02x22 - Red Letter

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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02x22 - Red Letter

Post by bunniefuu »

Hotel Lobby - San Desidera, California

(People of different nationalities are present and being interviewed by TV journalists)

Banner at the entrance to the conference room:
"Global Human Rights, Conference 2010"

Lynch: Where the hell is he, Stace?

Stacey: Don't worry, Mr. Lynch. I'm sure he'll be here soon.

Lynch: Yeah, well, this is ridiculous. I mean, he goes on in less than five minutes.

Stacey: It's all right, Mr. Lynch. He's here.

Lynch: All right, get him up on stage and I'll tell everybody he's on his way.

Stacey: Okay.

Stacey: Mr. Brava, I'm afraid we need to hurry.

(a journalist approaches)

Journalist: Mr. Brava, no advance copy of your speech has been released. Why the secrecy?

Brava: Well, come hear it, and you'll know.

Journalist: Can you tell us anything about what you're going to say?

(Brava stops walking towards the conference room)

Brava: You want a sound bite? Fine. People who traffic in humans are like cockroaches hiding in the dark. You have to expose 'em to the light.

(Brava's phone beeps, a text message was received)

Journalist: What do you mean, "expose"? Will you be naming somebody?

(SMS Message): "Meet me through the staff door, Carmen"

Journalist: Mr. Brava.

Brava: Wait here.

Stacey: Uh, Mr. Brava.

Brava: I'll be right back.

Stacey: Mr. Brava!

Journalist: That was Hector Brava, the keynote speaker for the Human Global Conference.

(Brava heads off)

(after a while, Stacey starts looking for Brava)

Stacey: Mr. Brava? We really-have to ... (seeing Brava's body on the ground) Help me! Somebody, please! (she runs out for help)

Hotel Lobby

(Lisbon and Jane come in, they are greeted by the sheriff)

Sheriff: Andy Burnside, Kane County Sheriff.

Lisbon: Agent Teresa Lisbon. This is Patrick Jane, our consultant.

Sheriff Burnside: Hi.

Jane: Hi.

Sheriff Burnside: So the victim's name was Hector Brava. He was a do-gooder. Ran an organization called the Sheltering Light Foundation. They fight human trafficking. There's a conference going on. He was supposed to give some kind of a speech. (to Jane) So you're the psychic, huh?

Jane: No. No such thing as psychics.

(Lisbon, Jane and Sheriff Burnside arrive at the scene of the crime, Cho is there)

Cho (to police officer): All right. Thanks. (to Lisbon and Jane) Looks like cause of death is blunt force trauma to the back of the head.

Sheriff Burnside: Yeah, some of my men found a fire extinguisher with blood on it over there. No, uh, usable prints on it, though.

Lisbon: If he was here to make a speech, what was he doing back here?

Sheriff Burnside: This. It's a text message.

Lisbon (reads SMS): "Meet me through the staff door. Carmen."

Sheriff Burnside: Tracking the sender now.

Cho: How many Carmens have you I. D.'d at the hotel?

Sheriff Burnside: Two employees at the hotel, another two were attending the conference. They all have alibis, though. We're gonna keep looking. He had his wallet on him, all his credit cards, a lot of money, so you can rule robbery out.

Jane: Maybe. Where's his speech?

Sheriff Burnside: Hmm?

Jane: Well, you just said Brava was on the way to deliver a speech. Wouldn't he have that speech on his person, or notes at least? Did you find anything?

Sheriff Burnside: No.

Lisbon: Cho, Find out everything you can about the speech.

Cho: You got it.

Lisbon (to Jane): What?

Jane: Uh, there's a contradiction here. The m*rder itself feels improvised, the fire extinguisher, the semipublic location. But the setup...The text message was planned. No robbery to speak of. No as*ault other than the blow to the head. It doesn't feel like an anger k*lling. It feels more like an act of desperation. The m*rder*r wanted to keep Brava from doing something or saying something.

Sheriff Burnside: That's just what our psychic said.

Lisbon: Your psychic?

Sheriff Burnside: Kristina Frye.

Jane: You're kidding.

Sheriff Burnside: What, you've heard of her?

Jane (annoyed): Hmm, hmm

In the hotel lobby

Frye (to Stacey): Relax. Don't force the memory. It'll come, and the details will emerge.

Jane: How much you paying her, Sheriff?

Sheriff Burnside: That's none of your business.

Jane: Oh, that much? I'm working for the wrong people.

Lisbon: Ms. Frye, hi. It's nice to see you again.

Frye (to Lisbon): You, too. Thank you. (to Stacey) We'll talk later.

Jane: So you got the Sheriff wrapped around your finger.

Frye: Sheriff Burnside is a man with an admirably open mind.

Jane: Mm, yes. He's also a man that likes to watch television with a cat curled up asleep on his lap while his mother sits next to him and knits. But I'm sure he'd prefer that to remain a secret.

Sheriff Burnside: Well, I thought you said you weren't psychic.

Frye: Oh, he is. He's just not ready to accept it.

Jane: Actually, it was the cat hair on your pants, lack of wedding ring and your general live-with-mom vibe. But if you want to believe that his dead Uncle Harry came down and whispered it in my ear, then be my guest.

Frye: Don't you ever get tired of your own cynicism?

Jane: Oh, weary as hell. What's the alternative?

Lisbon (diverting the sheriff): Why don't we give them a little bit of time to catch up? Sorry about the mom thing.


In the hotel's grounds

(Jane and Frye walk side by side)

Jane: I have a question. What are you doing working with the cops? I thought you were a spiritual psychoanalyst. Did your patients catch on to you?

Frye: I still have my practice. Why, you looking for a therapist?

Jane: Uh, let me think about that. No. I heard that psychoanalysts are a disease that present themselves as a cure. And on top of that, you add in ghosts.

Frye: Reflexive mockery, a sign of a troubled soul, Patrick.

Jane: You got bored, didn't you? Got too easy taking their money.

Frye: No. I think our gift obliges us to help other people.

Jane: Oh, is that what you think?

Frye: Mm-hmm.

Jane: Our gift gives us an obligation to help. I like that line. I'm gonna use it.

On the hotel terrace

(Lisbon, Cho, the sheriff)

Cho: Van Pelt says there's a problem tracing the text message that Brava got.

Sheriff Burnside: What?

Cho: Well, the trail leads to an electronic dead drop. No way to trace it back. But she's gonna look at his other phones, run down those calls.

Lisbon: And what about the speech?

Cho: There's no word yet on whether he had it on him or not. But we haven't talked to the wife yet. She's inside.

In an apartment

(Jane serves tea. Lisbon, Jane, Frye are there)

Ilsa Brava: Hector and I knew something like this might happen. He always said there was too much at stake to waste time worrying.

Lisbon: What were you and your husband worried about?

Ilsa Brava: The traffickers, people who profit from the enslavement of others. Hector was tireless in his pursuit of them.

Lisbon: Is there anyone you can think of who may have wanted to k*ll him?

Ilsa Brava: Agent, my husband's received half a dozen death threats since Christmas. If you're asking for names, well, we didn't make a habit of filing the notes.

Lisbon: He was gonna give a speech today. Did he have it on him?

Ilsa Brava: Yes. Why?

Lisbon: Well, there was some secrecy surrounding it. Uh, do, do you know what he was gonna talk about?

Ilsa Brava: No, I didn't. That wasn't unusual. Hector rarely shared the details of his work with me. It was his way of protecting me. The person you need to talk to is Russell Bigelow. He did research for Hector.

Frye: Ilsa, um... You've been told who I am and what I do?

Ilsa Brava: Uh, yes.

Frye: My communication with the other side is like a long-distance phone call with a bad connection. So often the messages I receive are meaningless to me, but not to those with ones who've passed over, okay?

Ilsa Brava: I'm really not big on this, um, supernatural stuff.

Jane: You're not alone.

Frye: Your husband wants me to remind you of something, something that will make you smile. It's, uh... I'm getting an image of, um... cherry blossoms? Does that mean anything to you?

Ilsa Brava: Yes. Uh... We were married under a cherry tree. How could you know that?

Jane: He can recall foliage from his wedding day, but he can't tell you who k*lled him?

Frye: Crossing over to the other side can be confusing. It's a bit like waking up from anesthesia. Sometimes it can take a while to get real clarity.

Jane: Huh. Oh, well, makes sense.

Lisbon: Does the name Carmen mean anything to you?

Ilsa Brava: Uh, the opera. Why?

Jane (playing with a dreamcatcher): That's pretty. Uh, my turn. Ilsa... did your husband ever cheat on you? Did you cheat on him?

Ilsa Brava: Why would you ask that?

Jane: You, you're very Noble and, and dignified. Very stoic. A Jackie O. thing going on there. Uh, maybe you don't give a crap. Maybe you're happy he's dead.

(Brava thinks for a second and throws a saucer at Jane, who dodges it with a smile)

Jane: Maybe not.

Ilsa Brava: I'd like you to leave now.

Lisbon: Good idea. Jane, enough fun. Let's go.

Jane (holding out his empty cup to Ilsa Brava): Thank you for the tea. Very tasty.


(Lisbon, Frye Jane and come down the stairs of Ilsa Brava's Apartment)

Lisbon: Nice work.

Jane: She was hiding something. I wanted to see what it was.

Lisbon: And what'd you learn?

Jane: Well, it's early days.

Frye: She's got a good arm.

Jane: Did learn that.

INT. CBI office

(Cho, Rigsby, Russell Bigelow)

Russell Bigelow: I'm, I'm not so sure this is such a good idea I talk about this stuff. I, I, I'm just a researcher, you know?

Rigsby: I... listen, Mr. Bigelow, we understand that you're frightened, but we really need to know what was in that speech.

Russell Bigelow: You don't understand. Look, trafficking generates billions. I mean, there are governments behind this stuff. It's like these people can get to anybody. I mean, Hector's death already proves that.

Cho: Then we can offer you protection, Russell. But only if you tell us what you know.

Rigsby: If you don't help us, then all the work that you've done to stop these guys will be for nothing.

Russell Bigelow: Traffickers use quasi-legit businesses to launder their money around the world. I watch audit trails. We made a connection. That's what's in Hector's speech.

Cho: What connection?

Russell Bigelow: Have you ever heard of the world anti-trafficking coalition?

Rigsby: One of the backers of the conference, right?

Russell Bigelow: Yeah. A major charity. It's run by a guy named Christopher Lynch. They assisted us in shutting down a bunch of networks, but the trafficking continued. The money just went someplace else. So it took a while to trace it, but we found out the coalition is a front for a trafficking group. You know, they used us to shut down their own competition, building themselves a monopoly. Here.

Rigsby: That the speech?

Russell Bigelow: My copy.

Cho: And why didn't you notify the authorities once you figured out what was going on?

Russell Bigelow: 'Cause Hector said that he wanted to denounce Lynch himself, in public. I said it was too dangerous, but he just wouldn't listen.

Rigsby: Did Brava ever mention anybody named Carmen to you?

Russell Bigelow: No. No, not to me. Why?

CBI Corridors

(Hightower and Rigsby walking)

Hightower: So Bigelow is saying that the people fighting human trafficking were traffickers.

Rigsby: Apparently.

Lisbon: All right. You and Cho go talk to this Lynch. See what he has to say for himself.

Rigsby: Okay, you got it.

In a hotel conference room

(Cho, Rigsby, Christopher Lynch)

Lynch: Are you guys joking? Because your humor's in bad taste. Hector was a close colleague and a good friend.

Rigsby: Who was planning to give a speech that would identify your coalition as a front for human traffickers, Mr. Lynch.

Cho: He named you specifically.

Lynch: Look, someone is leading you down the garden path, gentlemen. Okay, there's no basis of truth in this. Surely you can see that it's in the traffickers' interest to split us up, get us suspecting each other.

Cho: Looks like Brava went past suspecting you.

Lynch: Oh, please. Hector saw conspiracies everywhere. You know, he liked being in the spotlight.

Cho: We read the speech. It makes a pretty convincing case.

Lynch: Okay, look. We're gonna clear this up right now. I will have my lawyers give you access to all our records, and then you will see that the coalition has nothing to hide.

Rigsby: Does the name "Carmen" mean anything to you?

Lynch: No.

Rigsby: Can you think of anybody who'd want to k*ll Brava?

Lynch: Oh, yeah, maybe only a few hundred people. I ju, uh, wait a second. One thing. Second night of the convention, I saw Hector having an argument with a man named Tariq Sharif outside the hotel bar, and for my money, the argument was about a woman.

Rigsby: How could you tell?

Lynch: Because I know these guys, and they definitely weren't having a discussion about immigration policy.

INT. CBI office
(Jane enters, Cho and Rigsby are working on the computer)

Lisbon: How's it coming with Lynch?

Rigsby: Says a man called Tariq Sharif was fighting with Brava.

Van Pelt: I'm checking for an I. D. on Sharif right now.

Rigsby: I took a look at the records that Lynch's lawyer e-mailed over. First glance, couldn't find anything that supports Brava's accusations.

Cho: I checked Lynch's phone records. He made a single call right after we left the interview to an anonymous disposable cell.

Lisbon: Does it say where it originated?

Rigsby: Here's the weird thing...

Cho: The call ends at a cell tower out in the middle of nowhere.

Lisbon: That is weird.

Rigsby: Right? So we figured maybe we'd go check it out.

Lisbon: All right.

Van Pelt: Here we go. I got him. Here's Tariq Sharif.

Night hotel bar

(Lisbon and Jane pass through)

Lisbon: I'll see if anybody's seen Sharif. (Lisbon goes to the bar) (to the bartender) Excuse me. (a young woman shows interest in Jane, he is embarrassed but flattered) He's about 6'2", gray hair, mustache?

(she returns to Jane): He's by the pool. Okay.

(After a few steps Jane stops, another young woman in the bar taps the stool next to her. Jane smiles but shakes his head)

Lisbon (turns back to look for Jane): What are you doing?

Jane: Nothing.

Near the swimming pool

(a man wearing sunglasses is seated)

Lisbon: Mr. Sharif?

Sharif: Yes?

Lisbon: We're with the CBI.

Frye (at table with Sharif): Agent Lisbon. Mr. Jane. Won't you sit down?

Jane: Well, don't mind if we do.

Frye: I was just telling Mr. Sharif that his spirit is troubled. There's a wrong that he burns to rectify.

Jane: Mm, interesting.

Sharif: Hector was an old friend. I, uh, pushed him to take up the trafficking problem. Naturally, I feel responsible.

Jane: They're great glasses.

Jane: Could, could I try those?

Sharif: Uh, no.

Jane (trying to catch Sharif's glasses): Okay.

Lisbon: Mr. Sharif, why don't you take off the sunglasses? Now.

Jane: Oh! You got a... owie.

Sharif: It was a misunderstanding. He was drunk.

Lisbon: It didn't have anything to do with Ilsa, by any chance?

Sharif: It was nothing like that.

Jane: It was exactly like that.

Frye: You have a strong connection with Ilsa, a bond.

Jane: See?

Sharif: Ilsa and I were very close. Uh... By chance, we found ourselves here alone on the first night. I expressed my deep admiration for her. She returned my feelings but was afraid to act on it. Hector found out. Hypocrite that he is, he att*cked me.

Lisbon: How is he a hypocrite?

Sharif: Because he was unfaithful to her.

Jane: Mm. I did say.

Frye: You did.

Lisbon: Mr. Sharif, you were saying that Mr. Brava was unfaithful?

Sharif: I'm a pacifist, not a coward. You don't strike me without repercussions. I went to his suite the night before he died to confront him. A woman was leaving. (Flashback, a young woman rushing down the stairs of Brava's apartment) It wasn't Ilsa.

Lisbon: Was it someone from the conference?

Sharif: It wasn't that kind of woman. She was young, pretty, uh, cheap clothes. I assume she was a prost*tute.

Frye: Carmen.

EXT. night

(car illuminates a sign behind a fence)
"Keep out"

(Cho and Rigsby are in the car)

Cho: Far as I can tell, this is the only structure within a half mile of the cell tower Lynch's call stopped at.

Rigsby: Well, I don't see anything.

Cho: Nope. Not a thing.

(They get out the car)

Rigsby: Think they have dogs?

Cho: Probably.

(climb the fence, walk, lit by flashlight, in a maze of wrecked cars)

Rigsby: Hey, listen.

(We hear, muffled calls from people)

Cho: There.

(Cho breaks a lock on a refrigerator truck, opens the door and they find twenty women, children crammed inside)

Day. CBI offices, an interrogation room.

(Lynch, Rigsby, Cho. Hightower and Jane are in the next room, they watch the examination)

Lynch: You have misread the situation, agents. I am entirely ignorant of whatever it is that you are accusing me of.

Rigsby: You're lying. We've got the phone records. You called your g*ons and told 'em to lock those women up so your guys could escape.

Lynch: I'm sorry. g*ons? What g*ons? And records can be faked.

Rigsby: No, those women in the truck, that was you. Hector Brava, that was you, too.

Lynch: You're wrong. I weep for those poor souls you found. And as I said, Hector was a dear friend.

Cho: What about Carmen?

Lynch: Who's Carmen? And where's my lawyer?

Hightower: Tough.

Jane: Sociopath. Wolf among the sheep.

Hightower: He's a caught wolf now.

(Hightower and Jane leave the room, talking, walking towards the team's office)

Hightower: Phone call's enough to connect him to about 20 different felony charges, not even counting the homicide. He's going away for a long time.

(Jane stops in front of Lisbon's office where Frye is)

Hightower: She likes you, that one.

Jane: Which one?

Hightower: The blonde one.

Jane: What?

Hightower: And you like her.

Jane: Wha, I'm not so sure I know where this is headed.

Hightower: You know exactly where this is headed. Do you ever consider dating again? Do you?

Jane: How did we get to this point so quickly?

Hightower: I'm just saying, I think it would be a good thing.

(Lisbon and Frye leave the office, are with Jane and Hightower)

Lisbon: What would?

Hightower: Uh, charging Lynch with Brava's m*rder. How close are we?

Lisbon: A confession would help.

Jane: Well, why don't you ask one of her spirits? I'm sure they'll provide the evidence that's needed.

Lisbon: Where are you going?

Jane: This case is solving itself without me. I have errands to run.

(Jane walks away)

Hightower: Lisbon.

Lisbon: Yeah.

(Jane waiting for the elevator, Frye joins)

Frye: Christopher Lynch didn't k*ll Brava.

Jane: No. The emotion he was trying to conceal was contempt. Lynch didn't consider him worth k*lling.

Frye: A deeply evil man, but not one who committed this crime.

Jane: Mm.

(The elevator arrives, they go in)

Frye: What if I didn't say "spirits"? What if I said "instincts"? Would that be something you could accept?

Jane: Oh, well, maybe.

Frye: 'Cause they're telling me to come with you.

Jane: Are they? Why?

Frye: 'Cause the last time you spoke with Ilsa Engels, she threw a teacup at your head.

Jane: It was a saucer. It wasn't a teacup. And who said I'm going to see Ilsa Engels?

Frye: Tell me that you're not. She thinks well of me. I can communicate with her husband. And she'll only talk to you if I'm there.

Jane: Well, I guess I have no choice but to bring you along with me.

Frye: You think you manipulated me into coming with you, don't you?

Jane: No, I don't. I think you manipulated me into thinking I manipulated you into coming with me.

(Jane gets out of the elevator on the first floor)

Ilsa Brava's home

(Jane, Frye, Ilsa Brava)

Jane: Okay, I'm just gonna come straight out, and I'm gonna say I'm sorry for the, uh, obnoxious infidelity remarks earlier, and I humbly beg your forgiveness.

Ilsa Brava: Mm.

Jane: Sorry.

Frye: Would you mind talking to us a little bit about Tariq Sharif?

Ilsa Brava: He was drunk. He said things he shouldn't have said, and I excused myself from his company.

Jane: And then your husband punched him in the face.

Ilsa Brava: I didn't tell Hector to hit him, if that's what you're asking. I won't pretend I'm particularly sad that Hector punched him. He said things that he, he acted like a pig and an ass.

Jane: A pig and an ass? That can't be good.

Frye: We need to ask you again about the night before Hector died.

(Jane notices a wedding photo placed on a coffee table, March 1997. Jane develops a mischievous smile.)

Ilsa Brava: I, um... I had a department meeting. I stayed up in Berkeley.

Frye: And, um, is there any chance that a woman could've been visiting with Hector that night?

Ilsa Brava: If Tariq said that, he's lying. He wouldn't dare say that if Hector was still alive. It's disgusting.

Jane (syllables of equal length): Disgusting.

EXT. Day. The hotel grounds.

(Jane and Frye walk side by side)

Frye: Um, well, I, I guess I should go.

Jane: Okay. Well, I still have some business to attend to here, so, uh...

Frye: Yeah, I'm gonna catch a cab out front.

Jane: Okay.

Frye: Okay.

(Frye walks away a few yards)

Jane: Oh, nice call on the cherry blossoms, by the way.

Frye: How so?

Jane: The wedding photograph, March '97, D. C. March through to April is the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in D. C.

Frye: Patrick, you credit me with far too much cunning.

Jane: You're very good. Very compelling.

Frye: Thank you. I'll see you later.

Jane: Bye.

(Jane returns to the hotel)

Jane (phonecall to Lisbon): Lisbon. Meet me at the hotel bar.

(In the hotel bar, Jane having a drink with a young woman)

Jane: Cheers. (to Lisbon, who arrives) Oh, sweetheart, there you are. Join us. Uh, I've got us a room, and our friend here...

(Jane turns to the woman sitting next to him)

Blonde sitting at the bar with Jane: Novella.

Jane: Novella. She's gonna help us explore some boundaries.

Lisbon: No, she's not.

Jane: Work with me, Teresa. (to Novella) You're pretty, uh, well, you're pretty adventurous, right? Because my, my lady, she, she gets a little out there at times.

Lisbon: Gettin' there now.

Novella: Let's go upstairs and see. You just have to work things out with Howie.

Jane: Okay. Barkeep!

Barman: How can I help you? Another bottle of the good stuff?

Jane: Uh, no, thanks. Uh... you're the pimp?

Barman: Hey. Not nice.

Jane: Well, business manager, then.

Barman: Concerned friend.

Jane: Whatever. We'd like to take our little soirée upstairs to a more private location. Novella says that we have to talk to you.

Barman: If it's gonna be the two of you, it's gonna be extra.

Jane (indicating Lisbon): Sure. She's paying.

Lisbon: I should probably tell you that I am Agent for the California Bureau of Investigation. (Lisbon shows her CBI card)

Novella: Oh, wow.

Jane: She has a g*n, too. And handcuffs.

Barman: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is entrapment. I want a lawyer.

Jane: What you want is to take a look at this picture and tell me if you recognize this man.

(Jane shows a picture to the bartender)

Barman: Nope. Never seen him. (Did not recognize Brava) But that guy, him I recognize. (Recognizes Bigelow) He was in here getting a girl just the other night.
The CBI offices - interrogation room.

(Lisbon, Bigelow)

Bigelow: No. No way. Look, I might not be Denzel, but I do okay. Besides, I couldn't afford a prost*tute on my salary, believe me.

Lisbon: Not for you. For your boss, Brava. Is that something you did a lot of, procuring women for him?

Bigelow: Wow. The man's dead. Are you seriously gonna drag his name through the mud like this?

Lisbon: I'm not looking to destroy anybody's reputation, Russell. I just need to know what happened.

Bigelow: Ilsa was back in Berkeley. He called me and said he needed me to do him a favor. He couldn't go down to the bar himself, because somebody would recognize him.

Lisbon: Somebody could've recognized you.

Bigelow: Nobody did. I was lucky.

Lisbon: It was hard for you.

Bigelow: Sure. Sure, it would've been easier if he didn't do it at all, but... Look, a, all I could do was just keep him from getting caught.

Lisbon: Is there anything you can tell us about the girl?

Bigelow: Uh... I think her name was... Claret.

INT. CBI office

(Van Pelt, Claret)

Claret: Claret. It's French.

Van Pelt: What did Brava mean when he said he wanted to make it regular?

Claret: Well, I mean, not, like, actually regular, because he died and all, but every Thursday afternoon, it was gonna be. He had a place up in Oakland, he told me.

Van Pelt: Do you have an address?

Claret: Sure. And a key, too.

EXT. Day. Hector Brava's Oakland Townhouse.

(Cho and Rigsby come to the house of Brava)

Rigsby: I think it's this one on the left.

Cho: Yeah.

(in Brava's house)

Rigsby: So would you ever, uh... You know...

Cho: Pay for sex? No.

Rigsby: Yeah. It's weird, right?

Cho: Weird? No. Expensive.

Rigsby: Hey. Check this out.

Cho: "Carmen." Bingo. (Business card. "Therapeutic Massage. call Carmen 415.555.0168")

CBI offices.

(Cho, Rigsby, Jane, Lisbon)

Lisbon: What do you got?

Cho: Well, we tracked Carmen's phone number. It's an apartment rented to a Sally Alvarez.

Lisbon: So "Carmen" was just a name she used for work?

Cho: Mm. Alvarez has been picked up a couple times for soliciting, once for possession. She skipped on that apartment about a month ago, but her P. O. gave us an address that was good as of last week.

Lisbon: Call Burnside. Tell him we're gonna pick her up.

Van Pelt: Hey, boss. There was a Carmen Reyes who called Brava on his hotel phone twice the night before he died. Left her name on the hotel messaging system.

Cho: There's no record of Sally Alvarez calling the hotel, home or cell.

Lisbon: Where did the call originate from?

Van Pelt: Sunset Horizon Motor Court in San Desidera. A Carmen Reyes checked in two days ago. She's still there.

Lisbon: All right. Then we've got two locations to look for her at.

Jane: Or we have two Carmens.

Lisbon: Two Carmens?

Jane: Two Carmens.

Van Pelt: What does that mean, two Carmens?

Jane: Well, it means things are getting interesting.

Lisbon: Ah, well, as long as it's interesting for you.

Jane: I'll go with Van Pelt.

EXT. Day

(Jane leans on the roof of a car looking at the motel)

Jane: There's just something about motels, old-fashioned and illicit, both at the same time.

Frye: Is that an invitation?

(Frye arrives from behind and surprises Jane)

Jane: Whoa. Well, look at you, just showing up like a bad Penny.

Frye: I had a premonition you'd be here.

Jane: Really?

Frye: No. Lisbon told me.

(Van Pelt arrives)

Van Pelt: Upstairs. 204.

Jane: Grace, you know Kristina?

Van Pelt: Yeah. Hi.

Frye: Hi.

Van Pelt: Did your psychic powers tell you to come?

Frye: I did have an instinct you were about to get a break in this case.

Jane: Oh, I think you might have just made Agent Van Pelt's day.

Van Pelt: We're looking for Carmen Reyes. Actually, we have two addresses for her. This is just one of 'em. Her real name is Sally Alvarez.

Frye: Wait a second. Sally Alvarez. I know that name. She communicated with me a short time ago. She's passed over.

Sally Alvarez property

(Cho, Rigsby, Sally's building caretaker)

Caretaker: I'm pretty sure she's still in there. Sally? Sally?

Cho: Open it up. Step back, sir. (The custodian opens the door of the apartment, Cho and Rigsby enter inside) She's down.

(Cho phones Van Pelt)

Van Pelt: Hey, Cho.

Cho: We found Sally Alvarez. She's been dead for about six hours. Blunt force trauma to the head.

Van Pelt: She's dead? Oh, my God. That's amazing.

Cho: Why?

Van Pelt: Kristina Frye said Sally passed over. She predicted it.

Cho: She did?

Van Pelt: Yes.

Jane: Can I have that? (taking the phone from Van Pelt) Thank you. Cho, please do not believe this mystic mumbo jumbo. Gullible Grace buried the lead. I was right. There were two Carmens.

Cho: There were?

Jane: That's right, and we have the real one right here. Carmen Reyes. She claims to be Hector Brava's daughter.

CBI Interrogation Room
(Van Pelt and Carmen Reyes. Jane, Lisbon and Frye in the next room observe the interview)

Carmen Reyes (Brava's daughter): A year ago, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Uh, it got bad very fast. She was gone in less than a month. Before she died, she told me Hector Brava was my father. And after the funeral, I wrote to him. I never heard back. I thought maybe he'd forgotten her. I wrote there was nothing I wanted from him, only to meet the man who was my father.

Van Pelt: He still didn't answer?

Carmen Reyes: I saw somewhere that he was delivering a speech here. I thought I'd go confront him.

Van Pelt: You were angry.

Carmen Reyes: I wanted to talk to him.

Van Pelt: Did you? When? The morning he died?

Carmen Reyes: The night before. I went to his suite.

Van Pelt: What happened?

Carmen Reyes: He let me in. He was friendly, until I told him I was his daughter. He got very upset and angry. He said, I could not be his daughter. He said, he already met his daughter, and what kind of scam was I trying to play? He turned so pale and shook all over. He threw me out of the room and locked the door, so I left.

Van Pelt: And that was last time you saw him?

Carmen Reyes: On the news, it said what happened. I didn't know what to do.

Van Pelt: And what about the text message? Did you send that?

Carmen Reyes: I don't have a phone.

Jane: So is she telling the truth?

Frye: I'm not sure. Brava's spirit is deeply conflicted. I can't get a clear reading.

Jane: What are you using, dial-up?

Lisbon: My question is, if she's telling the truth, why was Sally Alvarez pretending to be Carmen Reyes?

(Cho enters the room)

Cho: I talked to Bigelow. He kept a record of all work correspondences but didn't have anything to do with Brava's personal letters. There's no way to know if her story checks out or not.

Lisbon: If Brava's her father, she's got motive.

Jane: She's not the only one.

(Jane leaves the room)

Ilsa Brava's appartment.

(Lisbon, Jane, Frye, Ilsa Brava)

Ilsa Brava: I could never have children. Is it true? Is she really Hector's daughter?

Lisbon: We don't know, ma'am. She's agreed to take a paternity test. I think she might be telling the truth.

Ilsa Brava: So you think she might be the one that k*lled Hector.

Jane: Well, maybe... and then maybe it was you.

Lisbon: I have to say, ma'am, I, it's pretty hard to believe that you didn't know about his behavior.

Ilsa Brava: Yes, I knew. Hector was a passionate and heroic man who devoted himself to helping others. His flaws were correspondingly oversized.

Lisbon: And his behavior was okay with you?

Ilsa Brava: I accepted it. The good in him outweighed the bad. If he'd told me, maybe I could've done something to prevent it. Maybe I could've saved him.

Jane: What for? How could you not want to get away from his serial philandering, from the prison of your loveless marriage?

Ilsa Brava: That's not true! I loved my husband, and he loved me!

Jane: Well, maybe we can get in contact with him now.

Ilsa Brava: You could do that, couldn't you?

Jane: It would certainly clear up a few things.

Ilsa Brava: Would you do that? Would you talk to my husband?

Frye: Yes, Ilsa.

Lisbon (to Jane): What are you doing?

Jane: What does it look like I'm doing?

Hotel Grounds.

(Jane, Lisbon, Frye, Sheriff Burnside)

Jane: Okay, so Van Pelt is bringing Carmen. Rigsby's gonna bring Richard Bigelow. Cho is gonna pick up Tariq Sharif and Stacey. So we're all set.

Sherrif Burnside: What's all set for what?

Jane: We're all set for, uh, Kristina Frye to contact Hector Brava's spirit.

Frye: I need everybody connected with his passing.

Sherrif Burnside: Okay. Well, uh, I guess...

Jane (to Frye, in a deep voice): Now listen, just make sure Brava's spirit has a thirst for revenge. He wants to put some kind of a curse on the k*ller, you know what I mean? That kind of thing. And then I'll take it from there.

Frye: I can't do that.

Jane: Yes, you can. It is a necessary lie.

Frye: I can only contact Hector Brava's spirit and speak as he wants me to. To do otherwise would be to abuse my gift.

(Frye goes off followed by the Sheriff Burnside)

Lisbon: Everything okay?

Jane: Yep. Everything's good. It's perfect.

Ilsa Brava's appartment.

(Ilsa, Frye, Jane)

Ilsa Brava: Are we starting now?

Frye: Almost.

Jane: I'll just get the door. (lets in: Bigelow, Carmen Reyes, Tariq Sharif, Claret) Welcome. Come on in. Thanks for coming.

Frye: It was your husband's request.

Jane: Your husband's daughter.

(Everybody sits)

Frye: Well, thank you all for coming. Patrick will be assisting me. So in order for this to work, I need everybody to be calm and focused. I want you to look at the candle in the center of the table. Focus on the flame and concentrate on Hector. Now... he's here. I can feel him. Hector... Who do you wish to speak to? The k*ller's here. Know this, Hector Brava says... vengeance will come. Your blood will spill... before the rising sun.

Jane (in a trance): Ohh. I sense him. I, I can almost see an image. I, I, it's hazy. Oh, it... Ohh, it's as if it could just...

Frye: Hector. Hector, wait. Stop. Don't go. Show us who the k*ller is.

Jane: There it is. A door. "Employees only." And an empty hallway. Footsteps... close... Close...

(Jane frappe du plat de la main la table basse devant lui. Bigelow, son voisin de droite rebondit sur sa chaise, tombe avec elle)

(Jane slaps the coffee table on front of him. Bigelow, on his right bounced off his chair)

Cries of the women of the meeting: Aah! Ugh! Oh!

Jane: I see you.

Bigelow: I'm sorry. (He rights his chair and sits.) Man, you scared me to death with that. Whew.

Jane: It's okay. You can relax, Bigelow. It's over. I know it was you that did it.

Bigelow: What, because I got frantic and fell out of my chair?

(Lisbon enters the room with a uniformed police officer)

Lisbon: Because you managed Brava's correspondence, you were the first one to read Carmen's letters, yes?

Jane: You set Brava up on a date with Sally and had her pretend to be Carmen, and then you told Brava that he had sex with his own daughter.

Tariq Sharif: Lord.

Jane: And then the real deal showed up, so you faked Carmen's message, and when Brava walked through that service door, you k*lled him.

Lisbon: And you k*lled poor Sally Alvarez to cover your tracks.

Jane: Mm-hmm.

Frye: And now you'll pay for the crime you committed. Your blood will spill before the sun rises.

Jane: That part I'm not so sure about.

CBI Office - Interrogation Room

(Bigelow, Cho)

Bigelow: It came in the mail. Just out of the blue. Just a... letter describing an affair Brava had 20 years ago, naming the woman and the place. And that came from Carmen Reyes.

Cho: The real Carmen. That gave you all the facts you needed- things about the affair that only Brava and Carmen's mother would know. Right?

Bigelow: Yeah.

Cho: So why'd you do it? Why put a man through that kind of suffering? Was it the money? Or did you just like having Brava in your power?

Bigelow: Do you know I've been running numbers on trafficking for Brava and setting him up on his dates for, like, five years? And do you think that he ever, ever thanked me? Said, "I'm sorry"? Said, "I'm gonna make this up to you one day, Russell"? I knew Sally from a whorehouse up in Northern California. I told her if she pretended to be Carmen, we could blackmail Brava and split the money. The letter just gave us everything we needed to make Brava think that she was the real deal. And he was not one for asking a whole lot of questions, so...

Cho: Then the real Carmen showed up.

Bigelow: Yeah. He called me as soon as she left his room, freaked. So I played dumb. But then the next morning, he called me and he said, "we need to talk." It was pretty clear he figured it out.

Cho: And so you went to the hotel and texted Brava from the service hallway.

(Flashback, Bigelow envoie le sms a Brava, qui va au rendez-vous fixé croit-il par Carmen, Bigelow le frappe a deux reprises avec l'exticteur, s'enfuie)

(Flashback, Bigelow sends SMS to Brava, who goes to the appointment he believes to be with Carmen, Bigelow hits Brava twice and runs off.)

Bigelow: I just, I just wanted to keep him quiet.

Cho: And Sally Alvarez? You had to keep her quiet, too, right?

Bigelow: You know, I was a really good researcher.

Cho: I bet. Come on.

Lisbon's Team Office

(Van Pelt, Carmen Reyes)

Carmen Reyes: Agent Van Pelt, you wanted to see me?

Van Pelt: Oh, yeah. Hi, Carmen. I just wanted to go over a few things in your statement. Let's go in the kitchen.

(Van Pelt and Carmen leave the office Frye enters, goes to Jane who is sitting on the sofa, reading a book)

Frye: So... Nice working with you.

Jane: Yeah. Yeah, you were very good back there. Uh, you almost had me with the whole "I can't misuse my gift for fear of what might happen" bit.

Frye: I did what I said I would. I spoke the words the spirits told me to speak, nothing more.

Jane: Really?

Frye: Don't you know me by now? Don't you know I wouldn't lie about a thing like that?

(Hightower and Lisbon arrive)

Hightower: Ms. Frye, thank you so much. We couldn't have closed this one without you.

Jane: Well, that's debatable.

Frye: You're welcome.

Lisbon: Although I have to say it looks like the spirits got it wrong. I guess being dead doesn't make you infallible.

Frye: Well, what do you mean? The k*ller was caught, and justice was served.

Lisbon: Sure. But no blood was spilled. Look, he's right there.

(En arriere plan, Cho signe les papier pour faire emmener Bigelow par un policier, Carmen Reyes donne un coup de poing a Bigelow qui saigne)

(In the background, Cho signs Bigelow's arrest papers, Carmen punches Bigelow)

Carmen Reyes: Hey! Hey, hey! m*rder*r!

Jane: Oh, come on.

EXT. Night

(Frye and Jane leave the CBI Building)

Jane: That was pure luck. Admit it.

Frye: If you say so.

Jane: Oh, I know so. The dead are dead. You can't talk to them.

Frye: And yet I do.

Jane: Yeah... You're very good.

Frye: I go this way.

Jane: Okay.

Frye: It was nice seeing you again.

Jane: You, too.

(They shake hands, Frye departs)

Frye: Bye.

Jane: Kristina?

Frye: Yes.

Jane: That's with a "K, " right?

Frye: Yes.

Jane: You wanna go get a coffee? I'll drink tea myself, but you can drink as much coffee as you want.

Frye: Yeah, I'd like that. I can't right now, though. I, I have to be somewhere else. Uh, maybe some other time?

Jane: Some other time.

Frye: Sorry, not "maybe." Definitely. Sometime soon. Call me.

(Frye walks away, Jane stays put, a small smile on his face)
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