01x03 - Reality, Something Between Somewhat and Somehow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "So I Married my Anti-fan". Aired: April 30 – June 19, 2021.*
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A romantic comedy about a top star and a magazine reporter who hate each other but end up living together for a reality show.
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01x03 - Reality, Something Between Somewhat and Somehow

Post by bunniefuu »

[antifan_act, hashtag anti-fan, follow]

[Choi Tae-joon]

[Choi Soo-young]

[Hwang Chan-sung]

[Han Ji-an]

[Kim Min-gue]

[So I Married the Anti-Fan]

[Episode 3]

[Reality is Between How and Somehow]


I'll grab a drink to celebrate
finding a safe place to crash tonight.

This is great.

-My gosh.
[-The door is opened.]

[The door is locked.]

What are you doing here?

What about you?

Well, I was just passing by.

I was passing by too.

How did you get in here?

You told me the passcode earlier.

Right. The passcode.

You could have just passed by.
Why did you come in?

Well, while passing by...

While passing by,

I found a store selling this.

So I thought I might as well grab a bite.

Have you eaten yet? Aren't you hungry?

Since you were also passing by,

why don't you have some soju with me?

Aren't you eating the food?

I don't eat such things.

You drink soju though.

By the way, what brings you here
at this hour?

Am I obliged to tell you that?

Well, isn't it unfair
that I should tell you why I'm here

and you don't have to tell me
why you're here?


What's with that bag?

Are you

backpacking to eat some tteokbokki?

Excuse me?

If you aren't going to answer me, get out.

Fine. I'm crashing here for a while.

And it hasn't even been an hour yet
since I started crashing here.

I didn't intend to come here though.
I somehow ended up here.

Let's be honest. This is an empty place.

And it should stay empty.

I had some situations.

I know you're not the kind of person
who would care though.

Are you saying
you're going to settle down here?

Who said I'm settling down?

I said I'm just crashing here for a while.

Plus, you are one of the reasons
why I'm here...

As a matter of fact, you are


So I'm saying you cannot stop me.

I think I deserve some help from you.

Hey, is that how you talk
to someone you owe?

It's not like you own this place.
Don't be so fussy.

Anyway, you can't.

You can't stay here.

I can't believe this.

This is my place.

I know it isn't.

What happened yesterday?


Okay, okay.

Keep it together.


Hey, wake up.

-What's up?
-Gosh, you scared me.

Did you sleep here last night?
Why on earth did you sleep here?


You told me to stay.

When did I say that?

Don't you remember?

Fine. I'll go.

You think I came here
because I have nowhere else to go?

There are a lot of people who want me.


Just stay here.

"Just stay here." That's what you said.

Gosh, this is just...
How much did you make me drink?

Stop being old school.

Are you pretending
not to remember anything?

You told me to stay,

and I don't really have
anywhere else to go.

I'll be crashing here for the time being,

so I want you to stop dropping by
at late night.

You can go now. I'll get some more sleep.

Excuse me.


Hey, wake up.

What is it?

Fine. I'll let you stay here.

But promise me not to let anyone know
that you're here.

Why would I want others to know
that I'm here?

You turned this house
into a complete mess.

What have I done to deserve this?

-Hey, how was the workout?
-It was tough.

Don't you think
you're dressed too casually?

I can't put on a suit after a workout.

Something's going on.

Excuse me for a second.

Hello. Health is our first priority,

and we, Get It Diet, present

our first solution, boxing.

Let's leave out this part.


It's an educational show.

It looks like she introduces diet boxing
as a reporter.

Let's take a break here.


Joon, I think you should
stay away from her.

Let's go.


-Excuse me.

Where is Ms. Oh In-hyung?

We're taking a break,
so she's probably using the bathroom.


What are you doing here?

Well, the sh**t is being delayed,
so I was on standby.

Did you come here alone for the sh**t?

Well, there's an important event
at the agency, so the staff...

Does your agency assign you
a different amount of staff

depending on your significance?

Why would you care?

You said we're not supposed
to care about each other anymore.

Just because no one has come with you

doesn't mean you are no one.

Hello. Health is our first priority,

and we, Get It Diet, present

our first solution, boxing.

Boxing is one of the exercises

where you can consume
the most calories within a short time.

Now, let me introduce you a boxing expert

who will teach us some boxing moves
we can easily do at home.

All right. Let's call it a day.

-Good work, everyone.
-Well done.

Good work, guys.

Good work, everyone.

Hey, when did you come?

Did you come here alone?
Without any staff?

Well, the schedule was fixed
at the last minute, so...

My manager is coming later to pick me up.

I see.

Isn't the schedule fixed
at the last minute, not a schedule?

How do I, the CEO, not know
about this decision?

I'll see you at the next meeting.

I know you're doing that to impress me.

I'm okay. Let's go.

You should put some clothes on.

Let's go.

[Actor Who-joon said showing his true self
would put a stop to the rumors.]

"True self"?

Once his true self is revealed,
you guys won't be able to handle it.

[It's like giving a fish to a crazy cat.]

"Crazy cat"?

[It's like throwing a poor baby swan
to an evil duck.]

"Evil duck"?

Me? Am I the evil duck?

That's unfair.

I had no idea I would ever be called
a crazy cat or an evil duck.

-Yes, Director Han.
[-Hey, Geun-young.]

We're grabbing a drink
with Who-joon before the sh**t begins.

Tomorrow night. You can come, right?

Who's buying the drinks?

You said you were going to park the car.
Where have you been?

-I was buying this.
-Is that a present?

But it's not my birthday today.
What is it?

I figured out
that your hoodie was way too big for you.

I can't let my artist wear
something like that. It doesn't suit you.

When did you buy it?

I can't even remember.

You can't even remember?

Yes. It's a long time ago.

Just because no one has come with you
doesn't mean you are no one.

I see.

Then you should just throw it away.

Where is it?

I'll throw it away for you.

What are you doing? What's this all about?

My father said, in order to be successful,
one should know what to throw away.

You said you wanted to be successful.

You should throw away things
that don't fit you, like this hoodie.

Stop being sarcastic.

What is it this time you don't like about?

If you hadn't lied to me,

I wouldn't be doing this.

Do you know what I mean?


Go get a good rest.

I'm okay.


Oh, my. I must have dropped it here
on my way to throw it away.

Don't you have trash cans
in your neighborhood?

Why did you come all the way here
to dump it?

Well, I saw some jerk secretly dumping
a piece of clothing in my neighborhood,

and it turned out to be yours.

I threw it away because I didn't need it.

You can wear it if you want.

No, I want you to throw it away properly.

You wouldn't be so delighted
to see what you used to wear

end up just a trash
without being recycled, would you?

You know that I don't look back
once I abandon something.

And you love to pick up
things I throw away.

You little punk has grown up.

Then you shouldn't have cared about
what I picked up and has now become mine.

You shouldn't have acted like
you still owned it.

Oh, right.

I even picked up
this plush toy on the street.

I thought I would give it back
once I find the owner,

but the owner doesn't seem to show up.

I'll have to play with it.

Take a good rest.

And make sure to throw it away properly.

After you had left, Jae-joon came.

I shouldn't have talked to her.

Why? Did he see something?

Did he freak out?

I'm not sure,

but I think I might have put
In-hyung in a difficult situation.

From now on, just ignore her.

Joon, it's all water under the bridge now.

What about you, Geun-young?

-I'd like to have a beer.
-Beer, okay.

Guys, look.

This place is called Peach Garden.

Just like Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei
swore brotherhood in Peach Garden,

we're gathered here today to team up.

When I say, "We are", say, "one".

We are...

Just do it. One.



Now, we're on the same boat.

Shall we drink to it?

Shall we continue drinking then?

-Sounds great. Cheers.
-You must be a heavy drinker.

Why, thank you.


I have never lost money.

Seriously, I have collected all the debt.


-Shall we drink?
-Sounds great.



Shall we open another bottle?


Do you even need to ask?

Okay, let's move to a different place
and continue the party.

♫ I say you are a jerk ♫

♫ You are so cocky and annoying ♫

♫ Lee Geun-young is ♫

♫ A confident woman ♫

♫ I keep checking my phone
My phone keeps ringing ♫

♫ I was with my friend Shy, shy, shy ♫

♫ Cheer up, baby, cheer up, baby
Give it a little more ♫

It's finished!

Finally, it's finished.

As I said earlier,
I'm not so good with variety shows,

and it worries me.

These days, you don't need to be good
on variety shows.

You just need to be yourself.

She's right. Now that I drink with you,

-you seem more humane in reality.

You're just saying that, aren't you?

No, I'm not.

Then what do you think, Ms. No?
You're a horrible liar.

Me? You know

how much I hate lying.

And you're a real deal.

I'm sure you'll take care of it,

but you'll let me take a peek
at the video before it's aired, right?

Of course. That's not a big deal.

I knew it. Let's drink.


[I'm sure even if I leave this room
and go home right now,]

[no one would recognize it.]

[I'm not a big star like Who-joon]

[nor someone who has the say
in this show.]


[I'm just that punk's anti-fan.]

May I sing another song?

Today, the mic is yours, Geun-young.

♫ Please fill me with your love ♫

♫ I think I'm out of the battery of love ♫

♫ I cannot live without you ♫

♫ You are my battery ♫

♫ I think the drug of love has worn off ♫

♫ The drug of love has worn off ♫

♫ How lonely have I been without you ♫

♫ Days have passed
And when I found out the truth about you ♫

♫ I will send all my love to you ♫

♫ I revolve around you ♫

♫ But you are not the sun♫

♫ But you become the center anyway ♫

♫ But you shouldn’t do whatever you want ♫

♫ You are always you, you, you, you ♫

♫ I'm always me, me, me, me ♫

♫ Shake it, you punk! Yo! ♫


Where was it?



What a funny coincidence.

Here. Have it.

I heard Who-joon was here.
Did you come with him?

Yes, we came together.

I heard you accepted the offer.
I read an article about it.

I did.

I was going to fight head-on, but...

He upset you again, didn't he?

You're wearing high heels today.

Why don't you lodge his head again
while you're drunk?


I probably should have done that.

I told you

some people in this world
must be rooting for you.

And I'm probably
the most famous one among them.

What you just said
somehow really cheers me up.

This is why celebrities say
they can hold up thanks to their fans.

Wait. This is not good.

Are you already starting
to relate to celebrities?

No way.

I'll call a cab.

[-Is this your phone?]
-I did drink a lot, but I'm fine.

I'm not a child.


I just got a celebrity's phone number.

[-Promise me you will save it.]

If you're drunk, you should go home.

What are you doing here?

Who is drunk?

I didn't think you had
the kind of relationship

where you worry
about each other like that.

Only the two involved would know
what kind of relationship they have.

the top star is being cranky again.

Oh, that's because he loves attention.

He seems to think
he's the center of the world, right?

He's such a jerk.

What's the matter? Do you want to know
what we're talking about?

Or are you worried?

Are you worried I might pick up
what you have thrown away?

Watch your mouth, Jae-joon.

Then don't look at me like that.

Geun-young, I'll see you later.

Sure. Thanks for the coffee.

-You owe me.
-Of course. Good night.


He's such a decent man.

What's your relationship with him?

I don't know.

I think that's our cab.

We really wanted to see our actors off,
but sadly, our cab is here.

I'm afraid we should get going now.


-Hurry and get in.

All right. I'll get going now, superstar.

Hey, you're not going anywhere.
You're all wasted.

-Take a cab.
-I'm not drunk.

I don't want another scandal, okay?

-So take a cab.
-I can take the subway home.

-It's not so far away.
-You're being ridiculous.

I said I'm not drunk.

Just listen to me, okay?

-But I...

All right. I got a taxi.

Stop moving, okay?

I'm sorry,
but could you please wait a bit?

Have I been wasting all the money
on the gym membership?

Is this because she's heavy or I'm weak?


Okay. We're almost there. Hang in there.

Promise me you won't throw up, okay?

If you throw up, I'm going to...

She's walking.
Oh, my gosh. She's been awake.


Hey, Lee Geun-young.

You'd better wish
this doesn't affect my dance.

You... Let me ask you something.

How do you know Jae-joon?

Why do you keep ignoring me?

Darn it.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm doing this so you feel hot.

So you sweat like a pig.

♫ Please fill me with your love ♫

♫ I think I'm out of the battery of love ♫

Thank you.

She's sleeping so well.

Why would she put these inside the house?

You shouldn't have looked at me like that.

Promise me you won't throw up, okay?

I didn't go overboard, did I?

Did I?


-Who is this?
-It's me, JJ.

Did you get home safely last night?


Thanks for the coffee.

If you're free, would you like
to buy me the coffee you owe me?

Sure. I should.


does it have to be coffee?

[Sang Restaurant]


-Did I keep you waiting for long?
-No, you didn't.

Is it okay to be in public places
like this? You're a celebrity.

Well, I'm a CEO now.

By the way, you can eat hangover soup?

Of course.

I've been a reporter for three years,

and I wouldn't have survived
if it weren't for this restaurant.

After working all night long
or drinking all night long,

a bowl of this soup would cure everything.

Wait, do you not like hangover soup?

I do. I also drank a lot last night.

Why? What happened?

Well, I also have someone
who has been troubling me.

Someone I would like to hit
with a high heel.

You should have told me.

I should have indeed.

Here's your food.


I'll show you how you eat this.

-Is that your recipe?

-Let's dig in.

Right, did you save my number?

Of course.

You didn't save me as "stranger", did you?

No way.

It's Jae-joon.

Choi Jae-joon.

You can now just call me by my name.

To be honest, JJ sounds a bit weird.


Then I'll just call you
by your name, Jae-joon.

That sounds much better.


Did you get involved
with Jae-joon, that punk?

What are you saying, all of a sudden?

That punk suddenly called me
and said I should manage you better.

He said you should stay out of his girl

if you don't want to be
kicked out of this field for good.

He also said once that happens,
I would go broke.

You've become weak, Young-suk.

You get swayed by Jae-joon's words now.

This is why you should have supported
other guys too in case I fail.

I cannot sleep at night worrying about

what would happen to this company
if something happens to me.

You're not the only sensitive one here.

I can't even sit on the toilet comfortably

worrying it might tarnish your image.

Mr. Bae, Joon's got a schedule.

Let's go.

Hey, you...


Mr. Bae,

are you constipated?

You just said you can't sit
on the toilet comfortably.

I poop well.

Yes. Tomorrow is the first sh**t,
but I have no idea what I'll be doing.

[Come over after the sh**t.
Let's have a party.]

Okay. I'll call you when I'm done.

Ms. No, Geun-young is here.

Oh, you're early.

As if you have been waiting around here.

We just decided to do the sh**t
in the penthouse today.

[Ms. No]

You can get ready here, so dress casually.

I was just passing by.

By the way,

you dressed almost too casually.

Come on in.

The staff will be here in a minute,
so we need to hurry.


Oh, my. Baby, you look gorgeous
with the makeup on.

As if.

Who are you?

You look so beautiful.

You look amazing.

Finally, you look good together.

This is a virtual marriage,

so we'll start with a wedding sh**t.

But before that,
Geun-young needs to get ready.

Wasn't it done?

Guys, get the things for Geun-young.


What's wrong? Is there a problem?

Raise that...

[So I Married the Anti-Fan]

All right. Bride, and Groom,
are you ready?

-Groom, are you ready?

-Of course.
-All right. Let's go!

Make sure to look spiteful.

It hurts a bit. Could you
please move it a bit to this way?

-Like this.

Very good. This is what I wanted.

-sh**t the g*n of love.
-sh**t it in that direction.

Bang, bang, bang!

The b*ll*ts of love! Ouch!

Good. No, don't hold the g*n.

-You should be shivering.

-Okay. Let's make this quick.

Move a bit. Good.

Very good. Now...

How about this?

-I get what you're going for.

Did you think I was a pushover?

How about this?

-I love it!
-That's great! I love it!

-You're so good.
-Act like you want to k*ll each other.

Very good!

Thanks. It hurts.

This is exactly what I wanted.

This time, you will
go on a drive together.


Geun-young will be the driver.

Are you sure Geun-young can handle it?

You have a driver's license, right?


-I do, but--

Then let's start
as soon as the staff is ready.

Let's wrap this up
and sh**t the driving scene.

Please get ready.

You'll be driving only 100m,
so don't worry.



Are you okay?

If you're so concerned,
just tell the producer you can't...

It's okay. You said
I didn't have to drive a long way.

If I don't do this, you guys
have to think of something else.

I can do this.

You already sound like a pro.
You can do this.


A famous car racer said
that driving is done by instinct.


-She's getting ready.

-Good luck.

You can do this.


I guess you don't want to hurt yourself.

You're a human too, after all.

This is the most humane side of yours
I have ever seen.

Could you please shut your mouth?

What do we do with the seat belts?

Guys, this is a simple photoshoot,

so let's go without the seat belts.

[Now, look at the camera.]

-Shall we?

Let's start the sh**t.

Three, two, one.

Now, shall we go, Geun-young?

[You're trying to look
like a gentleman, aren't you?]

-I'll be a gentle driver.

You can do it.

I think the takeoff seems
a little more dynamic than I thought.

She's feisty. I like it.

Geun-young, wait.
I think you're going a little too fast.

Wait. Stop the car.

Wait. Slow down!

-Step on the brake.
-What's going on?

-Wait. Stop.
-My goodness.

-Stop the car!
-How do I stop the car?

-Stop! Step on the brake!
-I am stepping on the brake.

That's the accelerator!

-Oh, my gosh!
-Oh, no!

Stop the car! We're going to hit them!

-What do I do?
-Stop! Stop the car!

-Stop the car!

Hit the brake!



Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

I'm sorry.
I confused the accelerator with the brake.

-Shut it.

-I mean I didn't mean to...
-I said, shut it.

Who-joon, are you okay?

-Geun-young, are you okay?
-Are you okay?

You managed to hit the brake anyway.

Geun-young, you must be startled.

Never let this person drive a car.

This is why I wanted to put
the seat belt on.

Don't you know they always say
seat belt saves our lives?

-Calm down.


I haven't driven a car before.

-I was going to say it, but...
-I see.

You did a wonderful job then.

She did indeed.

After 13 years, we almost k*lled
people instead of doves this time.

They are alive, though.

-Geun-young, get off the car.

Let's take the car out and wrap this up.

Let's wrap it up here.

Oh, no.

Are you okay?


That woman sure has a talent
for surprising people.

Kang-yeon, check if he got his face hurt.


What's wrong?

He didn't get hurt.

Joon, have some water.

I'm sorry, but could you give us a minute?

Let's go.

You must be surprised.

You didn't see it, did you?

See what?

Never mind. I'm glad you didn't see it.

There were three.



-Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay.

Like this.

Number one and number three.

Gosh, you must have been really shocked.

It was just an accident. A car accident.

It was a minor collision.

But why did it have to be him?

Geun-young, are you okay?


Is there something on your lips?

Or are you just washing your face?

Gosh, this is so refreshing.

What an interesting way to wash the face.

Hey, Geun-young.
Could you have a seat here for a second?

There had been a tiny accident,

but I think we got some nice cuts
thanks to that.

Let's call it a day.

Geun-young, I want you to stay
for an interview.


Good work, guys.

-Good work.
-What are you doing?

-Great work, guys.
-Let's go.

-I'm sorry about earlier.
-Why didn't you say you can't drive?

Did you want to k*ll me?

You're not the only one
who could've been hurt.

I could've been hurt too.
I was surprised too.

I'm the one who was surprised.

Of course, I was surprised.
I didn't know we would kiss...

Keep your mouth shut.

Don't use this as an opportunity
to feather your own nest.


What do I do with that punk?

Are you nervous?

-Loosen up.

-It's just an interview. Relax.

How did you feel
when you first got the offer?

You felt uncomfortable, right?

[So I Married the Anti-Fan]

I did, of course.

It's true

that Who-joon and I created some stir.

[So I Married the Anti-Fan]

Then what made you decide
to accept the offer?

How can I put it?

It felt like procrastinating a homework.

It felt like procrastinating a homework,
and it made me feel uncomfortable.

Then how was the first sh**t today?



Will the accident today be aired too?

I don't think it should.

Will it be?

What's this smell?

This is why they said
sh**ting shows make your feet stink.

This is just unbelievable.

It's great to have a sauna at home.

I love this.

It's so refreshing.

Gosh, this is amazing.

Let's see.

Oh, no one has contacted me.

I know I made a mistake,

but how could that punk talk like that?

Feather my own nest? Pervert?

I would never be interested
in a man like you,

you lynx-looking punk.

Why do they say he has a good personality?

All right.

I will show them how two-faced you are.

You are going to be surprised
when you see this.

Who-joon's two faces.

[Who-joon's two faces]

There are so many things to write about,

but number one.

When he gets angry, he rudely tells others

to shut their mouths.

And it's really offensive.

Those who haven't experienced this
would never understand.

Who-joon, I heard you got hurt.
How and how much did you get hurt?

Who's the producer?

Why did they even take you out?

I let them use your place as the set.

Why did you make me do it
in the first place?

It's all for the best. You think
I would do something that would harm you?

Of course, it's for the best,
but for whom?

Speaking of which, I had changed
the owner of the house.

When this sh**t is over,
the house will be yours.

What are you trying to pull here?

Are you doing this
in case I get in trouble?

This time, it's for real.

Gosh, I probably should
change the producer.

Don't bother.
It was just a minor collision.

Is that so? Then after the meeting,

make sure to sign the contract, okay?


Gosh, I hate this.
I should be a singer myself.

-Hey, you're here.

Hi, Who-joon.

This is the director of the movie,
Choi Hwa-jin.

-Nice to meet you, sir.
-Nice to meet you.

Please have a seat.

He seems like a nice person.

It's all for his image.

[I saw him hitting a woman's head
and the woman crying.]

Otherwise, he's frowning all the time.

Number three.

[-You don't know the passcode?]

Oh, no.

Because of the security,
but Director Han is on his way.

I told you we should've
checked before we leave.

[-Could you hold this for a second?

Let's get in.

All right. Let's see.

About the camera setting,

let's set some up to cover
the living room and the kitchen.

-I'm sorry.

Well, it's always good to double-check it.

-I'll go check.

Director Han, how about we put
a camera on the balcony?

That sounds great.
Let's put some on the balcony.

Then... What?

I said you should keep the doors closed.


You forgot to lock this door.

You almost got us in trouble.

-Are they all closed now?


Now, let's go.

You made us work twice today,
so why don't you buy us a meal?

-A meal?
-Not just a meal.

-I want beef.
-Thanks in advance.


Did they lock them all?

Did they really lock them?

Why would they lock these? Who would
break into a balcony on the 25th floor?

Oh, my.

What do I do?

Who should I call?

But promise me not to let anyone know
that you're here.



Are you sure
you're going to your senior's place?

Will that punk drop by again today?

I want to use the bathroom.

Right. His manager told me
I should call him when something's up.

And this is definitely something.

Well, don't mind about me

and do whatever you want...

He's taking a quite long bathroom break.

[Lee Geun-young]

It must be an important call.

If it's not too much trouble,
could I go answer this?

Sure. Go ahead.


[Can you please help me?]

[You'd better leave him alone.]
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