02x20 - Red All Over

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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02x20 - Red All Over

Post by bunniefuu »

Ext. Daytime.

A property overlooking the sea, a garden party.

Harrington Estate, Atherson, California

Alex Harrington: Let's do it. Thank you, Sadie. Mm-hmm. My friends, I am so proud and happy to welcome you to this celebration of my son Xander, the new C. E.O. of Harrington Media. Where is the little cuss, anyway? Late for work already, not a good sign.

Tara Harrington: Elizabeth, text him, would you?

Elizabeth Stanfeld: I got it.

Tara Harrington: Um, I am sure my husband has a very good excuse for his...

(a disoriented man appears at the top of the stairs)

Ah, there you are, Xander.

(hand on his bloody neck, he collapses)


(in the office Xander Harrington, Cho, Jane, Lisbon, Rigsby)

Cho: That's what k*lled Xander Harrington, and this is where he was att*cked. Now the blood trail starts here, right where the letter opener was found. The deputy coroner says it was a single s*ab wound to the neck.

Lisbon: Mmm.

Cho: Now the blow sends him backwards. He slams his head, goes down. He's dazed, slowly bleeding out for a good 20 minutes or so, then somehow gathers himself up and goes for help. Coroner couldn't believe he even made it out to the party.

Rigsby: Party which was for him. Guy just got a big promotion. Had a wife and kid. How sad is that?

Lisbon: Sad. Anything else?

Rigsby: Well, according to the victim's father, there was a confidential business file on this desk that's gone missing. Nothing else taken.

Jane: What was the file about?

Rigsby: Plans for the "Daily Observer", newspaper. Debt restructuring, cost cutting, layoffs.

Lisbon: Layoffs?

Jane: Any "Observer" employees invited to the party?

Ext. reception

(At a table, 2 women, 2 men)

Jane: So you're reporters for the, uh, "Observer." Xander Harrington, man of the people, huh? Inviting the ink-stained wretches.

Homme I: Xander was a good guy.

Lisbon: Did any of you hear about the layoffs that were coming up soon?

Homme I: Layoffs? What layoffs?

Jane: Well, actually, there's, uh, quite a long list. Yeah. It appears that no one is safe. Must be very scary in the newspaper business these days. (to a young woman in red dress) That's a very lovely dress. Great color.

Heather Evans: Well, thank you. I'm Heather Evans.

Jane: Hello, Heather Evans. You're very attractive. Mm. It's probably why your name's not on that list. Good-looking women live in a different world.

Heather Evans: Excuse me? What's this list you keep mentioning?

Jane: Oh, come on, Heather. The list that was in the file that you took off Xander Harrington's desk.

Everyone here, we mention layoffs, and everyone here reacts except you, because you have read the list.

Heather Evans: Oh, that's ridiculous. I didn't go anywhere near Xander's desk.

Jane: Bravo. Very well played, considering the stress you must be feeling right now. You know, I was hoping to dazzle you all with my uncanny Detective skills, but you force me, you force me to just reveal the humdrum facts and point out that you have blood on your shoes, Heather.

Heather Evans: Wha...

Lisbon: Could you step out of your shoe, ma'am?

Jane: "Stop the presses"? That's the phrase, right?" Stop the presses." Yeah. Got it. Always wanted to say that.


CBI Building

(Interogation Room, Cho, Heather Evans)

Cho: Xander Harrington caught you snooping in his office, and you k*lled him. Now maybe you didn't mean to do it. You were surprised, scared.

Heather Evans: No, I didn't even see him. It was dark. No lights.

(flashback): Curtains were drawn. I went to the desk, I took the file, and I ran.

If I'd known he was... My God, I would never have...

Cho: How'd you know that there was a list at all? Someone told you. Who?

Heather Evans: A confidential source.

Cho: And you'll go to jail to protect this source?

Heather Evans: Ed. Edward Harrington, Xander's brother. He, um... He said there were gonna be layoffs on Monday. (Lisbon and Hightower attend the interview in the adjoining room) I just, I just wanted to know whether or not I still had a job. It's a very good job.

Cho: Not anymore, it's not. Tell me exactly what happened from the beginning.

Lisbon: Ma'am? Is there, uh, I, is there something specific that you wanted?

Hightower: No. No. Just keeping apprised.

Lisbon: Huh.

Hightower: Alex Harrington is the owner of the seventh largest media conglomerate in the world.

Lisbon: Yes, ma'am.

Hightower: And you don't want to disappoint a man who owns 200 TV stations and a national newspaper.

Lisbon: No, ma'am.

Van Pelt (enters the room): Looks like Heather's cleared. Timeline puts her at the bar at the time of the attack. That's according to several male guests who remember her well.

Lisbon: Figures. Only leaves 196 party guests and 42 staff as potential suspects. Start with the brother.

Van Pelt: Okay.

(leaves the room)

Hightower (to Van Pelt): Take Rigsby.

Hightower: Problem?

Van Pelt: Nope. Not at all.

Lisbon: Ma'am? You're giving my team assignments?

Hightower: I know. I'm sorry. Should've been your call. I just want to make sure those two can hack it.

Lisbon: Fair enough.

Harrington property

(in the hall of the house)

Lisbon: The head of your security said that the house is fully wired, but the family asked the cameras inside be turned off? Why's that?

Alex Harrington: I take responsibility for that.

Tara Harrington (a baby in arms): No, it's my fault. I'm Tara, Alex's wife. This is Ella. And I'm the one who had the cameras disconnected. It's my fault.

Alex Harrington: It's nobody's fault, dear. Hush.

Jane: Why'd you do it?

Tara Harrington: Cameras and panic rooms and armed guards, it's a lot to take. I hated feeling watched in my own home. Seems so silly now. I'm sorry. How long until you take that horrible stuff down?

Lisbon: Forensics has promised to release the crime scene as soon as possible. I am so sorry for any inconvenience.

Tara Harrington (the baby starts to cry): Excuse me.

(hands the baby to father in law)

Alex Harrington: Uh, I'm too upset.

Jane: Uh, m-m-may I? Thank you.

(the baby stops crying in his arms)

(the group enter a living room)

Lisbon: So, uh, you and Xander were close?

Tara Harrington: He and Sadie were my only true friends. People seem more interested in befriending your money and connections when you're married to the C.E.O. of Harrington Media.

(The baby still in his arms, Jane is followed closely by the nanny)

Harrington: Yes, I suppose it can be difficult at times. By the way, it's former C.E.O. Xander forced me out.

Lisbon: Really?

Alex Harrington: Really.

(to keep the nanny quiet, Jane gives her the child)

Alex Harrington: He convened the board, secured the necessary votes.

Jane: Son staged a coup.

Alex Harrington: Yes. You have any idea the guts it takes to pull that off Xander proved he could lead. I've never been prouder of him. Proud of, uh, Eddie, too, my other son.

Jane: Well, of course. But Xander had the strength to lead, the guts. That's important to you, isn't it, guts?

Alex Harrington: Of course. Guts, heart. What else is there?

Jane: Spleen, liver, kidneys, uh, genitalia. Lot of important stuff there.

Alex Harrington: Are you being flippant with me? My son is dead.

Jane: Forgive me. I, I was. Lost myself for a second. Forgot where I was.

(se tournant vers un tableau au mur) But, you know, that, that's a very beautiful painting. Very nice work, yeah.

Lisbon: Can I talk to you for a moment? (she leads Jane out of the room, into the kitchen) Quit that!

Jane: What?

Lisbon: Poking the bigwig.

Jane: "Poking the bigwig." Ah, I like it. It's got a nice ring to it.

Lisbon: I understand it's compulsion you're not fully in control of, but I wish you would try. It would make our work a lot easier if you did... try.

Jane: Did you see that?

Lisbon: What?

Jane: Right outside that window. There's a pink unicorn. Amazing!

Lisbon: Now you're hallucinating.

Jane: No. No, no, look. It's right outside the window. (a child comes out from under a table) Seriously, look. It's a unicorn!

Little Blonde Girl: I want to see! (the little girl approaches the window where Jane is) I don't see a unicorn.

Jane: It's right there. (Jane whispers in the ear of the child) I'm trying to trick her.

Little Blonde Girl: Oh. Yes. What a nice unicorn.

Jane: Yeah, very nice unicorn. So you like to have secret tea parties?

Little Blonde Girl: How did you know about the tea party?

Jane: Oh, you know, I kind of like secret tea parties, too. I'm Patrick. That's Teresa.

Lisbon: Hi.

Little Blonde Girl: I'm Ashley Harrington. (she shakes hands with Jane) It's a pleasure to meet you.

Jane: You, too. Now who's your mom and dad?

Ashley Harrington: Xander Harrington and Sadie Cardozo Harrington. I know my address and phone number, too.

Lisbon: Very good. Patrick and I are actually looking for your mommy. Do you know where she is?

Ashley: Outside. We could go cheer her up.

Lisbon: Is she sad, sweetie?

Ashley: She misses daddy. He went away on a trip.

Lisbon: Yes he do.

Dans une piece.

(Van Pelt, Rigsby, Ed Harrington, a masseuse)

Van Pelt: Mr. Harrington, you prodded Heather Evans into going into your brother's office, didn't you?

Ed Harrington: I told her the file was on the desk. What she did with that information is her problem.

Rigsby: You're the West coast head of media operations, and you tell an employee about a confidential layoff list?

Ed Harrington: Well, I had a feeling she'd be grateful. And she was.

Van Pelt: You exchanged the information for sex.

Ed Harrington: Yes. I did.

Van Pelt: Gate security has you leaving the party just before your brother died of his injuries.

Ed Harrington: I didn't know what had happened, and I didn't particularly want to watch his coronation, frankly. It's boring. Forgive me, Xander.

Rigsby: Did you k*ll your brother, Ed?

Ed Harrington (to the masseuse): Would you give us a second? No, I did not k*ll my brother.

Rigsby: Well, you didn't seem that sad about his death.

Ed Harrington: Well, maybe I just don't display my emotions to cops.

Rigsby: Maybe.

Ed Harrington: Look, I'd like to tell you that Xander and I were the best of friends, but we weren't. We're just different people. We were different people. He'd... Always do the right things, say the right things. Dad would say, "jump. " He'd ask, "how high?"

Van Pelt: And you?

Ed Harrington: Dad never asks me to jump.

Ext. Daytime. the Harrington's garden

(Ashley, Jane, Lisbon, Elizabeth Stanfeld)

Ashley: Mommy! Mommy!

Sadie Harrington: Baby, Hmm?

Ashley: We're going to get ice cream.

Sadie Harrington: Okay. One scoop, okay? No spoiling dinner.

Ashley: Okay.

Elizabeth Stanfeld: One scoop it is. And I'll e-mail you the Arizona overnights. You've got that conference call tomorrow with the affiliates.

Sadie Harrington: Okay. Thanks, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Stanfeld: Come on.

Jane: You haven't told her?

Sadie Harrington: How do you tell a 6-year-old her father's never coming home?

Jane: Well, she pretty much knows already. She just doesn't understand it yet.

Sadie Harrington: Nor do I. I just, I keep thinking Xander would know exactly what to say to her. It's so stupid, huh?

Lisbon: Xander must have had enemies, business rivals that resented his success?

Sadie Harrington: Um... sure. Yeah, but nothing abnormal. Well, there is the "Visualize" thing. The "Observer" is about to run an investigative series, and it's gonna be very critical.

Lisbon: Visualize? The sort of religious group?

Sadie Harrington: You know, it's more like a cult. It's brainwashing with a sideline in tax fraud. You know, we got a, a pretty nasty letter from their leade, Bret Stiles, threatening unspecified trouble if we ran it. I can get you a copy.

Jane: Oh, you, you had me at "cult."

Ext. Daytime. Churchyard

Cho: Creepy.

Jane: What, you don't ke giant eyeballs?

Cho: No.

Homme (comes to meet them): Hi. I'm Steven Wench. Most folks call me "brother Steve." Are you the C.B.I. folks who called?

Jane: Yeah. Brother Patrick and, uh, my brother Cho.

Steven Wench: Well, come this way. (to the inside of the building) I'm sorry, but I'm afraid Mr. Stiles isn't on the premises today.

Jane: Where is he?

Steven Wench: At this precise moment, I don't know. Bret lives spontaneously. But I'm happy to help with any questions.

Jane: I have a question. Uh, what are they doing in there with those gizmos?

(the three men enter a large room, books on bookshelves, two tables, computer, a gigantic photograph of a man with white hair on the wall)

Steven Wench: That's where our technicians assess for inner vision.

Jane: Really? Mm-hmm. That sounds fun. Can anyone do that?

Steven Wench: Um... sure.

Jane: Excellent. Cho, you got the interview, right?

Steven Wench: Just, uh, sign in.

Jane: Oh, yeah. Sure, sure.

(Jane enters the library, goes to a table where a man stands)

Jane: Hi. I wanna go.

The Man: Have a seat.

Jane: Cool. Excellent. All right.

(Jane touches a half iron sphere on the table) ZZZZ. Just kidding.

Jane: W-what do I do?

The Man: Well, place your fingers on the orb and, uh, tell me your name.

Jane: You first.

The Man: David.

Jane: Hi, David. I'm Patrick. Fingers on the orb.

David: Do you find sadness in the world around you?

Jane: Yes.

David: Do you find yourself dwelling on the misfortunes of your past?

Jane: Yeah.

David: Do you often think people are secretly out to get you?

Jane: Yes.

(Cho arrives with Steven Wench)

Cho: How you doing?

Jane: How am I doing?

Cho: Yeah.

Jane: Uh, how am I doing?

David: Well, Patrick, you have serious issues with paranoia and depression and negative thinking in general.

Jane: What?

David: I would recommend our immersive vialation program for you, as a matter of urgency.

Jane: Oh, okay. Um... Do, do, do you, do you take that? (Jane offers his credit card, which David was quick on wanting to take) Ah! Not so fast. You thought you had me, didn't you?

Cho: Maybe we should get going. We gotta go get a warrant.

Steven Wench: Before coming to persecute us, did you even look at Xander Harrington's wife? Sadie.

Cho: We look at everyone, sir. What about her?

Steven Wench: We heard there was trouble in her marriage. If Xander divorced her, there's a prenup. But if he dies, she gets it all.

Jane: Where'd you hear that, Steve? Do, do you have someone on the inside?

Steven Wench: I've said enough. Please leave.

Jane: Do you have a gift shop? 'Cause I'd love an eyeball mug or something.

Steven Wench: No.

Jane: Okay.

A large room filled with rows of chairs

The man in the library photo: Good job, Steven. Good job. That was... beautifully handled.

Steven: Thank you, Mr. Stiles.

Bret Stiles: No, thank you.

CBI Office

(Cho at his post, with phone)

Cho: So the guy claims Stiles is only threatening legal trouble, that Visualize is a religion of science and peace.

Lisbon (still at the Harrington property): Tell that to the TV reporter from Atlanta. Last spring, he went off on Visualize, next day, he was flying through the windshield of a member's car.

Cho: One more thing. About Sadie and Xander's marriage...

In the Harrington's living room

(Lisbon, Sadie Harrington)

Sadie Harrington: An affair? No. Xander and I have been partners in everything since the first week of business school. I loved him, and I respected him. I had no reason to stray. Neither did he.

Lisbon: Sometimes you don't need a reason.

Alex Harrington (enters the room): Oh. Agent Lisbon, you're here. Something to report?

Sadie Harrington: No, she just, um, thinks I was screwing around on your son. Excuse me. I have better things to do.

Lisbon: Do you think she was having an affair?

Alex Harrington: On balance, no.

Lisbon: Go on.

Alex Harrington: Sadie loves this company, as well as my son. She'd never risk everything for a roll in the hay. Ambitious as all hell, that girl. I like it. Don't get me wrong. She's doubled our profit since she took over running the TV stations. (her cellphone rings) Um... Excuse my rudeness. (distracted) Agent Lisbon. (shows cellphone to Lisbon)

On the screen, a text message:
" b*mb in grand salon...
You have 3 minutes "

Lisbon: Get everybody out of the house.

Alex Harrington: There's not enough time.

Lisbon: Do what you can.

Alex Harrington: Tara! Sadie!

INT. CBI office

(Jane asleep on his couch his phone rings, he wakes)

Jane: Hello?

Lisbon: It's me. I need your help.

Jane: Lisbon, you need my help?

Lisbon: I need your help finding a b*mb. There's still time. You're good at this kind of thing. If we find the b*mb intact, maybe we can still get rid of it.

Jane: What, are you nuts? What do you want to do that for? It's a b*mb. Just get out of there. The guy's got comprehensive home insurance, I'm sure.

Lisbon: Oh, come on, Jane. We've got two minutes. All right? Where did they put it? They said it was somewhere in the grand salon.

Jane: Well, if they called it the grand salon, then obviously they're insiders.

Lisbon: Good point. Uh, l, leading us where?

Jane: Uh, let me see. Uh, if I was familiar with that room, I would plant a b*mb... Try under the sofa. No, no, no, no, no. The cupboard over by the dutch forgery in the corner.

Lisbon: Uh, th, the painting? How do you know it's a forgery?

Jane: Eh, the brushwork, it's all wrong. It's way too loose.

Lisbon: Oh, my God. You were right.

Jane: Yeah, well, of course. That looser feeling didn't develop until much later on.

Lisbon: No! The b*mb. I found it. One minute left.

Jane: Oh, good. Time to leave. Get out of there. Lisbon, if you think I am even gonna engage in this game of "which wire to pull," I'm not interested. I don't wanna play that game. Just leave right now. Run. Okay?

Lisbon: Okay. You're right. I'm outta here.

Jane: Thank you. Good.

Ashley (nears the sofa): Where's mommy?

Jane: Hang on.

Lisbon: Ashley? Ashley, we have to leave now.

Ashley: No! (she hides under the sofa)

Jane: Lisbon!

Lisbon (trying to get Ashley): Ashley, get out from under there. Ashley.

Ashley (trying to kick Lisbon): No! No! I want my mommy!

Lisbon: Sweetie, come on. We have to go.

Jane: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on there?

Lisbon: Ashley, come on. Ashley! Ashley!

Ashley: No! Leave me alone! I want my mommy!

Lisbon: Come out! You come out now! That's an order!

Jane: Lisbon, pick up the girl and leave.

Ashley: I want my mommy!

Jane: Just pick her up and take her outside. You can do that. Run away now. (a shrill ringing) Lisbon?

Lisbon (approaching the b*mb. 9 seconds remaining): Ohh... Oh God, oh God

Jane: Lisbon!

Lisbon: Ohh... No, no, no, no.

(she disconnects it. time remaining 3 seconds. The countdown stops)

Jane: Lisbon?

Lisbon (to Ashley, who comes out from under the sofa): You are a very bad girl.

Jane (visibly relieved): You're a bad girl.

The Harrington's terrace

(Alex Harrington, Lisbon, Jane, Sadie Harrington)

Alex Harrington: Agent Lisbon. Thank you. Thank you for saving my granddaughter.

Sadie Harrington: We are so grateful.

Lisbon: It's all part of the service.

Alex Harrington: No, you were brave and resourceful, and I'll make sure your supervisors say as much in your file. Look, if there's ever anything I can do for you personally, please don't hesitate.

Jane: Well, you could offer her the pad for a weekend during the summer.

Lisbon: Actually, uh, I was wondering if I could speak with some of your staff who had access to that room.

Alex Harrington: Ah, Edward. Thank you for joining us.

Ed Harrington: I just heard what happened. Is everyone all right?

Alex Harrington: Oh, everyone's fine. It's fine.

Ed Harrington: Well, if there's anything I can do to help, just say the word. I'm here.

Alex Harrington: Actually, uh, I'll be issuing an announcement, and I wanted to let you and Sadie know first.

Jane: I love announcements. Um, sh-should we order up a round of cocktails?

Alex Harrington: I'll make this quick. Uh, as much as it pains me to discuss business at a time like this, but the fact is, we do have shareholders, and the board has demanded a new C. E.O. be announced immediately.

Jane: Sadie, I bet.

Ed Harrington: Uh... Sadie. Wow.

Alex Harrington: Uh... Ed, I, I'm sorry.

Ed Harrington: No. No, that's okay. That's... it's your right to name whoever you want.

Sadie Harrington: Uh, I, I don't know what to say, Ed. I'm...

Ed Harrington (visibly embarrassed, disappointed): No, it's okay. It's, um... I get it. I get it. Um, I'm sure you'll do a great job.


(enters the house)

Jane: Okay... Well, I'm not gonna say anything. (he pretends to zip his lips)

INT. Daytime. CBI Building

(Rigsby, Cho, Van Pelt)

Van Pelt: The b*mb threat, we got something. It came from the phone of Elizabeth Stanfeld.

Cho: Sadie Harrington's assistant. Let's go get that warrant.

Rigsby (to Van Pelt): Nice work.

Van Pelt: Thanks.

INT. Daytime. Elizabeth Stanfeld's house

(Rigsby, Cho, Van Pelt)

Rigsby: Kitchen's clear.

Cho: Bedroom, too.

Rigsby: Van Pelt been acting weird to you?

Cho: Please don't talk to me about Van Pelt.

Rigsby: No, I won't. Has she?

Cho: No.

Rigsby: It's just she's... She's been smiling at me.

Cho: No kidding.

Rigsby: Sometimes I think she might still be into me. That'd be weird, huh?

Cho: You're weird. (touching the computer screen) Cold. You know, I don't think Stanfeld's been here in a while.

Rigsby (showing a book): Hey, check this out. "Visualize. A tool for living."

(it is autographed by Stiles):
"To Elizabeth a fine student and a Dear friend.
From a proud teacher.
Bret Stiles"

Elizabeth Stanfeld's a member of Visualize. Looks like Bret Stiles is gonna be talking to us after all.

Inside, Stiles' church

(Stiles on stage, peforming his "show" on camera)

Bret Stiles: The eye is not just the window to the soul. It is the key to unlocking your greatness. It is the key, because when you see it, you will be it.

One more time.

(Lisbon and Jane enter)

The eye is not just the window to the soul. It is the key to unlocking your greatness.

Jane (interrupt Stiles): Excuse me. I'm sorry. Uh... The eye is the key? Or the window? Or is it both? I'm a little confused.

Bret Stiles: Mr. Jane, I presume.

Jane: Yeah.

Bret Stiles: Hello. Welcome.

Jane: Oh, you're expecting us?

Bret Stiles: Oh, yes. And I presume this is your long-suffering colleague, Agent Lisbon. If I may say, she is more beautiful than advertised. (to video technicians) Oh, thanks, guys. Take a little break. Thank you. Give us a few minutes. Thank you. Thank you.

Jane: Elizabeth Stanfeld, your, um... "Dear friend and fine student", she planted a b*mb at the Harringtons' house, a b*mb she couldn't have possibly made herself.

Jane: Lisbon here defused it. Heroine.

Bret Stiles: Oh. Well, I, I'm, I mean, I may have taught her. Uh... Stanfeld?

Lisbon: Oh.

Bret Stiles: Uh, w, was she a brunette?

Lisbon: Mr. Stiles, "dear friend"?

Bret Stiles: Well, yeah, but, you know, I've signed millions of these in my time. I always like to personalize them. It's a little trick I learned from an old friend of mine, Ronnie Reagan.

Lisbon: So you have no knowledge of this woman? You have no knowledge of any att*cks on the Harrington family? That's your position, is it?

Bret Stiles: No, it's not "my position." Actually, it's the truth.

Jane: My eyes aren't, uh... Windows or doors or even keys, for that matter. I use 'em to look at things, and what I'm looking at right now is a big, fat liar.

Bret Stiles: Really?

Jane: Really. Yes. Betrayed by a faint facial tremor. You could work on that in the mirror. You'd get some great results.

Bret Stiles: Mm. You know, now I see why... Red John really enjoys sparring with you. A worthy adversary, yeah?

Jane: Yes. Straight for the jugular.

Lisbon: Obviously, you struck a nerve.

Jane: Hmm.

Bret Stiles: Losing a wife and a child like that... Well, it makes a man reckless, untethered. Fills him with anger and shame that he cannot express. (to Lisbon) Well, must make your job very hard, Hmm?

Lisbon: Yes, but the health plan's great.

Bret Stiles: Mm. Mr. Jane, I think we can help you. I think we can scrub that shame and grief and self-hatred right out of your system.

Jane: Bret, please. We both know what you are. I mean, let's be honest here. You're a con man. I mean, you're very charming, and you're very good at it, but you're just a con man. And you could no more help me than you can fly to the moon.

Bret Stiles: Mm. Now who's struck a nerve? Nobody's past helping... Even you.

Jane: Believe me when I say this, Bret you don't want to make this personal. Now give us Stanfeld, or I will make it my sole purpose to hound you for the rest of your miserable, phony life.

Bret Stiles: Whoa. Am I hearing a threat here? I mean, a, aren't there rules about this sort of thing? Hmm?

Lisbon: Like you said, untethered. Mr. Stiles the percentage play here is to give us Stanfeld. She's not gonna betray you. She's loyal.

Jane: Forget it, Lisbon. I'm bored.

Bret Stiles: Elizabeth is at Edward Harrington's penthouse.

Lisbon: She went to Edward? To do what?

Bret Stiles: I don't know. Uh, she didn't tell me. I gave her no instructions. She went of her own free will. Have a nice day.

Lisbon (on phone): Rigsby, get to ed Harrington's place immediately.

(Lisbon and Jane leave the room)
Ed Harrington's Penthouse

(Van Pelt, Rigsby, Ed Harrinton, Elizabeth Stanfeld)

(Van Pelt and Rigsby enter the apartment, g*ns in hand, sounds draw their attention to a white sofa)

Rigsby: Police! Don't move! Let me see your hands! Freeze!

Van Pelt: Mr. Harrington? (Elizabeth and Ed arise from the couch, startled) Mr. Harrington, are you... all right?

Rigsby: Yep. I think he's... fine.

Ed Harrinton: What the hell is going on?

INT. CBI interrogation room

(Ed Harrinton, Rigsby)

Rigsby: See, the way it looks from here is that you and Elizabeth were in this together. Take out Xander, take out your father, live happily ever after with her and Bret Stiles.

Ed Harrinton: No. I'm not into that Visualize crap. If I had any idea, I, uh, she was just, just a friend.

Rigsby: Convenient, though, that she seems intent on taking out everyone between you and the top job at Harrington Media. Was Sadie next?

Ed Harrinton: How do you know I wasn't next? Visualize wanted to k*ll us all because of that idiotic story.

Rigsby: Then why didn't she k*ll you, Ed?

(Jane attends the interrogation in the next room)

Ed Harrinton: I, I don't know.

Rigsby: You ever meet Bret Stiles?

Ed Harrinton: No.

Rigsby: Anyone at all from the Visualize organization?

Ed Harrinton: No.

Rigsby: So let me get this straight, she was sleeping with you because you were a Harrington, but not an important enough Harrington to k*ll. Is that it? You're a stooge.

Ed Harrinton: Yeah, I'm a stooge. Thanks for the heads-up.

(Rigsby turns to the two-way glass behind which is a smiling Jane)

In another CBI interrogation room

(Cho, Elizabeth Stanfeld, Jane)

Cho: So Bret Stiles claims you acted alone. But you had an accomplice, didn't you?

Elizabeth Stanfeld: An accomplice to what?

Cho: The bombing attempt. We've got your phone records. Slam dunk. 20 years.

Jane: 2 decades. 7,000 days living in a box. I don't know how people do it.

Cho: Now help yourself out here. We know someone gave you that b*mb. We know you didn't k*ll Xander. Sadie Harrington was with you the entire party.

Elizabeth Stanfeld: Of course I didn't k*ll him.

Cho: But you know who did. Give us a name, and we can talk a deal.

Elizabeth Stanfeld: I'm looking down at you from a great height. You're like ants. It's sad how far I am beyond you people, spiritually and mentally.

Jane: Mm. But, uh, physically, I think we, uh, we might have the upper hand. And physically is kinda how they roll in prison.

Elizabeth Stanfeld: Just because you've stopped my work doesn't mean others won't follow in my path. You can't imprison the truth.

Jane: Oh, Lizzy, you are batnuts crazy. Batnuts, girl.

But that's okay. You're young. You can recover your wits. You're gonna have to work very hard, but you've given me a very good idea, and I thank you.

Lisbon's Team Office

(Alex Harrington, Tara Harrington, Van Pelt, Jane, Ed Harrington, Rigsby)

(Alex and Tara Harrington enter)

Alex Harrington: Excuse me. We've come to take my son home. This is a family matter.

Van Pelt: I'm sorry, sir, but we haven't finished questioning him.

Alex Harrington: Edward made a mistake. (Jane arrives in turn) It was dangerous, yes, but not criminal, so unless you have some evidence linking him to a crime, I'd like you to let him go.

Jane: Let the poor wretch go, Van Pelt. He's guilty of nothing except extremely poor decision-making, sexual partner-wise, and, uh... Who hasn't been there?

Van Pelt: Jane.

It isn't in my authority to allow that, sir, but if you'll wait a moment, I'll find Agent Lisbon, and she may be able to help you out.

(Jane on his couch handles a piece of evidence: a cellphone)

Ed Harrington: Dad?

Alex Harrington: Never mind. There he is. Eddie, we're leaving.

Tara Harrington (a Ed): You bastard! You stupid son of a bitch! How could you endanger us. Ashley was nearly k*lled.

Ed Harrington: I'm sorry.

Tara Harrington: (I'm gonna go wait in the car.

Ed Harrington: I'm really sorry.

Alex Harrington: You're sorry? Sorry? You little fool. Have you no common sense, boy? Are you completely...

(Jane dials)

Rigsby: Sir, you're gonna have to take it easy.

Alex Harrington: Anyhow, here we are. Let's go home and discuss this.

(Alex Harrington's phone beeps)

Van Pelt: Mr. Harrington, that isn't going to be possible.

Alex Harrington (looking at his phone): Oh, hell. Not again.

Jane: What's wrong?

Alex Harrington: Miserable cowards. More threats!

Jane: What does it say?

Hightower's Office

(Lisbon, Hightower, Alex Harrington)

Alex Harrington: "Next time you won't be so lucky." Sent from the same number as the earlier threat. I thought you had traced that call to Stanfeld.

Hightower: Well, they likely use the same number for many different cloned cells.

Lisbon: It proves it's the same people, anyhow.

Alex Harrington: Meaning Visualize. Agent Hightower, I'm going to need additional protection for my family, at least until we can get to the house in London.

Lisbon: Mr. Harrington, while your family's safety is at stake, maybe it's best to postpone the exposé.

Alex Harrington: If I gave, where does it stop? My family would be under constant threat from people who don't like what I print or air. We need protection, Agent Hightower.

Hightower: Mr. Harrington, the police assigned to you are very well-trained personnel. We can add more if...

Alex Harrington: I want your best people, Ms. Lisbon and her team. I'll insist on it.

Lisbon: Mr. Harrington, that's very flattering, but you...

Alex Harrington: And if you could release my son now, I'd appreciate it.

Hightower: I'll see what we can do.

Ext. Night. Police cars, police in front of the Harrington property

In the living room

(Tara, her baby, Alex Harrington, Jane, Lisbon, Ashley, Sadie)

(Jane, Lisbon, Ashley, Sadie playing cards at a table)

Jane: She's about to throw out e queen of spades.

Lisbon: Stop showing off.

Jane: Ha. That's what's called "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

I'll take that. Thank you.

Lisbon: (her phone rings, she answers, rises): Lisbon.

Tara Harrington (her baby in her arms): Good night, everyone.

Sadie Harrington: Alex, I told Ash she uld stay up if you tucked her in. Is that okay?

Alex Harrington: Absolutely. Thank you. Night, sweetie.

Rigsby (enters the room): Perimeter's clear, boss. Just checked in with the guards outside.

Jane: Gin. There you go. Any takers?

Van Pelt regarde des écrans de controle des caméras de surveillances de la propriété des Harrington, Cho engage son arme

Van Pelt looks at the monitors of the cameras monitoring the Harrington property, Cho readies his w*apon

Cho: Wish me luck.

Van Pelt: Hum hum.

In the living room, Jane and Alex play backgammon

Alex Harrington: Double.

Jane: Sure. Mm. You're lucky man.

Alex Harrington: No such thing as luck.

Jane: Really?

Alex Harrington: It's all about knowing the odds, seizing the chans. No luck involved.

Jane: Hogwash.

Alex Harrington: Hogwash?

Jane: You heard me. Hogwash.

(turns to Lisbon and Rigsby) What's that?

Alex Harrington: What?

Jane: Shh!

Lisbon: What are you...

Rigsby: Shh!

Lisbon: Wait a minute. I hear it, too.

Rigsby: I got Ashley covered here.

Jane: It's coming from in there.

Lisbon: Xander's office? It's been sealed since the m*rder.

(Lisbon, g*n in hand, forces the office door, followed by Alex, Jane, Rigsby)

Lisbon: Clear.

Jane: Wow. Could've sworn I heard someone in here. (picks up a cup from the floor) Oh, what's this?

Alex Harrington: That's Ashley's.

Lisbon: So?

Jane: That's it.

Lisbon: What's it?

Jane: She was here. She was right here.

Alex Harrington: What's he talking about?

Lisbon: No idea.

Jane: That's why she's been so quiet and withdrawn. She witnessed the m*rder.

(Jane runs his fingers through his hair, the light goes out, an alarm sounds)


Lisbon: The power's been cut.

Alex Harrington: Uh... w, we have a, a backup generator.

Van Pelt (on walkie talkie): Perimeter's been breached. Someone's on the grounds.

Lisbon (on walkie talkie): Copy that, Van Pelt. Charlie King one, check the grounds. Charlie King one, do you copy? Charlie King one?

(Alex Harrington leads Ashley by the hand to the safe room)

Lisbon: We're on our way to the safe room. Secure Tara, Sadie and the baby. Go! Come on. Seal the door now.

Alex Harrington: Mm.

Ashley (elle se cache sous un bureau): Grandpa?

Alex Harrington: It's okay, honey. Don't be scared. We're safe in here. Everything's gonna be all right. Come on. There you go.

(Jane enters the control room where Van Pelt is)

Jane: Oh, I could do with some chocolate. You have any, uh, chocolate, Grace?

Van Pelt: No.

Jane: Just a little bit?

Lisbon (also entering): Van Pelt, what's the status?

Jane: Lisbon, that was very good. I have one question. Who the hell is Charlie King?

Lisbon: Call it up.

(Van Pelt enlarges the view of the safe room on screen)

Ashley: I want mommy.

Alex Harrington: Hey, you remember the party we had a few days ago?

Ashley: With all the flowers and music?

Alex Harrington: That's right.

Ashley: You were in daddy's office that afternoon, before the guests got here for the party, remember?

(Ashley shakes head) Uh, were you maybe... Hiding under his desk? Playing tea party? It's all right if you were. You won't get in trouble. Tell grandpa the truth, sweetheart. (Cho hidden behind a set of shelves is ready to intervene) Ashley...

If you were there, maybe you saw the game grandpa was playing with daddy. Did you?

(Van Pelt, Lisbon and Jane watching the scene)

Sadie Harrington (enters the control room): What the hell is going on?

Jane: Uh, we, it's a very clever plan. Would you like me to explain?

Sadie Harrington: Wait. Why are they in the safe room? What are you doing?

Van Pelt (leading Sadie out of the room): Ma'am, if you'll come with me, I'll explain everything.

Lisbon: 30 seconds and I'm pulling the plug.

Ashley: Daddy's dead, isn't he?

Alex Harrington: It was a game. When your daddy fell... It was an accident I didn't mean to do it.

Lisbon: Cho.

Cho (comes up behind Alex, who has Ashley in her arms): Put your hands on your head. Now. You're under arrest.

(Alex croise ses mains sur sa tete, Ashley fait pareil, ce qui fait sourire Jane)

(Cho ramene Alex and Ashley dans les couloirs, Jane and Lisbon les attendent en haut d'un escalier, surgit Sadie furieuse)

(Alex folds his hands on his head, Ashley does the same, making Jane smile)

(Cho brings back Alex and Ashley through the corridors, Jane and Lisbon wait at the top of the stair, Sadie appears angry)

Sadie Harrington (slaps Jane): You're a bastard!

Jane: Uh, well, thanks for the, uh, feedback. Always appreciated.

Ashley: What's wrong with grandpa?

Sadie Harrington: It's okay, baby. It's okay.

Alex Harrington (to Jane): You've got nothing. My lawyers will grind this to dust. (to Ed entering) Don't say a single thing, either of you. They're saying I k*lled Xan.

Ed Harrington: Well, that's not true, right?

Alex Harrington: Of course not.

Jane: It was very sweet seeing you with Ashley. Uh, I guess after two sons, when she came along, it lit up your world. Strange, though, that you can't so much as look at your own daughter, nor barely touch your lovely wife. How'd you find out the baby wasn't yours? I know that you believed Tara was having an affair with Xander and that your son was Ella's biological father. And you were partly right. I mean, she was having an affair with your son, but it wasn't with Xander.

Was it, Ed? Huh? Oh!

Yeah, I figured it out when I saw you two at the CBI. She was very angry with you, very angry.

Pure jealousy.

Ed Harrington: Oh, my God. I'm...

Jane: Ella's father. Congratulations. She's a real peach, actually. She's great.

Alex Harrington: No. Can't be.

Tara Harrington: I am so sorry.

Alex Harrington: No! It was Xander! It was Xander.

Jane: Okay. We'll take that as a confession. Thank you.

Lisbon: Come on. Let's go.

Ed Harrington: You really don't think I can do anything, do you?

Alex Harrington: It can't be.

Jane: Well, it is. Sorry. You k*lled the wrong son.

CBI interrogation room

(Lisbon, Jane, Alex Harrington)

Alex Harrington: Xander and Tara seemed too close. Always whispering together n the corners, breaking apart when I'd come into the room.

Lisbon: They were friends. They were probably talking about her affair with Ed.

Alex Harrington: So I ordered a paternity test. The results came back the day of the party.

(Flashback, dans le bureau de Xander, le jour de la party. Alex, Xander)

Alex Harrington: Ella is not my child, but you know that already, don't you?

Xander Harrington: What did you expect, dad?! You treat her like just another one of your possessions, but she's not!

Alex Harrington (V.O.): I confronted Xan.

Alex Harrington (flashback): You betrayed me!

Alex Harrington (V.O.): He didn't deny it.

(return to present)

Alex Harrington: Why didn't he just deny it?

Jane (V.O.): He just naturally assumed you knew it was Ed.

Alex Harrington (flash back): You! (Alex grabs the letter opener and stabs Xander) Aah!

(return to present)

Alex Harrington: When I think... of what poor Ashley saw...

Jane: She didn't see anything. I made it up.

Alex Harrington: But the teacup, she was there.

Jane: Yes, I know. But it's all in the wrist.

(Jane leaves the room)

Hightower's Office

(Hightower, Bret Stiles, Jane)

Bret Stiles: My good friend Senator Aleman is very concerned about my treatment. Of course, you do know the good Senator, huh?

Hightower: Yes.

Bret Stiles: Chair of the Justice Committee.

Hightower: I know him.

Jane (enters the office): Bret Stiles. Good to see you. Looking sharp.

Bret Stiles: I mean, I'd hate to tell him that you failed to resolve this matter.

Hightower: So why don't we resolve it right now?

Bret Stiles: Mm. Good.

Hightower: Patrick, Mr. Stiles here says that you antagonized him and conducted yourself in a way that reflected poorly on the bureau. Do you have anything to say?

Jane: Uh, no. I'm, I'm good, thanks.

Hightower: Okay.

Bret Stiles: Actually, there's one thing I'd like to say.

Hightower: Is this gonna be helpful, Patrick?

Jane: Probably not.

Hightower (to Stiles, dryly): Okay, then, there you go. Nice talking with you.

Bret Stiles: What? You're, you're kidding, right? That's it?

Hightower: No. Do give my best to Senator Aleman. Is he still seeing that stripper in Bakersfield? Lovely girl.

Bret Stiles: Well, well. I can see that I've met my match here. You two, quite the double act. Ah. I will retreat, chastened. (il sort du bureau)

Hightower (to Stiles who turns): By the way... We will find a way to charge you with that attempted bombing.

Bret Stiles: Miss Hightower, shh. Don't push your luck.

Jane: So long, Bret.

Hightower: Don't draw the wrong lesson here, Patrick. I've got Stiles checkmated. But if a player with real juice came in here, I'd want to see you dance for him.

Jane: Isn't that what we just did?

Hightower: You know what I mean.

Jane: Okay. And I do love to dance.

(as he leaves, he dances, which makes Hightower smile)
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