02x21 - One More Shot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x21 - One More Shot

Post by bunniefuu »

Listen, when you pulled the plug on our relationship, I had to assume that I'd never see you again.

I need you to imagine how tough it's been, ever since I found out...

I'm carrying your baby.

Talk to me.

I'm scared.

Of what?

The future.

I am moving a little fast, that's why I wanna let her know this is real.

I should be allowed to retake the challenge test.

And believe me, I will not fail.

Jones's spot is not an option for you.

Doesn't 81 need a new candidate?

You can't serve under Casey.

Hey, what are you thinking about going out two weeks from Saturday, on one of those dinner-cruises?

This is a disaster.


My firefighter test is on Friday, and I just found out that Shay and I are scheduled for a payback shift the day before for the girls' weekend that we subbed out.

I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna make it to the test.

Just talk to chief.

Tell him you need to leave early that day.

He'll make it work.

What if he can't?

He will.

Deep breath, Gabby.

You're gonna make it to the test.

You're gonna kick the test's ass.


If that actually happens...

I'm leaving 51.


I can't imagine that.

Neither can I.

But it's you and me, no matter what.

It's pretty ironic.

Not being able to get pregnant is part of what broke up my marriage years ago.

Ah, but, you know, that was for the best.

It wasn't a good situation.

Yeah. Sorry.

I'm just rambling, but, uh, you know, I just accepted that motherhood wasn't gonna happen for me.

So this was a really big shock.


The truth is, I can't stop feeling like this is a gift.

I understand that it is complicated and that we're coming at it from two completely different places.

Not that different.

I didn't expect to be a father at this age either.

It's a lot to think about.

And I want to give you time to consider how you want to be involved or even if...


I want to be a part of this child's life.

I have no questions about that.

Then you will be, of course.

New union bylaws?

No, this is a list of the items that will be available at my yard sale this Saturday.

Deals aplenty.

What is a "makiyakinabe"?

A rectangular pan, used for cooking Japanese omelets, in good to egg-celent condition. [Laughs]

Hey, everybody, this is Rick Newhouse.

He'll be joining us on Squad to replace Clarke.

Good to meet you guys.

Hi, Newhouse. Where you from?

Last job was Squad 6, south side.

But I'm real happy to be here.

Heard some great things about this crew.


Do we tell him the "new guy at 51" job is jinxed?

Maybe he'll be the one to break the streak.

Test is in five days, huh?

Must have blocked it out.

One second I feel 100% ready, and the next I'm panicking.

Well, here's a possible solution... you could just not take it.

Sorry. You know I support you.

I just... what am I going to do without you?

It's one thing to go a few shifts, but you're my lead, my P.I.C.

Look, you don't need me around telling you what to do.

And even if I do take the test, it's not like I'm gonna leave your life.

I know that, but with the new job, the new hub...

Bub, all the new hubbub around you becoming a firefighter, you know, the excitement, you know?

Meanwhile, I'll just still be here... same old same old.

Stop jinxing me, okay? I haven't passed the test yet.

[On P.A.] Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61... man injured, 4107 Logan Drive.

[Siren wailing, horns blasting]


Big branch got caught in the chipper.

Ross tried to kick it loose, but it snagged his pants and pulled him in. How far?

I tried to turn it off, when you guys showed up, but...


Please get me out of here.


Hold it!

You sure this thing is shut down?

Turned off the ignition myself.

That's not good enough.

Herrmann, disconnect the battery.

Don't need any more surprises.

Got it, Chief.

We need to remove the housing to access the feed roller.


Got 'em.

Let's get to work.

Power's off, Chief.

Okay, you take the lead on this.

Ross? Ross, I know that this hurts, but you're gonna have to try to stay still.

Just tell me... am I gonna lose my legs?

Ross, Ross, we're gonna get you out, okay?

We need you to take long, deep breaths.

What do you think?

One leg's bleeding out.

I'm gonna place a tourniquet, get a line in.

I need you to go to the ambo, hang two bags of fluid and put blood tubing on one of them.

Copy that.

The feed wheel is hydraulic.

We're gonna need to power this on to lift it.

No, we can't risk starting the motor again.

It could pull his leg farther in.

If we take out the motor and disconnect the bearing guides, we can move him manually. Let's do it.


Fluids are good to go.

Great, thanks.

Ross, you're doing great.

How we doing, Kelly?

We're almost there.

Ready, Casey?


Got it. Ready, on three.

One, two, three.


All right, on three.

One, two, three.

[Ross grunting, yelling]

You took the lead on this one. I'll drive.

It's the crew from Austin.

Hey, how's it going, 51? Trimming trees?

It was a crazy call, actually.

Guy was stuck halfway through a wood chipper.

Yeah? You get him out alive?

Damn straight we did.

Hey, Welch.

Hey, Casey.

Hey, I was sorry to hear about your candidate, Chief Jones's daughter, man.

That's... it's a terrible thing.

Yeah. It was.

Speaking of candidates, I heard your paramedic Dawson was near the top of her academy class.

You know, she might be headed our way if she passes the test.

Dawson's the best. You'd be lucky to get her.

Oh, yeah, you think?

Even after what you went through with Jones's daughter?

What does that mean?

Oh, nothing, man.

Just tends to be a lot of drama. That's all.

Dispatch: Traffic accident, North Damen...

Hey, Lieu, we're back in. Accident on Damen.

Hey, let's grab a beer soon, all right?


[Engine turning over]

Guy's the scourge on the C.F.D.

That whole house is.

Yard sale, this Saturday... deals aplenty.

Cool. I'll take a look.

Whoa. Those all incident reports?

Nah, it's for my other gig.

What do you do?

I work for my cousin doing skip tracing... uh, finding people.

Process serving and judgment recovery mostly, but sometimes it gets jazzy.

Yeah? Jazzy, huh?

[Door opens]

This is that tea I was telling you about.

Has a nice kick of ginger.

Ooh. Oh, yeah. Like it already.

Thank you, Connie.

My pleasure. [Chuckles]

You know Connie?

Yeah. Well, I met her this morning.


I've never seen that woman smile in my life.



Hey, uh, when are you gonna propose?

Because I've almost let the cat out of the bag, like, once already.


I'm terrible with secrets.

Well, you might have mentioned that before I made you my wingman.

Wing... wingwoman, whatever.


It's too late now. Come here.

[Whispering] I was thinking about doing it two weeks from Saturday.

I was thinking about one of those river cruises.

Could be the perfect setup.

She's so distracted with the firefighter test.

River cruise.


[Normal voice] What is wrong with a river cruise?

Nothing... much. Just... anyhow, did you get a chance to talk to her father?

No. Her parents are in the Dominican Republic for the next few months.

Her family is important to her.

I can't ask for their blessing on a phone call.

[Scoffs] What are you gonna do?

Because you got to figure it out.

Shay, remain calm, but you're never gonna believe who's outside asking for you.


Stay right there. I'm calling the police.

You want me to talk to Devon? I have plenty to say.

No, I got it.

I don't blame you for being furious, and if you call the cops...

Look, you're gonna pay me and my roommates back every dime you stole.

I can get you back some of the stuff, and I'll pay what I can.

There's no excuse for what I did, Les.

You need to return what you stole, Devon.

Can we meet up later and talk?

When you have something to return.

Okay, that's fair.

So you're not gonna call the cops?

Look, if she goes to jail, we'll never get anything back.

[Woman moaning] For the father, bonding can begin right at birth.


Hey, Chief. This, uh...

[woman moaning] Ohh...



What do you want, Mills?

Uh, just...

I wanted to hand over Squad time sheets and... uh, sorry to interrupt.

Uh, you want me to close the blinds?

It's not like that, Mills.

Okay. Sure. [Chuckles]


[Watch ticking]


There you are.





Is there any chance you might want to lie still and let me drag you across the apparatus floor?

I think you're, like, just about dummy weight.

No. I'd rather not.

Wouldn't be good for my tough-lieutenant rep.

[Chuckles] Is that your rep?


I thought it was hot lieutenant.

Hey, I'm not playing dummy.

Darn it.

Listen, um, I ran into Tommy Welch from Austin after you guys left the wood chipper run.

Uh, who's that?

Truck lieutenant.

I guess Austin is looking for a candidate.

Oh, yeah? What's Welch like?

He's a little tough.


Babe, I can handle tough.

Of course you can. The thing is...

Austin got their first female firefighter last year, and she barely lasted two weeks.

Filed some grievance against the guys in the house.

Well, we both know that there can be two sides to that story.

True enough.

[Alarm blaring]

[On P.A.] Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61... boat accident, Michigan Avenue Bridge and Riverwalk.

I hear diving's your specialty.

Check it out and let me know.

Battalion 25 to main... I'm gonna need additional ambo units dispatched to Riverwalk Pier.


I was guiding her in.

All of a sudden, the captain just accelerated, took out the dock.

Hey! You all right?


We don't know how much longer we can hold him.

Are there any more in the water?

Just Dennis, but his leg is stuck.

We can't pull him up.

Otis, charge a four-inch line.

Cruz, let's get the aerial across to the boat.

Herrmann and Mouch, get aboard and help the victims.

Guys, it's 25 feet deep here. Let's get a ladder, secure it to the wall, and have tools ready to bring down to us, all right?

Let's go.

[Background announcement, overlapping chatter]

His leg must be caught on something we tried to pull him up, but we can't.

We got him now.

Okay, guys, we're gonna bring you in, okay?

[Woman whimpering]

Paramedic's on their way.

Broken leg!

You see the captain around?

Maybe he abandoned ship.

Captain's always the last one off.

Hey, I'm gonna go down and have a look.

I don't see anybody.


Fire department. Open up!

Hey! Fire department! Can you hear us?


Taking a little midday booze cruise, are you?

Let's go, pal.

I see the problem!

His leg is wedged between the bracing and the piling.

We're gonna need an extra set of hands and a Halligan.


We need you to hang on to Dennis when we go back under, all right?

Yeah, copy that.

He's showing signs of hypothermia.

You got five minutes.

Got it.

All right!

Pull him up.

Give me your hand, Tony.

Pull him up!

We're good.

[Rescue radio chatter, background noise]

Methinks the jolly captain here needs a breathalyzer test.

The hell I do.



How fast can you tie a handcuff knot?

About 2 1/2 seconds, Chief.

Do it.

Hey, you guys ever find that captain?

Do the honors.

He's all yours.

Get up.

See ya.


Nice job getting that guy out of the water.

You and Newhouse worked well together.


What are you gonna do about Devon?


I told you. I'm gonna get our stuff back.

Trust me, I'm not carrying a torch for this girl, all right?

If she doesn't get our stuff back soon, I'm gonna call the cops.

Just don't let her use this to get close to you again.

I won't.

I got to go. I told Dawson I'd run a quick errand with her.

Hey, thanks for doing this.

Yeah, you know I love a good detour.

Hey, guys. Hi.

Hey, we're from 51. I'm Dawson, Shay.

How's it going?

[Clears throat]

You ladies need something?

Um, well, we were just on our way back from an errand, and I wanted to introduce myself because I'm about to take the firefighter test.

And, uh, I guess Lieutenant Welch heard I might land at the house if I pass, which would be cool.

Deal me out of this hand. I'll go get the lieutenant.

Okay, I mean, only if he's not busy...

So which one of you is Dawson?

That'd be me. Nice to meet you, Lieutenant.

Friendly place you got here, Lieutenant.

You know, as you probably heard, our past experience with a female firefighter wasn't real positive.

So I'm sure you can understand if we're not thrilled about the chief forcing another one down our throat.

Didn't realize it was against your will.


Thanks for the warm welcome, guys.

But, uh, it's time for us to go start our periods.

If I'm lucky enough to pass the test and I do wind up here at Austin, I hope I'll change your mind.

Anybody got any big plans over the next 48?

Nah, Cindy just called and said Lee Henry came home with head lice, so there's that.

You guys hear Newhouse is a skip tracer in his off hours?

Sounds kind of like a private investigator.

He does some real jazzy stuff.


Why is everybody falling all over themselves with this guy?

Whatever happened to proving yourself?

[Chuckles] You're jealous.

[Laughs] It's new-kid-in-town syndrome.

Even Connie's walking around mooning over this guy, and you, sir, are jealous.

Get out of here.

Now you're going on a date with her?

Give me a break. She's not good for you.

Why can't you see that?


You have to know Devon's playing you.

She said she has some of our stuff to return.

I told her I'd meet her for a drink at Molly's.

You know? What's wrong with that?

You're meeting up with Devon?

Devon, the hoodlum, Devon?


She showed up.

She says she wants to make things right.

I'm just trying...

Does she still have my Viper helmet?

Because that is the only way things will ever be right again.

Look, I am doing my best.

I am trying to get back what she stole from all of us, okay?

So can you just give me a little credit that I'm not a complete dupe?


How did that just get turned around on us?

[Sighs] Check your phone again.

I did two seconds ago. No message.

I gave a hoodlum a second shot. I'm an idiot, and I know it.

Feel free to tell me anyhow, though.

Hey, not gonna happen, lady.

My favorite part about you is that under your crusty, bitter exterior lies an eternal optimist.

You give all us fools second chances when we screw up, and that is why we love you.

Seriously, what am I gonna do without you?

[Laughs] You'll be fine. I promise.

You cannot work at Austin.

[Sighs] What if I don't have a choice?

No, there's got to be another place.

Hey, we've been working with guys since we started in C.F.D.

Yeah, we had to prove ourselves every day and let plenty of stuff roll off our backs, but I can handle that.

This place is different. I know you felt it too.

It's stone age.


You just say the word, and I will kick her ass.

Looks like somebody else already did.

My truck broke down for the umpteenth time, and they towed it off with my cell phone inside.

You brought it back.

The guys I gave it to couldn't sell it.

Turns out it's a knockoff, only worth a few bucks.

It's not much, but it's a start.

I'm not trying to make excuses, but I want you to know why I did what I did.


I got a call my dad was in jail in San Antonio, and I panicked.

I mean, maybe the guy drinks too much, but he's a decent man.

And he saved my ass more times than I can count when I was a kid.

I knew I needed to get him out, so I did the stupidest thing I have ever done.

So I took that stuff from you and your roommates and put together bail.

You're my witness.

I'm swearing right here right now, I will get every bit of the money I owe back to Leslie and her roommates.

If I'm your witness, you better make good.

I will.

I promise.

That was so much fun.

Hey, Wallace.



Is everything okay?

I was just wondering if you had a minute to talk, but I can... I can see that you're busy, so...


It can wait.


Hey, you guys. I'll meet you at Terry's, okay?

See you there.


So what's on your mind?

I just wanted to say...

Of course, I've been thinking a lot... about all this. And, uh...


[Laughs] Yeah.



I believe the best thing for the...

I believe the best thing for this baby would be if you and I got married.

If you and I were husband and wife, I could support you and the child, both of you, financially without any additional... documentation.

I also believe that it would be a much more stable environment for the child, so...


Was... that a proposal?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Then, uh, my answer is no.

No way.

[Footsteps departing]

Hey, morning, Chief.

Hey, what's up?

Uh, I don't want to bug you, but you said you'd check on bringing relief in early tomorrow since the firefighter's test is tomorrow.

Uh, sorry, I meant to let you know.

Connie's already lined it up. You're good to go.

Oh, great. Thanks.

Hey, any chance you know Laura Chiapetta over at 77?

Because I heard that she was on Truck there and dated the lieutenant, kind of under the radar.

And so I was thinking maybe...

Yes, I know Laura.

She and Lieutenant Kent started fighting during calls.

Relationship went south. He got kicked to another house.

You want to know who took the heat for all of it?

The chief who let it happen.

You become a firefighter, Dawson, you cannot stay at 51.

I thought it was worth one more shot.


I wish Laura had told me the end of that story.

Mm-hmm. Dawson...

[Sighs] Are you ready for your test?

Yes, sir. I believe I am.


That boat accident just kind of turned me off to the whole proposal-on-a-cruise idea.



Didn't realize you were the one proposing.

Hey, smokey.

It's just that I have to hear about it all the time, so I got skin in the game.

What about a hot-air balloon ride over the lake?

I don't know.

All right, never mind on the hot-air balloon idea.

I got a lot more where that came from.

[Phone chimes]

Hey, did you figure out what to do with Dawson's dad?


I did.

Hey, thanks for coming by, Antonio.

You didn't have to rush over here.

Yeah, I did.

When you said this was on the sly, I figured out right away what you're up to.

You did?


We're talking surprise party, right, if Gabby passes the test?

Uh, that's a great idea, but, uh, no, actually.

Um... [exhales sharply]

I know your parents are out of town, so I'm coming to you, because I think your sister is the most amazing woman I've ever met, and I... I'd like to ask for her hand in marriage, but, uh, I wanted to get your blessing first.

[Exhales sharply]

Seriously, bro?

You couldn't do this the right way and wait for my father to get back?

Because I can tell you now, in my culture, if someone...

I'm messing with you, man. Of course you got my blessing.

Damn, Antonio! [Laughs]

Hey, you know me... I hit them when they're on the ropes.

I'm gonna get you back.

No holds barred when we're family.

That's how the Dawsons play.

Yeah, I've noticed.

Look at this. I'm thrilled for the both of you, man.

[Both laughing]

So he kissed his wife good-bye, heads off to work, and vanished, right?

Police have no leads.

But his wife tells us that he likes old cars, specifically Mustangs.

So me and my cousin... we start looking through classifieds in neighboring states.

Sure enough, that's how we found him, buying a stripped-down, candy-apple red 1967 Shelby in Iowa City.


Yeah, the guy moved there, changed his last name, and even married another woman.

You're kidding.


Oh, great move, though, getting him with the car.

Seems pretty common sense to me.


You, uh, need help finding something?

Oh, no, man, just scoping out the snack situation here.

Well, let me know if you have any questions about anything here at 51.

I'm happy to help.

Cool. Will do.

Where you from, Mills?

Mount Greenwood. My dad was on Squad out there.

Nice neighborhood.

Yeah, my mom is from Humboldt Park, so I spent a lot of time there too.


How about you?

I grew up in Roseland.

Wow. That is a tough part of town.

You go back there often?

All the time.

I mean, people hear that name, they react like it's a w*r zone.

But it's a neighborhood... filled with good people.

Your second job... how much do you need to know about someone to find them?

Why? You got a case for us?

No, no, just, uh... it sounds like interesting work.

All right.

Got something for you.

Oh, my gods.

Ah, your Viper helmet.

How did she get it back?

I can't believe any collector would just buy this and then let it go.

Hmm. She found a way.

Thank you.

Hey. 500 bucks from Devon.

It's just a down payment on what she owes.

Did she put this money together, or did you take it out of your savings to cover for her?

She was helping out her dad, okay?

She feels really bad.

She's gonna get us back all the money.

You think this is about the money?

It's not about that.

It's about her being a liar and stepping on you... again.

T-minus 12 hours till the big test, huh?

[Chuckles] 11 1/2, but who's counting?

I felt fine until, like, an hour ago.

You're gonna be great.

Hey, thanks for being so supportive through this whole thing.

Hey, Mills, fancy joining me out back for a cigar?


Congratulations, Chief.


Becoming a dad.


I don't understand her reaction to my proposal.

I mean, I may have sent the relationship way off track, but...

I care for this woman.

Did you tell her that?

Of course.

In so many words, I... that's why I don't do relationships.


I mean I tell her I want to provide support, stability for the child under the law.

She... she gets mad?

Don't make no damn sense.


Can I be honest?


The way that you just said it right now made it sound like a whole bunch of legal talk about the kid.

If you really care about this woman the way that you say, then you're gonna have to put yourself out there.

What does that mean?

That means dropping all this formal stuff and telling her like it is.

What if she pushes me away... and... make myself look like an ass?

That can definitely happen.


Hey, need a hand?

No, this isn't actually work related.

It's a lawn ornament I'm hoping to unload at the yard sale.

Any interest in a tachi-gata style stone lantern?

Has a built in rain gauge.

I got kid junk all over my lawn.

I got no room.

You know how I signed up for a bunch of singles websites, went on all those dates?

Oh, yeah. How's that going?

Not good.

Nothing worked out, and the whole thing just got me more depressed.

Then I had this epiphany.

I never really let go of mari.

I'm holding on to all these things that remind me of her, and no wonder I can't move on.

Look, Herrmann, I know the last few new additions to 51 have led to some pretty rough seas, but Newhouse seems like a good guy.


I should have a yard sale.


That's what I was thinking.


[Alarm blaring]

[On P.A.] Ambulance 61... woman in distress, 1916 Pearl Street.

[Siren wailing]


Hey, dispatch, we have an apartment number?

Negative, 61.

Up here, please!

Where are you, ma'am?

Fifth floor!

[Breathing heavily]

My name's Gabriela. This is Leslie.

What's your name, ma'am?

Grace. Grace Seitzman.

What's going on, Grace?

It started to hurt really bad near my stomach, but it can't be contractions yet.

Okay, how pregnant are you, Grace?

I'm only eight months. It's too soon for the baby to come.

Is this your first pregnancy?

Yes. Oh!

Okay, breathe through this for me, Grace.

Can we get her down the stairs in the chair?

No, the stairs are too steep.

Do you think you can walk?

No, I don't think I can.

Grace, you're gonna have to try.

[Breathing heavily]


Come on. All right.

[Grace whimpering]

Oh, my God! Oh, why does it hurt like this?

Hang in there, Grace.

Strong contractions don't mean anything's wrong.

They just hurt like hell. Here we go.

But it's too soon for the baby to come.

Oh, oh...

Her contractions are coming pretty quick.

Yeah, we're gonna need to take a look to see if the baby's getting close, okay, Grace?

Oh! Oh!

Grace, we're gonna need you to sit down and relax for us, all right?

Oh! The baby is not coming!

The baby is coming, Grace.

Get me a blanket, clamp, and suction ball.

On it.

Mouch, Cindy's birthday is coming up.

Anything at that yard sale, you know, that she might go for?

Uh, I got a nice donabe, and a practically new bottle of tsubaki tsubaki.

That stuff is pretty hard to come by.

What is it?

I believe it's a hair oil of some kind.

So you're gonna buy your wife a birthday gift at Mouch's yard sale.

Any chance it kills lice?

What's up, Newhouse?

Hey, uh, Newhouse. You might not know this, but, uh, me and some of the guys here... we, uh... we own the best bar in Chicago.

So maybe you could come by after shift.

First round...

15% off.

Cool. I'll be there.

Ambo's still out at that call?

Whoa. If Dawson is gonna report for this test, she needs to be en route in an hour.


I see the baby, but it's not coming.

Let's try and get her down these stairs.

Maybe we can get her to the hospital in time.

[Screams] Oh, I can feel it!

I can feel it! You were right. The baby's coming now.

Okay, let's do this here.


Grace, we're gonna lie you down.

Here we go.

Dawson, you got to get going.

I'm not going anywhere.

[Groans] I can feel his head!

Oh, he's coming out!

You're right, Grace. The baby's crowning.

Dispatch, let Chicago Med know we're gonna deliver on-site and then transport.

Copy that.

Second watch will be here in about 20 minutes.

There's no rig.

By the time they're suited up and ready to go, Dawson could be en route to the hospital.

She'll never leave a victim's side without backup.


Okay, Grace, give it another go.

Keep pushing.

[Grunting] Gah!

What is happening?

I see the baby's head.

It's shoulder dystocia.

Okay, Grace, the shoulder's a little stuck right above the pelvic bone.

What does that mean? Is the baby going to be okay?

The baby will be fine if you just keep breathing. Stay calm.

Dawson, can we do a McRoberts?

Yeah, let's try it.


Grace, grab your leg.

We got to get your knees as far back as possible, okay?

This is gonna widen your pelvis and help the baby come out.

Okay? Okay.



On three. Here we go.

One, two, three. Push!


Push, push, push, push, push!


Okay, one more time.

One more time, Grace.

Again, one, two, three.

Push! Push, push, push, push!


Push, push, push, push!


We got him. [Gasps]

Her! It's a her.

[Baby crying]

Congratulations, mama.

Yeah, I know. I'm gonna miss the test.


Hey, go.


Look, I'm a certified E.M.T. I can take over for you.

Casey's waiting downstairs. Come on.

No, that doesn't feel right.

I'll be all right without you, I promise.


Come on.

All right. Kick butt.

Come on. Let's go!

All right!

[Overlapping shouting]

What do you think this is, a game?

On the double!

Let's make you a fireman!

All right! Hit it, Joe!

[Siren wailing]

[Horn blaring]

How you feeling? You ready?


Get your coat on.

[Horn blaring]

Okay, please stay in two straight lines until you guys get into the yard, okay?

Come on, let's go. Two straight lines, please.

Thank you.

Looking good. Thank you. Thank you very much.

[Chuckles] Wallace.


I know I made some mistakes in the past, some pretty big ones... and I let them get in the way and...

Stop me from just being honest with you.

But the truth is, I believe that when you love somebody, there is only one thing to do.

So... my aunt... she's had this family ring for years.

When I called her today, she didn't let me finish.

She just... "I can hear it in your voice.

You're finally ready."


[Kids gasping, murmuring]

Ms. Donna Robbins...

Will you... marry me?

Well, I don't have much choice.

I can't crush the hearts of my entire class, right?

[All cheering]

Yes, I will.


Oh, Donna.

[Siren wailing]

Go get 'em.

Go get 'em!

[Banging on truck]

Go to it, Dawson!

Get up here, candidate!

Get up here!


[Breathing heavily] I'm sorry I'm late.

You better be ready.


Up there.

Hustle, hustle, honey. Hustle, hustle!
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