04x30 - When You Go to a Funeral for the First Time, You're Surprised By How Happy the People Are

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x30 - When You Go to a Funeral for the First Time, You're Surprised By How Happy the People Are

Post by bunniefuu »

I came after hearing about a corpse-eating demon Would that be you? A rather cute demon.

Did you also take that from a corpse? A single child stripping corpses to protect himself, is it? That's very impressive.

However, you no longer need that sword.

A sword that's only swung in self-defense, while fearing others, should be thrown away.

I shall give you my sword.

If you wish to learn how to properly use it Then come with me.

Hey Get your hands off her.

Get your stinkin' hands off this woman.

Y-You're?! Gintoki Why did you come here? ["The More Precious the Burden, the Heavier and More Difficult It Is to Shoulder It.


Look at yourself I told you to run You fool I won't be dying.

Nobody will be dying.

I won't let anyone die in Yoshiwara.

You see We aren't gonna leave you all alone.

You followed my threads to find this place? Commendable.

[Note: A reference to Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "The Spider's Thread"]

They say one climbs the spider thread to reach for paradise Instead, you climb up to reach for hell.

Your idiocy would leave Buddha and Enma both speechless.

Wait, Gintoki! Don't bother telling me to run again.

Trying to shoulder the burden all by yourself? Don't be such a stranger.

Weep and ask for help.

Lean on me with your runny nose.

Cry when you feel like crying.

Laugh when you feel like laughing.

When you're tearing up with an ugly face, I'll give you a good cry with an uglier face.

When you're laughing so hard your stomach hurts, I'll laugh in a louder voice.

That's how it should be.

It's far better to get dirty while living true to yourself, than to throw away yourself and die a clean death.

You offer to carry her burden? You will help carry Tsukuyo's burden? Don't you understand? You are Tsukuyo's burden.

You people are the reason Tsukuyo has suffered so much.

The reason she's grown so hideous.

Tsukuyo, you must be hungry.

I shall prepare you a top class meal.

Of the pathetic worm who followed the moon into my web.

I don't give a damn about who you've betrayed.

Do whatever you like to the Shogun or any other lords.

But you called yourself her master and then you betrayed your student who's believed in you since she was a kid Who's followed in your footsteps for so long You made her your prey.

You don't deserve to call yourself her master You don't deserve to call her your student.

Get lost.

Don't ever show your face around her again, you sick son of a bitch!! This man His eyes aren't that of a prey.

Nor the eyes of a meal.

My threads are quivering.

My web is reacting to an unprecedented invasion.

That's Those eyes are! Jiraia You're the one who's been caught in a web.

My web.

Now that you've made a mess of my place, don't expect to leave alive.

Spill your rotten gut as you die! A battle between hunters? Amusing.

I'll show you who the master of this web is.

Any place with my threads, be it the six realms, shall be part of my web! You cannot catch me with those injuries.

Do you intend to escape outside?! Fool! You're the fool.


Now, time for supper.

Let's dig in! If you wish to learn how to properly use it Then come with me.

From now on, you will swing that sword.

Not to cut down your enemies.

Not to cut away your weaknesses and protect yourself.

But to protect your very soul.

Gintoki! How? How can you have power that rivals mine? By someone unable to abandon their sense of self By someone who can't even sever their ties, just to have a place to return to?! I have sacrificed everything My sense of self, my home, even my comrades All for my prey For you Yet why? Why?! You still can't understand? Some of the things you sacrificed were too important.

You abandoned your comrades? No.

You were afraid of losing your comrades.

You fought alone? No! You wouldn't have to feel the pain of solitude if you'd been alone to begin with.

You abandoned your sense of self? No.

You were running away from the pain you caused and the pain you endured.

You're just a coward! She's far stronger than you could ever be.

A coward is enough to deal with another coward.

I'm enough to take you.

Silence! You don't have the right to call yourself her master! You don't have the strength to shoulder a student and their pain!! Gintoki Let's go back.

To your home Jiraia! Stop! Give up already.

There's nothing in your web.

This whole time, there was only ever a pathetic little spider, spinning threads into the sky while gazing at the distant moon.

What are you babbling about? I already knew that long ago.

Stop! Jiraia! Yes This is how How it should be The spider will disappear in a pool of blood.

It doesn't feel as good as I expected to be k*lled by myself.

I want to k*ll myself.

Jiraia, were you? Jiraia, your final prey was you yourself, huh? Your goal wasn't to k*ll the clone you'd raised and trained.

It was to be k*lled by your beloved student, as yourself.

Th-The boss's son, is it? We met once before.

Have you come to avenge your father and comrades again? I lost interest in revenge a long time ago.

I have no interest in crushing a spider who's fallen to earth.


So you've done your research.

Jiraia the Spider.

Real name: Danzo Tobita.

Born to a country samurai in Iga and mastered ninja techniques at a young age.

Your natural aptitude had people calling you a prodigy.

The samurai in Iga were fighting year round.

The Tobita family was one of the larger families in Iga.

With such a talented son in line to take over, its foes weren't going to stand by idly.

The only survivors were you and your still young sister.

You felt ashamed of the skills which kept you alive while everyone else was k*lled.

With the life of your only remaining family hostage, you were forced to swear fealty to your hated enemy, what would have been your prey.

That gave birth to your twisted sense of devotion.

Sacrifice oneself for the country.

You literally sacrificed your sense of self to devote yourself to work.

No, you had no choice.

Your only escape from the hate, sorrow, and shame of serving the ones who exterminated your family was to forget your identity and focus on mechanically carrying out mission after mission.

You used that intoxication to escape the pain.

However, your sister couldn't bear seeing her older brother like that.

No more No more.

Stop pushing yourself for my sake.

Dear brother, live your own life.

Live freely for yourself.

Your sister took her own life.

After all the prey you took, all the pain to your body, you still couldn't protect your sister.

To this very day, you're still haunted by that fact.

And so you attempted to k*ll yourself in the worst possible way.

You would become the enemy of the beloved student you'd raised, and die by her hands.

That was your self-inflicted punishment for failing to protect your sister.

No I was just scared.

Just as you said, I was scared of losing anything else A coward who was too scared to bear the burden.

That is why I became drawn to her.

I wanna protect Yoshiwara and Hinowa! The child who tried to shoulder everything on that small back That was why I taught you everything I knew.

I didn't want you to be hurt The way I was If we are doomed to experience the suffering from a loss, then why shoulder the burden to begin with? No need for a home or comrades But you defied my expectations You've managed to find friends a home You possessed a strength I never did.

The strength to not run away from the pain you caused, the pain you endured I was scared of losing someone else again You were headed somewhere far away from me I was trying to draw you back To the same fate I suffered In the end, I wasn't protecting you or my sister I was only protecting myself And I became tired of myself.

That was all I planned on never shouldering another burden, yet I'd managed to do it again.

I planned on never forcing anyone else to shoulder my burden, yet I'd managed to do it again.

Tsukuyo, I forced you to shoulder a worthless burden.

I am sorry I wish you had told me this sooner.

I wish you had allowed me to share your burden.

We would have been able to arrive at a different answer.

If the master's duty is to shoulder the student along with their pain, what is the student's duty? To grow strong enough to shoulder the master.

You're light So light, Master I never knew you were so light Can you see, Master? Yes Yes! I can see A moon more beautiful than anyI've ever seen That's one helluva student.

A student's duty is to grow strong enough to shoulder the master, huh? I was always relying on my old man, so I was never able to do that.

Same here.


Tsukuyo-chan! Let's go out and play! Hey, wake up, damn it.

We're hitting the pachinko parlor.

You probably got a bunch saved up, right? ["Watch Out For A Set of Women and A Drink"]

I'll blow it all for you.

[Ohh! JUMP-san!! Don't use profanity in the important parts!]

[See you next time.

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