12x17 - Pursuit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x17 - Pursuit

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.



Where are your parents, sweetheart?


You probably get lonely.

I guess.

Come sit here with me.

We'll watch TV, and...

We'll get to know each other.

I don't think-- oh, shh shh shh.

We will go as slow as you want, babydoll.

Just like we talked about.

Where did you come--

Hey, I know you.

Alicia harding, host of neighborodod predator.

This is not what it looks like.

Then what are you doing here, mr. Carlton?

You're a father, a husband, and a schoolteacher.

Can you explain the emails and child porn you sent to a minor?

Get ready to move in.

Never happened.

This is a set-up.

Oh, how is it a set-up, sir?

You brought the beer, the condoms, and the lube.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

See, we have you on tape.

The room is wired with cameras.

Come. Look.

Don't you have anything you'd like to say?

Go! Go! Go!


Are you okay?

Never better.

That was great work.

Hand over the taser.

Uniforms already took it.

Guy could walk off your trigger-happy finger.

Oh, carlton isn't going anywhere but prison, fin.

Oh, he doesn't likme..

He just doesn't like civilians trying to do his job.

Yeah, well, his name on 18 arrests should soothe the sting.

She does a hell of a job Getting these guys off the street.

An officer asked me to deliver this to you, ms. Harding.

Oh, thanks.

You know, I'm used to cops' attitudes, So don't waste your breath, sonya.

Is that blood?

That's my lucky scarf.

When's the last ti you saw it?

This morning, on my bed.

You have a stalker.

I'm on TV.

I get thousand of emails all the time A few saying, "I'm watching you."

Hardly counts as a threat.

And what do you call your bloody scarf, Delivered by what a p.A.

Said was a cop?

A reason to double my security, But I'm not gonna stop going after scumbags.

You should've told me someone was after you, alicia.

I can take care of myself, sonya.

You've had more than one threatening email, And this guy broke into your home.

So, do have you any idea who did this?

Any one of 100 guys I've bagged For preying on young girls, or their families.

Hell, there are even a few politicians who hate my guts.

What about your personal life?

I don't have one.

When I'm not working on the show, I'm following leads on vanessa's abduction.

Her 13-year-old sister went missing 25 years ago.

My case.

Still open.

All they found were her bloody clothes, A few knife cuts in her t-shirt.

It's why I go after predators.

How did he know the scarf was special?

Belonged to my sister.

I said it on air more than once.

Usual suspects first.


I have sex with a journalist covering the afghan drug trade.

It's casual.

Where is he now?


Hopped a transport three days ago.

Have you fired anyone recently?

Not in the last six months.

Personnel files are in my office.

Feel free to waste your time going through them.

This isn't a stranger.

This is somebody who knows your routine.

You mean someone I trust.

That narrows it down to almost no one.

Threats were sent to your personal email, And the scarf was taken from your bed, alicia.

The nut job could've just followed me home.

Are you missing a cell phone, Um, any pdas, appointment book?


Then how does he have access to your private email?

I don't know.

So let me find out.

Lab's still working on the scarf.

The blood is human, no more than two days old.

It's a creative way to send a threat.

Something bumping for you?

Alicia harding doesn't report the news, she makes it.

You think she made this up?

Emails were sent from a bogus I.P.

Wouldn't be the first time A reporter fabricated a story for ratings.

I don't think she'd use the scarf Of her dead sister as a hoax.

I checked with everyone working the perv sting, And no one handed the kid a box to deliver to harding.

Which means that our stalker Impersonated a cop on a street full of them.

Well, that's why I forwarded the emails to elliot.

Asked him to work up a threat assessment While he's training at quantico.

I think we know what this guy wants.

He broke into harding's home.

And we need to find out how, So get csu to meet you at her apartment.

Haven't found anything yet, detective.

Check between those sheets In case he left us a nasty little gift.


Victim's panties?

Found them soaking in the sink.

Probably got off using them.

Any fluids?

No, they were swimming in chlorine.

Okay, so the DNA's totally destroyed.

This guy took his time.

He knew that she lived alone So he wouldn't be interrupted.

Uh, any signs of forced entry?

No, no signs of it.

Cameras in front of the building?

Only a security pad at the front door.

Residents like their privacy.

Hey, liv, check this out.

It's like here sister disappeared yesterday Instead of 25 years ago.

Fives, Lab reports.

Crime scene photos of her sister's clothes.

How did alicia get evidence to an open m*rder?

Sonya paxton.

She's been after the perp for decades, Plus she's close to harding.

She could've handed the files right to her.

If we're lucky, this guy touched one of the pages Or he pulled out one these photos.

He's obsessed with alicia.

He gets off on scaring her.

The humps she catches on her show like young girls.

They don't act like this.

But maybe the feds have someone who does.

That's a good look for you.

Thank you.

Quantico's got a lot of new toys.

I couldn't resist hogan's alley, What can I tell you?

You have any chance to go through alicia harding's emails?

Yep, and the behavioral guys did also.

This is the worst kind of stalker.

He's, uh, smart, He's resourceful, experienced.

Any m.O.

Hits in vicap?

No, but they think he's in codis, Since he didn't leave any trace evidence And he destroyed his DNA.

Any ideas what set him off?

Well, alicia harding's a high-profile target Who claims to hunt down predators, Even though she's never really actually met one.

Well, she has helped collar dozens of guys.

Well, not like this one.

This is a hardcore predator, And they don't get much of a challenge out of stalking, So he's gonna show himself soon.

Meaning that if he can't get at alicia, He might try to take someone else.

Well, just make sure it's not you, okay?

You want me to cut my visit short?

No. No, I'm covered.

I'm good.

Well, fin may have your six, but he's definitely not me.

No, I'm better.

I actually watch her back, and not her backside.

See ya.

You're really gonna love this.

Crowd sh*ts from neighborhood predator sting.

One face keeps sticking out.

An I.T. Engineer named scott laskie.

He got caught in a brooklyn net last year.

One arrest, no conviction.

Where he is now?


I had unis pick him up.

I'm invoking.

You're not under arrest.

Could've fooled me.

Custody began the moment police came to my job And made a show of taking me in.

Look, we're just looki for answers.

No, you're just trying to close a case.

Big difference.

Not if I got the wrong guy.

The truth doesn't matter.

If it did, I never would've been arrested.

Look, you were caught in a sting Trying to have sex with a minor.

That never happened.

I get it.

You're innocent and nobody listened to you.

Must've made you angry.

My reputation's in ruins, Even though the prosecutor dropped the charges.

Sounds like a good reason for you To lash out at alicia harding.

You have the know-how to create an anonymous I.P. Address.

Did you send her threatening emails, Break into her house?

Nice try, peaches.

I suggest you come back when my lawyer gets here.

He's a wall.

Who knows enough about the law to cause a stink.

There's no custodial issue here, don.

He's free to go whenever he wants.

Oh, he's not budging.

He's got an ax to grind.

Maybe, but why did the prosecutor drop the charges?

I'll make the call.

Don't bother.

A friend at the network pulled the raw footage The night scott laskie got stung.

It's late.

Where are your parents?

Gone. Come on in.

I can't believe you're alone here.

What's your name?

How old are you?

Don't you want to party?

All those things you said online.

You promised to take care of me.

My god.

Is someone coming over here?

Call the police.

What for?

I read your emails.

You can't tell men you'll get naked And say they can touch you.

You're asking for trouble.

Please. Call the police.


And this is the version neighborhood predator aired.

Come on in.

I can't believe you're here alone.

Get naked.

Do those things you said online.

Take care of me.

My god.

You're asking for it.

Laskie was just trying to help the girl, sonya.

Yeah, right into bed.

What's the matter with you?

They nailed the guy with doctored footage.

Please. He ended up at a minor's house late at night.

Why not go straight to the cops?

Well, that's the first thing I'm gonna ask his lawyer.

Come on, guys, we're wasting time here.

If he's not stalking alicia, someone else is.

Yeah, like some other guy she framed.

I have a feeling that the suspect pool Just got deeper.

Police arrestment falses arresteds Is there anything I'm missing?

Cyber stalking, burglary.

More amm*nit*on for the civil suit Against nypd and that TV network.

Cut the drama, heshy.

Your client voluntarily surrendered for questioning.

And what makes you think he's involved?


Scott laskie has a pretty serious grudge Against alicia harding.

Where's your evidence?

That's what I thought.

We're leaving.

Not until the cops promise to leave me the hell alone.

I understand how you feel, mr. Laskie.

I saw the tape.

Which version?

My ex-wife saw the one that aired.

I've got a 12-year-old daughter.

Until this gets cleared up, My visitation rights are suspended.

I saw both versions.

Now, if you wanted to help, why didn't you call the police?

He tried. They said they'd look into it, but didn't.

How did this happen?

I worry about my kid on the internet, So I started checking websites When I ran across what I thought was a young girl In a public chat room.

Did you chat with the girl?

No, but I read what other men were saying.

They offered cell phones, ipods, even money just to meet her.

I didn't want to stick my neck out, But what if it was my kid?

How did you get the girl's address?

I hacked the server.

Stop right there.

This interview is over unless you read him his rights Or decline to file.

I don't want the paperwork.

Just advise your client to obey the law from now on.

The law wasn't interested in protecting that girl.

I wasn't going to let her get r*ped.

And that's why you went over to her apartment?

After I walked into a precinct And handed a copy of the chat logs to a desk sergeant.

When he called me a kook, I went to the house.

Well, it seems to me Laskie has a solid case for wrongful arrest.

Which precinct did he go to?

The 7-2.

Fin's talking to them now.

You're not blaming alicia for this.

Playing cop doesn't make her one.

Alicia didn't arrest him, the cops did.

Based on fabricated evidence that she handed to them.

Wait, she's the victim here, remember?

Sonya, you know, maybe you're too close to judge.

You've been working on her sister's m*rder For, what, 20 years?

25 years.

25. So how old was alicia back then?


Look, when serial murders started exploding in the '80s, We didn't know half of what we know now.

Okay, we didn't even have databases.

We were all just scrambling a an epidemic of snatched kids.

Sometimes all we found were body parts, remember?

If we found anything at all.

Like vanessa harding.

Yeah, so, you know, If you think I held alicia's hand too long Or gave her too much information, that's tough.

I called her when we got a lead, and she called me.

She shouldn't be digging into her sister's m*rder.

It's not healthy.

And how long did you search for the man who...

r*ped your mother?

Captain, desk sergeant corroborates laskie's story, But they jacked him anyway based on the tape.

Void laskie's arrest, And then go shake alicia harding's tree.

Uh, I changed your locks.

Who gets copies?

No one.

Her apartment is off limits.

Spread the word.

Give us a minute, rachel.

Who else has keys to your apartment?

Uh, my staff--hair, makeup, wardrobe, my assistant.

I need names.

They've been with me for years.

You still don't get it.

Alicia, somebody is after you.

Least now we know why.

How many men did you railroad into prison?

Mistakes were made with scott laskie.

There weren't any others.

Why should I believe you?

Because I'm a journalist, olivia.

Who doesn't check her facts.

Oh, so you just decide I'm guilty And you're not interested in hearing an explanation?

Please, go ahead.

The night laskie showed up, Men just kt t coming, one right after the next.

We had to rush a couple out the back door So they wouldn't run into each other.

Then the cops brought them in Before I had a chance to interview them.

That doesn't explain you doctoring the footage.

I didn't.

The network wanted a record number of arrests.

A producer thought sweetening his tape would make that happen.

I swear I didn't know.

So you just passed the buck to save your own ass.

It's the truth.

I fired the bastard six months ago, And I have checked and re-checked Every frame of coverage since.

I need this producer's name.

Donny spencer.

My assistant rachel can give you the address.

He was pretty pissed when I sacked him, So, you know, he's not my biggest fan.

You seem to have that effect on everyone.


What can I do for you?

Alicia harding has a stalker.

You know anything about that?

Couldn't happen to a nicer sow.

Nice way to implicate yourself.

I did her a favor, and she canned me.

So she asked you to alter the footage?

Hell, yeah.

And now I hear she's sandbagging me For job interviews?

The bitch has to be stopped.

So if you stalk her, she's too busy watching her back To screw with your job search.

That's crazy.

Do you have a key to her apartment?

Maybe you lifted it, made a copy for yourself?

So the whore gets a few emails and now you're in my face?

That's funny, I didn't mention anything about emails... Donny.

In here.

You can tell alicia that I found her stalker.

I don'ththink so.

Uh, donny spencer just confessed in the car That he sent threatening emails.

Alicia brought in another email With an attached photo.

It looked authentic, so we had it processed.

A photo of what?

A body dump of a young girl.

Photo of a dumped white female, Dead weeds, broken-down swing.

Not much to go on.

I traced the emails to a wireless cafe.

Paid cash, no cameras.

Lab here says the pixels line up.

Body's real, similar to a dump in maryland.

Same guy?

Only warner can tell you that.

Any idea where it's located?

Not without any visible landmarks or buildings.

Should we be talking about this in front of a civilian?

Alicia needs to know what she's up against.

Okay, well, our perp's a sociopath, And she deals with teachers diddling their students.

Does knowing the dead girl's location Earn me a seat at the table?

How would you know that?

This is the last place my sister was seen alive.

There's nothing in the fives about vanessa Being seen alive after she left home.

I interviewed a woman who said she saw vanessa in this park.

One of the thousands of calls into the tip line That the cops couldn't get to.

Maybe it's another place.

I'd know it anywhere.

I searched every inch of it.

Well, then why didn't you tell the police?

Better yet, why didn't you call me?

It's a cold case.

I'm the only one working it now.

The hell you are.

I've been chasing after this bastard A lot longer than you have.

Then where is he?

My sister is dead.

No one wants him more than me.

Lady, you're not gonna find the k*ller by yourself.

This guy's either dead or in prison.

No, he's not.

He's stalking me.

No, alicia, this is not the same guy.

The hump who sent these emails is different.

He's fixated on you, not your sister.

Look, the analysts here think he's early 30s to mid 40s.

So that makes him too young to have k*lled vanessa.

Oh, spare me.

The d.C. sn*per had to be white and alone.

You never caught the zodiac, And bundy was 14 when he made his first k*ll.

Your analysts don't know d*ck.

That's enough.

Where is the park, ms. Harding?

I can show you.

Not gonna happen.

Then good luck finding her without me.

Alicia, this isn't a game.

A woman is dead, and we need to find her.

Either take me with you or follow me there.

Those are my terms.

You stay right there.

You move, I'm handcuffing you to that door.

Hey, I didn't ask for this.

The guy sent me the photo.

He wants me to see what he's done.

He wants you to make him famous without getting caught.

The man k*lled my sister.

I know it's the same guy.

Hand me your phone and get back in the damn car.

Go on.

I'll keep an eye on her.
I found her!

Call warner!

I'll let the staten island d.A. Know we're here!

I found another one!

Body number three!

We're gonna need a forensic team and cadaver dog.

Five. White females.

Average age mid-teens to mid-20s, Varying stages of decomp.

Any idea how long they've been exposed?

From predation, tissue loss, and adipocere, I'd say between three months and two years.

Cause of death is homicide by undetermined means Until I de-flesh the bones.

Probably all k*lled the same way.

What are you looking for?

s*ab wounds.

This sixth jane doe died three days ago, Three wounds, six inches deep.

Stabbed in the chest, stomach, and back?

How did you know?

I saw vanessa harding's recovered t-shirt.

Showed the exact same wounds.

Son of a bitch is a copycat.

Unless it really is the same guy.

Without vanessa's body, I can't tell you which.

A premortem s*ab wound severed the t-6 vertebra.

She was paralyzed from the chest down during the attack.

Was she r*ped?

Repeatedly, but no fluids.

He then stabbed her in the left lung, Collapsing it.

So she'd stop screaming.

She can't breathe, she can't move, And then he finishes her off with a knife thrust to the gut.

Any other cuts on her body?

Hairs, fibers, or trace?

No, but the blows were precise.

This guy knew what he was doing.

He's been at it a while.

Our perp has police, Forensic, and medical knowledge.

Which makes him harder to catch.

Unless he makes a mistake, you won't even get close.

This must seem like deja vu.

But it's not.

It's happening now, And this time, I am not gonna stop till I get him.

Sonya, you gotta give yourself a break.

You weren't the only one looking for vanessa's k*ller.

I made a death-bed promise to catch the guy When alicia's mom passed away.

And you've been trying to keep your word ever since.

You were right.

I let myself get too close.

I knew I was in trouble when I started drinking Just to face them with no news, Bad news, dead ends. now I'm sober and...

I get another chance.

I just didn't think it would take 25 years.

Some cases go cold.

It's not cold now.

You don't know that.

Alicia was right.

It's the same k*ller.

Who else could it be?

After 25 years, why go after her now?

A sociopath wants to remember a k*ll on his own terms, right?

Alicia's not letting him do that.

He must be feeling the pressure.

Only if she's closing in on him.

What's the very last lead that alicia followed?

Oh, my god.

Three months ago, she appealed to the public For the whereabouts of the kid who found vanessa's clothes.


For an interview on the 25th anniversary Of her sister's death.

So the cops must have interviewed him.

His name's not in the file?

There were hundreds of volunteers In countless search parties combing the area.

Including a very eager and excited k*ller.

We'll pull the names on the volunteer sign-in sheet.

And compare them to the witness statements.

If the prick's in there, he's mine.

You locate the kid who discovered Vanessa harding's bloody clothes?

So far, there's no matches Between witnesses and volunteers.

The retired detective I talked to Is digging through his old spirals.

He said he'd get back to me.

Why haven't we put this together before now?

No bodies dropping.

The guy let it cool off, like btk.

Well, until alicia stressed him out By using her TV show to bring up the past.

So if this guy's stalking her, why did donny spencer confess?

Well, he did send a threatening email With the message "I'm watching you"

Taken from a distance.

Payback for getting taken off the show.

And then later, alicia got another email With the same message, But the photos taken from closer range.

Spencer can't get too near without a confrontation.

The k*ller finds out about the threat When he gets access to alicia's email.

Then he slips into her house, Goes through her m*rder book to check her progress.

Why not just k*ll her?

A news reporter's death Would bring a lot of unwanted attention.

He couldn't afford it.

So he leads us to a body dump instead?


m*rder trumps stalking.

Look, we focus on alicia, we're gonna find the k*ller.

He got her personal information from somebody on the show.

Or he works there.

You run employee backgrounds?

They all check out.

Her staff's worked for her for years.

So it's an outsider with access.

Check the security log Run down every male visitor you find.

Visitors have to sign in with photo I.D., no exceptions.

They're issued a temporary pass while they're here.

Do they have access to the offices?

Not unless they're accompanied by one of us.

The show's tapes are used as trial evidence, So security's pretty tight.

You have any rear exits?

They're alarmed.

Visitors come in through the front door, And they go out the same way.

Okay, we're gonna need to see those logs, Dating back six months.

You think the k*ller came here?

Who said anything about a k*ller?


She taped a message last night to the guy stalking r.R.

Yesterday, I discovered the man stalking me Is a serial k*ller.

He led me to six women, rotting in a field, Their young lives cut short by a coward.

He m*rder*d them the same way he k*lled my sister, By stabbing them in the back.

I know you're watching.

You are nothing but a sexual deviant, Suffering from erectile dysfunction so severe, You have to r*pe with a knife.

You're pathetic.

State prosecutor sonya paxton believes you should be captured And put away for life.

I say you're not worth it, And you should be put down like the rabid dog that you are.

We can't let her air this.

She's setting herself up as bait.

The dumb ass belongs in jail.

She just leaked six open homicides.

When does this air?

In about an hour.

Maybe cragen can get the network to hold it.

Guess the network wouldn't pull the plug.

Chief of d's is on his way, and we got a new task force.

Puttting on a show for the public.

That's what happens when a news feed goes national.

You want to explain how alicia managed to record Details of our cri s scene?

Captain, I took her a cell phone.

I didn't give her a cavity search.

But she didn't take paxton's.

Sonya's just as fixated on this hump as alicia.

She'd do anything to take him down.

Even dump her own career?

Last time I talked to her, that's all she cared about.

All right, just find sonya.

I'll handle it froththere.



She's in there.

I don't know if you're brave or just stupid.

I was tired of waiting for you.

I wanted my life back, so I took it.

You don't do that by enraging a m*rder*r.

And you don't catch the bastard by doing nothing.

It's better if he comes at me off-balance and raging.

And whose bright idea was that?

Mine. Sonya had nothing to do with it.

Oh, yeah?

So how'd you get the footage When I took your phone?

I had a backup camera in my pocket.

So you're covering for her.

She's not answering her phone.

Where is she?

She wanted a drink and went to a meeting instead.

Look, if it gives you any comfort, She's not too happy with me, either.

But she went along with it.

She didn't have a choice.

No one was talking me out of it.

Where's the aa meeting being held this week?

Excuse me.

Has anybody seen this woman?

Maybe you haven't heard.

We're anonymous for a reason.

Sonya's car is still outside.

Yeah. I'll check the ladies room.

Fin! I need help in here!


Sonya, you hang on there.

Hang on.

Central, send units and a bus to my location!

We got m*rder suspect in the area--

Bolo, bloody clothes, approach with caution!

Fin, help me.

Help me.

She can't breathe.

There you go.

I got you, sonya.

Sonya, you're gonna be okay. it's okay.

I got him.

Shh. Hold on.



I'm sorry.

A sharp blade transected the exterior jugular.

Blood loss was steady and fatal Without a pressure bandage and a field surgeon.

Is there anything under her fingernails?

Not that I can see.

Well, check the other hand.

I will when I get her on my table.

Melinda, this place is trashed.

Sonya fought back hard, and she lost, But she got him.

It's the last thing that she said.

He grabbed her from behind, Wrapped his forearm around her chin To free her neck for his blade.

But the attack didn't go as planned.

She went down swinging, and he lost control.

She'd be weak from air loss, liv.

Then she bit him.

Sonya knew that she was gonna die, So she went for his DNA.

It's what I'd do.

There's a hair in her throat.

I'll swab her mouth and check her stomach for his blood.

I'm really glad you're back.

I should've come back sosooner.

I'm fine.


Like hell you are.

Did you check the security logs From harding's office?

That's why it took me so long to get here.

I checked on every male who signed in In the last six months.

One name rang a bell.


David adams, but he doesn't exist.

So who was the ghost there to see?

Alicia harding's assistant, Rachel gray.

You're wrong.

David's a good guy. We've been seeing each other for months.

Meaning you didn't sign him in all the time, right?

It's not a big deal.

He's my boyfriend.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Rachel, david is a con man.

You're making a mistake.

David wouldn't hurt anybody.

I know him.

So he's the perfect guy?

I bet right now you're thinking about all the times That he asked about alicia.

Was he too interested?

Did he use you?

Was any of it real?

I'm not a fool, you know.

I can tell when I'm being played.

So maybe we're wrong.

But only david can straighten it out, So where can we find him?

He lives downtown.

I've never been there.

He's ashamed of his place.

I'll text you the address.

What's his phone number?

He doesn't have a phone.

I offered to get him one, But he was too proud to take it. I liked that.

So how you get in touch with him?

He calls me.

He checks in every day.


Think she's gonna call him?

She's in love with the sick bastard.

What do you think?

I set up a trace on the office lines An rachel's cell.

She calls the hump, we got him.

All right, she's dialing out now.

Looks like he's using a burn phone.

Got it...

Ads is uptown near riverside, A couple of bloks away from harding's place.

Pat her down and sender out.

I don't like this Well, we don't know what adams looks like Gotta smoke him o o somemew.

We even sure that he's gonna come after her.

He knows attacking sonya was a big mistake.

I think he's rattled e eugh to make another.

So what's his end game-- su1c1de by cop?

I bet he dreams about taking some of us with him.

He already did, and she's all he's gonna get.

Murdering bastard!

Alicia, no! No!

sh**t him!

Police! Drop the knife!

Let her go!

Back up!

I'm in control here!

Adams, take a look around.

This look like control to you?

You got a head shot!

Take it!

Shut up!


Not yet.

They want to take you alive.

Stick you in a cage.

Is that what you want?

Stop baiting him!

Adam grafton, 43, physician assistant.

He lived eight blocks away from the hardings.

He did a five-year stretch in lorton For r*pe and aggravated as*ault.

How'd he get such a light sentence?

We're lucky he got anything at all.

Victim was a prost*tute.

He beat her nearly to death.

Probably why we don't have any I.D.S on our jane does.

They must've been working girls.

He's not gonna to tell us anything.

Maybe he'll talk to someone else.

You moving?

I can't stay here.

That scum was in my bed, touching himself.

Well, make sure you burn the mattress.

You giving up?

The k*ller's caught.

Nothing left to do.

Well, we still need to identify grafton's victims.

Well, sounds like you've got your work cut out for you.

Thought you had a mission.

You know, I don't have the stomach for it anymore.

25 years of looking for this piece of garbage, And he gets a gym membership And cable, While his victims rot in the ground Or bleed out on a bathroom floor?


I need your help.

You know that he won't talk to anyone but you.

No, thanks.

Well, at least you have closure.

God knows his victims don't.

I will not have closure Until I bring vanessa's remains home.

And you and I both know That he is never gonna tell me where she is.

Probably not for a very long time, if ever.

But what about the families with missing daughters?

Or did you already forget what that feels like?

Has anyone ever told you you're a manipulative bitch?

When I boned your fat assistant, I'd pretend she was you.

Only way I could get off.

Who are you kidding?

We all know that you didn't touch her.

You like your women dead.


This is between me and her.

If she goes, so do I.

Then bend over, 'cause I got nothing to say.

I can do the news segment without you, But I'm here because I'd like to hear your side of the story.

No, you're not.

You want to know about your sister.

My sister's dead.

You k*lled her.

And you planted the clothes so you could find them later.

So what if I did?

Doesn't mean I k*lled her.

Maybe vanessa's not even dead.

Maybe she just ran away.

You know, I'm not interested, grafton.

I want to hear about the six women You dumped in that field.

Where did you meet them?

You usually work with a camera crew.

After I hear what you have to say and then check my facts.

Plus, you need a shave.

This is real?

I give you names, Dates, and locations, And then you tell my story.

If you cooperate, And if you tell us the truth.

This could take a while.

There's one for each year I've been living.

Took them in clumps.

Some years I didn't even hunt at all.

You k*lled 43 women?

44 if you count the lawyer.

Meat sack was asking for it.

Because she beat you, grafton.

Sonya paxton is the reason that you're going to death row.

I'll die of old age first.

Only reason I did her Is because alicia told lies, And she had to pay.

Let's start with the names of your new york victims, And then we'll move on to your maryland dumping ground.

So you know about that?

And I'd like to know more, Whenever you're ready.

Mostly girls, Runaways, A couple I snatched.

None of 'em put up much of a fight, though.

So you want me to go in order, List them from front to last?

Her name was annie pruitt.

God, she was sweet.

Picked her up in dundalk And took her for the ride of her life...
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