A Hidden Life (2019)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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A Hidden Life (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

I thought that we could build our nest high up... in the trees.

Fly away, like birds...

to the mountains.

Potatoes. Potatoes.

Oh, we have so many already.

Remember the day when we first met?

You were shy like now.

I remember.

That motorcycle.

My best dress.

You looked at me...

and I knew.

How simple life was then.

It seemed no trouble could reach our valley.

We lived above the clouds.

My sister came to live with us.

He likes you.

We had our home.

Your mother,

our family,

our village,



Dear Fani, warm greetings to you from your Franz in training.

This week, I have things easy.

In the mornings, riding on a motorcycle.

For me, it's entertaining.

Hello, mountains!

I would love to hear your singing again.

Hello, sun!

I'm looking forward to our reunion.

I met a fellow here.

His name is Waldland.

How are you doing this? Well...

In two months of training...

No pretense about him.

I wish that I could be a little mouse In the cornfield Always smiling.

And I would be out there in the...

Sometimes I wish I could be a little bird...

My dear husband,

they say that France has surrendered.

They're sending farmers home...

for now at least.

Is it true?

Sister's lonely.

I wish she had someone like you.

We could use you here.

To break in the calf.

The harvest comes nearer.

We burned the bad weeds.

I got some piglets from Mossbauer.

Four weeks old.

With warm greetings to you...

Your loving wife,


Oh, my wife,

what's happened to our country?

To the land we love?

Where are the kids?


Oh, Papa's coming for you!

What is it?

I've just been called up.

We thought there would be peace, but this w*r goes on.

I don't know why. Shh.

Do you believe in what we're fighting for?

Not really.

He did what he had to.

He was not content to watch his nation go under.

Before he came, it all was in a state of collapse.

A Babylon!

We worshipped foreign gods.

You're drunk.


And I am not your friend. I am your Mayor!

And now they tell us to spare these other races.


So contemptible they can no longer despise themselves!

They sow the earth with salt.

Instead of a world, there is a department store.

Foreigners swarm over our streets.

Immigrants who don't care for the past, only for what they can grab.

This is what happens when a world... when a world dies.

Men survive.

But their life is gone.

Their life is gone.

Their reason for living.

The mask is off.

I fear for my family.

Mother's old.


I hope she dies soon.

Don't they know evil when they see it?

We're used to it now.


No shame.

Be careful.

Father, if they call me up, I can't serve.

We're k*lling innocent people.

Raiding other countries.

Preying on the weak.

Now the priests call them heroes, even saints.

The soldiers that do this.

It might be that the other ones are the heroes.

The ones who defend their homes against the invaders.

Have you spoken with anyone else?

Your wife? No.


Don't you think you ought to consider the consequences of your actions?

For them?

You'd almost surely be shot.


Your sacrifice would benefit no one.

I'll speak with the Bishop, about your case.

A wiser man than I.

Thank you.

Thank you.

These last weeks, you're different.

What is it?


We are collecting for the w*r effort.

Hmm. I see.

I'm sorry, I...

Look, as I said, I don't have anything to give.




I wish you all a good day.

You have refused to contribute to our collection on behalf of the veterans?

Their families?

I also hear that you have refused to accept the family allowance, and other subsidies the state would have provided you.


Franz. Tell me.

Show a little humor.


Nobody refused but you.


Thank you.

We must be strong.

Stand firm.

Learn the lesson of the blacksmith.

No matter how hard the hammer strikes...

the anvil cannot, need not, strike back.

The anvil outlives the hammer.

That which is hammered on the anvil, takes its form, not only from the hammer, but the anvil, too.

Have a seat.

Your excellency.

Thank you so much for speaking with me.

If God gives us free will, we're responsible for what we do... what we fail to do... aren't we?

If our leaders are not good... if they're evil...

What does one do?

I want to save my life, but not through lies.

You have a duty to the Fatherland.

The church tells you so.

Do you know the words of the apostle?

Let every man be subject

"to the powers placed over him.'

Do you hear those bells?

They're melting them.

For b*ll*ts.

I think he was afraid that I might be a spy.

They don't dare to commit themselves, or it could be their turn next.

We can't blame the Bishop for going along.

He hoped, by doing it, that the regime would be more tolerant towards the Church.

But now, the priests are sent to concentration camps.

Church processions banned.

We don't have a say.

What can we do?

We, little people here.

Give me a piece of coal.

Coal? Just one.

Just one? Yeah.

Thank you.

I paint the tombs of the prophets.

I help people look up from those pews and dream.

They look up and... they imagine that if they lived back in Christ's time, they wouldn't have done what the others did.

They would have m*rder*d those whom they now adore.

I paint all this suffering, but I don't suffer myself.

I make a living of it.

What we do is just create sympathy.

We create...

We create admirers.

We don't create followers.

Christ's life is a demand.

You don't want to be reminded of it.

So we don't have to see what happens to the truth.

A darker time is coming...

when men will be more clever.

They won't fight the truth.

They'll just ignore it.

I paint their comfortable Christ, with a halo over his head.

How can I show what I haven't lived?

Someday I might have the courage to venture.

Not yet.

Someday I'll...

I'll paint the true Christ.

They won't call you up.

They need farmers.

How else are people going to eat?

Maybe the w*r will end soon.

Is she asleep? Yeah.

Why are you looking at me that way?

It's an act of madness.

A sin...

A sin against his family, against his village.

We're different, Mother.

I'm sorry.

But I am grateful to you for wishing me the best.

Your life was hard enough already.

His mother looks at me coldly, like I was to blame.

I want what you want.

But I can't bear that he makes you suffer.

He makes a choice for you, too.

Does he know what he's doing?

Tell him.


It's pride.

That's what it is.

Did they say something to you?

I saw them speaking to you by the road.

They said...

...their husbands have gone off to w*r.

Why should they fight to... save us?

Did they hurt you...

with their words?

I don't care.

All good?


You were a wild one.

You fought with the police.

You know, you remember.

Who changed you?

Your wife?

I have sympathy with you.

I don't want anything bad.

I know.


Help me.

Radegund loves you.


You are a child of Radegund.

I am not your enemy.

I'm your friend.

Yeah? Yes, I am.

You still belong to our people.

You cannot say no to your race.

And your blood.

And your village.

And your home.

We have to defend our land!

Till he came, the people were in despair.

Humiliated. In chains.

Who do you think they will make responsible?

It's me.

Who do you think they will interrogate?

You'll be hanged!

Do you understand what that means?

They'll hang you!

Your family, your wife, your children, will have no one to support them.

Your mother will die unconsoled!

Calm down.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.

You're worse.

You're worse than them!

Because they are enemies, but you are a traitor!

I've been there, to Vienna.

I saw what happened there.


They kicked her in her face. Bleeding.

Torn from the tent in which we trusted.

k*lling the insane. Children.

Brought to the King of Terrors.

We saw the hate in their eyes.

We've forgotten our true Fatherland.

What would your father say?

What do you think?

He fought. Mm-hmm.

He died. Yes.

And what do you think what for he died?

In the trenches, in the mud?

Think about it.


I had a dream.

I saw a train.

The locomotive was powerful and dark, and... it drew the children.

And you couldn't see where it was going, just... the fields and trees flashing by.

I hold to a memory.

Of what I knew once.

I find no one to turn to.

Nothing enters my soul.

When have our prayers not been answered?

If we're faithful to him, he'll be faithful to us.

I believe it.

We have him.

That's enough.

The whole world is sinking.

There's no answer.

To follow him... is insanity.

What are you going to do, Franz?

They ask you to take an oath to the Antichrist.

I know, I know.

It's a life without honor.

Is this here, the end of the world?

Is this the death of the light?

We are like a breath.

Like a shadow that passes away.


I've been called up.

You could hide in the woods.

We'll run away!

To the mountains!

Does a man have the right to let himself be put to death?

For the truth?

Could it possibly please God?

He wants us to have peace.


Not to bring suffering on ourselves.

We have to stand up to evil.

You're going to do it, aren't you?

Her happiness is in your hands.

She could have had other men.

We have enough troubles in our lives.

You want too little for yourself, Fani.

Why don't you oppose him, Fani?


Resist him.

You don't know what unhappiness is!

Your man never left you.

Oh, okay.

You can't change the world.

The world's stronger.

I need you.

You could work in a hospital.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Is there?

You want to have more?

My dear son.

You're all I have.

You know what it is like to grow up without a father.

I know what it's like to be alone.

Girls, your...

Your father is going away.

On a journey.

On a long journey.

He'll be gone for a while.

My dear wife.

I know you fear for me, but my burden is light.

When I compare my suffering to that of other people, I see that mine is the smallest of crosses.

It is horrible what they have suffered.

You have to remember what you knew in a better hour.

Spring has come.

My three little girls will already be running barefoot, picking flowers.

It would be better to tell them where their father is than to tell them stories.

The fresh green of the grass is good for a person.

Someone with freedom might not notice it.

Greetings to Mother, to you, the girls and all.

See you again.

Dear husband.

Greetings in God, who will make everything right again.

Greetings from your three little women.

They say to tell you only about the good things they're doing.

Of course.

But I wouldn't surprise you by telling you about their disobedience.


I have to scold the girls.

They're always demanding my attention.

Rosi's always asking about you.

When we are going to bed, she says, "Leave the door unlocked so Papa can come in."

At meals, "Save some for Papa."

She sang a song for you.

Wondered if you could hear.

Rosi wanted to take your picture to bed with her tonight.

You were supposed to sleep beside her.

I told her that when Father comes home, he will.

Good night.

Warm greetings from your loving wife,


You may leave us alone.

Have a seat.

What good do you think your defiance is doing anyone?

You think it will change the course of things?

You think the authorities are aware of you?

That your protests will come to their attention?

Do you think anyone will know of it? Ever hear?

No one knows what goes on behind these walls. No one.

What purpose does it serve?

Does it make no difference if this w*r is just or unjust?

You shine their shoes.

You fill their sandbags.

Are you innocent?

What is it?


Are you better than the rest?

Are you alone wise?

How do you know what is good or bad?

You know better than I?

Did heaven tell you this?

Heard a voice?

There's a difference, between the kind of suffering we can't avoid and the suffering we choose.

You've forgotten what the world looks like.

The light.

The sky.

I didn't make this world the way it is.

And neither did you.

We all have blood on our hands.

No one is innocent.

Crime, bloodshed everywhere.

He who created this world... he created evil.

Conscience makes cowards of us all.

Take care, my friend.

The Antichrist is clever.

He uses a man's virtues... to mislead him.

Dearest wife...

I leave for Berlin at 10:13 A.M.

Have no concerns about me.

Pray for me.

Look down.



Dear husband...

Your letter of May 7th has arrived.

Many thanks.

The well went dry on Thursday.

We need a good rain.

What I feared has come.

I have found no one to assist with the work, except for Resie.

Strohofer stole beets from our field.

I hear nothing but your voice.

I visited the widow.


She hadn't spoken with anyone in two weeks.

The new hay gives me hope.

The scent in the barn.

The wind.

The wheat.

The sky.

He won't send us more than we can bear.

Excuse me, can you tell me...

The Colonel must be consulted.

May I meet with him?

A busy man.

But phone, make an appointment.

I've tried to, but my call isn't answered.

That surprises me.

The problem must be on your side.

The telephone works quite well up here.

Then... how can I make an appointment?

You don't answer my letters.

It took me two days to get here.

It's a very difficult journey.

Most beloved wife...

Once again, warm greetings from your loving husband.

I'll write a few words, just as they come from my heart.

Even though I am writing them with bound hands, it's still better than if my will were bound.

These men... have no friends.

No loving hand to hold theirs.

What are you here for?


They've seen sorrow.



What strong hearts.

When you give up the idea of surviving at any price...

a new light floods in.

Once you were in a rush... always short of time.

Now you have all you need.

Once you never forgave anyone...

judged people without mercy.

Now you see your own weakness... so you can understand the weakness of others.

Do you think...

I did this?

He used to be different.

He changed when he met you.

My dear children...

I thought of you especially, Corpus Christi Sunday.

The bells ringing over the fields.

I would have loved to have seen you with your crowns of flowers.

Your devoted father greets you, from far away.

Dear husband...

Loving greetings to you on this Sunday.

We're all concerned about you.

Hopefully, things are not going poorly.

The girls send greetings.

Loisi says they will give you kisses together.

I'm always with you in thought.

I can go to Salzburg.

Papa offered to come with me.

Fear overcomes me.

I know it should not.

Trust in the triumph of the good.

No evil can happen to a good man.

Not a sparrow falls to Earth, but he knows it.

I'm sorry.

A father... loves his child.

A father wants his child to be happy.

For life not to touch her.

And you...

such a good child.

Franz, too.

Better to suffer injustice than to do it.

I've been appointed by the court to be your defense attorney.

As I understand, your resistance is specifically to serving in combat.

But I believe if you were to accept medical service, you would work as an orderly in a hospital, that sort of thing.

They would probably drop these charges.

Will I be required to swear loyalty to Hitler?

Oh, words!

I mean, no one takes that sort of thing seriously. Hmm?

I can't.

You are a stubborn man.

See here, I am going to leave this paper with you.

Keep it with you.

Sign, and you will go free.

But I am free.

So... why am I here?

I don't know.

You... my shepherd.

You make me lie down in green pastures.

By the river of life.


my strength.

You show me the path.


our light.

Darkness is not dark to you.

Bring us to your eternal light.

To you.

The true.

The never-failing light.

You call me your brother.


To you I cry.

My rock.

My fortress.

I can do as I like with you.

Nobody would know. Nobody would care.

Nobody'd lift a hand to stop me.

Who sees us?

Give me strength.

To follow you.


Lead me.

Show me.


You do nothing.

Where are you?

Why did you create us?

Have the persecuted received the kingdom of heaven?

The meek inherited the earth?

The wise deceive us.



I was once like you.

Confess it.

Your God has no pity.

He left us. Abandoned us.

Like he did your Christ.

His son!

How far we are from having our daily bread.

How far from being delivered from evil!

If we could only see the beginning of his kingdom.

The dawn!



Nothing ever!

Why give your life for them?

Your man died in vain.

He came.

And it was all for nothing.

We had 20 centuries of failure.

We need a successful saint.

Oh, yeah.

No one will help us, well, we do it on our own.



Come on.



Dear wife,

I still can't say how my future will unfold.

What comes next is seldom better.

And still, now begins the month of June.

The most beautiful month.

Nature does not notice the sorrow that has come over the people.

Though I cannot see much here, I imagine that everything is a more lovely green than in past years.

At dawn, we can hear blackbirds singing loudly outside our windows.

They seem to have more freedom and to know more of peace and happiness, though they are only unreasoning animals than we humans do.

We, who have the gift of understanding.

You gave me back more than I gave you.

I found a fellow here

from my training days.



Look at you.

What have you done? You're a criminal!

He lifts the spirits of the other fellows.

We're getting on just fine.

Good, bad, together.

He asks about our family.

Don't you worry.

Trouble lasts a day.

Yeah, eat. Eat. Eat.

Is that all you have? Yeah.

Have you heard of the Scharfrichter?

The one who chops off your head?

He's a very well-dressed man.

He comes and he has a... a big hat.

He is a man of good taste.

He cuts your head, but it's a clean cut, and before you can think a thought, just...

I wonder how it feels.

Maybe your body's old, your head is young, and you see your head flying away.

And your old arms... they reach up to the head.

And they're still in chains.

And you take this young head...

and you put it back on your body.

And you open your eyes...

and the chains are gone!

But what happens then?

Maybe you'll see the moon.

Or the stars.

You know, even if it rains, the sun is shining.

The sun shines on good and evil the same.

There are more chains than mad dogs.

I wish I'd had a wife.

And a farm.

And apple trees.

And a cherry tree.

And... maybe some grapes.

We could do our own wine.

White wine.

And red wine. One red wine for the winter.

And white wine for the summer.

We would not drink too much.

We would pray. And work.

But sometimes...

Sometimes, a little drink is good.

Sometimes... we would go to church.

And sometimes not. Sometimes... we'd stay at home.

And we'd make music.

Do you have anything to say in your defense?

We'll have a short recess.

Come in.

Please, uh...

Sit down.

Thank you.

Do you imagine that anything you do will change the course of this w*r?

That anyone outside this court will ever hear of you?

No one will be changed.

The world will go on as before.

Your actions may even have the opposite effect of what you intend.

Someone else will take your place.

Do you judge me?

I don't judge you.

I'm not saying, "He's wicked.

I am right."

I don't know everything.

A man... may do wrong.

And... he can't get out of it.

To make his life clear.

Maybe... he'd like to go back but he can't.


I have this feeling inside me...

...that I can't do what I believe is wrong.

Do you have a right to do this?

Do I have a right not to?

The judgment of this court is... death.

So today they pronounced the sentence.

But they still have to confirm it.

Sign the paper in your cell.

You'll go free. I can work it out.

It's from his lawyer!

They've condemned him to death.

I have to go to Berlin.

I'll come with you.


You're doing no one any good.

No one.

This could be the last opportunity to abandon this...

senseless position.

If you do...


...I will at once petition the court to stay the execution of your sentence, but it must be done without delay.

Do you understand?


I'm sticking my neck out here.

This could jeopardize my career... my personal safety.

The charges would be dropped, I'm sure, if you just... change your stand.

I beg you to.

The w*r may soon be over.

You might...

You might never have to face a situation that would call on you to do what you oppose.

My love.


Don't you see what's coming?

There's not much time!

God doesn't care what you say, only what's in your heart.

Say the oath and think what you like.

Do you understand?

I love you.

Whatever you do.

Whatever... comes.

I'm with you.


Do what is right.

No! Let me go!

You said, "Knock.

It will be opened.


It will be given."

You've always been good to me.

And to my son.

And I've...

Forgive me!


You love him more than I do.

Give him courage.




Tomorrow it will be done.

Thank you, Father.

Now, my dear children...

When mother reads this letter to you, your father will be dead.

Through God's grace we'll soon meet again.

Dearest wife and mother...

It was not possible for me to free you from the sorrows that you've endured for me.

And now, oh, my dear ones, don't forget me in your prayers.

I pray for you.

From the other side.

What do I write?




A time will come when we will know what all this is for.

And there will be no mysteries. We will know...


we live.

We'll come together.

We'll plant orchards.


We'll build the land back up.


I'll meet you there.

In the mountains.
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