02x10 - Trial and Punishment

Episode transcripts for the 2014 TV show "The Musketeers". Aired 19 January, 2014 - 1 August, 2016.*
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Adventures in 17th-century Paris of King Louis XIII's elite military force in conflict with the usurper Cardinal Richelieu's guards. Based on the series of books by Alexandre Dumas.
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02x10 - Trial and Punishment

Post by bunniefuu »

(Horse neighs)

This is cold-blooded m*rder.

It is justice.

You don't know the meaning of the word.

Time to choose, Treville.

Is your loyalty to your king or to your treacherous friends?


I will see as much of this world as I can before I leave it.



(Constance cries)


Close the gate!


Guards! Guards!

Get her up!

(Horse neighs)

I've made my choice.

You'll die for this.

Not by your hand.


Come on, Athos!


(Birds tweet)



Who are you?

Where is Rochefort?

He didn't send you the letter.

I did.



You know, I was a servant in the household of the Spanish Ambassador, Perales.

And I learnt all kinds of secrets.... like the name of the Spanish spy-master.

And his agent in the King's court - Rochefort.


Perhaps we can... come to some arrangement.



(Horse whinnies)


(Shouting, g*nshots)

After him!


Come on!


After him.

After him!


(He chuckles)

(Dog barks nearby)

(Cock crows)

(Lock clanks)

We should just end this now. One shot is all I'll need.

k*lling Rochefort would solve nothing.

You've seen what he's capable of. Aramis is at his mercy.

Aramis is a Musketeer.

None of us are Musketeers now. We're outlaws.

If they find us, they'll sh**t on sight.

It's not the man we have to destroy.

It's his lies.

You want to let him live? The man was seconds away from k*lling you.

I know.

But k*ll him now and the King might not ever discover the truth.

And even with Rochefort dead, Aramis and the Queen would still be in mortal danger.

Everything depends upon getting Vargas to the King.

He is the only one who can discredit Rochefort's claims.

And if Porthos fails to capture him, hm?

Or he refuses to speak? What then?

And what about Aramis?

Milady is the only one who can still get into the palace.

She has to help him.

(He sighs)

Get some rest.

We leave to help Porthos as soon as night falls.

I'm coming with you.

No, you're not.

Rochefort m*rder*d Lemay in front of my eyes.

He's my enemy as much as anybody's.

Very well.

But when the time comes, Rochefort's mine.

(Baby cries nearby)

(Door unlocks)

(Baby's cries recede)

I want to see my son.

We are taking care of him, Majesty.

What riches has Rochefort promised you?

What is the price for betraying those you should have held most dear?

(She stifles a sob)

The disease of conspiracy spreads quickly.

It can only be stopped at its source.

Her own husband. father of her child.

It is... unthinkable.

I know this is painful, but poison is...

You DO NOT know, Rochefort!

You do not know. You cannot know!

We must face the truth, however terrible.

The Queen is guilty.

(Door opens)

I beg Your Majesty to listen to me...

I would NEVER harm you.

I am your queen.

Your loving wife.

You shouldn't be here.

Look into my eyes.

Tell me I'm guilty.

You have been deceived by that man.

We must consider the evidence in the proper manner.

(She breathes heavily)

I am falsely accused!

(Door closes, louis sighs)

Perhaps we should hear what she has to say.

There is another matter.

Something so shocking, I can hardly bring myself to say it.

What is it, Rochefort? Tell me.

During my investigations into the Queen's conduct, I discovered the Cardinal himself harboured suspicions about her loyalty.

He believed Her Majesty consorted... intimately... with the Musketeer Aramis, some nine months before the birth of the Dauphin.

Naturally, the Musketeer has been arrested.

I hope to establish the truth in due course.

(He sobs)

No, Rochefort!

We must have the truth now!

Do you hear me?


(He pants)

Everything, do you hear?

(Keys jangle, lock clanks)

(Scraping hinges)

Are you going to t*rture me?

I'm not going to lie to you, Aramis. Your life cannot be saved.

But there is still hope for the Queen.

In exchange for a full confession from you, the King will divorce Her Majesty, disown the Dauphin, and allow both to live in exile.

You can save her, Aramis.

Just speak the truth.

(Horse neighs nearby)

He knows he can't outrun us.

He's drawn us in to make a stand.

It's not wise to stray too far into enemy territory.

If the French find us here...

I cannot risk his survival.

We will follow him to Hell if necessary.

That's it, come and get me.


You are a fine shot for a lowly servant, monsieur.

But how long do you think you can hold out?

If you come down, we will make it quick. You have my word.

All right, then!

Let's make it quick!

(g*nshots, man groans)


(He pants)

Rochefort: 'We are here' to establish the facts of the Queen's infidelity.

You are accused of seducing the Queen at the convent in Bourbon-les-Eaux.

And of fathering her child.

Do you swear to give us the truth of this sordid encounter?

I do.

To lie after swearing such a sacred oath is to damn your immortal soul for eternity.

Do you understand?

I understand that God is with us now, in this room.

We will all be judged for what is in our hearts.

Very true.

Do you love the Queen, Aramis?

Will you confess?

I will.

I confess to knowing that you are a liar, whose promises can never be trusted.

You could never afford to leave the Queen alive, Rochefort.

She knows you are a Spanish spy.

She knows you are a m*rder*r.

You assaulted Her Majesty without invitation or provocation, and now, you intend to conceal your lies by accusing the innocent?

It is Rochefort who is the traitor!

Rochefort who is the enemy!

And Rochefort who should BE ON TRIAL!


So you deny the charges?

I do.

A confession might have kept some small part of your honour intact.

Instead, you disgrace yourself with these outrageous lies.

Lady Marguerite, you saw the Queen and Aramis in private together.

How would you describe their behaviour?

Look at me. Not him.

They were intimate. Like lovers.

But you yourself were also the Musketeer's lover?

We must hear you.

I was.

Did that affair begin when you first came to court?

Soon after.

When I was appointed Royal Governess to the Dauphin.

His romantic interest in you only coincided with your appointment?

Er, I... Yes.

When he sought your company, were you always alone?

Alone, but for the Dauphin.

So was it you he really wanted to see... or was it the boy?

His first thought was always with the child.

Why did he care for him so much?

Because the Dauphin is his son!


(She sobs)

Aramis, please! Aramis! Aramis!

You have deceived the court.

But worse, you have betrayed the King, the man you are sworn to serve, in the foulest possible way.

No doubt you hoped to save your lover, the Queen, but you have only condemned her and damned your own soul.

You are to be taken from here to await execution in a manner... appropriate to your heinous crimes.

(Guards laugh)

The Musketeer will be ex*cuted immediately.

There is the matter of the Queen's future...

Not now, Rochefort.

Sire, we...

I have lost more than a queen today.

I have lost my son.

My only son.

Leave me.

(She sobs)

(Baby cries nearby)

(g*nshots, porthos grunts)

(Both grunt)

Wait, wait...

(Both grunt)

(He yells)

(Blade rattles)

(Metallic slice)

(He pants)

(g*n cocks)

(He groans)



Surrender, monsieur.

You bring women to fight your battles?

(Sword scrapes)

Perhaps I bring men to fight mine.

You are a poor interrogator.

Mere pain is nothing.

(He grunts)

I will never betray my country.

You already have.

What do you mean?

Does King Philip want to see his own sister m*rder*d?

Rochefort intends to k*ll her.

She may only be hours away from her execution.

The King loves his sister.

If she dies, he'll want revenge. And he'll come to you first.

Rochefort was never told to harm the Queen.

He's a monster of your making.

He is no monster.

But he is mine.

Give evidence against Rochefort and you save the Queen.

If you run, she dies.

So do you.

Rochefort's capacity for suffering was remarkable.

When I turned him, I had great hopes for him.

But even I could not imagine he would climb so far.

You created him.

Now you must destroy him.

(Baby cries nearby)

(Baby cries)

(Baby cries)


The truth about your liaison with Aramis has been established.

But I may yet be able to plead with the King on your behalf.

I am the Queen.

Sister to the King of Spain.

I do not plead for anything.

(Door closes)

You need a friend.

I have many friends.

And they will come for me as they did for Constance.

Oh, they will not come.

There is only you and I now.

In Spain, there was a man who led my t*rture.

Every day, Vargas and I would cross new thresholds of torment together.

Do you know why it took so long for him to break me?


The mere thought of you was a refuge from my agony.

Know this, Rochefort...

In all that time... I did not think of you once.

Very soon, your lover Aramis will be broken upon the wheel.

That body you found so precious will be torn limb from limb.

Still you love him.

You understand nothing about love.

It is pain! Suffering!

It is neither!


His arms will be shattered.

Then his legs.

Then his back.

He will beg for death.

There it is.


You understand how his suffering will be nothing compared to what you feel inside?

Now you know something of the agony I endure every minute of every day.

(She sobs softly)

(He grunts, chains rattle)

(Thudding, he pants)

God, if you spare her and by some miracle, I'm allowed to live, I vow to devote all my remaining days to your grace.

I will renounce all worldly temptations. I will...

Even my duty...

(Door clanks)

(He groans)

I'm not worthy... of your mercy.

(He sighs)

(Lock clanks)

My soul is prepared. (He sighs)

(Blade slices, man groans, thudding)

(Keys jangle)

God works in mysterious ways, does he not?

(Lock clanks)

The Queen?


No thanks to you.

And the others?

Gone to help Porthos.

Then Rochefort's allegations will soon be disproved.

Even those that are true?

It won't be long before they discover my escape.

It was not an escape, it was a rescue.

For which you are very welcome.

It's not a rescue yet...

(Sword unsheathes, man yells)



We don't need to k*ll him.

Why not?

(Guard grunts)


You shouldn't treat death so lightly.
(Banging at door)

Come here.

Good to see you, my friend.

You just won't die, will you?

All right, there'll be time for that later. We need to get to the King.

It's good to see you, Aramis.

Thank you... for saving his life.

What will you do now?

Start a new life.

In England, perhaps.

It rains a great deal in England.

And the food is...

(He snorts in disgust)

Would it matter to you if I went?

You're free to do as you please.

I'm not free.

I'm bound to you. As you are to me.

I have become this foul and ugly thing, this stranger who cheats and lies and kills without conscience.

I don't want to be that creature any more.

I want to be... (voice breaking) .. as I was once with you...

To feel hope instead of this... deadness in my heart.

(She sighs)

The day after tomorrow... my carriage will be leaving Paris.

I will wait at the crossroads until sundown.

If you come, we will go to Le Havre and sail for England together.

If not, I leave alone, and you will never see me again.

We have no reason in the world left to trust each other.

But who else can we trust?

Who else knows us like we know each other?

It's time to take Vargas to the King.

(She exhales)

(She sighs)

Aramis has escaped.

The conspirators will most likely come for the Queen next.

If she were to escape, who knows how many would rally to her cause?

It would mean rebellion. Civil strife.

What can we do?

Perhaps a more permanent solution, then?

Exile for Her Majesty? New France?

From where this treachery can continue?!

Forgive my foolishness.

Your Majesty is wise.

You're not foolish, Rochefort. You are a dear friend.

The only one who gives me the truth.

Even though it's harmful to your own cause.

Then I must, in all humility, do so again, Majesty.

(Papers rustle)

What is that?

The only certain way of defeating her enemies.

You must sign it.

Only then can you be safe.

You must sign the Queen's death warrant.

If this were the Royal Palace in Madrid, you would be dead over a hundred times by now.

Save your talk for the King.

What's your name, Musketeer?

Porthos. Why?

Because I like to know the name of the man I'm going to k*ll.

(He chuckles) Ah, you had your chance.

(He sniffles)

Look, Rochefort, I cannot k*ll my own...

You must do it, Sire!

I cannot!

I will be alone in the world.

Would you rather raise the son of two traitors as your own?


Endure a lifetime of humiliation?

Do not speak to your king in this way!

Leave behind a false legacy?



(He gasps)

It must be quiet... and swift.

It must be swift.

Your Majesty is most merciful.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Clear the palace.

Leave only the King's Guard inside.




(Commotion, shouting)

Vargas: Where are all the guards?

With such poor protection, no wonder France falters.

There are no servants. Courtiers.

I must go to the Queen!

I'll go with you.

Get Vargas to the King!

Hey, be careful.


(Swords unsheathe)


(Grunting, blades clatter)

Come here! Come here!

Holy Mary, Mother of God... pray for us sinners... now and at the hour of our death.

(b*ll*ts whizz)

(g*nshots, shouting)


Keep Vargas out of sight, we'll draw as many away as we can.

.. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit...



(Man groans)

(They shout)

Come on!

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee...


(Blades clatter)

(Metal clattering)


Holy Mary, Mother of God... pray for us sinners... now... and at the hour of our death.



(Door unlocks)

(He gasps)

(He groans)

(Louis gasps)

If this is to be my end, I would rather be shot than stabbed.

It's the end, Your Majesty. But not for you.

If you want to see Madrid again, start talking.

(Chain jingles)

(She sniffs)

You will never touch me again, Rochefort.

(He exhales)


Get away from her!

(He pants)

She belongs to me!

Your Majesty...

(He roars)

(He yells)

(She grunts, he groans)

Get back, get back, get back!

You think you can save her?

Why should the Queen be any different to the Cardinal's mistress?

(They grunt)

(Aramis groans)

(Squelching, rochefort screams)

(He pants)

Or the Lady Marguerite? She took her own life because of you.

(Swords clang)

(Aramis yells)

(Squelching crunch, rochefort yells)

(He pants)

(Dagger clatters)

(He grunts)

(He pants)

(Squelching and scraping)

(He pants)

It is finished. The French King knows everything.

You have betrayed me?

You left me no choice.

(Swords clang)


(He roars)

(Blade slices)


(He pants)

(Metal scrapes)

(Metal scrapes)

(He groans and pants)

(He pants)


Yours are the lies, Rochefort.

And they will join you in your grave.

(He inhales raggedly)

(He coughs)

Spain thanks you for your service.

None of this was for Spain.

(He breathes raggedly)

I am alone.

(His breath rattles)

No, Aramis.

Not for him.

Rochefort wrapped my mind in such terrible lies.

It is as if I have woken from a nightmare.

He deceived many wise men, Your Majesty.

But you were the last.

(Baby gurgles)

He has grown stronger since we last held each other.

And so have we.

You are a good and loyal wife.

(Baby gurgles)

Oh, look at him!

Course he's my son.

I'd need a mirror to find a better likeness!

(Baby squeals)

And you have been grievously wronged, Aramis.

And I'm sorry for it.

You have no cause to apologise, Sire.

I am... your humble servant.

Spoken like a true soldier of France.

We have urgent business to discuss, Treville.

You are safe now, Majesty.

You're both safe.

Thanks to you.

And to your friends.

Come, my dear.

Spain has overreached herself with this complicity.

Summon the Council. You will attend as my new Minister For w*r.

"Minister For w*r"?

It's time to take your rightful place at the King's side, Captain.

You will NOT refuse me a second time.

It will be my honour, Majesty.

I need to tell you all something.

I'm resigning my commission and retiring at the monastery at Douai.

He's going to become a monk?

I made a vow to God and I have to honour it.

If I'd told you sooner, you would have just tried to talk me out of it.

We're still going to.

Is this really what you want?

With all my heart.

Farewell then, old friend.

Are we just going to let him go?


He's letting us go.

You'll be missed.

Take care of Constance.

Of course.

All for one.

All: One for all.

You look beautiful.

.. Give yourselves to each other in marriage.

Love, honour as man and wife for the rest of your lives.

Do you, d'Artagnan, take Constance to be your wife?

I will.

Do you, Constance, take d'Artagnan to be your husband?

I will.

I now pronounce you man and wife.

May God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...

w*r has been declared on Spain. All leave has been cancelled.

I'll report to the garrison later.

You'll report there now.

See to your men.

MY men?

As Minister For w*r, I'm making you Captain of the Musketeers.


I'm not fit to lead anyone.

The men look up to you. You can't let them down.

We all have our duty, Athos.


(Hum of industry)

(Hammering, horses neigh)



(He gives muffled orders)

(Horse neighs)

(Hoofbeats approach)



This has seen me through many campaigns.

You will do me a great honour by bearing it in battle.


I'll wear it with pride.

(Noise of garrison outside)

You deserve more lavish surroundings for your honeymoon.

Most men would have taken their bride to some rural idyll...

I didn't marry most men.

I married a Musketeer.

(She chuckles)

It's not right, is it, just the three of us.

Aramis would be here if he knew the w*r was on.

Perhaps someone should tell him.

See you return before the regiment rides to the border.

(Horses neigh)

After you, Porthos!

(All shout)


Yah! Yah!

(Porthos laughs)



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