02x13 - Nobody Likes Babies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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02x13 - Nobody Likes Babies

Post by bunniefuu »

The day I agreed to election rigging is the day I signed my death sentence.

Previously on "Scandal"...

(Huck) It wasn't Hollis.

Someone else paid Becky to k*ll the president.

When you release Hollis, I need you to wait an hour.

I let him go an hour ago.

The minute he's released, make it look like an accident.

Copy that.

Hold the doors!


(Doors close)

(Elevator whirring)

I'm sorry. Do I know you?

(g*n clicks) Hands on your head!

Ho... whoa, the hell is going on here?!

Hollis Doyle, meet Charlie.

Charlie's here to k*ll you unless I k*ll him first, but I'm not sure I'm ready to do that yet.

What do you want from me?

It's what Olivia wants.

She wants to protect you, but first she needs you to promise her that you won't take the deal they're offering you at justice.

Oh, hell, that's just posturing.

I wish I could believe you, but I can't, which is why instead of k*lling Charlie and assuring your safety, I'm gonna let him live.

If you keep your mouth shut, I'll be there to protect you.

If you open it, he trades your head for a paycheck.

Do I make myself clear?

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Shutter clicking)
(Woman) Ooh.

That's lovely. Ma'am, can you turn him a bit?

Let's show America the face of baby...

Oh, he doesn't have a name yet.

We can't decide. (Laughs)

What about "Wallace"?

(Laughs) Wally?
(Baby fussing)

That's the name of a child who gets beat up on the playground, right?

It's a family name.

(Laughs) Of a child who gets beat up on the playground.

Cousin Wally did get beat up a lot.

(Gasps softly)


Okay, everyone, that was great.

(Clears throat) Let's give the family a little privacy.

Thank you.


(Sighs) Nurse!

(Sighs) Thank you.


I want to spend time with my son.

(Singsongy) He's right here anytime you want to see him.

I mean after the divorce. I want to be clear that I want to spend time with our children after the divorce.

What makes you think I will ever agree to a divorce?

Let's be amiable about this.

Amiable? Amiable?


I married you for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, till death do us part.

There will be no divorce, honey.





Hollis Doyle didn't try to have Fitz k*lled?

I almost k*lled an innocent man.

You crossed a line.

I know. I went over the edge.

The power... (Sighs)

It goes to your head, and it's hard to pull back sometimes. I'm sorry.

Don't let it happen again, because next time...

Listen. There won't be a next time.

David Rosen's not letting election rigging go.

He's a dog with a bone.

Then we need to be bigger dogs with bigger bones.

When we were trying to take down Hollis, I was so ready to come clean, let the whole election rigging thing come out.

I was ready to do it when it was going to hurt Hollis.

And now...

The only person it would hurt is Fitz.

And, Liv? He wouldn't survive knowing.

It would change him. It would break him.

Cyrus, I've got Granger on my back looking for...


Mr. president.

I'll go handle Granger.




(Exhales sharply)

I'm marrying Edison.

No, you're not.

You're married. I'm getting divorced.

(Exhales) She just had your baby.

They'll crucify you.

She induced, you know.

She thinks I don't know. Like I don't ask questions.

She had the doctor induce four weeks before her due date.

She put my son's life at risk in order to manipulate me.

So even if you marry Edison, I'm divorcing her.

It'll take some time.

She'll fight me.

It might even take the rest of my presidency, but I am getting out... of this marriage.

And I'm supposed to do what, wait for you?

This isn't theoretical anymore, Liv.

It's real.

Say you'll wait for me.

We love each other.

We belong together.

So say it.




(Breathing heavily) Wait... (Kisses)

For... (Kisses)


Wait for me, Olivia.

I'll think about it.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

But Hollis Doyle is still going to pay, right?

We're going to make him pay for blowing up Cytron, for Jesse, for ruining my life?

Not our table, not our station.

We need to focus elsewhere.

On the big question... if Hollis Doyle didn't try to k*ll the president, then who did?

How did it go with Hollis?
(Pouring liquid)

Last time we spoke...

They brought him in for questioning.
(Sets down cup)

(Monitor beeping steadily) For questioning?

So they didn't...

Arrest him? No.

(Coughs) But the cell phone...

It was circumstantial evidence.
(Inhales deeply)

If they're going to arrest him, they'll need something more damning.

(Abby) Okay, Becky gave Huck her bank number.

We use that to establish that someone other than Hollis Doyle wired the money to k*ll the president.
(Huck) - We just don't know who.

We have the person's account number.

There must be some way to trace it.

It's a needle in a haystack.

(Olivia) - We have Becky's bank account.


The girl who shot Fitz.

It's the same account Hollis used when he paid her for blowing up Cytron.

(Gasps) Ah, so...

There must be a second payment.

The one where he pays her for sh**ting the president.

There is, but Hollis didn't make it.

(Harrison) Forget the account number.

What about the burner phone that was in Hollis' office?

(Quinn) Were there any other numbers on it?

Just the one goes straight to Becky.

I went to see Hollis the other day.

Do you know he keeps a second phone in his office?

Locked it in his desk drawer the second he laid eyes on me.

It was a cheap little burner like the drug dealers use.

So we trace the origin of the burner, find out who bought it, and we have our man.

Hollis didn't hire that girl.

So if Hollis didn't hire her, who did?


How does this work? Do I pay you half now...

Wire the full amount as soon as the job's done.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking) This is the number for my bank account.

Use this phone anytime you need to reach me.

Do not use any other phone, understood? - Yes.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking, g*nshots echoing)

Why, when you're trying to clear your conscience, do you hire a k*ller, when all you had to do was pick up the phone and confess?

It doesn't make sense to me!

Because confessing solves nothing!

Confessing tells America that the country they love is built on a lie, that it's a fallacy.

(Kissing continues)
(Olivia giggles)

Madame Justice.

You think I care about my conscience?

(Raspy voice) Screw my conscience!

(Coughs loudly) I'm trying to save America's soul!

I'm trying to give America its country back!

(Gasps) The country they deserve!

A country built on trust, where a vote actually means something!

By k*lling a man?

(Inhaling and panting)

If I'm already going to hell, why not?

I know you think I'm crazy for saying that.

No. I think you're a coward.

Tomorrow I'll be officially nominated to the supreme court.

What am I supposed...


How long do I have?

One year. Best-case scenario, two.

(Olivia) This isn't about saving America.

This is about saving your legacy.

k*lling Fitz means you never have to admit what you did.

It means for the rest of eternity, whenever someone utters your name, it's with respect and honor.

(Monitor continues beeping)

So turn me in. Go ahead.

If you're such a pillar of courage, march over to justice and tell them I shot the president.

Tell them about the election rigging.

Tell them about everything. Do it!

Except you can't, can you?

(Inhales deeply)

Because, just like me, you know confessing does more harm than good.

(Breathing deeply)

Chin up, Olivia.

Not like I'm getting away with it.

(Monitor continues beeping)

(Breathing deeply)

David Rosen, please.

I have an appointment with a supreme court justice.

Surely that overrides your orders from rent-a-cop base camp.

No visitors, period, end of story.

Can you at least tell me why?

(Monitor beeping steadily)


I had no idea you were so sick.

I would have come sooner.

(Heavy breathing continues)

The old lady? The supreme court justice?

The old lady supreme court justice tried to k*ll the president?

(Stifles laugh)



I-is she in custody?

She's in the hospital, dying.

But they could still take a statement and put the case to rest.

She's not talking.

It's David Rosen we have to worry about.

He's still investigating election rigging.

We need to find out what he knows.

I'll case his office.

I'll hit up my sources at justice.

There is one thing we already have.



I thought Bobblehead was dead.

Bobblehead lives.

What's bobblehead?

I know you just got your job back, David, and I wasn't gonna say anything, I swear.

No, you did the right thing. Come here.

I know you just got your job back, David, and I wasn't gonna say anything, I swear.

(David) No, you did the right thing. Come here.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

You were listening to me?

Not to you, to David.

We hired out. Olivia told me to shut it down, but I forgot.

You forgot?! - I got busy being tortured by the U.S. government.

(Door opens)

Hey. This is all of them.

I divided them up by week.

CDs? You never heard of a drop box?

You can't hack into cd...

Who's he?

Oh, you must be Abby. I recognize the voice.


Okay. Ground rules...

Anytime I'm on the cds, you hear anything "R"-rated, you stop listening, and you bring it to me. Understood?

(Clears throat) Start digging.

(K. C. and the Sunshine Band's "Get Down Tonight" playing)

(David) Abby.

The guy you met with at the Griddle cafe yesterday?

He was a plant.

Voting machines... Voting machines...

Voting machines. (Rewinding sound)

Abby, what are you... (Man) It's not in the pipeline.

You think I'm a professional conspiracy theorist?

(David) Anything to do with...they k*lled those people in California.

♪ I would love...♪
(Abby) The voting machines...

♪ I would just love...♪
Security company.

Not what I thought it was. Not what I thought it was.

Not what I thought it was. This is good. Right?

(Rewinding sound) David...David...David...

♪ Make a little love So this one's PG-13.

The sort of PG-13 you feel very uncomfortable bringing your 13-year-old to.

Just set it down.


(David) This guy could tie Hollis to...

So I did a little digging, and it turns out that Cytron... Cytron...
Cytron... (Moaning)

♪ Get down, get down, get down

♪ get down, get down, get down tonight ♪

Add 'em to the stack.

(CD clatters)

♪ Get down, get down What?

♪ Get down tonight Beat it, perv.

(Monitor beeping erratically)

Hurry! She's not breathing!

Room 5! She's coding! I need a crash cart!

(Alarm beeping, door clatters)

(Monitor continues beeping erratically)

Mourners have gathered on the steps of the U.S. supreme court to honor justice Verna Thornton, who died late last night from complications of liver cancer.

Despite her brief tenure, justice Thornton was considered by many a fair jurist who was often a crucial swing vote in many controversial decisions.

Surprised to see you down here.


You have a new baby.

You have a new baby and you're at work.

Yes, but...

But you're a man.

I was trying to find a nice way to say, "yes, but I don't like babies."

Nobody likes babies. Whatever. I'm down here.


(Lowered voice) Fitz is still talking divorce.

I am trying to hold firm with him, but he's getting difficult.

I noticed. You hear about Verna?

(Normal voice) Very sad. May she rest in peace.

(Closes door)

If Fitz goes public with this divorce, I will go nuclear, I will walk out in front of the press, and I will explain to them that my marriage is over because while I was pregnant with his child, my husband was having an affair with Olivia Pope.

I will leave him, and I will take his children with me.

I will take every penny he has in the bank and every dollar of political capital that he has in this town. I will court feminist groups and mothers groups and religious groups.

I will bury him.

And I will dance on his grave.

And then... I will run for office.

(David) I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Doyle. Rosen. R-o-s-e-n.

Congratulations. What's her name?

(Sighs) You know what? I really can't talk right now.

I need your help, James.

Or ever.

I'm done, okay? I quit my job. I'm doing the dad thing now.

Just forget I ever told you anything about anything.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

When a national election is stolen...
(Fussing) the D.O.J. gets pretty invested.

(David) Just give me a little more time, Pat.

I can deliver on this.

I already gave you the Cytron card, and I regret even doing that, because every day I'm in living fear of somebody showing up at the door and taking my husband away.

(David) Be happy for me.

This guy could tie Hollis Doyle to the expl*si*n.

He could be my missing link, my second sh...

(Presses button)

...could tie Hollis Doyle to the expl*si*n.

He could be my missing link, my second sh**t.

You are the chain of custody for that card.

Without you, without your testimony, there's nothing.

There's no one to prosecute. There's no case.

And there is a case here, James.

There's a great, big, slam-dunk case.

I got something!

So heads-up. This is happening. (Fussing)

Expect a subpoena today.

(Presses button) (David) Okay, this is the memory card from Ohio.

So he put it into the machine, and if it works the way James says it will, we can vote for Reston all night, and grant would still win in the final tally.

(Tears paper)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

So this is what gave him Ohio.

And Ohio gave him the presidency.

We need that memory card.

Maybe he keeps it at his house.

He's got a safe in his closet.

Abby, no.

You don't have to do this.

Well, who else can pick a safe?

It's fine. Don't worry.

I'll wait till he's gone.

I got this.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

A subpoena.

Yeah. It's for me, courtesy of David Rosen.

What did you do?

I didn't do anything.

Are you saying I did?

I'm saying you fixed a national election, and now one of us is gonna go to jail for it.

We'll get you a lawyer, one of the best, maybe a constitutional lawyer.
(Static hissing)

We can make a case for gay marriage...

You not testifying against your spouse.

It could get us to the supreme court.

Or, if the lawyer suggests...

Are you kidding me?

In order to go that far, I'd have to get on the stand.

And once I'm on the stand in a grand jury room, I'd have to answer David's questions.

You can't bring a lawyer to a grand jury.

And if I answer his questions, you're going to jail.

And if I don't answer his questions, I'm going to jail.

We'll put you and Ella on a plane.

To Switzerland or France. You like France.

Ella's adoption isn't finalized.

I'm not taking her out of the country.

And I'm not going anywhere without the baby.

And I'm not leaving you.

We would figure it out.

Are you insane?! I'd be a fugitive!

I'm not made to be a fugitive. I'm not made to break rules.

I've got asthma. I'm made for 5-star hotels and room service.

Fugitives don't get room service.

James... What did you do?

Did you seriously steal the president election?

And you thought no one would notice?


Are you listening to me?!

I want some answers!

Take off your clothes.


Are... are you kidding me?

I-I am not in the mood, Cy, to put it mildly.

James, just take off your clothes.


I need to see if you're wearing a wire.

A wire?!

Before we continue this conversation...

(Gasps) I would like you to remove your clothing so I can make sure you're not wearing any kind of listening device at the behest of the department of justice or the "Washington Tribune" or anyone else.

I am not taking off my clothes because you have some insane notion that I'm wearing a wire!

Fine. Then we're done talking.

I am your husband.

You want to have an honest conversation with your husband, show me you're clean!

You could be wearing a wire. Ever think about that?




Fine. I hope you're happy.


(Mutters indistinctly)




(Panting) Yes.

Now you're going to tell me the truth.


Okay. Were you involved in rigging the presidential election?

No, I was not involved in rigging the presidential election!

You were involved! I know you were involved!

You gave me a baby. I have a baby.

Yes, you have a baby, maybe because I'm a wonderful guy who cares about you!

Don't you dare pull that "wonderful" crap with me.

You think I don't know? I know.

I know you. I know who you are!

You are a political animal!
You live for the hunt!

Right and wrong mean nothing to you!

It's about the power!

But you smile at me, and you offer me babies and you love me, and that's on me, because I let you.

But that stops here and now!

I mean it! Cyrus Rutherford Beene, for once in your life, show me who you are!

If you love me, show me who you are!

What the hell do you want me to tell you?!

Tell me you stole the White House!

I stole the White House!

(Breathes heavily)
I wasn't made to be chief of staff!

Do you know what I was made... to be?

I was made to be the President of the United States.

I was made to lead the nation!

I was made to ensure this country's place in the world for generations to come.

I would have been great at that!

I have the stones! I have backbone!

I have the will.

(Breathing heavily)

I would have been a great president.

But guess what? I'm fairly short.


I'm not so pretty.

And I really like having sex with men, so instead of being president of this land that I love, I get to be the guy behind the President of the United States.

And, sure, I have power.

I influence decisions.

I help steer the country.

But I'll never be in the history books.

My name will never be on an airport or a doctrine.

Being the guy behind the guy is as far as my road goes.

Eight years of this, and then I'm done and off to the think t*nk or K street or the poli-sci department of the Ivy of my choice.

A nice life.

It's respectable.

But the... the peak, the... the pinnacle? Uh... is... the rarest of air in my lungs? is happening right now.

This is as high as I get to climb.

This is the top, and that election was my shot.

Fitzgerald Grant was my shot.

When your shot comes, you either take it or you lose.

(Breath quavers) And I...

I've already lost enough!

(Exhales sharply)

I'm done losing.


I took my shot.

(Ella crying over monitor)

She needs me.

(Crying continues)

What are you gonna do?

I'll sleep in her room tonight.

What are... What are you gonna do?

What I have to.

I'm gonna take care of our baby girl, Cy.

(Exhales sharply) I love you.

Is that enough?

(Crying continues)

(Door opens and closes)

(projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Tray closes, case clatters)

(Presses button)

(David) Why do you care what I do with the rest of my life?

I don't. I'm just saying.

I know.

Besides, wouldn't you rather be dating a hot-shot attorney in a suit than a conspiracy whacko in a bathrobe?

We're dating?

Aren't we?

I mean, this is good, right?

I feel like this is good.

It's good.

(Abby panting) Abby, Teresa Dunn is lying, and I don't know why, but that's not what upsets me.

What upsets me is that you haven't even given me a chance!

It hasn't even occurred to you that I might be worth the benefit of the doubt?

You're a bad guy!

You look like a good guy, but you're not!

(David) Abby?

Are you awake?

I love you.


Are you awake?

I love you.


Are you awake?

I love you.


Are you awake?

I love you.

I'm only going to ask this once.

Did you pay Teresa Dunn to tell me that David beat her?


Who did you use?

(Harrison sighs)

Hey. Where are you... hey.

You told me you cared about me... like a sister!

But I guess all that big office talk was more important!


Who am I kidding? I don't blame you.

This isn't your fault.

She had a reason.

Yeah? What was it?

I don't know. She had a reason!

I don't know what it is. I don't need to know.

She asked me to do something, I did it.

And you know why I did. There's a problem, you fix it.

You and David Rosen were a problem.

You know who we are, and you know what this is, and don't pretend you don't. We do what needs to be done and we don't question why.

We put the personal to the left.

Doesn't matter who gets hurt, doesn't matter what gets broke.

It's not the thing that needs fixing.

It does not matter!

You want to cry about your feelings? Hmm?

Really? Here? We don't get to have feelings.

That's the job. Gladiators don't have feelings.

We rush into battle. We're soldiers!

We get hurt in the fight, we suck it up and we hold it down, and we don't question.

And you know it, Abby.

She saved me.

She saved huck. She saved Quinn.

She saved you.

And it's her life on the line now.

Over a cliff, Abby.

Over... a... cliff.

Or did that only apply as long as liv didn't have any flaws?

We owe her.

And she needs that Cytron card.

Simple as that.

(Elevator whirs)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Inhales and sighs)

You love me.

I love you.

David Rosen has the voting machine software from Ohio.

James knows about Defiance.

He's going in to testify before a grand jury today.

So it's over. It's coming out. I've played my last card.

I haven't played mine.
(Phone beeps)


(Cell phone rings)



I've got a job for you to do.

OMG, Ginge.

I've never called you that.

Knock'em dead.

Ready to see justice served?

I have $5,000.


I want to hire you to k*ll Hollis Doyle.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Cell phone rings)


Where are you? What's going on?

I'm about to do the job you want done.

(Knock on door) Tell the speaker I'm running late!

Yeah, so am I. I'll call you when it's finished.

No, no, no, no, no, no! Just wait. - I can't wait.

He's about to walk into the justice building right now.

Just hold on one minute.

Look, I cannot go in there. There are metal detectors.

We have to do this right now, outside.

Just hold on one minute!

Huck, he took everything.

He took my boyfriend.

He took my life, and nothing happens to him?

He just walks away? He just gets to...

(Breathes deeply)

I want you to k*ll Hollis Doyle.

(Presses button)

(Cell phone rings) Hey.

Honey, please, don't do it.

Don't go in there.

What am I supposed to do, Cy?

Look, what do you want me to do?

I am begging you, I am asking you, please, if you love me, stop walking.

Do not do this. Do not go in there.

I love you. You know I do.

But I love her, too, and I can't go to jail.

I can't just bail on her. She needs me.

I'm sorry, Cy. I am.

Is that enough?
$5,000 to k*ll someone?


But I'll do it for free if you want.

You will?

I will.

All right, what do you want me to do?

You've got, like, three seconds to decide.

But if I do that, if I k*ll Hollis Doyle for you, you can't come back here.

You can't work for Pope and Associates anymore.

You can't be a gladiator.

Why not?

Because you want Hollis dead for revenge.

And we don't do revenge. We solve problems.

So you can be Lindsay Dwyer and get revenge on Hollis, or you can be Quinn Perkins and move on with your life.

You can't have your new life and also keep your old life.

It doesn't work that way.

So which is it?

(Charlie breathing heavily)

All right, this is it.

What do you want me to do?



What the hell? You can thank me later.

Stop, stop, stop.

I said stop.

Whatever. I'm still billing you.

(Phone beeps)

(Buzzes and chimes)


(Beep) Cyrus.

I couldn't stop it. James is going to testify.

(Woman) Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Now it's over.

(Phone beeps)

I do.


After you wrote the article for the "Times,"

I told you my theory that Hollis Doyle was trying to rig voting in favor of the pipeline?



And did you subsequently travel to the city of Defiance, Ohio, to see if that theory was correct?

Yes, I did.

It's 9:00 in the morning.

Drink with me.

And what did you find in Defiance?

It's that bad?

Drink with me.


I'm sorry?

Uh, I didn't find anything.

You didn't find a corrupted memory card in one of the voting machines?


A card which you subsequently gave me.

I didn't find a thing in Defiance.

I-I told you that already.

Do you know what the penalty is for lying to a U.S. attorney?

Yes, but I'm not lying, so it doesn't really matter.

You had some far-fetched theory about election rigging.

And because of your relatively high position at justice, I decided it might be worth a shot to test it out.

You see, I used to be a journalist.

Now I'm a stay-at-home dad.

Anyway, I-I checked it out, and I didn't find a thing.

Which I told you a couple of weeks ago, so I really don't know why I'm here.

The penalty for perjury is five years in prison.

Again, I don't know how that applies to me.

You took an oath, and now you're lying!

David, that's enough.

Stop lying, and tell me what you told me two weeks ago!

I just did.

Do you want to go to prison?!

That's enough.

Is that what you want?!



(Door closes, footsteps approaching)

Oh, fun. A party.

When's the pizza arrive?

Hopefully before the police get here.

It doesn't matter that you couldn't get the Cytron card.

Cyrus Beene's husband is testifying before a grand jury.

If he says what we think he's gonna say...

You go to jail. I know.

(Door closes)

(David) Abby Whelan, where are you?

Where is it?

Where's what?

The Cytron card. The whole key to this case.

The one thing I had left. It was in my safe, and now it's not because I was an idiot and left you alone in my apartment.

I... (Scoffs) I don't know what you're talking about.

No? Then you wouldn't mind my looking in your bag. - Hey, hey, hey.

It's okay, Huck. I have nothing to hide.

David, stop. Will you please look at me?

It's not in here.

Of course it's not!

Because I didn't take it! I would never... - So who did?

Huh? Who cost me my job and possibly my career?

Why should I thank for that? Was it you?

Perhaps it was one of these felons you keep on your payroll.

You're being crazy. It wasn't any of them.

And I'm supposed to believe you why?

'Cause you lied to me and told me you loved me?

I do love you.

No one has the stupid card, David.

Please, you have to believe me.

Get your hands off of me.

David, please... I'm done with you.

We're done.

(Door closes)

(Gasping softly)

Come here.

(Abby crying)

(Sniffles) Wait.


How's that for... big office talk?

(Card clatters)


(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Doorbell rings)

Um, I thought you'd want a ride to the funeral.

I have a car coming, so...

Liv, um, I...

So that's it?

We're done?


I have your grandmother's ring. I kept it safe.

Right here.


I've given you this ring twice, and both times, you've given it back.

Edison... - Tell me you don't want to be married.

Tell me that being a senator's wife is too much.

Tell me that you don't want a family.

Tell me why I've been wasting my time.

Tell me something.

I'm sorry.

Edison, I'm really sorry.

I could marry you. I could be a senator's wife.

I'd probably be happy.

I could probably give all this up and live in a country house and have babies and be normal.

I could.

But I don't want to.

I'm not built for it.

I don't want normal and easy and simple.

I want...

I want...


What? What do you want, Olivia?

I want painful...

Difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love.

Don't you want that, too?

Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating.

Love isn't supposed to hurt, Liv.

(Door opens and closes)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)



I'm sure your eulogy will be wonderful.

You always find the perfect words.

Did you need something?

I just wanted to say...

I gave the ring back.

Told Edison I wouldn't marry him.

I'll wait for you, Fitz, for as long as you need.

Oh, that? Yeah.

I changed my mind about that.



Wait for me.


I don't know what I was thinking. Um...

Screwing your mistress is one thing, but marrying her?

It's political su1c1de, really.

I mean, you believe that my presidency is more important than anything else, right?

You must.

You worked so hard to get me here.

Justice Verna Thornton was more than a gifted jurist, a brilliant legal mind, and a dedicated public servant.

She was also a good and faithful friend.

(Monitor beeping steadily)
(Weakly) You...

Still don't know...

Why... I called you here, do you?


Of course not.

I was the one who sent that woman to assassinate you.

(Chuckles) What?

No one was more devoted to the law, to justice.

But what set Verna Thornton apart was that she was fiercely passionate about fairness above all.

You are not the president.

(Coughs and breathes heavily)

What are you talking about?

Defiance county.

Hollis Doyle rigged the voting machines.

We all knew. We all helped cover it up.


Yes, she was a tireless crusader for justice, but those who knew her as well as I can testify to the fact that she wasn't all about work.

Don't you pretend you don't know who.

You're naive. You're pampered.

You sail through life clueless as a child.

But you're not stupid.

(Breathing heavily)


(Heavy breathing continues)


(Breathing deeply)



We had a campaign stop in Vegas, and I can attest that getting her away from a poker table was the toughest negotiation I ever attempted. (Laughter)

Mideast peace has nothing on Verna Thornton on a roll.

You made us love you.

You made us... so devoted with your charm.

We would do anything for you.

We sold our souls for you!

(Gasping) Something... had to be done!

And she was fiercely loyal.

A great friend in the trenches.

But if you cross her, well, let's just say she'll never forget it, and neither will you.

You could have told me.

Confessed to the press, taken me down.

You didn't have to sh**t me, k*ll an innocent woman.


(Breathing heavily)

But then you'd have to admit your part.

(Heavy breathing continues)

Then you'd lose your grip on power.

Is that right?

Is your seat on the bench...

(Inhales) your legacy... is it really worth my life?

Not anymore.

I'm meeting with a federal prosecutor after you leave.

I'm coming clean before I die.

But I wanted you to hear it all... first.

I owed... that... to your father.


(Wheezing continues)

(Sighs softly)

(Monitor continues beeping)


You've had an exemplary career.

Honorable. Distinguished.

I'll do it justice in my eulogy.

Your legacy will remain untarnished.

And so will mine.

(Breathing heavily)

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.


(Gasping and panting)

(Gasping heavily)

(Gasping continues)

Despite the brevity of her time on the bench, justice Verna Thornton's legacy will stand amongst those who served for decades.

We dedicate her service to the ages and inscribe her memory in our hearts.


The nurse wants to know whether or not you want to do the last feeding with the baby.

Do you?

I thought you tried to k*ll me.

The night I was shot, my birthday.


Before we got out of the car, you changed your mind about going to the party.

I had a feeling. I just... got worried and scared.

I-I don't know why.

I thought you tried to k*ll me.

Fitz, I would never try to k*ll you.

I know that now.

(Exhales) you can't trust anybody.

You can trust me.

You're honest.

I don't know what...

You're the only one who has always been honest about who you are.

(Sets glass on table)


Do you love me?


Do you love me?


Enough to... to be on my side?

No matter what happens...

What I've done.

I have never left your side.

You left mine, but I never left yours.

And, yes, I do love you.

No matter what.

I have always loved you.

No matter what.

Then we're in this together, okay?

We have to be in this together.

'Cause I don't have anybody else.

I don't...

You're all I have.

(Whispers) It's you and me.

It's you and me.

(Speaking inaudibly)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)
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