03x47 - The Taste Of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x47 - The Taste Of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special

Post by bunniefuu »

Mister, the sun shines above every person.

It gives light to everyone.

Why must you hate me, as well? It shines above you, too I'm sure it'll warm your chilled heart Why must you reject me, as well? So, Mister, don't hate the sun.

Why When I desire you so I am drying up I can see nothing at all A true night, where no light can reach So, even in death, the King of the Night must walk into the night This is This light is Hi-Hinowa ["The Taste of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special"]

I'm finally able to show you I've always wanted to show you this Show you this sky Didn't I tell you? I'd help you make up with the sun.

I always knew No matter how arrogant you may be No matter how cruel you may be You're not the great King of the Night you claimed to be.

This is all you ever wanted, isn't it? A simple old man who just wanted to sleep under the sun.

That was all you wanted, yet you built this foolish city, turning everyone against you What a foolish man Really What a foolish man.

Hey! Bravo! A truly brilliant performance!! Well, not really but I'm truly amazed.

Little flames gathered together and finally b*rned through the chains of the King of the Night, becoming a sun to shine over Yoshiwara, huh? I never expected you to actually defeat the King of the Night.

The long trip was worth it.

It's been a while since I witnessed something this entertaining.

But I doubt this will be enough to change Yoshiwara.

The King of the Night was not the only darkness covering Yoshiwara.

There's us, Harusame, and the Bakufu Central Covert Ops.

Darkness can be found everywhere.

A second or third King of the Night will be born soon enough.

Do you think you can eliminate all of the darkness? Do you truly believe that you can change Yoshiwara? It'll change.

A town changes when its people change.

There may be days when the sun doesn't feel like peeking out from behind the clouds, but their light will never fade again.

Really? You sound pretty confident.

How about fighting with the second King of the Night right now? Kamui! I'm your opponent! I'll fix that twisted attitude of yours! You can't, Kagura-chan! Not in your current condition! Let me go, stupid four-eyes! Stop it, Kagura-chan! This is surprising.

You're still alive? It appears that you've gotten a little tougher.

She's not much of a sister, but do take good care of her.

Make her stronger, will ya? Oh, and you should do some more training too.

Hey, you! I'm the kind of person who saves his favorite part of a meal for the end.

In other words, I've taken a liking to you.

Make sure to heal those wounds.

Well, you probably have a lot to deal with, but don't die.

Until I k*ll you.

See ya, Mr.


Wait, Kamui! Kamui! Well, I'll be damned.

The sun has risen above Yoshiwara.

If that's risen up there, then the King of the Night has sunk below? Who knows.

I have no interest in someone who's lost, Abuto.

Aren't you so critical.

I worked my butt off, you know? After all, I was against a young lady capable of b*ating the King of the Night.

Right, Big Brother? Abuto, you've fallen into your bad habit again.

You were like this when you fought me as well.

I don't mind you treasuring your kind, but losing a fight while holding back your true strength is a disgrace to the Yato.

Your love for the Yato blood has lead you to behave in a way shameful to the Yato.

Like I said.

I have no interest in the weak.

I don't recall holding myself back.

Though I can't deny feeling that it would be a waste to end such talent in a place like this.

It was the same way I felt when I met you, captain.

You siblings fascinate me.

I'm very happy.

Promising youngsters coming one after another.

We've got a bright future ahead of us.

This is your era now.

Us old bunnies will be returning to the moon with the King of the Night.

[This is a reference to the Japanese myth of rabbits living on the moon pounding mochi.


Say? What's going on here? Abuto.

I felt the same way you did.

I became curious of a man's future and couldn't k*ll him.

A man who is truly strong is strong in both body and soul.

This man was far from that.

He had a fragile body and a weak soul bound by worthless beliefs.

Yet that man was able to defeat the King of the Night.

Standing every time he was crushed Overcoming impossible odds And in the end, he survived on the b*ttlefield.

Interesting, isn't it? The universe sure is a big place.

It's still too early for us to call ourselves the strongest.

There were still people in this universe who possessed a totally different form of strength.

The samurai, with a sense of carnage that can rival the Yato.

I can't help but get excited.

He's MY prey.

I won't let anyone else touch him.

Our superiors won't keep quiet once they find out about the changes in Yoshiwara.

Which means those guys won't get away easily.

I'm not very good at negotiating my way through this world.

Abuto, I still need you to stay alive.

So come up with a way to keep our superiors and let the samurai live? Hey, you gotta be kidding me.

Why do I have to work so hard for the sake of some barbarian on this remote planet who isn't one of us? Because you're the one who said that you would open the way to becoming the Pirate King of the universe.

That's different.

Hey, are you listening? Hey, you bonehead! Kamui, you will eventually learn.

When you're old and look back at the path you took, you'll find that our path is empty.

Boss, that's fine with me.

There isn't anything I want.

There isn't any reason for me to look back.

I only see what's ahead.

A new b*ttlefield spreading before my eyes That is what I seek.

I strive to become stronger than any other person.

I move forward to become stronger than anything.

Even if I have nothing left to protect when I get there.

You've found an unbearably hot place to rest.

Serves you right, Hosen.

The prostitutes They wanted to let him sunbathe in the afterlife.

So? What do you want? Was he a pal of yours? Sorry about that.

No, it's just that the more annoying they are So maybe I'll be attending your funeral as well.

Aren't you happy? No, I'll be attending yours.

And making frequent visits.

No, I can top that.

I'll use a jet to visit you.


My jet is faster.

No, my jet has cheaper flights.

It seems you're as crazy as ever.

I didn't expect you to take down Hosen.

Want to try me, the Umi Bozu, next? That's not funny.

We just ganged up on him.

I had no chance on my own.

That's what you think, but my kid apparently doesn't agree.

He's saying that he was the one who k*lled Hosen.

That Hosen's death was a result of the investigation into Yoshiwara.

Harusame shunned Hosen's excessive power.

The credit for the disposal of Hosen gives him total control over Yoshiwara.

But he didn't do anything to Yoshiwara.

Not only that, he didn't send any people either.

He's leaving it completely alone.

That's right.

He has no interest in Yoshiwara.

His interest is in you.

He obtained Yoshiwara so other people wouldn't lay a hand on you all.

In the end, Yoshiwara was saved, but you'll be k*lled.

That so? Tell him thanks if you ever see him.

Kagura wants to save him.

Despite all the badmouthing she does, she wishes for her brother to go back to how he used to be.

Even if the two of you end up facing off, I'm sure What would you do? If he comes after your life in Kagura's presence, what would you do? Earthlings are an odd bunch.

They make a grave for someone they hated.

Where there is hate, there is also love.

We're no good.

Even if there was love, once there is hate, everything turns black.

Back then, I turned black.

And I smeared everything in him with black.

Maybe you could find a different solution.

I've spoken too much.

I've warned you.

As a parent's duty See ya.

Don't die.

Isn't that great? It all worked out in the end.

In any case, Yoshiwara is a peaceful place now.

What the hell worked out, moron?! Those bastards could do whatever they want with this town if they felt like it! And why are they letting us flounder around here?! Are they toying with us?! I'm pissed! Don't worry.

As long as I'm alive, he won't touch this place.

What's that supposed to mean? Well, there you have it.

Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about.

You don't need to.

At any rate, it's fine.

But these people really like to suffer, huh? They should just abandon this town and live on the surface.

All of the prostitutes here were sold when they were innocent children.

They have no idea how to survive on the surface.

Many do not even understand the meaning of freedom.

Hinowa stayed because she couldn't abandon those women.

We intend to build a new Yoshiwara A wonderful town we could show to our children without shame.

So What's exactly changed? The red-light district's gone, while there's been an increase in mas**** parlors and s***lands.

And caba*** clubs and gro**** pubs are quite popular.


Nothing's changed at all! How can you show this to children without being ashamed?! You could never explain what this stuff is! Now, now, now, now.

The problem was that they were being forced to do these things.

Now, they can make their own choices.

No longer limited to kimonos.

There are nurse outfits and miniskirt police uniforms and That's a freedom for you! No no, the chains have been shattered.

They've been released from their chains.

Come on! Hurry it up, you pig! Woof! Why is a pig barking?! I'll k*ll you! Woof! Hey! We've got a person in chains right here! Somebody's choosing to be chained up right here! Hey! Is Seita-kun really okay here?! He's living a normal life, right?! Yeah.

Seita's fine.

He's staying with Hinowa and working at a toy store.

Whew That's a relief.

At least there's a store for kids around here.

That's just an XXX store?! [Adult Toy Store]

Sorry, I'd already expected something like this when I heard the words "toy store.

" I totally saw this coming, you know?! I see.

I'll work harder on the next one.

You don't have to! Are you playing dumb?! Are you making fun of me?! Gin-san! Everyone! Long time no see! You! Stop running towards us sounding like a mobile suit! I've missed you, everyone! I'm going to work hard in this town What's the big idea, brat?! Tsukuyo-san, help! We've got a problem! Gah! Where're you aiming at?! Outta the way, four-eyes! Give me back my first time! So what do you think of our town? It's just like some other town.


It's just like ours.

Vulgar and brutal Gentle and cold Smiles and tears And you've got the sun.

Just a normal town.

Isn't it wonderful? [Yoshiwara is Burning]


It's great.

[Ask Mr.


Ask Mr.

Ginpachi! Uh We have a question from pen name "Off-season Thunderdome.

" "When Kagura's older brother Kamui showed up during a flashback in episode 42, a couple years ago, and also when you could see him from behind in a previous ending sequence, I believe his hair was black.

What is going on here? Was I just imagining things?" You weren't.


UhThe next one is from pen name "Rectal Punch from Hell.

" During the "Yoshiwara Is Burning" arc, which part of Yoshiwara was burning? [Rejected]

[The End]


After the end of this long battle, we had only one thought Yes We want to become stronger! The next episode: "All Adults are Instructors for All Children.

" [People who are further along on their quest for strength than Shinpachi and Kagura appear.


[Starting next week, it's back to business as usual at Odd Jobs Gin.


[See you next time.

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