03x46 - The Color For Each Person's Bond Comes In Various Colors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x46 - The Color For Each Person's Bond Comes In Various Colors

Post by bunniefuu »

Boy, the year's already over, huh? Sure was fast.

I hate how the years go by faster as we get older.

At this rate, by the time I'm an old geezer, the years will pass at the speed of a Formula 1 car.

I've still got a long ways to go.

Well, I'm already up to Ben Johnson speed, I'd say.

My Ben Johnson is already up to here.

[Note: In Japanese, Ben also refers to Poop.

So here Gin is referring to his incontinence.


Don't get too cocky because you're all still young.

Your Ben Johnson will fall behind soon enough.

For real? Ben Johnson's gonna fall out? I prefer Carl Lewis over Ben Johnson.

He's cooler.

Well, all I'm saying is, we all had a pretty good year, right? Hell no! It's still February! And didn't we have the exact same conversation last year?! That's 'cause this whole segment was recycled.


Not just the lines, but also the video's the same too.

That's even more of a half-assed job! They've been working hard on this anime.

But you know Once we got into the Yoshiwara arc, it's been battle after battle every week.

Not that I really mind since it's all cool like a real JUMP anime, but the staff was like "If we don't throw in a little break, we're going to go over budget.

" I keep telling you Stop talking about money on TV.

I mean, it's ridiculous to ask for the same number of battles as "XXX" when we only have half the budget.

Our budget was set on the premise that there would be loads of talking.

We're in our fourth year while running the original production costs, and we're still using a 4:3 aspect ratio.

That's perfect for our piece of crap TV.

We live in a time where there's Hi-Vision and Blu-ray.

[Note: Hi-Vision is the Japanese equivalent to Hi-Def.


Who makes anime that isn't 16:9 these days? Hold it, did you just say "our fourth year"? Wasn't this show supposed to end in March? Season 3 ends in March.

And then Season 4 starts in April.

Man, I was hoping for something like "Mito Komon" where every time a season ended, [Note: These terms refers to classic Samurai TV shows that have a break between seasons.


they threw in "Ohoka Echizen" or "Edo wo Kiru" until the next season started.

If we alternated like that, we could get up to thirty-nine seasons Like hell, we could! And did you all trick me?! You're telling me that whole "Final Chapter" crap was really Season 3?! What kind of series finale scam is this?! Anyone would be fooled!! Our "Mito Komon style production" plan failed.

And here we carefully planned out this anime to be a long-running series under the assumption that the manga would run for over three decades! Besides, thanks to you guys falling for this kind of marketing covers, and buying all our DVDs, our original plan got all screwed!! Hey! Hey!! HEY!!! Who the hell are you complaining to?! Stop buying DVDs, people.

And so, since our plan for a long-running series with a short break every season has failed, the Gin Tama anime will take an alternate route in its fourth year! Alternate route? When an anime catches up to a manga that's still running, it must take a roundabout path to stay within reach of the manga before it can rejoin the manga.

However, there are a number of risks.

The anime could buy enough time for the manga to move on, only to be canceled.

Or the manga ends right when the anime's about to rejoin.

Or the anime and manga rejoin too early, and the anime has to diverge again in no time.

Or in the process of diverging, the characters or setting in the anime become so different, that they can never rejoin again.

Well, that's when they shamelessly remake the anime from the beginning again.

Or they use the same characters to make a totally different anime.

But Gin Tama doesn't have that big of a storyline.

Wouldn't it be hard to make an alternative route? Yeah, what kind of alternative route is Gin Tama going to use? That would be That would be? That would be We bought ourselves four minutes today.

We won't let you go to the control room! Damn! One hand short! Good job, Shinpachi! Hurry! I'm sure it's right up ahead! ["The Color for Each Person's Bond Comes in Various Colors"]

Go!! Don't give him time to fight back.

Don't let him breathe.

There won't be another chance If I don't finish him here, I'll lose.

It ends here! This is The end! B-Bastard Youbastard!! Is this it?! Seita-kun! Hurry! [Unlock]

I can also We must fight.

We must fight from inside the cage.

If we don't smash through this cage, we'll never obtain true freedom.

Let me fight to the end, Seita.

Fight!! Fire! We finallydid it! We defeated Hosen We finally defeated the King of the Night! We're free! Now Yoshiwara is We arefree! Not yet! G-Gintoki! Weak! Weak!! You can assemble as many faint rays of light as you want.

You still won't be able to dry out the King of the Night! You cannot light up this dark night! I-Impossible! After all that, he's still?! You're nothing like the sun.

A frail light, like a candle that can be extinguished with a mere blow.

That's what you all are! You should have stayed chained to me with eyes of despair.

Though I never expected that you are flames to reignite from the remains of a fire once extinguished by us.

I must destroy the source of the fire, that dim light of yours! Hold it.

That's enough.

My life is enough.

Save that flare of yours, for your cigarettes tomorrow.

Is that your so-called "Bushido"? How honorable of you.

Offering your own life in exchange for forgiving those women? A futile effort.

Once I'm finished with you, the women are next.

They won't be extinguished, none of them will.

Even if they're frail candles, if you gather enough, it can still illuminate the darkness.

Even if some are extinguished, as long as one remains lit, the rest can be re-lit.

You can't blow out my flame.

It's useless, no matter how hard you blow.

I have a special lighter with me.

I've got a lighter that can never be extinguished.

As long as I have them, I'll burst back into flames every time you blow them out.

WhWhat?! This! This light is!! Someone like you can never blow out our flame! What's with this shaking?! Look! Someone like you can never blow out our flame! Someone like you can never extinguish this light! Th-This is This light is! It can't be?! Th-The sun!! My blood is My flesh is My soul is drying up! Go! Gin-san!! Burn off the chains of the King of the Night!! Hey, Mister.

Why are you using an umbrella when it's so sunny? Why? Hey! How dare you speak to Lord Hosen like that?! I am terribly sorry, Lord Hosen.

She's just a country girl who knows nothing.

Please forgive her.

Come on, let's go.

Poor thing.

You can't even look at such a beautiful sky.

Hey, Mister.

Why do you live underground? Do you hate the sun that much? Or does the sun hate you? What are you doing, you idiot?! I'm so sorry, Lord Hosen.

Come on, let's go! Mister, you shouldn't fight with the sun! Stupid brat! I see you're working hard.

L-Lord Hosen.

You're What did she do this time? W-Well, she Show me what you're hiding behind your back.

I'm terribly sorry! She insisted on giving this to you.

[For Mister]

Mister Bear with that for now, okay? But I'm sure that one day, I'll help you and the sun make up.

Fawning upon the man who took you from your family to sell you off.

If you can do that with your customers, you have a future here.

It doesn't matter who you are.

Mister, the sun shines above every person.

It gives light to everyone.

It shines above you, too I'm sure it'll warm your chilled heart.

So, Mister, don't hate the sun.

My sworn enemy After all these years, you still haven't changed.

You still look down on the King of the Night from high above.

Indeed So aggravating Yet What a beautiful sight How pitiful people are.

They always yearn for what they don't have.

They always reach out to what can't be reached.

What does the King of the Night lack? That would be light.

Boss, you didn't dry up because of the sun.

You were thirsty for the sun.

As you shunned and hated it more than anyone else, you envied and yearned for it more than anyone else.

To the sun we could never obtain Not to live on the cold b*ttlefield, but under a warm sun.

To the undying light within their eyes.

Hence, you dragged the women who had taken that light into your own night, into this land of eternal night.

And when that light still wouldn't fade, you could only hate, and love.

Love? Where did you learn such a word? Kamui, you know more than anyone that I have no such emotion.

If you're walking down the same path as me.

Kamui, you are just like me.

A person who only knows how to fight.

You take everything you want by force.

You hold down everything you dislike by force.

You can only express love and hate through fighting.

Kamui, you will eventually learn.

When you're old and look back at the path you took, you'll find that our path is empty.

Even when you find something you truly desire, you lack the arms to hold it.

You can only sink your claws into it.

The more you try to bring it closer, the deeper your claws sink in.

The more you reach out for them, the further away they go.

Mister, the sun shines above every person.

It gives light to everyone.

Why must you hate me, as well? It shines above you, too I'm sure it'll warm your chilled heart Why must you reject me, as well? So, Mister, don't hate the sun.

Why When I desire you so I am drying up I can see nothing at all A true night, where no light can reach So, even in death, the King of the Night must walk into the night This is This light is Hi-Hinowa [Preview]

I was finally able to show you I've wanted to show you this for the longest time Show you this sky [The next episode: "The Taste of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special.


[Finally, next week]

[The Yoshiwara Shangri-La Arc draws to a close.


[See you next time.

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