10x20 - Chasing Ghosts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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10x20 - Chasing Ghosts

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on NCIS...

No kiss for your father?

What are you doing here?

Arash Kazmi is Eli's new VIVAC contemporary.

Iranian intelligence.



She's dead.

My wife is dead, Gibbs.

Where is Ziva David?

You are?

Ilan Bodnar.

Mossad Deputy Director.

I have known Ilan since we were children.

He always fancied himself a... a son to Eli, a part of my family, which he is not.

You lied to me about the real reason for Eli's visit.

Tricked by that dog Kazmi to believe in some ridiculous pipe dream of peace between our countries.

I'll be home soon.

Ziva, does the word "virtue" mean anything to you?

In Hebrew the word is "tohar".


A man's middle name.


Ilan Bodnar.

Bodnar's in the wind.

McGee says his hotel room is scrubbed clean.

He could be anywhere.


I'm home.

Are you going in late today?

Slept about three minutes.

I was sitting next to one of those open-mouth snorers.

A grizzly bear with a cold would have been quieter.

Oh, speaking of which, I may have to go to Alaska in the fall for work.



911 Operator. Please state your emergency.

Hello? Callie.


What are you...?

What...? Where's Noah?

I saw the back door open early this morning.

I called several times to tell Noah to close it.

When I never heard back, I decided...

Ben... where is my husband?

I looked everywhere, Callie.

He's gone.

Do you mind?

It's 8:05.

Yes, I can tell time just fine, Tony. Thank you.

Then you know Ziva's late.

By five minutes.

Something's definitely up.

You haven't noticed she's been a little off these past few days?

Oh, she's been off? That's a good one.

Think about it.

Personal phone calls to Shmeil at all hours.

Yesterday, she came back from lunch smelling like Thai food and beer.

So she stopped for take-out.

Ziva hates Thai food.

And she drinks on the job about as often as she gets my movie references.

Open your eyes, McHelen Keller. Something's going on.

Okay, I get it.

You're nosy. You can't help it.

It's called being a good citizen.

No, it's called borderline stalking.

What's next, a Ziva-cam?


Let's put a pin in that.

Tony, stop.

Please stop, and please, for the love of God, put that pen down before I s*ab you with it.

Sorry. Look...

Wo both know that Eli's been on her mind lately.

And his k*ller is still out there.

What, Bodnar? That's CIA now.

You think Ziva would go after him on her own?

Shh. I think Crying Tiger Beef has entered the building.

Well, hey Ziva.

How are you?

What did you call me?

Huh? N-Nothing. I didn't call you anything.

Where you been?

I had to take care of some things this morning.

Anything you'd like to share?

No time to share.

Time to move, ladies.

Naval officer's husband has gone missing.

Come on, let's go.

Quick word, Gibbs.

Homeland's called twice.


Yeah. Word is, she's been sniffing around.

I got a pretty good idea why.

Well, she's not the only one.

You're looking around, too.

No, not yet, but if and when I do, you'll be the first to know.

Teams waiting.

Husband's name is Noah Daniels, 37.

Works as a realtor in Fairfax County.

Any sign of forced entry?

Oh, not according to the police.

His wallet, watch and cell phone were found in the house.

That the wife?

Navy Reserve Lieutenant Callie Daniels.

Paramedics are evaluating her for possible shock.

Well, let me know when they're done.

It's gonna take a while to process everything.

This place is a total mess.

He went down with a fight.

Well, blood trail leads through the kitchen.

I'm gonna start in there next.

Anything around the perimeter?

Nothing so far.

But police are still searching.

Looks like a happy couple.

So, uh, tell me about this car again.

Uh, older model light sedan, maybe a Chevy.

Tinted windows.

First saw it idling in front of Noah's house around 2:00 this morning.

Did you see the driver? Plates?

Nah, too dark.

So then what happened?

Then I tried to go back to sleep, heard a door slam, got up and saw that same car tearing off.

When I noticed Noah's door open this morning, I got a bad feeling.

Whew. Poor Callie.

The look on her face.

Lieutenant Daniels.

I'm Agent David with NCIS.

You have been cleared to talk to us... if that's okay.

Is this really happening?

Please tell me this isn't really happening.

Blood trail stops at the door.

Rest of the kitchen looks untouched.

No signs of a struggle, no blood anywhere else.

Wait a second.

Should I open it?

That's yes.


What, McGee?

Where's the rest of him?

Looks like it was severed at the flexor tendon.

Would have been extensive bleeding.

Definitely an injury you'd want to seek immediate medical attention for.

So, I-I went ahead and took a tissue sample.

Abby's testing it now.

All right. Very good, Mr. Palmer.

You know, this is great.

I mean, the two of us just sitting here working.

You over there doing your thing, me over here doing my thing.

I mean, it's like-like we're the best tag team ever, right?

You want to tag in? Huh? You want to...?


You're-you're busy. You're...

Based on the size and shape of this fingertip, I would say it came from either the third or fourth digit.

Vena amoris.

Actually, I was thinking, uh, the ring finger.

As am I.

The Romans believed that one should wear the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand... yes... because a vein in that finger runs straight through to the heart.

Vena amoris.

Literally, "the vein of love".

Ah, so maybe the wife...

That has to be left up to Agent Gibbs and the others to decipher.

My task is a psychological profile.

And gathering all this has taken most of my time this morning.

Say no more.

Let me clean up over here, and I will jump right in.

No, no.

That won't be necessary.

I just need some peace and quiet.

And this work is still a bit out of your reach.

So... uh...



Um... I-I will just leave you to it.


No. You know what? I take it back. It is not okay.

Look, I appreciate you throwing me a bone once in a while... or in this case, a finger... but it's not enough.

I want to step up in all aspects of my career.

And I will not let you send me on my way because you think something is-is, what, beyond my reach?

It's not beyond my reach.

I can help. I want to help.

I want you to teach me... that.

Are you through?

I believe so, yes.

Then pull up a stool.

A man's life hangs in the balance.

We need to work fast.

Boss, BOLO's out on Noah Daniels in a sedan.

You get anything?

No, nothing yet.

The state and local police are on high alert.

And I'm still scouring traffic camera feeds in the Fairfax area.

Hope this doesn't turn into one of those whacked-out games of tic-tac-toe.

You know, a finger here, an arm there.

You find a head, then you got a meat puzzle you gotta put...

Noah Daniels. Put it up.

He was born in Schenectady, New York, the only child of Martha and Samuel Daniels.

Both deceased. Employed as a realtor.

Trouble with the law?

No. Record's clean.

All I could find was a jaywalking ticket.

That's about it.

Money problems?

Well, still searching bank records from his home state, but looks like everything's good.

He's got a credit score of 810.

Mortgage payments up to date.

DiNozzo, tell me about Callie Daniels.

There's no debt on her end, either.

Enlisted in 2005, served two tours before joining the Reserves.

Her unit's working on a classified case, so, unable to access files.

C.O. confirmed that's why she was in San Diego the past three days.

No kids, married ten years.

Ten years.

Just enough time to really start hating each other.

My money's on the wife, boss.

Well, think I got something.

It's off a traffic camera, 8 blocks from the Daniels' house.

Well, that's ur guy.

Terrified c*ptive look and all.

What's the time, McGee?

2:15 a. m.

That's right after the neighbor saw the car fleeing the scene.

Keep with it.

Check with homeowners and the residents in the area.

See if anybody's seen that car in the last eight hours.

It's about time Gibbs.

We got to hop to it.

Strange things are brewing.

Mercury's in retrograde, just so you know.


Who knows what kind of mayhem is gonna pop up after the sun goes down.

So, chop-chop. Over here.

I'm still, um, piecing everything together but this is what we know so far: since most of the destruction was contained in the family room, it's clear that Noah Daniels' abductor didn't violently enter... the house.

That's a countertop, Gibbs.

Um, and there's no evidence of a chase.

Knew the person. Talked to him.

Judging from the blood on the couch, I'm betting that the finger was cut here.

And the tissue from the finger is a DNA match to the blood in the house, so... it definitely belongs to... or, I guess, it used to belong to Noah Daniels.

No w*apon found at the scene.

No, and there's no prints either.

Except for ones that match Lieutenant Daniels and her husband, but that makes total sense because it is their house.

We could be dealing with a pro.

And, he may have more than a few special skills.

You have a finger that's severed right at the joint.

The wound is uniform. There's no rough edges.

It's almost...



Our suspect has trauma training.

He knows how to detach a finger cleanly.

But lucky for us, he left something more than a finger.

You got a second blood type.

And it's not from the lieutenant or her husband.

Find a match, we find our suspect.

Hopefully before sundown.

Mayhem, Gibbs.


You saw him.

So he's okay?

We believe he's alive, yes.

Then where is he?

Who took him?

We're working as fast as we can.

Well, work faster... I need to know where my husband is.

You said earlier that you talked last night.

What time was that?

Do we need to go through this again?

It's important we get all the facts.


It was around 7:00 my time.

Noah was home. He was getting ready for bed.

I... heard the news on.

Noah always plays on the computer and watches news before he goes to bed.

Drives me crazy.

Did he sound agitated, upset?

No. No, he was fine.

None of this makes any sense.

Was your husband ever involved in, um, illegal gambling? dr*gs?

Are you kidding?

Noah doesn't like anything that makes him feel like he's losing control.

He fight with anyone recently? There any threats?

Not that I know of.

How about with the two of you? Any issues?

I love Noah.

And I just...

And when I walked into the house this morning I was tired.

I was bitching about stupid stuff.

Ten seconds later, none of that mattered.

All that did was that my husband was gone.


I just want him back.

You reading Ziva's diary again?

She's trolling for news on Bodnar.

You know, you really need some kind of hobby.

Like Boggle. Or scrapbooking.

This is not good, McGee.

Tony, leave it alone.

I'm just saying, she's hopped on the rogue train before.

BOLO status.


Uh, well, no news is bad news, boss.

Trail's stone-cold on the sedan.

And no recent attempts to call Lieutenant Daniels' cell phone, but we do have something else.

Bank records in the victim's home state turned up a trust account.

His father made a k*lling in the construction business.

Left the bulk of his fortune to his son when he died last year.

That's more than two million dollars.

If this lunatic is after Noah's inheritance, he'll never get it.

Why is that?

His father worked hard his whole life.

Noah would rather die than give it up.

You a signee on the account?

That's what his father wanted.


Unknown caller.

Could be the kidnapper.

Put it up.

Keep him on the line as long as you can.



Oh, my God, Noah.

Are you all right?

Wh-Where are you?

I'm not sure. It's dark in here.

I miss you so much.

I miss you, too.

I'm gonna get you home.

You just need to hold on, okay?

I'll try...

Shut up!

Meet me, or he dies!

No, Callie, it's a trap!

Noah. What's going on?


Tell me you got that.

1673 North Chesapeake Center Drive.

Just off Route 123.

DiNozzo, let's go.

Ziva, stay with her.

Please find him.

Federal agents! Step out of the car.

NCIS! Let me see your hands.

Lots of blood boss.

He's gone.


Hey, boss.

No b*ll*ts or shell casings found in the car.

Could've been shot somewhere else.

You think this just became a recovery situation?


So how do we tell the wife?

We don't. Not till we have a body.

McGee got a hit on the plate.

Car's registered to a Landers Orton from Roanoke, Virginia.

What kind of name is Landers?

It's like I said.

Y- You got the wrong guy. I didn't kidnap nobody.

It's your car, Mr. Orton.

Victim's blood was found inside.

Name's Noah Daniels.

Take another look and tell us where he is.

I said I don't know.

I never seen this guy before in my life.

Where is he?

Please, I don't know anything.

We're done.

Lock him up.

I think my brother might be involved, all right?

My kid brother, Darrell.

Keep going.


I lent him my car a few days ago.

Said he had a job interview out in Fairfax.

But when he didn't come back, I knew something was up.

You talk to him since?

No. Not a word.

But he...

I think he took my debit card, too.

See, this is why I'm so glad I don't have siblings.

Darryl might've screwed up before, but he is not capable of what you guys are saying.

He's a good kid. He-he's just kind of... lost is all. He-he...

All he wants is to... clean up and stay out of the big house.

You served time?

Just released six months ago.

I don't recognize him.

And you're sure your husband didn't know him?

I'm not exactly sure of anything right now.

I want to know how the hell this happened.

You had him, Agent Gibbs.

I heard my husband's voice on the phone.

He was this close, and you just let him get away.

Doing our best, Lieutenant.

Your best isn't good enough. Not for me.

Look, I'm sorry.

I know you're all working hard, but I don't know how much more of this I can take.

We need to find this bastard.

Background, let's go.

Darryl Orton, 25.

Raised in southwest Virginia, dropped out of high school his sophomore year.

In and out of jail ever since.

Graduated from shoplifting to the rough stuff in no time.

Last conviction was as*ault with a deadly w*apon in May 2011.

Brother. Debit card activity.

Uh, nothing since this morning, but I did find multiple charges to a Casita Rebecca's restaurant over the last week.

And, boss, Noah Daniels has been there more than a few times himself.

Time stamps on the receipts show that they were both there two days ago.

Means our victim was targeted.

Get Ziva. Go.

We're just starting to put it together here.

Lieutenant Daniels needs her husband, and we need answers. In the meantime, I'll keep the FBI in the loop.

They've set up a tip line. They're putting a freeze on Daniels' trust account.

I'll let you know what they find.

Do not worry Kelly.

We will find him.

I lied to you.

Things have been bad... between Noah and me.

And, um... and I think I fell out of love with him.

Then this morning realizing that he was gone.

I know it sounds crazy, but...

I knew it I still loved him.

Knowing he's hurt.


And what am I doing?


I'm just sitting here waiting for you guys to try and get him back.

It is hard to let others take over.

Well, I'm not that girl. I don't let others take over.

I fight for what I want.

Your husband is still out there.

Your coworkers don't think so.

I saw the looks on their faces earlier.

They think he's dead, don't they?

And I know he's alive, Agent David.

I feel it in my bones.

Her husband doesn't turn up alive grief's gonna be ten times worse.

Hope is all she has, Tony.

A strong woman like that, it's got to be hard not to be in control.

She will persevere.

Mmm. What choice does she have, right?

It's not about choice. It's about survival.

She will not stop until she gets her closure.

We still talking about the lieutenant?

Please do not go there.

I'm fine.

I think that's her.

Rebecca Titus?

Agents David and DiNozzo from NCIS. We called.

This man, Noah Daniels, he's missing.

We know he was here a few days ago.

Did you see him?

He's missing?

I just... I saw him last week.

He comes in here every day for lunch.

Really nice guy.

Never give you any problems?

Mostly keeps to himself.

A few of my waiters have become friends with him.

Told them that he came into some money recently.

We also know he is a customer of yours.

Do you recognize him?

Wish I didn't.

Darryl Orton.

Horrible temper.

I've had to call the cops on him a few times, after fights that he's picked.

Do you know if Mr. Orton ever approached Mr. Daniels?

He did get into his face a few days ago.

Said he heard about the money.

Did Orton say anything else to him?

I have to take this.

Excuse me. Sorry.

Like I said, he was drinking a lot...

The Duck keeping you up late again, Palmer?

Oh, no. I asked to be here.

"Begged" is a more appropriate description.

Well, I thought it was time that I... learned the psychological side.

Yeah, well, you're moving up in the world, Jim.


Yeah, well, right now, he's just moving.


Do you mind?


Anyone who abducts and mutilates his victims with such... well, in such a violent manner, has no regard for human life.

Which leads us to our suspect, Darryl Orton.

State records list him as a tortured soul.

Born into poverty, third of nine children, to Glenda Jean Orton.

Put up for adoption.

Yeah, and the case worker said that he was told his whole life that he was a total waste of space.

Which leads to feelings of worthlessness and despair.

He thinks he doesn't deserve to be here.

As a result, he lives a life without fear.

Death doesn't scare this guy.

Not much does.

In other words, we feel you're headed for a violent showdown.

We track him down before he hurts somebody else.

The question is, though, where is he?

"Craves a sense of belonging.

Wants a real family".

The one that he has is a total dysfunctional mess.

Yes, but we tend to run to what we know best.

I believe he'd still rather be near them than anywhere else.

The woods... southwestern Virginia.

Near his brother.

Decaf skinny with aduble shot of hazelnut?

Can't believe you made me order this.

It's not even real coffee, you know.

Highlight of my day, Leon.

Let me have it.

Summers a long time.

Is Homeland treating you all right?

Bureaucratic nightmare most days.

But I'm settled there.

Doesn't mean I don't miss the director's chair at NCIS.

Well, it misses you back.

We're not the only ones who know Agent David is hunting around.

CIA's aware, too.

She needs closure, Tom.

And you don't?

If it were up to me, I'd give you his coordinates and tell you to have at it.

But it's not, so I can't.

Saying you know where he is?

Recent intel has him still in Rome.

Hard though this seems, you're gonna have to trust that we'll take care of it.

I do.

Tell Agent David to stay away.

It's the best thing for everybody.

Search of the woods near Orton's childhood home was a bust.

No sign of him.


Surveillance cams?

Keeping an eye on everything from here to Roanoke.

Local and state authorities are sending updates, too, but we're at a standstill.

It appears the calls to Lieutenant Daniels have stopped.

She safe at home?

Dorneget is standing by.

Orton could have disposed of Noah Daniels' body and fled the state.

What if we never find his body?

Then we keep going until we do.

Agent David's right.

It's the only way to build a solid case.

Uh, boss, the trust account's been compromised.

Money's gone.

That's not possible The FBI froze it.

Somebody hacked in.

And it looks like Orton opened an account this morning at a bank in Southern Virginia.

Made a deposit for 37 grand.

So Orton wiped out the trust fund, and is spreading the money around?

Sounds pretty complex for a high-school dropout.

Yeah. Too complex.

Gibbs! Hi.

I was just about to call you.

I have big news. No, huge.

About the way Noah Daniels was taken from the house?

How do you always know what I'm going to say before I say it?

Gifted, Abbs. Gifted. Go.

Okay, now, we know that this was a brutal fight.

I mean, brutal enough to knock over furniture, and send pictures flying.

And my guess is that Noah Daniels was kicking and screaming the whole way.

But take a look at this.

If he were kicking and screaming then these throw rugs would be pretty messed up, and there would be scuff marks all over the walls.

And yet...


The walls are clean, and the rugs were barely even moved.

There is nothing to indicate that Noah Daniels struggled on his way out the door.

Probably because...

He passed out.

He had to be carried.


But now for the huge part.

And I mean that literally.

Noah Daniels was six inches taller and 50 pounds heavier than Darryl Orton.

There is no way Orton carried him out of there on his own.

He had help.

Darryl Orton's brother has an alibi.

He was working a graveyard shift at a Roanoke pulp mill the last two nights.

Supervisor confirms it.

As does security camera footage.

Contact with anyone besides the brother this past week?

Orton's kept pretty much to himself since his release from prison.

No cell phone, no job, not even a pissed-off ex-girlfriend to contact.

Restaurant owner ever see him come in with anybody?

No. Never.


Yes, I'll tell him. Thank you.

FBI just got a credible tip.


Person matching his description was just seen checking into the Stargazer Motel off I-66 an hour ago.

DiNozzo, Ziva, let's go.

Darrell Orton.

NCIS. Open up!

He left something.

"Sorry to all I hurt. He's dead I threw his body in the Potomac".

Maybe we'll give Lieutenant Daniels closure after all.

The b*llet entered here on his front lobe, but, uh, the exit wound is not consistent with a self-inflicted g*nsh*t.

He never saw it coming.

No gunpowder residue on his hands, either.

This was not a su1c1de.

Well, someone sure wanted to make it look like it was.

I might know who.

Give me an update on Noah Daniels body.

Well, state police are still dragging the river near the spot where Orton abandoned the car.

Yeah? You got anything?

No. Not a finger or a toe.

Not even a shred of clothing.

So I guess the note was meant to throw us off.

You catch up fast, McGee.

The local manager confirms only the cleaning crew accessed Orton's room before he checked in this morning.

Surveillance videos?

Security cameras have been down for repair all week.

Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!

Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!

Sounds like Abby had a breakthrough.

Correct... with "break" being the operative word.

Or more specifically, what was not broken.

Take a look at this, and tell me what you see.

Blissful ignorance, rent-a-tux.

Sorry. Never mind.

No cracks.

Frame is not damaged.

Lieutenant Daniels said that was on the wall above the couch.

Right. There is no way that that landed on a hardwood floor without a scratch.

And there's more.

McGee, can you put up the file I sent you?

Okay, so look at the position of the couch.

See how it's completely turned over on its side?

Flipped over during the fight?

That's what I thought, too, but the couch has a solid oak frame.

It's impossible for it to end up like that by just being bumped into during a fight.

Must have been placed that way.

Yeah, which means...

Crime scene was staged.

So, whoever staged Orton's death to look like a su1c1de...

Went out of his way to make it look like Noah Daniels was in danger.

And that can only be one person.

Noah Daniels.

Call to the tip line... McGee, who made it?


Didn't leave their name, but I've got the recording.

You're sure you couldn't be mistaken.

No. I'm positive it was him.

Where was this?

He was walking into the Stargazer Motel off I-66.

He had on a gray sweatshirt and jeans.

Please, you have to send someone out there.

Dispatching unit right away...

You don't have to yell.

I said I was leaving right now.

I just want to know how this happened.

You said nobody was going to get hurt.

You talking to your boyfriend?

That was business.

Always is.

Excuse me?

We know that this is your second restaurant to fall into debt in the past five years.

We also know Noah Daniels was helping bail you out.

We saw the flirty e-mails, we have the phone records.

Yes, he helped me.

But we were friends, that's it.

So, when did you and your friend decide to fake his disappearance?

Correction, Ziva... death.

The severed finger was a nice touch.

Clean cut right at the knuckle.

Who knew all that culinary school training would come in handy?

Wha... what you're saying is crazy.

I'm a good person.

I would never...

Except you did.

Hmm. And a man's dead because of it.

I had no part in that.

Noah, he's... he's lost control.

We were just supposed to get away.

We weren't supposed to deal with his wife, and...

Deal with a messy divorce?

And splitting the inheritance.

No. That money is Noah's.

His wife had no part in that trust.

Is that what he told you?

He was lying. Big surprise.

I trusted him.

He kept telling me not to worry.

And that... everything was going to be okay, but everything happened so fast.

And then when I found out that Darryl was...

What's going to happen now?

What are you going to do to me?

Well, you help us, maybe we can help you.

Where is he?

Looks pretty good for a dead guy, boss.

Okay, I don't even know what that means.


Get up.

Get on your feet.


Okay, no need to get rough about it.

I can explain everything.

Explain it to your wife.

How could you?

Do you have anything to say?

I can't believe you.

I'm done.


Not exactly, boss.

Go home. Case is closed.

I saw McGee leave; Ziva, too.

Are you going to keep doing that?

Doing what?

Something on your mind, DiNozzo?

If Ziva was up to something, you'd want to know about it, wouldn't you?

I'd want to know she's safe.

But you'd want to respect her privacy.

Unless she was in too deep.

Why? What is this about?

Permission to look around, boss.

You worried about her?

Then go find her, DiNozzo.


Tony, it's unethical. Okay?

McGee pinged me last month, and I felt violated.

Come on, Abby, you're all I've got.

I suck at this computer stuff, and your Wonder Twin is at his video game geek social tonight.

That's not till next week.

I need to find her.

I think it has something to do with Bodnar.

I knew it.

I knew that's what she was up to.

Oh, my God, Bodnar... that's really, really bad.

It's not like I'm surprised this is happening.

If I could set my clock to every time Mercury messes with somebody in my life, I'd...

Abby, just tell me you'll do it.

Of course I'll do it.

I've got to be getting warm.

I passed four Thai restaurants and two bars on my way here.

Not warm, Tony.

Red hot.

Now walk 20 feet due north.

I might be a little overdressed for this place.

Okay... Okay, stop.

Stop, stop, stop. You got it.

You're the best, Abbs.

I want to help.

Is that food?

What are you doing here?

I was going to ask you the same thing.

Now that the kidnapping case is over, we were going to tell you.

Ziva was just waiting for the right time.

Things got out of hand, one phone call led to another, and then...

And the next thing you know we're holed up in this crummy studio, obsessing about where to go next.

Well, I like what you've done with the place.

Matching computers.

I mean, that's... that's adorable.

It's not funny.

This is serious.

I'm well aware of that, Ziva.

You're tracking a CIA target and using NCIS resources to do it.

No, this is all off the books.

Oh, good,

'cause that makes it ten times worse.

Hmm, it's a nice way to lose your job, guys.

It's only a matter of time before word gets out that you're tracking him internationally, if it isn't out already.

Technically, we're not tracking him.

I have friends and contacts monitoring bank accounts and airport activity all around the world.

Shmeil putting in some overtime for you, huh?

Shmeil is one of my contacts, Tony.

But that is not what matters.

Shortly after my father's death, Bodnar was caught on a surveillance camera exiting a Dulles Airport parking garage.

25 minutes later, he was seen leaving a restroom inside the terminal.

A person matching his description landed at Rome's Fiumicino Airport the following day.

This is actually one of the last pictures taken of him, but there have been possible sightings in Switzerland and Prague as recently as last week.

We think he's exhausted all of his fail-safes and is still hiding out somewhere in western Europe.

Or the CIA's already gotten to him, he's in custody or dead.

Bodnar's not dead.

He's alive.

And I'm not going to stop until I find him.

So, when do you plan on telling Gibbs?

What, Ziva?

I would like your permission to travel to Europe to find Bodnar.

I have been trying to locate him with the help of McGee and various contacts.

I know.

You have known all this time?

Then why did you not...?

You needed to be ready to tell me.

He's in Rome.

That's what I thought, too.

What are you waiting for?

Take DiNozzo.

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