01x21 - The End?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x21 - The End?

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh!

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Thorpe: so, we wanted wood.

We discovered that those
early fiber glass towers

Were exuding some
kind of toxic fumes

Causing out lifeguards
to pass out.


-Work with me, mcclain,
this is history.

So, the county wanted to
know what grain of wood.

I said, "well, naughty
pine would be nice."

I mean, of course
redwood is the choice,

Strong, resilient,
100% california grown.

-Hobie: dad, he's a boy dog,
he doesn't wear ribbons.

-You want him to look nice for
gina's portrait, don't you?

Come on, assist him.
[Dog crying]

-Dad, the other dogs will
think he is a creep.

-Yeah, but this is for
katie's birthday present.

He'll look real pretty.


Owe! Hey!

Okay, okay. No ribbon,
come on back.


-Something's wrong with rocky.

-Come on, let's get out of
here, come on, come on.

[Dog barking]


-Relax, mcclain, it's
just a little shiver.


-Growing pains
of mother earth.

We survive
earthquakes every day.

The earth is
constantly changing,

The crust is
constantly shifting.

Gigantic plates interlocking,
moving together.

Millions of years ago,

The primal mass was
forced to part,

Creating continents
and islands.

Mcclain, did you
know that japan

Was once a part of fresno?

-She's been buried.

-Liquefaction is shaking

And turns the beach
into quicksand.

-I am impressed, mcclain,

But a little shiver
like that...

Mcclain, mcclain!

-Don't panic, we're going
to get you out of here.

-I'm okay.
-Just hold on.

-I told you, I'm fine.

-Thorpe: here.

-You mean, the earthquake
didn't just suck you under?

-Of course not,
I buried myself.

It's cool and it's soothing

And it really takes
off the weight.

-Thorpe: how soon you're due?
-Any day now.

-I am sure things will
go smooth as glass.


-Tv: the tremor
registered about 5.0

On the richter scale.

-The earthquake's over,
you can come out now.

-Gina: no, never.

[Tv continues]

-We just had a little rumble.

That's common around here.

There's smog and a
lot less dangerous.

-Honey, that was
just a foreshock.

-A foreshock?
-Yeah, as in
before the big one.

California is going to fall
into the ocean any minute now.

I knew we should've
never left new york.

I knew it, I knew
it, I knew it.

-We're not going to
fall into the ocean,

And, even if we do, it's a
beautiful day for a swim.

-Knock, knock!

-We're going to go?

I've been waiting on
you about 30 minutes.

-Come on.

You'll be alright. Come on.


We're a little nervous after
the earthquake this morning.

I think I'd better cancel
out on the dive today.

-No, no, no, no,
don't be silly.

You guys have planned
this for a long time,

You should just go.

-Craig: what about you?

-Well, if you're right,
I'll meet you back here,

And, if I'm right,

I'll meet you at the
bottom of the ocean.

-Perish the thought.

You should check out
your skylight here.

I think the quake cracked
a couple of panes.



Give me that.

-Shauni: it's not
supposed to move.

I mean you're
taught all your life

That there's nothing
safer than standing on
your own two feet, right?

But we've been lied
to all of our lives.

-Excuse me?

-When you're worried about
something, what do they say?

They say don't worry,
you're on solid ground.

Well, I think you
should be plenty worried.

-Shauni, it's
just an expression.

-But it undermines
everything, don't you see?

-Alright, time out here.
What's going on with you?

It's not the earthquake, it's
not like the first earthquake

You've ever been through.

-The ground isn't the only
thing that is shaky

Around here, eddie.
I'm talking about us.


What're you talking about?
Things are great between us.

-We've been seeing each
other almost every night

And you say that you love me.

-I do love you.

-I need a commitment
from you, eddie.

-Look, this isn't
the time or place.

Can we please talk
about it later?

I'm supposed to be
on patrol, okay?

-No, we can't.

-I don't understand this.

I mean, we're happy.

Things are going great.

Neither one of us wants
to see anybody else.

What more of a
commitment do you want?

-Shauni: I see.

-What, you see what?

-That this is nothing
serious, not for you anyway.


What do you want me to say?

Do you want me to promise
that I'll always love you

And that I'll never leave you?

I can't.

No one can.

Shauni, come on! Hey, come on!

What did I say?

-All the wrong things.

-I was right, right?

-Edward, you have a lot
to learn about women.

-When I was a kid and
I was about 10,

If I could've seen what I'm
doing now, I would have d*ed.

-You were such a stiff?
-Oh, all of this.

We're out here,
it's a beautiful day,
we are suited up,

We're about to jump into
a world of adventure.

-World of adventure, huh!

-That's like sea hunt,

Only we're here instead of
sitting home watching on tv.

I used to love that show.

I saw all 177 episodes.

-You actually counted?

-I liked that show so much,

I used to sit at home and
scuba dive in my bathtub

With a pair of
sunglasses and a straw.


-Yeah, especially when my
sister would pinch my straw.

-Hey, you guys going
down for a swim?

-No, we're...

About to plunge into
a world of adventure.

-Yeah. Well, if you see
any halibut down there,

Send them over my
way, will you?

-Craig: you got it!

-Fisherman: we'll find
one, one of these days.


[Phone ringing]


Hi, gina.

[Dog crying]

Yeah, we'll be
there in 10 minutes.

Um, make that 15.

Yeah, okay, bye-bye.

Get back in that tub.

[Dog crying]


Come on, get in the tub.

Come on.

[Dog crying]

[Deep vibrating sound]



[Woman screaming]

-Mitch: get out of
here, come on!

Get out!

-Get out!



-Come on.


Wow! Wow!


-Man on radio: the biggest
earthquake in 50 years

Rocked los angeles today,
knocking down houses,

Destroying several
freeway overpasses,

Disabling phone service
to the south land,

Breaking gas mains
and setting numerous fires

And taking at
least five lives.

The gas company says
if you smell gas

And can get to the shut-off
valve, do so immediately.

Also, local officials
have requested

That, if you do
have phone service,

Please, limit your calls
to emergencies only.

Power lines are also
down all over la county.

Preliminary reports
put damage estimates

In the hundreds of
millions of dollars

And that number
is sure to climb

As per the reports come in.

The earthquake
is also responsible

For hundreds of
traffic accidents

Which are clogging
the freeways

And making it
nearly impossible

For fire and rescue
crews to get going.

-Man: watch your arm.

-Man #2: I'll have
it for you...

-Man: you'll feel better.

How's that?

-Kmf-295 to unit 211, come in.

Kmf-295 to unit 211, come in.

-Come on, eddie, answer.

-No, I need the earthquake
contingency plan.

-Vardeman: have you asked
lieutenant o'quinn?

-Yes! I have asked
lieutenant o'quinn,

Who told me to
call captain delcourt,

Who told me to call
captain berganza,

Who told me to call you!

-Jesus, everybody's heading

To the emergency
operation center.

I'd tried lieutenant buchannon. He's your best man.

-I can't try
lieutenant buchannon,

I am lieutenant buchannon.

-Oh, great.

Can you give me a
copy of the report?

Everybody's been
asking for it.


We're on our own.

What's this?

-The towers we heard
from are in green.

The towers we haven't been
able to reach are in red.

Possible trouble spots,

The pedestrian underpass
at chautauqua,

The drainage canals,

Any place where people
might be trapped are in blue.

And alternate routes
if the highway is blocked

Or the sand is liquefied.

-You knew all along it'd be
impossible to get the plan.

-Just have been
around a long time.

-We'll give copies to
all available units.

We're not going to know what
kind of trouble we're facing

Till we hear from
the rest of the towers.

-Yeah... You heard from hobie?

-No, all the phones are dead.

But he knows what to do.

-Oh, yeah.

Can I have your attention?

We have three units sitting
idle in the garage,

I want them out on the sand
communicating with our towers.

Dickens, hall...

Mcclain, get out there.

Tell me what you see.

You've got to be our eyes

And I want to hear
from you regularly.

Alright, that's it.

-Man: okay.

-Wait a minute.
-I can't, I have to go.

-I know what you have to do.
I want to make sure you do.

I know how bad you want
to make sure eddie is okay,

Believe me, I feel the
same way about hobie,

But we've got a
responsibility here.

You are on patrol, not
on search of eddie, okay?

-I know.

-That said, I
hope you find him.

-Eddie: try now!

-Give me your hand.

-Thanks. Owe!

-Woman: alright.


Are you alright?

-Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

How about you?


Ah, not so good.


The phone.

Can you walk?

-Does waddling count?

-Put your arm... You're okay?

We're going to try and make
it to that tower over there.

-Cort: oh, man!

Swimming through an
earthquake, that was fun.

-Gina is never going to come
out from under the bed.

-No kidding.

[Suspense music]

-Craig: they are in
trouble, let's go.

-Eddie: alright.


Oh, oh...


You have a seat right here.

Here's a blanket.

-Thank you.


How are you doing?

-Look, I am sorry, this
isn't very luxurious.

-Any place I can lie
down looks good to me.

-Right, lie down.

Here, just go in.


-Craig: hey!

He's dead.

-Do you smell rotten eggs?

-I sure do.

-Stick the regulator in
your mouth and jump.

-Just do it, alright?



[Gina moaning]

[Sirens wailing afar]


Somebody help me, please!

-Craig: hey, what the
hell are we doing?

-Cort: it smelt like
hydrogen sulfide.

Another few more seconds

And we could have been
just as dead as they are.

That earthquake wants
to release the pocket

Of natural gas or a broken
a pipe or something.

-Craig: then why did we leave
the boat? Let's go back.

We'll call it in, we'll
warn the coastguard.

-No, no, can't do that.

If it is hydrogen sulfide,

That stuff is just as
expl*sive as it is poisonous.

You start that boat
and we're dead.

-Let's dive down,

Look for gas bubbles
near the source,

We'll know what to do.

-Sounds like a plan.

-Eddie: phone's dead.


-Things are getting worse.

-Boy: help!
Over here, help me!

Hurry, I can't move!

-Okay, climb on, come on.

That's it.

[Suspense music]

-Don't fall on me.

Don't, don't, don't.

Don't, please,
don't fall on me.



Don't move.


Don't move.

Don't move, don't
you. Don't move.

[Sirens wailing afar]

-Mitch: you're going
to be fine, okay?

-Man: check out her
signs, will you?

-You're going to be okay.

They are going to take care
of you, they know what to do.

-Hey, mister, thanks a lot.


-Mitch: come on.

Hey, buddy!
-Owe, mitch, sprain.

-Oh, you got wet.

-Believe me, I had no choice.

The kid was climbing
on a boat,

During the quake and he
fell into the water

And the surf slammed
against the rocks.

He slammed me pretty good too.

-Well, go put on
some dry clothes,

We need you out there.

-I'll be back.

-Mitch, we still haven't heard
from over half our towers.

I want you to check
the chopper up

And get an overall picture.

-Sir, if you don't mind,
I'd rather stay here

And coordinate
the rest of the effort.

If I hear from hobie...

-Mitch, I need an
airborne command post,

I need you up there.
I'll be here for hobie,

If anything might have
happened to hobie, okay?

-Okay, I'm on my way!

-Hey, mitch,
mind if I tag alone?

-You'll do anything to
stay off the beach.

-You got that right.

[Voices over radio]

[Suspense music]

-Hobie: gina!




-Don't move, don't move.

Vibrations could
knock that down.

Three have fallen
next to me already.

-You can't move?

-No, this is too heavy.



[Dog crying softly]

Let me give you a hand.

Move fast.

[Dog barking]

-Thank you, thank you.

-You're okay?

-Craig: wow!

I smell petroleum.

-What'd you think?

-Cort: don't
light a cigarette.


You think it's
safe to breathe?

-Cort: sure if you
don't plan on living

For more than an hour or so.

-Swell place.

-Cort: we've got to warn the
coastguard about this gas

Or more people
are going to die.

-Let's get out of here
before it's us.

-Yeah. Yeah, it works for me.

-Woman: no.
-You'll be alright!


-Man: get under something!

-Cort: more good news.

-Better than busting my t*nk?

-We're trapped.

I figure we've got less
than half an hour there

Between us and then we start
breathing this poison gas.

-Well, there's got
to be a way out.

-Yeah, there is.

It means leaving our
earthly bodies behind.

What're you doing?

-That light up there is
coming from somewhere.

I'm going to find out where.

-Come on, craig.

-It's better than just sitting
here and getting stupid.

-You're alright?

Buddy, I'm telling you,

The hole up there is the
size of your hand, tops.

Unless you brought a
jackhammer to wick it,

It's going to stay that way.
We're stuck.

-Ah, who knows how bad
the damage is out there.

I am worried about the loft.

I never should have left gina.

I never should have left her.

What if she is hurt,
what if she needs me?

-Then she's on her own,
just like we are.

-I know.

That's not good enough.

If I can't go up,
I am going down.

Maybe we can find a loose
rock or something.

-Hey, craig. Here.

-I can't believe I am
going to give birth

In a lifeguard tower.

-Oh, well, I am having trouble
with the concept myself.

Look, I am going to go
and get some help, alright?

-No, no, please, don't go.

-I mean...

Giving birth here is one thing
and doing it along is another.

-Okay, okay.


-I'll stay.


Do you have to
stare like that?

You're making me nervous.

-I am making you nervous?

Lady, if you only knew.

-I don't even know your name.

-I'm eddie.


And, if you're really that
worried, why don't you try

To think of something
else for a while?

-Like what?
-I don't know.

Just anything to keep
our minds off my pain.


Okay, um...

-Do you've something
interesting to talk about?

Do you have a dog?

Did you ever rescue
anyone famous?

How's your love life?

Oh, here we go, hot topic.

What's she like?
Is she pretty?


Yeah, she's pretty.

So, what's the problem?

-Problem? What makes you
think there's a problem?

There's no problem.

-You don't have to talk about
this if you don't want to.

-There's nothing
to talk about.

-Oh, god. Oh...

-Okay, okay, so we had a
little fight this morning.

Shauni and i...

What kind of name is shauni?

[Valerie moaning]

-Shauni: kmf-295,
this is unit 214.

All clear at tower 10,
still no sign of eddie.

-There you go.

-Craig: there's a tiny
hole between two rocks,

I was able to squeeze
my Kn*fe through

And drop it to the other side.

Maybe somebody would
find it at the bottom.

-Yeah, maybe a giant
octopus will swim by

And knock the rocks
loose with one swing

Of its mighty tentacle, huh!

-Then, what's your
brilliant plan?

-My brilliant plan
is to face reality.

The game we're playing
here isn't break out,

It's b*at the clock.

We can't dig our
way out of here,

So we have to wait
till somebody finds us.

If we're alive when
they do, we win.

Otherwise, we lose.

-mitch: john, bring us closer!

-Thorpe: how's the
highway, mitch?

-Dch is still blocked
by the landslide.

Looks like it is going to
be closed for a while.

Paramedics seem to have things
under control though.

I've spotted eddie's unit,

Buried in the sand,
50 yards south of tower 18.

No sign of eddie.

-Alright, I will have
mcclain check it out.

Anything else?

-Mitch: pier fire is
raging out of control,

But the fire department
is all over it.

-Point fermin tower
has collapsed,

But no one's been hurt.
Otherwise, the beach is empty.

I think we're all
clear out here.

-Any word from hobie?

-Not yet, mitch. I'm sorry.

-I'd like to make a pass over
my house on the way back.

-Gina: captain thorpe!

-Stand by, mitch.

-Um, I don't think you
want to do that, dad.

-Hey, hey, hobie!

Man, it's good to
hear your voice!

-Are you okay?

-Now, I am, pal, now I am.

-Yeah, well, wait
till you see the house.

-Mitch, it's gina.

I am really worried
about craig.

He's diving with cort
off the catalina.

He hasn't radioed in.

-Mitch, why don't you
swing over to catalina

And have a look?

-Fine, but what about
your edward command post?

-I thought you just said
the beaches were clear.

Now, get moving and
let us hear from you.

- Yes, sir. We're out of here.

Let's go!

-If I knew gina was okay,

She made it through...



Did you ever see voyage
to the bottom of the sea?

-Tv show?

-Algae monster, giant squids,
mermaids, the works.

Let me tell you about
the floating brain

That tried to eat seaview.

-I thought you never
watched television.

-Never watched sea hunt.

-You know, john?

You're alright.

-You'll let me tell
my story or what?

As part of the brain's
plan for world domination,

It had to possess
admiral nelson.

-John, bring us closer.

-I want to check those
guys out, john.

Get us close enough
to jump to the boat.

-Pull up, pull up! Get us
out of here! Go, go!

-What're you doing?

Hey, come on! You can't leave
those men down there.

-No, no, it's alright,
they are dead.

-How do you they are dead?

-See that oily
sheen on the ocean?

We're dealing with toxic
gas on the ocean floor.

If we got any closer,
we'd be dead too.

-Where are craig and cort?
Why aren't they lying there?

-That's what I am
going to find out.

Give me my wet suit.

-Chopper center to kmf-295.

-We read you,
garner, go ahead.

-Captain, we are dealing
with toxic gas here.

It's bubbling right
out of the water

And cort's boat is right
in the middle of it.

-Any sight of cort or craig?

-Garner: no, but we've got
three dead fishermen here.

-Alright, garner. Stay
with it, keep looking.

I'll alert the coastguard
to keep vessels out
of the vicinity.

-Roger that.


-Want to take bets on
how much time we have?

Winner gets to walk
through the gates first.

-You're on your own, sport.

I expect to be in
a warmer climate.

-Cort: do you see that?

[Mitch straining]

-They are alive.

They're trapped
in the cave-in.

-Damn stupid place to be.

-I'll be sure to tell
them you said that.


-There's a water tight
walkie-talkie back here.

Hand it to me, will you?


-I'm going to
give this to them.


Be careful, mitch.

-Eddie: I really love her.

She's always on my mind, spend
every free moment together.

I mean, things are great.
Why not just leave it at that?

-Ah, this is a strong one!


See, she wants a commitment.


It's the most meaningless word
in the english language.

There's no such thing
as a commitment.

-Oh, want to bet?

-Hey, are you okay?

-No, just keep talking.
Tell me about your family.

-I had 17 of them,
foster families.

They all made a commitment.

I always ended up
back in juvie hall.

Making a commitment

Is like asking to be kicked
in the stomach, you know.

-Oh, no kidding. Where's
larry when I need him?

-Oh, I am sorry.

Looks like you're
just stuck with me.

-Oh, oh, god.

Larry's the one
that got me into this.

I want him here...

So I can strangle him.

Oh, it's time.

-Time for what?

-It's time.

-Oh, no.

-Look, i, I have no
idea what to do.

-Shauni: that's okay. I do.

Kind of.


How long were you there?

-Not too long.

I didn't want to
interrupt you, so I
radioed back for help.

-Great! Great!

-They can't spare
anyone right now.

We're on our own.


-Valerie: oh...

-Hello, can you
read me? Hello?

Does anybody read me? Come in.

Come on, answer, dammit!

-Come in, mayday!

-Mitch: hey, I got that beef
that you guys ordered!

-Mitch, is gina okay?

-She'll be much better
knowing you're alive!

-We may not be much
longer. We're out of...

Out of air and tanks, and we
are breathing petroleum gas.

-You know, there's only one
way to get you guys out.

-Do what you have
to do, mitch.

-Alright, get comfortable.

-How're we going to
get them out, mitch?

-We've to blow a
hole in that grotto.

-Come on, you heard the man.

The place is filled
with flammable gas.

They'll be k*lled!

-They're dead anyway.

-Garner: we don't have a
whole lot of choices.

-Then do it, we don't have
much time left as it is.

-What kind of plan is that?
They will be blown to bits.

-The only one we got.

[Device beeping]

-Eddie: okay, okay, we've
another contraction coming

In five, four, three.

-Not bad, huh!

-Eddie, support her back.

-Shauni: this is it, valerie.
One hard, smooth push.

-You guys are great.
-Come on.


-Shauni: hard!

Come on, push hard!

Okay, now, give me
a good one. Push!

Hard, hard, here it comes!

Push, hard!


A baby! You're having a baby!


-It's a girl.

[Baby crying]


Eddie, give me a towel.

[Baby crying]

-Valerie: hey, hey.

-We'll let the paramedics
cut the umbilical cord.

-Good idea.

-Umbilical cords.
This is only the first.


-Eddie: another one?


-Mitch: you're ready?

-Get it over with.

-Well said.

-Hand me the detonator.

You sure you're ready?

-Damn it, mitch, just do it.

-You screw this up,

I'm going to come back
and haunt you, I swear.

-That's reassuring.

Alright, guys,
at the count of five.




-Craig: just do it!

-You can do it,
I know you can, valerie.

-I'm too weak...
-No, one more push, come on.

-But I can't.

-Like hell, come on, push!


Here, take my hand,
now squeeze it

Until you hear the bone snap.
Okay? Squeeze it.


Come on, push!

Again, again harder,
come on, again harder!

-Come on, it's coming!

-Come on, come on!

-Where are they?
They should be up by now!

-Mitch, it was
a big expl*si*n.

The odds of them
surviving that...

-I'm going down.
-And do what?

Face it, it was
a long sh*t, mitch!

-Hey, hey, hey!
They're alive!

They're alive!

-Thorpe: we read
you loud and clear.

Pick them up
and bring them home.

-Get us down, pull them in!

-Alright! Yeah!

-Eddie: well, that was fun.

-Yeah, want to do it again?

-Oh, no. You're kidding!

-Yeah, I'm kidding.


There's one thing I'd like
you to do for me, eddie.


As long as it doesn't have to
do with squeezing my hands.

-I'd like you to be
my babies' godfather.

-Well, sure.
What do I have to do?

-That's easy!

You just have to send them
presents on their birthday

And go and see
their school plays.

-And make sure that, if
anything ever happens

To me and my husband,

You'll make sure
they are okay.

Give them to someone
they can count on.

-I think I can do that.

-I know you can.

-Eddie: it's about time.

-The umbilical cords
haven't been cut yet.

-Eddie: we'll just be outside.

-You were great in there.

You weren't too bad yourself.

I'm sorry about earlier
when I yelled at you,

About a commitment, I mean.

-No, I'm sorry.

-If we love each other,

We don't really need
a commitment, I guess.

And, if we don't,
then who wants one?

-Oh, that's easy
for you to say.

-It is?

Now that I've got two
goddaughters to take care of,

You're trying to weasel
out of the whole deal.

-I think I missed
something here.

-How would you...

How would you feel
about being a godmother?



Will you marry me?

Is that a no?


[Ending theme plays]
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