02x06 - Nighthawk

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x06 - Nighthawk

Post by bunniefuu »

Fury: You need my satellite for what?

Iron Man: Oh, nothing big, Fury.

Just the most dangerous weapons in the universe might be on Earth.


Your instruments picked up five energy spikes when the Skull's ship was shot out of the sky.

That means five Infinity stones, not just one.

At that altitude, they could have scattered halfway across the globe.

Man: Can you track them?

Kyle Richmond, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new director of interstellar operations.

See what happens when you don't get codenames? Fancy made-up titles.

It's an honor to meet you all, especially you, Sam.

It is? But I'm nobody special.

It looks like each stone radiates a slightly different wavelength.

I could write unique tracking algorithms for each one.

Impressive deduction.

Imagine how dangerous four more stones like the Power Stone would be in the wrong hands.

These energy signatures suggest we're dealing with variations between them...

I've worked at intelligence agencies all over the world, so it means a lot when I say your S.H.I.E.L.D. case work really impressed me.

Thanks, but I didn't even finish the training program.

Your time as an Avenger more than makes up for that.

I'm putting together a new team, and I'd like you to be on it.

That's flattering, but I'm an Avenger.

There's no team in the world I'd rather be a part of.

Don't you get tired of feeling redundant?


Iron Man: With five of these stones, Thanos could conquer an entire galaxy without breaking for lunch.

Then let's make sure you find them before Thanos or anyone else does.

The Avengers already have a genius with a flying suit of armor.

Yeah, but Tony and I work together....on stuff.

On my team, you'd stand out.


(All grunting)

Ow. Watch it, you big gorilla.

We're under attack.

Battle stations, everyone.

Hold it.

First, it's not an attack, it's an internal malfunction.

Second, I make the battle stations call here, Richmond.

Everyone, battle stations.

We're falling fast. We could try a crash landing, but the great city of Chicago is in the way.

Computer: Impact in two minutes.

Iron Man: Avengers, assemble!

We've got 90 seconds to stop 200,000 tons of Tri-carrier from leveling Chicago.

Falcon: The main power systems are disabled, so we need to override the...

Power's out.

We need to go manual.

Hulk, Thor, get topside. Spin the turbines.

Aye, like they've never been spun before.

Iron Man: Hawkeye, be our eyes. Get to a place you can see.

Cap, Widow, work on the steering.

I'll jump start this thing.

What do you need me to do?

Cross your wings and hope we can crash in lake Michigan.

Otherwise, I need you as my backup.

In position.

We're banking, Hulk. Push harder.

Is Thor out-pushing me?

Whoa, Hulk, do less, do less.

(All grunting)

Tony, ready when you are.


Another second.

Let me check the systems.

Have a seat. Your team's got this.

We're out of seconds, Tony.

Iron Man: Working as fast as I can...

(Electric zap)


Is there a clear stretch for a landing?

Hope you brought your swimsuit.

So much for not getting fried.


An incendiary device blew the engine's superconductor ring from the inside.

Could have been a diversion. Data theft?

Looking into it.

But it'll take days to comb through.

The engine damage is extensive, so, as of right now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is grounded.

Fury, security footage shows nothing.

You're looking at it the wrong way.

They handled that pretty well without you, Sam.

If you joined us, I'd put you in charge of tracking down those other stones.

You'd be the boss.

(Computer beeps)


Someone was in the engine room.

Thor: A man of fire.

It was Dormammu.

It's not Dormammu. That's a thermal image.

It shows heat signatures?

I knew that.

Falcon: I can use this silhouette to create a digital sketch.

Who is that?

Nope. No. No.


Any luck?

No. He might as well be an alien.

Tony, question.

You're a tech wiz like me.

You and Thor both fly.

Hawkeye and Widow have S.H.I.E.L.D. training like I do.

Why do you guys need me on the team?

'Cause no one else's mom makes cookies.


You know why you're here, Sam.

What's this about?

(Alarm beeping)

Duty calls.

We'll finish this chat later, I promise.

Until then, let's put down some Hydra robots.

Ugh, Hydra again? I'm so sick of these guys.

And what would they possibly want with the Museum of Natural History?

Iron Man: I'm sure they're just doing it to irritate you, Hawkeye.

Or maybe their lobby needs a stuffed woolly mammoth.

If I had to guess what Hydra's after, there's a vault underneath.

Ancient artifacts from other realms.

Huh. Ought to stick you down there.

Thor and Hulk, keep them out of the vault.

Cap, Widow, Hawk, you're with me on the street.

Falcon, clear any civilians.


There a problem, Falcon?

Is this where they store the norn runes?

According to the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, yes. Why?

I researched them...

Iron Man: Falcon. Civilians, now.

Civilians, I'm on it.

But I want to see the stuffed woolly mammoth.

For your safety, please move along.

Girl: Ugh, let's go. There are real Avengers over there.

Thor: Cease, robot.

What trickery is this?

You lost your turn, Thor.


Ugh, now I got to shower.

Can't shake this.


No, ma'am. I don't know when the museum might reopen.

Thor: Portal!

Thor. The vortex.

Hey, Hydra, hail this.

Something's strange here.


These aren't normal Hydra attack patterns.

Ugh, what is this stuff? Totally gonna stain.

Never seen it before. These aren't standard issue Hydra robots.

They're not Hydra robots at all.

Iron Man: Well, the odor is certainly attention getting.

Looks like it's non-reactive.

Unless you have gamma radiation in your cells, then it's a nerve agent.

Hold on, did you say "gamma radiation"?


Hey, guys, I feel weird.




Is Hulk giggling?

Aw, this guy. I love this guy.




Okay, first Thor bails to Asgard, now Hulk thinks it's nap time.


There's a rune hooked to Thor's hammer that sent him flying through the nine realms like a train with no brakes.

Hey, my comm's fritzing. You guys getting this?

Man: (Over radio) Sonbuca.



She's in programmed sleep.

When Widow was a spy, the Red Room planted a post-hypnotic trigger word that would neutralize her.

She won't wake up unless we find a counter trigger.

How did you piece this together so fast?

Someone's taking down the Avengers one by one.

Yeah, we kind of picked up on that part. Who?

It's me.

Three down, four to go.

You're taking out the Avengers?

Not me, exactly.

Falcon: See, when I was training at S.H.I.E.L.D.,

I laid out a series of countermeasures to take you all down.

What? You mean you've got an "anti-Hawkeye" plan?

Eager to know what that plan is.

Stop. It's a...

Booby-trapped arrow.

Well, that was interesting.

Whoever shot that rocket left without saying goodbye, or leaving any way to track him.

That rocket was meant for you.

Carried a broad range EMP to disable your armor.

And you designed all this?

I got an "A"?


What is that horrid smell?

Surtur? Bring forth your best shot, demon.

Nighthawk: You told me this place was highly secure, but breaking in was simple.

It's hidden here somewhere. I'll find it.

Where that Cabal of yours failed, we will succeed.

Nighthawk, out.

Iron Man: Now, what exactly could be strong enough to take out Hulk?

Jarvis, get cracking on an antidote for this.

Jarvis? You there, buddy?

Really? Your plans took out Jarvis, too?


Oh, thank Odin. I'm back... No, no, no.

Yeah. Explanation time.

When I was at S.H.I.E.L.D., some people worried what would happen if you Avengers got mind-controlled and turned on us.

They wanted a contingency plan.

Smart and creepy.

Fury chose me to lay it out 'cause I know more about you guys than anyone.

You were my heroes.

And someone stole your plans?

Well, we stopped the EMP rocket.

Looks like I survived.

But that wasn't the only countermeasure for you.

I also designed a pheromone spray that would attract thousands of tiny bugs into your armor.

Uh, gross. Why?

All those insects crawling over the circuits would short them out.

It's odorless, so you could have been sprayed already.

Uh. Ugh.

What about me?

Falcon: I designed a high frequency grenade that would resonate with the Vibranium in your shield.

It would knock you out and swallow you in a bubble of vibrational energy.

Then I'll avoid using the shield.

I've managed without it before.

Look guys, I know I blew it, but I'm coming up with solutions to the countermeasures.

First, I have to kick start Jarvis.

Jarvis: Sir? Whoa, that was fast.

Jarvis, you're back. What happened buddy?

An intruder, Sir.

He's after something called the "Helio-Cube".


He's not smart enough to pull this off.

Even with Falcon's plan.

Hyperion's Helio-Cube is a self-replicating nano-tech device that helped build his citadel.

This is what our mystery friend is after.

Jarvis: Sir, there's one more thing.

I've turned your ARC reactor into an electromagnet.

Tony, you need to shut down your ARC reactor.

Stop my heart? Sure, easy.




Who are you?

I'm Nighthawk.



Thanks, Falcon. You really made this easy.

Falcon, look out.


To quote your report, "Captain America's instinctive reflexes could be exploited against him."

You att*cked S.H.I.E.L.D. just to steal my report?



My goal is the same as yours, to rid the world of evil.

We simply differ on our definition of evil.



Looks like we caught a big one, Flippy.


Nighthawk: Hyperion didn't use the citadel to its full capacity.

It's actually a w*r ship.

People won't kneel before you until they're sure they have no choice.

If your country doesn't accept me as its new leader, I'll just dissect New York like I dissected the Avengers.

(People clamoring)

Attention, citizens of the United States.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is crippled.

The Avengers are destroyed.

There is no one left to save you but me.

Submit to my rule, or lose one city every hour, starting with New York.

Without you, they have no hope.

You're one of them, aren't you?

Hyperion's old team?

Correction, the squadron supreme was my old team.

Hyperion was just a hammer.

I am an architect.

Why are you showing me all this?

Why take down my team and not me?

You never belonged with them.

You belong with the squadron.

Nighthawk: When the citadel was reawakened, it sent out a signal.

The others are on their way to Earth.

I think you'll like them.

You're out of your mind.

I'll never work with you.

I need your help, Sam.

You can write unique tracking algorithms to find the Infinity stones.

You're Kyle Richmond?

No. Kyle Richmond's just a disguise.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. can be hacked.

I am, and always have been, Nighthawk.


Finding the Avenger's flaws was hard, but yours is easy.



Nap time, Nighthawk.

This alien tech can't be that hard to decode.

Nighthawk: Looking for a manual failsafe?


There isn't one.

(All shouting)

It's a shame I have to destroy what could have been such a valuable asset.

Iron Man: Hands off.


He's our valuable asset.


Turns out you did get the real Jarvis back online.

He used your solutions to revive the team.

Even I'll admit, kind of brilliant.

No hard feelings?

No, of course not. I love it when arrows explode in my face.

Focus on the other bird, please.

Easy for you to say. All you had to do was take a nap.


You couldn't stop us with Falcon's plans, and you're not going to stop us now.



Defeat me, or save the city.

You can't do both.



At last. Midgard.

The rune. Smash it.

I cannot.


(Hulk yells)

Where you been?

You have no idea.

Well, Nighthawk, looks like you can't beat us even with Falcon's cheat sheet.


Skip the welcome backs and tear this place apart.

Like you got to tell me?

Got plenty of rage to work out.

Um, would 12 dozen cookies smooth this over?

We'll talk.


You think you're angry?

I passed through the realm of the fire demon Surtur 81 times.

My cape still reeks of sulfur.

Did you shower?

You don't have it in you to destroy me.

Falcon, what's your Nighthawk countermeasure?

Something old school.


Iron Man: Okay, he's coming. Remember, he deserves this.

I know what you guys are going to say, and you're right.

I messed up.

I don't deserve to be an Avenger.

If you quit now, you'll be one day shy of your anniversary on the team.

But I... you're not...

I don't, I don't know what to say. You forgive me?

Any hero smart enough to take down the entire team needs to be on it.

So, you're not mad?

I'm always a little mad.

You out-thought us all, Sam.

We realized plans like yours might not be a bad idea.

We just need one for you.

Besides making you kick yourself off the team out of guilt.

You want to know why you're here?

Because you're the smartest guy I know.

You proved that today.

You make us all better Avengers.

We need you to make this work.

We also need you to create tracking algorithms to find these Infinity stones.

Not that I can't.

I just want to see how you would do it.

Then let's get to work.

Fury: You think you're a genius?

When it comes to the Avengers, you'll never be one step ahead.

I'm always one step ahead.

Computer: We have a breach. Battle stations.

(Alarm blaring)

Right on time, Hyperion.

Let's round up the team.


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