Saving Grace (1986)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Saving Grace (1986)

Post by bunniefuu »

Cardinal bellini.

Cardinal santoni.

Cardinal bellini.

Cardinal bellini.

Cardinal santoni.

Cardinal bellini.

Leo will make
a good pope.

He'll be
a good choice.

Your eminences...

We have a new pope.

Do you, most reverend
lord cardinal,

Accept your election
as supreme pontiff

Which has been
canonically carried out?

I accept
in the name of the lord.



I'm afraid
the schedule

Is a little
cramped today,
your holiness.

You say that to me
every day, francesco.

You find a different
way of saying it,

But basically,
the message is the same.

Your holiness,

Today we have
a meeting

With members
of the vatican bank,

Seven groups
for blessings,

Three private audiences,

A general audience
with members

Of the united
states navy.

A formal audience
with the ambassador
from, uh...


Yes, brazil.

We have
the italian soccer team.

They're in the finals
of the world cup against brazil.

Is it all right
if I bless them,

Or would that
set off

An international

Talks in the middle east
have broken down again,

And a monsoon flood
in the philippines

Has left
20,000 homeless.

The polish government's

Two of your speeches
from africa,

Re-edited with
a marxist slant,
of course.

French communists
want an investigation

Into the finances
of cardinal medine.

Also, two missionaries
were k*lled in guatemala.

We are trying
to get the details,

But apparently
government troops

Have destroyed the villages
they were working in.

We are preparing
a statement

And setting up a fund
for the families.

I will write
the statement.


The italian
soccer team,

Your holiness.

In nomine patris,
et filii, et spiritus sancti.

Thank you.


In nomine patris,
et filii, et spiritus sancti.

In nomine patris,
et filii, et spiritus sancti.

In nomine patris,
et filii, et spiritus sancti.

Help him.

Please help
my son.

What's his name?


Hello, paolo.

Holy father...


The doctors say
he will die soon.

Paolo, do you know
that god

Thinks about you
every day?

You are the pope.

Tell god
to save him.

Tell him to send
a miracle.

Will he get
better now?

Did you make
a miracle?

He's going to
be better?

I can't make
a miracle.

I can only
pray for one.

We'll both pray, hmm?

But you're
god's chosen.

Why can't you
make a miracle?

Your holiness...

call me something

Other than
"your holiness."

Everyone else calls you
"your holiness."

They don't address me
50 times a day.

Very well,
your holiness.

Thank you.


Our new
security system.

Is his holiness
carrying any metal?

Ah, yes.

The vatican bank

Is attracting
too few depositors.

We feel the situation
might be improved

By offering
certain enticements.


Like in american banks,
your holiness.

Small depositors
might get

A calendar
with your picture.

Medium-level depositors,
a special tour

Of the vatican.

What do we give

The high-level

A sainthood?

Well, uh, someone...

Proposed, uh...

Locks of your hair
in plastic.

Could I hear it

Your greatness.


It's too...


Your mercifulness?


That's too

Your superbness?


No, it's got to be
more humble.

Your humbleness.

That's ridiculous.

He's the holy father.
What should I call him?

Your nothing-specialness?

Will you have lunch now,
your mediocreness?


Sorry to interrupt.

I've read
the layworkers' proposal.

It's perfectly reasonable.

Let's give them
what they want.

Yes, yes, your, your...

Did you think
he heard?



"Your mediocreness"
is too long.

Any response yet
from vienna?

Bishop von sylt
is refusing to follow

The guidelines set for mass
by vatican ii.

He's calling it
a bastard rite,

The work
of the devil.

Some sisters
in america

Are threatening
to leave the church

Unless they can
become priests.

And cardinal le claire

Says your comments
on world hunger

Were, quote,
"naive and too ex--"


♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Alleluia, allelu ♪♪


Why are you crying?

She cannot
hear you, father.

She can't hear
at all?

No, your holiness.

She came
from her village
to see you,

But got lost
in the crowd.

Ah, she can't find
her parents.

She says she
hitchhiked all alone.

Her name is "isabella".

It's written
on her medallion.

Oh, isabella,

Tell her not
to worry. That...

That...we'll get her home.

Don't worry.

He will
get you home.


Why, why did you
come to rome?

Why did you
come to rome?

She says
she came to rome

To tell you
that her village
has no priest.

You hitchhiked to rome
to tell me--

From montepetra.

It says on the other side
of the medallion.

All right.

Isabella, i--
I promise.

I will find a priest
for montepetra.

Don't worry.

He will find a priest
for your village.

She says, "thank you,"



Oh, my child.


In nomine patris,
et filii, et spiritus sancti.

Your holiness,

We are in
your presence

To demonstrate our
personal devotion

In bringing you
the admiration

Of many countries
of the world.

of the state,

Cardinal morante.

Your holiness,

May I present
the excellence

carlos rodriguez.

I bring greetings
from my government

And respectfully

That your priests

Their subversive
activities within
my country.

I cannot be

for their safety.

But you are responsible.

I believe, ultimately,

We're all responsible
for each other.

I'll remember you
in my prayers.

It's getting chilly.

It's cold out here.


It's been
a hard year, leo.

But you survived
it well.

Stefano, don't tell me
I've survived it well.

Don't tell me that.

I'm completely
out of touch

With how
most people live.

I sometimes wonder
if anything I say or do

Has any effect
outside these walls.

That isn't for you
to decide, leo.

You are loved and
respected by millions.

You've done all
that you've been
asked to do.

When I was a priest,

I could see
the results of my work.

Now I'm the pope,

But I'm no longer
a priest.

It's not possible
to be both.

What would happen
if I were to resign?


Don't worry about him.
He'll be fine.

Come and watch the game.

...for the world cup

Peisano passing off
to dobrotto

As the offense sets play.

Here's vizetti.

Yeah, all right!

All right!


All the way, go!


To the left.
To the left.

Time is running out.



What can you tell us
about more recent popes?

Pope paul x,
ruling from
1903 to 1914,

Was the first
of the modern popes.

A true ascetic,

He's reputed
to have wrought

Several miraculous cures
with his blessings.

And, of the more
recent popes,

Pope john xxiii is
obviously the most popular.

What a bunch
of nonsense.

What do these guys
really do?

The pope's just
a mascot for the church.

They might as well

Put a bunny costume
on him.

Look. Isn't this

The holy city
is actually

The smallest state
in the world.

There goes givini
on a breakaway.

Come on!

...who looks inside.

A header!

He scores!


[Honks horn]

You old man!
Where are you going?

...and it's almost over.

Seconds remain.

The suspense...

Daniello protects
the ball.



Italy wins!

We are the best!

We won!

We won!

...wins the world championship
of football!

They're swarming...

Here's one!











I've looked

Libraries, chapels,
even the bathrooms.

He's nowhere
to be found.

It's terrible.

What do we tell
the curia?

I'm sorry, gentlemen,
we've lost the pope?

How could you
lose the pope?

You saw him
last night.

He didn't make

He was troubled.

And he talked about...

About resigning.


I don't believe it!

We have no reason

To believe otherwise.

There were no signs
of struggle,

No threatening
telephone calls.

No demands for ransom.

He just walked out.

Yes, yes,
I do understand.

10,000 Lire.

ever tell you

You look
like the pope?


Uh, I'm sorry,
but i--

I don't have any money
at the moment.

I can get it.

People just feed you
for nothing!

I can come back tomorrow.

Listen, buddy, pay up.

Maybe I could
wash the dishes.

You can go to hell!

Coming in here
and taking food

From the mouths
of honest men.

Vatican city,
good evening.

Just a moment,



Your holiness!

Where are you?

Quickly, it's him.



Where's he
speaking from?

Is he all right?

When's he
coming back?


Write it down.


Gianni's pizzeria.


Yes. Gianni's

You sure
it's him?

Yes, your holiness.

10,000 Lire.



Don't worry.

We'll take
care of it.

When are you
coming back?

I don't know.

Bye, stefano.

Your holiness!

Your holiness!

Did he say when
he's coming back?


Thank you.

Just walked out?

Has he gone mad?

Pius ix was
completely insane.

He was ill,
not insane.

He stepped
on a cardinal's head

And pulled him
by his ears.


We'll just have to
carry on

As if he were here.

How do we explain
he has no audiences?

That he doesn't
address crowds?

Announce that
he's tired

From his recent trip
to the middle east.

No visitors allowed.

That's ok for
the outside world.

What about the staff?

One of us will
have to stay

In his apartment
and eat his meals.

The nuns can be
sworn to secrecy.

I'm needed
to handle the curia.

And I the press.


I'm a priest...

And I have a crisis.

There's something
that I want to do,

But I don't know
whether I'm...

I'm simply following
my own desire

Which comes from
my own weakness...


Or if I'm being compelled by god

To do something
that he wants me to do.

And, uh,

I'm looking for some guidance.

For a sign.



Thank you.

Good luck.

This road is closed.

But I have to get
to the village.

The village
is quarantined.

There's an epidemic.
People are dying.

[Horn honks]

goes in or out.

How are you,
my friend?

How are things
at the ministry?

Fine, fine.

That's good.

How are you?

Just fine.

I'll be
seeing you.

[Praying in latin]

Get away! Get away!

I'm so sorry.


Please, money!

I have no money.

Please, money.

I have no money.
I'm sorry.

I have no money.


I have no money.

Money, money.


No. Don't be

You don't
remember me?


No? All right.

I had
a large cross here,

No beard.


You're beautiful.


To see you...

And your village.


Is this your house?

Ahh, I see.

Don't tell...
Anyone about me.

It's a--shhh--
secret between
just us.


I have nowhere
to sleep

In the village.

Do you know...


All right.

Not your sister, no?


Excuse the dust,

But business
isn't too good
during an epidemic.

No, it's very nice,
very good.

Thank you.
Thank you, isabella.

How do you know
her name?

She showed me
her medallion.


And, did you
get into the village?

I, uh...walked up
the hill.

I didn't know
there was an epidemic.



What? Sorry.

I would like to know
more about you.

What would you
like to know?

Your name.

I should have it
written on my medallion.

Well, what is it?

It's a cross.

No. I mean
your name.


Yes. Francesco...


Francesco biondi.

Francesco biondi.

Do I know you?
You look familiar.

I don't think so, no.

Some people say
that I look like the pope.

Well, isabella seems
to trust you.

I'll show you
your room.

Thank you.

We won't need you
to serve now.

Thank you.

And please,
shut the door.

What's he having

Calf's liver.

Oh, no.

Always has it
on wednesday.

I can't stand
calf's liver.

Maybe that's why
you are not the pope.

[Dog barks]

Hey! Hey! What is this?
What is this?


Hey, put this down!


Aaah. Who is there?

What are you doing?


Who are you?

Who are you?

I asked you first.
Who are you?

Oh, god.

Are you the police?


Police are
looking for me.


But they will
never catch giuliano.

Are these your boys?


Not very many.

I have more.

That's good.

That's good.

Real gold.


Why don't you care
that I took it?

All right, then.
Don't take it.

Maybe he's a priest.

No. A priest
would be telling us

We go to hell for this.

If I were you,
I'd leave montepetra.

It's not such a good place
for strangers.


The cross
is worth money.

Don't squander it.
Keep it.

One day you may need it
for something important.


2,500 Now.


that's the guy

Who snuck
on the fruit truck.

Need some help?

You know
about donkeys?

I just found out
about the epidemic.


Yes, from one of the dead,
as a matter of fact.

There was a real one here
three years ago.

The health ministry came in
and quarantined the town,

And then
they brought in food.

The men liked it so much,
they decided to do it again.

How do they get the marks
on their faces?

You rub an herb
on your face.

It makes
a nice welt.

You ought to be
leaving then.

No. I thought
I would try to find

Some work
in the village.

No work
in montepetra.

The men go over
to rigio,

The ones
not pretending
to be sick.

I might go with them
in the morning.

You won't like it.

Maybe not.

I'll have isabella
wake you in the morning

When it's time to go.

Thank you.

Go. Go.

[Telephone rings]


Hello, stefano.

Your holiness!

Where are you?

I'm in a small village
in the south.

He's in the south.


Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

I'm just a little tired
from working.

You got a job?

Well, it's not
exactly a job.

I sort rags
with the villagers.

He's sorting rags.


Your holiness,
with all due respect,

Can't these people
sort their own rags?

Well, yes, they could,
but, uh...

We can easily
send you money if--

No, no, stefano.
That won't be necessary.


Ask him when
he's coming back.

Your holiness,
when are you coming back?

No. Well, I don't know
when I'm coming back.

I think I'm supposed
to do something here.

But we've announced

That you are on
a two-week retreat.

What can we do

If you're not back
in time?

You'll think
of something.

I have complete
confidence in you.

Yes, your holiness.

Bye-bye, stefano.

Good-bye, your holiness.

He has complete
confidence in us.

That doesn't help,
does it?

Just pray.


Here I am in montepetra.

I can see why
you wanted somebody to come.

I feel rather inadequate,
to tell the truth,

Because there is rather
a lot to do.

I'm not sure
where to begin.

In fact...

I think really
I could do with some help.

[Sheep bleating]

Good morning.


It's a wonderful view.

You're pope leo, huh?

You're pope leo, yes.

[Sheep bleating]

Excuse the sheep.
They see so few popes.

They fired you
or what?

I never thought
of that.

No. They didn't
fire me.

Maybe god did.

I can put your mind
to rest with that.

There's no such person.

What happened
to the aqueduct?


Half the village
went with it.

Why was it
never rebuilt?

For that
you need the money...

And the will.

The money was taken
by the priests.

And the will by...

By who?




I could do
with your help.

Why should I
break my back for nothing

When I can take it easy
and still get nothing?

Why do you suppose
it will come to nothing?

Don't just laugh.
Give me an answer.


I don't have
an interest

In your grand designs.

Where exactly
do your interests lie?

Your profession
doesn't allow you
to understand.

My profession?


What is
my profession?

Tell me.

What profession?
You're the pope.

Yes. And you have
exactly your idea

Of what the pope is,

Because it's impossible
for you to realize

A pope can be anything,

Even a tramp who comes
to a deserted village

To help
neglected people.

That's exactly
what I expect
the pope to be.

In whatever way,
the practice is the same--


To interfere
and to rule.

May I talk to you
for a second?

Could I just
talk to you
for a second?

I was, um...
Looking at the aqueduct.

I think
it could be rebuilt.

You could get some water
back into the hills.

Better than to go into rigio
to work in the dump.

Yes, but how?

There's a lot
of timber down there
just lying around.

The trough is broken.

There's enough wood
in the village

To repair the trough.

Do you understand?

We can find a way
to turn the wheel.

Very good idea.
Thank you very much.

Good idea.

Hey, get me
out of here!

What are you doing
in the net?

Come on. Get out.

We better go.

I already sold
your stinking cross.

It wasn't even
real gold.

You were taken
for a ride.

I didn't come
about the cross.

You do anything
to me,

My men will
k*ll you like a dog.

It's a terrifying

Not those guys.
They're worthless.

Some other guys.

You told me about
the other guys.

I'll make a deal
with you.

If you call off
the other guys,

I'll let you
work with me

For one whole week.

What kind of a deal
is that?

It's a terrible deal.

For you, I admit,
it's not good.

Look, you have
all these guys.

I have nobody at all.

So I thought probably
you wouldn't mind
giving me a hand.

And that thing
you're going to build?

Do you know the whole
village is laughing at you.

It's going to be
an irrigation system.

You get to mix cement,
you could do some digging--

I don't do
that kind of stuff.

But I would teach you. I
think you could be good at it.

You can execute
me right here!

I'm not gonna do
no digging!

But, giuliano,
you owe me a favor.

What favor?

I didn't turn you in
for taking the cross.

What makes you think
I'm going to show up?

I'll take
your word for it.

I didn't give you
my word.

I'll take it anyway.
I'll see you in the morning.

You can keep the cross,

I give it to you
with pleasure.

Bring the pulleys.

Get me out of here!

And on the
international scene,

Six weeks prior to the pope's
widely anticipated easter address,

Rumors continue
to circulate in rome

Concerning the condition
of pope leo xiv.

Although the vatican insists

He is suffering only
a minor indisposition,

The pope's failure to appear
in public for five days

Has given rise to speculation
that he is seriously ill.

Pressure is mounting
for more complete disclosure

By the vatican medical staff.

Ah, you brought
the stuff.



He sent us.

He said two were
better than one.

That wasn't
the agreement.

Ok, I'll go tell him.

After you work,

Hey, this
mean trouble.

[Knock on door]

I need to clean.

Do you want me to leave?

That's alright.
May I come in?

Oh, yes.

Thank you.

I can't do it.

Yes, you can.

That bald guy

Go on.

I'm not going
to school.

I told
your mother

You're going
to school.


Don't make me
get mad.

I'll take that.

Come here.

Come here.

Don't do it.

Get away.

Get away!


You're going
to school.

Hey, my wallet!

Stop, thief!


the wallet?

the wallet?

There was no money
in the wallet.

Stop it!
Leave him alone!

There was no money!

Don't lie!

Don't lie!

no money!

Stop hitting me!

Where's the money?

Leave him alone!

Leave him alone!

the wallet?

There was no money.


You've caused
nothing but problems.

No, please!

Leave him alone!
Stop it!

Get up!

Get up!



Please, don't!
No more!

Get out.

You all right?

Yes, I think so.

Are you all right?

How can I possibly
be all right?

He punched me five times,

He kicked me some times.

I'm not joking.
Are you all right?

Let me see.

Well, it's not
really, uh...

Why do you stay
in montepetra?

This is my home.

Did you ever live
anywhere else?




I went there
after vittorio d*ed.

Isabella was 3,
and I was alone.

I saw a notice about
jobs for girls.

This was a chance
to change my life,

So I went there,

But there were
no jobs.

Hundreds of girls,
but no jobs.

They do that to
keep the wages down.

I see.

I'm sorry to be
boring you with this.

No, you're not boring me.

What happened?


I'm sorry.
I shouldn't pry.

No, I mean,
I just...

I didn't
mean that.

It's all right.

What happened?

We didn't have money
to eat or come home.

Did you have
somewhere to live?

I found
a place, yes.

There was this man

Who said he had
a place, but...





There was nothing else.

The aqueduct's

Oh, look.

Oh, my god.

What are we
going to do?

Stay back.
Stay back.

Can we
stop it?

What happened?

Some men from ciolino.

Did you see them?


You tried to stop them?

What could I do?

Besides, it's none
of my business.

It's going
to be your business

If your house burns down!

Why would they
do this?

This is
ciolino's village.

He doesn't
want you here.

I'll build it again.

They'll burn it

I'll build it again.

When they come back,
I'll be here.

I'm sorry
I woke you.

Ah, lucia.

I just wanted to
be close to you.

Oh, lucia.



I want--




I have to
explain to you

That I want you
here with me.

Then I'll be here
with you.

I wanted to be
here with you.

But for a reason...

That you'll
understand later,

It's impossible.


It's all right.

But it's very important
that you understand

That I want you
to be here.

It would have been
very awkward anyway.

Mmm, lucia.

Don't be sorry.

I'll say good night now.

I'll see you in the morning.

May god bless you, lucia.

I thought
that maybe you

Could use some supplies

If you're staying
down at the aqueduct.


So I put them on
to prepare.

That's very kind of you.

Thank you.

a lot of stuff.

I'll help you,
unless it would embarrass you.

Why should
I feel embarrassed?

Men here don't like
to work with women.


No, well,

For me, it would be
a pleasure.


Good morning.

We come
to work with you.

They know already.


Tonino, look
who's coming.

How you doing?


I want you
to meet bianca.

How do you do, bianca?


So, giuliano,
where have you been?

I've been
getting boys.

It's pitiful
for a man

Working with
little girls.

You want everybody

already laughing.

You had
enough laughing.

It doesn't

Where did you
get these boys?

I got franco
his first woman,

I got fabio
out of trouble,

And I b*at up a guy
for stefan.

I'm beginning
to understand.

How are these
guys doing?

They're fine.

They're working
very hard.

Any trouble,
you let me know.

Thank you, giuliano,

For everything
you're doing.

That's ok.

Hold this for
a moment, please.

Oh, sure, yeah.

Why don't you
get yourself
a cup of coffee?

We have
some business
to talk about.


Very good.

All right, giuliano,

Now, see
what we're doing?

We're putting up
these posts

Because we have to
reconstruct this.




Hello, stefano.

Your holiness.

Your holiness, are you
on your way back?

No, no, not yet.

Called to tell you

That I could be here
for some time.

Longer than two weeks?

listen carefully.

I'm helping the village to
rebuild the irrigation system.

You know how to do that?

No, stefan, I don't,
but I'm learning.

We can send
everything they need.

Engineers, materials,

We can build it
for them.

These are defeated people.

It would soon fall
into disuse.

They have to
do it themselves.

But this could take months.

Well, anyway, stefano,
it may be some time yet.

Holiness, the cardinals
are restless,

And the press is
trying to bribe the staff

For information.


I will be back...sometime.


Good-bye, holiness.

So why do you
work for this guy?

I lost a bet with him.

He's not even from here.
Why be honest with him?

I'm an honorable man.

Don't get wise with me,
you little sh*t.

You were nothing
when I found you.

You go on
working for him,

I'm going to
cut you off.

You understand?

No more pretty girls
or fancy suits.

Work for sl*ve labor.
See what you get.

At least I work.

You're going to starve to death,
you bastard.

Who's there?

Is the bombardment over?

What are you doing here?

I just came
to say hello.



Come in.
Sit down.

Thank you.



Where did you
get the fireworks?

I bought them.

Did I say you didn't?

I have all
different kinds.

Mandarin ducks,
bantam phantoms.

Bantam phantoms.

Come festival time,

I sell them
to all the towns.

But that's nothing.

How's this?


I'm the only one
in montepetra
with a tv.

Ah, you have
electricity here.


It must be
rather difficult to watch.

Yeah, sometimes.


It's a confessional
from the church?


Who is the man

In the picture?


What happened
to your mother and father?


I don't know.

I didn't ever know
my mother and father.

I was brought up
in an orphanage, you know.

The nuns found me
and took me in.

They said the biggest
mistake they ever made

Was to take me in.

I was in one
of those places, too.

My father
couldn't take care of me.

He was always traveling.

So he dropped me
off there.

What happened
to your mother?

She d*ed
when I was born.


Some of us, you know,

Are sleeping
out by the water wheel,

And we could do

With some new conversation
out there.

Why don't you come
and stay there

For a few nights?

Yeah, maybe.

Whatever you think.

See how well
your boys are doing?

When they
do something,

They do it good.

Let me past.


Look, look.

Hey, guys,
look who's here.

Did you bring
your matches?

Do you think
it will work?

I know it's
gonna work.


Just pull it down tight.


Back up
a little further.

All right.

Don't worry,
don't worry.

Are you sure
about this?

Bring it down.



Shut up, stupid.
You'll wake them.

They're here!

They tripped the wire!

Everybody up.
Come on.

Ah ha!

Get out!

I repeat, his condition
is not serious.

There is absolutely
no cause for alarm.

I'll continue to make
his holiness' announcements

Until such time
as he's recovered

From his influenza.

Thank you.

When will
that be?

I can't say.

First he was

Then he had a cold.

Now it's influenza.

As I said,

His holiness is
restricted to bed.

Thank you.

Is it true that
heart specialists

Are being flown in?

Hey, everybody!

They took down
the roadblock!

They took down
the roadblock!

No more free food!

It's over.

What are you
talking about?

They took down
the roadblock.

Somebody talked.

What do you want?

You stay out of this.

You've caused
enough problems already.

All of you,
get down!

Why should they
get down?

Because we're
going to burn it.

No, you're not
going to burn something

Which can be of benefit
to these people,

And have them go back
to a garbage dump.

Tell the women
to get down.

Come on,
get down!

[Yelling in italian]

They are not going
to come down.

Are you going
to stop us?



Get back!

Come on! Back!





No, don't do it!

Come back here!



Oh, my god!

Get help!

I know...

I know that I should pray
for the whole world.

But I never had
to face before

The death of someone
that I loved.

It is very hard.

It's very hard.

What about stefan vii?

He ordered the body
of his predecessor formosus

To be exhumed,
clad in papal robes,

And put on trial.

They found him guilty.

In history,

There's always someone
who got there first.

Whatever one does,

It's seldom
the worst of its kind.

The point
I'm trying to make is,

Compared with
these other people,

Our pope leo is
a very sane man.

I think
he'll come back.

Perhaps, but I have
things to do.

See you later,



You forgot
to kneel.

[Knock on door]

Secretary of state
cardinal morante.

Please open.

Rest well, holiness.

I'll see to it
you won't be disturbed.

We must see his holiness.

He cannot
be disturbed.

This thing cannot wait.

But he's
just fallen asleep.

Well, when he wake up,

Call us.

When do you think
it will be?

It could be
quite a while.


Wonderful view.

What are you
doing here?

Examining your
terrible workmanship.

I missed you.


You know,
I've been watching you

Build this water trestle

And wondering
if you ever considered

How you were going
to turn the water wheel?

Yes, as a matter
of fact, I have.

I have
considered that,


But, you know,
I have faith

will turn up.

Leonardo da vinci was
condemned by the church,

Wasn't he?



Well, he's the one

Who knows how
to turn your water wheel.

Oh, I threw away
my specs.


It's wonderful.


It's wonderful.

Who are you, abalardi?

I was fired.

From the church?

By god.

You're a priest.


Were you fired,
or did you resign?


I felt betrayed by god.

And I saw you
approach the same hell,

But you didn't fall in.

Of course,
you are the pope.

For popes,
the flames are hotter.

Thank you.

All of this
is because you came to see me.

I love you.

The moment has arrived.

There's still
a lot to do.



You'll do it.




[Bells ringing]

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Alleluia, allelu... ♪♪

We've had quite enough,
monsignor ghezzi.

We demand to see
his holiness,

If he's in here.

Yes, but wait.

I don't think
you should be in there.

As the senior member
of the staff,

I order you
to stand aside.

Cardinal morante,
how are you?

I'm sorry,
your holiness.

I didn't know
you were here.

Where else would I be?

How are you?

Thank you,

I am much better.

Very sorry.

Would you like
some coffee or...

No, no, thank you.

But thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you
for calling in.

Thank you.

Viva il papa!

Viva il papa!

Viva il papa!

Viva il papa!

Viva il papa!

Viva il papa!

Children of god,

I welcome you here

On this beautiful
easter sunday.

I'm more happy
than I can express

That I can spend it
with you.

I must thank all of you

Who have written letters
of sympathy

And support

During my illness,

But we are none of us
supposed to tell lies,

Especially those of us
who wear this hat.

So I must ask
your forgiveness

And tell you
that I was not confined to bed

With influenza

As was generally supposed.


I was in the middle
of an extraordinary adventure.

I tell you this

Because it's a good story.

There was once a man

Known to you
as pope leo xiv.

Like a king

Who lived in a large castle
with thick walls,

He became increasingly
depressed and alone,

Unable to see or know
the people

Who looked to him
for guidance.
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