2x25 - The Goodbye Gossip Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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2x25 - The Goodbye Gossip Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

Gossip girl here-- Your one and only source Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

Georgina? where are you? You can tell jesus that the bitch is back.


Got a credit card fake i.d.

And i want bacardi and a boy.

That beautiful dinner you made-- You were gonna propose weren't you? I just don't know where we stand right now.

Tell me if what you feel for me is real.

It's just a game.

Chuck why did you just do that? - Because i love her.

I can't believe blair won! Yeah, who even voted for her? - Me.

about 150 times.

That was really sweet.

I just wanted to make sure she had the perfect night.

Where's the prom king? - We broke up.

But everything was so perfect.

Turns out fairy tales end when they do for a reason.

Like everything on the upper east side High school graduation is done a little differently.

Who needs pomp and circumstance when you have paparazzi? Ever since "gossip girl" broke my arrest It has been everywhere.

Do you know eric found it in "pravda"? You're famous because you got arrested.

Of course this happened to you.

I just can't wait for this day to be over.

The end of high school means the end of me on "gossip girl.

" No, she has plagued you more than anyone.

You were her first blast ninth grade, if i remember correctly.

It involved a white dress some rain And a recently docked aircraft carrier? Okay, let's just hope that my mug shot is The last thing she ever prints about me.

Look on the bright side.

Gossip girl does not report on college So this is your last day to be under her rule.

Okay can you just take my mind off of me? - Talk about anything.

Did he say it like - Anything but-- "i love her"? - "i love her"? - "i love her?" - i totally set myself up for that one.


i don't know why you're acting like this is new information.

You know how chuck feels about you.

The problem isn't his feelings.

It's his inability to express them to the right person.

Who cares who he tells if he doesn't tell me? Does he even know that you and nate broke up? Have you not told him? It's not like we stay up at night Braiding each other's hair and having heart-to-hearts.

Then why are we still here? we've already paid the check.


So we'll meet afterwards for the party.

will do.

Good luck up there, son.

i'm proud of you.


It's like getting a smile from the president.

And how are you? I'm good.

and you? Good, good.

i start my internship At the mayor's office next week.

so that's the big news.

As for today i got my mom and my grandpa To agree to sit together so that's something.

And things with you and - Blair? Yeah, it's over.

but it's okay.

It turns out,we just had to go through something to be sure.

Ever since it ended i can't stop thinking About how horribly i handled everything between us.

So i just wanted to say i'm sorry.


It means a lot.

and thanks for what you did last year.

If i hadn't taken the s.



s i'd never be going to n.



Right after i get back from my Backpacking trip through europe, of course.

Look at us--so civilized.

Hey stop by my party tonight.

Party? what party? After-grad party.

I figured i'd at least do something To commemorate my time here.

so i hope to see you there.

Both of you.

Is that a program? Yeah.

and smile.

Today's the first day of the rest of your life.

Way ahead of you.

This graduation is a celebration for us too.

No more mean girls.

We have suffered under their dictatorship for way too long.

Starting next fall, there'll be peace in the kingdom.


wanna throw your hat in the ring? What are you talking about? Queen.

what else is there to talk about? The fact that there's not gonna be a queen next year? What would high school be without hierarchy? Bearable? a nice place to spend time? Ladies.

I thought we were matching our headbands under our caps.

What's going on? - your minions were just telling me About the search for the next queen.

They don't get to choose the next queen.

i do.

And take off that hideous scarf, penelope.

You can see if from space.

Not so fast j.

don't waste your time appealing to blair.

We don't listen to her anymore.

The coronation happens at midnight at nate archibald's party.

Whoever brings us the biggest piece of untold Constance gossip wins and you've got competition.

The new girl emma boardman transferring in next year.

Nice to meet you little j.

See you at midnight? unless you want to concede right now Oh and next year You don't want to take the subway to school.

You're more than welcome to sleep at my house.

it's on park.

Well so much for that.

At least we have all summer to prepare for hell.


the cycle of abuse must be broken.

The monarchy ends tonight.


why are you sitting here all alone? I'm waiting to approve a special insert My name was left off the list of graduates.

Fate sure knows how to run with a bit.

Well at least you're special.


Humphrey? - Oh thank you.

"We apologize for the inadvertent omission "of Daniel Humphrey from the graduation program.

He is indeed graduating.

Congratulations Don.

" That's perfect.

I haven't seen you around.

Have you been looking? How are you? I'm fine.

No I'm great.

Um But I could be better.

I was wondering if you heard that I I'm I'm so happy high school's over.


You too.

Everyone let's line up So we can make our way down please.

Girls on on side boys on the other Girls on on side boys on the other Right.

Well good luck up there.

How could I have forgotten? We reserved our seats together.

Oh Lily and Rufus! Oh We haven't seen you - Since we broke matzo together.


You look wonderful.

-Thank you.

Love--It's put color in all of our cheeks.

We were talking on the way over here About what a wonderful couple you two make.

So we decided you should take the plunge like us.

Dating at our age is not enough.

Marry before it's too late.

Well It's not exactly Uh We're just enjoying the journey.

Well Apparently at one point We had a destination But that no longer seems to be the case.


Mm I was going for honest.

Dear friends colleagues As we stand here today We bear witness to a bright new beginning.

Just standing in front of him I-I couldn't do it.

I can't believe I chickened out.

It's okay B.

This is the beginning of something new.

Now we can all move on.

The possibilities are endless after all.


To great things.

And so what if i'm not going to yale? you were recently incarcerated And I'm afraid to talk to Chuck because he might hurt me again.

This is our moment.

Nobody can take that from us.

I urge you to go out into the world And show them who you have become.

Not so fast.

You're not graduating until I give you my diplomas.

Mine are labels and labels stick.

Nate Archibald-- class whore.

Dan Humphrey-- the ultimate insider.

Chuck Bass--coward.

Blair Waldorf--weakling.

And as for Serena Van der Woodsen After today you are officially irrelevant.




I know.

Congratulations everyone.

You deserve it.

Now please join me in welcoming the class of 2009.

Class please stand.

You were right B.

Nobody can take this day away from us.

Gossip girl is going down.

Gossip girl has ruined our graduation And it's only 2:00.

We have to stop her.

I don't know.

Messing with gossip girl? Think of the consequences.

You can't ask us to jeopardize our futures for your personal vendetta.

Besides she didn't even say anything about us Not even penelope.

Oh soup dumplings.

This is not my personal vendetta.

She att*cked all of us and was wrong.



Well I'm gonna go do some damage control just in case So don't wait for me.

Well what about you two? Well of everyone here You guys probably have the most secrets you're hiding.

I'll gather intel.

I'll run some stats.

I'm sorry About before.

About what part exactly? the pre-graduation squabble Or the fact that you no longer want to marry me? What exactly is our problem anyway? You tried to give me money behind my back When i said no.

We both make mistakes.

But if we can't accept that about each other How do we move forward? I don't know.

But we can't go back.

I need to um see my guests.

Can we talk? Always.

Is something wrong? I know you have high aspirations for me So in the spirit of full disclosure There's something you need to know Something that may it may come out.

I'm intrigued.

Last summer I had an affair With an older woman.

Oh my boy.

Welcome to washington.

She was married at the time.

Go on.

And she Well she paid me.

Well Whatever happens i'll protect you.

Let's hope it doesn't come out.


Have you seen your girlfriend? - You don't know? - What? Blair and i broke up.

This party is not so hot.

There's a k*ller doughnut place around the corner.

Can you guys believe gossip girl? "the--the insider"? what is that? - A really good movie? - that's a tabloid tv show.

Come on.


she can't keep getting away with this.

we all just have to band together and take her down.

Serena we just graduated.

gossip girl high school All these people backbiting and conniving-- Don't you think we should be moving on with our lives? Well high school's over But--but they're still my friends.

you're still my friend.


What you--you don't think so? No no i do but honestly School's finished And our parents That--that doesn't really look great.

Next year we're gonna be in different cities.

And when you think about it What's really keeping us together? So that's it? You--you get your diploma and you're just moving on? Well congratulations dan.

Have--have a good life.

So doughnuts? No let's just go home.

I want to--i want to get out of this suit.

all right.

The number of posts in the last six months about constance and st.

jude's is more than double Of the next mentioned school.

number one on our hit list Would seem to indicate a personal connection.

And i refuse to believe the students at our school are Any worse than those at horace mann or spence.

So gossip girl most likely goes to or went to constance.

Yeah exactly.

why else the focus? Well,i would also assume that she is our age.

The blasts all started when we were in the ninth grade.

An upperclassman simply wouldn't care.

So you're saying gossip girl's a senior,like us? Well,if she's a senior Then--then that means she's in the room right now.

So who could it be? Rebecca sherman? no her head's always in a book.

She's not paying enough attention.


Not her either.

Then i submit nelly yuki.

Low profile Good with computers Many grudges mostly against me.

No i have been with her way too many times When gossip girl has sent out a blast.

There's no way it's her.

i'm gonna speed this up.

What are you doing? sending a tip to gossip girl.

Chuck,get the room quiet for me.

i'm way ahead of you.

If i could have everyone's attention please.

We'd like to thank you all for being here today.

Jonathan? what? Gossip girl is a guy? It's him.


What just happened? What's going on? Tell 'em who you are.


so if you're not gossip girl You must know who she is.


i just hacked into her server over spring break.

I was bored.

And now we have access to every e-mail that gets sent to her.

I can't believe she gets All these posts that she doesn't report.




Apparently you dye your hair.

Yeah we have this theory That either she can't substantiate some of them Or she waits till the perfect moment for maximum damage.

I wish i could be more helpful.

No you--you have been so helpful.

Can i actually borrow you for a minute? I'd like you to help me dig deeper.

Nothing in here's good enough to beat the new girl Except for this.

No way.

would you really use that? I-i don't think i can.

If you did you'd totally win.

Yeah,and then i could abolish the monarchy forever.

You going to nate's party? No.

i thought vanessa and i would hit a movie instead.

And here we go.

all right It's your last party of high school.

Now i know you don't love your classmates But you just shared four years with them.

honor that.

And i suspect there may be a couple of people That you'd like to stay friends with,or at least one person.


yeah serena said kinda the same thing.

So h-how am i gonna get these doses of sage wisdom When i'm living at the dorms at n.



? I'll appear to you like obi-wan.

Now go young jedi.

All right.


have fun.

Our kids graduated high school today.

And i felt old.

And so i wanted to do something young and crazy And you're the only one i wanted to do it with.

Something I found in Chuck's room.

Well then I bet it's good.

Are you dressing for someone? Yes.

Someone I hope is finally ready to love me The way Cyrus loves you.

Cyrus told me.

You told Chuck how you felt and He ran away.

You seeing him tonight? Yes.

Don't let him get away again Oh.





Don't embarrass yourself.


You're here.

There's something I have to tell you And it's only because I'm drunk And I'll probably never see you again.

I um.

Oh God.

I have to go.

Was she just about to tell me she loved me? I'm so glad we came.

Blair��I need to talk to you.

Gossip girl knows.


But ill-timed.

You can tell me tomorrow or never.

About new year's? Look,the mean girls want the best piece of gossip In exchange for keys to the kingdom.

I just thought you'd want to know.

If gossip girl were gonna post that information She would have done it this morning.

and like I said,the mean girls don't control anything.

Blair, wake up.

You're not queen anymore.

You haven't been for a while.

And you're not going to be either If you tell anyone what you know.

I'm sorry I wasted my time on you.

You don't have what it takes.

You never did.

Now if you'll excuse me.

Bring me your leader.

It's not midnight.

My gossip's too juicy to wait.

I wanna talk.

I prefer to talk after.

What do you think about my coat? I like it.

Why? - And now? - Even better.

Andwhat about my headband? I admire it.

Andmy stockings? Oh I adore them.

And my dress? I worship it.

How do you feel about me? Say it.

I - What is it now? - Oh not again.

Serena Van Der Woodsen Just couldn't leave well enough alone.

Since she had to find out the truth about me I'm going to tell you the truth about everyone.

Every gossip b*mb I've got is about to drop And if you've got a problem with that,take it up with her.

Ever wonder why Miss Carr left town? A little bee told me Dan Humphrey had sex with her During the school play.

Remember the sparks between Humphrey's sis and Nate? Oh my God.

During a hot photo session.

Thank God it stopped at pg-13 Or someone could have ended up in jail like her brother.
Is that true?


You were in jail?

And as for Blair Waldorf say "uncle."

We hear she kept it in the Bass family on new year's.

but rumor has it Chuck spent some time in Brooklyn-- Metaphorically speaking of course.

You slept with Jack? - You slept with Vanessa? Serena Van Der Woodsen here's looking at you.

Jack?Blair? Really? That's calculating.

Even for you.

I was sad and he tried to comfort me.

You call that comfort? More like collusion.

Like you didn't do that with the dregs of d.





I'm standing right here.

I can't believe you slept with miss Carr.

And you were in jail? I can't believe you let some guy take photos of you.

Wh-what was he doing there? No,no,no.

It wasn't as bad as it sounds.

Okay? You guys just stop it,okay? She's trying to create A divide between us.

This is exactly what she wants.

We can't let that happen.

You want to know something? I don't think it's her that created the divide.

I think it was you.

You're the reason we're on "gossip girl" in the first place.

If it wasn't for you we'd all be safe.

Okay that's enough.

We all did what she said we did.

You can't blame Serena for this.

Yes we can.

She declared w*r on gossip girl.

You brought this on us.

That's,that's not fair.

Serena was just trying to help everybody.

What do you know about anything Besides your label was the only one that was true.

You mean what she said about the "insider"? Are you crazy? You're friend with Nate Archibald You played on the soccer team.

You got into Yale You got the lead role in the school play You got published in "the New Yorker " You had sex with a teacher.

Plus you dated the most popular girl in school And ignored the rest of us.


I meant them.

You pretend not to be like us but you are to the bone.

And you should have known better.

Thank you.

Kudos S.

Way to go out with a bang.

Now what did you want to tell me before? Oh.

It doesn't matter now.

It just happened.

Leave me alone.

You're not mad at me because of that.

Just like I'm not mad at you about Vanessa.

Stop telling me what I feel.

We're just doing what we always do--finding excuses.

Well I won't do it anymore.

I know you told Serena you love me.

Serena heard wrong.

Last year you told Nate.

This year you told Serena.

You tell everyone but me.

Why can't you tell me? Is gossip girl right about you being a coward? That's not true and you know it.

Gossip girl can be right about you all she wants But I won't let her be right about me.

I will not be weak anymore.

You can't run.

You have to stay here and hear it this time.

Chuck Bass I love you.

I love you so much It consumes me.

I love you And I know you love me too.

Tell me you love me Then everything we've done-- All the gossip and the lies And the hurt Will have been for something.

Tell me it was for something.

Maybe it was.

But it's not anymore.

Oh my gosh.

Do you remember the casbah? That concert? Barely In the best way.

Oh my God.

You covered "how will I know" And you dedicated it to me And I sat there trying not to laugh.

Oh God.

I was so in love with you.

What are we doing? Things were so much easier when we were younger.

Unlike our kids we just jumped into things.

I mean, why can't we just be more like that Just figure it out as we go along? Maybe this didn't turn out to be The romance we thought it would be when we first met.


It's more like choose your own adventure.

Maybe it just wasn't the right time.

Maybe it never will be.

What if it is? What if we're just too stubborn to see it? I don't want to miss out.

Well Neither do I.

I don't have a ring So this will have to do.


What are you doing? Marry me, Lily.

Marry me.

I know that'll make me your uh your fifth husband.

So? Yes.

Give me your hand.

Come here.


Don't worry about this.

Okay? Everyone's gonna get over it eventually.

When? Nate, high school is over.

If I don't fix this tonight Some of these people will never talk to me again.

And--and what happens next year? What she does this to the next Serena and Nate and Dan and Blair? Well.

What else can you do? It is too easy for her to sit behind a computer And not face the damage she's done.


But she doesn't know that.

You didn't get to use your gossip.

Well here's something new-- I told chuck I loved him again And he didn't say it back again.


I'm not gonna tell people that.

Why not? I'm giving you what you need to be queen.

I don't want to be queen.

I just wanted a chance to have a life in school And look what it almost made me do.

That's the thing.

You need to be cold to be queen.

Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart And she got her head chopped off So her daughter Elizabeth made a vow never to marry a man.

She married her country.

Forget boys.

Keep your eye on the prize jenny humphrey.

You can't make people love you But you can make them fear you.

For what it's worth You're my queen.

I choose you.

Thank you.

It's already been over an hour.

The bar's closing soon.

She's gonna come.

I know she is.

Whoa Whoa whoa.



Dan is gossip girl? Gossip girl? You crazy? Then what are you doing here? I loopt you.

Are you waiting for gossip girl? And I know you don't approve.

I'm gonna go close the tab.

This grudge match thing-- It d--it doesn't seem like you.

What's--what's going on? I don't want to be irrelevant.

Irrelevant? you're serena van der woodsen.

Gossip girl might be right about me But she's--she's wrong about you.

Without serena van der woodsen Who would i have dreamt about? I might have spent my whole life on the outside If you hadn't let me in Which i'm holding against you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.

Oh, that makes sense.


they're a team.

Team of what? Wait.

Why are you all here? I got a text saying to meet you.

Yeah - So did I.

So did I.

You wanted to meet gossip girl.

Well look around.

You just did.

I'm nothing without you.

And while most high school friendships fade It's my hope that what happened today will bond you forever.

now that all my secrets are out You have a clean slate Until college.


I'm coming with you.


Drinks on me.



thank you.

I'm sorry about what i said.

You don't have to apologize.

Where's chuck? It's over once and for all.

But i'm gonna be strong.

Still, it doesn't feel right without him here.

You know everyone else is here.

Yeah Everyone's here.

Oh it's beaufiful It looks so good on you.

Oh! i've dreamed about this for so long.

Do you want to fire it up? I can't.

blair and I have a meeting at rouge tomate.


that's cryptic.


So how are you today? Miserable.

But at least college Will be the fresh start it's supposed to be.

No chuck No nate.

No anybody really.

Except gossip girl.

Forget I said that.

It's okay.

I read them too.

"Spotted--chuck bass in france.

chuck bass in germany.

Chuck bass in italy.

" I hope he has so much fun that they have to quarantine him.

Open your present.

What? Oh! it's to remind you of who you are.

I love it.

I am gonna put it up on my wall at brown As soon as I get back from europe.

oh! Come with me.

I chased a guy for years who wasn't that into me And going to a glorified state school.

My mother married an entertainment lawyer.

so I need to just stop moving And contemplate the failure of my life.

Well When you're ready to start moving again - You know I'll be here.

Yes of course I do.

Humphrey Where's your mind? I know it sounds crazy But I actually-- I kind of miss high school.

I miss blair waldorf and her daily ego demolitions Nelly Yuki stealing my lunch Even Chuck Bass who would get so close to talk.


you miss Chuck Bass.

Well not as much as you probably miss Chuck Bass.

But yeah I uh I think it's safe to say That the nostalgia's officially begun.

Apparently the upper east side feels the same way about you.

What's up Dan Vanessa? Shouldn't you be getting the deputy mayorher coffee or something? Well I think she'd rather I gave her something else.

Yeah she made a pass at me.


is she hot? Actually yeah she is.

You're both disgusting.

I don't want to be the guy gossip girl made me out to be.

So what are you gonna do? Go backpacking if you'll have me.

Well, it's too late.

i'm I'm taking someone else.

Oh, really? who? - It's me.


Yeah, we're gonna have a great time.

Melissa and i.


really? Daniela.


It's Vanessa but thanks for trying.

Please let me go with you.

I'm always doing what everyone else wants me to do.

I want to do something for me.

And we'll just go as friends.

Don't worry.

it won't be anything romantic Unless you know we drink a little too much in Vienna one night.

How could you say no to that? Seriously.

As long as you take off that ridiculous tie So i can maybe try to picture you with a backpack.

What's wrong with my tie? Mm.

i need a coffee.

He's always wearing a tie.

So i'm the one who does the good deed And that guy goes off with the girl? It's good to be that guy.

Do youyou go here to n.



? I was sort of heard you on the phone.

I'm starting in the fall.

uh i just transferred from b.



I'm dan.

nice to meet you scott.

Maybe i'll��uh i'll see you around.


We got this for you.

I'll take that.

thank you.

What are you doing here? What i should have done months ago.

In about five seconds your phones are all going to go off With the latest gossip girl blast.

She is nothing if not punctual.

allow me.

Remember all those secrets jenny amassed When she was trying to protect you nelly? Well now the world knows them too.

So looks like we have a winner.

Now if you don't mind How can you do this? Letting some girl from brooklyn carry on our legacy? Haven't you ever heard of a foreign queen? Besides her dad is marrying lily bass�� So i think that makes her richer than all of you.

Not enough.

Okay so starting next year no more headbands Except for this one.

Thanks you can keep the change.

oh big spender.

Hey mom.

it's really cool here.

Um i've already met some great people.


All right.

all right.

you were right about portland.

I think i'm gonna love it.

All right.

yeah i--listen i gotta go all right? - I'll--i'll call you soon.

well i'm done for the day.

Do you guys want to go see a movie? Ooh.

hold on.

hold on.

Hello? Check your bank account.

your money's back.

It's georgina.

Georgina where are you? what happened to poppy? You don't have to worry about her ever again.

You got your money.

that's all that matters.

Now you can go to yale.

well i'm going to n.






then i'll see you next year.


what does that mean? Hello? georgina? What? Georgina sparks? Yes that's right.

I recently enrolled in gallatin.

Here's my paperwork and my check.

Thank you miss sparks.

Is there anything else? I'd like to request a roommate-- blair waldorf.

She's my best friend and i just can't wait to live with her.



Aren't you supposed to be in dubayy? You know you can't lose me for long.

where you headed? Everywhere.

I have something you might want to know before you go.

I hope it doesn't have to do with blair.

No it has to do with you.

It's about santorini what you were looking for there.

While i was on the trip you so graciously gave me I found it again.

Only it's not in santorini anymore.

it's in fiji.

At least he was last week.

You found my father? Get in.

let's go.

Why aren't you in europe? I was in paris But only to get your favorite macaroons From pierre herm? And germany? To pick up your favorite falke stockings.

You know how i adore them.

What are you doing here then? You were right.

I was a coward running away again.

But everywhere i went You caught up with me.

So i had to come back.

I want to believe you But i can't.

You've hurt me too many times.

You can believe me this time.

That's it? I love you too.

But can you say it twice? No i'm serious.

say it twice.

I love you.

I love you.


There's three.

four--i love you.
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