes care of the rent.

No wives here. You're stuck with us.

That's tough.

Did you hear that we all got pulled into the police station just because we're here?

I heard.

Yeah, get used to it.

I know.

Three r*pes near the shelter and they bring us all in?

Hmm, all of us.

I mean, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm not a r*pist.

All right, I just had pictures on a computer.

I mean, does anybody here come even close to fitting that bill?

We were talking about you.

Right, right, I'm sorry.

Tell us more about your "secret thrill."

That's one of 'em. I think that's him.

That's him right there.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Yeah, go, go, go.

Come on, move it!

Come on, come on, let me out.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

He one of them, Dad?

Yeah, cops let them all go. Hey, my friend, didn't I just see you down at the police station?


Let me ask you something.

Did you r*pe my daughter?


Why don't you tell us which one of your sick friends did?

I don't know. You need to calm down.

I don't know.

[grunts] Let's go.

Next time I won't miss.

You're making a big mistake!

Stop! Stop! What's going on here?

None of your business.

He's another one of 'em.

Oh, yeah? Maybe he knows something?


You want something?

All right, all right.


Huh? We'll be back.

Where'd you learn to do that?

Nine years at Fishkill. You okay?

Yeah, thank you.

[both panting]

Carisi, you're holding your back.

Are you sure that you don't need to go to the E.R.?

No, I'm fine, all right?

It's just a bruise. It's not broken.

I think they were just trying to scare me.

No kidding. Three on one.

Yeah, till Caskey showed up, evened the odds.

Okay, so you making friends in there?

No, not exactly.

Just before that, Caskey was busting my chops in group therapy.

I had to tell everybody what a thrill I get looking at child porn.

Made me sick to my stomach.

I don't mean to keep saying it, but he is a target, inside the shelter, now outside the shelter.

I'm fine, all right, and I think I'm getting somewhere, all right?

Somebody up there is committing r*pes, and the odds are pretty good it's one of my housemates.

Well, are we at least gonna bring in Nomaks and his bat boys?


No, that compromises my cover.

Okay, I will have the precinct call the Nomaks, tell them that they were spotted to warn them off.

Okay, I got a lead on one of those shelter guys.

DNA hit?

Not likely. Our r*pist wore a condom.

One of Sofie Nomaks's neighbors came in to look at some photos. She ID'd a pic.

She said the guy was on their street right before the r*pe.

Richie Caskey.


Yeah, why?

Because Mr. Caskey just sort of saved Carisi's ass.

Well, she says she thinks she saw him.

Is she sure?

Not 100%.

How many percent?

Okay, Carisi, look, this guy may have just bailed you out, but he did do ten years for the r*pe of a woman Sofie Nomaks' age.

Yeah, I get it.

I get it. I'm his fellow pervert.

I'm not some woman alone in a dark hallway, but he told me he was with his wife when Sofie got r*ped.

He told me the same thing. We've left her messages.

Okay, so go see her.

And Carisi, you're "friends" with Caskey now?

Get friendlier.

Paperwork is all in order.

I just need a few more signatures.


Is this a bad time?

Not at all, Smitty. Come on in.

This is the guy?


Good timing. We can always use another character witness for our petition.

What petition?

To get Mr. Caskey's sex offender registration reduced from Level Three to Level Two.

It means I could, uh, go back to my apartment and live at home with my wife.

I'm a sex offender too. Who cares what I think?

He heroically intervened on your behalf.

It's a great story. Ms. Daughtry's already onboard.

She wrote a beautiful letter.

I only wrote the truth.

Richie works very hard on his rehabilitation.

Yeah, and not to mention that he nailed my ass to the wall in our session yesterday.

Confronting your denial.

He's helped a lot of men accept responsibility... empathize with victims, begin their own healing.

He was a model prisoner. Now he's a model parolee.

There's no way he poses a threat to public safety.

Level Three.

Did you file that petition with the sentencing court or the Board of Examiners of Sex Offenders?

Oh, somebody's been hitting the prison law library.

No, I-I used to want to be a lawyer.

Really? Good luck with that.

You gonna help us out or not?

My husband didn't r*pe anybody two nights ago because he was here.

At 7:00 p.m.?

Uh, yes.

With you?

Yes, after I got home from work.

He's not allowed to live here. He's allowed to visit.

There's a school three blocks away.

Turns out there's a school three blocks away from almost anywhere.

So he would live here if he could?

Richie's my husband.


Do you know the circumstances under which he went to prison?

Yes, he pulled a waitress into a men's room and r*ped her.

Yeah, at a bachelor party.

He was drunk out of his mind, and he hardly ever drinks.

That's not really an excuse.

He didn't plan it.

He didn't stalk anybody.

There were strippers at that party.

The groom had a prost*tute.

He had nine tequilas. He got...

Confused about who was who?

In his drunken condition, yes.

It's the only mistake he's ever made in his whole life.

Okay. Okay, Ms. Caskey, and you know that he was here two nights ago at 7:00 p.m.?


I made a pot roast.

The food in the shelter is terrible.

Right, but the thing is, when it's almost noon and you're not at work. What are your hours?

Well, they vary.

I'm a production manager at a printing company.

Printing company, lot of deadline work.

Late hours, right?

Well, sometimes.

If you're gonna be his alibi, we have to know your exact schedule.

You understand that?

We're gonna call your boss and find out how late you worked that night.

Okay, okay.

I got home at 8:30.


But I know...

I know Richie had been here for a while because the pot roast was half gone.

Hey, sorry I'm late. Job interview.

Where are they hiring sex offenders?

I'll run right down.

Hey, uh, you don't have to do that thing my lawyer said the other night.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I know.

All right.

Hey, how was your job interview?

It was good. It's ad sales at a sports radio station.

They don't care if you're Charlie Manson.

If you sell, they'll take you.

We'll see.

Where's Robin?

She's usually early.

Well, she runs groups in three other shelters.

I don't know. She's probably stuck in traffic.

She drives?

Yeah, she's got a group in Queens, and Brooklyn, one on the Lower East Side.

A lot of traffic out there.
How you guys doing, good?


Hey, when did it happen?

Half an hour ago.

Please tell me there are witnesses?

No one saw the perp.

They did hear her running down the street, screaming.

She was stabbed.

She tried to get away, made it this far, and dropped.

Her car is over there. It's bloody.

Her clothes are inside, her wallet, money.


Robin Daughtry, Office of Sex Offender Management, consulting psychologist.

The therapist?

Carisi's group.


It was Robin? W-what happened?

Somebody was waiting for her where she parked her car.

He knew she was coming.


He knew her usual parking spot by the train tracks.

Got inside with her, r*ped her, and stabbed her.

Stabbed her? Why?

Our r*pist hasn't k*lled anybody.

The M.E. found black thread underneath her fingernails, so she could of pulled off his mask, maybe recognized him.

It was somebody she knew?

Like one of her patients.

It could be why he k*lled her.

This woman, she was the only person who cared about these guys.

I mean, she... she knew what they were.

She didn't give up on them.

No good deed.

We've had four of these r*pes in four weeks, and he murders this one.

We've got a serial probably from the shelter, and he's escalating.

It sounds like it.

Carisi, Robin was late to the session.

Was the whole group waiting for her?

Yeah, it was me, the old guy Searle, he was there, most everybody else.

Anybody not there?

Yeah, Loomis.

Caskey, he came late too.

Caskey again?

Well, nah, he wasn't bloody. He wasn't agitated.

He wasn't even out of breath.

But it is possible.

He might've had time to clean himself up, right, settle down.

Yeah, even so, Lieutenant, it just seems so out of character for him.

Out of character? He did ten years for a r*pe.

I know, Rollins, but that was a completely different M.O.

Look, Caskey had no priors.

He had no w*apon. He was so drunk, he can't even remember what happened.

Now, that's no excuse...

Not for his victim.

All I'm saying is I don't peg Richie Caskey as a cold-blooded serial who hunts his victims and now murders somebody.

Anyone there you like for this?

Yeah, the weird guy, Loomis.

He didn't come back to the shelter until an hour later, and his last conviction was for raping a schoolteacher at knife point.

When he spoke to me, he wouldn't talk, wouldn't look me in the eye.

Okay, let's start with him.

Isn't the parole officer supposed to do this?

We can wait, but what's the difference?

That's my box.


Who's this?


That's my favorite niece.

I haven't seen her in 33 years.

Possibly because you kidnapped one of her friends.

I think she's out West somewhere.

Is this yours?

Right here, this yours?

Uh, he uses the second drawer down.

The top one's yours?

Top one is his, yes, but I wouldn't touch that.

He doesn't change his sheets...

I can see that. Thank you.

What are those, keys?

What are these to?

What are those keys to?

Want to check this warrant?

I'll take your word.

Your partner looks honest. Huh.

When was Loomis in here last?

Whenever he wanted. There's direct street access.

There's no record?

Our customers like their privacy.

Here it is.

Hey, Glenda, think we can have a little time?

Hey, uh, okay, got newspaper.

Look at this, ladies underwear.

Comic books.

"Archie and Veronica"?

The triple-X version.


Hoodie. Yeah.


[door closing]

Three hours. He hasn't said a word.

Not even to ask for a lawyer.

That guy's barely breathing.

It's looking pretty empty out there.

Is One-P-P sending us reinforcements?

They sent us Dodds.

You didn't seem too thrilled with that.

Yeah, but then they took him back.

I mean, where is he, at some antiterrorist course at Quantico?

Yes, for a week.

Are you mad that he came, or are you mad that he left?


I mean... I mean, a lot of things are changing around here.

Rollins got a baby. You got a baby.

You want a baby?

You want a life.

This is my life.

Yeah, it was my life too, Fin.

My whole life.

You know, for what it's worth, having a little balance is not so bad.

So, what, I get a parakeet?

[knocking at the door]

I got something.

You know the jewelry that we found in Loomis's storage locker.

There's a locket with an inscription on it...

Robin Daughtry?

No, but it matches one taken from a r*pe victim in Nassau County, Hempstead, one year ago.

Where was Mr. Loomis one year ago?

In a shelter in Hempstead, where there were also two other r*pes that happened around the same time.

Fin, get Mr. Personality to holding, and get me every report from Nassau, here, everything.

I'm already on it.

Some of the guys at the shelter may be wondering where I keep going.

Well, if we can figure this out, you're gonna be done there anyway.

Okay, so we've had three r*pes in Hempstead, right, all with a mask and a knife and condoms, so no DNA, and the first two, the perps didn't say a word.

Loomis never speaks.

But then the third r*pe in Hempstead, the perp speaks.

He says, "Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

Same as the third r*pe in Inwood.

The first two r*pes there he also didn't speak.

So what, every third r*pe he loosens up?

He feels like making conversation?

Right, but the other thing is, the necklaces in Loomis's storage locker, they all belong to victims that the r*pist did not talk to.

There's no sign of Sofie Nomaks' gold chain or the heart necklace that Robin Daughtry wore.

Did Sofie Nomaks say that her r*pist stuttered?


And the mask in Loomis's locker was neoprene.

It doesn't match the thread under Robin's fingernails.

Okay, so we're looking at a copycat.

So two rapists, and the second one's a m*rder*r?


Rollins, did Robin run therapy sessions from the Hempstead shelter?

No, that wasn't one of hers.

So who was at the Hempstead shelter a year ago and the Inwood shelter now, besides Loomis?

Only got one other guy who was in both places, Richie Caskey.

Your pal.

Not anymore.

Hey, Rollins, hold up.

You know, I thought I had a gut for these things.

You know what, rapists and K*llers, they don't carry signs around.

That's why they pay us the big bucks.

[scoffs] I went into that place, I hated those guys.

I couldn't even stand to be around them, but after a few days, they just turned into people.

Different kinds, like, Searle is malignant, Loomis is damaged, but Caskey, he's all fresh start.

Yeah, but every one of those kinds r*ped women and children and left them traumatized or dead.

I know, Rollins, all right, and if they get 20 years in prison, I think they're getting off easy, but when you meet them after 20 years, you sit down, you play dominos with them, you just wonder, are they the same people they were when they first got put away?

Carisi, is this you going soft?

No, I just... I thought if any of those guys had a chance at rehab, it was gonna be Caskey.

I mean, he was all about accountability.

He missed his wife.

He was looking for a job, why? Why would he blow all of that?

There usually isn't a why. You know that.

And we have Caskey in Inwood during Robin's attack.

You saw him there half an hour later.

What about the Hempstead r*pe?

Liv is bringing in that victim to see if she can get a voice I.D., but I'm gonna go check with Caskey's parole officer to check his whereabouts that day.

Let me come with you.

Aren't they gonna miss you at the shelter?

Nah, I'll tell 'em I had a job interview.

I want to hear this for myself.

Richie Caskey, one of our success stories.

Coverboy for "Parolee Magazine."

Or maybe not. What'd he do?

Well, you don't seem surprised that he might have done something.

20 years, 4,000 cons...

If one of 'em turned into a mermaid, that might surprise me.

All right, look, he's gotta file a log with all of his appointments, meetings, job interviews, right?

Yeah, what are you looking for?

We're, um, we're looking at a r*pe that happened near a Hempstead shelter, one that he was living in last year.

June 14th, 6:00 p.m.

Hoping you can tell us where he was that day.

You're lucky I'm one of the organized ones around here.


June 14th, 4:00 p.m., meeting with his attorney... at the Hempstead shelter.

So what, he says good-bye to his lawyer, and then he goes out and he r*pes somebody?

Lawyers have that effect on some people.

He was there.


I got a job.

I'm the new ad salesman at radio station WNMZ.

"Wall-to-wall sports, 24/7."

Richie, we need to talk.

Are you kidding me?

Look, whatever your name is, you know I wouldn't do something like that.

You got to know me.

Yeah, maybe I would've gotten to know you better when you were raping cocktail waitresses.

No, no, you know how that happened.

I can't even remember anything.

Oh, really? You know what, Richie, that makes a great story for our little sessions in there and for your wife, but I'm not buying it.

It was one waitress, one time.

You see, your memory's getting better already, now walk.

Hey, we good?

You remember my lieutenant.

"Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

"Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

"Do what I say and you won't get hurt."

[stuttering] "Do w-what I say and you won't... get... hurt."

You think it's one of those men who r*ped me?

I think that it's possible.

He may have been living in a shelter in Hempstead, near where you were att*cked.

That place gave me the creeps.

I tried to stay away.

I understand, Mary.

You recognize any of those voices?

I don't know. It's been almost a year.

And when it was happening, my entire body just sort of tuned out.

And that's not unusual.

Now I try not to think about it.

That may not be the best course.

That's what my therapist said.

Mary, we need to catch this guy.

He's still out there, and he just att*cked somebody else.

Play it again.

I'm sorry. I just can't say.

Mary, it's okay. You did your best.

You'd think I could make a friend in a shelter.

Just save it, all right. Just save it.

Look, here's your lawyer. Have fun.

I can't believe they made you stay the whole night.

I'm sorry.

Detective, your little masquerade was shameful and illegal...

No, actually it wasn't.

How many different confidences did you violate, I wonder?

Huh? Doctor-patient, attorney-client.

No and no.

Look, you want to borrow my bar review book?

Carisi, take 'em out.

All right, let's go.

Let's do this.


Mary, what is it?

The voice. That's the voice.

The man in the tan jacket?


I thought you wanted to question my client.

We've been waiting here almost three hours.

I have places to be.

Sorry, Counselor.

We were just dealing with some news.

So we've located a surveillance camera on a warehouse about a block away from where Robin Daughtry was m*rder*d.


And it was running when she was att*cked, when she pulled off her attacker's mask.

From a block away? What did it see?

Well, the image has to be enhanced.

We may have to call the FBI, but we'll get it done.

Or you could just save us the trouble.

You can confess.

We make it easy for you, you make it easy for him?

Richie, maybe we should go talk...

No, I'm not confessing to anything.

Richie, listen to me.

I didn't k*ll Robin. I didn't k*ll anybody.

Why would I do that? She was trying to help me.

You know this!

Okay, well, we've already searched your room at the shelter, so I assume that you'll have no objection to us searching your apartment as well.

Please, do not bring my wife into this.

His consent is irrelevant. He's not a resident there.

He visits all the time. He considers it his actual home.

Which is legally debatable.

That's fine. We can get a search warrant.


Now, Mr. Caskey, is your wife home today?

Probably, she doesn't work on Saturdays.

Richie, maybe I should go up there.

She should have an attorney present.

Well, suit yourself.

You should know that there are officers outside your apartment.

You can go in, but nothing comes out until we get the warrant and we search. Understood?

[whispering] Richie, don't say anything.

No wonder Caskey wants to live here.

It's a hell of a lot nicer than the shelter.

Yeah, what isn't?

Hey, Lieu...

Happier days.

Oh, sure are.

Think that line about the surveillance camera made him nervous?

Well, if it did, he didn't show it.

Excuse me, your warrant does not give you the right to be unnecessarily destructive.

We're not. It was an accident.

You can search the whole apartment.

You can search the bathroom. You're not gonna find anything.

If you say so.

You know I'm gonna be filing a complaint about your detective's behavior.

And it will be given every consideration.

See, it's exactly that kind of attitude that is unacceptable.

Counselor, we know the rules.

We know what we're doing.

Hey, Lieutenant! I got something!

You're moving into lawsuit territory here!

What do you have?


W-what is this?

This is jewelry that the r*pist took from three victims, including Sofie Nomaks' gold chain and Robin Daughtry's necklace.

Where is this from?

That's from your apartment.

It was in the toilet t*nk. Your wife tipped us off.

No. No, that... that's not possible.

Richie, Richie, that's enough. Don't say another word.

I'll get you through this, okay?

Get up. You're under arrest.

Get up.

Not you.



You heard her. Get up.

Www-what's going on?

He's under arrest.

You two out of your minds?

No, not even a little.

Thomas Zimmerman, you're under arrest for the r*pe and m*rder of Robin Daughtry.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

Wait, w-w-w-what's going on?

What is happening?

My lawyer r*ped near shelters because he knew that sex offenders would get the blame?


That's... that's insane.

Yup. It's pure sociopath.

And he stabbed Robin?

You saw that on that security camera?

Yeah, well, thing is, there was no camera.

That was a lie to scare him into planting evidence in your apartment.

That we did get on video.

Now, your wife, she helped us play him.

She's a good woman.

Yeah, she is.

She's the best, and I ruined her life.

We can't travel.

You know, we can't move.

We decided not to have kids because how can you tell a child that their friends could never come over?

Listen, Richie...

I wish I could say I never doubted you.

Yeah, well, I'm a convicted r*pist.

My whole life, everyone's gonna doubt me.

Docket ending 509612.

The People versus Thomas Zimmerman.

Three counts of r*pe in the first degree, one count of m*rder in the first degree.

Mr. Zimmerman, I'm more used to seeing you defending rapists. Do we have a plea?

Not guilty.

Duly noted.

I have your attorney's application for bail, which I'm denying.

You're remanded to Rikers pending trial.

I'm sure several of your clients will welcome you there.

Double bill.

Docket ending 360971.

The People versus Gerald Loomis.

Charges of four counts of r*pe in the first degree.


Do we have a plea?

Not guilty.

Bastard's not stuttering now.

Zimmerman. They should throw away the key.

I mean the guy, he r*pes, he murders, and then he tries to piggyback it onto his clients.

Unless you're a rich r*pist, nobody's gonna want to defend you.

You're gonna get a bottom feeder.

Still, Caskey didn't deserve that.

Caskey is on the registry.

It makes him an easy guy to frame.

You know, Rollins, a guy commits a m*rder, right?

He does his time and then he's out and about.

But a r*pist, no.

Nobody wants to live next to him.

No matter what he does, he is never gonna be trusted again.

He's in purgatory.

Are you all right?



You know, why don't you come over for dinner and hang out with Jesse? [laughs]


I promise you the minute she starts wailing, it will clear your head of everything else.

Dinner, huh?

Yeah. Come on.

Did you learn to cook?

No, I didn't learn to cook.

You're gonna cook. We're gonna shop on the way.

Tell me that they'll be off the streets for good.

They're gone.

Thank you, Sofie. You've been very brave.

Look, the, uh, the guy I went after with a baseball bat, I had no idea it was your detective.

You shouldn't be going after anyone.

You're lucky you're not under arrest.

Thank you.


Two bad guys go down, that's a good day.

You're wearing a tie in court.

Very impressive.

I'm going to visit my son.

He and his husband invited me over to their place.

And you need a time for that?

Yeah, they got somebody coming over there they want me to meet.

Way to get out there, Fin. Good for you.

If you say so.
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