06x10 - The Creeper - Coupland, Texas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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06x10 - The Creeper - Coupland, Texas

Post by bunniefuu »

I think that people
would feel this presence.

I got scratched down the middle of my back.

This guy has got (bleep) issues.

Well, he pulls out his
p*stol, sh**t him five times

in the chest.

I'm scared for myself,
for our whole family.

He's really creepy.

He's a sociopath.

Something bad's going to happen.

My name is Amy Allan.

There's panic.

And it's almost like a butchering.

I see dead people.

They all d*ed horribly.

I speak to dead people.

Get out of here.

And they speak to me.


But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

It doesn't matter where
you are. I'll find you.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

This guy's a real piece of work.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I feel like I live in a house of Hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

This is not good.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end...

I want my life back.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

Is he trying to k*ll her?

Or time to get out.

Oh, my God.

This is going to k*ll us.

I'm in Coupland, Texas.

It's a small city just outside of Austin.

I got called in by a mother
of two who sounded really bad.

She got married a couple of years ago

and moved in with her new husband.

Then, all hell broke loose.

She's scared for her kids,

she's scared for herself
and she's just plain scared.

She told me she's got
no one else to turn to.

Before Amy arrives,

I clear the house of
any leading information,

removing family photos
and other personal items

that may influence her findings.

When I'm done, the location
will be ready for tonight's walk.

Last night,

I had an encounter with
a dead person, a male.

My shirt was kind of lifted

and my stomach was, like, caressed.

It was inappropriate, and
the touch was very cold.

There's two females that are alive,

who think, he's some kind of a perv.

He is the main person here

who's causing problems for the living.

Well, Sharon, I'm glad I'm here

because listening to you on the phone

and how scared you guys are
here was real concerning to me.

What's going on?

Well, we're being terrorized in our home.

Okay, what are we talking about?

From being pushed and shoved

to a lot of things that
are a lot worse than that.

When you say a lot worse,
you're talking about?

Being touched intimately.

It's okay.

Yeah, I mean, there's
things that are just...

it's just horrible.

Things are happening in
our house, at this point.

And it's just I'm scared for myself

and for our whole family.

- I'm sorry.
- No, no, no.

This is why we took the case.

We're at a breaking point.

I told my husband, I was like,

"I'm done. I can't do this."

Now, who exactly are you living here with?

Here is a photo of our family.

There's myself,

and my husband J.D., our son Nicholas,

our only daughter, Madelyn,
and our middle son, Jacob.

I understand you got married recently.

Did you and J.D. buy this place together?

No, he built the home in 2006.

And now how long have you been living here?

We've lived here for the last two years.

Now, when did it start getting
really bad for you guys?

Not until about seven months ago.

- Seven months ago?
- Mm-hmm.

Is everybody on this
photo having experiences?

It's mostly the women in the house.

It's me, it's my daughter.

We're the ones being
physically att*cked in the home.

Like, you don't even
want to change clothes,

because if like... if
there were a peeping Tom

in your window watching you.

I'm just ready for this to be over.

This has been a nightmare for us.

The dead guy who touched
me last night is in here.

This guy's not good.

I feel like he's in here a lot.

It makes you feel like
you're being studied.

I think that people
would feel this presence.

This... like you're under
a microscope or something.

He's really creepy.

I don't think he has a conscience.

This is the most active
place in the whole house.

We've seen, like, a black
mass, kind of like a cloud.

- Okay.
- Another time, laying in the bed,

I sat straight up when I saw him.

And it was a man standing
at the end of my bed.

And it was like he had on a trench coat

and almost like a fedora hat.

And how often are you seeing him?

Pretty much all the time.

Anything else going on in here?

I got scratched... this burn
down the middle of my back.

And my husband lifted my shirt

and he was like "You've
got a huge scratch down..."

It was right, perfect in
between my shoulder blades.

- Nothing else could have caused that?
- Nothing.

No cats or anything running around here?


There's something burning.

Yeah, like a burning sensation

with, like, little prickles of heat.

I'm gonna assume that
somebody in this location

is having this experience

and it is associated with
this younger dead male.

It's possible somebody is getting cut.

There is this physical agitation
that's happening to somebody.

All right, ls there anything else going on?

One night we were in bed, and I woke up

and I could feel two
hands around my throat.

I was being choked.

And I could feel the thumbs

especially just pushing down so far.

And I was just, like...
and could not breathe.

You sure it wasn't a nightmare?

I was wide awake, sitting
there trying to wake my husband.

But that was your breaking
point was getting choked?

No, that one wasn't.

What was?

We were in bed and it felt
like something running its nail

along the backside of my leg.

I was touched...

very intimately touched.

Did it feel like a man's hands,

or could you even tell what it felt like?

I knew it was a man.


That was my breaking point,

because I was like,
"If it'll do that to me,

what could it do to my daughter?"

We have got to get help.

We have to get help.

This younger dude, he's being nasty.

He's saying that this (bleep) deserves

whatever he's doing to her.

I feel a lot of choking right away,

a lot of pressure in the head.

Really bad.

Pressure in the jaw really bad.

Having the breath knocked out of you often.

So, Mattie, I was talking
to Mom and she was telling me

about what you guys are
going through in here.

You're how old now?

I'm about to turn 15.

Mom said you've been having experiences.

I'll be laying in bed and, you know,

and my door will be
open and I'll see, like,

a shadow figure just walk
past my door, like, real quick.

It looks like a shadow,
but, you know, more 3D.

Like, in a month it probably

would happen about two times.

And you're positive it's
not somebody walking past.

I'm positive.

I hate to even ask you this,
but is there anything else?

I was laying down in my bed

and I got up to go to the
kitchen to get a drink,

and right as I was about
to walk out of my door...

the frame of my door, I got
shoved back into my guitars

that are right by the foot of my bed.

And it cut me.

There was blood.

That night when I got pushed,

I just sat in my bed and I cried.

How much do you and Mom
talk about this stuff?

She's told me a lot...
everything, honestly,

that's happened to her.

And it does scare me,

because if it's willing to
do that to her who, you know,

- has her husband by her side,
- Right.

then what could happen to me

when I'm on the other
side of the house, alone?

- Right.
- So, that definitely scares me.

I know he's in here a lot.

This living person

might be influenced by
this dead man's behaviors.

He's a sociopath.

So, he wants to be in
control, be in charge.

He is just staring me the (bleep) down.

So, J.D., I was talking to your wife

and she was telling me
about the horrific things

that are going on here.

At the beginning, it was
fine before my wife moved in.

And after she moved in,
everything just started

getting weirder and weirder.

Were you having any experiences

before all this other
stuff started happening?

A little bit. My grandma d*ed.

Every once in a while I'd
turn and I'd just see...

I'd just see her standing there.

I just chalked it up being that.

I paid it no nevermind. Okay.

And when did she pass?

Two and a half years ago.

Okay, did she live close by?

My grandma lived right behind us.

- She did?
- Yep.

I got a picture of her.

How old was she when she passed?

- 89.
- Okay.

Do you mind if I ask what she d*ed of?

- She hit her head on the sink.
- Okay.

I'm sorry to hear that.

- Were you close with her?
- Yes, sir.

Now, how often do you
think you see grandma?

Almost every week. Really?

Is she kind of, like, looking over you.

I believe so.

What the hell?

The feeling I'm getting
is somebody with a cane.

I think it's a female.

Older female, maybe.

And I'm getting something
weird with the head.

Maybe it's stroke or something.

She is often confused.

So now, what about experiences
after your wife moved in,

did you have anything happen?

Yeah, one night I had a
picnic table in the back

and I go out there at night and sit on it.

And I just see all these
shadows coming in and out.

What did they look like?

Army men.

Then I look over here
and I see, like, Indians.

And look over here and cowboys.

I mean, so you're seeing
all kinds of things.

Yes, sir.

I mean, were you drinking out there?

- No, sir.
- Okay.

I've never dealt with this before.

I'm worried about them hurting
the kids and everything.

I just want it gone.

I do feel like there are
a lot of bodies... around.

Somehow they're trapped with their bodies.

They're able to reach
out and call for help.

There's one specific guy who is dead.

And he is old.

He's around, like, 1900.

And he was a tough, tough guy.

He's bad off here, trapped.

And he is, I think,

the strongest one of these people,

as far as reach... being able to reach out.

He's, like, the main mummy.

How old are you?


I understand that you might
have seen a couple scary things

in the house here.

Can you tell me about one of them?

Whenever I'm sitting in
the living room watching TV,

I just see this person out
of the corner of my eye.

It's a black figure.

And then it glared at me.

I looked at it.

And then right when I
turned around, it went away.

And how do you know it was glaring at you?

I just saw the eyebrows go down.

- Like that?
- Like that.

So, what else scared you in the house?

On the other side, in the dining room,

there was a white figure.

This one just came closer
to me and just stared at me.

And I looked at it and it went away.

Are you scared to stay here?


So, there's a lot of beds in here.

Where do you... where would you sleep?

- This one.
- Up on top here?


I just really don't like
sleeping in my bedroom alone.


There's one person in
here who is being targeted

by the dead that aren't able to rest.

They are talking all the time

to the person that's in the top bunk.

It's too much for this person.

It's a lot of information.

What kind of information?

This person is seeing
the old man from outside.

Well, he's mummified, but
it's, like, a corpse screaming.

Open mouth, kind of hanging,
crooked and emaciated.

And he's, like, getting
in bed with the person.

That creeped me out.

I don't...

That's some weird (bleep).

First thing I do when
I start an investigation

is pull the property deed.

Turns out one family,

the Stebers, owned the
property for over 53 years.

And when I contacted a genealogist

to look into it for me, she
said their time on the land

was filled with death and heartbreak.

Dr. Alexander, thanks
for helping with my case.

I appreciate that.

Now, what can you tell me
about the Steber family?

In about 1867,

Michael Steber came over from Bohemia,

which is part of Czechoslovakia now.

- Okay.
- He was 17 years old.

Then he gets married.

He marries Rosa in 1871.

So, when did they wind up

- on my client's property?
- ln 1892.

All right, now, you mentioned tragedy.

So, what happened?

In 1895, Michael vanished.

The family looked for him,
neighbors looked for him.

He disappeared at the age of
45 and was never seen again.

What about suspects?

Well, there was one possible suspect.

That was John Henry, his stepson.


Because he and his father
used to argue bitterly.

Okay, but no body, so no
charges were ever brought up?

No charges were ever brought against him.

Okay, Michael is missing.

He's never found. What
happens to the property?

Well, in 1909, the land
is transferred to Rosa.

She turns it over to her
son shortly thereafter.

This is the stepson they thought
might have had something to do

with his disappearance, right? Yes.

What do I need to know about him?

In 1926, he dies of stomach cancer.

Who gets the property now?

His son, George. How did it go for George?

Not all that lucky for George.

In 1940, George had a number of daughters,

and three of them went
up to the swimming hole.


And the youngest one,
Helen, went in swimming.

And she started to struggle.

The two oldest sisters
jumped in to help save her.

Aw, look at that.


Both of the older sisters d*ed.

Geez. What a shame.

And here is the newspaper clipping.

And that's where everybody swam.

That was the big swimming hole.

Okay, so, this can't be the
only drowning deaths there?

I don't know if there are other drownings,

but I do know in 1921

there was a flood and
hundreds of people d*ed.

I'm hearing something
about a lake to my left,

which is really weird,
considering where we are.

Then I hear, "Cemetery."

So, I'm thinking that there are bodies

in or very near the water.

And somehow they're mummified.

And there were kids, little kids.

Like, from 5 to 10, I would say.

And they were singing
"Ring Around the Rosie."

What the (bleep) was done to them?

I can't figure out other
than it being some kind

of pressure in the chest and upper back,

like maybe drowning.



I heard someone say,
"The children perished.

It was bad."

I've got to find out more
about this massive flood

and how it might have
affected my client's property.

I'm heading over to meet
with a local historian

who said it was one of the
biggest natural disasters

in the town's history.

Randy, what can you
tell me about this flood?

It actually started Friday
the 9th of September, 1921.

It was caused by a tropical storm

that had moved inland into Mexico

and then moved north into Texas

and just poured rain onto the county

for a day and a half, two days.

It dumped at least 38 inches of rain.

The creeks rose by 40 feet.

What are we talking, as far as devastation?

What happened?

You can see on some photos that we did find

- some of the aftermath.
- Wow.

Just from a few days after.

The floor waters came in
at such a sudden surge,

a lot of people had to cut their way out

through the roof of their homes.

Farm houses, livestock, people...

Anything in its path was just swept away.

So, there would have been
just pandemonium and panic?


Now, I know that Brushy
Creek is like 500 feet

from my client's property.

So, that area had to get destroyed.

Oh, absolutely.

Statewide, of the bodies
that were recovered

that we know of, there were 224
that perished in the flooding.

Geez. So, how did it impact my property?

How many people d*ed in that area?

- There were at least 93 bodies recovered.
- Wow.

So, we're talking more
than a third of the bodies?


The greatest concentration
of deaths did occur

within that Williamson County area.

Something about these bodies,

they want the house to be torn down.

I don't know why.

How many bodies?

There are quite a lot.

At least 20 to 50 maybe.

Do you know how they d*ed?

Something with that weird
pressure (bleep) and water.

I don't (bleep) know.


Most of them d*ed badly.

Now that I know the original owners

of Sharon and J.D.'s property

suffered from mysterious
death and heartbreak

and that a flood k*lled dozens in the area,

I need to know if there's anything else.

Searching through old
records, I find an article

about a young w*r vet named
George Williams who m*rder*d

a retired farmer right next
to my client's property.

I'm heading over to meet
with a local police chief

who's gonna tell me all
about this bizarre case.

This homicide, what happened?

May the 1st, 1959, we've
got two guys headed to work.

Kelly Frederick picks up George Williams,

who's a buddy of his.

They work together.

George Williams lived hand to mouth.

Didn't have a car, couldn't
drive himself to work,

had to depend on a friend to get him there.

This morning though,
after he gets in the car,

George Williams pulls a
p*stol, a.32 caliber revolver,

and forces Kelly Frederick

to drive him to a little country road

next to your client's property.

And he says, "Get out of the car."

So Kelly gets out of the car

and George Williams steps out of the car

and begins to sh**t at him, unprovoked.

Well, Kelly Frederick
figures, "The only way

I'm getting out of this alive

is to get back in the car and drive away."

Okay, now, that's not the guy
that gets m*rder*d, though.


So, George Williams ducks off the road.

He approaches a retired
farmer, Charlie Heise.

67 years old,

out having a little
fishing fun in the morning.

"Need a ride to Austin."

Heise says, "Where do you live?"

He said, "Well, I live in Austin.

That's why I need a ride down there."

Heise doesn't respond quick enough.

Williams pulls out his p*stol,

sh**t him five times in the chest.

So, George Williams takes the keys

out of his pocket, goes up, steals the car,

heads west to Austin.

24 hours later, he's in custody.

They immediately bring him back.

And there's your picture
of George Williams.

May the 3rd, he also
gives a full confession.

In the confession, did
he say anything about,

like, what his motivation was?

Never said a word.

I thought I read somewhere
that he was a vet.

He was. He'd gone to the Korean w*r.

He called nine witnesses in his trial.

All nine witnesses said
when he came back from Korea,

he was different.

What happened with the trial?

Well, he was found
guilty, sentenced to death.

He was ex*cuted July the 8th, 1960.

They take him in at 12:02
A.M. to the death chamber,

shave his head, put a
wet sponge on his head,

put a metal cap over the
top of that, strap it down.

Put a rubber ball in his mouth,

and they ran about 50,000
volts through his body.

At 12:05, they threw the switch.

At 12:09, he was pronounced
dead in the chair.

And, of course, interestingly enough,

his death certificate
says legal electrocution.

Now, look at that.

He was only 30.


This guy has got (bleep) issues.

And he is good at holding
that information in tight.

This dangerous sociopath

is trying to block me from
seeing who he really is,

but I'm starting to get some
clues about who he was in life.

He's one of those people
that looks older than he was.

And how old would you say he was?

Late 20s, early 30s at the most.

So, you know when he's from?

He's recent.

One thing is that he was
in financial ruin, I think,

at the time of his death.

There was something weird with his mouth

and I can't place it.

He's one of those people

that would make you feel very
uncomfortable around them.

He was really intense when he was alive.

A very good actor of emotions, you know?

Because he doesn't really have any.

That's, I think, why he's still here.

Like, he likes it.

He doesn't have to pretend anymore,

so he's got free rein.

During my walk,

I saw a sociopath terrorizing
women in the house.

I'm meeting with this sketch artist

to draw him as he appeared in life.

His chin is kind of shorter than average,

and his forehead is smaller than average.

He's pretty buff.

Very piercing, large, round eyes.

Next, I described a disturbing scene

I saw in a little boy's room.

They kind of looked mummified.

So, they're buried in the ground.

A long, stretching arm and hand,

like, coming from the corpse's head area

to the kid in the bed.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our findings

to each other and our
clients for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet J.D.

He had this house custom
built back in 2006.

Now, everything was pretty
quiet until he married Sharon

here about two years ago when
she moved in with her kids.

Now, we got a photo here
of the nuclear family.

So, this is nick, her son who is 16.

This is Mattie who is 14,

and this is J.D.'s son, Jacob, who is 10.

The activity really got amped
up about seven months ago?


And it turned violent.

Now, things are so bad here that
Sharon doesn't sleep at night.

She thinks the entire family
is in danger, and she's praying

that we find a way to help
her get out of this hell.

Did you have any...

or your children have any
prior paranormal experiences

before moving?

Yes. Okay.

When the children were small,

we were about 45 minutes from here

and we had experiences in that home.

They've been dealing with
this their whole lives.

When I got here,

what I was seeing was
a large body of water,

I'm assuming a lake.

I was feeling this horrible pain,

and it felt like pressure on my chest,

feeling like it was being compressed.

It was really bad.

I also saw a lot of people.

I would say there was
about 20 to 50 of them.

And it seemed like they
were somehow mummified.

These people, more than
likely, d*ed pretty badly.

And I was equating the water

and the pressure with maybe drowning.

Brushy Creek is literally
less than 500 feet

from the property here.

Now, back on September 9, 1921,

you guys had a natural disaster here

that was one of the biggest
in the county's history.

This neighborhood was ground zero

for a giant storm that came in.

You had 38 inches of rainfall
in a matter of 24 hours.

The creek levels rose up 40 feet.

I got a couple of pictures
from when it happened.


Now, statewide, they recovered 224 bodies.

In this area alone,
they recovered 93 bodies.

But the toll is probably
a lot higher than that.

Now, you mentioned anxiety.

You deal with anxiety on

- a daily basis, right?
- Yeah.

You can feel that
pressure push down on you.

You feel that down on your chest,

where you have to go
outside to get away from it.

Okay, so what else did you
see on the walk-through?

So, when I came in inside

and I went to the bedroom
with the bunk beds, in there,

the dead that are in the ground...

you know, the mummified dead
are... mentally reaching out

to someone very much specifically in there.

She's talking about Jacob's room.

There's this one guy, one
of the mummified people,

and he is manifesting in the bedroom there.

You're pretty sure he's,
like, probably a flood victim?

Yeah, and I actually saw him

standing in the bedroom
at the end of the bunk bed

looking over to the person
that's in the top bunk,

trying to communicate with that person.

So, I saw this person, like,
seeing very brutal scenes.

Blood and guts and, like,
pain and, like, suffering

and all of this information
from all of these dead people.

Jacob won't sleep in his bedroom,

and he's the top bunk.

He's like, "Dad, I don't want
to sleep in there no more.

Something's not right.

I just don't want to sleep in there."

I think he's scared.


Well, I had a sketch artist
do a sketch of what I saw.

Oh, what the (bleep)?

Are you kidding me?

Now, look, it's gonna be
hard for you to see, but...

Holy crap.

Oh, my poor baby.

It's not malicious.

He just wants his message out there.

As a father myself, I
would... Couldn't even imagine.


Tell me how to protect them.

That does bring me to an individual

who is in the house who is not good.

This person is a younger male

and he's absolutely a sociopath.

He does make people feel
like they're being watched.

I did get that he can be very physical

with people in the house.

And I got that he really
likes the purple bedroom.

Mattie, her daughter, well, she got pushed.

He is in there a lot.

The thing that he was doing to me was...

um... a burning sensation across my chest.

And I did feel like this was happening

or has happened to somebody in the house.

I went into the master bedroom,

and then I immediately got
the sensation of being choked.

Um, and I felt like he wouldn't...

this dead guy wouldn't let
go of the female in there.

Oh. She just pretty much
described just about everything

that you told me.

- Yeah, one night in bed,
- Okay.

I woke up to two hands
around my neck, strangling me.

Now, you talked about the burning thing.

Now, Sharon, you've been scratched.

- It felt like a burning.
- Yes.

- Yeah.
- It was just burn down the middle

of my back, between my shoulder blades.

And I was like, "Something
just scratched me. It burns."

And it was just excruciating pain.

She's also been inappropriately touched...

- Yeah.
- You know, as well.

Yeah, I can see this guy doing that.

Woken up in the middle of
the night to a hand on me.

And I'm just, like...
hugged up next to my husband

and we'll just sit there and pray together.

And you can't get it off of you.

Is he some kind of a perv?

Um, obviously, he's focused on the women.

So, any idea who this
sociopath was when he was alive?

I think he was really in his 20s or 30s,

but he looked older.

He's very quiet, very reserved,

um, but I think he had
his moments where he would,

like, lose it and kind of go crazy.

He was in some type of financial ruin

when he d*ed and, also,

there was something with his mouth.

And I think it has something
directly to do with how he d*ed.

You said the guy was young,
in his late 20s, right?

- Maybe early 30s.
- Mm-hmm.

And a sociopath. Oh, yeah.

There was a m*rder
connected to the property,

but it was back in '59.

There was a guy named George Williams

who was a Korean w*r veteran.

When he was 28 years old,
he worked as a laborer.

And every day for two months
straight, this guy Williams

would get picked up by
this guy Kelly Frederick

to carpool to work.

But on May 1st, 1959, he snapped.

He had him pull over to
the side of the road here,

right by your house and
pulled a.32 revolver on him.

Kelly Frederick, he escapes
and he took off with the car.

So, now this guy Williams
is walking around out here.

And Brushy Creek, he sees this
poor guy Charlie Heise fishing.

And he walks up to him and
says he needs a ride to Austin.

But before poor Charlie had
a chance to respond to him,

he put five b*ll*ts in
his chest and k*lled him.

Williams is tried, convicted.


By July 8th, 1960, he's electrocuted.

I actually have his death certificate here.

It was legal electrocution.

But when she said it was
trouble with the mouth,

I know they put the ball gag in there.

They strap them down so they
don't bit their tongues off.

Now, I was able to
track down his department

of corrections photo.

There's a chance this
could be the guy you saw?


I did have a sketch done of the guy I saw.

You're right.

That's not him.

Oh, my god.

- But I've seen him before.
- Wait a minute.

Is this the guy you see in your bedroom?


This guy will stare at you.

He'll sit back in the shadows.

He sits back in the shadows.

This person gets off on
watching and stalking,

terrorizing the females.

And, unfortunately, I think he
might have formed an attachment

and followed you from a previous home.


Sharon called us in desperation
because of what happened to her.

The physical, the inappropriate touching.

She was afraid it was gonna
possibly happen to Mattie next.

Yeah, I'm worried about that, yeah.

Because I think this
sociopath tagged Mattie

when she was a child.

When was her birthday? April.


Which would be seven months ago.

That's exactly when things
got bad for you guys.

Yeah, that makes sense.

She's at a particular point in her life

that's very appealing to him.


Sick. Sick.

So, Sharon, you've been choked,

scratched, inappropriately touched.

Both your kids are living in fear.

J.D., your house turned into a w*r zone.


But at least now we
know why it's happening.


The big question is,

how do we fix it so we go back
to our happy and normal life?

For that answer, I'm gonna
turn it over to my partner, Amy.

So, I think there's two main things

that need to be dealt with.

First is the dead people outside,

because that is effecting your son.

These dead people,
obviously, they need help

and they need to be released.

So, the best thing to
do is to bring in someone

who is a psychic knower.

Now, someone who has that ability

can come in and really
assess what they are.

Once they do that,

they'll know exactly what
to do to move them on.

All right, so, what about this jerk

that's perving on everybody?

Now, what I would like you to do for him

is to find a demonologist.

Because sociopaths, to me,
are demons in the flesh.

These people that are
like this are not human.

So, this demonologist will
come in and will do an exorcism

to get rid of him.

He's freaking out a little bit.

So, it might take several sessions.

In the meantime, this is black salt.

So, what I want you to do
is every night before bed,

you sprinkle this all
the way around each bed.

That's what will keep
him from breaking through

and physically attacking.

Well, you look totally different
from the first time I met you.

I feel at peace right now.

There's, like, resolution.

I mean, there's a solution.

Whatever it takes to get everything

out of the house and
take care of my family.

I'm all for it.

We can do this.

We can do this.

Nothing is gonna hurt my kids.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I really hope Sharon
and J.D. follow my advice

and deal with the evil
surrounding their family.

With the help of a psychic
knower and demonologist,

they'll be able to free the
dead and banish the sociopath

that's been terrorizing them for so long.
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