01x02 - Trust

All episode transcripts (season 1-4) for the TV show "Revenge". Aired: September 2011 to May 2015.*
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The daughter of a framed executive makes it her mission to infiltrate upper Hamptons society and exact revenge on the people who set her father up.
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01x02 - Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

[man] Previously on Revenge:

[screaming] Daddy!

[Emily] When I was a child, my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.



Before he died...

Who are you?

Nolan Ross. Friend of your father's.

He wanted you to have something.

He left a road map for revenge that led me to the people who destroyed our lives.

And that... is Queen Victoria.

That's Victoria's privileged spawn.

I'm Daniel.


Jack Porter's still carrying a torch for little Amanda Clarke.

[Emily] Sometimes the innocent get hurt.

Amanda Clarke no longer exists.

But one by one the guilty will pay.

You could've had anyone, and you knew she was my closest friend.

Lydia has asked me to announce that this will be her final weekend in the Hamptons.

Nothing ever goes exactly as you expect.

It's your engagement party.

And the stakes are life and death.


Collateral damage is inescapable.


- [Victoria] Go, Daniel! - [horses galloping]

Daniel, you have it. You're almost there!

[announcer] Daniel Grayson, in the blue, takes the...

[Conrad] Go, Daniel!

[Victoria] Go, Daniel!

You got it, Daniel!

Go, Daniel!

Go, Daniel!

Go, go! Go, Daniel!

You have it, you're almost there!

Tally ho!

[announcer] And he missed it. It's way wide.

That's gotta hurt. -
Good job, Daniel!

[Ashley] Emily!

What are you doing over here? This area is strictly for the commoners.

I like the view.

Hm. So I see.

Don't think I didn't spot you flirting with Daniel Grayson at the yacht party last week.

What can I say? He's charming.

He's dangerous. Come on.

Now, I assume you have been studying the Hamptons group on my Facebook page?

Why, is there gonna be a test?

Every bloody day.

Welcome to the VIP tent.

For you.

So tell me, who is who?


Oh, come on, no one?

You must remember him... Nolan Ross from the Memorial Day party.

The perennial pain in the ass?


Gold star. And that charmer chatting him up is Bill Harmon, head of Wall Street's most profitable hedge fund.

You'd have to have Nolan's kind of money for him to even look at you.

And, of course, situated comfortably in the royalty section, we have Conrad Grayson and...

Her majesty.

Class dismissed.

I need to do a little networking. You'll be OK, right?

Yeah, of course, yeah. Go.

[Amanda] Uncle Bill! Uncle Bill!

Hello, birthday girl.

Dad! Uncle Bill's here!

Look what I have here.

Happy birthday.

[shrieks] What's his name?

That is up to you.

What's he look like?

Like a Sammy.

Sammy? OK, well, then Sammy it is.

Thanks, Daddy!

David, I gotta talk to you.

[David] Yeah, what is it?

[Bill] It's about Grayson.


Well, it's so nice to see you.

God, you're almost as beautiful as your mother.

[rock music plays]

Declan, a little help, please? Tables aren't gonna bus themselves.

I'm on break.

Hey, break's over.

Let's keep the tables turning.

You should've thought of that before you fired half the staff last week.

[phone ringing]

Don't be a smart ass.

Stowaway. Carl speaking.

Yeah, I got the notice.

No, don't bother, I know what I gotta do.

Close up after lunch and take inventory on everything we got.

What's going on, Dad? Dad?

What's his problem?

We're closing up early.

Oh, sweet.

No, Declan, not sweet.

Yo, that mean I can borrow the boat?

Whose boat, Charlotte?

A friend's.

Thought we had all the same friends.

Yeah, well, I'm sick of the same.

I want different.

I can do different. Love different.

Come on, Daniel, stay on him!

[Victoria] Go, Daniel!

[announcer chatters indistinctly]

That's it, Daniel!

That's it, you're on him!


[Bill] Your boy's not looking too good out there today, Grayson.

It's not even half-time. Still plenty of game left.

Care to back that up with a wager?

I stopped playing games with you when I fired you 18 years ago.

[chuckles] I'd say that particular game worked out pretty well for both of us.

But, if you don't want to throw anymore money away on that son of yours, I can understand.

The only thing you seem to understand, Mr. Harmon, is how to ruin a perfectly good afternoon.

Just having a little fun, Vic.

Tell you what, I'll even the playing field.

Put your money where your mouth is on Daniel and I'll take back the five points you're already down.

[Emily] I'll take that bet.

Hello again, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson.

Miss Thorne, what a pleasant surprise. You remember Emily.

Of course, yeah, the girl next door.

Oh, not for much longer, I'm afraid.

I understand that Lydia and Michael's house has had multiple offers.

Actually, one of those offers is mine.

Well, we're gonna keep our fingers crossed for you.

Thanks, but I went in strong. My realtor's expecting good news.

Gotta like a girl who goes after what she wants.

Bill Harmon.

Emily Thorne.

You watch your money around this one, young lady.

He'll take you for every penny if he can.

Well, I know a good bet when I see one.

[horn blares]

[announcer] And the first half comes to a close.

[phone ringing]
- We welcome everyone out onto the field for the traditional stomping of the divots.

Ladies and gentlemen, time to stretch those legs and stomp those divots!

I think I'm in the mood to stomp a few divots.

What's your hurry, party planner?

Nolan, there must be a hundred women here who would love to play your little games.

I, however, am not one of them. Excuse me.

[phone ringing]


Hey, it's Jack.

Listen, I thought we had a deal on my boat.

Other buyers are starting to line up.

Aah. The art of the deal.

Tell you what, I'll have my business manager wire whatever you're asking into your little bank, and then we can do the title transfer and blah, blah, blah, whenever it's convenient.

It's convenient today.

Aye aye, Cap'n.

See you soon.

You know Nolan Ross?

Yes, we've been close for a long time.

[Bill] Bit of an odd bird, that one.

I wouldn't guess he had any real friends at all, much less one as lovely as you.

Nolan knows when people look at him, they see dollar signs, so he's built up a few defense mechanisms.

It's hard to know who to trust when it comes to money.

Couldn't agree more. So who do you trust?

With my money? Myself, since 2008.

Been sitting in cash and short term bonds, wondering when that second shoe's gonna drop.

My fund actually made money in 2008.

Really? Well, what do you have, a crystal ball?

And a magic hat.


Bit of free advice? The other shoe's not gonna drop any time soon.

You should consider getting back into the market.

Never said I wasn't considering.

Well, then you and I have a lot to discuss.

Call my office. We'll set a lunch when you're ready.

Loser pays.


[man] Another shocking turn in the David Clarke treason trial came today as financial advisor Bill Harmon took the stand with searing testimony against his long-time friend and colleague, David Clarke.

Harmon is just one in a long line of Grayson Global employees to detail Clarke's involvement in the deadly t*rror1st attack.

Easy, girl. What's going on with you today?

Off to a rough start, huh?

Ah. I was hoping you wouldn't be here to see this.

Sorry to disappoint you.

If it helps, I made a bet that you'd win.

Definitely does not help.

You know, you're making it very difficult for me to impress you.

I'm already impressed.

Beautiful pony.

Thoroughbred mix, about seven years old?

You've spent some time around horses.

Yeah, I was the captain of the equestrian club my semester in Barcelona.

Now who's impressing who?

Would you like to go out sometime?


Yeah, riding. Or, just dinner.

Win the match and it's yes to both.

And if I lose?

Then we'll see.

Come on.

Looks like you could use a cool drink.

Might take something a little stronger than lemonade today.

Thanks for meeting me, Frank. What were you able to find out?

About your pretty little neighbor?

Filthy rich and squeaky clean as far as I can tell.

Her daddy was a wealthy expat.

Gave her enough to bounce around the globe, collecting degrees and doing good deeds.

No romantic scandals or divorces?

Nothing stateside.

There's a few stones left un-turned. I don't expect much.

Why are you so interested in this girl, anyway?

Because she's interested in my son.

Need I remind you what happened with that cocktail waitress Daniel fell for last summer?

No, I was the one who cleaned up that mess.

I can promise you, Emily Thorne is no cocktail waitress.

I'm not interested in what she's not, I want to know who she is.

Well, then perhaps you should go straight to the source...

...ask her yourself.

Frank, did you know?

About Conrad and Lydia.

I'm head of your husband's security. Of course I knew.

But you kept it a secret from me, anyway.

It's my job to keep secrets. You of all people should appreciate that.

- [Conrad] Daniel!
- [announcer] Picked on the offside by Grayson.

Grayson moving back down the field, comes into position, headed straight for the goal. A super shot. Goal!


Grayson... in the second half, a new man.

[rock music playing]

There's some really nice detail here, Porter.

I restored every inch of her myself.

Now that I own her, you wanna tell me why you named her Amanda?

Just a girl I knew once.

That's it?

That's it.

Take good care of her, man.

I'd love to. Just need someone to show me the ropes.

Wait, wait, wait. You don't know how to sail?

I was thinking we might make another arrangement.

Unbelievable, man.

I'm not gonna teach you how to captain my own boat.

Actually, I'd rather leave the whole "captain" thing to you.

What I want is someone to hang out with this summer.

Like... Gilligan and Skipper.

Except this little buddy can get you on some k*ller guest lists.

You're serious. Why would I wanna hang out with you?

'Cause you don't wanna see the Amanda on the bottom of the ocean.

Go sit down.


[engine starting]

[Charlotte] Hello? Anyone in there?

Just a second.

Hey, it's Charlotte. Declan.




Hope it's OK, I brought a few friends.

Yeah, I just...

Boat's not big enough?

Boat's plenty big. I'm Declan.

I'm Charlotte's boyfriend.

Where are all your customers?

Shut down early.

Health inspector?


Great, then no one oughta miss this.

Adam, put that back.


...you think we can get away with it?

You kidding? I practically run this place.

It's still rum and diet, right, Charlotte?


Oh, no, no. You gotta be kidding me.

What's wrong?

Boat's gone.

What do you mean gone? Like, stolen?

I don't know. It should be here. My brother said he was going to the bank.

Come on man, pick up.

[line ringing]

What a joke.

For wasting our time.

You coming?


[David] My dear Amanda, the worst betrayals always come from the ones we trust the most.

If I'm at all culpable for what happened to us, it's because I gave away my trust too easily.

[Bill] It's a good age. Not a worry in the world.

[David] Well, she's growing up without a mom. That's a worry.

[Bill] Last I checked, you were working on a plan to change that with Victoria.

[David chuckles]

What's going on, Bill?

I'm in trouble, David.

You remember the Greenville merger?

Yeah, you made a k*lling on that.

I had a mole on the board of directors.

My God, Bill. Tell me you're joking.

I knew that merger was coming.

The SEC gets ahold of this, you're going to jail, Bill.

Grayson's security seized my database this morning.

Frank called me. Grayson wants to cut a deal.

What kind of deal?

Any kind of deal he wants.

Grayson's holding all the cards.

[man] You and David Clarke worked closely together.

Did you consider yourself friends?

I thought we were, yes.

And when did that change?

When I discovered he'd been using inside information to make illegal trades.

After I turned him in, I found out he'd been laundering money as well.

And what was the name of the organization you believe David Clarke was laundering money for?

Americon Initiative.

The same Americon Initiative that claimed the responsibility of blowing up Flight 197 last summer.


[phone ringing]


[Victoria] Is this Emily?

Yes, it is.

Emily, this is Victoria Grayson.

I took a chance and dialed the number I had for Lydia's old land line.

I hope I haven't disturbed you.

No, not at all.

I wanted to invite you over to the house tomorrow for tea.

Is that something you think you might be able to do?

Yes, that sounds lovely.

Good. I think it's time you and I get to know each other a little bit better.

I'm looking forward to it.

Till then.

If you invest your money with Grayson, you're definitely gonna see a return.

That's a guarantee. I came up through the ranks there, so I know how they work. But Grayson's gone soft over the years.

I still believe in making big trades when it's warranted.

Valerie Thomas, Emily Thorne.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So, bottom line...

...you're young and sitting on a huge pile of lazy assets.

Now's the time you should be taking some calculated risks.

I'm not afraid of taking risks, Mr. Harmon.

I just need to know that you're not rolling the dice blind.

Still need proof of that crystal ball, huh?

For your eyes only.

These are real returns of our top tier investors of the last five years.

Now that's double digit gains across the board.

This... could be you.

That's incredible. Can I get a copy?

A good magician never reveals his secrets.

We provide the highest level of confidentiality to our clients.

It's vital to the health of the hedge, a courtesy you can also expect should you decide to come aboard.

Well, you've given me a lot to think about.

Ms. Davis.

Thanks for picking me up on the street corner like a prost*tute.

Yeah, all right, don't send anyone through for the next half hour, Sharon.

I'll return calls when I'm back at the office.

So you do still return calls?

Lydia, I understand you're upset.

I'm not upset.

I'm ruined.

What's this?

Michael's attorney presented these to the judge and they triggered the fidelity clause in our pre-nup. I get nothing.

The beach house, my jewelry, the damn dog...

Everything is gone.

I'm sorry, Lydia. Really, I am, but...

...what can I do about it?

You can write me a check. A big one.

This is Emily.

Emily, it's Karen with Kellar House Real Estate.

I'm afraid I have some bad news. The beach house sold to someone else.

What? Who?

Where the hell you been all day? There's a ton of work to do around here.

You really screwed me, you know that?


I promised a girl I'd take her sailing.

Yeah, that's why I asked if I could borrow the boat.

OK, well, I'm sorry I couldn't accommodate your joyride.

You'll just have to find another way to impress her.

What is your problem?

You and dad have been acting like such tools lately.

Are you really that blind to what's going on?

Dad's broke. I sold the boat to keep this albatross going.

That true?

Cancel that transaction.

It's too late, Pop.

The bank already applied the sale to your loan.

Then we'll buy it back.

With what?

All of our assets are right here in this room.

Dad, I'm trying to save this place for you.

Nobody asked you to do that, Jack!

I'm the captain of this family, not you.

Jack, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Well... now you do.
[phone ringing]

Hello Jack, I'm trying to book my next sailing expedition, but you are making it very difficult...

I told you, if you got in my way, I would take you down.

You stole my house.

If I hadn't, Victoria would have.

She out-bid you with a cash offer this morning.

How could you have possibly known that?

'Cause I hacked the realtor's computer. I've been tracking the sale all week.

Victoria outbid you, so I outbid her.

Why is it so important for you to be a part of this?

When I met your dad, I'd already been laughed out of every boardroom in New York.

I was an MIT misfit with a vision that nobody got but him.

The only reason Nolcorp exists is because your father gave me cash from his personal account to develop it.

And that's because he believed in me.

I want the deed to the house.

It's already in your name.

Consider it a... birthday gift.

For Amanda.

Tomorrow is the big day, isn't it?

[Victoria] Daniel mentioned that you were captain of an equestrian team in Barcelona.

Yes, just for a semester.


When was that exactly?

2005, why do you ask?

I rode steeplechase when I was in boarding school at Montpelier.

I'm curious what else we have in common.

What are some of your other interests?

History, for one. I'm practically obsessed with it.


At my yacht party, you were more concerned with current events it seemed.

Art conservation is another one of my passions.

That's why I joined New York's Landmark Preservation Society.

My father always said that our past defines who we are.

I would say our choices are what define us.

Maybe for the lucky.

But sometimes in life, we're not always given a choice.

[Daniel] Emily?


Hi. What's going on?

Well, your mother invited me over for tea.

Daniel, for God's sake, pull yourself together. You're a sweaty brute.

[chuckles] My apologies. Had I known my mother had summoned you, I'd have looked at least 50 percent less brutish.

No, it's fine. I should get going, really.

I have to work out some issues with my realtor.

Things got a little aggressive in our bidding w*r today.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Will you be on the hunt for a fall-back rental, or are you headed back to the city?

Actually, as of this email, I have just become the official new owner of the beach house.

That's great news! Congratulations.

Thank you.

How about I make good on that date and take you out to celebrate?

That sounds great. How about tomorrow?

Yeah, tomorrow's perfect.

I know just the place. Come on, I'll walk you out.

Thank you so much for tea, Mrs. Grayson.

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this.

Oh, man, I wish I could have seen the look on Victoria's face.

And don't say it was priceless, because that was bought and paid for, baby.

I'll get you your money back.

No, keep it.

I'll write it off as an initiation fee into our little club.

It's not a club, Nolan, and we are not partners. Do you understand me?

Yeah, sure. Call it whatever you want.

I'm just happy to be here, coach.

Bill Harmon.

What do you need me to do?

You just did it. Now go.

I must say, it was a nice surprise hearing from you again so quickly.

What can I say? You made a great case.

And you made a great decision.

I will personally see to it that your portfolio reflects all the effort and wisdom that went into building my company.

That's what I'm counting on.

Where your money is, my money is.

If you want to make an adjustment in how you're leveraged, I'll talk you through it.

And if, for any special reason, you want to go big on a particular stock, I'll make sure it's worth your while.

Actually, now that you mention it, what can you tell me about Allcom Cellular?

Chinese smart phone manufacturer. Not really huge in the global market, but I wouldn't count 'em out down the road. Why?

I wanna get in with them. Today.

Today. Any particular reason?

A little bird may have whispered something.

Thank you. I'll wire the funds this afternoon and we can deal with the whole portfolio transfer next week.

Sounds good.

[Jack] Hey, Pop. You doing all right?

The bottle was half-empty when I started.

OK, well, I'll be sure to make note of that in the inventory.

A young man shouldn't have to give up on his dreams because his old man can't run a business.

I haven't given up on anything, Dad. And neither should you.

You know, when your mother left, it all went to hell, didn't it?

You must be so ashamed of me.

Dad, I'm not ashamed of you.

I'm proud of you.

You've kept this place afloat against all odds.

We're gonna make it through this.

We're gonna come out on top, like we always have.

You know what, you're right.

Tomorrow will be better.

You bet it will.

[phone ringing]


I was just thinking about tonight.

Oh, yeah? What were you thinking?

How do you feel about surprises?

Tonight? Pretty good.

[Daniel] Great, then I won't say any more.

I'll pick you up at six. - How should I dress?

Surprise me.

Does she suspect anything?

Not a thing.

[woman] In other financial news, Wall Street is buzzing with rumors that Allcom Cellular is now a front runner for an exclusive contract with innovative chip maker, Nolcorp.

Nolan Ross, the notoriously cagey CEO

and founder has promised... - [phone ringing]


Emily, Bill Harmon.

Listen, that little bird that whispered Allcom, it wouldn't happen to be the gentleman I saw you hugging outside the cafe this morning?

Well, I'm not saying that it was and I'm not saying that it wasn't, but what I will say is that I trust that little bird enough to double my position.

That's all I need to know.

We're going all in on Allcom. Get the big dogs in it.

You sure?

Yeah. Yeah, make the trade.

Everyone in on Allcom, people. Buy up everything they're selling.

Everything, now!

[woman] ...a Fortune 500 company, with Nolan being named one of the richest men in the world.

He's known for a brazen attitude and a "take no prisoners" leadership style and Nolcorp and Ross continue to push the boundaries in cellular technology.

We take you now live to Nolan Ross...

Listen to this, Valerie.

[Nolan] Greetings, earthlings.

Nolan Ross here with what was supposed to be a surprise announcement
about the future of Nolcorp, but someone somewhere has a big mouth.

I can now confirm that the Allcom rumors came from a woefully misguided employee.

Allcom is dead to me and will not be receiving a contract.

What? No.

Instead, I've decided to offer our humble services to Allcom's soon to be chief competitor, Unitech.

Well, there you have it.

Expect Unitech to open huge tomorrow and for those of you who bet big on Allcom Cellular, get ready to cover some heavy losses.

In related tech news...

Everybody listen up!

If you value your jobs, keep your mouths shut!

As far as our investors are concerned, it's just another sunshiny day.

Word of this leaks, we're finished!

Hello, this is Valerie calling from Bill Harmon's office.

I'm afraid I've got some bad news regarding a major stock loss today and its immediate effect on your portfolio.

Please call the office as soon as you can.

[buttons beeping]

I have the information you requested on Emily Thorne.

Well, what is this? A big "I told you so"?

[Frank] It was going to be.

Until I printed out a roster of active board members of the New York Landmark Preservation Society.

This is a roll call from February.

And there's Emily, just like she said.

And there's Michael Davis.

Lydia's husband.

You remember the rumor that Michael was sleeping with a young lady this spring?

Here's another roll call from March. Neither are present.


It's leaked. All our investors are pulling out. We're finished.

How do you wanna deal with what's happening downstairs?

Who's downstairs?


[slow rock music plays]

Ten well whiskey and then... We got eight gin, 12 rum...

[knocking at door]

We're closed!

It's Nolan!


What's up, Nolan?

What's up is you never return my calls.

I've been a little busy.

[scoffs] Doesn't look like it.

Hey, sport.

You're the guy who bought the boat.

Proud new papa.

You know he only sold it to you to pay off the lien on my dad's bar?

No, I did not know that.


So you being around right now probably isn't the best thing for him.

I get that a lot.

Still closed, Nolan.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, so, what say you and I hit up a little party I caught wind of tonight?

I'm sorry, Gilligan, we're done hanging out.

Well, what if I said I'd give you your boat back at the end of the season?

What's he talking about?

Whoa, whoa, wait.

You're saying that if I pretend to be your friend, you'll give me my boat back, free and clear?

See, it'd be better if you didn't have to pretend, but... that's the gist.

Plus, all the cool parties...

Oh, he's in.


What? That's a hell of a deal.

Come on, and if anyone could use a night off, it's you.

I got it handled here.

He's got it handled.


We never go to your house. Adam, stop!

You're all sticky and sandy.

So, let's go rinse off.

We're supposed to be on a break, remember?

And whose bad idea was that?

Charlotte, is that you?

Adam, go. Go.

Please, go.


What is it, Mom?

[phone beeping]

[phone beeping]

I hope my mother wasn't too hard on you the other day.

I don't scare too easily. Does she interrogate all of your dates?

Yeah. My mom's not really a hands-off kind of person.

At least she got rid of her lie detector.

Kidding. She'll never get rid of that thing.

You're not planning on becoming a comedian.

Maybe in my next life.

My future is pretty well mapped out this time around.

One more year at Harvard Business, then it's straight to the boardroom.

Wouldn't be surprised if my dad already has an office picked out for me.

Hm. That sounds...

I know how it sounds.

What about your parents?

Mom, um... caring, smart.

And my Dad's very... special.

Lovely people.

So I shouldn't expect an interrogation?

They passed away when I was a kid.

Car crash.

I'm so sorry.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Just me.

Well, you and that beautiful beach house.

Maybe you can set down some roots of your own now.

Yeah, maybe. Wanna come by for the tour?

I'm ready when you are.

So how does it feel to know you'll be spending the night in your own home?

It's kind of hard to describe, actually.

I had a really good time tonight.

Me, too.

[dog whining]

[Jack] Sam! Sammy!

No, no, no. No, come on.

Sorry. Are we early or are we late?

[all] Surprise!

Welcome to the Hamptons, Emily!

We're here to celebrate with you.

[rock music playing]

[overlapping chatter]

I'm so sorry, Ems. How to ruin a perfect first date, by Ashley Davenport.

No, no, this is great. It's just I'm not big on surprises.

Lesson learned. Whatever you do, don't take it out on Daniel.

I practically had to force him into doing this.

Speaking of surprises, I am pretty sure that dog was not on the guest list.

Oh, no, no.

And neither is the hottie that he came with.


What do you think you're doing, bringing Jack here?

Jack and I are friends.

You don't have friends.

Neither one of us can afford them, you know that.

Speak for yourself. You betrayed me.

I thought we had an understanding.

So did I.

I know it was you who went to the press.

I just can't understand why you'd leak the wrong info when you had access to the Nolcorp memos.

You knew I was going with Unitech.

Yes, but Bill Harmon didn't.

He bet big on Allcom. Two billion of his fund's assets down the drain.

[man] After a financially fatal move in the market today, Harmon Investments founder Bill Harmon was swarmed by a mob of angry investors outside of his office this evening.

We expect the imminent collapse of Harmon Investments and major personal losses for Harmon...

He's ruined.

[soft rock music playing]

[knocking at door]

Right there.

Hey. What can I do for you guys?

Stay away from Charlotte, for starters.


[overlapping chatter]

[soft music plays]

[Jack] Emily Thorne.

I swear to God, I'm not stalking you.

Though I'm not sure the same could be said for my dog.

Congratulations on the house.

Thank you.

I hope you're not planning on tearing it down and building yourself something like that.

Oh, no, no. Not at all. This house stays exactly the same.

Good. It's nice to know there's somebody else out there with an appreciation for... for history.

This place sure has a lot of it.

Anyway, um...

...I'll let you get back to your party.

If you see Nolan, just let him know I split.

Yeah, no problem.

It's nice to see you again.




Now... who are you gonna stay away from?

I can't...

What's that? I can't hear you.


Your mother.

You're a dead man.


Get outta here!

Come on, let's get out of here!

Stay on your own side of the economy, you little dock rat.

Hey, get away from him!

Hey, Dec... Dec, who are those guys?

No one...

Let me help you up.

You're drunk.

And you're beat to hell, but they'll get what's coming to them.

Yeah, I know. Yeah, they'll get girls and they'll get cars, they'll get more money than they can spend. You know what I'm gonna get?

Crap. 'Cause I'm a loser, Dad. Just like you.

Declan, listen...



Victoria, it's Frank. I found an anomaly in Emily Thorne's public record.

What kind of anomaly?

From ages 16 to 18, it's like she didn't exist.

Every piece of information you'd expect to find on her was sealed by the court.

I want you to start following her.

I wanna know everywhere she goes, I wanna know everyone she sees.

Something's not right here, I can feel it.

[Ashley] Bye, Emily.


Where we love is home. Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Maybe I should've been a poet.

Well, maybe you still can be.

[soft rock song]

What is wrong at the end of the day

Good night.

Good night.

What is really wrong no one dares to say
You know you're wrong when there's only one right
But what is wrong
When right is out of sight
Right rode away long ago

[Emily] Trust is a difficult thing.

Whether it's finding the right people to trust...

...or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing.

But hey, we need to be somewhat
♪- Foolish
- [keys clacking]

♪- Wrong and senseless - [printer whirring]

Right rode off long ago
There's nothing more you need to know
There's nothing more you need to show
Let's disagree
'Cause wrong was made for you to be


Oh, G... No, no. No, no, Dad!

Oh, Dad. No, no, no, no.


Jack, what do I do?

Call 911!



[Declan] We need help! We're at the Stowaway.

I don't know, he's not breathing.

What is wrong in this old wasted game?
Right and wrong...

[Emily] But trusting your heart...

...is the riskiest thing of all.

Before rescuing wrong from below

[David] Hey.

[Victoria] Hi.

I only have a few minutes.

Bill Harmon knows about us.

I think he's gonna tell Conrad.

I don't understand.

How did this happen?

I trusted the wrong person.

[Sammy barking]


[Emily] In the end... the only person we can truly trust... is ourself.

Happy birthday, Amanda.

There's nothing more you need to show
Let's disagree
'Cause wrong was made for you to be
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