01x19 - Why Don’t You Love Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x19 - Why Don’t You Love Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

No, Maddie is my daughter,
no matter who her biological father is.

Listen, that performance tonight was great.

I'd love to lay down a demo.

I love you. That is the truth.

I would like to propose a new alliance... the two of us.

Go. Just get out.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.

Where's Dante?

(Emily) His phone is going straight to voice mail.

There's another $475,000 missing.

You've reached Dante Rivas. Leave a message.


I hired your security firm because I do not want the police involved.

Then let's be clear... you're letting Mr. Rivas get away with half a million dollars.

Okay, allow me to be clearer.

I can make that money back in two nights.

What I can't get back is my reputation, which would be ruined if this gets out.

And I've had enough bad press this year.


What about her credit cards?

We've frozen all of them.

We're tracing every charge he might've tried overnight.

(Cell phone rings)


Can you get that, please? I'm not taking any calls. (Ring)

As far as I'm concerned...


Dante does not exist to me.

He means nothing to me.

And the money means even less.


I'm not taking calls.

You've just been nominated for a C.M.A. award.

Female vocalist of the year.



(Man) Congratulations.

This is the best news.

I haven't won yet.

(Sets down glass)

Which is even more of a reason why this should never get out.

You know one thing that hasn't changed at all?

Mm. What?

You still steal all the covers.

(Laughs) I do not.

Yes, you do.

You throw 'em off.

(Laughs) I'm freezing.

(Laughs) Let me warm you up.


I do not ever want to leave this bed.

It feels like you didn't.

(Whispers) Yeah.

(Cell phone rings)

Oh, the phone's been ringing off the hook...

(Sighs deeply)

(Ring) All night.

You know what? No. Nope.

(Ring) I've been waiting 14 years for this.

I get you all to myself.

Okay. Have me.

(Ring) Mmm.

Oh. Um...


It's Maddie. Oh, okay.

I'm sorry.

Hey, sweetheart. What's going on? (Clears throat)

Did you see?

You're nominated.

Female vocalist of the year.

It's all over Facebook and Twitter.

Oh, my gosh!


And Juliette's nominated in the same category, too.


Can I stay home today so we can go shopping for your dress?

No, honey. I will see you when you get home from school.

I can't wait.

We'll talk all about it.

Okay. Bye, mom. Love you.

Thank you for that news. Bye.


I just got nominated for female vocalist of the year.


Mm-hmm! (Laughs)

(Laughs) Congratulations.

Thank you.

(Both laugh)

You made me forget all about the C.M.A. nominations.

I did that?

You are good.

I'm something else, huh?

Yeah, you are.

(Exhales deeply)

You surprised the hell out of me last night.

I surprised the hell out of myself.

Wanna get some breakfast?


Maybe in a minute.

(Cell phone rings)


(Touch screen clicks) I'll call you back.

Bye, Buck.




(Laughs) Oh, my God.

(Ring) You know what? Just take it.


You can't fight this.

Hey, Marshall.

Congratulations, Rayna.

I know! It's exciting.

It's a special day.

Yes, today's a very special day.


(Touch screen clicking) Hey, great news about your mom, huh?

Yeah. I wanna make her something special.

It's her ninth nomination, which happens to be my favorite number.

'Cause you're 9? (Scoffs)

Maddie, I, uh...

(Clicking resumes) I got the e-mail from your school about the father-daughter dance tomorrow night.

Well, I have a report due, so...

No, you don't.

Shut up.

Okay, girls, please. Come on.

Daph, will you, uh, will you give us a minute?


Thank you.

All right, listen.

I know we've been going through a rough time.

And I also know that you think I'm responsible for a big part of it, and maybe you're right.

But don't... don't punish me by punishing yourself.

Talia's going with her father tomorrow night, right?

I guess.

Look... if you don't want to dance with me, that's fine.

Just let me take you to the party so you can spend some time with your friends.

I'll think about it.

Okay. (Huffs)


You might need something a little stronger for your hangover, though. (Laughs)

Back home, we drink, uh, pellet tea.

Oh, my God.

It's rabbit pellets. It kills headaches.

Yeah, I know what it is. That's really disgusting, Will.

So, um...

Gunnar tell you about our night?

No. I was in so late, and he was already asleep.

So I figured you guys were just... at it again.

(Laughs) What about it?

You, you big party animal.


We got so drunk. I didn't know what I was doing.

Being a horse's ass, probably.

Yeah, well, the booze isn't slowing this boy down.

(Chuckles) I mean, he gets up on stage.

Next thing you know, a producer wants to cut his demo.

Which song?

(Clears throat) Something you haven't heard.

Oh, would you play it for me later?

I can if you want, but, uh, you probably won't like it. It's not your thing.

No, he's just being modest.

Don't you have somewhere to be, Will?


Yeah. (Coughs)

It's... it's... it's cool. I'm...

I just came to get some, uh...

(Clears throat) some things.

And, uh, for some coffee.

For which I am eternally grateful.

No worry.

(Taps guitar)

(Door opens)

Are you all right?

(Door closes) You know he lives upstairs and not down here, right?

Am I witnessing the death of a bromance?

Can you not call it that? It's stupid, all right?


Well, you guys spend all your time together, and it's nice. You're like brothers.

So you think he can walk in here and just replace Jason?

'Cause he can't.

That is not what I said.

And definitely not what I meant.

(Touch screen clicking) Get me a meeting at the label this afternoon.

I wanna know how Marshall plans to support my nomination.

And I'm expecting a full media campaign, not a nickel spared.

You haven't slept since yesterday.

Are you sure I can't get you anything?

(Knock on door)

The only thing I want is that crystal award on my mantel.

(Door opens) Hey.

Sorry I'm late.

(Whispers) It's okay. Just...

Is this about her nomination?

Hey, baby, I heard about it on the radio.

I'm so excited for you.

Will you get her credit card?

What, you're cutting me off now?

No. It's just a security precaution.

Honey, what the hell happened here?

(Clicks keyboard key)

Look, you were right about Dante, okay?

But he wasn't cheating on me. He was just... plain cheatin'.

He made off with half a million bucks after the show.

Baby, I'm so sorry.

I... I am so sorry. I feel like it's all my fault.

For br...

No. Don't. Stop. No.

It's not about you, okay? Don't make a scene.

I'm not making a scene. But, honey, you trusted him.

And he was your...

I know what he was.

And I know what he is now.

Dead to me.

Emily will get you another credit card.

Hey, babe!


I just got your text.

I'm on my way downtown, but I really do wanna know, what's your news?

You have a lot of energy, and I am very tired.

(Whispers) I know I do.

(Keys clatter)

Remember that thing that we were talking about?

No. What thing?

"The thing"... the slutty thing?

Oh, the slutty thing.


With Liam?

Yeah, right.

Not with Liam, exactly.


Uh, I went over to Deacon's last night.

(Whispers) How was it?

It was great.

It was?

It was great, yeah.

How is it today?

Great. Wonderful.

It's just... it's just all so complicated.

Oh, sweetheart, it is always so complicated with you two.

I know.

You know, here we are, finally after all these years, we can be together.

And now the sort of... stark realities of...

Let's not borrow trouble.

It was just one night.

It was a fling.

No. It's never just gonna be one night with him.

It's not gonna be just a fling with him.

Deacon and I have a relationship.

We have always had a relationship.


You just got out of a 14-year marriage.


With the two of you, it is always gonna be all or nothing.

Are you sure that's what you want?

Are you sure that's what he wants?

You got a rock solid thing with Stacey.

And you're willing to throw all that over for one night with Rayna?

Look, I didn't plan for this thing to happen, but... there it is, you know?

I can't pretend it didn't.


Look, go back to Stacey. Beg her forgiveness.

She's an amazing girl, all right? But... she's not Rayna.

It's different, all right? You know that.

And you know Rayna's like family to me.

But she has been nothing but trouble for you from day one.

That is not... you don't understand.

I don't understand?


First drink always tastes good going down.

All right, you need to stop talking about Rayna like she's some kind of addiction to me, okay?

(Sighs deeply)

What about Audrey? Could you live without her?

So what, is she some kind of addiction to you then?

Or maybe she's just the love of your life?

Audrey hasn't been messing with my mind all these years.

It's different this time.

Oh, it's different?


Okay, fine. Okay, but you ask yourself this... are you willing to blow up your whole life without knowing for sure?

(Marshall) Congratulations.

Ah, thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you.

Congratulations. Thank you.

(Sighs) So where's your new manager?

He couldn't make it.

Well, I'm sure he's over the moon.

What an incredible turnaround you've had, Juliette.

Thank you. You know, I can't help but think it's got something to do with my new material.

Speaking of which, we're hoping you'll do your new single at the nomination party tomorrow night.

Of course. I would love to.

And I'm hoping that I can count on Edgehill to court votes, help me win this thing for real.


We plan on supporting all our nominated artists.

Rayna's won four C.M.A. awards.

This isn't gonna mean much to her, but it does to me.

I want this, Marshall.

Obviously, you're free to do all the campaigning for votes you want.

But here we have certain budget constraints that...

Well, then I guess it's a good thing that I don't.

Besides, I've learned in this business the only person you can rely on is yourself.

(Rayna) You are the sweetest thing.

They are gorgeous. I'm looking at 'em right now.

(Door closes)

Oh, you know what? Maddie's home.

I'm gonna call you later, honey. Thank you.

I'll talk to you later. Bye.



Hi, babe.


Ohh. How was your day?

Better, now that you're home.

I'm glad it's your week and not dad's.


Because he's making me go to that stupid dance with him.

Can you please try and talk him out of it?

No, I'm not gonna talk him out of it.

He's excited about that. It means a lot to him.

And you know your dad loves you very much.

That doesn't mean I have to like him.

It'd be good if you did like him.

(People speaking indistinctly)

Sorry I'm late.


I'm thinking you're about to stand me up.

No, I wouldn't do that to you.

I was thinking about our conversation last week, and, uh, what you told me about Teddy's cumberland deal.


I'm not interested in being a pawn for either you or your father.

So... you're content on putting Nashville's best interests aside as well as you're own?

Teddy's not a bad man.

(Scoffs) You're kidding, right?

Well, you thought enough of him to get him elected mayor.

That wasn't my choice.

And that was before I knew what he was capable of.

Before he started canceling Wyatt lndustries' contracts.

I thought you stood for something, Cole.

And I thought there was a difference between you and your father.

The label picked up 11 nominations, including you and Juliette.

So, yeah, the party's on the riverboat.


So anyway, she'll perform first, uh...

Look out.

Excuse me.

And then you.

By the way, uh, Liam sent over some mixes for your album, and there was a torn up plane ticket inside?

(Inhales sharply) St. Lucia?

Yeah. He's not too happy with me right now.

Don't ask.

Okay, well, we gotta get the album finished.

I know. We'll get it done. Listen, Liam is a big boy.

He's not gonna let anything get in the way of getting that album done.

Don't worry about that.

Um, excuse me a quick second, okay?

(Indistinct conversations)


Okay, we got about three and a half minutes before the whole world comes looking for you.

Everybody's been talking about these nominations.

All I can think about is last night.

Me, too.

I was thinking, maybe after the show tomorrow night...


We go up to my cabin...


Hide out...


A little moonlight, a little canoeing.

(Chuckles) A little canoeing?

Yeah, we probably won't canoe.

(Both laugh)


How's that sound?

That sounds so good.

But I, um...

I have the girls this week, so...

(Inhales deeply) we got a little celebration planned.

You know, hot chocolate and s'mores. That kinda thing.

That's even better.

I love me some s'mores.


I can do that.

All right, well... let's see what happens.


I mean, I'm a mama now.

So I got kids and all kinds of mundane things that aren't really the stuff that romance is made of.

Rayna, I love your kids... and all that mundane stuff.

(Avery) ♪ ... Couldn't take it ♪
♪ I gave you all my dreams ♪

That's pretty much just what I've been waitin' for.

♪ You tore them at the seams ♪
♪ and you couldn't fake it ♪

So if you're asking me if I'm looking for a way out here...

I'm not.

♪ No ♪

(Whispers) Good. Me neither.

♪ This is the morning of the rain ♪

Let's just take it slow, okay?

♪ This is the healing from the pain ♪
♪ this is the water for the stain ♪
♪ this is the morning of the rain ♪

(Whispers) Is that slow enough for you?

♪ Oh, can you hear me when I'm calling, calling? ♪
♪ oh, can you hear me when I'm down, down, down? ♪
♪ oh, can you hear me when I'm falling, falling? ♪
♪ oh, will I ever hit the ground, ground, ground? ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ this is the morning of the rain... ♪

(Man) What do you think you're doing?!

You're supposed to be loading out and not sittin' on your asses, playing music.

Yeah, we were just taking a little break.

Well, break's over.

Just do your damn jobs.

I wanna go full court press.

I want all of this sent to every member of the country music association.

I'm not sure we have enough bobble-heads.

Well, then order some more.

You know what? Get 'em those little bottles of Dom... the little cute ones.

But you do realize there are over 7,500 C.M.A. members.

What's your point?

Just that at $100 a pop, and with the money that Dante took, you're looking at over a million dollars.


Would you just order the bottles?

"g*n for a mouth"... I mean, that is a k*ller title. (Chuckles)

Thanks, man.

Hey, you get a chance to listen to those other demos?

You mean the ballads?


They're cool.

That's not what I heard the other night.

I just thought maybe we could track a couple of those, too.

You know, why don't we hold on to those?

Okay, let's focus on that raw, kind of crazy side of you for this demo.

(Chuckles) All right?

Now you free to record tomorrow night?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, man. 100%.

Good. I'll book the session.


(Sue panting)


Good boy.


Yeah. (Clears throat)

I hope you don't mind. I let myself in.

You don't have to do that.

No, I know.

No, seriously, don't.

I'm sorry. (Chuckles)

I'm sorry I didn't call you.

I'm so... (Exhales deeply)

I just needed a little time.

(Whispers) No, it's all right.

You know, I know that I... was being stupid and I overreacted.

(Normal voice) No. You weren't overreacting.

I don't... what does that mean?

I don't even know how to say this.


Are you...

(Sighs) are you ending this with me?

I'm sorry, Stace. Um...

Oh. So I wasn't being paranoid about Rayna.


(Exhales) Did you have sex with her?

It's more than that.

Yeah, no, I get it. I get what it is.

I mean, you actually start to make a life for yourself, and then suddenly she just has to have you back again. That's...

I didn't mean to do this. I didn't wanna...

(Sighs) I'm sorry, Stacey. I didn't...

You know, we could have had something.

(Sighs) We did... have something, I thought. Just...

(Sighs) Oh, my God.


(Sighs) No, you have to stay, baby.


Stacey, take him.

He'll be a lot better off with you, anyway.

Yeah, you're damn right he will. Come on.

Let's go.

(Door slams)

Mm. I do not wanna end up being trashed on the worst-dressed list.

I need something that is classic.

My assistant's out pulling bags, shoes, and jewelry.

Can I have another one, please?

Yeah. Can I get anyone anything else?

No, thanks. Just water.

Honey, maybe you oughta slow down on those mimosas.

You know, you've already had three.

(Scoffs) Funny, you never used to count when you drank.

You know, I know you're upset about Dante, but...

Mama, I'm having a mimosa, okay?

That's not the kind of drink that people have when they're upset.

When they're upset, people drink vodka.

Just 'cause you have a problem doesn't mean that I do.

(Sighs deeply)

Is this a joke?

No, it's my resignation letter.

Yeah, I see that.

What, are you... you still catching heat over those canceled contracts?

Yes, but that's not the issue here.

All right, look, you're not on the council anymore.

You don't have to please everyone.

And if you're trying to send a message, I can make that good in some other way.

It's become clear that the only interests being served through this office are yours.

Anyway, I'd like to thank you for the opportunity.


I took a stand for you publicly.

What has it been, a month? Two?

Why are you doing this now?

Look, you can tell the press I've gone off to take care of my family.

I don't know what you think you're accomplishing by this, but it's not gonna bode well for your political future.

I can promise you that.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)
(Door opens)



You, uh, going off to meet your producer?


(Door closes) You play that song for Scarlett?

(Locks door) Nope.

You ain't gonna tell her it's Jason's?

(Sighs) Sorry, man. That's cool. It's just... it's between the two of you.

I just thought maybe you're making more trouble for yourself by not saying anything. You know what?

I don't need life advice about my girlfriend, okay?

(Scarlett) Hey, guys.

(Gunnar) Hey.

Guess what.

We just got invited to the Edgehill C.M.A. party tonight.

Tonight? Uh, I'm supposed to be recording.

Um... oh, your demo. Oh, no, that's... that's okay.

Don't worry about it.

You know what? I'll... I'll push the session, okay?

(Sets down case)

No, I don't wanna mess up your day.

And you need to record the mystery demo. (Laughs)

No, it is your record label, okay?

And I don't want you to go alone.

I'll go with her.

(Chuckles) That could be fun.

Um... as long as it's all right with you?


Yeah, no problem at all. That's fine.

You two have fun, okay? (Sighs)

I gotta go. I'm late.


Good luck.


You don't think there's something bothering him, do you?


Okay, so Jennie will be here tonight with Daphne when you bring Maddie home.

Good. Okay.

'Cause I'm gonna be at the Edgehill...

Right, right. Congratulations, by the way.

Well, thank you.

And I hope that y'all have a really fun night tonight.

You know, Maddie and I, uh, we need some healing in our relationship.


And, you know, the way I handled things with Peggy...

I, uh, I know was hurtful to you guys.

And I'm sorry the way y'all had to find out.

I, you know, if we're... if we're being honest with each other...


Deacon and I might be...


I don't know. It's very early. It's a bad idea.

Oh, okay, I'm so glad that I was honest with you.

I know you, I know you, and there is no way you can be in a relationship with him without the truth coming out.

Excuse me.

Do you have any idea what's at stake?

Of course I do.

(Maddie) Close your eyes!


(Clears throat)

Okay, open.



Oh, my gosh.


You look gorgeous, baby.


(Chuckles) Oh.

Oh, I forgot my lip gloss.


Take your time, honey.



I am Maddie's father, her only father.

Do not thr*aten that.

I would never, ever do anything to hurt her or you.

Just honor the agreement we made the day our daughter was born, and if you can't handle that, then break it off with Deacon right now.

(Cap rattles)

You sure you don't want me to come with you tonight?

I could stay over.

No. I'm fine. Bo will drive you home.

(Cell phone chimes)

(Bottle clatters) Besides, mama's practically moved back in, anyway.

(Whispers) Oh, no.


(Normal voice) Nothing that can't wait.

Emily, spill. What?

(Sighs) The security people got the details on those credit card charges.


What'd Dante buy himself now?

A $17,000 diamond ring.

(Clicks teeth)

I'm guessin' that's not for me.

(Country music playing, camera shutters clicking)

Hi, there. Hi.

Hey. Why don't I meet you in the back?

All right. Yeah. Thank you.

Would you take me to the back?

(Rayna)Hey, y'alll.

Rayna! Juliette! A picture together!

Hey, how are ya?



(Woman) How does it feel for you two touring together, and now competing in the same category?

Well, if you're expecting a catfight, you're not gonna get it.

We have a lot of respect for each other.

I think the nomination will bring us closer together.

I do, too. Mm.

(Under breath) Okay, too close.

(Under breath) Honey, that perfume you're wearing is 80 proof.

Let's get one last shot with my leading ladies, huh?

(Man) This way, please!

What a great night this is gonna be.

(Man) Rayna, over here!

(Man) Juliette, over here!


(Reporters all shout at once)

(Juliette) ♪ it must have hit me ♪
♪ when I wasn't looking ♪
♪ woke up dizzy ♪
♪ I can't remember nothing ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ but your sweet blue eyes ♪

You know, I've... I've heard you sing this song in your room.

Is this of your favorites?

Kind of.

Can we please go home now?

(Sighs deeply)

♪ Down, down ♪

Maddie... let me tell you something.

You mean everything to me. Everything.

The day you were born... that was the best day of my life.

What about the day Daphne was born?

Okay, one of the two best days of my life.

What about the day you got elected Mayor?

A thousand times better.

One day, when you're older, you are gonna understand some of this parent stuff, I promise you.

I already do. You guys are both weird.

Yes, we are. (Chuckles)

Come here. Come on.

Dad, you're messing up my hair.

Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Can I please have just one dance?


Come on.

♪ Is electrifyin' ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ rushing through my veins ♪
♪ I try to fight it ♪


♪ But I'm having this ♪
♪ I'm no match for ♪

(Man) Just big fans. Sure hope you win this year.

I appreciate you all saying that.

Juliette? A minute, please.


(Dustin Lynch) ♪ what a country boy's after ♪
♪ she cranks, she cranks, she cranks my tractor ♪

Yes? I've been leaving messages all over for Dante.

I wanna talk to him about your awards campaign.

Make sure he talks to me tonight.

He is not here.

Why not?

Because I... fired him or he quit, but either way, he's gone.

I'm sorry. I heard you two were close.

Mnh-mnh. You heard wrong.

Yeah, regardless, you're gonna need someone to help you out, especially for the C.M.A. awards.


Maybe you should call Glenn.

No. Let me... let me get something straight, okay?

This... I don't need anybody.

How many is that for you, Juliette?

What is it with y'all counting my drinks?

Is this not a party? Jeez.

♪ She cranks, she cranks ♪

Whoo! Brother, that is the one.

Thank you.

Come on. We got it.

So? How'd it feel? It feel good?

Uh... yeah. Great, I guess.

If you got more like that one...

(Chuckles) You do, right?

Yeah. Yeah. Um...

Check this out. Um...

Something here?

Let's see.

Whoa. That's, uh, that's pretty dark stuff.


Yeah, not much of that in country anymore.

These days, it's all about beer and pickup trucks.


I'll take that as a compliment.

Look, I'm not gonna lie. Looking at you, I don't really see much of an outlaw.

Is this just a persona, or is this stuff true?

No, it's... it's all true, except where statute of limitations don't apply.

(Chuckles) I'm just messing with you.

(Laughs) Yeah.

So, man, what's, uh... what's the next step?


Hey. (Door closes)

You look kinda gorgeous.

Thank you.

You look kinda handsome.

Yeah, I haven't seen much of you tonight.

Come here.

(People speaking indistinctly in distance)


I just feel like... you know, all these cameras around, we should keep a low profile.

Is that all?


Something's wrong. Now what's the matter?

Tell me. Talk to me.

You know what, babe?

I just can't... talk to you about it right now.

Don't do this again, okay?

Don't do what again?

You know, you're pulling away...

(Juliette) There you are!

Just hold on a second, okay? You're not talking to me.

You're not, all right? I don't...

Oops, sorry. I got a little something called a show.

I know what we're doing, all right?

Just go pull yourself together, and I'll be there in one second.

Thank you.


Rayna, tell me what's wrong.

Babe, I can't.

You know what?

Until the end of the leg of this tour, you still work for me.

I just can't right now.

Get your butt down there!

Get out of my way and do your own damn show.

Oh, what, you quit?


Well, I quit you!

I am so tired of you!

(Door closes)

Well, guys, we have a slight problem.

I have to be on stage in five minutes, and I'm short a guitar player.

(Indistinct murmuring) We have people waiting out there... people who vote.


I can play.

And you know my set?

Been watching every night.

All right, then, well, good.

Somebody get him a guitar.

Oh, and by the way, I changed my mind about doing the single.

I have something a little more appropriate.

And, you, whatever your name is, don't screw up.

(Chuckling and murmuring)

(Woman) We'd love to hear your music.

(Will) Thank you.

Just let us know where.

I sure will.

Will you excuse me? I will be right back. I'll be a second.

All right.

Scarlett! Where you been?

There are some great people here you need to meet.

Oh, I'm really not very good at that kind of thing.

You belong at this party.

Uh, I wasn't even on the list until this morning.

So what? Who cares? You're here now.

So get to work.

On what?

Put yourself out there.

Tell people you're Rayna's first act.

I'm not gonna brag about that. It's weird.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

I'll brag for you. Come on. Let's go.

(Laughs) No.

Excuse me.

(People speaking indistinctly)

(Crowd cheering and whistling)

(Man) Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Edgehill-Republic recording star Juliette Barnes!

(Amplified voice) Hey, y'all.


How you guys doin'?

You know, I'd like to propose a toast to my manager who couldn't be here tonight because he's getting engaged.

♪ You come walking 'round here ♪
♪ acting like we're something ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ then you up and disappear ♪
♪ and make it real clear that we're nothing ♪
♪ I've been used ♪

I thought he was her roadie.

♪ Damaged by you ♪

I thought your Uncle was her bandleader.

Yeah, I don't know what's going on.

♪ Oh, I been used ♪
♪ now I'm crying ♪
♪ by you ♪
♪ now I'm dying ♪

What happened to Deacon?

♪ 'Cause I've been used ♪

Well, we talked.

♪ Guess I knew ♪


Not good. Not good. ♪

'cause that's what ♪
♪ you do ♪
♪ well, I gave you what you asked ♪
♪ you gave me nothing back ♪
♪ now, did ya? ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ it's like I was your drug ♪

Damn it!

♪ Till the fix wasn't enough for ya ♪

(Honks horn)

♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ I've been used ♪
♪ damaged by you ♪
♪ 'cause now I've been used ♪
♪ now I'm crying ♪
♪ by you ♪
♪ now I'm dying ♪
♪ yeah, I've been used ♪
♪ guess I knew ♪
♪ 'cause that's what you do ♪
♪ that's what you do ♪
♪ oh, I've been used ♪

(Song ends)


Thanks so much for letting me play tonight.

I hope I did all right by you.

You weren't half bad.


So I need a job. You hiring?

(Both chuckle)

I'm serious. How did he take it?

Oh, he was surprised and confused.

I think it's good, severing ties early with both sides.

Keeps you clean in the public eye.

Tandy, Lamar, Teddy.

They've all got their g*ns staring down each other, and... I guess all I gotta do is just get out the way.

And when the dust settles, you'll be there to take the job that should've been yours all along.

We'll see.

Good job.

(Rayna singing indistinctly)

♪ Ready or not ♪

(Rayna singing indistinctly)



Do you believe in fairy tales?

What kind?

Uh... the one about the poor little girl who turns into a glamorous star.

You mean princess.

Isn't she supposed to end up with the handsome prince?

Or does she just get screwed over frog after frog after frog?


I think you're mixing up your fairy tales.

You know what I think about fairy tales?

I think that they're just lies we tell ourselves about love.

'Cause they're all a load of crap.


(Cheers and applause)

(Man) Great show, Rayna.

Thank you. Congratulations.

Hey, how are you?

(Woman) Well done.



Hello! Hi, sweetie.

Oh, my goodness. That was amazing.

Oh, thank you. I'm glad you could make it.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah. Have you seen your, uh, your Uncle around?

Uh, no, I haven't, actually.

Uh, this is my friend Will.

Will Lexington, ma'am.

Oh, hi.

Pleasure to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

My very talented neighbor.

Actually, I have a demo with me if you're interested.

You know what? Why don't you introduce him to Bucky?

And I will listen to that as soon as I get a chance.

(Chuckles) All right? Bye, sweetheart.

Bye. See you soon.

I can't believe you just did that.

Okay. Watch your step.


All right.


(Groans) There we go. Up you go.

Okay. All right. There you go.

You got any water back here?

You're gonna wanna drink a lot of it.


How would you like to come home with me?


That's... that's not a good idea.


Great. I can't even pick up a roadie.

(Car door closes)

So... any word from Deacon?


Man, he can read me like a book.

It's just gonna be really hard.

(Car doors closing)

I don't know what to do.

You're gonna do what you've been doing for years.

You're not gonna say anything. Right?

I have a ride, so I'm gonna send you home.


Night, Buck.

(Mouths word)

Bye, sweetie. Love you.

Thank you.



(Door opens)

(Door closes) Go.

Hey, what are you doing?

(Engine rumbling)

I don't know what you're hiding, or what it is you're afraid to tell me, but... it doesn't matter.

It just doesn't.

You and me got so much damn water under our bridge.

(Sighs) Sometimes it's like we're drowning in it.

Well, to hell with all that.

What matters... is you... and me.

Right here.

Right now.

Hey. Hey.

Listen to me.

You can tell me everything, or you tell me nothing at all.

You can't tell me you don't love me.

'Cause that's the one thing I will never believe.


I love you. (Sighs)

(Voice breaking) I love you so much.

(Gunnar) ♪ no, you're not the only one ♪

(Door opens)

♪ With a g*n ♪

(Door closes) Baby?

♪ We kept on talking till the morning light ♪

How's your night?

♪ And the night wasn't night anymore ♪

Do you want to know how my night was?


What are you listening to?

Just... just give me a minute.


(Through speakers) ♪ but you're not the only one ♪

Hey, what are you...

No, no, no.

♪ With a g*n for a mouth ♪

Well, that's different.

Oh, "different," huh?

It's really good. No, no, it's great.

I just never heard you do anything so angry before.

It's great.

(Turns off speakers) Yeah?



♪ I'm quittin' the bottle ♪
♪ at the end of the day ♪
♪ wanna be there for heaven ♪
♪ let it open the gate ♪
♪ I'll give up the lyin' ♪
♪ if you're gonna stay ♪
♪ I'll be quittin' at the end of the day ♪

(Teddy and Maddie laugh)

Oops, sorry.

Oh, boy. Yeah, it is late.

You've gotta be exhausted after all that dancing, huh?

But I had the best time.

I did, too, honey. I did, too.

Thanks for letting me be your date.

♪ Gonna lay down my g*n ♪

I kinda wish you and mom were still together.

I liked it better when we were all a family.

I know. Come here.

♪ 'Cause I'm quitting at the end of the day ♪


Put me down. I'm good.

♪ Hold on ♪

I'm good.

I... I got it. I got it.

♪ a couple more hours ♪

I got it. I'm good.

♪ I'll be home ♪
♪ ready to lay in your arms ♪
♪ don't ♪
♪ change your mind ♪

(Gunnar sighs)

(Inhales deeply)

You took Jason's song?

♪ Don't say it's over ♪


♪ I'm-a fix what I've done ♪


♪ I will lay down beside you ♪

It's just a song.

♪ Gonna lay down my g*n ♪
♪ the struggle ain't over ♪
♪ but I hope you will stay ♪

That's all.

♪ 'Cause I'm quittin' at the end of the day ♪
♪ I'll be quittin' at the end of the day ♪
♪ yeah, I'm quittin' at the end of the day ♪

Mm. I still love that song so much.

God, this feels so right.

I wish we could've done it years ago.

(Inhales deeply)

(Exhales deeply) Who knows?

Might have had a family of our own by now.


Why are you always here?

You're drunk, baby.

I am not.

Yes, you are.



The apple doesn't fall far, does it?

Get up, get up.


Here's some water.

No, oh, no. Stop. Stop.

Stop trying to help me.

Nobody can help me.


What is it with me?

(Voice breaking) Why doesn't anybody care?

Baby, I care.

I could've loved him, you know.

I could've.


I know. I know.

(Cell phone rings)





Where are you?

Do you have any idea what you've done to my daughter?

Give it to me.

(Speaks indistinctly)

Give it to me.

You've got...

Give it to me.

What the hell do you want?

What kind of tape?
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