01x07 - Seeing Red

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x07 - Seeing Red

Post by bunniefuu »

Temple of Harmony

Kristina Frye: Rosemary, please don't go. I'm only trying to help.

Rosemary: I'm not listening to you anymore.

Kristina: Rosemary, you're in serious danger.

Rosemary: I'm not listening.

Rosemary walks in the street. Her phone rings. She looks at it and hangs up. A car starts to drive and follows Rosemary who tries to run.

Rosemary: No!

The car knocks down Rosemary who dies and leaves the place quickly.

Later, the police is there.

Marco Francis: Thank you for coming so quickly.

Lisbon: Your victim is the widow of Macon Tennant. Founder of Calsure Financial. Close friends of the lieutenant governor.

Rigsby: Yeah, we got to use the chopper.

Francis: Cool. Well, we have two witnesses who saw a silver sedan deliberately chase her down. Uh, we're getting paint off of the trash cans right now. Hopefully we'll get a make and model. Uh, we've also got a partial plate.

Lisbon: Sounds like you're on top of it.

Francis: Sure, but I don't mind getting your backup.

Lisbon: We're not backup. We're lead.

Francis: Yes, ma'am. A few days ago, Rosemary here filed a missing persons report on her teenage son Travis. He had been gone for a week, but he's run away from home twice, and he's done a stint in juvie, so...

Rigsby: What was the juvie charge?

Francis: D.U.I. on a learner's permit. Her house is eight blocks that way, so we figured that she was walking home, but from where, we're not sure.

Kristina: She was with me.

Francis: And who are you exactly?

Kristina: My name is Kristina Frye. I was Rosemary's spiritual advisor.

Jane: I'm sorry. Did— did I hear that correctly?

Lisbon: Miss Frye, you were with her where?

Kristina: At my house. We had finished a session. We had contacted her husband.

Lisbon: Her dead husband?

Kristina: Oh, he knew this was gonna happen to her. He warned her that she was putting herself in terrible danger.

Lisbon: From whom?

Kristina: I don't know. I'm merely a channel.

Jane: A channel for what?

Kristina: For the energy of the departed souls.

Jane: Okay. Oh, so you knew that this m*rder was gonna happen?

Kristina: I didn't know. Her husband knew. I just passed the warning along to Rosemary.

Jane: Okay. Got it. Uh, by her own admission, she's either, uh, a channel for the energy of the departed souls or she's involved in this m*rder. So you got a choice. You can call ghostbusters or we can take this lady downtown.

Lisbon: Miss Frye, would you mind coming into our office in the morning and answering a few more questions in detail?

Kristina: If I could be of any help, I'd be glad to. Please call me Kristina. [Jane laughs] [To Jane] Where is all this anger I feel coming from?

Jane: Not from me. Maybe you're projecting.

Kristina: No. Rosemary was my friend. Am I sad? Of course. Am I angry? Only that somebody would do such a terrible thing to her. Don't take this the wrong way, but you are completely misreading the situation.

Jane: I am, am I? Oh, this is gonna be good.

CBI, workspace

Lisbon: How long have you known Rosemary Tennant?

Kristina: Almost three years.

Jane: Do you charge for your services?

Kristina: Yes. How much depends on the resources of the individual client, but I never turn anyone away.

Jane: How much did you charge Rosemary?

Kristina: $500 per hour.

Jane: How many hours a week?

Kristina: Five to six.

Jane: Oh, 3 grand a week. Nice.

Kristina: Rosemary was a troubled soul. She needed intensive help.

Van Pelt: What was troubling her?

Kristina: Her husband was a powerful anchor in her life. After his death, I think she felt adrift, vulnerable. And people that she shouldn't have trusted recognized her weaknesses and played on them.

Jane: Oh, really?

Lisbon: Any people in particular?

Kristina: Too many to mention. As a result, I think her relationship with her children may have suffered.

Van Pelt: That would be Clara and Travis, yes?

Kristina: Mm-hmm.

Van Pelt: Suffered how?

Kristina: I'm sorry. I'm not comfortable sharing any more than that with you.

Jane: Mm.

Van Pelt: Travis went missing several days ago. What did she have to say about that?

Kristina: Truly, I'd love to help you, but my practice is boun by the same client confidentiality codes that all doctors abide by.

Lisbon: You have a professional therapist's license with the state?

Kristina: Yes, I do.

Jane: Your client's dead.

Kristina: Her earthly vessel is dead. When her soul completes its journey, I could ask her if it's all right to share her problems with you in more detail. I recorded all of our sessions on CD. If she says yes, I'll give them to you.

Jane: Why bother with that? Why not just ask her who k*lled her?

Kristina: Of course I will, but she may not know. Death doesn't grant omniscience.

Jane: You're good.

Kristina: I like to think so.

Jane: Yes, you do.

Kristina: I think it's important to love one's self. How do you feel about yourself?

Jane: Oh, you tell me. And forget about the $500 an hour. I'm on civil service pay.

Kristina: Okay, for free then. I think you act assured and arrogant, but inside you are troubled with deep guilt and self-loathing. A recent trauma in your past perhaps? But you're more than a little unstable. [To Lisbon] You have your work cut out for you.

Van Pelt: You are good.

Jane: Please. Not to boast, but I am quite a well-known horrible tragedy. A mere half-hour on the internet would tell you that I'm consumed with guilt and self-loathing.

Kristina: One look in your eyes would tell me that and what makes you think I would spend any time researching you on the internet? A little self-involved maybe? [To Lisbon] May I go?

Lisbon: Yes. Thank you for your time.

Kristina: Feel free to call me any time.

Lisbon: We will.

She leaves. Van Pelt and Lisbon look at Jane.

Jane: What?

Jane, Lisbon and Rigsby go to Rosemary's home.

Lisbon: Do we know who's home?

Rigsby: Until two days ago, the residents were Travis Tennant, Rosemary Tennant and a semipermanent houseguest, name of Jeremy Hale, portrait photographer and Mrs. Tennant's boyfriend, [Lisbon rings] according to the gardener and pool guy.

Jeremy: Dooley. Dooley, come here. Can I help you?

Lisbon: Mr. Hale?

Jeremy: Yes.

Lisbon: California bureau of investigation. You mind if we come in?

Jeremy: No, not at all. [They come in] Uh, sorry about the mess.

Lisbon: Looks like you weren't alone last night.

Jeremy: Well, I was at a, uh, gallery opening, but someone's always here. Rosie liked to have people around, and, well, you know us creative types— any chance to, uh, put off work.

Rigsby: How long have you lived here?

Jeremy: Uh... Going on six months. I'm a, uh, a photographer, and I met Rosemary at a show. I came to do a portrait, and then I guess we just kinda gelled, and I never left.

Jane: So you and Mrs. Tennant were lovers? That's what everyone says.

Jeremy: Did I love her and vice versa, yes. But lovers? We were close. She understood me better than anyone.

Lisbon: Living here, you must have gotten to know her kids pretty well.

Jeremy: Clara's all grown up. Didn't come around much anymore. And Travis— that kid has some problems.

Lisbon: How so?

Jeremy: I think after his dad died, he just lost it— on dr*gs, stealing stuff, acting out in crazy ways.

Rigsby: When was the last time you saw him?

Jeremy: Over a week ago. Rosie found dr*gs in his bedroom. They had a big fight. He split. I don't know where. He's got a hundred crazy friends to hide out with.

Jane: Excuse me. Uh, do you mind if I take a look around?

Jeremy: No. Go for it.

Jane: Thank you. [He moves away]

Lisbon: Rosemary put you in her will a few months back, didn't she?

Jeremy: Yeah, and I felt bad about that, actually. It's too much. But Rosemary was such a generous person, and to refuse her generosity would be to, you know, deny her essence.

Rigsby: The day before she died, she made an appointment with her estate lawyer, told him she wanted to make further alterations to the trust.

Jeremy: Really? I had no idea.

Lisbon: What do you think that was about?

Jeremy: I could only imagine it has to do with Travis. Cut him off, and maybe it would straighten him out.

Jane: Lisbon!

Jeremy: Oh, you found my studio.

Jane: She was quite beautiful, wasn't she? You really captured so much in her eyes. It's like she's talking to us.

Jeremy: Rosemary was an easy subject, and those photos still don't do her justice.

Rigsby: This is quite a setup.

Lisbon: Darkroom, state-of-the-art equipment. It's nice to have a benefactor.

Jeremy: I'm blessed.

Jane: Or clever. You say that Travis left because he and his mom had a fight. Are you sure about that?

Jeremy: Well, of course. I was there.

Jane: I think Mrs. Tennant turned a blind eye towards her son's problems because he lost his dad. He didn't leave because of her. He left because of you.

Jeremy: What are you talking about?

Jane: I think this was Travis' room. There's old poster tape here on the walls. There's stickers behind this door and... dents... up here, from where a lacrosse ball was hitting it. Travis plays lacrosse, doesn't he?

Jeremy: He used to before he got into dr*gs.

Jane: And here— this pane of glass has a crack in it right at elbow or fist height. Must have been quite the argument between you two.

Jeremy: Okay, that's enough.

Jane: The only question is, did you take his room as soon as he left or did he leaves because you took his room?

Jeremy: You're in my personal space. Please step back.

Jane: Excuse me. [He steps back] So you kick him out of here, he has to find someplace safe, someplace to hide where change can't find him.

Rigsby: So where'd he go?

Jane points his finger upward and goes up.

Alone in a little bedroom, Jane takes a picture of Travis with his family. There's a carousel in the background.

Jeremy: Yeah, it's here on the right. [He shows Travis' room to Lisbon and Rigsby] He was happy in a smaller room.

Rigsby: Yeah, I bet.

Jeremy: Excuse me, but there's a definite note of uncalled for hostility in your voice. What is that about?

Lisbon: He's just trying to do his job.

CBI, workspace

Lisbon: I know Travis Tennant is suspect number one, but Jeremy isn't exactly grieving right now.

Van Pelt: I'll do some digging on hale, see what I come up with.

Lisbon: Who's to say the kid's not dead? Maybe he k*lled both of them. More money in the will for him. Anything on the business side?

Rigsby: Well, the psychic was right. Every high-end con artist and social parasite in town was hitting Rosemary up for a million. These guys are all white-collar leeches, not murderers.

Jane: This looks like her.

A young woman comes.

Lisbon: The daughter. Miss Tennant, I'm Agent Lisbon. Thank you for coming.

Clara: I came as soon as I could. Has anyone found my brother?

Lisbon: Please have a seat. We're so sorry for your loss. To answer your question, no. Travis is still missing. But we're doing everything we can to find him. Can you tell us about your mother? Anything might help.

Clara: I just can't believe she's gone. I mean, she was such a good person. Everybody loved her, and... for her to die in the gutter like that, it's... like garbage, it's— it's horrible.

Lisbon: People say she changed after your father died.

Clara: She... she sort of lost control. And my father was... the one that kept it all going. And she just... she wasn't that person.

Lisbon: Could you give us an example?

Clara: When I was in college... my brother called to tell me that people were ripping us off. And Mom would invest in one bad scheme after another, and I tried to warn her, but she just wouldn't listen.

Jane: I'm sure she thought she was doing the right thing. Is that when your brother started acting out?

Clara: He missed dad a lot, and suddenly... he was the man of the house, and I think he just wasn't used to it. That's when Jeremy moved in, and he's scary. He's very dangerous.

Lisbon: Dangerous how?

Clara: He wants what he wants, and he has a very bad temper. I was worried for my mom.

Lisbon: Clara, where do you think Travis is?

Clara: If I knew, I would be with him. I mean, he's my brother. He's... he's all I've got left.

Jane: Could you put his number in there, please?

Clara: Well, he's not gonna call you back.

Jane: Eh, just put it in. [She puts it] Thank you.

Jane gets up, moves away and takes his phone.

Jane: Hello, Travis. You don't know me, but my name is Patrick Jane. I'm a friend. I know you're in a little trouble right now, and I want to offer you some peace of mind. But I don't know what peace of mind means to you. It's different for everyone. For instance, I like riding horses. But would horses make you happy? I don't know. Why wouldn't horses make you happy? Go round and round in your mind until you're sure, and go to that place where you know you are happy. Then give me a call. You have my number.

He hangs up. Rigsby, who heard him, looks at him with astonishment.

Rigsby: What was that about?

Jane: Quick. What images came into your head?

Jane, Cho and Rigsby go to an amusement park, near a carousel.

Rigsby: All I'm saying, you can't say there's no such thing as psychics just 'cause you've never met one.

Cho: You're right. I've never seen a zebra. Doesn't mean they don't exist.

Rigsby: You've never seen a zebra?

Cho: No.

Rigsby: You've never been to a zoo?

Cho: You know, I don't get zoos. You pay money to look at animals. Why? [He sees Travis] Guys.

Travis arrives.

Jane: That's him.

Cho: Jane, I'll never doubt you again.

Jane: You ever doubted me?

Travis goes on the carousel, Rigsby, Cho and Jane follow him. He sits and notices that he's surrounded. He gets up and wants to run away.

Jane: Travis, wait. Just wait.

CBI, interrogation room

Lisbon: Travis, we know why you took off. We know about your fight with Jeremy. Why didn't you call somebody? Why just run?

Travis: 'cause there wasn't anything they could do. I didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Lisbon: Cause any trouble for who? They're your family.

Travis: You really don't understand. Look, I loved my mom... so much. But after the blowout with Jeremy, I couldn't go back there. There was no way.

Clara and Jane look the scene

Clara: When can I see him?

Jane: Oh, soon.

Lisbon: So where'd you go?

Travis: Friends' houses mostly.

Cho: We'll need names and addresses.

Travis: You know, maybe if I'd been home that night, she'd still be alive. I... Maybe—

Lisbon: Here's the truth, Travis. After your dad died, your mom gave away a lot of your money. Then she moved Jeremy into the house and made your life miserable.

Cho: So even though you took off, you knew where she'd be that night. You knew how she'd walk home.

Travis: Are you saying I did that? When my dad died, Mom was all I had. You don't think I wanted to be there for her? That dirtbag Jeremy moves in, he starts telling me what to do and bossing me around. She was my mom. I didn't k*ll her.

Jane: I believe him. Come here.

They come in the interrogation room. Clara hugs her brother.

Clara: We'll be all right. We'll be fine.

CBI, workspace

Van Pelt: Travis is hurting.

Lisbon: Or he's lying. Let's not forget, Jeremy Hale stood to inherit a few million himself. So maybe he wanted to speed up the process... finance a nice long photo sh**t in South America, lay low for a while?

Rigsby: I heard from Rosemary's probate lawyer. Guess who she just added to her will.

Jane: Uh, Kristina Frye?

Rigsby: Ink wasn't even dry yet.

Van Pelt: Kristina told us she knew in advance that Rosemary was in danger. Why would she tell us that if she's guilty?

Jane: How diabolically clever of her... make us dismiss her as a suspect because she made herself look like one.

Van Pelt: Or maybe, just maybe, she has a rare and precious gift and is trying to help us.

Jane: A rare and precious gift. Tell me... Who gets these gifts anyhow? And how come no one ever has the gift for seeing horse race results? And how come dead people always talk such tedious drivel?

Lisbon: Play nice. Van Pelt's entitled to her opinion.

Jane: Not if it's wrong. This is like believing in the Easter Bunny.

Rigsby: Who says there's no Easter Bunny?

They smile. The phone rings and Van Pelt picks up.

Van Pelt: Van pelt. Oh, hi. Wow. Thanks. Got it. We'll be right over. [To the team] That was Kristina. She said she's picking up on something.

Jane: Um.

Van Pelt: Something that might help us.

Lisbon: Why don't you go talk to her?

Jane: I'm coming.

Van Pelt: Does he have to?

Lisbon: If she's conning us, we need to know.

Van Pelt: She isn't. I can tell.

Lisbon: Behave.
Kristina's house

Van Pelt knocks and the door opens.

Van Pelt: Miss Frye?

Kristina's voice: Be right there. Take a seat, please.

Jane: Madame zoltar welcomes you.

He sniffs.

Jane: Mm. I smell dead people.

Van Pelt: Jane, shh.

Jane: Look, you can do all your holiday shopping right here.

Van Pelt: Aren't you the least bit interested in what she has to say?

Jane: No. I love the mirror. Conveniently located.

Van Pelt: What do you mean?

Jane: It's one-way glass— textbook clairvoyant trick. She studies her client's body language before they come in.

He makes a sign at the mirror.

Jane [whispering]: Come on. She's probably watching us right now.

Van Pelt [whispering]: You can't go in there.

Jane: Sure, I can.

Van Pelt: Jane. [She follows him. He touches the wall and sees that there's nothing] See? No one-way glass.

Jane: Oh, maybe in this instance, But not as a general observation.

Kristina arrives and surprises them.

Kristina: Shall we sit down?

Jane: Sure. [They sit down] You know what I'm struggling with?

Kristina: Enlighten me.

Jane: You talk such a good high-class game, but your temple looks like a discount souvenir store in Shangri-La.

Kristina: Well, certain imagery goes with the territory. You know that. People expect a little razzmatazz, like the shiny suits you used to wear.


Jane: He says... "I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you and your mother." There're tears of joy.

End flashback

Jane: So you have done some research on me.

Kristina: I have now. Red john m*rder*d your family. I'm very sorry for your loss. Is that why you gave up your calling?

Jane: Calling? Is that what this is?

Kristina: Yeah, calling, gift, as you like. There's no doubt that you had that. Why'd you give it up?

Jane: It was the suits. Chafing. Horrible.

Kristina: Always dancing. Why is that?

Jane: Don't try to cold read me.

Kristina: Oh, I wouldn't know how.

Jane: We both know that's a lie.

Van Pelt: Can we, um, talk about the case?

Jane: Yes.

Kristina: Yes.

Jane: So has Rosemary contacted you yet?

Kristina: No, not yet. It often takes some time for souls to make a full transit.

Jane: Yes, the celestial bus is running late.

Kristina: I called to offer you my assistance. Clearly you're not interested.

Van Pelt: Wait. I'm the agent here. We are interested.

Kristina: I had a vision about the car used to k*ll Rosemary. Water rushing into the windows, tires underwater, resting on concrete.

Van Pelt: Concrete? Like a swimming pool?

Kristina: Um, bigger.

Van Pelt: A reservoir maybe. There's Founders Lake just outside of town.

Kristina: Yes, a reservoir.

Later, to the reservoir. Men are towing the car.

A man gives Cho a sheet of paper.

Cho: Thanks. [To Lisbon] The damage to the front end is consistent with a vehicle versus pedestrian collision. But get this— the V.I.N. number matches Rosemary Tennant's own registration.

Lisbon: That's her car?

Cho: Yeah, two moving violations show that Travis used the vehicle all the time.

Van Pelt: It could have been Jeremy. He had access to it as well.

Lisbon: Uh, put one of them in the car that night— traffic cameras, witnesses at gas stations. If it exists, I want to know.

Van Pelt: I'm on it.

Francis: Are you guys gonna arrest Travis Tennant or, uh, you want us to?

Lisbon: I'm sorry, detective, but everything we have right now is circumstantial.

Francis: Well, I go with my gut, uh, 90% of the time. If it feels right, it's meant to be.

Lisbon: What about the other 10%?

Jane: If anyone needs arresting, it's Kristina Frye. She knew that Rosemary was in danger. She knew where to find the car, the m*rder w*apon, which means that she either does have supernatural powers or she was involved in the crime.

Lisbon: Come on. She simply did what you do so well. With an air of confidence, she made an educated guess. Where else would you dump a car around here? She's a good guesser.

Jane: Well, I guess that's a possibility, too.

Lisbon: Yes, and that's what you object to, isn't it? Not that she's a con artist but that she's so good at it. Maybe even better than you.

Jane: Not at all. I... All right, yes. Not better than me, mind you, but she is good, and it's the good ones that are the most dangerous.

Van Pelt: Excuse me, but you might consider the possibility that she's actually honestly in touch with something beyond your understanding.

Jane: That would be golf and musical theater of the '30s and '40s.

Cho: The car is empty except for these in the trunk.

Lisbon: High-grade coated nylon.

Jane: Just like they use in a photo lab.

Rosemary's house

Clara: Jeremy's gone. We had an exchange, and I told him not to come back and some of Mom's jewelry is missing.

Travis: You really think he did it?

Cho: Someone stole your mom's car and used it to k*ll her. But the locks weren't jimmied. They had a key.

Travis: And you think I did it. Look, I already told you were I was. Go out, talk to my friends.

Lisbon: We did. They said there were a lot of people at the party that night. You could have left and come back.

Travis: This is so unfair. How...

Clara: My brother's right. Jeremy just left. Clearly he's hiding something.

Jane: Lisbon.

Lisbon: Stay here.

They go upstairs.

Lisbon: [on the phone] Rigsby, it's me. I need an a PB on Jeremy Hale. Check the airports. He's probably got at least two hours on us.

Jane: He hasn't gone that far. He's not on a plane.

Lisbon: [she hangs up] How do you know?

Jane: He left too much behind. Room full of photographs, five are of Rosemary. The rest are dated at least a year ago. Except... this one. This was taken a few weeks ago. Brand-new. A little damaged, but somewhat intimate. A woman's heel would make a hole like that, wouldn't it?

Lisbon: Yeah.

Jane: Being Rosemary's house, we can assume it's Rosemary's heel.

Lisbon: I'm still with you

Jane: Why would Rosemary want to put her heel in this nice young woman's picture, that was taken by her womanizing boyfriend Jeremy?

Lisbon gets it and smiles. They go down. Jane shows the picture to Travis and Clara.

Jane: Know her?

Travis: Yeah. That's, um, Connie Adams, my mom's bridge partner's daughter, Connie.

Van Pelt and Rigsby knock at Connie's door.

Van Pelt: Connie?

Connie: Can I help you?

Van Pelt: Nice necklace. Police. We're looking for Jeremy Hale. Is he here?

Connie: Baby?

Jeremy comes shirtless with whipped cream in his hand.

Rigsby: Hi, Jeremy.

Jeremy: Hey.

Van Pelt: Let's go talk. You might want some clothes.

Rigsby: Or a lot more whipped cream. Your call.

CBI, interrogation room

Lisbon: Rosemary was k*lled by somebody driving one of her own cars.

Jeremy: Okay.

Cho: A silver Chrysler. You ever drive this car, Jeremy?

Jeremy: No. That's the car that Travis drove. Not my style.

Lisbon: Thing is, we found a glove in the car that's from your photo lab. What are the chances we find your DNA on it?

Jeremy: Well, Travis could have taken those.

Cho: Travis has an alibi. You could have taken the car in order to throw suspicion on him.

Jeremy: I could have, I suppose, but I didn't.

Lisbon: You left the Tennant house fast, almost like you were running away. Why is that?

Jeremy: I got into it with the kids. That clara is insane. I thought she was gonna as*ault me.

Cho: They think you k*lled their mother.

Jeremy: Well, they don't know anything about me. I loved her.

Lisbon: Of course you did. That's why you gave Rosemary's necklace to your hot new girlfriend.

Jeremy: Well, it's no good to Rosemary, is it? So sh**t me. I'm a pragmatist.

Lisbon: That's a good word. Miami, New York, Chicago... All widows, and all contributors to your budding career.

Jeremy: And all alive and well and still good friends of mine, if you care to speak to any of them. Well, phoebe might be a little ambivalent about me, but... the others are, you know...

Lisbon: Do you know Kristina Frye?

Jeremy: Uh... That name is familiar, but no. I don't think so.

Lisbon: She's Rosemary's psychic, and I think you have met Kristina. You took her photograph.

Cho: Jane tells us one of your portraits is hanging in her foyer. Well,I— I take a lot of pictures.

Lisbon: Two beneficiaries on the same will, both intimate friends of Rosemary's, yet the two of you have never actually met. What are the chances?

Jeremy: I want a lawyer.

CBI, workspace

Rigsby: Hey, boss, check this out. Info on Kristina Frye. In the last ten years, each of these people left her name in their wills, paydays ranging from $10,000 to $200,000.

Lisbon: Maybe the psychic and Jeremy had a business relationship. Fleecing vulnerable women.

Rigsby: So maybe Jane was right.

Van Pelt: It doesn't prove anything.

Lisbon: But it's a good place to start a conversation with Frye.

Kristina's house

Cho: Kristina, how well do you know Jeremy Hale?

Kristina: He was Rosemary's lover. Uh, kind of a user, I'd say, but genuinely fond of her, I think. Quite a good photographer. He took my picture.

Jane: Did you know he was also named in the victim's will?

Kristina: If that was Rosemary's decision, fine. But what are you getting at?

Cho: Over the last decade, five different people have named you in their wills.

Kristina: Against my express wishes. I've helped hundreds of sick clients confront their fear of dying, and I assure all of them that I will try and speak to them after they're gone, but I have never asked any of them for anything ever.

Cho: Then why did Jeremy get nervous when your name was mentioned?

Kristina: Probably because we had sex on a couple of occasions. We had fun. He's a good time.

Jane: Have you spoken to Rosemary yet?

Kristina: Yes, I have.

Jane: Oh, you did? What did she say?

Kristina: She seems quite taken with you.

Jane: Ah.

Kristina: She said you were a good man... A deeply misguided and damaged man, but good.

Jane: Well, that's very flattering. Did she happen to mention who k*lled her?

Kristina: No. She didn't know. But she wants me to keep trying to help you as much as I can.

Jane: Well, not that you mention it, I'd love to hear your CD recordings of your sessions together.

Kristina: Absolutely.

Jane: And, uh, can you have Rosemary appear at the reading of the will?

Kristina: She's a departed soul, not a wedding singer. You can't book her in advance.

Jane: Ah, yeah. I guess, uh, time doesn't mean much when you're dead forever.

Kristina: No schedule to keep.

Jane: What's the rush?

Kristina: Right.

Jane: Hum.

She leaves. Jane and Cho smile.

Jane goes to Rosemary's house. Travis is playing lacrosse in the garden.

Jane: Nice cradling.

Travis: You play lacrosse?

Jane: No. Fast-moving sticks scare me.

Travis: Find out who did it yet?

Jane: Not yet.

Clara goes out of the house.

Clara: Hi.

Jane: Hi.

Clara: Find anything?

Jane: I think Kristina Frye is responsible for your mother's death. I need you to ask her to conduct a sance to contact your mom at the reading of the will.

Clara: I don't understand. How is getting in touch with my mom gonna help you catch Kristina?

Jane: Well, obviously, she's not really gonna get in touch with your mom. She's a fraud. I'm going to expose her.

Clara: How do you know she won't really pull it off?

Jane: Well, she won't, because she can't.

CBI, in the kitchen

Van Pelt and Rigsby are both looking at the microwave.

Van Pelt: I don't like it.

Rigsby: Me neither. What's the alternative?

Van Pelt: It's immoral.

Rigsby: I don't know about that. Say your brain gets cooked if you use 'em a lot. Make you infertile, too.

Van Pelt: What are you talking about?

Rigsby: Microwaves. What are you talking about?

Van Pelt: The sance this evening.

Rigsby: We were looking at the microwave. The sance has nothing to do with anything.

Van Pelt: It's wrong to play with that stuff— raising the dead

Jane: Uh, we're not actually going to be doing that— raising dead people.

Van Pelt: You say that, but you don't know. You're mocking the occult. You don't have any belief in the afterlife. You don't know what you're getting into.

Jane: Well, I know that sances are tools that con artists like Kristina use to manipulate people.

Rigsby: Boo!

Van Pelt jumps and Rigsby and Jane start laughing.

Van Pelt: Yeah, laugh. Go ahead. It's really important to you that Kristina's a fake, isn't it? Because if she's not - if she does have a gift - everything you mock, everything you discredit, everything you stand for gets turned upside down.

Jane: Um... Yeah. True. Unlikely, but true.

Van Pelt: And what if your family's looking down at you tonight from the sance, trying to talk to you, but they can't because you won't believe?

Jane: Well, that would be very sad.

Van Pelt: I'm sorry.

Jane: No, that's ok.

She leaves. Rigsby takes his food and leaves too. Jane is thinking.

Kristina's house, there's a lot of people who came for the sance.

Estate lawyer: Really, it's quite irregular.

Clara: It's what my mother wanted.

Estate lawyer: Very well. If you can all please sit down? [everyone sits down] At the request of Rosemary and her daughter Clara, the reading of the will shall be prefaced with a... What do you call it?

Kristina: A contact ritual— sance, some call it.

Estate lawyer: A sance.

Kristina: Good evening, everybody, and welcome. With your help tonight, I'm gonna try and contact Rosemary. Will you all please hold hands with your neighbor on either side? [To the estate lawyer] Everybody. Good. Thank you. [Lisbon takes Van Pelt's hand with her best "what's the f..." look] Thank you. [To Jane] Would you please turn the lights down? [He does it with a smile][Kristina closes her eyes] The veil will be drawn back and Rosemary will come to us, as long as we believe. [She opens her eyes] As long as we believe. Everybody concentrate on the candle in the center of the table. Look at it and concentrate on Rosemary. Come to us, Rosemary. Come to us. Speak.

The candle suddenly flickers.

Rosemary's voice: Kristina? Kristina?

Kristina: It's me, Rosemary. I'm here, as I promised you I would be. All your friends and family are here, too, Rosemary. Is there anything that you'd like to say? Or ask? Rosemary?

Rosemary's voice: Clara? Clara?

Clara: Mom?

Rosemary's voice: Why Clara? Why did you do it?

Clara leaves hastily and goes upstairs. Jane follows her.

Jane: I know what you're doing, and it's not gonna work.

Clara: What do you mean?

Jane: This is all a scheme that you and Kristina cooked up, isn't it? Well, it's very effective, but I'm not buying it. I'm not gonna buy it. I'm not buying it. I can't. [He's hiding his phone behind his back and he's sending something] I can't.

Clara: No. No, I... It's... I'm...

Rigsby and Cho are in a van, listening to what she's saying.

Rigsby looks at his phone.

Rigsby: Next cue's up.

Clara's voice: This isn't happening.

Cho: Got it.

Cho types on his computer.

Rosemary's voice: Why Clara? Why?

Clara [crying]: Who's doing this? I'm sorry, mom. I'm so sorry.

Jane: Was it you, Clara? Were you in the car? Is that why she's here? Is that what's caused all this?

Clara: Yes. Yes.

CBI, interrogation room

Clara: I got mad. I just got mad.

Lisbon: Why?

Clara: She told me... that she was gonna change the will again to disinherit Travis. She said that it was for his own good. And she wouldn't listen to me. We said some harsh things to each other. So I rode the train down from clear lake to speak to her in person, make her... see things rationally. I knew she was going to see her damn psychic. And... I didn't want to run into that creep Jeremy. So I went to the house to go pick up one of the cars to meet her.


Clara's voice: I saw her after she left Kristina's, and I called her so that she wouldn't be freaked out that I would turn up in the middle of the night, and she didn't pick up the phone...

End of the flashback

Clara: ...for her own daughter, and... I just got mad.


Clara is knocking Rosemary down.

End of the flashback

Lisbon: Thank you for your honesty, Clara.

Clara: How did you know that it was me?

Jane: Uh, well, uh... It didn't occur to me until later when you started trying to pin the blame on Jeremy. But when you first came in here, you expressed great horror that your mother had died in the gutter— not in the road, not in the sidewalk, but the gutter.


Clara: For her to die in the gutter like that, it's... like garbage, it's—it's horrible.

End of the flashack

Jane: And how could you have known that she died in the gutter unless... You'd been there?

Clara: I did it for Travis.

Lisbon: And for yourself.

Clara: She said that she would protect us! She promised my dad that she would. Parents are supposed to protect their kids.

Lisbon: Yes, they are.

Clara: Can I see my brother now?

Jane: Sure.

CBI, workspace

Travis: I know you weren't thinking right... when you did what you did.

Clara: Be good to Aunt Jo, and don't— don't leave your clothes everywhere, and... be respectful, okay?

Travis: I will. I love you.

Clara: I love you, too.

They hug. Clara leaves with the police.

Travis shakes Cho's hand.

Travis: Thank you for letting me talk to her.

Cho: You bet.

They leave. Kristina arrives while Jane is lying on his sofa.

Kristina: You sleep here?

Jane: Yes, sometimes. Uh, the noise relaxes me, you know. It's like the sea. Can I help you?

Kristina: Yeah, I just came to pick up my recordings.

Jane: Help yourself.

Kristina: Thanks. I need to talk to you.

Jane: Fire away.

Kristina: In private.

Jane: This is private.

Kristina: More private.

Jane: Okay.

He gets up and they go in an interrogation room.

Jane: So...

Kristina: Promise me you won't interrupt. Hear me out.

Jane: Okay, I promise.

Kristina: I talked to your wife.

Jane: Oh, hang on, this is—

Kristina: No, nuh-uh. Ever since your wife and daughter were k*lled, there's a question about that night's events that's been tormenting you, yes? Yes?

Jane: Yes.

Kristina: Your wife wants me to tell you that your daughter never woke up. She didn't know what happened. She wasn't scared, not even for a second.

Jane: You're done channeling? That's it?

Kristina: That's it.

Jane: Thanks.

Kristina: Good bye, Mr. Jane.

Kristina leaves. Jane stays there, he starts to cry. Van Pelt sees him and shuts the door that Kristina left open.

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