02x22 - Real Never Waits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x22 - Real Never Waits

Post by bunniefuu »

If you really care about this woman, you're gonna have to put yourself out there.

[Kids scream with joy]


Stay right there, I'm calling the police.

Think this is about the money?

It's about her being a liar, and stepping on you.

I'd like to ask for your sister's hand in marriage.

Are you ready for your test?

Yes, sir.



[All shouting encouragement]

How do you feel?

Like I can do anything.

Because you can.

Oh, I can.


I can do this.

Whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes.

[Tv drones in background]



Are they out?

I don't know.

This is weird.

Yeah, it kind of...

Way to go, Dawson!


[Cheers and applause]


Mmm, I've never been so turned on.


Okay, you two, let's talk in my office.


I saw Devon stayed over last night.

Yeah. Yeah.

You know, it's temporary until she finds a place.

You're not really gonna do this again, are you?

I got it.

I promise.

So, good news, and, well...


They found you a home.

You'll be going to 105 in Austin.

Tommy Welch will be your lieutenant.

It will be a challenge, no doubt...


But they have no idea of the tornado that is coming.

Thank you, Chief, truly.

Two shifts left.


I'm gonna miss you here.

We all are.

Nothing we can do about her placement?

You want me to do something?

They're setting her up to fail.

And they will lose at that.

Guys, we're going for a ride.

Let's go.

Herrmann, just the man I'm looking for.

Nothing good ever comes out of that opening.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, you can judge it once I ask you.



Donna and I are getting married on Saturday.

Just a small ceremony.

I would like it very much if you were to stand with me.

That's just... that's great.

Of course I will.

[Both laugh]

Okay, come on.

Come on now.

All right, all right.

Aren't we on shift on Saturday?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Would you mind taking a personal day?


It's just that her parents were married on that day, and we think it's destiny.

Of course. Where?

She wanted a church wedding, but it's all so last minute, so...

Say no more.

You're getting married at St. Ignatius in the big cathedral.

I mean, I've had five kids christened there.

Father Dan loves me.

I'll take care of everything.

Thank you, Chris.



[Rap music playing]

[Radio chatter]

[Rap music pounding in background]

Hey, fellas.


What's up?

Is Lieutenant Welch around?

Thanks for the help.


Hey, Matt Casey.

So, uh... it's official.

Dawson's coming here.

I heard.

Don't worry, we got the streamers on order.

Cake is on its way too.

[Clears throat]

Listen, there's something you should know.

Gabriela and I are together.


Well, that's just perfect, isn't it?

I just want to make sure she gets the respect that she deserves.

Well, then we promise to take really good care of her.

I appreciate that.

I assume she can cook and clean, right, along with all the other requisite female skills?

I mean, you should know.

Listen to me, Welch.

She's not some load who snaked her way through the academy.

She fought for this.

[Laughs] You're not at 51, Casey.

I don't need to hear any more speeches.

No, no.

What you need is to get your ass whipped.

That's what you need.


Lieutenant, we got a call.

[Siren wailing, horn honking]

Oh, man.

What is it?

St. Mary's.

It's a boarding school.

[Sirens wailing, horns honking]

Otis and Herrmann are with me.

Cruz and Mouch around back.

Clock's ticking. Let's go.

Battalion 25 to main, I need a box alarm.

We have a fire, fully involved.

Me and Mills will take the top floor.

Tony, Capp, Newhouse, you guys take the second.

Let's go.

Got everyone accounted for?

I'm not sure.

Some kids had free time and weren't on campus.

[People yelling]

[Sirens, radio chatter]


Hey! You okay?

They're trapped in the common room.

All right. Get out of here.

Fire department. Call out!

[Students coughing]


Stay low, and close.

Stay low! Stay low! Go on!


Stay low!

Got another one.

Go, go, go!

I'm right behind you.

What about Chris?

Take him!

I got him.

Come on. Come on!

Let's go. Stay low.

You have one minute. One minute.

Copy that, Chief.

Last hallway, let's go!


Fire department!


West wing's clear.

[All coughing]

Fire department! Call out!

Anyone here, call out!

I'm clear too.

Last one.

Okay, I'm calling it. Everybody out.

Pull back. Everybody out.

I got one more, Chief.

I got you, buddy. Easy! Easy.

All right, we're gonna get you out of here.


Second floor's all clear.

Severide, what's your status?

Hey, you hear that?


Get down!

Severide, talk to me.

Severide, Mills.

Talk to me now.

Severide, talk to me.

Severide, talk to me now!

Top floor's all clear, Chief!

Okay, everybody, fall back.

Let's go defensive.

Lacerations to the abdomen.

Glass is still inside the wound.

Fire up the water cannons.

[Siren wailing]

Few more minutes, then I'm gonna want a secondary search for any fire lurking in the walls.

You got it, Chief.

I don't know.

I had one date I liked, but then I guess I blew it.

She hasn't called me in weeks.

One date's not that bad.

Maybe I just won't find what I had with Mari again, you know?

Maybe that's just one of those once-in-a-lifetime type things.


What's up, Herrmann?

I can't tell you.


Okay, but it goes no further.


Boden's getting married to Donna on Saturday ...


And I just promised him my church.

Boden's marrying Donna?


Well, good for him.

You've already screwed this up.

Yeah, okay?

And I just heard Father Dan use the word "impossible" when I asked him if I could use the cathedral on Saturday.

Did you ever hear a priest use that word?

Actually, I have.

I ask the tough questions.

Hey, Newhouse, I got a question for you.


Well, my dad died when I was little... in a building fire like this one, actually.

I'm sorry to hear that.

No, hey, it was a long time ago, but my mom sort of kept me from that side of the family.

From what she says, they weren't all too nice to her.

My dad's side, it's always been this black hole to me.

Look, I do this type of thing all the time, man.

It's more legwork than keystrokes, if you know what I mean.

I mean, I'll pay you for your time.

No, man, just buy me a few beers, and know I'm a hell of a drinker.


Fire's out, Chief.

Shut down the water cannons.

Okay, men, look for anything smoldering in the walls or the ceilings.

Come on. Let's go.

Is there some sort of trick to this?



All right, start pulling.

Check everything.



He's alive.

We got him.

We got him.

I... I swept that room, Chief.

I remember the bicycle. I was...

Kelly, let it go.

[Siren wailing]

What's this?

It's as-is.

I don't want any confusion about that.

No confusion.

Bought it cheap.


I'd hope so.

[Starter clicking rapidly]

Did you tell Boden you can't get the church yet?


Who told you that?

I haven't played all my angles.

I'm working on it.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.


I'm working on it.

I just have to go back to Father Dan, and, you know, make a donation to the annex fund or something.

[Both laugh]

Dude, you don't mess with a bride and groom on their wedding day.

You have to tell him now so that he can make other arrangements, unless you want a Game of Thrones red wedding.

What does that mean?

Blood on the floor.

No one survives.


Hey, Chief, you got a minute?


How you doing?

Worried about Severide.

Yeah. Um...

I am so grateful... what you're doing for me with this church hookup.

It's one less thing for me to worry about.

Of course, Chief.

That's what best men are for.


What did you want to talk to me about?

Uh, nothing.

Nothing, really.

I just, you know, wanted to thank you for trusting me with this.






I called, uh, I called to check on the kid from the school.

Don't. Don't.

Well, his name's Cory Jefferson.

You wanna go see him?


There's nothing I can do.


Did you buy a bike?

I did.

See, I'm okay.

So maybe, since you're okay, we can talk about Devon later.

I'm not sure I'm ever gonna be that okay.

Copy that.



Two more shifts till I turn my jump bag in.


You're gonna miss that jump bag.

I'm not going to miss picking up vomiting kids on rush, I'll tell you that.


But this house...

This shift, Shay...

Yeah, I'm gonna miss that.

[Alarm blares, buzzes]

I'm even going to miss those damn bells.

[Sirens wailing]

I know.

Every call feels like it could be the last.

I'm going to put my picture right above the steering wheel so you don't forget me.

You know, for when Chout's your partner.


[Sirens wailing]

Over here!

This way!

Hey, guys?

Grab three backboards.

Got it!

Looks like a drug deal gone bad.

Main, we're going to need two additional ambos.

Copy that, 61.

More ambos on route to your location.

[Grunts] Through and through over here.

Pulse is weak.

There had to be a fourth guy here.

You guys see anyone?

There were a couple of skaters over there.

I think they called it in.

Guys! There he is.

Stop! CPD!

b*llet to the upper abdomen.




No exit wound.

Left side's diminished.

b*llet must have traveled up to his lungs.

All right, decompress him now or he's dead.

Got it.


Yep, I'll owe you one for sure.

Can you hold that for a day?

Yeah, that's all I need.


[Knock at door]


What can I do for you, Matt?

Firehouse 87 at Logan Square.

There's an opening. It's Dawson's if you say yes.

She's asked for this?

Not exactly.

She deserves better than serving under Welch as her first assignment.

I'm okay with this if she is too.

Thanks, Chief.


My sister asked if we wanted to visit next week.

She said she's got a new pizza oven or something.

She wants to try it out on us.

Sounds great.

[Cell phone vibrating]

[Shower water running]

Hey, babe, your phone's buzzing.

No caller I.D.

Can you answer it and take a message?


Thanks, babe.


My ring?

Yeah, I will... I will tell him.

Thank you.

[Shower turns off]

Was it some guy named Mazin?

I got to do an estimate on some garage repairs for him.

No, I didn't get to it in time.

We'll bring dessert.


How you feeling, Kelly?

Be a hell of a lot better when people stop asking me that.

[Engine sputtering]

[Engine dies]


Excuse me.

Any word on this patient?

I was one of the firemen.

He's critical.

We're not hopeful.


Do you know... do you know how old he is?


Looking for the beer?

Yeah, I'm sorry, I finished the last one and meant to go get some more, but then I got a call from my dad's attorney...

Yeah, yeah.

Of course you did.

You don't have to be a d*ck about it.

I'm not getting into it with you.

There's nothing to get into.

I admitted I made a mistake, and you treated me rudely.

I treated you rudely?

You left here like a coward, in the middle of the night.


Shut it!

Not to mention you rolled us for about 5 grand, so excuse me if my fuse is about this short since you slinked your way back in here.

You don't know anything about me, so you can save your big man routine...

I know that you're a thief.

I know you're a loser.

I know you're bad news for Shay.

So why don't you just take your stuff... your stuff... and crawl back to wherever the hell you came from?


[Door closes]

What's going on?

[Door clicks open and closed]

He just blew up... like that.



You okay?


What's going on, Kelly?

Just one of those days.

Come on.

I gave an all-clear at a school fire today...

And when we went to do the secondary search, we found a kid... badly burned.

I'm so sorry.

I was moving too fast.

Too many rooms, not enough time.

He's ten.

The kid's only ten.

It's not your fault.

I don't know that.

I'll never know that.

So my first week in uniform, I walk into a 7-Eleven, and I walk right up behind this kid stealing a candy bar.

He turned around, and he just froze when he saw me, and then he reached in his pocket real slow, put it back.

No harm, no foul, right?

So I didn't say anything, and he took off.

And I got whatever stupid thing I was getting, and then I heard g*nshots.

I ran outside, and I see two bangers driving away, and there's the kid.

He's just laying dead in the alley.

And I've thought about it a thousand times.

Why didn't I stop him, talk to him, arrest him even?

You know, he'd still be alive today.

And even though it wasn't my fault... it doesn't make it hurt any less.

What's up with you?

Ugh, Severide blew up at Devon and took off.


Is he okay?


It's Kelly.

How's anybody to know?


Yes, go on.

Okay, I picked up Casey's phone, and a jewelry store said, and I quote, "the ring is ready."


You knew about this?

Don't... don't you lie to me.

He asked me about it.

Don't make me say anything more.

Oh, God.

What? Are you not happy?

No, yeah, of course I am.

I think.

All right, listen up, everybody!

Hey! Hey!


When I first met Gabriela Dawson, I thought to myself, "what's wrong with this chick?"

And now she's a candidate to be a firefighter, and I figured it out.

To Dawson!

Worst toast ever.


To Dawson.

Give 'em hell, candidate.


[All cheering]

Cheers, babe.

Come here.


[Clears throat]

I have some news.



Not a question?

Well, a question too, yeah.

[Laughs] Okay.

How much do you love me?



A lot?


Expect to love me more.

I want you... to think about this.

This is a transfer request which has already been approved.

I want you to consider not going to Austin and go to Logan Square instead.


Just hear me out.

Starting at any new place is difficult, and you deserve... to be treated like every other candidate.

Gabby, I...

He's not gonna break me, Matt.

I can promise you that.

You want a drink?

Yeah, just a beer.

Hey, this is... the file I was talking about.

It's just a couple of pictures, my birth certificate, a letter that my dad wrote once.

So this is your father, huh?

Yeah, that's him.

All right.

Just don't k*ll the messenger if the news ain't rainbows.

Not at all.


You look peaked.

You still haven't told Boden that you've ruined his wedding?

Who told you?


What the hell am I gonna do, Mouch?

You're married to an amazing woman, Herrmann.

Yeah, so?

Let's come to grips with the fact that this is not a job for a mortal man, but for a wife.

[Engine sputtering]

[Engine revving]


You're the firefighter, right?


He made a turn for the better.

Parents have been crying with joy for ten minutes.

Here we go.

Hey, Chief, I got to tell you something.

Oh, no.

The cathedral fell through.

I tried to strong-arm Father Dan, but they got this AA meeting over there, and they pay rent.

Why didn't you tell me?

I tried, but, you know, you were so excited and all, and...

[cell phone ringing]

[Sputtering angrily]

Hey, Donna.

No, I was just getting the lowdown from Christopher.

No, I know you're upset.

I'm upset.

No, Donna, please, listen, where are you?

Why are you there?

Okay, look, just stay there, and I am coming to you, okay?

She's at the firehouse.

Why would she go to the firehouse?

I don't know.

[Both yelling indistinctly]

[Both yelling indistinctly]

How come you always know a guy?

Today. Christopher, today, of all days.

It'll be really easy.

They got folding chairs.

I'm done with you.

Did you really think that I was gonna let you get married without 51?

Hurry up, Chief!

She ain't waiting forever!

Let's go! Come on!


[Cheers and applause]

You all knew?

You didn't tell me, huh?

Ahh! Ooh!

You can do this?

Yeah, certified online yesterday.


[Drum and bagpipe music playing]

♪ ♪

[No audio]

[Cheers and applause]

Yeah, Chief!

[Soft rock music playing]

There you go.

[Cheers and applause]

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh, oops.

I'm sorry.

Sorry, my bad.

I'm sorry.

Uh, no, you first.


You've got a little... do you mind if...


Get it?



You're welcome.

So you're a fire... fire... firefighter here?

33 years.


Trudy Platt.

Randy McHolland.

Nice to meet you.



[Indistinct chatter]

Gabriela Dawson, you are the strongest, most single-minded woman I've ever known.

I'm a lucky man to have you in my life, and I want to make sure that we're together forever.



Will you marry me?

[Alarm blares, buzzes]

Truck 81, Ambo 61, Engine 51...

Don't answer like this.


Real never waits, does it?

Oh, go.

Are you sure?

Husband and a hero... best wedding story ever.

Love you.

Kenny, can I ride with you?

Let's go!

[Sirens wailing, horn honks]

Engine's five minutes out.

Probably just a rubbish fire, but let's keep it in check.

Truck 81, recon, knock it out with some silver b*ll*ts.

Squad, search and rescue.

All right, you heard him.

Let's move.


I'm sorry.

I love you, you know?

I know. I love you, too.

We'll figure this out?

Yeah, always.

Men, huh?

I know.


Being a gay woman, you'd think I'd be done with them.


Casey asked me to marry him.


And duty called.

You guys are gonna be great together.

Yeah, we are.

Hitting floor two now.

Little more fire here.

Got a victim on the first floor, fell down some stairs.

Possible spinal injury.

We're on it.

Mouch and Cruz are on the roof, starting to vent.

Second floor is clear.

[Garbled] Squad's heading to assist.

Say that again, Severide?


Severide, Rescue Squad, report back.

We can't hear you out here.

[Garbled] Squad's heading...

Could be heavy concrete affecting the radios.

Truck 81, Casey.

What do you see?

House 51, anyone, report.

I don't like this, Kenny.

I'll go check it out.

[Garbled] Pull back... it's flammable...

Fire closing in!

Out! Out! Now!


Oh, God.


Severide, report!

Casey, report!

Truck 81, Squad 3, report!

Battalion 25 to main, mayday!

Mayday emergency! Mayday emergency!

Anyone from house 51, report!

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