01x11 - Episode 11

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "All of Us Are Dead". Aired: January 28, 2022 - present.*
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Trapped students must escape their high school which has become ground zero for a zombie virus outbreak.
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01x11 - Episode 11

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]


[suspenseful music]

Oh, Dad.


[emotional music]

[On-jo sobs]


Let me see you.

-[zombies growling]
-[Su-hyeok] Get out!

[students panting]



[sighs in annoyance]
Damn it.

Not here.

Who are you?

How did you get in?

[Gwi-nam] I heard something.

I thought it was in here.

Out of my way.

[door shuts]

Where were you? Is it okay there?

It's okay everywhere. I love it.

The school is heaven.

-[Gwi-nam] Later.
-Where are you going?

You'll die if you go out.

[Min-jae] Don't go out, assh*le!
Do as I say.

[tense music]

Are you hungry?


[foreboding music]



I'm starving.


I'm full right now.

So you get to live.


-[Gwi-nam] Count yourself lucky.

-[Min-jae coughs]

What is that smell?

[panting, coughing]

[grunts, gasps]

Why do you smell like them?

What? What do you smell?

Let go of me.

You were with Cheong-san, weren't you?

Who's that?

-Where is he?
-What are you talking about?

You wanna know?


[So-ju] Are you okay?

Are you hurt, On-jo?

What took you so long?

I kept waiting for you.

[emotional music]


And you kids, are you okay?

[breathes heavily]





Mr. Nam.

[birds chirping]

[breathes heavily]

Okay. Are you all able to run?


[So-ju] Good.

Okay. If you go straight
through the tennis courts

and pass the construction site,
you'll hit the mountain.

-[So-ju] If you cross the mountain…
-[zombies growling]

-[So-ju] …and get to Yangdong--
-[zombies growling]

Mr. Nam!

[tense music]

[zombie growling]

Dad, no!


[So-ju grunts]

-[bone cracks]


Kids. Run!


[zombies growling]


[Hari] Hurry!

[So-ju] Come on.

Run! Go! Run!

To the tennis courts!

[zombies growling]

[Dae-su] Hurry up!

[all panting]

[So-ju] Go! Go! Get in.

Get in.


[So-ju grunts]

-Get in! Get in!
-[zombie growling]

-[So-ju grunts]
-[zombies growling]

[So-ju] Run!

Hey, hey, hey. Wait.

[zombies growling]


[shrieks, groans]

[Dae-su] We can't go out there.
We can't go anywhere.

-[Wu-jin] What should we do, Dae-su?
-[Mi-jin] Damn it.

[Wu-jin] What do we do?

[zombies growling]

[all panting]

[metal clanks]

-[Dae-su] Oh, shit!
-[On-jo] What now?

[zombies growling]

[tense music continues]


-[zombies growling]

[Cheong-san and Su-hyeok grunting]

[tense music]

[fire whooshes]

[Su-hyeok] Step back.

Let's go.

[Hyo-ryeong] Hurry.


[zombies growling]


Take On-jo with you.

But why?

Dad, where are you going?

Dad. Dad!

-[So-ju blows whistle]

[blows whistle]

[zombie growling]

Dad, no!

Dad, come back!

[tense music continues]

[fire whooshes]



Dad, come back!


Get out! Get out now!

Get out!




[Cheong-san] Mr. Nam!

Go. Go! Get out!

[Ha-ri] Hurry. Go.

[metal clanks]

[emotive music]

Why are you?


On-jo, look at me.

-[So-ju] Go.

Run! Go.



[So-ju] Go!


-On-jo! Go…


[munching, growling]


Go, On-jo!


-[zombies munching]
-[So-jo grunts]

[On-jo] Dad!


[somber music]

-[all panting]
-[Ha-ri grunts]


[Su-hyeok] Hurry!

[zombie growling]

[students panting]


[Dae-su gasps]

Why, why, why?

[all breathing heavily]

[foreboding music]


-[Nam-ra] Go upstairs. Go!

[Dae-su] Hurry! To the second floor!

-[Mi-jin] Hurry!

[tense music]


[Dae-su] Where do we go?

[tense music continues]

[Wu-jin] There's no way out. It's blocked.

[Dae-su] There's nothing here.

Go through this way!

-Can we go?
-Let's go out this way.

Get back.

Hurry up.



[breathing heavily]


[Su-hyeok] Careful.

[all panting]

-Stay away from the edge.


-Here. Come here.

Don't make any noise.

[zombie growling]

[object clatters]



[birds chirping]

[breathes shakily]

On-jo! Go!



[breathes shakily]

[dramatic music]

[breathes shakily]

-[On-jo whimpering]




[zombies growling]


[muffled sob]

[dramatic music continues]

[muffled sob]





[On-jo sobs]

[emotional music]

[On-jo sobs]


-[On-jo sobs]
-It's okay.

Just cry.

[Byeong-chan] It's better to just die.



This virus changes
a person into a different being.

The person I loved

becomes a monster.

You can forget someone who dies…

but it's hard to forget someone
who has changed.


[zombie growling]


[Byeong-chan crying]

[emotive music]


[zombies growling]

To think that's the very last image
of the people…

I loved the most.

[growls, snarls]


[foreboding music]




Remember now?

I don't know anyone
named Cheong-san, you freak.

Everyone went to the assembly hall,
and I got out by myself.

The hall?

I don't know who Cheong-san is.


We went with some juniors. That's all.

That means the others are still there.


[breathes shakily]

[Min-jae whimpering]

[Gwi-nam] You're f*cking brave.

[foreboding music continues]

You'd better run.

Or I'll eat you.

[tense music]




[tense music continues]


[croaks, gasps]

[Min-jae snarls]

I told you to run. Why didn't you listen?

[birds chirping]

[music fades]

[blows air]


Damn it. Nothing is working out.

We keep hitting dead ends.

Would you just be quiet?

It's your fault Joon-yeong died.

Dae-su. Don't.

If you hadn't bitched at him
and just shut up,

he would never have jumped out there.

Okay. It is my fault. Happy?

Are you happy, assh*le?

You give it a rest too.


What does it matter who's responsible
for someone's death?

[Wu-jin] What does living
and dying even mean?

I don't know.

If we make it out,
will it really be living?

Hey, you know our friends died.

And our parents too.

What's the point?

[Mi-jin] Do you wanna die?

Then will you die?

Try being a senior.

Then you'll really wanna die.

Yeah, big deal, you're a senior.

You try being one.
You'll see what it's like.

You kids.

You better survive till next year
and see what it's like being seniors.

[Mi-jin] Survive until next year
and tell me which is harder,

zombies or senior year.

[Ha-ri] Hey.

[birds chirping]

Your father, he…

He saved all of our lives, you know.

[emotional music]

I'll never forget what he did.

None of us ever will.

[birds chirping]

If many people remembered someone,

that person…

is sure to go to heaven.

[sniffles, sobs]

[birds chirping]

[emotional music continues]


Let's go.

Where? Why?

Let's look for a good spot
where we can jump off.

We're the oldest.

Sure. Whatever.

It's not like we get any respect.

I'll go this way. You go that way.

She's so cool.


I'll go.

Stay down, kid.

It's okay.


You little…

Get away.

[Su-hyeok sighs]

-[zombie growling]
-Oh, shit.

[exhales sharply]

[wind whooshing]

I hope no one steps up anymore.

[somber music]

Whatever ends up happening…

I hope no one sacrifices themselves.

It's too hard living for someone.

When there's nothing
you can do for them at all.

It's like you have
to live extra heart for them.

It's too selfish.

You can't die and…

if you don't have the courage to live.


talk a little later, okay?

Tomorrow or the next day.
Or maybe even next week.

Let's eat, take a bath
and then we can talk about it.

That's what we agreed to do, right?

[somber music continues]

That side.


You probably don't remember.


Cheong-san, hold on.

[reflective piano music]

Is it better like this?

Or like this?

Look close. Like this? Or like this?

That side is better.


What do you mean by that?

I'll tell you tomorrow.

[birds chirping]

[foreboding music]

[Wu-jin] Cheong-san.



[zombies growling]

[Joon-yeong growling]

That moron became a zombie.





[foreboding music continues]



[ominous music]


[ominous music continues]

-[low tone playing on speaker]

Watch as we raised the frequency to kHz.

-[high-pitched tone playing on speaker]



-[high-pitched tone on speaker]
-[Jae-jun growling]


Based on tests
that we ran previously in Hyosan,

they respond most at kHz.

-[high-pitched tone playing on speaker]

[suspenseful action music]

[military advisor]
Let's begin the briefing.

We plan to emit sounds using drones

to lure the infected
into target locations.

[military advisor] This will allow us
to maximize the resulting impact

with minimal expl*si*n.

The targets…

Hyosan Intersection, the sports complex,

Hyosan High, Hyosan Future College.

A total of four.

Expected damage.

Out of , residents,
are in various quarantine camps.

Sixty thousand casualties estimated.

[chief of staff] Among them,
we estimate , are infected

and , are uninfected or asymptomatic.

We'll send soldiers after the expl*si*n
to evacuate whoever is left.

Play the evacuation warning nonstop
until the explosions are detonated.

[Nam-ra breathes heavily]



[ominous music]


[grunts, breathes heavily]

[Nam-ra] Eat him.

It's okay. Eat him.

[raspy breathing]

I'm hungry.


-[Nam-ra] I'm hungry.


[munching, muffled grunting]

[Nam-ra whimpering]

[breathes heavily]

[Nam-ra whimpering]

[foreboding music]

It's okay.

It's not okay.

Yes, it is.

If it happens again,

bite me instead.

[emotive music]


-If you bite me, I'll end up like you.

[breathes heavily]

[metal clanks]

[suspenseful music]

[Wu-jin] I really think that
that's the only way out.

No. It drops into
the basement on that side,

and there are exposed steel bars.

No way we can jump.

That side faces the school,
so there's no point trying it.

The ground is filled with zombies,
we'll die if we go down.

There's a door on the first floor
that leads to the mountain.

We have to go that way.

But it's full of zombies in there.

[birds chirping]

Can't we reach the roof
if we use that and the windows?

If someone goes to the roof and screams,
the zombies will follow them.

Then I'm pretty sure it'll empty out
in there, and the rest can escape.

I think it can work.


-If that's the only way--
-I said no.

Please stop sacrificing yourselves.

Yeah, I agree with you.

We said we'd all survive together.

Me too.

I feel the same.

I'm with you guys too.


Then we should just wait for now.

And then what?

Do you have a plan?

Maybe if it rains again,
they won't be able to hear us.

Who knows when it's gonna rain?

[sighs, groans]

Don't worry. My knees are throbbing.
It's gonna rain soon.

You'll see.

It's way too clear.

[birds chirping]


[Nam-ra] Hear that?


They're saying to take cover.

[foreboding music]

Who is?

[pilot] This is a public announcement.

expl*sives will be detonated
at the sports complex,

Hyosan High School, Future College,
and Hyosan Intersection.

If you hear this, take shelter
in subways and underground garages.

We need to take cover.
There will be explosions.

What do you mean explosions?

Are you sure about that?

[Nam-ra] Hyosan Intersection,
Future College…


…and also our school will be blown up.

Hey, are those f*cking soldiers
gonna sh**t missiles at us?

When is it gonna happen?

I can't really tell.

They're just saying to evacuate right now.

Shit. Where are they expect us to go, huh?

When are they gonna b*mb
this whole place, huh?

[Seon-moo] Initiate operation.


[door whirring]


[drones whirring]

[drones whirring]

Activate the sound.

-[high-pitched tone from drones]

[drone swooshes]

[drone swooshing]

Send in all the drones.


-[drone swooshes]

[drone swooshes]


[drone swooshes]

[tense music]

-[window glass shatters]

[high-pitched tone]

[drones hovering]

[drone hisses, swooshes]




Won't we all die if we just stay here?

Do they say where to flee to?

They say that we should hide underground.


What if they drop a nuclear b*mb?

Korea doesn't have nukes.
What are you saying?


They're gonna blow up our school.

Where are we supposed to take cover?
There's nowhere to hide.

[Gwi-nam screams]

[Hyo-ryeong] What?

[metal clanks]

It's Gwi-nam.

That assh*le never dies.

Who's that?

Maybe we heard wrong?

It's quiet now.

[suspenseful music]

[ominous music]

-Here you are.

-[Mi-jin] What the hell?

[Cheong-san grunts]




Cheong-san! No!

[Mi-jin grunting]

-[On-jo] Cheong-san!

[drones swooshing]

-[drone swooshing]

[window glass shattering]


[drones swooshing]

-[high-pitched tone from drone]

-[high-pitched tone from drone]

-[high-pitched tone from drone]


-[high-pitched tone from drone]


-[high-pitched tone from drone]

[drones swooshing]

-[Mi-jin] No.


[On-jo] Cheong-san!


[Cheong-san grunting]

[Mi-jin] Help! Hurry!

Come on. Shit.


[Cheong-san grunting]

-[Cheong-san screams]


-[Gwi-nam munching]

[Cheong-san screams]



-[high-pitched tone]
-[Gwi-nam grunting]

[high-pitched tone from drone]

-[high-pitched tone from drone]


[high-pitched tone from drone]

-[metal clanks]


Sir, they've all arrived at the targets.


Let me confirm the order, sir.

Fire now!

[tense music]

[breathes heavily]


[somber music]

It's okay.

It's not what you think. It's okay.

Do you hear me?

Don't do it.

[On-jo] You're going to be fine.


No one's dying.

Not here. Not today.

I just…

Just don't say anything.

Let's talk tomorrow, okay? Mm-hmm?



[emotional music]


You hold on to it for me.

And I'll hold onto this.



[birds chirping]

[emotional music continues]

[On-jo whimpering]

[emotional music building]

Su-hyeok, go to the first floor.


[foreboding music]


All of you.

Come after to me!

Today I am…

[zombies growling]

…the happiest guy in this school!

[zombies growling]





Come on, everyone. This is it.

We have to go.

Nam-ra, let's go.

-Come on.

Can you climb up?

Okay. Come down.


-[zombies growling]
-[Cheong-san screaming] Hey!

-[Cheong-san screaming] Hey!
-[zombies growling]


[all panting]

[Cheong-san screaming]

-[Mi-jin] Hurry. Hurry, hurry.
-[Wu-jin] Let's go faster. Come on.

-[zombies growling]
-[Cheong-san screaming] Hey!






[Gwi-nam grunting]

[Gwi-nam screaming]

[Cheong-san panting]

[zombies growling]

[suspenseful music]

[metal clanks]



[zombies growling]



[metal clanking]

Come at me now.

All of you!


[all panting]

[tense music]

[raspy breathing]

[exhales sharply]



[all panting]

[Su-hyeok] Come on, come on.

[Mi-jin] Go, go, go.

[metal clanks]

[groans, pants]

[foreboding music]

[Gwi-nam breathes deeply]

[Gwi-nam raspy breathing]

[Gwi-nam] You know,

I thought it was gonna be super fun
to k*ll you.


But not anymore.

I'll k*ll you even if it isn't fun.

Stop acting tough.

What do you think? You look cool?

Nobody thinks that way.

You're just scared
because you'll get caught

for k*lling the principal.

[Gwi-nam breathes heavily]

You're still a coward and a loser.

[dramatic music]

[metal clanks]


[dramatic music continues]

I have nothing to fear.

I'm not scared of you, either.

[foreboding music]


[metal pierces flesh]

[both grunting]




[both panting]


[groans, pants]




[both grunt]

[tense music]



I'll gouge out your eye.


-[Gwi-nam laughing]

-[Cheong-san screaming]


-[smacks lips]
-[Cheong-san screaming]

[smacks lips]





Run away.


I'll let you live if you run.

[thrilling music]

[suspenseful music]

-[zombies growling]
-[high-pitched tone from drones]

[drones swooshing]

-[zombies growling]
-[high-pitched tone from drones]

-[dramatic music]
-The Sports complex. Bombing complete.

Hyosan Intersection. Bombing complete.

[drone hovering]

[m*ssile swooshes]

[chief of staff]
Future College. Bombing complete.

[m*ssile swooshes]



[croaks, growl]

[m*ssile swooshes]

[croaking, growling]

-[all gasp]
-[Dae-su] Ah, shit.


[glass shatters]


[fire roars]

[Gwi-nam whimpering]

[both screams]

[dramatic music playing]

[all screaming]


[metal clanks]

Are you okay?



[somber music]

[chief of staff] Commander.

Commander. Operation, complete.

Sure. Okay.

Send in the troops in the early morning
to take care of the rest.

You're in charge now, officer.

You want me to?

You'll do a good job.


I need a sleep.

I've been up for too long.

[somber music continues]

[somber music]

You're here to chat?

Or you came to watch?

I came to tell you,
Hyosan was bombed last night.

What was that?

Forty percent of the population
of Hyosan has perished.

[breathes shakily]

You're a m*rder*r.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

[Seon-moo sighs]

[Seon-moo] I thought about it.

Could anyone…

offered comfort to the people
of Hyosan now?

That is why I came to see you.

Please tell the people of Hyosan…

that I'm truly sorry.

[somber music continues]

[somber music]



[somber music]

[clicks, whirs]

[somber music continues]

This morning,

I watched the final video
of Lee Byeong-chan,

the man who created the virus in his lab.

[zombie growling]

He tried to save his wife and son

who had already been infected
by the virus,

but he failed.

What he did was his last resort.


[Byeong-chan] Jin-su.




[Byeong-chan crying]
Please stop!

I respect the decision he made.


Lee Byeong-chan was a father
and a husband.

I'm sure he couldn't k*ll anyone.

However, I am a soldier.

So today,

I ordered the bombing
of the city of Hyosan.

No one else has instructed me to attack.

No one ordered me to do anything.

It was my decision and mine alone
as the martial law commander.

I take full responsibility.

[dramatic music]

[breathes deeply]

[dramatic music continues]


[Seon-moo] Hi, it's me.

Did you eat?

Look at the time.

How come you haven't eaten dinner yet?

And the kids?


It's not a big deal
if they miss school a few times.

Better to stay healthy, right?


Well, I guess
we can just look for a tutor.


It doesn't matter if it is expensive.


Okay, well. Maybe not too expensive.



[breathes heavily]
Well, honey.

I miss you.


I'm so sorry.

[breathes shakily]

I love you.

[somber music]

[breathes shakily]

[g*n cocks]

[suspenseful music]


[muffled thuds]

[cellphone buzzing]



[somber music]

[somber music continues]


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