03x41 - Beware Of Those Who Use An Umbrella On A Sunny Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x41 - Beware Of Those Who Use An Umbrella On A Sunny Day

Post by bunniefuu »

That's Th-That scar They enforce Yoshiwara's laws and punish all who resist.

The Hyakka.

She's the leader, and the most powerful guard in Yoshiwara.

I am Tsukuyo.

Why?! Why are we being att*cked by the defense force?! I-I don't know! This isn't the time! Get Seita out of here now! Shinpa- My target is you! Yo! Gin Sorry for the wait.

U-Umm Excuse me, Gin-san.

You got stabbed.

By what? Well You were definitely stabbed just now.

Are you alright? What are you talking about? I wasn't stabbed by anything.

See? Well, you're You're covered in blood, so please don't push yourself.

Are you really alright? I'm telling you I wasn't stabbed.

This is you know I got grazed, and it bled a little.

I definitely wasn't stabbed.

No but I'm telling you I wasn't stabbed! Do you really want me to get stabbed that much? Fine, I got it.

Then let's just say I was stabbed! Even though I wasn't actually stabbed! No, you really were stabbed.

Don't push your luck! The one who was stabbed is saying he wasn't stabbed! So let's just say I wasn't stabbed! You just admitted it.

You know you should really read the situation around you.

Just let this one slip.

Just pretend I wasn't stabbed.

It'll make me look really bad.

I even posed like I had just deflected all the att*cks.

This is totally embarrassing! Damn I'm too embarrassed to even turn around.

Are they laughing? Is everyone laughing at me? Is everything alright? Yes, everything's alright.

You were able to strike down all of the sh*ts in my att*ck, who are you? She's trying to help me out! She's pretending that I struck them all down! She's a good kid! She's definitely a good kid! att*ck? Sorry about that.

I thought those kunai were just taking a stroll.

How about it? Instead of these dangerous things, how about I use something better to sta- Oh damn She got my hand too! They saw it! They must have seen it! You didn't strike them all down at all! You got stabbed all over the place! This is bad.

What should I do? They're laughing at me.

They're laughing at me, right? That's it.

I'm going home.

I'm going to the hospital.

Please, just calm down.

It's embarrassing because you acted like you deflected everything.

Let's just pretend that you were using your body to shield Seita-kun.

I'm impressed that you would use your body to shield the kid.

Who are you? She was listening to us! She's going along with our plan! She's a good kid! She really is a good kid! Your att*ck was something else.

It took all my strength just to shield him.

Oi! Are you alright, Seita? Seita kun? No way You're kidding! S-Seita Seita! Gin-san! This! Look! He was totally stabbed! You came here to save us, but he got stabbed anyway! What the hell did you come here for?! You bastards You bastards! I hope you're all prepared to die! He's blaming them! He's pretending to be angry so that he can blame them! Umm Umm Excuse me, I saw the whole thing.

Umm Before, when that guy came to help, one of the kunai that got deflected stabbed him.

Uh I saw it too.

Me too.

Me too.

If that kunai wasn't deflected, it wouldn't have hit him.

Then it's as if that man k*lled him.

Gin-san? Hey Gin-san! You bastards You bastards! I hope you're all prepared to die! He's pretending that whole conversation never happened and re-edited the scene! You shall also fall prey to my kunai.

You will soon be joining the kid I k*lled.

She's trying to help me so much! She's taking the blame all by herself! She's a good person! She really is a good person! Wait Please stop helping me.

I'll feel like crying if you're this kind to me.

What the hell are you talking about?! I'm not helping you.

Had I not thrown those kunai, none of this would've happened.

Regardless of how it happened, ultimately, I started it.

I k*lled him.

Please stop.

I understand how you feel, but I k*lled him.

Why are you two consoling each other?! You're both enemies! I said that I k*lled him.

No, it was me! No, it was me! It was me! Me! Me! G-Gin-san! I took care of all of them.

Go report to Housen-sama accordingly.

I'll clean up here.

Oi! Get up.

If you don't move it, I'm going to use a real kunai on you.

We're still alive? There are people guarding the gate, so you should escape through here.

It'll take you a day and a half, but you should eventually reach the surface.

Get out of here quickly! If you come back again, I'll k*ll you for real.

You sent your subordinates away and put up an act to let us escape? Why would you, the leader of the Hyakka, do that? I am the guard of Yoshiwara.

I eliminate any problematic elements in Yoshiwara.

That is all.

Sorry, but we can't just disappear like this, and we don't intend to let you k*ll us either.

I'm only here to meet my mother, to meet Hinowa.

That's all! Then I advise you to leave all the more.

The one who asked me to let you guys off is none other than Hinowa herself.

Mother did? Mother knows about me? She knows that I'm here? Housen, the owner of Yoshiwara, is afraid of letting you come into contact with Hinowa.

Stay here, and you will lose your life.

Why? What reason does he have to stop a mother and her son from meeting? Because Hinowa may then try to escape from Yoshiwara.

Just like when she tried to escape with you when you were still a baby eight years ago.

With me Twenty years ago, due to the w*r between the samurai and the Amantos, Yoshiwara was razed to the ground.

However, the Amanto were interested in its potential profit and colluded with the Bakufu to secretly resurrect it underground, creating the Yoshiwara Tougenkyou.

Because of its secret connections with the Central Administration, it is ignored by the Bakufu and allowed to operate under its own jurisdiction.

Naturally, it became a place infested with the rich and powerful indulging themselves.

In other words, it is a breeding ground of corruption.

Any courtesan knows at least one or two of the country's most confidential secrets.

Because of this, the women who arrive are never allowed to see the Sun again.

Once they arrive here, they're treated like commercial entities.

They are bound to this cavern and are exploited until they become useless.

Those that are no longer of any value are just thrown away.

Those who try to escape are k*lled.

This place is not called the land of everlasting night solely due to its rotten reputation.

I only understood this once I was sold here.

For us, the dawn of hope will never arrive.

We can only live a life of endless despair in an everlasting night.

However in the depths of this despair, amongst the women with lifeless eyes, there was one woman who had a different feel to her.

You're the apprentice from Kamekichi's place, right? Did you argue with that woman again? She's a woman that loves to take out her anger on anyone around her.

I know you can't stand her, but if you keep making her angry, you might die, you know! Even children won't receive any mercy here.

You keep getting bullied because you always have that brazen look on your face.

You have an adorable face, give me a smile! What is it that you couldn't stand? Just let her k*ll me if she wants.

In this prison, I'll end up a lifeless husk like the rest of you anyway.

Instead of ending up as some guy's merchandise, I'd rather be k*lled.

Prison, eh? You think you'd be free if you were above ground? With your outlook, you would never be free no matter where you went.

After all, humans are locked in a prison known as Earth.

Whether you're above or below ground makes no difference.

It's just a question of wide or narrow.

People who feel that the prison is too narrow and can't take it will never be free.

Theirs would be a life just watching the cell bars.

In order to truly be caged, you have to set up a prison inside your own heart.

If you have the energy to whine about dying or whatnot, why not fight it out in this very cell, against yourself, that is.

But if there's one less noisy monkey around, you might end up realizing that this cell is pretty spacious.

That woman's eyes were not lifeless.

Oi, have you heard? A fight broke out between two prostitutes in the streets! Hinowa picked a fight with Kamekichi.

She's b*at up pretty badly! Oh, scary! What was it about this time? What is it that pissed them off? Hell if I know.

Who knows what goes on in those prostitutes' heads Wait.

If you bring food to the detention cell, you'll get reprimanded too.

Don't be mistaken.

This is the stuff you left behind yesterday.

The rice balls that you made tasted so bad I couldn't eat it.

I'm just returning what belongs to you.

I'm not doing anything wrong.

Is that so? I don't recall my rice balls being this good.

Can you come over and help feed them to me? I can't use my hands.

Can I? I don't mind.

Apprentices are supposed to serve courtesans anyway.

From today onwards, I'll be your big sister.

I was in the darkness of the everlasting night, but I found a miniature sun.

Not just me, it was the same for the other lifeless women.

When they saw her radiant smile, they too naturally begin to smile.

Not long after, that small sun grew and eventually illuminated all of Yoshiwara.

That's right, that is Hinowa.

I cut my face and gave up my right to live as a woman not because I disliked becoming a courtesan, nor because I wanted to become a Hyakka to protect Yoshiwara.

It was to protect Hinowa.

And Seita You are the existence that Hinowa protected with her life.

Giving birth in Yoshiwara means that both mother and child are to be k*lled.

In spite of that, you were born unto this world.

If she escapes from Yoshiwara, no matter where she runs to, she will be found and dealt with.

In spite of that, she still brought you up to the surface.

The child's not here.

Look's like the child's been handed over to someone else.

k*ll me.

From the moment I held that child, I've been mentally prepared.

It's unfortunate but I can't let you off the hook just yet.

You shall suffer in that hell until the day you die.

After all, you still have plenty of value to me.

I'm not joking around! I shall be your puppet no longer! You still don't get it? Everything depends on you! I'm willing to let a mere child go.

But I'm also willing to search under the bridge and k*ll that old geezer and the kid.

Now what is it going to be? Just as Hinowa illuminated the everlasting night for us, To Hinowa you are a special existence, Seita.

The Sun cannot shine without clear skies.

I cannot allow you to die here.

Go home.

If you die, Hinowa's suffering will all have been in vain.

Oi, we really appreciate your concern, but it looks like it's too late.

An umbrella? Don't tell me That's T-That That umbrella is A Yato? Why? Why are there Yato clan members here? Looks like the escape route you prepared for us is already under their control.

No He's not Housen's subordinate.

He's Hand the brat over.

Hand that brat over to me.

G-Gin-chan, this is bad.

That guy gives me a very bad feeling.

The stench of blood He's covered in the smell of the blood of countless people.

The smell of a true Yato.

Why is he here? Hurry! Nows your chance! Run! Tsukuyo-san! From below?! Gin-chan! There are two Yato?! Dammit! Let me go! Seita! Move.

Get out of the way.

I already told you I don't give a damn about weaklings! Bro- Kagura! Gin-san! Everybody! I think we went overboard.

We're gonna get yelled at by that annoying geezer.

It's fine.

Master Housen holds the courtesans of higher value than this city.

If we bring him the kid, I'm sure he'll be in a better mood.

And besides, if you don't go this far, she won't die.

Hmm? You know one of them? No.

It's none of my business anymore.

Is everyone alright? Kagura! Hang in there! Oi, Kagura! Seita-kun was taken by those guys Who were they? Most likely, they're from Harusame.

Harusame?! You mean the Harusame space pirates?! They're more than just drug traffickers.

We've fought them before! During the Benizakura incident, they cooperated with the Kiheitai against Katsura-san's group.

Although many of the prostitutes in Yoshiwara were sold off by their parents, there are many more who end up in Yoshiwara as victims of human trafficking.

The Harusame space pirates have established their interest in this place since long ago.

No it's much more than mere interest Yoshiwara's owner, Night King Housen, was a former high-ranking official of Harusame.

Night King Housen.

He's called this not only because of his lordship over the land of everlasting night.

The clan forsaken by the Sun The ones who live in the shadows The one controlling them The one controlling the shadows The Night King Housen, is the man who was once known as the King of the Yato.

The King of the Yato?! Amongst the countless Yato warriors, the Night King was one of the most powerful.

He could even go up against the strongest assassin, Umibouzu.

Against that baldy.

Looks like we're messing with some kind of monster.

G-Gin-chan Kagura-chan! The really dangerous one isn't him.

The baldy has a son.

He's my moron of a brother! To be continued A mutiny? Kamui, you don't believe in hierarchies.

You only believe in the difference between the strong and the weak.

You would even bare your fangs against your master.
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