02x07 - No Regrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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02x07 - No Regrets

Post by bunniefuu »

I need to be assured that this means that 51 is safe.

Yes, it does.

Previously on Chicago Fire...

I didn't campaign for your job, Wally.

I'm giving up my job to save 51.

I'm Benny's wife. The boys miss him.

He hasn't been home in months.

They need to see their father.

I saw your name on the applicant list.

I was in a bad place, man.

You'd make a hell of a cop though.

My wife moved out back in August.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, what are you gonna do?

This is t*rture.

The point is, they talk about you all the time.

They miss you.

I think I know what you're going through.

You can twist yourself up in knots trying to understand it, but ultimately I don't think it's for us to figure out.

There's a protein in our blood called osteopontin.

Your levels are higher than expected.

Meaning what?

Sometimes it's an indicator for asbestos poisoning.

[Machine thrumming]

The scans will be read by a radiologist, and they'll get back to you with the results.

I thought the results were instant.

Let's see, you're being screened for lung cancer.

I'm sure someone will let you know by tomorrow.

[Laughing, chattering]

Go long, go long.




[All cheer]

[Thud, clatter] Ooh!

[Object shatters]

Broken glass, flag on play.

Hey, no way. That was a touchdown.

Of course it was.


Should I come back later, or...

Nope, we were just, uh, cleaning.

Yeah, just dusting.

Why do you need a football to help you clean?

Ooh, busted.

Hey, my house.

I decide who's busted, all right?

Oops. Oh, Ben, I'm sorry.

Wait, hold on.

Give me a look.

Maybe it's time G.I. Joe goes into retirement.


Wait, wait, okay, okay.

Um, listen, Gabby sees this kind of thing every day.

If you guys can do the dishes, then she'll get him back into fighting shape.

What do you say?



Hey, excuse me.


Weren't you here before with Benny Severide?

Uh, yeah, I was. Why?

Ii just wanted to know if you were aware that he has a wife and kids.

Yeah, of course I do. I... who are you?

So it doesn't bother you breaking up a family and...

Wait, wait, wait, do you think I'm dating Benny?

To be generous, yeah.

I'm his daughter, Katie.

You three make quite a crew.


Which reminds me... a cabin on Lake Carroll, two days pulling large-mouth out of crystal clear water.

Oh, man, they're going to love that.

So will you.

Yes, I will.

[Cell phone rings]


Matt, I have some news.

Boys, I'm coming home.

What, really?

Mom's coming home!

Because of overcrowding, they're letting me out early.

I told you she'd come back.

Mom's coming home!

Mom's coming home!

Whoo! Mom's coming home!

Mom's coming home! Whoo!

Mom's coming home! Whoo!

I told you she'd come back.

Your wife Beth came to see me.

Yeah, well, she's got a flair for the dramatic, that woman.

Now you understand why it's best I give her some space.

Always the martyr.

Hold on, you don't know the whole story.

And I never do.

It's like I didn't know the story of my 21-year-old sister.

Yeah, I talked to her.

21 years old, which is exactly how long ago you left me and mom to fend for ourselves.

Tell me this. Do you even know who her mom is?

Of course I do.

And have you been taking care of her all these years?

How could I? I just met Katie when I got to town.

You're unbelievable.

Yeah, well, alert the press.

I had some issues when I was younger.

But don't forget, I'm coming out of a happy retirement to save your dysfunctional firehouse.

That's an excuse!

You're just running from another family, leaving the kids with the bill.

Hey, Herrmann, lieutenant tests are coming up.

How many times you take that thing?

Capp, really?

Ha ha.

You mean how many times did I fail it?


The answer is three, but not since the '90s.

Five kids is all the aggravation that I need.

I know my place.

Hey, lady in the house.

Hey, hey.


Oh, now here's a sight I love to see.

What, me or the groceries?


There's more in the car.

You got it.

Hey, guys.

Hey, baby, how are you?

Wallace, hi.

I will help with the rest of the groceries.

Ah, Chief, you have a call.

I'm no foodie per se, but having two Millses in the kitchen bodes well for lunch, huh?


I thought McLeod burned all of our old logbooks in the town square.

What year you got there?


I don't suppose you're just cruising memory Lane.

Factory fire on Haskell, high heat, asbestos falling like snow.

No masks back then.

Three of these men are dead.

Lung cancer.

Hey, Severide, roll call's in five minutes.

Where's Shay?

I don't know, Dawson. I'm not her babysitter.

Yeah, well, someone needs to be.

Looks like the engine is losing water.

A couple of seals are cracked.

We put in a request, and the wizard said it's going to be a couple of weeks.

You sure we've got that long?

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Jeff Clarke.


Who should I say is, uh...

His wife.


Something wrong?

Just slow down for a second.

I'm here in peace.

What do you want, Lisa?

To talk to you.

I've been going to a group.

Good for you.

It's a place to hear other people's stories, to connect and find out what's going on in your head.

Here's what's going on inside my head.

A month after I got back, you were sleeping at your sister's house.

When I needed you most, you left.

Jeff, you treated me like the day's garbage.


Is that what they tell you in that group?

You left me, Lisa.

I did.

And I'm sorry, okay?

I'm here to say I'm sorry.

Wish it was that easy.

It could be if you'd let it.

Let's just spend some time together.

I got to get back.

Okay, see you later.

Hey. Look, before you start with the heavy breathing, I know.

I'm more than happy to get a reliever.

I'm good. I'm good. I just got a lot going on.

Yeah, I see you got your hands full.


Our house has been under the microscope lately.

Everyone in this room has handled the various intrusions like the professionals I know you to be, and that is why 51 is still going strong.

It's your commitment to the house that allows me in good conscience to announce my retirement from the C.F.D.

It's been an honor to serve with every single one of you.


[Buzzer blares]

Let's go to work.

Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25.

Railroad incident. South Homan and 75th.

[Sirens, horns honking]

Did you know?

McLeod's been pressuring him.

We just got to get this call over with and talk him out of it.

This will be quick.

5 bucks says just another cell phone on the tracks.

50 says it's not.

What the hell?

Chief, I'm seeing multiple commuter cars derailed, at least a hundred fleeing passengers and several fires, including cars and a building.

Did that train go into that building?

We're gonna need more alarms, Chief.

45 and Main.

We got multiple commuter trains derailed and at least a hundred victims.

I need a 2-11 alarm and an E.M.S. plan 2, the rail corridor on 75th.

Chief, we'll take the passenger car.

Recon the tanker and get a handle on the car fires.

Copy that.

Shay, Dawson.


Set up triage.

Call it as you see it.

You got it.

That thing just plowed right into us.

Come with me.

There's more guys in the warehouse.

Check the cars for victims. We got more in the warehouse.

Liquid propane. Liquid propane, Chief.

All companies be aware that the overturned tanker is filled with propane. Work quickly, and let's get those people out of those train cars.

[Passengers screaming] Help, please!

Let's go. Get that plug open.

Engine 51, water's flowing.

Come on. Come on, come.

Where's the water?

Pump's not working.

Come on.

All right. All right, here we go.

Herrmann, water coming your way.

It's coming.

Here it comes.

25, be advised closest units are currently responding to a high-rise fire.

Relief companies are en route from Battalion 32.

32 is across town.

Yeah, McLeod's cutbacks at work.


[Shouting] This one's empty too.

That propane tanker's too close for comfort.

Knock those fires down!

Sir, you're hurt.

Let's get you out of here.

My daughter.

She just went to the rear to get her backpack.

If you didn't see her inside, she's on her way to triage.

We'll take you.

All the doors are jammed.

Get 'em open.

Tony and I are gonna clear the warehouse.


All right.

[People coughing, moaning]


This way.

Right there.

Step back. We're gonna get you out.

In here! Get us out!

Hang on, guys.

We need more triage tags.

We need more everything.

You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.

There's a... there's more tags in the ambo.

I... I'm gonna get those. Finish bandaging her.


Dawson, leg wound. He's losing blood.

My daughter, Anna, is she here?

She's ten, she's wearing a striped sweater.

No, sir, but I'll let you know as soon as we see her, all right?

What's your name?



Marcus, there are a lot of others who are in worse shape.

Can you hang on?

Find my daughter!

[Yelling] Striped sweater.

Here you go.

What are the different colors for?

Just be glad you're not wearing a black one.

Remind me to thank this guy for topping off his t*nk.

Just keep the wet stuff on the hot stuff.

Hey, you okay?

Got it!

You okay? Huh?

Whoa, come here, come here.

All right, hey, stick with me.

Here we go. Watch your step.

Hold, one second, stop...

That's all right.


Careful, ma'am. Go slow, watch your step.

Keep walking, keep moving.

[Woman sobbing]

Sir, what the hell are you doing?

Her eye. An epidermal hemorrhage is pushing on her brain.

I have to release the pressure.

A wine opener isn't ideal, but when is life ideal, right?

She should be okay.

Wow, thanks. You can exit the way we came in.

We'll take it from here.

No, there are at least ten more back there.

Let me help.

I've got some medical experience.

Obviously. What's your name?


All right, Westin, I appreciate the hand.

Capp, let this guy go first.

Typical, huh?

We ask for more ambos and they send us police cars.

Mills, need a hand?


I saw you signed up for another C.P.D. ride-along.

Might as well get yourself fitted for a uniform.

Just help me get him to the tarp, man.


She's got a hole in her head.

Red. Chief, we need some more hands here.

45 to main, we can't wait for those ambos.

Activate the emergency response team from Lakeshore.

Okay, there you go. Can you walk?

Come on. You got him, Tone?


Capp, there's still two in the back.

All right, sir, you're gonna have to keep pressure on it.

I'll be right back. Westin...

Hand me that strip of cloth over there.

It lets the paramedics know he's got a tourniquet.

Here. Combat medic, huh?

You coming or going?


Heading home for a week to see the family.

What about you, marine? When did they cut you loose?

Hey, come on, man, I can smell jarhead a mile away.

First recon.

So basically you're working on your golf game?

[Chuckles] Brought my handicap down five strokes.

I'll be right back.

Yes, sir.


Easy, all right.

Hey, Marcus.

I told you to stay...

Anna's not in triage.

I won't go back until I find her.



You're not gonna be much good on that leg.

She lost her mother to breast cancer last year.

She's got to be so scared.

Are you a father, Lieutenant?


So you know how I feel.

Where were you guys sitting?


All right, I'll find her as long as you don't bleed out on me.

Back to triage.

[People screaming]

Redirect the lines, 81!

We got to get water on that tanker now!

Herrmann, you got this?

Got it, Lieutenant.

Let's go, move those lines!

Cool that propane!

Give me one line on the fire with two sheeting off the top.

We got to keep this rig cool!



Severide, how many still trapped?

There's less than ten still in the warehouse but a bunch more still in the passenger car.

Hey, sir, you need to get back in your car and drive away.

It's tempting, but you look to be about ten hands short of what you need.

David Arata, Chief of Trauma Lakeshore.

Okay, yeah, you'll do.

What's your head count?

Uh, we're at 30 so far, but we got more coming in.

Sir, move that man to the black tarp.

No, wait. We haven't assessed him yet.

Unless you have plasma, which you don't, he's dead.

I need any injured who can still walk to keep walking.

We need space to work.

Let's go.

[Yelling] Sheet off the top.

Hit it from the other side!

[High-pitched whistle]

You okay?

I'm okay.

What the hell is that?

The pressure relief valve's venting.

Without it, this thing's blowing sky high!

You better get these attack lines back.

We're going defensive! Go back.

Come on!

Back here. Something's wrong.

He was wrapping my leg then he just fell back.

Come on, Westin.

[Grunting] Ugh.

What's wrong, marine?

You've never seen a little bruise before?

You, of all people, should know how serious this is.

You, of all people, know that no army medic walks out on the wounded.

Severide, help me out.

Okay, hold on. You're gonna be okay.

Damn it.

Something wrong?



Head down, task at hand.



This candle ever gonna go out?

That propane's got to go someplace.

If it goes out, then we got to worry.

Chief, pressure's falling on the pumper.

Floor it.

I think the seal's going bad.

We're losing pressure.

Son of a bitch.

Seals just popped, so we've lost pressure.

Herrmann, set up an ariel pipe.

We got to squeeze every drop of water onto that tanker or it'll blow.

Got it, let's go! Get out of here!

25 to main, where's that backup?

Delay, 25. Still 15 minutes out.

Let's go!

Internal bleeding. I'm not sure how bad.

Let me help.

I got it, Shay.

Right here. Red.

All right.


Black. We need the space.

No. Dawson.

You take care of him.

It's okay.


Okay, fine.

Hey, you all right?



Hey, you can do this.

Just get through the day, all right?

Breathe in for me.

Line's charged.

Here comes the water, Chief!

Let's hope it lasts.


We finished the primary search for warehouse workers.

How many?


There were 24 cars in the lot by my count.

Today's payday.

Our two bookkeepers use the back office.

Hey, Chief, there's possibly two workers still in the back office.

Mills, grab your irons.

Let's go, go!

Fire department!

If you can hear me, call out!

Chief, warehouse guy said the bookkeepers work in the third office towards the back.

Chicago fire department.

Call out if you can hear me.

Up ahead on the left.

[Yelling] Chief, wait!

[Coughs] Mills?

Yeah, here, here.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I think so.


I'm good, I'm just... I'm just trapped.

Me too. Um...

Let me try and... ugh.

No, no!

There could be a few tons above us.

Let's just not push our luck, okay?

[Coughs] Yeah.

This is Boden. I'm with Mills.

We're in the north end of the warehouse.

There's been a collapse.

On our way, Chief.

That's it on the water.

Engine's fried. Watch that tanker!

Hey, Chief, the heat destroyed the pressure release valve.

What do you want us to do?

The tanker's gonna blow and it's gonna take the block with it.

This is Battalion 25 to all fire and police personnel.

Evacuate the area to a 1/4-mile perimeter.

Repeat evacuate the area.

It's the right thing to do.

I'm gonna need confirmation that all first responders have pulled back to a safe distance.

I got a job to finish.

We're on the tanker.

Chief ain't going out like this.

Let's move.

All right everybody, let's go.

People, if you can move, let's do it.

We need to evacuate. Sir, let's go.

Not a chance.

Uh, negative on that confirmation, Chief.

Herrmann, you listen to me...

Chief, you know they aren't going anywhere.

Hey, where'd you come from?

Back office.

How'd you get out?

Around back.

But everything came down right behind us.

Let's go.

[Man coughing]

We got to release and divert the gas flow.

Will that coupling fit one of our hoses?

Yeah, let's try it.


Anna, can you hear me?

Hey, guys, secure the end of this hose.

Got it.

Let's attach it to the track.

Move, guys. Let's move.

I need a chain.

Coming in.


Hey, Westin?

Westin, stay with me.

Stay with me, buddy.

We have more incoming.

You need to ration your supplies.

His vitals are 80 over 50. He needs a second line.

Hey, keep moving.

I'll handle this one.

Well, I guess this isn't a good time to ask if you're claustrophobic.


I spent the better part of yesterday trapped in an M.R.I.

All I could think of when I was in that machine is what I was gonna do when I got out.

This wasn't on the list.

So you got your test results in?

No, not yet.

Maybe it's better I stay in here, not knowing.

But if the results are clear, and... you don't have to retire.

Men who usually stay on the job longer than they should live to regret that choice.

You have any regrets?

I'm done talking about me.

Let's talk about you and P.D.


Oh, no.

I'm not giving up.

Is there someplace else she could be?

Our meal vouchers were in her backpack.

She wanted to see if they were good for lunch.

Where do they sell food on the train?

I know you think that I walked into police academy because I got pushed over for Squad.

It's not the reason why.

I wanted out because I found out about you and my mom.

[Wood creaking]

[Loud thudding]

Ah! Come on, quit lying around and get out of there before this whole thing blows to smithereens.

Hose secure.

Opening the valve.

Coming out with the Chief and Mills.

Severide, how's that valve?

Son of a bitch.

Hey, I need a vice grips up here.



Damn it!



Mills, how's your arm?



I need a backboard over here.


Can you hear me?

My dad.

He's waiting for you.

Hey, hey, why aren't you treating him?


He saved lives in there, and you're gonna let him die in the dirt?

Even if I had an ambulance, he wouldn't make it to the hospital alive.

I'm sorry.

Hey, jarhead.

You get the rest?

Yeah, man, I did.

Could have got you too if you'd told me earlier.


And let you be the hero?


Go to hell.

All passengers alive and dead have been accounted for.

You disobeyed orders.


I suppose you taught us that.

Chief, just know if it were up to me, you wouldn't be going anywhere.


Dawson, Shay, I remember you were doing rounds with Hallie Thomas over at Lakeshore, right, designs on being a surgeon.

Yeah, that's right.

You were extraordinary today, both of you.

Call me anytime.

I'm always willing to help out good people.

I understand you had quite a day today.

It's calls like that that reflect very well on this house.

I don't give a damn how it reflects.

We can't operate without the support that we need.

But you did today, didn't you?

You worked with what you had, and you saved lives.

So whether you like it or not, Chief, the system works.

But that's not your problem anymore.

This is for your exit interview tomorrow.

Please fill it out and remember to bring your badge.

I actually missed this place.


Why didn't you call? I would have picked you up.

I wasn't gonna stay there a minute longer than necessary.

I was hoping I could get the keys so I can be there when the boys wake up.

Sure, yeah.

They are going to lose their minds when they see you.

Matt, this whole thing... has made me realize I need to make some changes in my life.

Whatever you need.

I know that. I do.

But I also know that when I wake up tomorrow, everything I see, everywhere I go, will remind me of losing Andy and Jen.

I've got this old friend in Florida.

She owns an apartment building and needs a manager.

It's rent free, and it's a steady job.

Heather... take a little time.

I've cleared it with the probation department.

Hey, Shay. Can you give me a minute?

We really need to talk.

Not now, I... I'm fine.

[Woman giggling]



Lover's quarrel?

Ugh, just go.

Mr. Boden, this is Dr. Kerry.

Your test results came back negative.

I'd still like to get you tested every year, but there's no reason you shouldn't get out and celebrate.


[Knock at door]

You sure picked a hell of a call to go out on.

Sure did.

Peter... we should talk.


I was so mad at you, I could barely look at you.

And day after day I've watched you put yourself on the line for this house, for me.

And now you're leaving, and...

I realize what a waste of time it was to be so mad.

I regret that, and I wish I had that time back.

What's up?

You were right.

Let's face it, when it comes to women I'm a world class screw-up.

Something goes wrong for me, and I make sure I scorch the earth as I leave town.

I did that to your mother.

I did it to Katie's mom.

And now I'm doing it again to Beth.

She's probably gonna divorce me, but at least I can be around for the boys.

I'm sorry I wasn't around for you.

Anyway, they got soccer, so... if I hit the road now, I should be able to make the game.

That's good.



Do me a favor, will you?

Would you tell Wally, Chief Boden, that... 51 is his house.

Oh, one last thing.

Your sister Katie...

I haven't spent much time with her, but... she seems like a nice person.

No promises.

I'll see you, Kelly.

It's difficult for me to accept that the department I've always known is changing.

That makes me somewhat of a dinosaur.

But as difficult as those changes are... letting go of a lifetime's work, that isn't easy.


[Crying] I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

There isn't a single man I've served with who hasn't been brought to his knees because of what he's seen on the job.

Different endeavors in life change people.

Only the strongest are up for that.

What makes them exceptional?

No matter how hard they fall, they never give up when there's something worth fighting for.

You'd make a great lieutenant.

Yeah, I don't know if I can handle waiting by the mailbox for another rejection letter.

I'm pretty sure it'd come by email nowadays.

Yeah, thanks so much, sweetie.

When I was buried under two tons of rubble, my men risked their lives to pull me out.

Even an extinct old dinosaur like me.

So to think about saddling them with a broken system that strips away the essentials so they can barely do their job, a broken system that might keep one of my men and women from going home to their families, I will not... allow that.

And I don't give a damn.

I will have no regrets.

You... are not taking my house.

Not without a fight.

Do me a favor and take care of your mom and brother, okay?

You know... your dad always used to tell me that we didn't become men until we got our badges.

His original badge will always hang on the academy wall, but... made this one for you.

Is this his number?


I was in line right after him, so our badges are only one number apart, see?

Can I keep yours too?



This is for you so you don't forget us.

Not a chance.
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