02x18 - Until Your Feet Leave the Ground

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x18 - Until Your Feet Leave the Ground

Post by bunniefuu »

I used to be Denver Fire Department. I was injured on the job.

That injury, was four years ago.

So the painkillers he's on?

He's been on those a long time.

You are looking for an easy save.

Would you want your only daughter to be a firefighter?

Give her the boot.

Are we really gonna do this?

Her father is Deputy District Chief.

He's doing everything he can to make sure you get stuck behind a desk.


Is everything ok with Casey?


You don't want me to be a firefighter.

Gaby, take a deep breath.

Don't condescend me.

Whatever I say, you're just gonna take it the wrong way.

Then don't say anything.

Is it Shay's birthday or something?

No, no, it's just a girls weekend.

You're cool with that, right?


Of course.

Does this hat make me look silly?

My mom gave it to me.

No, I like it.

Hey, I'm sorry I told Jones what her dad was up to.

I really am.

I thought she deserved to know.

I do too.

We were gonna tell her.

I wish you'd come to me first.

Yeah, I should have. You're right.

Apartment listings... when I get home for the weekend, we're gonna find a great place.

Maybe we should stop looking.


We've been saying we'd do this for months.

It still hasn't happened. It shouldn't be this hard.

[Horn honks]

That's Shay.

I'm gonna miss you.


Miss you too.


If I wanted to be healthy and miserable, I would have stayed home.

Jonesy's dropping the ball. Yeah, well, Jones is late.

Capp made that.

Yeah, that explains it then.

Damn, Mouch, you haven't even touched the stuff.

No appetite.

Not one reply to my Golden Oldeez profile.

Nothing? Not even a bite?

54 views, but no follow-ups or whatever.

What the hell is that, Mouch?



Yeah, that's private, by the way.

No, no, no.

Why would you put this photo on your profile?

I asked Shay and she said, "women like a bad boy."

So you basically asked a lesbian what she looks for in a man?

Fair point.

I'll tell you what women like.

Firemen, you knucklehead.

I like where you're going with this.

Yeah, look, we are deleting this profile picture and putting up a new one.

When? How?

Right now.

Come on.

Ah, right there.

And smile.

Okay, let's try it.

Oh, no, that's who's subbing for Shay and Dawson?

Howdy doody ain't that bad, but the other guy's bad luck schleprock.

He's what?

Hey, Chout. Hey, McAuley.

Hey, guys, glad to be back at the old 51.

Welcome back, guys.

The oatmeal's in the crock-pot.

Help yourself.

Is it gluten-free?

I don't even know what that means.

It's not gluten-free, McAuley.

So when are you bouncing me from 51?

I'm not. Have a seat.

Look, I don't know what's going on between you and your father.

It's none of my business.

But as far as I'm concerned, you're one of my firefighters, and my job is to protect your job.

He'll come after you. I know him.

And I will deal with that when and if that happens.

It's the one thing that I wanted my whole life, and he's taking it away from me.

Jones, if you don't want him transferring you to P.R., then don't go.

Put your foot down, or go and make your dad happy.

But you got to figure it out.

It's all gonna work out, Jones.

Well, at least I know you guys have my back.

You know, I'd like to take a personal day and settle this once and for all.

Sounds like a good idea. See you next shift.

There's something else going on there.

You make sure you check in on her.


[Alarm buzzes]

Engine 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61.

Apartment fire.

[Sirens wailing]

[Horn blasts]

Get that extinguisher up here.

On my way up.

Think we got a grease fire.

Move your ass, or we're gonna lose the whole kitchen.

Coming in!

Let's go!

Come on. Give it to me.

Put some Lake Michigan on that.

Mm, found the culprit.

What idiot leaves a pan full of grease on a stove unattended?

[Tv chatter]

Oh, my God. Is Gavin okay?

Who are you?

I live across the hallway.

TV's playing. Stove's on.

Is he around here somewhere?

I saw him yelling in the hallway about an hour ago.

Who was he fighting with?

Well, he was on his cell, but we get horrible cell reception in the building, so we usually go up to the roof.

Gavin! Fire department. Call out!

Gavin, call out.

Gavin, you up here?

Nothing on the south side.

Nothing on the east side.

There's nothing on the west side.


You hear that?

Fire department. Call out!

Over here!

Fire department. Call out!

Down here!

Where is this guy?

Help! I'm stuck down here.

Get squad here now.

Herrmann, talk to me.

He's ass down, head and feet up.

Give me a measurement from the end of the building.

He's 27 feet, 8 inches from the back corner.

Copy that.

Lower down an open radio and a mask.

Gavin, I'm lowering you down a radio and a mask.

Put the mask on so you don't breathe the dust from the drilling.

Wait... what drilling?

Gavin, this is Lieutenant Severide.

We can't climb down to get you, so we're gonna have to drill through the wall.

Capp, use a 3/4 on the hammer drill.

I want 3 feet from the side of the x.

Casey, how's he doing?



Go to channel three for me.



Smiling death?

Yeah, he's been compressed for so long, when we cut him out, he's gonna have a 50/50 chance.

You want family here?


Give me five minutes.


Back to one.

Mills, air chisel two bricks out on the top of the x for me.

I'm getting kind of tired in here.

Hey, Gavin, I hear you're big UFC fan.

Who's your favorite fighter?

Johny Hendricks.

Yeah, too bad he got his ass kicked by St-Pierre.

Look, obviously, you didn't see that fight.

Everybody knows Hendricks got robbed.

Stick to badminton, pal.

Dude, I'm gonna kick your ass for saying that.

I'm not even joking.


All right, I'm through.

All right, guys, get in there, get in there.

Ah, give me a 14-gauge and spike a bag.

Gonna feel a little prick.


Hang in there, Gavin.

I'm gonna give you some sodium bicarb.

Bicarb's in.

All right.

Good to go.

Mills, Capp, finish it off.

Stay with us, Gavin.

Come on, come on. Come on, come on.

All right, we're good.

All right, guys, get in there.

Got it?



Ready. One, two, three.

[Both grunt]




Now, what do you got to say to my face?

Oh, I was just messing with you to keep your heart rate up, Gavin.



Two, three, up.

[Cell phone rings]

You got it?


This is Severide.

Hey, I'm Kelly Severide.

Oh, yeah.

A guy claiming to be a fireman dropped your name on a D.U.I., and I wanted to make sure he wasn't lying before I booked him.

You know him?

Yeah. Anyone hurt?

Nah, just veered off into a ditch.


Hey, it's my bad. It's totally my fault.

Took a couple of pills.

I had a flare-up in my back.

And then buddy calls me.

He's going through a divorce, wants to meet for a few drinks.

You need to get in rehab.

I hear you, but there's no need.

I mean, I got a handle on this.

What I need is help with this D.U.I. charge, 'cause if it sticks, I won't get into CFD.

Good luck.

All right, all right. All right, okay.

Okay, what?

I'll go.

Look at me.

I will go to rehab.

There, you happy?

Any way we can let this slide?

I mean, he was a fireman in Denver.

He's just looking for another shot here.

He's just had a tough go at it lately.

So you're vouching for him?

Yes, I'm vouching for him.

I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.

Appreciate it. I owe you one.


Oh, I'm just messing with you.

You wouldn't be able to handle me anyway.

Snap you right in half.

[Laughs] Um...

Yeah, so beat it. I got work to do.

You sit tight.

All right.

Where are the seven dwarfs, right?

Ha. Yeah, it's awesome.

Mmm. Do you smell that?

It's like one of those pine-scented air thingies you get at the carwash.

Welcome to paradise at Baileys Harbor.

[Man chuckling]

You must be Leslie.

Hi, yeah. This is my friend Gabby.

Hi, I'm Margie Cavanaugh.

This is my husband, Thomas. Pleasure to meet you.

Anything you need, just ask.

We're right next door.


Enjoy that fireplace.

[Both chuckle]

Ah. This is gonna be great.


Yeah, so after reading the website, I guess they worked the board of trade in Chicago for 15 years, then cashed out, bought this place.



That's gonna be you and Casey in 20 years... matching sweaters, perfect little kids running around playing lacrosse.


You okay?

What's wrong?

You and Casey?

What the hell's going on?


The worst part is, he's not wrong.

I mean, we've been looking for apartments for two months.

You know how many apartments are available in Chicago right now?

A lot.

A lot.

But I'm dragging my feet and... and is it because he lied to me about the extent of his injury or 'cause he almost lost it on that guy at the restaurant who he thought was looking at me?

I mean, it was a big deal at the time, and now it's not, so I don't...

I don't understand why I'm feeling like this.


I'm here to help. Whatever you need.


Okay, I have to rally.

Yes, absolutely.

Did you bring alcohol?

Girl, get to know me already.

I'll grab some glasses.

So our girls are out in the boondocks, huh?

Yeah. I guess they've had it planned for a while and kept pushing it.

Bet you anything one of 'em comes back with a rescue squirrel.


How's everything with you and Dawson?


I was about to ask you for relationship advice, but that'd be like fitness tips from Mouch.

I have been in a lot of meaningful relationships.

Oh, yeah? What was meaningful about them?

Chivalry prevents me from going any further into it.


What's the matter?

Getting cold feet?

I'm not sure.

Maybe we're moving too fast.

Look, there's no such thing as moving too fast.

You just jump in, and either luck's on your side, or it ain't.

Any word from Dawson and Shay?

No cell phone reception.

What are they doing anyway?

Girls weekend.


It... seems odd.


I don't know.

It just seems odd.

That is not a girls weekend.

That is a future bride and a future maid of honor scoping out wedding spots for you two.

You got it all figured out, huh, Cruz?

Mark my words, Lieutenant.

I don't know. He's probably right, Casey.

In fact, you should start enjoying your last bits of freedom while you can, aka poker night with the boys.

Hey, now you're talking.

Just keep a lid on it.

Poker night?

Huh. I'll move some stuff around, see if I can make it. When and where?

Uh... nothing's been firmed up yet.

Tomorrow night. Cruz and I'll host.

Break in our new apartment.

Boom, boom.

I got a hit?


Nursing home provider from Gurnee.

Oh. Yeah, buddy.

She's cute.

Nursing home workers have the highest rate of depression in any field.

They have to care for people who are oftentimes incapable of expressing gratitude or appreciation.

Takes a real toll, apparently.



I mean, the guy's hit rock bottom.

Are you sure?

I tried calling over to the Denver Fire Department to look into any benefits he might have in terms of insurance for rehab, but they gave me the runaround, so I was hoping you would call over there.


You really are sticking your neck out for this guy.

I was in his shoes not too long ago.

I needed help getting on the other side of it, Chief.

What if he doesn't want your help?

What if he's just agreeing with you so he can beat this D.U.I. charge and you got left holding the bag?

I don't wake up every morning with the expectation that I'm gonna bat a thousand, Chief.

All right.

So you'll do it? You'll call Denver?

I'm gonna call Guildhaus over in Blue Island.

They have a live-in facility for firefighters and their families. They take care of our people.

They never turn anyone away.

Thank you.

Kelly, do you know what this Bloom guy is really running away from?

Back injury on the job.

And that's all?

I don't know.

He's not the sharing type.

I just figured it'd be best to try and get him clean first.


I'll make the call.

Hey, Jones, it's Lieutenant Casey.

Just checking in. Uh...

Yeah, let me know what's going on or if there's anything I can do on my end.

[Siren] All right.

[Alarm buzzes]

Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

[Sirens wailing]

The whole situation's under control.

We've created a tight perimeter.

He wouldn't listen to me. Told me to back off.

Casey, are you and Herrmann on juno lines?

In position. Ready to go.

Severide, you in position?

Yeah, one minute away, Chief.



What's your name, pal?

Jerry. Now, leave me alone.

What's the problem here?

What do you care?

Just curious... when your parents ask.

My girl left me.

Come on, you're a good-looking kid.

You'll find another one.

Not like her!

All right, I'm climbing out here next to you, and we can talk this out.

Stay away from me. No tricks!

I just want to die.

Jerry, listen to me.

You won't wanna do this.

People who take their own lives... and I've seen a few... they have a plan, man.

You got your heart broke and came up here in the heat of it.
[Engines power up]

Come on, come on, come on.

Jerry, Jerry, you do not want to k*ll yourself.

Watch me.

[Sobs] Tell her I loved her.


Please don't drop me! [Whimpering]

It always seems like a good idea until your feet leave the ground, huh?


Hey, I think also you've been under a lot of stress.

Another excellent point.

Fire academy's stressful to begin with, I'm assuming.


Then you get injured, have to see Jones take your spot, and she's a pill on top of it all.

I have no beef with Jones.

We were the only two females at the academy with a bunch of guys staring at us because they didn't think we belonged, waiting for us to fail.

And anything she did that I didn't like at the time, looking back on it now, it's just 'cause she was scared, like I was.

Eh, still a bit of a pill.


Well, Casey doesn't want me to be a firefighter.

Oh, that's crazy.

It's not.

Didn't he pull strings so that you could retake the test?

Yeah, only after he found out I was gonna retake it anyway.

Woman: Ask me a question, and I will!

Man: [Mocking] Ask me a question, and I will!

Is that the perfect couple that owns this place?

I ask you what time it is, and you tell me how to build a watch.

Yeah, I should have listened to my brother and married Erin from Highland Park.

And I should have listened to your brother and married him.

Don't you even dare!

[Both laughing] I love hearing couples argue.

So good.

You are an idiot, Thomas.

A total moron.

Which is why I married you, Margie!

Anybody heard from Jones?

Not yet.

See, simple as that.

So it's a date?


Tomorrow night. Congrats.

All right!

Well, it looks like Mouch is out for poker night.

Who's in?


Hey, what kind of poker we talking about?

Draw, stud, hold 'em? What?

Yeah, whatever. You know what's a hoot?

Did you guys ever play Indian poker?

What is this, summer camp?

You just sprout your pubes there, Otis?

So you guys are hosting. I need an address.

Yeah, look, Otis and I can host, but there ain't no cigars, all right?

Landlord won't allow it.

All right, I'll host, but everybody's got to bring snacks and beer.

I'm not getting chiseled on this deal.


Herrmann, you in?


You know, I would come to poker night, but it sounds so fun, I'm afraid it would ruin me from ever wanting to do anything else other than hanging out with the guys.


I get that.

I'm getting ribs from Carson's for dinner.

All right, maybe a few hands.

That's the spirit.

I got to duck out.

I'll have my radio on.

I am issuing him an I-bond.

Conditions are as follows: Do not get rearrested, and complete a substance abuse program.

The pills we found in the car will be inventoried, but he won't be charged.

I got a prescription.

Shut up.

I'm not gonna impound the car, although I should.

He'll get a ticket for reckless driving, which can always be upgraded if the bond is violated.

I don't want him in a vehicle unless it's got checkers on it, and I'm telling you all this because it's your ass if I get played.

Is that understood?

Got it. Thank you.

Let's go.

All right, so here's the deal.

Rehab, I'm all for it, but I got some loose ends to wrap up, you know, important family matters that I got to deal with.

Hey, listen, I'm not Florence Nightingale, all right?

I got better things to do than to run around trying to convince you to get your life straight.

If you don't want my help, just get your ass back in that district and hash it out with Sergeant Platt.

All right. Where do I got to be?

The place is called the Guildhaus.

I'll meet you there tomorrow.

I'll text you all the info.


Is this just about your back injury?

Is there anything else I should know?

You just text me where and when, and I'll be there.

Chief Jones, Lieutenant Casey.

Oh, I remember.


I'm not sure if you heard or not, but your daughter... she's hip to the fact you want her in P.R.

I heard.

Okay. Um...

Look, it's none of my business, but Rebecca is taking this pretty hard, and I just wanted to take another run at the possibility that maybe you let her stay on Truck for...

Do me a favor.

Start that first sentence over again.

It's none of my business, but...

There you go.

Man: You made me this way, you know that?

I never raised my voice before I met you!

I don't know how they're not hoarse by now.

I don't know.

Go to the store, [screaming] and get a new toilet!

[Laughing] Oh, my God.

You never know what couples are like behind closed doors, right?

I gotta do everything around here!

I'm kicking myself. You know why?


What happened to our game plan?

You're absolutely right.

Come on.

Let's get into that Tequila and play some boggle already.


[Metal crashes]

Aah! Oh, my God! Help!

Somebody help!

Oh, my God, Thomas!

Go call 911 now!


911 said the soonest they can be here is in 30 minutes.

What? Isn't there an ambulance in this town?

No. We're unincorporated.

Is he gonna die?

Not if we can help it.

3 to 4-inch laceration.

No crepitus, pupils are equal.

Margie, grab towels, sheets, and duct tape.

Do you know what you're doing?

We're paramedics! Go!

Hey, Thomas, you got a real serious cut on your head.


My wife is right.

I'm an idiot.

I should have called a plumber.

Hey, hey, everybody makes mistakes.

I got it.


Hang in there.

Breathe deep. Breathe deep.

All right, bleeding stopped.

Is he gonna be okay?

We got him stabilized.

My leg!


Pulse is weak and tachy.

I feel a deformity to the thigh.

His femur's broken.

Margie, do you have any crutches on the property?


Hey, traction splint.

On it.

[Moaning] Please make it stop.

Hey, Thomas, we're gonna get some wood and make a traction splint.

I know you're in a lot of pain.

I need you to find a way to calm down, okay?

Where's my wife?

Dawson, watch your head.

He's lost a lot of blood.

I'm not sure how much longer he has.

Well, what if we put him in your car and drive him toward the ambulance?

There's a possibility of a spinal injury.

If we move him with the wrong equipment, he'll die for sure.

Please forgive me.

I'm so sorry. It all seems so stupid now.

Of course I forgive you.

Do you forgive me?


Thomas! Thomas!

He's crashing!

Oh, don't leave me!

Thomas, I need you!

Stay with us, Thomas.

Hey, what's up, Chief?

Hey, Herrmann.

Do you still have a connection with the Illinois Female Firefighters Association?

Yeah, I help 'em run drills for their seminars twice a year.

Anyone strike you there as mentor material?

Marylou Monzella. She's a great gal.

Do me a favor.

Hook her up with Jones, will you?

Maybe her and Marylou... they can go and have a coffee or something.

Yeah, no sweat.

I think she's out of town this week, but I'll give her a call.

Everything all right with Jones?

Oh, yeah.

No, she just needs someone to talk to, is all.

All right, got it.

Chief Donaldson from Denver Fire Department on line one.

Okay, I got to take this.

Why do I have to be the girl?

Just do it, Cruz, and stop your whining.



Okay, all right. Ready, Mouch.


[Feminine voice] Hi, Randy, nice to meet you.

You too.

Okay, hold on. Mouch, what are you doing?

Reading the menu.


To see what they serve for dinner.

Why so soon, I guess is my question.


Can I jump in here?

Yeah, please. Please.

When you walk in to meet a blind date...

Look like you? Well, that ain't happening, so she can take me or leave me, warts and all.

Can I finish?



Engage in conversation. Ask her something.

Okay, okay. Fine.

Walk back in again?

Just start from there.

You got it.



Where're you from?


Can I jump in real quick? Sorry.

You should already know where she's from because she has a profile on the website.

Just like you do.

Yup, good point, good point.

So if you ask a question that's already on the profile, she's gonna think you didn't actually bother to read it.

That's right.


So just branch out a little.



Name five things you're scared of.

Uh... being here with you on this date just became number one for me right now.


She wouldn't say that.



Come with me, please.

[Rescue radio chatter]

Fractured femur. We made a traction splint.

He lost a lot of blood.

His pulse is weak, barely palpable.

He needs a fluid bolus.


We'll take it from here.

I'm going with.

Ma'am, you can follow us in another vehicle.

No, I'm riding in the back.

Will you listen to the lady?

I think she knows what she's doing.

You're right, honey. I'm sorry.

I miss Matt.

So I called over to Denver on your friend.

Yeah, his insurance is gonna kick in?

It is.

Okay. I appreciate it, Chief.

You should know this.

He was injured in the Tadisco warehouse fire.

That was one of the worst fires Denver's had in the last 100 years.

Ten firefighters died.

I've been doing this for 20 years.

I was a junkie 10 before that.

All that living and learning is telling me one thing right now.

He's not coming, is he?

Recovery is for people who want it, not for people who need it.

When we doing this?

You ever try Riesling? It's amazing.

No, this is a special occasion for me.

I usually drink beer, Miller Lite mostly, sometimes Budweiser or Schlitz.

Remember Hamm's?

So tell me what it's like to be a fireman.

It has to be so exciting.

Ah, it's a lot of adventures, you know?

Fire, a great group of guys, women too, of course.


A lot of homely ones.

Well, Dawson's pretty cute in a totally professional, like, "I'm not even looking" kind of way.

But I just work with them, so you don't have to worry.


But why would you worry?

This is our first date.

I'm not really good at first dates.

[Laughing] Me neither.

Oh, you kidding me?

No, you're doing great.

My ex-husband always told me that I talk too much, so I'm a little self-conscious about it.

So what drew you to Golden Oldeez?

Well, I'm very happy by myself, but I just moved here from Pittsburgh.

And I was reading this article about prisons, and the author made a point that the most severe punishment in any culture is solitary confinement.

I mean, we're social animals, you know?

We need to be around others.

And if it doesn't come easily, well, then, gosh, darn it, just get on a website and make an effort.

So that's what I did.

I like you.

There you go, ladies.

Thank you.

Hey, there she is.

Hey, Herrmann.

Skinny Margarita, right?

Um... I'll just have a club soda.


Is Dawson around?

I've been trying her cell.

Nah, she's in the sticks.

Her and Shay had some girls getaway planned.

You know what?

Me... my wife, she wants to go to a cabin with a hot lesbian for a few days, she's gonna get an unexpected visit from you know who.

You're a trip. You know that?


Hey, you get everything straightened out with your old man?


I got one more shift at 51, and then I'm transferred to P.R.

At least that's what his secretary told me.

My dad won't call me back.

P.R. That what you want?

You know, I don't really know anymore.

It's just not worth it... trying to fight with him.

Why do you have to?

I mean, why is your old man just a jag-off?

Well, when I was ten, I was in a car accident with my mother.

She died.

The only thing that reminds my father of that day is me.

I really don't know what to say about that, kid, except I'm sorry.


Hey, just remember, though, you got a family at 51 who really loves you.

Yeah, I'm gonna miss you guys.

Do me a favor, okay?


Tell Dawson I stopped by.

Yeah, you got it.

Hey, Rebecca.

Listen, if you need to talk, I got club soda up the ying-yang.

You just come and park it here.

We'll solve the mysteries of the world.

I got it worked out.

Thanks, Herrmann.


This is a blast.

You lost almost $200, Chout.

It's the fun of it.

Hanging out, telling stories, you know?

I love playing poker with guys like you.

So, uh, Oxford stud?


Come on, you keep changing the game up just when we get the hang of the last one you wanted to play.

Fine. Five card draw.


In here, sweetie.

You're married?

Yes, indeedy.

Hey, honey.

Hi, kitten.

How's it going?

I'm cleaning up.

These are the guys.



Carson's ribs?


Can I get anybody a beer or anything?

I... I... I'm good. Thank you.

Where are the cigars and strippers?

It's poker night.

Have fun.

That's your wife?

You, McAuley, Dr. Doom and Gloom snagged that earth angel over there?

That's correct.

How many?

You know what? I fold.

Hey, Gabby.

I know you're not getting any reception up there, but I just, uh...

Yeah, I don't know.

It's poker night with the guys, and all I want to do is cash in my chips and go home to you, except you're not there.

So I guess I'll just have to stay here and take all of Cruz's money.

Anyway, I hope you guys are having a great time and drive safe, and..

Oh, a bunch of new listings came out this morning.

There's a few places I think you'll like, though I've obviously been wrong about that before.

But we can look at them when you get home.

Um, I'm sorry about how we left it.

Anyway, I love you.

Okay, bye.






I love you.

I love you too.

I'm gonna get showered up, and then I'm gonna need about ten minutes to put on a little outfit I've been meaning to break out and then tell you to come in.


Uh, yes, yes, and...



Go get a couple beers.


[Phone ringing]


What's the matter?

Baby, what happened?



They... they just found her body.
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