01x18 - The List

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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01x18 - The List

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wa, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah ♪
♪ Whoo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
♪ You can flip 'em off, baby ♪
♪ You can treat them all so rude ♪
♪ You can scream at a honey ♪
♪ Like an amplifier, too ♪
♪ Well, you go for broke ♪
♪ When you go spent up all your youth ♪

Looks like you could use some one-on-one time, darlin'.

♪ ♪

(chuckles) Relax, baby.

It's all good.

You and me are gonna have fun.


Oh, God.

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 1x18 ♪
The List
Original Air Date on March 24, 2015

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

I know-- it was fun.

(laughs): I'm still thinking about that creme brulee.

Okay. Talk to you later, Sam.

Brody. Chris. How we doing?

Brody's doing good.

Had a hot date with the good Dr. Wilkins last night.

It's the third one this month.

Grow up, Lasalle.

Sam made me dinner.

Cooking for you-- getting serious, huh?

We're taking it slow, but things are good.

How good?

(sighs): So, dead sailor.

According to the bouncer, our victim came into the club around 2:00 a.m.

No doubt looking to take some liberties on liberty.

Apparently, it was Krazy Kostume night.

Packed house.

Pride: Doc Wade.

Never thought I'd see you in aoint like this.

Well, believe me, I've had my fair share of New Orleans after dark-- or in this case, the crack of dawn.

Victim is Petty Officer 3rd Class Peter Karp.

(flashbulb popping)

26. Time of death approximately 3:00 a.m.

w*apon appears to be some sort of small-caliber g*n.

Let me guess-- our sailor's the recipient of a lap dance.


We know who was giving?

NOPD interviewed all the dancers on the scene.

None copped to spending any... quality time with Karp.

We're looking into the ones who clocked out before the body turned up.

No security cams.

Thick walls and loud music.

Pretty much mask the sound of a g*nsh*t.

Yeah, well, it masks the sound of a lot of things.

Got a partial print.

That... along with a little something extra.

Working theory: Karp brings some girl back here...

Uh, more likely girl brought him.

So I'm told.

Brody: What if the sailor tries to take it a little too far and someone comes in and intercepts?

Intercepts and sh**t?

(groans) Seems like an overreaction.

Pride: So how about... another club-goer has an issue with him... waits for the dancer to leave, and then slips in unnoticed?

Bouncer would have frisked any patron that entered for weapons.

Standard procedure these days.

So you're told.

Exactly. Or what if our perp wasn't a paying guest?

a*t*matic lock.

Got some residue here.

Looks like someone taped over the plate, kept it from latching.

So our k*ller...

Got help from the inside.

Special Agent Brody.

How about a statement for the press?


Didn't know you were back in the States.

Yeah. Well, you would have if you'd returned any of my calls.

Sorry. You know how it is.

New job, new city.

Well, they clearly, uh, agree with you-- you look good, M.B.


So... what a you doing in New Orleans?

I'm doing a feature for the Picayune.

Historical architecture of the Crescent City.

Far cry from the front lines of Falluja.

I can tell you all about it when I buy you a drink.

Still as presumptuous as ever.

Is that a yes?

I, uh... I-I can't.

I'm-I'm swamped.

The case.


Great seeing you, though.

Don Julio.


One lime.

Who was that guy?

James, my ex.



Our victim, Petty Officer Peter Karp.

Hull technician on the USS Abigail Adams.

He was on liberty after a ten-month deployment.

Ten months?

That's a long time to be out at sea.

No wonder you found dude over at the strip club.

I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking.

Don't you have servers to upload or motherboards to crack?

There's so many things wrong with that sentence, it hurts.

So Karp left the Abigail with some shipmates.

Got lost along the way.

All right.

Patton, follow up on the "inside job" angle at the club.

Run backgrounds on all employees.

Chris, Brody, head over to the Abigail...

Track down Karp's shipmates, find out what they were doing last night.

I'll head over to the morgue.

Hey, I'll be happy to run recon at the club, y'all.

Not necessary, P.

So, Brody, fiancé.


Spending the rest of your life with someone-- that's pretty major.

Would've been.

What happened?

Long story.

I got that.

You really want to know?

He was already married.

Polygamist. Damn, I didn't see that one coming.

He was married to his job, Lasalle.

And you're not?

I'll drive.

No, no, no, I got this.

It's my turn.

Was-- till I got my new ride.

(engine starts)


What about that, Brody?

Boys and their toys.

Man: Auxiliaries division reported at 0700 for morning quarters.

That's when the OOD got your call about what happened.

Parents are on the East Coast.

CACO's already notified them.

Sorry for your loss.

It's a damn shame.

This whole incident.

Karp never did manage to hit his stride with us.

Why is that?

Despite the chief mentoring, we got the sense Karp never saw a real future here.

To be honest, I was never sure why he joined.

The men you're looking for are outside.

Thank you.

Man: We were all pumped to get to New Orleans.

Right before liberty call was announced, Pete suddenly decides he doesn't want to go ashore.

Know why?

XO set a three-sailor liberty party rule.

Needed Pete to round out our group.

Luckily, we were able to talk him into coming along with us.

Went to the Quarter to check out this band Tiny Universe.

Karl Denson.

That guy's the man.

Pete enjoy the show?

Thought so, but... during the set break, Pete says he's stepping out for a smoke, never came back.

You guys follow protocol?

To a T.

Ran into some guys from A-g*ng.

We told them what was up, and then we split into groups looking for him.

After a couple hours of searching, we just figured Pete had gone back to the ship.

The slug fragmented into dozens of shards.

When I recover all of them, I'll pass them off to Sebastian to do a reconstruction.

And the organic substance found in the footprint?

We're still analyzing it, along with some foreign fibers we found on the victim's body.

Sounds like you've got things under control.

I'm gonna go get some coffee.

Can I grab you a cup?

Oh, love one, but I am off caffeine, sadly.

Three-day juice fast.

Six hours in, still going strong.

You're... trying to lose weight?

Oh, no, no.

I never really had to worry about my physique-- sort of been lucky that way.

But the occasional liquid fast, it's a great way to just reset your internal motor, flush out all those toxins from your lymphatic system.


Brussels sprouts, kale, alfalfa.

It's nature in a cup.

Is this a social visit, Sebastian?

Oh. Yeah. So, I ran a cross-fiber analysis on the material that you culled from the victim's body.

Turns out they are strands from a synthetic feather that's been coated in a red, acrylic paint.

Coincidentally, very similar to the type that I used to create my Hawkman costume for Comic-Con 2006.

You've been to Comic-Con, right?

Never had the pleasure.

Oh, must do. Super must.

Anyway, the feathers that were found on your victim could also have come from a costume, since it's common knowledge that dancers like to adorn themselves in festive garb.

Which means I have something in common with strippers.

Go figure.

Yeah, okay, well, I'm gonna ask Patton to follow up.

Thank you, Birdman.

Oh, it's actually Hawkma...

Close enough.

Patton: So, I pulled photos and ran background on some of the dancers who were working at Scores the night of the m*rder.

Starting with the top row, we have...

Vegas Show Girl...

Peacock Lady...

Voodoo Priestess.



Oh. Sorry, I took a little detour.


All right.

We got Roarin' Twenties Flapper, Pocahontas and-- hang on...

Oh. So that's how the Pride-man rides, huh?

So, Wonderful World of Disney?

You do realize my daughter's about the same age as these girls?

Moving on.

See, Sebastian found pieces of red, synthetic feathers on our victim.

Okay, background on Pocahontas--

Peggy Mitchell.

She been working at the club for over a year.

Record is clean, but she has a bad habit of picking wrong guys.

Find out where she lives.

Apartment, New Orleans East.

But you ain't gonna find her.

Baby girl got the day job.

Eli? Eli, what did I say about eating sand?


Yeah, I remember him.

He was in the club last night.

Watched me perform.

Just watched?

He watched me do my thing for a little while, and then, requested some private time in one of the champagne rooms where we get our best tips, so I agreed.

Anything seem unusual or off about him?

He was pretty loaded.

Not a happy drunk, either.

Kept going on about how he wasn't even supposed to be in the Navy.

Apparently, he went to med school.

Supposed to be a big shot doctor.

Um, doctor's a completely different track than an enlisted sailor.

Well, whatever his track, the jerk started demanding items that weren't... on the menu.

When I refused, he got upset, made a scene.

He lay a hand on you?

I know how to handle tantrums.

I calmed him down, and told him I'd send in an... another girl.

One with a more eclectic menu?

And did you?


I wasn't gonna reward his bad behavior.

I figured he would get bored waiting or pass out.

I clocked out soon after.

Is he in some kind of trouble?

He's dead.

Lasalle: Pocahontas' alibi checked out.

Neighbor was walking his dog when she arrived home at 2:30 in the morning.

Well before our victim was shot.

Checked into Petty Officer Karp's education history.

Turned out Peggy was right.

He did two years of med school before taking a leave.

What for?

Record said, administrative review, but when I called the school, they said his file had gone missing.

That's convenient, to say the least.

(phone chirps)

Doc Wilkins?

Oh, ex-fiancé.

Keeps texting me about meeting for drinks.

Oh, must be tough, Brody-- torn between two lovers.

So, I finished the digital reconstruction of the b*llet...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there, buddy.

Sorry. The nutrients are making my synapses fire faster than usual. (sighs)

As I was saying, I finished the reconstruction, and as it turns out, your victim wasn't k*lled by a b*llet.

Say what?

He was k*lled by two.

Karp only had one entry wound.

That's correct, but the w*apon released two b*ll*ts in tandem, one right after the other.

I'm running them both through NIBIN now as we speak.

Tandem b*ll*ts indicates an older w*apon, possibly exposed to high heat or humidity.

Yeah, it was probably left outside.

Seems like today is full of surprises.

Pride: What?

The g*n that was used to k*ll Petty Officer Karp was used in two previous murders.

Both unsolved.

Two of something can be chalked up as coincidence.

Yeah, but three's a pattern.

Pride: Which means, we may have a serial k*ller on our hands.

Okay, so now, in addition to Petty Officer Karp, we got two other unsolved cases.

Todd Foley, age 34.

k*lled in his car, execution style, back in 2009.

Ryan Cash, 26, shot coming out of a mini-mart in 2012.

All three... k*lled with the same g*n.

Brody: Vics were male, ages 18 to 35.

The similarities end there.

Murders occurred in various locations across the city.

Plus, the timing's all over the place.

Until last night, the g*n hadn't been used since 2012.

Yeah, Karp was Navy; Cash and Foley were civilians, so that rules out any military vendetta.

There's got to be a connection.

Christopher, take Brody over to your old stomping grounds.

See what you can shake loose on our two unsolved cases.

Lasalle: Thanks for helping us out, Mack.

Yeah, typical Sally-- only calls when he needs something.


Oh. Picked that one up as a newbie.

Kid would come into the locker room, we'd all start belting out: ♪ Mustang Sally! ♪ at the top of our lungs.

All right, all right, Mack, how about those cold jobs?

Yeah, okay.

Pulled this from the archives.

Looks like you've got your hands full.

Yeah, well, you can thank the City Hall for that.

Last five years, force has shrunk almost 30%.

Makes our job damn near impossible (phone rings) to...

Duty calls.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, Mack.

Lasalle: All right, our first dead guy, Todd Foley, he had a serious drinking problem.

Three DUI's and a bunch of drunk-and-disorderlies.

As for the other case, says here six months before Ryan Cash was k*lled, he was arrested in a drug-related drive-by.

Charges were dropped.

Say why?

Court records are missing.

That's not a surprise the jacket's incomplete.

When I was NOPD, requests were always getting lost, records misplaced.

Sounds frustrating.

Yes, it was.

(phone blips)

That ex of yours, he is a persistent young lad.

Have to give him that.

Guy's a reporter-- he lives for the chase.

Playing hard to get-- that probably only fuels his fire even more.

I'm not playing hard to anything.


I'm over him. End of story.

If that was the case, you wouldn't mind meeting him for a drink.

Have a drink, catch up, then end the story.

Brody: So, mister, you really came all the way to New Orleans to do some puff piece on architecture?

Yes, I did.

You have some lovely architecture here.

It's very beautiful. Um, you have the lovely cottages in the, um...


Yeah, right. And then, uh, gallery houses in the...

Garden District. Yes.

Garden District. Oh.

This one, you don't know.

Then, so in the CBD, in the-- you have these hidden attics, right, where they used to do...

(laughing) speakeasy during Prohibition.

(whispers): Fascinating.

So obviously, I'm not here to... talk shop.



I'm here to see you.

I can't do this.


Is it because of a psychiatrist called Wilkins?

(laughs) Ace reporter.

Well, that's what I do.

I dig the dirt.

Well, there's no dirt to dig on Sam-- he's a great guy.

He's sweet, attentive, and nothing like you.




Just sayin'.

So you're still sore that I took that job in Afghanistan, then?


We were planning a wedding... looking at houses, then you get this call, and... you're gone?

You took off.

It was the opportunity of a lifetime, wasn't it?

If the situation was reversed, you would have done exactly the same.

Oh, come on, let's not talk about the past.

We should live in the present.

(chuckles) Thank you.

With our old friend, Don Julio.

No, you didn't.

Yes, I did.

Now, this is what we used to do.

This is when we used to have fun.



♪ ♪

Pride: Hey.

7:00 a.m.

Early bird catches the worm.


Or in this case, a strip-clubbin' sailor.

I looked deeper into Petty Officer Karp's missing disciplinary record.

Couple of weeks before he enlisted into the Navy, a classmate accused him of sexual as*ault.

But as the investigation ramped up, Karp dropped out of school... and joins the service and gets deployed.

Effectively disappears.

Karp's accuser-- what happened there?

Person I talked to said the woman was frustrated, wanted to put it behind her, so decided not to pursue the case any further.

Navy wouldn't have been aware, because without formal charges...

Wasn't on Karp's official record.

(phone blips)

Sebastian Lund.

"Got a hit on some evidence from the strip club. Come check it out."

Wake Brody up.

Tell her to meet us at the lab.

Hey, sneaking out on me, huh?

It's a... it's a work thing.

Right. (groans)


So, last night was...

A mistake. amazing.

Well, I guess we'll agree to disagree.

(laughs): James, you and I don't work.

It seemed to work well last night.

You know what I mean.

Between the two of us, you taking off with a moment's notice, me working 24/7... we're never gonna have a normal relationship.

Is that what you want, you want normal?


Pride: What's the word,


Oh, hey, guys.

I was just finishing up my... breakfast.


I smell cinnamon rolls.

I may have had one.

With the sugared icing?

Of course.

Juice fast not all it's cracked up to be, huh, buddy?

Are you kidding?

No, I feel awesome.

I only got... 36 hours to go.

Oh, my God.

Stay with us, bro.

Sorry I'm late.

I was just...

Caught in a windstorm?

Is that the...

(chuckles): same shirt you had on yesterday?

So, Sebastian, what's going on?

I'm still working on getting a match off that footprint from the club.

Something wrong with the cast?

No, the print was lifted perfectly.

It's the gait pattern that's all hinky.

See, typically, shoe tread leaves a raised impression, but this one's almost entirely smooth.


It's possible that your k*ller's quite the fashionista.

High-end dress shoes, like the ones made in Europe, tend to have smooth soles.

I did, however, draw a firm conclusion about Th.

The material you found in the footprint.

It's your common variety Bryophyta-- which is a fancy way of saying moss.

Moss grows almost everywhere in this climate.

It's gonna be tough to narrow down the k*ller's playing field.

Yeah, but this particular sample is coated with a grainy residue-- it's indicative of a specific type of coal that's produced by the LeCroix Coal Factory.

Based on the high levels of carbon, I suspect that the moss grew within a half mile of it.

Anyone up for a nature walk?

Oh, I wish I could, but I am feeling real lightheaded.

May be time for some food you can chew, bud.

Before the storm, used to come down here and get the best étoufée you ever tasted.

Why hasn't this area been rebuilt?

Federal recovery dollars were based on property values.

Resources never made it here.

Politics left the heartbeat of this city underwater.

Here's the coal factory.

Just need to find the moss.

Moss doesn't grow in the sun.

Let's check under the bridge.

Lasalle: There's our moss.

Brody: We'll get a sample.

All right.

Y'all want red beans and rice, got to wait in line like everybody else.

Go on, Boogie.

Don't be shy.

Make me use these rheumatic hands to pile it on for you.

You're an angel, Mama.

Sure smells something special.

How long you been down here serving?

Mm, nearly two decades now.

Hard times come and go, but around here we're like family-- take care of our own.

Dwayne Pride.

Teresa Combs.

Mama T.

Reverend Billy baptized my daughter.

Spoken highly of you.


Don't believe everything he says, you hear?


You'll excuse me?


Man: Have a blessed day.

Lasalle: Hey, King! Over here!

Pride: Todd Foley.

Brody: Ryan Cash.

Peter Karp.

All the victims written here.

Must be a brag list.

Guys, another name--

Kevin Heller.

Pride: That looks new.


Running his name on global locator.

The man's still alive.

This isn't a brag list.

It's a hit list.

The fourth name on that wall is Kevin Heller.

32-year-old auto mechanic from Metairie.

No response at work or home.

Put a BOLO out on him-- hopefully, we'll get a hit.

Preferably before our k*ller does.

Here's something.

I had a handwriting analysis done on each day-- turns out none of them were written by the same person.

Triple P went double deep on victim number one...


You guys were right-- he couldn't lay off the sauce.

Check it out.

Five months before his m*rder, the bastard got loaded.

Took the wheel and k*lled a teenager on a bike.

Why wasn't he put behind bars?

Faulty Breathalyzer.

Cops couldn't prove that Foley was drunk.

Death was ruled accidental-- no criminal charges.

Which is why it didn't show up on his record.

Foley got a lucky break.

He wasn't the only one.

I looked into the drive-by Ryan Cash was involved in.

Turns out Cash turned state's-- testified against a big-time drug dealer, got immunity and all charges were dropped.

Like we said, two times is a coincidence...

And Petty Officer Karp's sexual as*ault-- that makes a pattern.

If all the names on that list were un-convicted perps...

Then the connection between these murders is vigilante justice.

Lasalle: So what did Kevin Heller do to get his name on that list?

(phone beeping)

Got a hit off the BOLO.

Heller's been spotted near his house.

Go roll him up.

(cat screeches)

Brody: Ironic, isn't it?

Protecting a guy who's a criminal?

Might be a criminal.

Well, his name's on that wall for a reason.

What happened to "innocent till proven guilty"?

Come on.

You and I both know things fall through the cracks.

Maybe so. But if you bust the foundation down over a few measly cracks, the whole house is liable to come down.

That our guy?

Can't tell.

It's too dark.

Lasalle: Watch this.

Kevin Hfller?

NCIS. We need to talk.

Guys, I-I'm not a criminal.

I-I'm telling you the truth.

See that wall?

First three people on this list are dead.

Lasalle: The fourth name on that wall--

Kevin Heller, you.

So whether you want to admit it or not, someone out there thinks you're guilty of something.

Look... we're trying to help you.

All right? It's more for your protection than anything.

Okay, um... (sniffs) about a month back, I'm-I'm...

I'm minding my own business, cops roll up on me outside the Federation Bar, and they start accusing me of k*lling a guy.

They said I was beefing with him over some girl in the bar.

Not true?

No, I-I've never been in the Fed Bar.

What were you doing outside?

I was taking a walk.


Brody: So to recap--

I.D.'d at the scene of the crime, no alibi, and name on a vigilante hit list.

And your response is: "I was taking a walk."

What do you...? I don't know what to tell you!

I'm sor... okay?

They got the wrong guy.

So, you know what?

If you're not gonna arrest me...

Can't force you to come with us-- just know there's a bull's-eye on your back, Kevin.

I'll take my chances.

Pride: So Kevin Heller doesn't want our protection, huh?

That's an understatement.

It's weird. It's like he was scared of something.

Being on a hit list, probably.

No, something else.

Delivered a few minutes ago.

Good doctor's got good taste.

That is, if it's from the good doctor.

You gonna open up that card?


Here's what we know about the crime.

Heller was a suspect in the m*rder of a guy named Terrence Combs.

Two witnesses placed him on the scene.

One identified him in the lineup as the k*ller.

NOPD still couldn't make the case.

Not enough hard evidence.

You said the victim's name was Combs?


Look who it is.

Is that...

Mama T.

Terrence Combs was her son.

Keep digging into Heller's case.

See if NOPD missed anything.

I'm heading to the Ninth Ward.

Mama T.: I told that joker, "Step back, or you'll get a earful of Mama T."

Woman: They cannot handle you, Mama T., they cannot handle you.

Agent Pride.

To what do we owe the pleasure?

Wondering if I might have a word with you?

Of course. Can I offer you a slice of pie, or maybe a glass of sweet tea?

Kind, but not necessary.

Is there a place we can talk in private?

About... about what?

Case I'm working on, involving a man named Kevin Heller.

Never heard of him.

He was accused of murdering your son.

Doesn't ring a bell.


What about the other names on that wall?

The ones who were k*lled.

Look at you.

Coming in here acting like you know what's what.

Don't want any trouble.

I just want to get to the truth.

The truth?

Y'all heard that?

Man wants the truth.

We'll walk down these streets, take a look around.

You'll see more truth than you care to know.

Houses boarded up, Woman: Mm-hmm. shops shut down, crime sky-high.

Man: Uh-huh!

The truth is... we're damn near forgotten here.

I hear your pain.


No, I do-- but my job right now is to solve three murders and prevent a fourth.

One way or the other, I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

Now, I need you to tell me-- who put those names on the wall?

I did it!


I did it.

I did it, too.

Others: I did it! I did it!

Like I said... around here, we take care of our own.

Others: That's right!

Woman: Get out of here.

Others: That's right!

Four victims, four crimes.

Each one allegedly perpetrated by a name on that wall.

Strange coincidence.

Gets even stranger.

Teenager Todd Foley k*lled in that drunk driving accident lived on Galvez Street.

Man k*lled by Ryan Cash in the drive-by lived over on Douglass.

Young woman sexually assaulted at Polytech... lived off St. Claude.

And your son Terrence...

Lamanche and Royal.

All four victims... from Holy Cross.

What are the chances?

Now, we know you couldn't have shot the g*n on account of your arthritis.

Doesn't mean you couldn't have written those names on that mural.

No crime putting a name on a wall.

It is if it leads to m*rder.

So... why don't we start at the beginning?


Was lawlessness during the storm.

People were grabbing everything they could to survive before getting the hell out of Dodge.

Those that stayed behind had to fend for themselves.

Yeah, well... city was like a ghost town.

Houses stayed empty, shops closed down, crime got even worse.

We called for help.

No one came.

People were losing their lives, and no one was being held accountable.

So you all started putting the names of the K*llers up on the wall?

Bearing witness to our pain.

Didn't think anyone would notice.

One day...

I opened up the paper and, by God... one of them was dead.

Didn't think to ask why.

Not even after it happened again?

Those others on the wall... they ain't none of my business.

But my Terrence... was beaten to death by this Heller kid like an animal over some girl.

Witness saw him.

Didn't even have an alibi!

Believe me, I know how flawed the system can be.

But taking matters into your hands... is no better.

And at the end of the day... it won't bring back your son.

Maybe not...

(softly): but we all deserve justice.

(door closes)

Any luck?

Lot of anger.

Not much info.

Think she knows anything?

I do. She's not gonna give it up, 'cause she believes Kevin Heller did it.

If that's not true, we have to prove it and show her she put the wrong name up on the wall.

Okay, well, I'll go back to Garrity, have him pull the file.

Get him to meet us at the Federation Bar where the m*rder happened.

Find me something.

According to the crime scene report, Combs' body was found here.

Witness claims to have spotted Heller outside the bar just after the m*rder.

Heller says he wasn't at the Fed Bar that night.

I mean, it doesn't make sense.

Who takes a leisurely midnight stroll here?

Where do these stairs lead?

A lot of these old buildings had attics that held speakeasies during Prohibition.

How'd you know about that?

A friend told me.

What are you thinking?

Maybe something was going on up here that night.

(door creaking)

(quietly): Wow.

Yeah, I got something.

"Undercover Club"?

Brody: You were telling the truth.

You weren't at the Federation Bar.

You were at the Undercover Club-- gay pop-up bar held in the attic same night Terrence Combs was m*rder*d.

Kevin: I haven't come out.

Must be hard keeping a secret like that.

You have no idea.

Well, you got a real good reason to come clean now.

That's you?

And my boyfriend.




Yes, ma'am.

So you weren't the one brawling with Terrence over that girl?

I-I am...

I'm so sorry... about what happened to him.

Why didn't you say something?

It's my family.

They would not understand.

The heart wants what it wants, child... and nobody can change that.

I'm ready to talk now.

Mama T.: None of us ever knew for certain, but we always suspected Boogie Down Bob had something to do with it.

Been through a whole lot of loss, that man.

We all had.

Boogie knew our pain.

Just wanted to do something to help... give us some peace of mind.

Hey, buddy... come with us, please.

Man: What do you want?

Mama T.: There was a girl from the neighborhood worked as a cocktail server at the strip club.

She recognized that sailor, Peter Karp, as he rolled up in the club.

Called her mama, who called someone else, and someone must have gotten it to Bob.

Pride: NCIS.


Lasalle: End of the line, Bob! Hands up.

Turn around.

Put your hands on the table.

You got anything on you?


All right.

(handcuffs clicking)

Lasalle: All right, man. Come on.


Brody: Duct-taped shoes.

Explains how we couldn't get a match on his footprint.

I'll see you back at the office, King.

NOPD has got its work to do, no doubt, but I promise... we're gonna do better by y'all moving forward.

And it starts with solving your son's m*rder.


Oh, come on, you two, go home, get some rest.

Good work, though.

Lasalle: G'night, King.

Good night!

Okay, Brody... the suspense is k*lling me.

Are you gonna open up this card?

Don't need to.


I already know who they're from.

Well, you feel like sharing?

Not really.

As long as you're happy about it.

Heart wants what it wants, right?

Guess so.

Night, Lasalle.

Have a good one, Brody.

♪ Gray ♪
♪ Quiet and tired and mean ♪
♪ Picking at a worried seam ♪
♪ I try to make you mad at me ♪
♪ Over the phone... ♪



Oh, it's a nice place.

Thank you.

It's, um... it's home now.

Well, I'm glad you called.

I wanted to say good-bye in person.

So... where's the next stop?

I have an assignment in Dubai.

Very cool.

Yeah, it's really nice.


Well, it was... it was great seeing you.

It was good to see you, too.

I got some beautiful flowers today.

Flowers? Ew.


Well, you don't think I...

Oh, sent them? Of course not.

I know you don't do clichés.

I just wanted to make sure you hadn't gotten soft on me.

Do you wish I was that guy, you know, sends flowers... says he's gonna be home for dinner every night?

You are who you are.

And you shouldn't have to apologize for that.

Just like... well, just like...

I shouldn't have to apologize for this.

♪ No, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Nothing else will do ♪
♪ I've gotta have you, I've gotta have you... ♪
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