Left Behind (2014)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Left Behind (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


Hi Mom!

Chloe, welcome home. You're home, right?

Yup, safe and sound.

Your brother has been bouncing off the walls.

Oh, I can't wait to see him.

So, is everything up for dad's surprise party?

Um, Honey, I'm afraid your dad's not gonna be here when you get home.


Why not? Mom, what happened?

He got called in to work.

Did you tell him I was coming? Yeah, Honey, I did but...

They called this morning and, eh...

What is his flight?

It's London. -3:35?

Honey, don't make it hard... -Tell Raymie I'll be home before supper.

You must feel like you've seen it all.

You seemed to be in the middle of a new disaster every time I turned on the news.

Oh, what is the old adage? 'It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it'.

Can I ask you a question, Mr. Williams?

Yeah, sure.

Do you read the Bible? -Well...

I guess not as often as you do.

Well, Matthew 24:7 says there shall be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places.

All of these things, the disasters, the wars, they are all signs.

So, God knew all these things were going to happen?

Honey, God knows everything.

So, why didn't He do something?

I mean, He is God, right? Couldn't He stop the flood if He wanted to? Maybe, sent a little rain for the famine...

It's a fallen world. God created it perfect and we destroyed it on the first set...

Who destroyed it? Me?...

You? Him?

The Lord works... -... in mysterious ways, I know.

But somehow, people keep believing He loves them. Now, that is mysterious.

Sorry to interrupt.

Going my way?

I enjoyed your speech.

Yeah, sorry about that ... Now, don't be.

That was really good.

I'm assuming it's not your first time making it.

Well, the first time aloud. -Cameron Williams.

'Buck'... my friends.

I'm...eh, Chloe Steele.

'Chloe' to my friends.

So, you're in college.

Wow, that investigative journalism. it really pays off.

I just wanted to say thank you for rescuing me from that nutty lady.

Oh, thank my mom.

She, as you would, have been rehearsing for it.

Oh, is she... pretty?


Actually, I was looking through the thesaurus I've found this morning, I've decided to go with 'Wacko'.


I like that word, 'Wacko'.

Can I buy you a coffee?

No, no, I'm fine.

Come on!

What if I throw in one of those fantastic little boxes with the strawberry jam...

Oh, my God... Wow, well, that is... that's tempting.

Yes? . Hmm hmm.

But I'm waiting for someone, and he should be here any minute.

My Dad.

I flew home to surprise him for his birthday, but...

...something came up.

Well, have a safe flight...

Hi, sweet heart! -Hi!

What are you doing here? -Well, I came home to surprise you on your birthday.

Honey, I just got called in. There's no way I can get out of it now.

Yeah, that's what mom said... -I wished that you would've told me you would be coming.

Oh wait... you, you're Cameron Williams, Holy cow...

So you two? -Oh, we just met.

Hi, it's a pleasure, Captain. Ray.

Well, I'm gonna let you two catch up, yeah. And eh... it was really nice to meet you, Chloe.

You look great. Thank you.

Let's talk somewhere.

How was school? It's Good.

Good, yeah...


You know the first thing I thought when mom told me you're not gonna be home?

It's that you left.

I mean, really left. Just packed up your bags, slammed the doors, squealed the tyres and just drove off.

Your mom and I are fine, Chloe.

It's okay, I don't blame you.

You don't blame me for what? For running away.

But I didn't run away. You said, you thought I run away.

Who is that girl? What girl?

That flight attendant, beautiful, blonde one.

Flight attendant... I worked with dozens of flight attendants. .

Don't even know her name.

If this was a year ago, you know before mom drank with collate, you'd be home by now.

We would be all be home, like a family or something.

Chloe, I... I think you know that your mom and I got married when we were both very young...

...and the changes that a person goes through between 20 and 50 are enormous.

She's just doing what she believes is right and maybe you should cut her some slack.

Me?... How about you? You're the one on the way to London.

You are a one who has not been home since Christmas.

I have school . And I have a job.

I just feel like she's always trying to shove it down my throat.

I know... Look, I know that this past year, has been something of an adjustment, but...

She is your mother, and I think it'd be good if you, no, if we both...

...could be a little more supportive.

You missed her... Yes, I do.

But hey, if she's gonna run off with another man, why not Jesus, huh?

Where is your ring?

It's in my car. I never wear it when I fly.

Chloe, your mom means the world to me, I'm not going to do anything to mess it up. Okay?

And I have to go. We'll talk when I get back.

Not gonna be here when you get back.

Oh, but you'll gonna be back home again soon, right?


The car is in the usual spot, and go easy on mom. She'll come around.

I love you.

Are you okay?

Yes, yes, I'm fine.

Investigative journalist, remember?

Right. Yeah.


I'm just a little disappointed, that's all.

It was a big deal to me. All of us together, having a good time.

Well, I'm sure you would have stayed if he could.

The turkey... a vulture

...comes up to the gate and dropped two dead rabbits onto the floor.

And the flight attendant says... "I'm sorry...

...we only allowed one carrier."

I'm sorry Captain, that's bad.

That is always funny.

Well, if you have anymore bad jokes, you can always come and find me.

Hey Marcus, they got that computer problems figured out?

Negative that, Pentagon, apparently, some of the equipment on the flight deck are outdated.

Yeah, you had me flying east, in 6 hours time, I would be 9 hours older.

Do that for about 6 years and maybe you'll catch up to me. Happy Birthday Buddy, Have a good flight.


Sounds like that's all your mom talks about.

Seems like it sometimes.

Hate someone who sees earthquake on the news and then tries to convince everyone it's a good thing.

Does that make sense to you?

The day after Tsunami, there's that one woman, Medina.

She lost three of her four children in that wave, dragged down to the sea while she watched.

It was all she could do was to hold on to a tree with a six-week old baby in her arms.

And she was so sure that God had saved her and the baby that she went straight to her knees.

She thanked Him.

She thanked Him for k*lling the others?

She's got the chance, that night she refused to leave the evacuation and after all God was watching over her.

And.... Mudslide...

Buried the whole village under 10-feet of slime.

How do people see some things 'like that', and just...

If you look hard enough, you'll see whatever it is you're looking for.

But you might have to ignore a lot of other things to do it.

One of them...

...might be the truth.

And what about you?

What did you see in that village?

I saw a lot of people who'd lost everything that ever mattered.

Did you ask why?

I know why.


You know what I mean.

No, No, I didn't.

If you had to find a reason for something like that to happen, then...

Well, You might end up behind a stranger at the airport?


Love that laugh. Oh, no.


Oh, just thinking about Ray's joke. That guy cracks me up.

Ray? You mean Captain Steele?

Only infront of other people.


So, you two are...?

No, not yet.

But, we're planning on spending some time together in London.

Really? Why didn't you tell me?

Hey, wait... where are you going?

Ah, some details, please...

I really needed someone to talk to today.

Thank you.

I'm going to call you from London.

Really? Really.

I'm gonna make sure you won't forget about me, right? Right, right.

I'm sure you've got a girl at every airport. Do you call all of them?

None of them, actually.


Oh, hi, Jim.

I got these things for your dad.

They're for tomorrow night.

U2. Wow.

These can't be easy to get.

You're telling me. It took me two weeks to find these things.

Two weeks?

Chloe, I'm sorry...

Mr. Williams, please.

I'm coming, sorry.

Chloe, I ..

Would you give these to my dad, please?

Of course.

Well, you...

Excuse me... Thanks.

Mr. Williams, please... Sorry.

Excuse me, Captain.

Chloe asked me to give you these.

You are the GWN guy, right?

GWN guy... Yeah, that's me.

Cameron Williams, Chris Smith... Hi, pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

Welcome aboard Pancon flight 257 to London.

Flight time today will be 6 hours and 30 minutes.

Thank you and enjoy Your flight.

So, did you get her number?

Come on... I saw you two at the lounge about an hour ago and you happened to be the last person to get on the plane.

And to think, I could have spend the last time with you instead.

I do not know why you uncaring guys always wanted to get the girls. .

Maybe because we do not want to go around like a dress rehearsal for Glee.

You know what, I'm must say right on that one.

I will have to thank you though for flying first class.

No need to thank, man.

But, that guy who's sitting tight back there...

Now, you should.

I know you!

Look, George. It's Frank Sinatra!

What's that? It is Frank...


Listen , George.

We're home!

Oh...we're not home.

Sometimes he gets a bit confused.

Good afternoon, this is your Captain Rayford Steele on flight Pancon 257, weather conditions are reported to be good.

So, will be a nice smooth flight all the way to London. Please sit back and enjoy our excellent service.

We will be serving complimentary drinks and snacks shortly. So, please sit back and relax.

No Johnny, you don't have to tell them anything. Just do what you do best.

Stall 'em! But if you see one thing that makes you think they smell an acquisition...

Dish it all.


I left the company jet in Houston. I'll be in London and with the paper signed before they know that I'm gone.

We'll go and get. Good!

Chloe, Chloe!

Hey! Come here!

Oh God, Oh my goodness!

You are so big!


Did you get me anything at the airport?

Well, you'll just have to wait and see.

Alright, check it out in there and see what you've got.

The new baseball gloves that I've been asking for!

No way! Mom!

Chloe is here!

Mom, Chloe is here!

She is here, mom!

Hi! Hey...

My Gosh...

Oh, you look beautiful.


So, Um, can I get you something to drink?

Yeah... Yeah... Sure.

Mom... mom... Chloe got me a brand new baseball gloves. See?

6 hours to London. Nobody laughing at that too.

The Hyperjet... that'll change everything.

Oh yeah? Why is that?

The Defence Deartment.

Did you say the Defence Department? Yeah.

It seems that they've been developing a new jet, ok? It'll carry 300 passengers at Mach 40...

New York to London...6 minutes.

6 minutes? 6 minutes.

That's pretty fast. Personally, I think they're lying.

Yeah, I think that's a good guess.

There's no way they can develop themselves. I'm guessing they...

...referred engineering from something else.

Probably something from Area 51.


Scotch, please!

So, was your dad surprised?

Yeah. I think he was.

Must have meant a lot to him.

He seemed very upset that he had to leave.

Yeah, I could tell.

So, how was your flight?

Good. Yeah, it was good.


It's fine.

Hey, you'll eh... you'll never guess who I met at the airport.

Buck Williams.

Sorry, Cameron Williams.

From the news? Yeah!

Really? Hm-hmm.

Did you get a chance to talk to him?

I did... actually.

Erm, he is...

He is a great guy.

Hmm, so just happens to be gorgeous.


I told him that you were a fan.


By the way, you're not the only one who thinks every earthquake will be the end of the world.

Some crazy lady cornered him at the airport.

That's not how I learnt that .

Anyway, Hmm...

He is a great guy.

Chloe, honey...

I don't mean to push.

I know it must feel that way.

I just want you to understand.

It's important to me.

So are you.

I just want you to be ready.

Ready for what?

You know...

Never mind.

Can we just talk without you cutting me off?

Mom, I just got here.

I'm not really up for a heavy conversation.

Ok, sure... But just hear me out.

Just a little.

I've been praying for you to come home and I believe that's why God brought you here.

What did you say?

God brought me home?

God did not bring me home, I brought me home.

I bought the ticket, I got on on the flight.

God had nothing to do with it.

And let me ask you something.

If God brought me home for dad's birthday...

Then why did He let him fly off to London?

Maybe it's important for us to talk.

I don't think so.

One thing I do know for sure, God is the reason dad is not here right now.


I'll be right back. Yeah.

Can I give you a hand with your bag?

Did I ask for a hand?

I, I can put it on the top for you.

Yeah? So could I!

What are you looking at?

Want to ask me a question?

Wonder how I drive?

Maybe, where I buy my clothes?

How do I reach the urinal?

What is a urinal?

That's my dad.

He plays football.

That's nice, kid.

He's going to be on TV tomorrow if his arm felt better.

Your dad plays ball on TV?

What team?


Oh. What's wrong with his arm?

Cosmo. He's my dog.

He knocked daddy off the hammock.

Oh, really?

Daddy was so mad. He pushed Cosmo onto the floor.

What did I tell you about bothering other passengers?


So, you're a bad man.


You're gonna give the kid a cut?

Her dad's PK Carvell. Doubt she needs the money.

Where are you going?

Out! Can I come?

Raymie, not now!


Alright, get your stuff. Awesome!

Can we go to the mall? Yes, we can.

I heard there's 80% off for Games stuff.

Do you think mom is crazy?



No, I was just upset.

Dad says pastor Bruce was washing her brains.

Oh, that's just a joke.

It is?

I don't get it.

Neither do I..

So this is kinda sucked.

What is that? Got to fly on your birthday?

Well, you have gotta pay the bills, right?

So how long is Chloe going to be in town?

Well, looks like smooth sailing.

I wanna stretch my legs and see how's the crew is doing.

Raymie, what are you trying to do? Scare me to death!

What was that?

Come on. Can I have it?

No you can't. Only a few hundred dollars.


I got 'em.

I'm going to find a way to pay you back.

What's wrong? No...

I just thought the seats should be a liitle closer to the stage.

Coffee? Uhuh..

She'll be ok.



She still wears that necklace, you know. The one you made her.

She never takes it off.

They're gonna be alright, right? Mom and dad?

Hmm? Yes, yes of course.

Dad's being called in to work, he's got something to do, ok?

Did dad tell you about my game?

Are you kidding me?

You're all we talk about.

He said that you were the greatest baseball player in the whole world.

And you know what? What?

He is right.

I love you.

I miss you, buddy.

No, it is not possible.

Allahu Akbar!


Do you see my daughter?

Chris! Let me in!

Do you hear me?


Where is he?

Everyone sit.

Everyone sit down!

Sit down! Everyone sit down!

Hey, what's going on?

What happened?

Let's go! I want some answers.

I want to see the captain!

Hey, I want to see your captain.

Hey, I want to see the captain!


Attention, this is the captain.

This is the captain. All passengers take your seats immediately.

Hey, back off! I want to see the captain!

Tell us what just happened?

We are experiencing a decompression.

Please go to your seats, and put on your oxygen masks.

This is so crazy.

Come on!

Stop it! Stop it!


This is Pancon 257. We have an emergency.

This is Pancon 257. We have an emergency.

Mayday! Mayday! This is Pancon heavy 257. Acknowledge!

Drop the pressure, it's ok now...

Everyone on this plane is scared to death.

I really need you to step up your hand.

Can you do it? Yeah I'm going to say something to the passengers, watch the flight deck.

Hello. I'm Captain Steele!

I need you to remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened. But you can now all remove your oxygen masks.

What's going on?

My kid... Where is my kid?

I know you all want answers, and believe me, so do I.

And I'll do my best to get them. But, right now...

I have to do my job so that we're all safe.

Safe? Safe from what?

Sit down!

Safe from our own panic.

It is the biggest threat on this plane right now. .

Now, I'm going to ask the flight attendants to do a head count.

Whatever happened to those people, we will find them.

I haven't been able to reach anyone yet. So, I... I don't know if...

This event was isolated to our aircraft or others in the area have been affected, but I promise...

As soon as I have something to tell you...

I will.

That's it?



Oh God .. Kimmy...

Kimmy is gone.

Ray, what is happening? Hattie...

Hattie... you've gotta pull yourself together. Just hold me... just hold me.

Hattie... look at me, look at me.

We're trained for emergencies. We're going to do our jobs.

I really need to manage things here?

So, I really need you to focus. Alright?

Ok? Ok.

Now listen...

I want to go back and do full check on the manifest.

At least, find out who they are.

And how many of them are missing, right? -Ok.


I'm scared.

Aren't you?

I will be. As soon as I have time.

Please, please help me, no one knows where my baby has gone.

I'm sorry...

This is Cameron Williams, reporting from flight 257.

We are somewhere over the Atlantic, heading for London.

Abbout 3 hours from JFK Airport.

Something impossible just took place on this plane.

Ma'am, can you tell me what you saw?

I don't know.

My Kids gone... disappeared Do you know when it happened?


I was sitting here, I thought maybe I was holding it and dropping something but...

Neighbour was sreaming. I don't know.

As unbelievable this may sound, people from over this plane simply vanished.

Leaving their clothes and personal possessions and everything else...


That's my brother's!


Are you okay?

Isn't it? It can't be...

This is what?


I know what's going on here.

What do you know?


It's a bad trip.

You must move on.

It's not going to last forever.

Hello? Can anyone hear me?

Hey, hey.

It's alright.

Let's go back to your seat.

Buckle in... alright.

You're safe. But you knew what happened.

None of this is happening.

That's okay, we'll going to get through this.

Alright... None of this is happening.

Why don't you relax, ok? Sit back and relax.

Try get some sleep.

Can you tell me what you saw?

It was the same thing you did. Doesn't look any different from down here.

Oh, come on...

Anything strange before the people vanished? Flash or sound... anything.


What about there?

Who was that?

I do not know, some guy!

Anything unusual about that guy?

Look, pal, there's something unusual about all of us here.

Get that thing off my face.

Hi, this is the Steele's household. Please leave your name and number.


Mom, please pick up the phone. I do not know what's going on.

Raymie, if you went home and you can hear me right now.

I need you to listen, ok?

I know that you are scared and I'm too scared.

But I really need you to pick up the phone.

Need you to let me know that you're okay.

I need to hear your voice.

I love you guys.

I think, we should all be doing right now...

Is saying a prayer.

A prayer?

A prayer to who?

To God.

Whose God?

Yours or mine?

Just Allah.

You know what I think?


Attention passengers... Since we haven't reached the halfway point I'm turning back to New York.

We'll be over JFK inside of 3 hours.


Raymie! Raymie Back off.

Hi, this is Irene Steele...

You okay?

Did you do the count?

I tried. But many of them are not in their seats.

Maybe they're not there at all. They're scared, Ray.

We're all scared.

Well, Let's hope whatever it was doesn't happen again.

What is that?

Charlie 1581, this is Pancon 257, do you copy?

Charlie 1581, we have an emergency situation. Repeat, we have an...

You are approaching our flight path! Get out there and prep the cabin!


All passengers, take your seats and put seat belts on immediately!

Charlie 1581, you're in our airspace. I'm climbing 1,000 feet. That is one, zero, zero, zero feet.



This is Pancon 257.

We have been involved in a collision.

Charlie 1581 is down.

Our Coordinates are...

4-7... This is an emergency situation.

We have a plane down, It's search and rescue...

Repeat, this is an emergency.

Come on, there has to be someone out there.

What is wrong with you?

You really believe a group of t*rrorists could develop a b*mb like this?

We are not talking about a car b*mb.

If this was a w*apon, it is not from this planet.

What exactly are you saying?

I'm just saying, maybe they were abducted.


Come on.

Can you believe this guy?

Is everything okay?

That other plane, did it lose people?

I don't know.

Your camera, I need you to take a picture of the wing for the captain.



Be careful.


Here's what I can get.

Looks like we came about...

6 inches from losing a wing.

And the spoiler is gone.

What does that mean?

It's just gonna be a lot tougher to slow down when we get home.

One thing the runway at JFK is long enough. Good thing we didn't hit the tail.

I guess it's our lucky day.

They're all gone.

Not just the babies. The older kids too.

Are you sure?

I'm looking for my brother.

I heard some doctors talking a while ago.

This is not just here.

It's everywhere.

All over the world.

They say no one has seen a single kid since it happened.

We either damaged some of our computer sensors or...

Cameron, I lost the auto-pilot Can you go to the very back and see there's anything liquid spilling out from the wing?


You mean fuel?

I want to take us up to a few thousand feet, enter a small range, just in case.


We have to go back. We have to go back.

We are going back. We're only just a few... No, I mean, back to where they disappeared. I need to find my baby.

We are losing fuel. We have a little left. We're not gonna have enough to get home.

What? We can't get home?!! We have fuel reserves. We'll gonna be fine.

Are we on fire?!!!

We have the right to know if we're going to die, ok?!!

No one is going to die!

Hey, everyone, listen up!

No one is going to die, you hear me? Everyone sit down, Everyone sit!

Now, captain's right.

As hard as it may be, we all need to stay calm.

We're on fire. Where?

The wing on this side. Is the wing on fire or is the spray on fire?

The spray. It's big.

We'll fly afront of it. It'll burn off.

But? It's fuel.

Fuel that we need to hang on.

Are you still going to get us back? Well, that depends.

If the leak is here or here.

So what do we do?

Let it burn. See what is left.

Fire is out.

Levels haven't change.

Does it mean we'll empty? Means we don't know.

And we've lost the elevators. The what?

The elevators. Can't climb. Looks like we begun our decend at New York 2 hours early.

Can't believe we can't reach anyone.

You have a satellite phone?

Investigative journalist.


Yes, the only other plane was the one that nearly hit us.

Did you talk to them? Did they lose any passengers?

I don't know about passengers.

But I do know this.

There wasn't anyone flying that plane.

Excuse me. I was just thinking...

What if they are still here?


I mean ..

What if we just cannot see them?

Like, you know, if they're invisible.

Jeez wheez.

Isn't invisible any crazier than vanished?

Hello, this is to restore alarm. We have detected an alarm at your premise.

Due to unusual call volume...


What do you know about Kimmy?


How well did you know her?

Not very. She's just a friend.

Go through her stuff. What stuff?

Anything. Her purse, her jacket, her ID badge. Just go get her things and bring them in here.

Please OK

We have another aircraft in our area.

Please fasten your seat belts, Charlie 1581 you're in our airspace. We are climbing 1,000 feet That is one, zero, zero, zero...

Dump the purse. Dump the purse. Come on, just...

What are you looking for?

Either I'm going crazy, or the world is going insane.

What are you talking about?

I think I know where they are.

What if we are now where we think we are or even went?

What do you mean?

If we passed through a wormhole. A wrinkle in the space time fabric.

Theoretically, we could be in different dimension with those people who don't exist...

...or they never exist?

That is insane!

Stop it! That's enough! all of you!

I know what's going on here.

You do?

How much did they pay you?

What are you talking about?

I can't believe he do this, she's her daughter!

Ok. Miss, I don't know what's going on here...

Get up!

Where did you get that?

You! Yes...

How much did they pay you? What?

Where did they take her?!!! Please! What are you talking about?

My husband... Miss, please!

Shut, just shut up!

Ma'am, who's your husband? Just tell us that.

Why are you doing this? Listen to me...

I promise you, I've never met your husband. .

What is wrong with this?

Ma'am look, I do not know what this is...

But... What don't I just sh**t you in the face?


Ray, what happened to you?

Why are you talking like this?

You've never spoken about God before.

Where is this coming from?


My wife.

Miss, please!

Forget about him, ok?

He's an idiot.

He's not a part of anything. Point that g*n at me.

I'm an idiot?

What about her?

Miss, please! Point the g*n at me!

Here you go.


Now, just tell me what you think is going on?

He is trying to take her from me.

He think he can buy his way out of anything.

He took my daughter, and that ring.

I fell asleep...

Somebody put something in my drink. I should have known he will find a way.

He could not have done this.

There's no way.

This plane landed while I was sleeping.

He took her! He paid all of you to lie to me.

I can't lose her again. I can't...

You need to listen to me.

I was awake all the time.

This plane never landed.

No one got off this plane.

Then where is she?

I can't lose her, I can't, she's all I have!

You're all think I'm crazy, what am I supposed to say?

That she just disappeared?

I know where she is.

Pastor Barnes?


Hey.... Oh, no...

Oh, thank God you're still here.

My mom and Raymie, when I saw that they had gone, I was sacred that God had...

He did. Chloe, just like He promised, A blink of an eye.


It's true...

Then why are you still here?

It is in the Bible.

My parents sent me to camp on summer, and...

Everyone was talking about this.

They say that one day millions of people will going to just disappear.


What else did they say?

I do not remember.

It was a long time ago.

Are you saying it was the devil?


It was God.

Don't tell me you believe this.

It does not matter what I believe.

Where are they? Where did they go?

To heaven.

PK was right.

What do you mean?

Maybe I am really crazy.

No, you're not.

She's better off without me Don't say that.

No, No! Please don't!

Please, do not!

Maybe, the world is better off without me.

You need to listen to me now, do not do this.

You can't just give up on her.

Do you have children, Mr. Williams?

No, I don't.

But I did have a mom.

She was sick. My daddy tried everything... doctors, pills...

But in the end, it didn't matter.

I came home from school one day.

And I found her.

She was lying there.

Still. Don't you do that to Katie.

We may not know what happened here today but it is not Katie's fault...

Do you hear me?


But she's somewhere out there, right now...

Watching us.

Yeah, that's good.

Give me that.

Hattie, this isn't about us.

It's about the truth.

You need to focus on the truth.

That truth, Ray?

Are you serious? Yes.

This isn't about our past, it's about right now.

What's happening on this plane right now.

This could be happening everywhere, right now.

So they are all in heaven. That is your conclusions.

Without speaking to anyone outside of this plane.

You're gonna jump to the first explanation that pops into your head.

I already knew this was coming.

In details.

How can that be possible?

The way it happened, the way they disappeared...

Even the way their clothes were still there.

Perfect details.

How could she know that?

Think about it.

Why don't you think about this?

You lied to me about your wife.

You lied to your wife about this trip.

You even lied to your own daughter.

It seems that you're able to lie to just about everybody in your life.

And now you're asking me to find God.


I don't understand.

You were here every day.

You worked here, you preached here.

That's not what counted.

What do you mean?

I knew all the words, I could quote the chapters and the verses, but that was not enough.

You have to believe.


Believe in what?

In a God that k*lled my father?

A God that grabbed my mother and my brother and raised them out of this world. A God that crashes planes and destroys cities?

He took them to protect them.

From what?

From the darkest time in the history of this world.

Persecution, w*r...

In 7 years of darkness, He took them to heaven.

And what about the rest of us?

What about me? What am I supposed to do?

It is not about what we do, it's about asking for forgiveness, it's about turning our lives over...

Stop it!

The God that my mother talked about, would never do something like this.

Chloe, please...

Listen to me.

Listen to you?

Why should I?

You didn't even listen to you.

Are you okay Marshal?


Heard all about you.

Peacon 257. This is dispatch.

This is Pancon 257, calling dispatch.

Pancon 257, This is Marcus, are you there?

Marcus, I'm 20 minutes outside of JFK. I had to turn around.

How many did you lose?

So, it is everywhere.

The whole planet, buddy.

No one knows how many, but millions.


What about my family?

I need you to call Irene, make sure they are safe.

How's your fuel?

Critical. I would be lucky to reach the coast without ditching in.

Listen, there are planes down everywhere, the runway is full of birds, there's no way you can get into JFK.

What about LaGuardia?

I'm sorry, Ray.

So, where am I going?

You gonna have to go inland.

Marcus, I can't go inland!

You need to tell me when you're ready.

Circuit is impossible, you have to talk to them. They have to gonna clear things up for us there.



JFK tower, this Pancon 257, I have a low-fuel emergency. I need a runway. Repeat. I need a runway.


Is there a backup plan?

I'm gonna level with you.

We're not just a low on fuel, we're low on fumes.

JFK was the closest airport, and I would love to have made it that far.

We only have one option.

I hope they clear us a runway and hope that they do it soon.

What about the water? Can't raise the nose.

When we hit the water, this thing is going to disintegrate.

Can't. I can't let the people back there go down without having any chance to undo some of their mistakes.


You are Venice Baxter, aren't you? Tom's daughter.

You probably do not remember me, we...

...met once at your father's office. You were sitting right by this little yellow desk.

I remember thinking, this guy's place, decorated with the best of everything...

...but he's got this plastic little desk.

Sitting beside him like it's the finest piece of furniture in the room.

Sometimes that's the only way I got to see him.


At least he was trying.

And I have a little girl too.

I mean, she was little. She's married now. she never had a desk in my office.

The truth is... I was so busy.

I hardly ever saw her though.

You know, when all these people disappeared, I never even thought about her.

I wish I could say I did, but I was always thinking about money, about opportunities...

Making my next meal.

I'm sorry...

You know what you said about heaven?

As much as I want to see her...

When I get home, I hope she's not there.

I need you try and call Chloe for me.

I've been trying.

The truth is...uh... I've not stopped thinking about her since I got on the plane.

I can understand that.

JFK tower, do you hear me?

We are headed for the coast.

Our fuel is at critical.

I need a clear runway.

I repeat, I need a clear runway.

Listen to me...

I have a plane full of people here.

I have no spoilers, no flaps, no elevators and...

And if I run this thing right, no reverse thrust...

I need some room!



Were you with her...

When she got the concert tickets?

I was... what can I say...

She was hurt.

I should never have left her today.

You didn't know.

All I knew she came home and see me and I left.

I left her alone.

God only knows what she's been going through down there.

She loves you, Ray? She will understand.

I can't let that be the last thing we said to each other.

I just... I can't.

I need to tell her the truth.

And I need her to know that this wasn't her mother's fault. It's all mine.

Every time that Irene mentioned God, I walked away.


I don't know if you can hear me...

But I just wanted to say...

This morning, I felt like our family was falling apart.

And I blamed you.

And I know that I hurt you.

And I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


Who is this? Chloe...

This is Buck. Buck?

Thank God, you're alive.

Where is my dad?

He is here.

Chloe, are you okay?


I thought you were dead.

Are you okay?

Yeah... I guess so.

But Mom and Raymie, they are both gone.

Mom told me about this.

I know, she told me too.

I love you so much, sweetheart.

I love you more than anything in the world.

Me too daddy, me too...

I'm so sorry I lied to you and I wasn't there with you today.

I really, really need you to know how much I love you.

No matter what happens.

Wait, dad... Why are you talking like this?

What's going on? Where are you?

Well... we still are in the air. We're on our way home, but there is a problem.

The airports are closed, the roads are jammed and there's no way to land...


And I do not have enough fuel.




Ladies and gentlemen...

We are coming in on New York.


However, we still have challenges ahead. All the airports are closed.

I need you to remain in your seats...

With your seat belts fastened, and try to remain calm.

But I have to be honest...

This is a very serious situation.

We're talking to the ground, we'll try to find an alternate landing sites.

But we are very low on fuel.

Please pay very close attention to our flight crew.

And if you believe in prayer...

Now would be the time.

Will you pray with me?

Yes, of course. Yeah.


Still can't get signal.

Keep trying.

I will.

Well, we'll gonna have to put it down.

Put it down?

Where? Water...

But you said...

I know...

I wait on JFK as long as I can, but I can't fly there without a clear runway.

There's nothing but sitting on every side of the airport.

By flying in, there's nowhere to land.

We're flying a 400-tonne m*ssile right into Queens.

JFK tower, this is Pancon 257, we need emergency clearance immediately.

Get her back! Keep trying.

Ok folks, I need your full attention as we go through the emergency procedures.

Underneath your seats, you will find your life jackets. You must keep your seat belts tightly fastened across your waists until the plane come to a complete stop.

Then you must follow all flight crew's instructions.

JFK tower, This is Pancon 257, we need emergency clearance right now.

JFK tower. JFK tower, This is Pancon 257, we need clearance now!

Come on...


Buck, can you hear me?

Chloe Turn on the speakers.

I think I found a place for you guys to land.

The new East-West highway near the mall. No one's out here. I think I can clear enough room.

Our guidance system is out. I won't be able to find it in the dark.

Hey, Chloe, your phone... you should open up the compass app.

Ok, hang on.

Ok, I've got it.

Well, you see the bottom, those little numbers? I need you to read those to me.

40.66.34 North 73.78.32 West I got it.

Chloe, how much room we've got?

Uh... about half a mile away.

And there's more...

How much more? I need at least a mile.

Okay, hang on.

Chloe... Chloe, are you still there?

Abbout seven-tenth.


Buck... Buck, can you hear me?


Come on.

You've got to be kidding me.

Come on!

We need a visual of some kind, so we can see where the landing zone begins.

How are you? you mind if I sit down here for a moment? Yes... Yes...

Just until your husband comes back from the bathroom.

We ran out of fuel!



We can still land it. We can glide it down.

But we're going to hit the ground fast. I've no thrust to slow it down, just the brakes.

We're going to need every inch of the gas.



Go ahead...

I'm out of road. I'm at nine-tenth of a mile but there're a bunch of heavy equipment blocking my way.

Honey, nine-tenth is good enough?

But I need a bright visual point of referrence so that I can see where the landing zone is.

Okay. I'm flashing my lights. Can you see that?

No, we are too far out for that, I need a bigger light like a flare.

But we are running out of time. I have to come in right now!


Where are your smoke up matches?

There isn't enough room, is there?

If there isn't, I don't want her to think it's her fault.

This is it, we're coming down.

Can you see anything?

No. Keep looking. We have about three miles.

We've got one try. We need to know where to start.

Nothing yet!

Come on, honey.


Try to lock the landing gear!

Dad, you've got no back wheels!


We're home!

Everyone ok? I need everyone out of the plane now. Everyone get up!

One at a time. Let's go!

Let's go...

When you get to the bottom, please get out of the way for others.

Hey, hey Hey!

Buck! Chloe.

Thank you.

You did a great job.

You too.


I'm sorry.

I know.


I should be here with you.

With mom, with Raymie. I shouldn't have left.

I'm just glad you're okay.

I thought you might want this.

Looks like the end of the world.

No. Not yet.

I'm afraid this is
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