02x12 - Just for What I Am

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x12 - Just for What I Am

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Teddy: My wife was shot and k*lled by a man who was found dead of an apparent su1c1de.

We need a song for our single.

You and Deacon used to knock out future-number-ones between dessert and coffee.

Gunnar: Kelly Clarkson wants to record a song we wrote.

I can't. I'm really sorry.

Avery: Why is it so hard to be around him?

You still have feelings for him?

I don't know. Do you have feelings for Juliette?

There is no God that would listen to a crackpot like you.

There is no God.

Anchorwoman: Public outrage continues with cd burnings in dozens of cities.

[Sighs] How soon can we take off?

I cannot get out of here fast enough.

10 minutes tops.

And can you make sure wherever I play next, the protestors have to be at least 500 feet from the venue?

It's louisville, and I'm already on it.

Okay, I successfully shut down your Twitter account, and not a minute too soon.

You had over a quarter of a million unique tweets in the last 24 hours.

Wow. 250,000 people calling me names. Nice.

More if you consider the hashtags.

♪ GodlessBitch, ♪JulietteSucks.

Yes, I'm gonna need extra security.

What about the e-mail and the phone?

I'm working on switching those next.

This is insane.

The fact that I have to turn my life upside down because some kooks decide to manufacture a controversy?

They probably had to go out and buy my albums just to burn 'em.

Welcome to Belcourt Records, Deacon.


You messin' with me?

My partners loved your material.

Wow. That...

Thank you. Thanks very much.

This is our standard contract... Not a 360 deal.

Couple records with an option, small recording budget with an advance folded in.

I know it's been a long time since I was a signed solo artist, but...

There's a... lot fewer zeroes here than there used to be.

For all of us.

The only real money you're gonna make nowadays is through t-shirts and tour dates, and Belcourt won't get a cut of that.

So why sign me at all?

'Cause you wanna make albums, and we still put 'em out.

You mind giving me some time, see if I can find a better offer?

Zac brown: [Amplified voice] Y'all please give a big Southern ground festival welcome to a great new young singer... Miss Scarlett o'Connor.

[Cheers and applause]


["Free" plays]

♪ We live in our old van ♪
♪ travel all across this land ♪
♪ just me and you ♪
♪ we'll end up hand in hand ♪
♪ somewhere down on the sand ♪
♪ just me and you ♪
♪ just as free ♪
♪ free as we'll ever be ♪
♪ just as free ♪
♪ free as we'll ever be ♪
♪ we drive until the city lights ♪
♪ dissolve into a country sky ♪
♪ just me and you ♪

[audience cheering]

♪ Lay underneath the harvest moon You hear that?

Yeah! She sounds great!

I know, right?

And super-nice of Zac to have her on, too.

Oh, Zac's such a sweetheart.

He's really doing me a solid.

I know.

Hey, you get a chance to listen to any of those demos I sent over?

I did.

You know, I've got to write this song.

It's just... it's just got to come from me.

I'm actually waiting right now to meet up with somebody for a possible co-write.

Oh, yeah? Anybody I know?

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

I got to go.

All right.

Bye. [Cellphone beeps]

Hey! Fantastic performance, Scarlett. Well done.

Oh, thank you. I love playing Nashville.

Zac brown band is amazing.

Yeah, yeah.

I get to sleep in my own bed tonight!

Uh, well, not exactly, no.

I mean, uh... I mean, Luke's tour's on break, but you got a performance in Knoxville, you got six press engagements, you got two radio shows.

Plus, we got to squeeze in as many meet-and-greets as we can, you know.

Do I at least get a couple of days off?

Well... uh, sort of. U-um, hey, listen.

I-I talked to, um, uh, Kelly Clarkson's people about recording "Fade Into You," which is great.

Yeah, it is.

Yeah, but, you know, they were a little disappointed that you weren't writing anything else for her.

It was kind of a missed opportunity.

Well, it's just not gonna work out.

I mean, look at my schedule.

You know that better than anybody.

Good night. See you soon.

Female voice: The mailbox belonging to...

Juliette: Juliette Barnes.

Female voice: ... is full. Goodbye.

Damn it! [Cellphone beeps]

Swearin' on the job.

Scarlett not answering?

Wasn't trying her. We broke up.

What? [Sighs]

Because of who you were just talking to?

It wasn't any one thing.

Well, is she all right?

I mean, not that she cares if I care.

She's fine.

Well, are you all right?

You seem a little... hurt.


You've been in a good mood lately.

Changing the subject, are we?


That's the album I did with Liam.

I'm very proud of it.

Good. That... that's great.

It's all done, huh?

Well, I-it needs a single.

But I want to put something on there that feels really worthy of the heart and soul of the album, you know?

I don't want something on there I don't love.


And, you know, for better or for worse...

You and I have written a lot of hits together.

What are you asking me, Ray?

Well, I'm asking if you might consider writing a song with me.


[Chuckles lightly]

Hey. I'm looking for suite 14b.

Here to finalize a few details for my number-one party tonight.

[Chuckles] It's down the hall and to the left.

Okay. Thank you very much.


Excuse me, man.

I'm sorry.

I-I-I'm just trying to find my ASCAP rep.

No worries, man. I'm Jay DeMarcus.

[Chuckles] Yeah, I know you.

I'm... I'm a big fan of Rascal Flatts.

I'm Gunnar Scott.

Well, I know you, too.

You wrote "Ball and Chain."


Yeah, I'm going to the party they're throwing for you.


As a matter of fact, would you be up for writing some time?

With you? Uh, yeah.

Well, what are you doing this afternoon?

We could grab a room here for a couple of hours, maybe write another number-one for both of us.

[Chuckles] That sound good?

Hell yeah.


Great. Okay.

All right, man.

Great to meet you Mr. DeMarcus.

Oh, you got to call me "Jay," dude.

[Chuckles] All right, man.

See ya.

See ya. [Chuckles]

No protestors out front. That's a good sign.

No nothing out front. You notice the marquee was dark?

I know we're a little early for sound check, but still, this doesn't look right.

Wait... why are they loading my equipment onto the trucks and not off?

I am so very sorry I wasn't able to reach you all sooner.

Hey, what the hell's going on here?

Literally moments ago, the show got canceled.



The venue received a threat.

It's since been thoroughly searched, and nothing turned up, but the owner doesn't want to take any chances.

[Scoffs, mutters]

All right, we've got some downtime between Charleston and Raleigh.

We can just reschedule.

The company owner would rather not.

Besides his safety concerns, he takes blasphemy quite seriously.

Excuse me?

Hey, I don't know what this guy thinks he's doing, but we've got a contract, and the contract says...

With a clause allowing for cancellation in the event of public-safety issues.

You're gonna have a lot of pissed-off ticket holders when my fans find out that you've canceled it for political reasons.

They received over 6,000 refund requests before they pulled the plug.

Your fans were already pissed off.

♪ Home is the simple truth [Cellphone ringing]

♪ Of silence that rains upon my roof ♪
♪ home is an army of...

[Music stops, ringing continues]


Luke: Hey.

Rayna: You back yet?

Will be by tonight.

These kids aren't ready to come home, but I sure am.

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you.

As wonderful as it is to talk to you on the phone, it's a hell of a lot more fun being with you in person.

And, uh, I haven't seen you since the music festival.

Had to do press without you.

So, how you feeling about this party tonight?

You gonna go?

Yeah, I'm gonna go.

I mean, tonight has nothing to do with Edgehill.

You think you might want to go together?

I'll come pick you up.


Listen, I'm so excited to see you.

I just don't know if I'm excited to... be seen, by, you know... All those press people...

All that.

All right.

Well, I really do look forward to seeing you tonight.

I've missed you, Rayna.

I missed you, too.

Ohh. Thank you.


I was trying to make you some breakfast in bed here.

I have to be at the office in 20 minutes, though.

You got in at 3:00 A.M.

What the hell kind of case is this?

[Sighs] A big one.


And because of client confidentiality, I'm not allowed to talk about it.

But... I can talk about this.


Yeah, well, don't make a big deal of it.

That is a crap contract, which is, apparently, standard these days.

You can't get a better one with another label?

Yeah, well, in order to get a good deal, you got to be a big deal.

Or, you know, bring some kind of heat to the table.

Well, I don't know. I think you bring a lot of heat.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.

[Both laugh]

You know, in that department, something that might help is that Rayna just asked me if I wanted to write with her.


So, how does this help you pursue your solo career?

What do you mean?

Well, I don't know.

You just started writing... Finally... on your own and you seem to be feeling pretty good about that.

Well, yeah, I mean, but she's got a number-one single out there.

She's about to release a new album.

If we get this on it and it's a big hit, that... brings something to the table.

All right. Sounds like somebody's already made up his mind.

No point in heading to West Virginia.

Those venues are canceling, too.

So are the Raleigh and the Charleston dates. God.

These people signed contracts.

And they're prepared to take the financial hit rather than risk association with you.

Oh, thank you for sugar-coatin' that one.

Look, I didn't... Look, what I mean to say...

Is that there's nothing we can do.

What I want to hear is "yes, there is."

I've got the lawyers looking into the insurance claims and the legal action.

Edgehill's sending out Will and Layla to do some promo stuff to try and staunch the bleeding.

The only thing you can do right now is to go home.

Okay, so, after this radio thing, we have one more meet-and-greet.

Then we go home?


It's about a three-hour drive from here to Nashville, which should get us there just in time for the "Ball and Chain" number-one party.

Oh, no, no, no. I can't go to a party.

I-I'm so tired, I feel sick.

I-I don't want to go to that party.

Okay, well, I'm sorry you feel sick, but we... This is really important.

17 seconds, guys.

Oh, hey.

It's a pleasure to have you with us.

Thank you.

Come on in.

Hey, thanks. Nice to be here.

Listen, Scarlett, you're on Rayna's label, you're on Luke's tour.

This is a party for the writer of their number-one song, so you have to go.

All right, guys. Three, two...

And we're back with Scarlett o'Connor...

Just signed with Highway 65 Records by none other than the Rayna Jaymes.

Yes. Thank you so much for having me.

Hello, Knoxville!

No, it's...

No, it's Chattanooga. I'm so sorry.

I haven't slept in about six days.

That's cool, man, letting the verse breathe like that a little bit.

Yeah. I was thinking maybe we could...

Maybe we could cut it down a little bit, maybe lose the last two bars.

Let's try it. Why not?

All right. [Cellphone chirps]

I'm sorry. [Chuckles] I'll shut this off.

You got somewhere you need to be?


Yeah, no. It's just this thing with my girlfriend.

I can... I can get out of it.

We can pick this up later. It's cool... honestly.

She's fine. She knows music's a priority.

Give me a second.

[Ringing] [Clears throat]

[Cellphone beeps] Hey, you.


I'm gonna have to reschedule meeting with your friends today.

Me and Jay are kind of caught up in it right now.

Is that all right?

Yeah. Sure. We'll just... reschedule.

You all right?

I'm fine.

Okay. Well, um, I'll see you later, then.


[Cellphone beeps]

That is the third time he's canceled on me.

Is this your, uh, church-friends thing?


And you're annoyed?

Even though you just said you were fine?

He knows I'm not.

He should know I'm not.

See, that's... that's what confuses me about women.

You say one thing and mean another.

If you want him to go, you should just say so straight out.

Yeah, but, see, I don't want to not be supportive.

You know, everything that's going on right now is really huge for him.

Last thing he needs is that girlfriend, the kind that's needy and all up in his business.

As opposed to the kind that eventually explodes on him?

Just tell Gunnar what you're thinkin'.

Tell him what's going on for you.

Otherwise, how's he supposed to know?

Well, the controversy surrounding Juliette Barnes continues to plague the embattled singer's national tour.

Yeah, half a dozen venues in two states have canceled concert dates...

Some in a show of protest, others out of concern for public safety...

All the result of her comments on the subject of God.

[TV shuts off]

You don't need to be watching that.

Any news on the east coast dates?

Jeff: Maybe you'll get lucky...

And another disaster will hit the front page.

What are you doing here?

Came to speak with my artist.


You got somethin' to say, say it.

You know what you've done?

Nothing wrong.

You've done more damage to Edgehill Records than if you would have burned the building down with everyone in it.

I was taken out of context.

Yeah, and I have been taken to task by a CFO who has been telling me that our stocks have taken a huge hit.

And worse than that, I've had 10 influential radio programmers call me personally to say that they will not play you anymore.

It's gonna blow over. It has to.


No, Juliette, it doesn't.

Get out of my house.

Do you think you're talented?


Do you think you deserve this house?

'Cause I think you're just visiting...

That you're trailer trash hiding under a pile of sequins.

You should thank God for your good fortune, not deny he exists.

I never said that.

And that's exactly what you're gonna do... beg.

You're gonna beg, publicly beg this country...

And him... for forgiveness.

I'm not gonna lie.

You are a lie.

An uneducated, mildly talented lie.

And you know it.

And you will own this sin, whether it's true or not.

Am I making myself clear?

Am I making myself clear?!



Mm! [Laughs]

This is more like it.

I don't know how you think you're gonna play guitar with those greasy fingers.

Look, if I can play a guitar solo while I eat a triple-Decker cheeseburger...

Oh, the famous tripe-Decker cheeseburger...

You're damn right.

That inspired "Here I Go Again."


Which, by the way, we wrote right here on this floor.

Yes, we did.

Like so many others.


"Baby, I Don't Mind," "I Shouldn't Love You,"

"Take a Walk."

We didn't write "I shouldn't love you" on this floor.

Yeah, we did.

No, we didn't.

[Chuckling] Rayna, we did.

No, we didn't.

Okay, fine. Where'd we write it?


You know that riff you were playing earlier?

Try that lyric to it.


Aide: I'm reluctant to bring this up, but I thought you might want to know.

Seems Stoffel's family's claiming he's innocent and...


That man shot my wife.

I saw it with my own two eyes.

Obviously, they're in denial.

M-most families are when it comes to stuff like this.

But they went and hired a lawyer.

Hired a lawyer? To do what?

Pressure the police into investigating his death, I guess.

His family doesn't believe he committed su1c1de.

Wait. Who the hell did they hire?

Lot of security out there.

Not much choice. She expecting you?

Probably not, but hopefully, she won't mind me coming by.

Hold on just a second. She's in her bedroom.


Juliette? Someone's here for you.

[Knock on door]

You okay in there?

Juliette?! [Doorknob rattles]

[Door bursts open]


Oh, God.

Is she breathing?

Hey! Wake up! Juliette! Wake up!

[Slurred] Stop!


What are you doing here?

Don't you have a girlfriend?

What? No, not anymore.

Listen, are you okay?






It's really nice to meet you, Mr. Martin.

M-m-melson. Mr. Melson.

I've always liked your top-40 Sunday program.

Hey! Ready for your station visit?

Hope so. Brain's full.

[Sighs] You okay?

I just broke up with my ex-ex-boyfriend because of weirdness with my ex-boyfriend, who's now dating my ex-best-friend.

And that's why I couldn't write the Kelly Clarkson songs with him.

And now you want me to go to his stupid number-one party.

D-do you maybe have a friend or, you know...

Somebody you can call and talk to?

Not really, no.


Why don't I, uh... I'll go in there and talk to the station people and I'll tell them you're running a little behind and, you know, you can have a couple minutes.

Is that good?


Okay. Great.


But y-you're gonna be able to go to the party, though, right?

Yes, sir.

Okay. Great.


You should probably get something in your stomach.

Ugh. Can't.

You don't have to stay.

Bo's here. It's fine.

Well, I'm not going anywhere. [Sighs]

Suit yourself.

Did I hear you right?

Did you say that you and your girlfriend broke up?

Yeah, but it was over a long time ago, really.


Anyway, I'm more worried about you.

[Chuckles] Why? 'Cause I drowned my sorrows?

Hey, at least this time, I didn't try to kiss you.

You think people get what they deserve?



What I mean by that is, you deserve all the success you've earned.

You sure as hell don't deserve all this nonsense they're putting on you.

I know you believe.

That doesn't matter anymore.

Everything's gonna go away.


So what if it does?

Then I'm a whole lot of nothin'.

I disagree.

You're a beautiful person with a great voice.

Yeah, that and a couple bucks will get you a cup of coffee.

I don't know. I think it'd get you a little more than that.

[Melody plays]

♪ Well, you know how it goes ♪
♪ when you meet somebody that you like ♪
♪ somebody wanna hold somebody ♪
♪ but you just can't stand to think about somebody ♪
♪ as another somebody becoming someone else ♪
♪ when it all goes to hell ♪
♪ why can't we keep it ♪
♪ on the sweet side? ♪ sweet side ♪
♪ see how it feels ♪
♪ to take a slow ride ♪ slow ride ♪
♪ this time ♪
♪ wouldn't it be nice just to find ♪
♪ somebody that you like ♪
♪ somebody wanna hold somebody ♪
♪ and you didn't have to worry about ♪
♪ losing somebody ♪
♪ 'cause you pushed somebody a little too hard too fast ♪
♪ I could use some of that ♪
♪ I wanna get back ♪
♪ on the sweet side ♪ sweet side ♪
♪ I wanna get back ♪
♪ on that slow ride ♪ slow ride ♪
♪ want every kiss ♪
♪ to give me butterflies ♪ butterflies ♪
♪ see that old "baby"

♪ "come here" look in your eyes ♪
♪ this time ♪
♪ this time ♪

[both laugh]

Wow. That was, uh...

That felt like yesterday.

[Chuckling] Yeah.


[Footsteps approach]


Hey. Oh, hey. Sorry to interrupt.

I just need to grab a file that I forgot this morning.

No, no. It's...

I'm... I'm, uh... I-I got to go 'cause I got to go get ready for that party tonight.

Oh, yeah. Gunnar gave me an invite to that thing.

Oh, good. So, are you gonna go?

I think so, yeah.


Definitely see you there, then.

All right.


All right.


It's a good song.

[Door closes]


Hey. We wrote a song.

Wow. [Chuckles]

She just... left, or...?

Yeah. We're done.

Wow. You look great.

You too.

I just got to grab my coat.



So, this isn't, like, a big deal, and I don't want to be any sort of downer on your special night, but I just had something I wanted to be honest with you about.

Yeah, of course.

Earlier today, when you canceled on me, it was...

The... the friend thing?

Yeah. And it was the third time.

And it just kind of... Hurt my feelings that you haven't made time for that.

Okay, well, I-I didn't mean to.

I was just... Trying to write a song...

With Jay DeMarcus.

I know, and I wouldn't have asked you to do anything differently in that moment.

I just wanted to be honest about how I felt.

Okay, but if I didn't need to do anything differently, why are you giving me a hard time about it?

I'm not. I'm just... I'm talking.

You're... You're criticizing, really.


Okay, so, you would rather not hear from me when my feelings are hurt?

No, of course I want to know if I've hurt your feelings, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

You know, any songwriter I know would understand that.

I mean, hell, Scarlett would get it.

Wait. What?

Okay, so, she was a better girlfriend than me.

That's what you're saying?

No, no. Come on. I mean...

[Scoffs] Unbelievable.

Wait. Where are you going?

To the Bluebird, to spend time with people that actually want to be with me.

Hey. Wait, wait. Come on.


Take Scarlett to the number-one party.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Camera shutters clicking]

♪ I get along without you, baby ♪


Oh. Hey.

You're the last person I expected to see at this party.

I'd rather not be.

If you could help me avoid Gunnar, that'd be great.

I haven't seen him.




Long time, no see.


[Chuckling] Hours.


Hi. How are you?

How are you?

I'm so glad you're here.

Bucky tells me it's been going great out there.


Speaking of great, how 'bout that new song we wrote, huh?

I was thinking that we might even have room in there for a little solo.

After the bridge.

After the bridge.

Do something a little short?

Yeah, we can do that.

You guys are writing together again?

Yeah. I thought my new album might need a little Deacon magic.

[Chuckles] You brought a little bit yourself.

Oh, well...

[Cheers and applause]

Woman: Yay, Gunnar!


Is she all right?

Long story.

Juliette: This is a terrible idea.

Avery: I haven't even told you what we're doing yet.

People have been torching my image, okay?

The last place I need to be is in the line of fire.

[Sighs] Look, I know you're scared.

I'm not scared.

At... all.

[Indistinct conversations]

♪ What if you wanted to feel alive? ♪
♪ Make something of the time you're k*lling? ♪


[Laughs] [Chuckles]

Well, it's true.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

You look beautiful.

Well, thank you.

I'm happy to see you.

You too.

Hey, there they are.


Hey, let's get a shot of Luke and Rayna together.

But, uh, favor the Edgehill artist, if you don't mind.

[Chuckles] Wow.


I'm surprised you want me in the picture at all.

I'm surprised you're even here, seeing that you did nothing to promote this song.

But the deejays still played it anyway, so how 'bout we holster our g*ns and enjoy the party?

Oh, I love a party.

I love an opportunity to be able to promote my new label.

If you'll excuse me...

I'll see you later.


Do you represent lowlifes of all kinds or just the ones who end up in the paper?

First it's Claybourne, now it's Stoffel.

Mr. Mayor...

I saw him k*ll my wife, and you have the audacity to claim that he's innocent?

No. I'm fully aware Stoffel...

Oh, you're fully aware.

Okay, then why the hell are you representing his family?!

Because Stoffel left a wife behind, and I know what it's like to be her.

Oh, do you know what it's like?

I know what it's like to wake up every morning
and turn to look for your spouse and realize he's not there and he never will be again.

I want to know who was behind Stoffel's death and why he k*lled your wife.

And, by the way, I don't believe he committed su1c1de.

I mean, yes, he was bitter about losing his job at Hollander Enterprises, but his family didn't...

Wait, wait, wait.

Who'd you say he worked for?

Hollander Enterprises.

I'm sorry to interrupt. Can I borrow you for a second?

Uh, excuse me.



I'll be right back.

Come on.

Where are we going?

Well, we haven't had a second alone, and pretending we're just duet partners is exhausting and depressing.

It is.

Look, I need to make something clear.

I know I didn't support you buying yourself out of Edgehill, but it wasn't my place to say so.

I'm just... An opinionated bastard.

You are an opinionated bastard.


But that's kind of one of the things I like about you.

I'm trying to apologize here.

You don't have to apologize to me.

And that's one of the things I like about you.

You just said the opposite of what I thought you were gonna say.

Um, you surprise me.

Well, I like a man who's strong in who he is, what he believes in.

[Inhales sharply]

God, I want to kiss you.

The minute you kiss me in front of all these people, that's it.

We're done. We are a celebrity couple.

We can't go anywhere... Out shopping or on vacation...

Without people taking our pictures and swarming us.

I don't know if I'm ready for that.

I am.

You are?

Yeah, I am.

It's just... yeah, I just think the situation is...

What, complicated?


It is. I know.

You got two kids, I got two kids.

Hell, I missed you so much, I almost told them about you.

Had to stop myself.


Figured I'd see where your head's at first.

I think my head is trying to catch up with my heart.



I'm willing to wait.

I'll take a rain check on that kiss, too.


Pony up, folks!

This young lady might be somebody someday, and you can all say you heard her when.

["Everything I'll Ever Need" plays]

♪ I got rain, but I got shine ♪
♪ I might be older, but I still got time ♪
♪ even when the words don't rhyme ♪
♪ I still hear a love song ♪
♪ I've been broken and I've been bruised ♪
♪ all I had, I had to lose ♪
♪ no more singin' them worn-out blues ♪
♪ been singin' 'em way too long ♪
♪ I don't know, whoa, whoa, what keeps me rollin' ♪
♪ but I know, whoa, whoa, what gets me through ♪
♪ the sound of angels when I hear your voice ♪
♪ I surrender, I don't have a choice ♪
♪ the fire that burns between you and me ♪
♪ everything I'll ever need ♪
♪ everything I'll ever need ♪
♪ everything I'll ever need ♪

[Song ends]

[Cheers and applause]

Thank y'all.

Thanks for coming out tonight to the musicians hall of fame to honor this very talented young songwriter.

And Luke and I were just so thrilled to be able to sing on this record.

That's right. That's right.

Now, maybe y'all would like to hear the story about how this hit song just fell in our laps.

Uh, I was trying to get some shuteye, and I couldn't 'cause I heard Gunnar Scott down by the pool workin' on this sweet little song with a pretty girl.

Uh, yeah, that would be Highway 65 recording artist Scarlett o'Connor, right back there.

Uh, anyway, I knew as soon as I heard it it was gonna be a hit single.

So, let's all raise a glass to Mr. Gunnar Scott.


[Crowd cheers]

Way to go, man.

Hey, brother. Cheers.


Hey, congratulations.

Thank you. Thanks for coming out. Thanks, brother.



So, I hope this means we're... past all the weirdness and we can get back to being friends again.

You really think it's a good idea for us to just go back to being friends again after what happened?

Look, I know a lot of mistakes were made and...

I mean when we were singing with Kelly Clarkson.

You didn't feel that?

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

That thing that... That always happens between us when we sing together.

I'm sorry, Scarlett. I...

I was just playing a song.

I mean... All I felt was the music.

Excuse me.


[Scarlett crying]


[Crying continues]

Hey, honey, what's going on?

[Sobbing] I...


[Voice breaking] I have no control over my life.

And I didn't want to come to this party.

You might have weird codependent relationships with your ex-boyfriends, but I do not.

What are... What are you talking about?


If you say jump, he will always ask how high.

[Sobbing] I can't take this anymore.

[Door opens, closes]

[Indistinct conversations]

Mr. Fordham...

You're welcome.


Oh, dude, I'm sorry.

Hey, man.

We got to stop meeting like this.

Well, I'm glad we did.

I want you to meet my wife, Allison.

Hi. Nice to meet you. Congratulations.

Thank you so much.

Where's your, uh, where's your girl?

Uh, you know, she... She couldn't make it tonight.

You know, for a long time I thought music had to be my only priority.

Uh, yeah, but I cured him of that pretty quickly after we met.

Hey, you got to make it right with your girl.

'Cause there's so much more to it than all of this.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

I'll see you around, buddy.

All right, brother.

Take care, man.

Take care.

Nice to meet you.

Somebody in love?


What's not to love?


Duane Eddy's original signature guitar right there.

Whole lot of twang come out of that thing.

She's a beaut.


Hey, congratulations, man. Another number-one.

That's something else.

Hey, right back at ya.

What do you mean?

Well, I got a buddy works over at Belcourt Records.

I heard you got offered a solo deal.

Yeah, well, it ain't Wheeler-sized.

Aw, hey, any kind of deal in this day and age is good.

I mean, especially when you're starting out.

I mean, you're not... Exactly starting out, but you're... Kind of starting out.

You know what I mean.

Yeah, I'm a little late to the fair. I know.

You passed up a lot of opportunities when you were younger.

I'm just saying it's nice to see you putting yourself back out there after so many years of being somebody else's support system, you know?

You deserve to stand on your own. [Pats arm]

Well, we have enough for burgers and beers.

I know a place pretty close by.

I'm just not feeling up to it.

But you had fun, though, right?

I mean, you looked like you did.

No, I did. I did.

Doesn't mean that my life's not falling apart and... everybody's not turning on me.

Ah, that's just Jeff getting to you.

You don't get it. It could all go away.

Maybe Jeff's right.

Maybe I should apologize to everybody before I have nothin' left.

You'll never have nothin'.

I mean, I saw you tonight.

How you love the music, you know?

I mean, just... playin'.

And those people responded...

Not to Juliette Barnes, but to you.

To how much fun you were having, to how good you were.

I just need to... Go home and think.

I'll see you later?


Hey, Bo. Could you come pick me up?

Yeah, I'm downtown.

♪ Well, where were you last Saturday ♪
♪ all dressed up so pretty?

♪ With your blue-eyed ballroom boy ♪

Excuse me, guys.

♪ In Oklahoma city ♪
♪ in Oklahoma city why aren't you at your party?

Look, I didn't mean to compare you to Scarlett.

What we had was a... Was a whirlwind.

We skipped a lot of the normal beats, you know?

We were writing together, performing together, living together.

My brother died, and... and suddenly, we were this thing.

But that is nothing like what I have with you.

Okay, so, I'm not a Scarlett replacement.


That's good.

But I keep inviting you into my world, and you're too caught up in your own to care.

Okay, you're right.

But you got to understand this...

This isn't just a job.

This is... This is my dream.

And the last couple weeks, it's all just been coming true.

I don't want that to stop.

Neither do I.

But if it does, I'm still gonna be here.

All right, next time you want me to meet your friends, I promise I will not cancel, okay?


How 'bout right now?


Hey, guys. This is Gunnar.

Woman: Hey! How's it going?

Man: What's up? How are you?

Gunnar: I'm good. How you guys doing?



Did you have fun?

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Yeah, it was a great party.

It's a great song.

Not as good as ours, but...


[Both chuckle]

It was real nice working with you again.


It was really fun.

Probably not something we should do again anytime soon.

I don't think we should.

You got your label takin' off, I got this shot at a solo career.


Feels like both our lives are really moving forward.

Might be a little too easy to fall back into those old patterns.


All right, well...

I'll... I'll see you.

All right.


You must miss Lamar.


I apologize for not making more of an effort to come by and offer my condolences.

That's not why I'm here.

Did you know Donald Stoffel?

The man who shot my wife?

Only from the papers.

You sure about that?

Because, see, I found out something very odd today.

A few years ago, he worked at Hollander Enterprises.

Good for him.

Yeah, I was... I was wondering how you were gonna play this.

Seems you've gone with "dumb."

Mr. Mayor...

Hollander Enterprises was an off-the-books subsidiary of Wyatt lndustries.

And Lamar's name may not be on the paperwork, but he did talk business from time to time at dinner, even while claiming it was bad manners.

I have no idea what you're suggesting.

I'm suggesting that your boss has a connection to Donald Stoffel.

It's my understanding that paranoia is a component of post-traumatic stress.

Terrible thing.


Because I didn't give him his city contracts back?

Because he thought I was a witness for the grand jury?

As ordinary citizens, neither I nor your former father-in-law had access to any sort of witness list.

After all, what kind of information could you offer the prosecution?

Rayna's crash, Lamar's arrest, Peggy's death...

You seem to attract all sorts of bad luck.

I am so sorry I couldn't make the party last night.


Well, better be one hell of a case.

'Cause you're missing out on all my big career decisions.

Oh, I am?

[Chuckling] Yeah.

I decided to sign with Belcourt.


Gonna focus on my music.

Wait. And not write with Rayna?

I hope this isn't on my account.

No, no, no. All me.


[Both chuckle]


Rayna, I... I'm so sorry.

I just slept 12 hours straight, and I-I was exhausted yesterday.

I-I have no right to comment on your personal life...

Not ever.

It's okay.

Come on in.



You don't have to apologize to me.

That's not why I called you over here.

Let's have a seat.

I do want to talk to you, though.

You got so much talent, girl.

But it takes more than that.

You got to want it so bad that you're willing to be exhausted, that you're willing to be on a bus night after night, that you're willing to show up at your ex-boyfriend's party and pretend you're having a good time...

'Cause you want this more than you hate all those other things.

I do want it.

I'm not gonna apologize for asking a lot from you, 'cause that goes with the territory.

But if you want to get out of this right now, there is no shame in that.

[Inhales deeply]

I never wanted to be a singer.

Wasn't any plan I had. It just happened to me.

And I didn't know how hard it was gonna be.


But I also didn't know what it would feel like out there...

On that stage.

All those people, all those faces, the energy that comes off of them, the way... They react to my music is...

Is magic.

I do want it.

I love it more than I hate all those things.

Then you got to let that drive you.

Mr. Mayor?

I know who's behind this... Who ordered the hit.

It was Lamar Wyatt.


What are you doing here?

I made my decision.

I'm gonna need you to write a song with me.

Where's your guitar?

Thank you for these beautiful flowers.

Well, I figured I'd be getting a yes or a no today.

Oh, you did, did you?

Yeah. Regardless, you deserve some flowers.


Well, that's very sweet.

I have been thinking about you a lot.


I don't know... What would happen if we were to make it official?

"Ruke"? Or "Layna" or whatever. [Luke laughs]

I have never understood that name-combining thing.

I haven't, either.

Then again, I guess I've never been in this situation before.

What situation is that?

What... We're both huge stars?

Feels like something worth investing in.

I'd love that.

And, hey, you know I am never gonna be "Mr. Rayna Jaymes," just like you're never gonna be "Mrs. Luke Wheeler."


We'll still be our own people.

"Layna" aside.

You mean "Ruke."


Well, my girls are gonna be coming home soon.

Might be nice for you to meet them.
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