Happy (2011)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Happy (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

The first question is
"what do you want?"

I don't know.
To be happy?

To be happy.

I want the american dream.
I want to be happy.

[ Dog barks ]

[ Insect buzzes, stops ]

[ Crickets chirping ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

[ Rooster crows ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

[ Speaking native language ]

[ Soft music plays ]

Would it surprise you to know
that in a recent survey,

This rickshaw driver,
manoj singh,

Was found to be as happy
as the average american?

[ Laughter ]

For hundreds,
maybe even thousands of years,

People have studied depression
and psychological illness.

The goal of psychologists

Was primarily to rid a patient
of their problems.

Recently, however,

Modern science has begun to look
at how happiness works.

What are the building blocks
of a life

That's not just free of illness,

But one that flourishes with
a deep and genuine happiness?

When I got
into happiness research,

It was 1981.

It was not a popular field
in psychology.

People thought it was flaky,
that it was loose.

A professor said to me, "you can
never measure happiness."

Now, why they thought
you could measure depression,

Which they were all doing,

But you couldn't measure
happiness, I'm not sure.

And then, in the '90s,

People started
getting interested in it.

And now it's absolutely amazing
how many people are interested.

Magazine articles and books
are being written about it.

There's even
a new field of science

Called "positive psychology,"

Which studies happiness.

It became the most popular class
at harvard,

With 1,000 kids showing up
every week

For a happiness class.

The first thing is to realize

That happiness can actually
help you get your other goals,

Have better relationships,
make more money,

Do better at the job.

People on the job are gonna
like you better if you're happy.

What we've done...

And I've done this for the last

So, we follow people and look
at their moods over time.

We've also looked
at random samples of people

From around the world,

Who's happy, who's not happy.

Then we crunch all these numbers

And we say,
"gee, what really matters?"

By studying identical twins,

People with almost exactly
the same genetic makeup,

Researchers have discovered

That approximately 50%
of the differences

In our happiness levels

Is determined by our genes.

They call that
our "genetic set point,"

Or our "genetic set range."

Most of us are born with
a certain range of happiness

That we fall in
most of the time.

And even when really good or
really bad things happen to us,

We kind of tend to return
to our set point.

And while 50% is genetic,

Amazingly, our circumstances,

Like what job we have
or how much money we have,

Our social status, our health,

Those things that many of us
are told to focus on,

They only account for 10% of the
differences in our happiness.

Most people are kind of stunned
at how small that is,

But that still leaves

And so our theory suggests

That there is a great deal
you can do to become happier,

And that 40% is left for
kind of intentional behavior,

You know, things that we can do
on a regular basis

To become happier.

It's very important if a person
wants to become happier

To try not to adapt
to what they're doing.

So, they would consciously vary
what they do.

It could be like
when you do your daily run

That you take a different route.

I mean, that's not really,
you know, mind-boggling.

For some people,
it's gonna be a lot of change.

For some people,
it's gonna be a little.

But that change is important.

Variety is the spice of life.

[ Country music plays ]

This is a paradise to me.

That's why I love it so much.

And you don't know
what you're gonna see.

People either call me for
a tour, "what we gonna see?"

"I don't know
what you're gonna see,

But we're gonna see something."

Look right there.

That's a crawfish eater.

Look at that alligator
on that big log.

See it?
I feel like a kid, man.

[ Music ends ]

And right where we at there,
straight ahead,

My house is right there
across the levee.

In the afternoon sometimes,

I'm kind of, like,
down a little bit.

I jump in my 4-wheeler,
and I come park right there.

My house is right there.

And I watch these birds pass

And just listen
to the stillness.

[ Whistling ]

This, you know, wildlife
and being out here,

You don't know
what you're gonna see.

But nature,
especially like this, you know,

It's good medicine.

This is my happiness.

[ Soft music plays ]

Any discussion of happiness
centers a lot on dopamine.

Dopamine is a chemical in the
brain called a neurotransmitter

That's necessary for feelings
of pleasure and happiness.

So, electrical impulses come
down a nerve,

They hit the connection,

And the connection
releases chemicals.

The chemicals diffuse
to the next nerve cell.

They bind to receptors
in the next nerve cell,

And they cause
an electrical change.

That chemical release
that is released

Is called a neurotransmit.

Pretty much, as you age from
about teenage years onward,

You're slowly losing
dopamine synapses

And probably dopamine neurons,
as well.

As far as we know, no one's
observed those regenerating.

If it's too severe, then you
end up with parkinson's disease.

The body adapts
to what it needs to do.

So, the "use it or lose it"

Probably applies to some degree
in the brain, as well.

And so the idea would be

To seek out experiences
that release dopamine

Or you need dopamine to do.

The things that are best
at doing that, interestingly,

Involve physical activity.

So, aerobic exercise is probably

One of the best releasers
of dopamine,

Especially if you do it
in novel ways.

[ Laughs ]

[ Cheering, grunting ]

What makes you happy?

Like, banana splits.

I like banana peels.

I like big bananas.

The brain is basically...

On this level,
it's very similar to a muscle.

The parts of the brain
that are...

[ Laughs ]
I'm sorry.

I thought you were gonna say
the brain is a sponge.

But I'll go with muscle.

[ Brazilian music plays ]

[ Woman vocalizing ]

[ Dog howls ]

[ Bird chirps ]

[ Man vocalizing ]

[ Woman vocalizing ]

It turns out

That there's another component
of surfing and exercise

That can increase
your happiness.

It's what an athlete would call
"being in the zone."

I started studying people
who were doing something

Very difficult and demanding
for no good reason...

No money, no status, nothing,

But just because
they like to do it.

My understanding of what
motivated these activities

Was not anything
that came from outside

But it came from
the activity itself.

And I gave the name "flow"

To this kind of synergy

Of different aspects
of consciousness,

Where you wish
you could go forever

Because it feels like you are
completely fulfilling something

That you can do well and
that you can see it happening

And you feel
that nothing else matters.

To have very clear goals

That you know moment by moment
what you have to do.

Like if you're singing or
playing a musical instrument,

You always know what notes
or chords you want to play next

And you can hear whether
you're doing it right or not.

People in that situation feel
in control,

They forget their problems.

they forget themselves,

So that the kind of ego

That you are always aware
of in everyday life


It builds over time a feeling
that life is worth living.

Flow can happen almost anywhere.

It can happen
during personal time,

Or it can happen
with your family.

It can even happen at your job.

[ Spanish music plays ]

It's all in the rhythm.

It's all in keeping
the rhythm going.

Doing it 14 years.
I love it.

Don't want to go nowhere else.

Why do you love it?

I like cooking, always did.

I got a order of hash browns
on the way.

Patty melt?

Master grill operator.

The research is clear.

People who experience flow
on a regular basis

Are happier
than those who don't.

Much of what we believe

About the causes
and sources of happiness

Simply isn't true.

People overestimate how much
impact both good and bad events

Will have on them in the future.

People believe
that if good things happen,

They're gonna be ecstatic

And that joy will last
a very long time.

In fact, they are ecstatic,
and the joy quickly dissipates.

People believe
that if bad things happen,

Losing a lover,
losing a football game,

Losing a job,

They will be devastated and
devastated for a very long time.

In fact, they are devastated
for a very short time.

In general, people do really
good when things go really bad.

Sounds like a country song,

But it actually turns out
to be true.

This is "town & country"
in 1969,

And I was featured

As one of the top-50 debutantes
in the country

At the international ball,

Along with tricia nixon
and people like that.

She was one of
the most beautiful women

I've ever seen in my life,

And I still have pictures of
her, you know, when she was 20.

All my memories of my mother
are just fond,

And, I mean, she was a genuinely
good mother all my life.

I was very, very busy
raising three children

And loving that

And raising horses on my ranch
and doing volunteer work.

I had a very full life,
busy, busy, busy.

My kids were in soccer
and baseball

And things like that.

When I was run over by a truck
in 1992,

I was in shock.

My whole life changed

It was the 4th of july
on my family ranch in texas,

Where I'm from.

We were coming in our truck
from the barn right here.

And as we were approaching,

I saw my sister-in-law driving
down the road in her truck.

And I thought,

"Well, if she stops,
I'll get out, and we'll talk."

And, so, she did.

And I got out,

And I guess it was right here,
actually, where the truck was.

And we were having
a disagreement.


She drove off in a hurry,

And when she did,
my hand was on the door handle.

I was running alongside
trying to get my hand out

And screaming and fell.

And when I fell, I was dragged

Until my hand disengaged
and I fell under the truck.

I was crawling and clawing
the gravel to try and get away,

And I couldn't.

And it went up my spine
and over my head

And crushed my face
in the rocks.

My dad had already jumped out
of the truck and was screaming.

And I got there, and, of course,
we both thought you were dead.

When I was in i.c.u., They could
only recognize me by my hands.

Just, oh,
my poor beautiful mother.

And I had friends who didn't
know what had happened to me.

If I saw them on the street
and went up to them,

They just... Fell apart
and started crying

And were horrified.

My husband divorced me
and left me.

Um, he became
a really bad alcoholic.

It was very traumatic for him,

But for 9½ years,
I was totally disabled.

I've had 30 surgeries
on my face.

I don't know if it was a dream

Or if it was a vision
or whatever,

'Cause I was kind of groggy
after the surgery

And I had these images of...

[ Sighs ]

Not an image that I had
remembered ever seeing

On my dad's face,

But just this lecherous look.

The memories that were coming
back were of abuse by him...

Not just fondling me,

But also raping
and threatening to k*ll me

With his hands around my neck
when I fought.

I guess the shock of the trauma

this very good denial system

I had built up in my life.

[ Chuckles ]

I just really was angry
I was alive.

I thought about k*lling myself.

I would buy myself time,
say, "well, okay.

"That's always an option,
but I'll wait six months,

Because I've got to be here
for my kids today."

I'd always been a super doer,
an overachiever,

A need-to-know person.

And to be able to say,
"I don't understand,

And I don't need to understand,
and that's okay,"

It was kind of a catalyst
of a healing process

In my entire family.

But it was very scary.

In my life, integrating,
accepting all of my life

Is part of healing.


I have horses.
I found them very healing to me.

I had seen him at one of
my step-daughter's wedding.

We knew each other years ago,
and he asked me things like,

Did my nose work?

And I liked and appreciated
that, you know?

[ Chuckles ]

And what was it like having
been beautiful and then not?

He wasn't afraid to talk to me,
to talk about things.

And we got married
a little over two years ago.

His name is happy, and we have
a wonderful life together.

He calls me beautiful,
and I love it.

[ Laughs ]

Yeah, it is a strange truth,

But the truth is
I am a happier person.

I am more grounded,
more centered,

More connected and integrated
with who I am

And grateful for who I am today.

I'm working with other people
now as a practitioner.

I think that you can make
a choice

And that you do make a choice
when things happen in life.

[ Soft music plays ]

[ Laughs ]

Oh, this is fun.

I haven't just stood out
in the rain in quite a while.


There's a general lay sense
that all adversity is bad.

And the scientific research
doesn't really support that.

One of the key ingredients
to happiness

Is being able to recover
from adversity more quickly.

So, it's not that people
who are happy

Don't respond to adversity.

They do.

They show an appropriate
response to adversity.

[ Screams ]

But they come back down
to baseline quickly.

There's no such thing
as pleasure without pain,

Of whatever sort,
emotional or otherwise,

Physical or otherwise.

Your nervous system
is a differential engine.

It looks at differences.
It looks at contrasts.

That's all it cares about.

It integrates information

By integrating a bunch of
little differences in things.

[ Cat meows, roars ]

What do you want out of life?

Uh, to be successful,
to be happy,

And, uh, to live
a long, healthy life.

What's gonna make you
successful and happy?

What will make you feel like
you're successful and happy?

[ Chuckles ]

Right now, money.

Yeah, lots of money.

We're told in our society

That the way to be
a competent person,

The way to be a good person
is to make a lot of money.

In the last 50 years, economic
growth has gone up a lot.

In america, for example,

We're about twice as wealthy
as we were 50 years ago.

The nationally representative
surveys of people's happiness

Show that happiness
has remained stagnant.

People aren't any happier
than they were 50 years ago,

Even though they're living
in a lot bigger houses,

They have more cars.

[ Siren wails ]
anybody who says,

Should go talk to somebody
living under a bridge.

But anybody who says,
"money buys happiness,"

Should go talk to bill gates,

Neither of those things
is actually true.

When money buys you out
of the burdens of homelessness,

Of not knowing where
your next meal will come from,

It changes your happiness

But once you have
basic needs met,

More money doesn't seem to buy
more happiness.

The difference in happiness

Between the person who earns
$5,000 and $50,000 is dramatic.

The difference in happiness

Between the person who earns
$50,000 and $50 million

Is not dramatic.

The idea goes back to this
notion of the hedonic treadmill,

Which says that whatever level
of wealth or material goods

You have,

You adapt to it
and you'll always want more.

That's what
the hedonic treadmill is.

The hedonic adaptation is one of
the main enemies of happiness.

Remember roy blanchard?

He told us earlier

About the novelty and the beauty
he experiences in nature.

Well, roy's also part of
a family

That just might be one of
the happiest families around.

The blanchards are an extended
family of children,

Siblings, and in-laws.

Most live within a few miles
of each other.

They live modestly and with
very little material wealth,

But they seem to have plenty
of happiness to go around.

[ Laughter ]

In english,
somebody tell you something

And you didn't understand it,

You say, "can you please
repeat that again?

I didn't understand it."

In french, you say, "eh?"

[ Laughter ]

We didn't even have
toilet paper.

We had to use the sears catalog.

Isn't that american, though,
using the sears catalog?

That's american.

And how often
do you come together?

Oh, at least once a week.

We were all playmates.

Our parents, they were
the playing-est people.

They'd play marbles with us.

We swam every day.

Every afternoon,

The whole family'd be
in the lake swimming.

All this food right here
didn't cost us a penny.

You can feed 25 people
for nothing.

If you got to buy all that,
you almost got to be rich.

But, you know,
that's the way we live.

We call it "live off the land."

Hey, that one is good.

Let's see.

Enough for one person.

My daddy, he was a carpenter.

Somebody needs something done,

We just get together
and we do it.

And daddy built a lot
of our houses.

We didn't have no plumbers,

The family was able to put us
a house together.

We studied some of
the happiest people,

And we found, without exception,

That all of them had close,
supportive family and friends.

That didn't mean
that they loved everybody

Or they got along
with everybody,

But what it meant was
every one of them

Had close family and friends.

We make a distinction
between two main kinds of goals

Or values which people
might pursue in life...

Intrinsic goals
and extrinsic goals.

So, extrinsic goals
are extrinsic in the sense

That they're focused
on something external to you.

They're focused on rewards.
They're focused on praise.

They're focused
on getting stuff.

And the three main examples
of extrinsic goals

We've looked at in our research

Are for money,
financial success;

For image, looking good,
having the right appearance;

And for status or popularity.

Now, we contrast those
with intrinsic goals.

Intrinsic goals are inherently
satisfying in and of themselves

Because they have to do with
intrinsic psychological needs

That all people have.

And the three intrinsic goals
which we have studied are goals

For personal growth,
trying to be who I really am;

Having close,
connected relationships

With, like, friends
and my loved ones;

And then community feeling,
which is having a sense

Of wanting to help the world
to be a better place.

We found that intrinsic goals

Are on the exact opposite side
of value systems

Compared to extrinsic goals,

They're in opposition
with each other.

The other thing we know from a
decade of research at this point

Is that people
who were more oriented

Towards money and status
and image

Were reporting less satisfaction
with their lives,

They were more depressed,
more anxious.

We found
that they felt less vital,

Less, sort of, energized
in their day-to-day life.

On the other hand, intrinsically
oriented people were more happy.

They were reporting more
vitality, less depression,

Less anxiety.

If our values are
a key component of happiness,

That may explain
one of the anomalies

In international
happiness research.

According to
an increasing amount of data,

Japan is the least happy of the
wealthy industrialized nations.

[ Conversing in japanese ]

After world w*r ii, japan's
entire workforce was mobilized

To rebuild the country
from the ground up.

For decades,
they emphasized economic growth

And material prosperity
above all else,

And their achievements were
the envy of the western world.

But those achievements have come
at an awful price.

A telling
and dangerous phenomenon

Is occurring in japan.

People are working
such long hours

And enduring so much stress

That they are literally
working themselves to death.

It's become so common,
so many people have d*ed,

That they even have a word
for it... Karoshi.

This toxic lifestyle is leading

To record-low levels
of happiness among the japanese.

[ Bell chimes ]

One small asian country
is taking a different path.

Bhutan is a country
with a fledging economy,

And one might expect it
to follow economic policies

That prioritize growth,

As do most developing nations.

What we saw was that in the
pursuit of economic development,

People and societies had lost
the cultures, their environment,

You know, the social systems,

And humanity
was having problems.

That's why bhutan said, "okay,
this is not enough, you know?

Gdp is not enough.

Humanity needs a higher goal
for development,

And that is
gross national happiness."

What they're doing in bhutan

Is instead of trying to maximize
gross national product,

They're trying to maximize
gross national happiness.

They're trying to figure out

What is it that's gonna make
our people happy...

Not rich, but happy.

We believe that this
contentment, this happiness,

Lies within the self,

And there's no external source.

The faster car, bigger house,

You know,
more fashionable clothes

Is not going to give you
that contentment.

It might give you fleeting
pleasure, but not contentment.

Gross national happiness is the
responsibility of the government

To create an environment where
citizens can pursue happiness.

So let's say, for example,

Bhutan has got lots of potential
to dam up its valleys,

Sell hydroelectricity to india.

But when they flood
their valleys,

They have to move people.

When they flood their valleys,
they lose their forest cover,

They lose some of their sites of
spiritual significance to them.

So, what they want to do is they
want to balance these things.

They want to think,
just, not, "oh, okay.

Dam this valley, sell this
amount of hydro to india

For this amount of money,
gdp goes up."

They want to look at it
in a more textured approach.

Gross national happiness
is important

That it makes us think

About what we do for ourselves
as individuals,

Of society, of the word,

Think rationally,
think holistically,

Think spiritually.

In terms of environment,

Our law says 60% of bhutan
must always be forest.

In terms of culture,

We have monasteries,

We have schools to be protected
by the state,

We have rules of dress,
language, architecture.

So this is how the government
is creating this environment.

If we think about societies,

The ultimate purpose of society

Should be to produce long and
happy lives for its citizens.

The people of bhutan have
only recently begun pursuing

Gross national happiness.

And to know
how successful they'll be,

We'll have to wait and see.

Another country in a different
part of the world

Consistently ranks as
the happiest country on earth.

Denmark is known
for its social equality

And high standard of living.

All danes are provided
free education through college

And free healthcare for life.

But denmark's most unique
and revealing quality

Is that it has more of
its population living

In what are called
co-housing communities

Than in any other
modern industrialized nation.

In danish
co-housing communities,

Multiple families live
on a plot of land

Or even in a single building,

Where certain chores and
benefits are shared by everyone.

When I moved in here,

I was newly divorced
with two little children.

I didn't have a work,
so I was kind of isolated.

If I had to move in a flat
alone, I would go down.

I would be depressed.
I would isolate.

So I thought I had to find
this place.

And I found it.
[ Laughs ]

It was a miracle I found it.

We live 20 families together.

And the houses
are close to each other.

This is our house.

We live four people here.

And outside here,
I have a little extra room.

It's like a place
to grow flowers,

But we use it as a living room.

[ Chuckles ]

This is paintings
my children made for me.

There's an empty space up there.

My children often ask me,

And I say, "it's because
I want to show you

That we can put up
more paintings.

It's not finished.

It's a working piece."

And here is juliana living.

And she has a little animal,

Which is also a kind of symbol
of our flat, our house,

Because it's a very tiny animal,

And it has a very tiny cage
to live in,

But I used to tell them

That this animal has more space
than we have.

[ Laughs ]

Also lived in copenhagen,

Lived in small flats
and they had a lot of children.

And they had a nice childhood
anyway, so...

It's like a big family.

It is like a big family.

I have friends in the school,
and I have friends home.

It's very nice
because I have many friends.

We eat together,
and it's very, very nice.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

I have three children,
and they eat a lot.

[ Laughs ]
it helps me a lot

Because we eat together
nearly every evening.

We cook one or two times
a month, each.

It takes four, maybe five hours.

And to cook only twice a month
instead of every day,

It saves a lot of energy

"What is the meal today?"

To buy all the stuff and to
make it and to do dish wash,

Every day it saves,

I don't know, two hours
and a lot of energy.

In this place, when we get 14,
we have to make food.

So, it's two girls at 14
cooking for 40, 50 people.

It's really cool.

[ Laughs ]

And they come to ask for help,
but they are very good.

They do it.

Everybody is talking
about stress,

And the families
with small children have stress

Because they come home
from work,

They have to buy,
they have to cook.

And when I come home
and I've had my shower,

Then I have two or three hours
with my children.

I like that these elder people
are living here,

Because they are kind of
grandmother and grandfather

For my children.

I feel they love my children
as much as I do

And they are happy
when they visit them

And they come here and they get
hugs from my children.

I feel it's a gift from me
to my children to live here.

So, it was a miracle
I found this place.

It saved me, kind of,
to find it,

Because I needed to be
surrounded by other grown-ups,

Not only my own
very small children.

I have lived here
for 12 years now.

I'd gladly take 12 years more.

I think when we work
in a community,

We realize that, you know,

"My life is pretty good
as it is,

And I have something to give

To somebody who maybe doesn't
have something that I have."

And I think that makes people
switch from focusing on,

"What don't I have?"

To "what do I have
that I can share?"

And that's a very powerful thing

That we know from the research
makes people happier.

We all need something bigger
than ourselves to care about.

And for some people, structured
religion gives that to them.

For other people,

They don't believe in that
kind of structured religion,

But they have compassion,
caring, gratitude,

And these spiritual feelings

That connect them
to the universe

And connect them
to other people.

Now, one of the other things
we know

Is that not all religious people
are happy

And not all religions are happy.

If you do not obey

The commandments
of the lord, your god,

Then he'll curse you.

According to church leaders,

Hindu radicals
were opposed to the event

And began attacking
christian homes and churches.

There are certain conditions,
according to jewish law,

Under which non-jews
may live here.

This doesn't apply to the arabs.

They don't fit the category.

They have to get the hell out.

If you look at the very
fundamentalist groups

Who believe that everybody else
is going to hell

But their group,

They're not happier.

They're less happy
than other people.

isn't just about feeling

More blissful and content.

Happy people
tend to function better.

They're more productive,
they're healthier,

And the research suggests
they even live longer.

Well, if long life
is an indication of happiness,

Then the people in okinawa,
japan, might just be ecstatic.

Because according to the
guinness book of world records,

That's where
a disproportionate number

Of the world's oldest people

So, despite the stress
and unhappiness

In other parts of japan,

The islanders of okinawa have
a different story to tell,

One of longevity and happiness.

[ Laughs ]

[ Insects buzzing,
animals grunting ]

[ Duck quacking, rooster crows ]

Besides experiencing flow
on a regular basis,

Okinawans grow vegetables

That subsidize their livelihoods

And provide gifts
for friends and neighbors,

Bringing the people
even closer together.

Even the okinawan traditions

Keep people connected
in unique ways.

The island has a traditional
band of about 50 people,

And the rule
is that the band members

Must be between the ages
of 20 and 30.

The band is supported
by community funds

And plays in a different village
every friday night.

Since there's not much other
night life on the island,

Lots of people come out to see
them, both young and old.

It's a tradition that ensures
regular contact between people,

Not only
from different villages,

But from different generations.

[ Singing in japanese ]

The okinawan elders gather
each afternoon to have tea

And talk about the day
at a local community center.

And though now housed
in a modern building,

It's been a staple
in okinawan society

As long as people there
can remember.

[ Singing in japanese ]

[ Singing in japanese ]

Social bonding,
social interaction,

Cooperation is programmed

To be intrinsically rewarding
to humans.

[ Singing in japanese ]

That's how we inhibit
our self-interests

In order to do something
with someone.

you wouldn't cooperate.

You'd be totally

We do not behave that way.

We're social creatures.

Interestingly enough,

When you put people
into a social exchange

Where they're given
the opportunity to cooperate

Or to compete,

They will, in general,
cooperate with one another.

That cooperation elicits
dopamine signals

That you can measure
in the striatum

Just like you were squirting
juice or cocaine into them.

In other words,

The act of cooperating
with another human can,

In the right circumstances,

Feel just as good
as taking a drug

That affects
your dopamine system.

♪ You claim to be a player,
but I [bleep] your wife ♪

In a culture that often
encourages competition

Instead of cooperation...

Bitch, I will punch your...

Michael pritchard
has a unique way

Of teaching kids
about happiness.

Middle school.

Isn't that a wonderful time,

When you're all going,

[High-pitched] "uh, pfft, uh,
ch... Uh, uh, pfft, whatever!

Talk to the booty,
the hand's off duty.

[ Laughter ]

Talk to the palm,
you're not the b*mb.

Loser, loner, wannabe, whatever.
No, duh, shut up.

I don't know think so.

Uh, I read it on myspace.
Shut up."

[ Laughter ]

[ Normal voice ] I love

They go, [deep voice] "uh. Uh.

[ Chuckles ]

Tight, oh.

Oh, sick.


Hey, hey, hey, who is this?"

[ Laughter ]

[ Normal voice ]
well, I'm up here

Sweating like britney spears
on "jeopardy!"

[ Laughter ]

How many of you every day
see a kid here

Who gets isolated, teased,
picked on, laughed at,

And has become the target

Of lots of other kids'
teasing and bullying?

Raise your hands, please.

Raise your hands high, high.

Look around the room, please.

Look how disconnected we get
over stuff.

I mean, how many of you guys
play that video game

"Grand theft auto: vice city."

You run over homeless people!

[ Laughter ]

You b*at a prost*tute to death
with a tire iron.

You run over cops, paramedics,
firefig... Am I right?



We love you guys.

A great teacher named
helen keller was asked,

"Oh, miss keller, it must be
hard for you to be blind."

And she said, "it would be
if I had no vision,

Because we really see
with our hearts."

Think about
what your hearts are seeing

That sometimes disconnect you.


And it can be the little words,
just the little words.

I was a coach
at a special olympics.

You ever seen a kid run
and laugh?

I was out there
at the special olympics.

I have a little 11-year-old girl
who I'm coaching.

Boom, the g*n goes off,
and she takes off running.

What a heart.
What a spirit.

And I hear kids say cruel things
to her.

But she's a good teacher.

She takes off running.

She goes,
"yes! [ Laughs ] whoo!"

This is not
an olympic-form runner.

She's hitting every lane.

And she gets all the way
down to the finish line

And she stops.

And I was her coach.

And I said, "annie, no!
Come here!

You win the gold medal!"

"No, coach."

I said,
"no, you don't understand!

They're catching up!

Walk to me!

Snap it!
Come here!"

"No, mike, please."

And she turned around,

And she put her hand out
for her friend,

Who turned and put her hand out
for her friend,

And then all six kids held hands

And came across the finish line

And she goes, "whoo!

Together, we all would win.

Together, we all would win."

I know that there are kids
in this room

Who have been teased and picked
on and left out and isolated.

Can I get volunteer

Of somebody who can share
what it feels like?

Big round of applause.
Come on down.

[ Cheering ]

I'm very proud of you, son.

Stand in front of me.
I'm proud of you.

Tell me what happens sometimes.
What do they say?

I have a depression disorder
and adhd.

So, it just feels like life,

It feels like it shouldn't be
this hard.

[ Voice breaking ] it's just,
like, every day after school,

You start crying for no reason.

What have kids said to you?

Nerd, loser, gay,
all that stuff.

What has it done to your heart,

It just makes me feel
really bad.

Is it fair to you?!


Is it fair to any kid
at this school?


Stop a minute.

Not on the football field,
not on the basketball court,

Not in all the best academic
classes or languages you have

Will you see, benicia middle,
such courage as this.

This is the courage
you should learn to love

And respect and honor.

Give his heart
a huge round of applause.

That's courage, guys.

Who else can share?

Everybody knows I'm joey.

So, I'm, like, the shortest kid
inside this room.

Nobody else is shorter than me.

So everybody makes fun of me.

[ Voice breaking ]
they don't even know, man!

It's not fair!
Stop a second now, joey.

How should we all treat
each other?

Come with the love now, buddy.
Come with the love.

Come with the love.

How should we all treat
each other, joey?

We should just feel
how they feel

And tell them,
"that ain't right.

You shouldn't be doing that."

Give that
a huge round of applause.

Good job, brother.
Good job.

I love you, son.
Good job.

Compassion leads to happiness.

Big round of applause!

This is the benicia school
you go to.

Let him know!

Let him know
this is the way you feel.

This is courage.

You guys are awesome.

Joy comes from
that connection to others.

The best thing we can do
for a child

Is to help them learn love.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

What lies at the core
of a human being

Before modern culture influences
our thoughts about happiness?

What made us happy

Before we had video games
and the internet and television?

What made us happy
before cars and electricity?

In the southern african country
of namibia,

There lives a group of people

Who are genetically more closely
related to our ancient ancestors

Than any group of people
on the planet today.

They are the san bushmen
of the kalahari desert.

Though some modern culture
has come to them

In the form of t-shirts
and baseball hats,

The broad strokes of
their culture remain intact.

They get much of their food
from hunting game

And gathering roots and berries.

And there remains a feeling
among the bushmen

Of complete interdependence
with each other

And with
the natural environment.

[ Laughter ]

[ Singing in native language ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

The bushmen feel responsible

For each other's health
and well-being.

So when someone gets sick
in their village,

Rather than sending that person
to the nearest doctor,

The entire community,
even the children,

in the healing process.

[ Chanting in native language ]

No one is left out.

[ Indistinct shouting ]


Richard davidson told us

That people who do
a specific form of meditation

On compassion
and loving kindness

Can increase their happiness
levels to a greater extent

And for longer periods of time,

Even than people taking powerful
anti-depressant medications.

There are specific
meditation practices

That have been around
for more than 2,500 years

Which are explicitly designed

To cultivate qualities like
compassion and loving kindness.

The person we've tested the most
in our lab

Is a person by the name
of matthieu ricard.

He has been a tibetan buddhist
monk for more than 30 years.

He also holds a phd
in molecular biology.

And, um, we have looked
intensively at matthieu's brain,

Both at rest as well as when
he is intentionally generating

These states of compassion.

So there's no obvious change
in external behavior, you know.

He's just sitting there.

And then we give him
the instruction

To begin
the compassion meditation,

And all of a sudden,

It's like parts of the brain
are on fire.

These are areas of the brain

Which are extremely important

For understanding happiness
and well-being.

And, so, we are, for example,
currently doing studies

Where we are having people
who've never meditated before

And we're having them do
very simple exercises.

Two weeks of training in
this simple compassion practice

Does change the brain

In ways which are similar to,

Although not nearly
as well-defined,

As what we see in very long-term
meditation practitioners.

There is some evidence
to indicate

That we actually change the
growth structure of the brain,

Literally the size

Of particular cortical areas
in the brain

Change in their thickness.

We, through intention,
can change our brain.

[ Eastern music plays ]

We ask people to count their
blessings on a regular basis.

Say, every sunday night,

You sit down and you write down
five things

For which you're grateful

And try to contemplate that.

And we found that the students

Who counted their blessings
once a week,

Every sunday night,
became happier.

A couple studies we did,

We asked people to commit acts
of kindness on a regular basis.

You know, they're going out

And they're putting change
in parking meters

And they're helping their friend
with homework

Or was visiting someone
in the nursing home

Or, you know, really doing
real concrete behaviors.

And it seems to me,
from our experience,

That the acts of kindness so far
have been the most effective.

[ Indian music plays ]

[ Woman vocalizing ]

[ Horn honks ]

Mother teresa,
a symbol of compassion,

Opened her first home
for dying and destitute people

Here in kolkata, india.

Andy wimmer is a volunteer
at the home.

I was a bank and computer
manager for many years

And a quite ambitious fellow.

I wanted to become the youngest
bank director there.

Spoiled with a good income.

I used and spent a lot of money

And had a good life, actually,
enjoyed the life.

I used to waste a lot of money
on fashion, for example.

I was quite a fellow into
fashion and all these things.

[ Chuckles ]
but it is not important anymore.

I always felt that there is more
in this life, you know,

Than just going to the bank
and having a good salary

And having a good career
and maybe a wife and children,

And that's it.
It can't be a life.

It's such a precious
and beautiful thing.

There should be some more,
you know?

I met someone who worked
in the home for the dying,

And then he said,
"I'll show you the place,

And if you like helping us,
then you're welcome."

Bon appétit.

I remember when I came first
into the home for the dying,

The first thing I saw
was a young dying boy,

Maybe 15 years old,
in very bad condition,

And I had to feed him.

And I don't know.

I fed him, and he ate
with great difficulties,

But then he opened his eyes
and looked at me.

And I thought,
"so, that's it now."

You know?
So, it was like a flash.

It was like
a small enlightenment.

You learn a lot
from these patients we care for.

For example, acceptance,
and tolerance, also.

So, we pick the people up,

Usually from garbage dumps

And from railway station

And admit them in the home.

And then,
with basic medical care,

We try to save their lives.

But the most important
is to show them

That they are loved by god,

That they are not forgotten,

That their life is precious,
that someone cares.

So we do everything by hand.

But there is
a tremendous sweetness

In taking someone's burden up
a little bit.

Just to lift
his little, bent body

And take that burden away
a little bit

And help him to carry it.

My life has a meaning.

You have someone,
a dying man in front of you,

A dying young man, and he asks
for a glass of water,

It's just very little,

But it's so important to give
him this glass of water.

It's such a symbolic act,
even, you know?

I got this life.

I got my parents, my friends.

I was never really sick.

I had always enough food to eat.

I am the first one
in my generations

Which never experienced a w*r.

For me, my life is like a loan
given from god.

And I will give this loan back,
but with interest.

And that's what we do.

You serve your brother
in front of you who is in need,

And it gives yourself
a fulfilled, happy life.

Perfect, no?

Gratitude, compassion,
caring, love...

These are to me what I would
call spiritual emotions,

And they make you think
of things bigger than yourself.

If you only seek
your own happiness,

It can be kind of
a selfish thing.

But once you move
to the spiritual emotions

And worry about the well-being
of the world, your life grows.

You care about something bigger
than yourself.

You, in a way, can transcend
your own life, your own death,

By caring about these things
that are bigger than yourself.

[ Woman vocalizing ]

If each of us even spent
a smidgen of time each day

Actually practicing
to cultivate happiness

And also to cultivate
other virtuous qualities

Like compassion and altruism,

The world would really be
a better place,

And we'd all be transforming our
brains in very positive ways.

And it's not about, "oh,
I must change my life totally

And cut off from my past
and I'll be a better person."

It's not about that.

The trick
is to be authentically you.

We should really be thinking
of happiness as a skill,

Which is no different

Than learning to play the violin
or learning to play golf.

The formula for happiness
is not the same for everyone,

But the good news is that
the things we love to do

Are the building blocks
of a happy life.


Having new experiences.

Friends and family.

Doing things
that are meaningful.

Appreciating what we have.

These are the things
that make us happy,

And they're free.

And with happiness,

The more you have,
the more everyone has.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Country music plays ]

[ Slow music plays ]

[ Music ends ]
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