04x02 - Everyone Looks Pretty Grown Up After Summer Break

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x02 - Everyone Looks Pretty Grown Up After Summer Break

Post by bunniefuu »

[New TV Show]

The land of the host.

[Note: Spoof of Episode 3]

There was a time, long ago, when our town was called by that name.

Those dream-filled Shinjuku skies upon which Japanese hosts once gazed upon their dreams are now filled with words by hosts from foreign countries.

However, there were two men.

The enigmatic vagrant, Gintoki Sakata and the former number one host, Shinpachi Buttchin.

The two of them still run in this corrupt night town.


[Episode 2]

The man with fluttering golden hair glided through the city as though he were the Golden Knight.

[Note: Gin is called the White Knight in regular Gin Tama.


Gin-san, I beg of you! Aim for the top with me! Hopeless fool.

I'll dance with you, Shinpachi.

What a pain.

This place is like a cesspool.

Who are you? Kagura.

I command you.

Swear fealty to me.

If you do, I'll grant your wishes.

The men do not realize they are dancing on thin ice.

What? That's fine.

Climb up if you can! And the women sharpen their red nails.

The wheel of fate is rusty.

It doesn't move until it's too late.

Dance a waltz for me [Note: This is Zurako, or crossdressing Katsura.


I eagerly await the show Yes.

Nobody could have predicted that Buttchin here would play a critical role in the conclusion of this story The butt of the story.

[To Be Continued]

Yo! I'm Gintoki! [Note: "Kai" means "Revised.

" This is a parody of the new Dragon Ball Kai anime.


This week, we will be called "Gin Tama Kai" and show a re-edited director's cut, 16:9 HD remastered version of the infamous episode 151! So here's "Gin Tama Kai!" Enjoy yourselves! Hey! What do you mean, that infamous episode 151?! That's the episode that aired last week! And isn't this just a summary of the previous episode?! You don't need to make chancy references every other line! And it's 16:9 because the top and bottom were chopped off! I'm all excited! [Note: From Dragon Ball anime.


I'm not! Oh, are you there? Sorry I'm late.

I came to return volume 7 of Abu-san.

Eh? He's not here? Tha- That's Katakuriko, what is this place? Hmm? The barbershop I frequent.

I was going to introduce you to my buddy, but he doesn't seem to be here.

Th-That's That's ["The heavens created Chonmage above man instead of another man.


[Note: Chonmage is a traditional Japanese hairstyle worn from the Edo period to the Meiji period.



Will you do my hair in a mage? Th-That's That's Sh-Shogun?! [Note: Shogun = General.


I could never forget that dignified face! That elegant bearing! That humble penis! Wh-Why?! Why is the Shogun in such a filthy place?! Will you do my hair in a mage? Eh? You want a mage done? Here? What about hitting the hostess bar? You're not coming? Is this old guy still taking the Shogun around and teaching him the wrong things?! I shall return this to the owner for you.

Go on ahead and have a drink.

Eh? I do not disguise myself as a commoner and roam the streets to indulge in pleasure.

My purpose is to learn the lifestyle of the commoners of Edo.

One who leads must understand how those below feel.

This is a perfect opportunity.

No, no, no, no, no, no, leave! Eh? Seriously? You're going to get your hair cut here? Like we're going to shave the Shogun's head! Please leave! You've got odd tastes.

Then I'll head to the usual place.

Come when you're done.

Wait! Take him with you! You're going to run off to a hostess bar and leave the Shogun here all alone?! Well, nobody will recognize you in that costume.

You shouldn't need any bodyguards.

No, he needs them! You're in one hell of a hurry to get to your hostess bar, old guy! Then say "Hello" to him for me.

Hey, wait up! Perverted old man! Then, I'm in your hands.

Wh-What do we do? What are we supposed to do?! Cut the Shogun's hair! No, no, no, no! Not happening.

Not happening.

Not happening.

Wait, Shogun-sama! We aren't even barbers! What are we going to do, Gin-san?! What should we do?! How would I know?! Don't expect me to know the answer to everything! There are things I don't know! There are times when I want to cry! There are times when I want to run away! That's why I said to run for it! The two of you had to dawdle around! What do we do? Forget running away If we screw up his haircut All three of us will lose our heads.

Oboroshaa!! [Note: Puking sound.


He puked?! I'm sorry I was so nervous my gag reflex kicked in.

I can't go on any longer.

Why are you trying to back out by yourself already?! Get a grip! Pathetic.

Doesn't matter if he's the Shogun or whatever.

The hair on his head is the same as everybody else's.

I'll go.


Whoa! There she goes! Impressive! How would you like your hair done today? A crew cut? Parted in the front? A mushroo- Mugoshuroro! [Note: Puking sound.


Okay! One, two, three! What are you doing?! Do you want to die?! The smell from Shinpachi got to me.

It got the better of me.

Don't you give me that! What if you had barfed on him?! Don't worry.

We're barely okay.

The Shogun is Huh? Did the Shogun have a mark on his forehead? Looks like a naruto [Note: Naruto is a fishcake usually on top of ramen.


Ah, from the ramen I had for lunch I should have digested that.

That's not the issue here! What do we do? It's stuck to his forehead.

That's as bad as if he had "meat" written on his forehead! [Note: From Kinniku-man (Ultimate Muscle) by Yude Tamago.


This is bad! The Shogun's staring at the mirror! Cover it up! Somebody cover it up! O-Oh? Hey! Who drew a naruto on the mirror?! Ah, sorry! That would be me! You want me to k*ll you?! So sorry, sir.

Don't worry.

This is just something on the mirror.

You'd better wipe the mirror off! Yes! I'm really very sorry.

I'm always telling him off, really.

Ah, I'm going to steam your face now.

Honestly These young ones never learn.

Young people these days quit the second you scold them.

They slack off the moment you aren't looking.

What a worthless bunch.

Then how do you want your hair cut today? In that case, could you redo my mage? Ah, yes.


Then I'll shave your face while I'm shaving your forehead.

Yes, please.

Why?! Then! Then I'll need you to lie down for now.

Please keep your eyes closed.

This is bad! I can't get the naruto off! Like it doesn't want to come off! [Note: Shadow Clone Jutsu from NARUTO, used to create multiple copies of the user.


Like the one that uses the Shadow Clone Jutsu! Calm down! Nobody's using any Shadow Clone Jutsu.

There were two stacked on top of each other to begin with.

What are we going to do about that?! Looks like he has Sharingan! [Note: Sharingan is an eye technique from NARUTO, used to memorize and replicate an opponent's jutsu.


I'm too scared to go near him! He might steal my special techniques! I've never seen any Sharingan that dirty! And you don't have any special techniques! That's why Bandai Namco's having a hard time, 'cause they can't put out any fighting games! Hey! Somebody do something about this! Remove them while pretending to shave his face! Hey! Why me?! I can't do it with my bare hands.

It keeps slipping.

Kagura-chan! How oily was the ramen you ate?! We can slide it off with a razor.

Hey! That's dangerous! Careful.

Be careful.

I know.

Uh, excuse me.

How long do I have to wait We're in the middle of something important here, so shut up, dying gorilla! Who knows what I'll end up cutting off if my hand slips? Okay! Ah, it's working! Oh, I took it off.

Wow! Way to go! Remove the other shadow clone, too.

Whoa I did it! I got it off! You did it, Kagura-chan! Whew We made it through the first stage.

[Oedo Comics]

The man is finally facing retirement! Two generations of horsefly-catching are finally coming to an end! Shinji Nagashima's new work! Volume 271 of Abu-san.

Scheduled for release on April 32nd.

Place your order at a nearby bookstore.

Huh? What's this? Wait Hold on What? No way.

Gi-Gin-san? This is Could it be Th-The Shogun's mag You moron! Can't you keep this place clean?! We've got golden retriever sh*t lying around! No! That can't be right! That was definitely the Shogun's mage! You hid the evidence at the speed of light, but it was obvious that his mage came off! You're wrong! That was absolutely golden retriever sh*t! The color! The size! It could only be golden retriever sh*t! Nothing more! Nothing less! Where is there even a golden retriever?! Th-This is terrible! You cut off his mage while you were removing the naruto! That doesn't happen from a slip of the hand! What are we going to do?! Even committing seppuku won't be enough for this! C-C-C-Calm down! Calm down, Shinpachi! Without his mage, the Shogun is just a baldie! With a huge forehead! Like someone cosplaying as a fallen warrior! Yeah, you could even say that the mage makes the Shogun! But if you were to put golden retriever sh*t on the Shogun's head, anybody would remove it! That's what a samurai would do! That's what a loyal subject would do! A samurai who calls the General's mage sh*t is not a samurai! I-I-It's fine! Definitely fine! Life isn't harsh or cruel at all! Never give up! Why are you singing about life?! You think that superficial phrases are going to solve our problem?! But! But! It's just a little shorter! We just trimmed his hair! We can still do this! We can still pull together a mage! E-Excuse me.

Let me try to tie this.

That's not even close to being long enough! This is impossible! It's fine! I'm just not pulling hard enough! Have to go like this! Hey! You're gonna pull it out! Pulling his hair out! Out! Don't give up! If we give up, there will be no mage! [Note: A spoof of a famous phrase by Coach Anzai Sensei from SLAM DUNK by Takehiko Inoue.


Gin-san! The Shogun is tearing up! The Shogun is past his limit! He can't take any more! Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop it! Please stop it! Hey, I've got a mage here! Tie it together! Tie it together while I'm holding it up! It's impossible.

Impossible! Okay, we're done.

Uh, he looks different now.

His face is all stretched! Like he's got a stocking over his head! Hey, he seems to like it? Isn't he smiling? Like he's from the Land of Smiles? [Note: Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles.


He isn't! His skin is all lifted! Huh? He's mad? Is he smiling? I can't tell.

I can't read his expression at all.

I guarantee you that he's not smiling! I'm sorry! We'll fix this right away! It's no good, Gin-san! If we let him leave like this, we'll definitely lose our heads! We have to do something! As long as he's satisfied when he leaves, the rest doesn't matter! We just have to get past this situation! We can just throw together something that looks right and run for it! The mage! That's right! The mage! We can force it onto his head and fool him! Uh-oh, Shinpachi! A golden retriever took the mage and ran away! What?! I'll go and get it back! Take care of the rest! Wait, Kagura-chan! Damn it Why won't anything work What do we have to do Hey, Shinpachi.

Gin-san! Th-That What's that mage?! Where did you find it? I didn't find it.

I made it.

What?! We didn't have one so I had to make one.

Wait You made it? That's amazing! I'm impressed, Gin-san! You're like that Waku Waku san!! [Note: Waku Waku san is from "Tsukutte Asobo," an NHK craft show for kids.


We'll just glue it on Okay, all done.

It's perfect, Gin-san! This will work! This should be enough to fool the Shogun Huh? After a closer look Huh? Isn't this mage kind of shrinking? Excuse me.

How did you make this mage? It was growing in the bushes next door.

What kind of bushes are those?! What are you doing?! How can you put something so disgusting on the head of the most important man in this country?! Well, he said that one who leads must understand how those below feel.

Below doesn't mean down there! But doesn't the Shogun like it? Isn't he smiling? I told you already that he isn't smiling! And how long do you intend to keep the Shogun's face stretched like that?! Free him already! I can't decide if he's mad or laughing.

Huh? Something's growing up there.

Hey! He's been infected by something! I'm sorry! We'll fix it right away! This is no good, Gin-san! Use someone else! Isn't there anyone else to use?! Someone else? No choice then.

I'll use Zura's hair down there then Why down there?! Can't you just use the hair on his head?! I'm trying to keep him from finding out.

Using his pubes won't keep him from finding out! Katsura-san's hair is long enough that you can cut some off without him finding out, right?! You're right.

Sorry, Zura.

I'll be taking some of this.

Why from his bangs?! Look at how long it is in the back! Why would you take it from the front?! And it's too late now! You've limited any way to style his hair now! What are you going to do about those bangs?! Ah? This looks weird 'cause there's a little left.

So I just need to cut his bangs off completely.

See? Is he supposed to be Little Lord Fauntleroy?! [Note: Hairstyle for Cedric from "Little Lord Fauntleroy" anime series.


I get it already.

It won't stand out if I shorten it all around.

Huh? Like this? Okay! That isn't Katsura-san anymore! It's Wakame-san! [Note: Wakame is a character from Sazae-san.


Forget it.

I've decided Zura gets a crew cut.

He gave up.

This guy chose a fine time to stop trying! Anyway, back to the mage.

We should be able to fool him with this.

Huh? Well, with hair this silky, we should be able to make something as good as his old one.

Well, isn't it a little too silky? That's not where it goes! Well, I'd feel guilty about leaving him like this.

Since we're also dealing with a Shogun here.

Shogun of what?! And this is no Shogun! It's a Monsieur! [Note: Nickname for a musician, Hiroshi "Monsieur" Kamayatsu.


Well, he won't tap on his geta sandals, but it can still get the job done.

[Note: Geta sandal is from the song by Hiroshi Kamayatsu "To my good friend".


That's not the issue here! Gin-san! Forget the little man and get back to the mage! Hurry! Before he finds out! Hurry! I get it already.

Not there! Where are you making a mage?! Doesn't it look just as good as it did before? Forget about that Shogun already! The one over here! If you don't hurry, we might lose our heads! Gin-chan! Shinpachi! Kagura-chan! I managed to get it back.

Really?! Great job! I'm amazed that you were able to get it back.

I thought we'd never see it again.

It was hard, but I managed somehow.

With this, we should be fine.

Now, put it on the Shogun's head, quick! Here you go.

Huh? What is this? Why is there a mosaic over it? Why does it smell funny? It was so hard.

I had to look all over town for the right size of golden retriever sh- Excuse me.

Do I have to keep waiting? I would expect the shampoo to have permeated my hair by now What? It's awfully noisy.

I had no idea The commoners braid mage under such foul conditions I had no idea I knew nothing at all Reform is needed Edo will have no future if I do not reform barbershops! What was that? I couldn't tell if he was crying or laughing.

Anyway, when am I going to get my hair cut? I've been waiting for a long time.

You too? So have I And so it was that the barbershop received government money to rebuild.

With a magnificent building and barbers from across the land, the place soon became the number one barbershop in Edo.


However, few were aware that three barbers had risked their lives in the shadows to save this shop.

[The End]

Can't sleep Not even a wink.

Not the tiniest bit at all.

In fact, I'm waking up.

Can't sleep The next episode "Sleep Helps a Child Grow.

" I wanna grow.

[I've gotta get up at seven tomorrow]

[I can't sleep at all at this hour.


[See you next time!]
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